Silicon Chip Online Website Browser Compatibility

We recommend that you use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox to view the Silicon Chip website (but see other valid options, below). There are versions of Firefox for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

You will also need the Adobe Flash browser plug-in to view the issues. In addition, for the Silicon Chip website to work properly, you will need to enable cookies and JavaScript.

We have also tested the website in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Safari 5 and Chrome 23. We have found it to work satisfactorily using these browsers, with the following caveats:

  1. IE9 Browser Issue - when mousing over article titles to the left of an issue, the whole title is supposed to appear but it is cut off by the Flash plug-in box to the right. This appears to be a limitation in the Internet Explorer engine which prevents DOM elements from appearing on top of a plug-in box.
  2. Safari 5 Browser Issue - when mousing over article titles to the left of an issue, the whole title is supposed to appear but it is cut off by the Flash plug-in box to the right. This appears to be a limitation in the Safari engine which prevents DOM elements from appearing on top of a plug-in box.
  3. Chrome 23 - no known issues