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Amplitude companded sideband: a new
technique for greater spectrum efficiency
New technology is always of interest to the radio
amateur. This month, we take a look at a new
technique called amplitude companded sideband.
It offers greater spectrum efficiency, improved
speech quality and the ability to add selective
calling from the base station.
Many countries are now having
problems catering for the growing
demand for radio communications
within a limited frequency spectrum. And although it has a much
smaller population than the USA or
Europe, Australia will also reach a
situation in the near future where
spectrum congestion becomes a
real problem.
A possible answer to this problem is a new mode of transmission
called "amplitude companded sideband" , or ACSB for short. The
technique promises greatly improved spectrum efficiency.
In fact, ACSB will offer up to six
times the number of discrete radio
channels over existing FM 2-way
systems. For this reason, it will be
Fig.1: frequency spectrum for a typical ACSB transmission. The 3.1.lcHz pilot
tone is 1.3.lcHz above the channel frequency.
of interest to both commercial users
and amateur operators alike.
Basically, ACSB is a form of SSB
(single sideband) transmission with
speech compression and frequency
pre-emphasis during transmission
and speech expansion and deemphasis on reception. A further
refinement is the use of a pilot tone.
The basic disadvantage of SSB is
that no carrier is broadcast to act
as a frequency or amplitude
reference in the receiver. This
means that the SSB receiver must
regenerate a carrier to the exact
frequency produced by the
transmitter in order to demodulate
the incoming signal.
This is no problem at HF but
becomes increasingly difficult at
VHF and above. Assuming reasonable transmitter and receiver fre-quency stabilities of plus and minus
two parts per million (ppm), each
could be off centre frequency by
± 300Hz at 150MHz, resulting in a
worst case (and unacceptable)
600Hz frequency mismatch between transmitter and receiver.
ACSB eliminates this problem by
transmitting a low-power, fixedfrequency pilot tone. Current ACSB
equipment uses a 3. lkHz pilot tone
transmitted at a power level of
10% of the total PEP output. This
pilot tone is generated accurately to
within 1Hz in both the transmitter
and receiver.
At the receiver end, automatic
frequency control (AFC) circuits
adjust the synthesiser frequency so
that the received pilot tone matches
the internal 3. lkHz reference. As a
result, the recovered audio is
reproduced within 1Hz of its
original frequency.
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Fig.2: block diagram of an ACSB transmitter. The audio filter limits the audio bandwidth to about 2.5kHz
so that audio components are kept well clear of the pilot tone. Only the upper sideband is transmitted.
The pilot tone also serves as a
signal strength reference at the
receiver. This enables the AGC
(automatic gain control) circuitry to
keep the gain at the desired level
over a wide range of signal
strengths, regardless of pauses in
speech. This eliminates listener
fatigue due to the "gain pumping"
produced by voice-actuated AGC
systems used by conventional SSB
The presence or absence of the
pilot tone is also used to operate the
receiver squelch system. This
eliminates random opening of the
squelch circuits by noise. In addition, low deviation phase modulation can be added to the pilot tone
for signalling purposes. The most
common application of this is the
use of CTCSS which allows selective calling by the base station.
The frequency spectrum of a
typical ACSB transmission is shown
in Fig.1, along with the standard
emission limitations for a 12.5kHz
channel. In this case the centre
frequency is 152.0025MHz. Only
the upper sideband is transmitted.
The suppressed carrier is 1.BkHz
below the centre frequency at
152.0007MHz, while the 3.lkHz
pilot tone is 1.3kHz above the_
channel frequency at 152.0038
MHz. The top line of the graph corresponds to 25W PEP (peak
envelope power).
The amplitude linearity of the
final RF amplifier is the key element
in determining the amount of occupied bandwidth which occurs as
a result of intermodulation
distortion. This means that all
amplifier stages must be linear
enough to reproduce variations in
signal amplitude. All power
amplification stages in ACSB must
therefore operate in either class A
or AB.
Although there are some pronounced differences between some
of the circuits used in FM radio
systems and those used in ACSB,
there is nothing mysterious about
the circuitry used. Basically, all the
receiver IF (intermediate frequency) and RF circuits operate in
their linear regions. Most of the
audio circuits also operate linearly.
Strictly speaking, the audio compressor, limiter and expander circuits are the only circuits not
operating in the linear mode.
However, these circuits are designed to produce minimal harmonics
and intermodulation products.
The modulation signal is trans-
lated to or from the RF channel frequency using mixers (including a
balanced modulator and product
detector). Frequency multipliers
cannot be used in a modulated
signal path due to the non-linear effect on the modulation. However,
the local oscillator system can use
multipliers since it does not carry
The ACSB transmitter
Fig.2 shows the block diagram of
an ACSB transmitter. Let's see how
it all works.
Low level audio from the
microphone is first applied to an
amplifier/compressor circuit. Compression amplifiers have more gain
at low input levels than at higher
levels. In this circuit, the gain selfadjusts quickly enough to increase
the level of weak voice syllables, so
that the average voice level at the
output of the compressor is increased relative to the peak level
and the overall dynamic range is
For example, a 2:1 compressor
would reduce a 60dB dynamic
range at the input to a 30dB
dynamic range at the output and increase the average voice level by as
much as 15dB. Thus, the major
benefits of amplitude compression
10.24MHz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,
Fig.3: block diagram of the receiver circuit. A bandpass filter separates out the pilot tone which is then
compared with a locally generated 3.1kHz pilot tone to derive AFC information. As well, the separated
pilot tone drives the AGC circuits.
are reduced dynamic range (which
allows easier control of amplitude
linearity), improved modulation efficiency (which allows maximum RF
power output over a wider range of
audio input levels), and improved
signal to noise ratio in the receiver
when an expander is used.
Audio peak limiting may also be
used to ensure that a desired peak
audio level is not exceeded. An
audio peak limiter tends to increase
the compression ratio at higher
voice input levels and has some affect in increasing the average
modulation level. Audio peak
limiters must be preceded by audio
pre-emphasis to minimise in-band
Audio pre-emphasis is used to
boost the level of high frequencies
compared to the bass frequencies
which are more predominant in
speech signals. This tends to flatten
the average output across the
passband of the transmitter, helps
reduce intermodulation spreading
at the RF output, and improves the
recovery of high frequency voice
signal at the receiver. The preemphasis in an ACSB transmitter is
typically between 6dB and 12dB
per octave across the audio band.
The compressed speech signal is
fed to a sharp cut-off low pass
filter, which limits the audio bandwidth to about 2.5kHz. This ensures
that the audio components are kept
well clear of the 3. tkHz pilot tone.
The pilot tone, which is crystal
generated, is then added to the
filtered audio. A technique called
"pilot pumping" is usually used to
reduce the pilot level when the
voice power exceeds the maximum
pilot power level.
This reduction in pilot level during voice peaks helps reduce intermodulation spreading at the
transmitter output, and allows the
ACSB receiver to detect the level of
pilot tone and increase its gain proportionately. This serves to expand
the voice dynamic range at the
receiver and keeps the receiver
quieter during gaps in received
Pilot pumping can be achieved by
using another audio compressor
and/or as a result of feedback ALC
(automatic level control) action.
Transmitter IF stages
The balanced modulator mixes
the processed audio plus pilot tone
and the IF carrier oscillator
together. The resultant output from
the modulator includes a DSB (dou-
ble sideband) signal "wrapped"
around the carrier oscillator
frequency. Because the circuit is
balanced, this carrier is suppressed by about 30dB. The upper
sideband is produced from the sum
of the carrier oscillator and the
audio frequencies. The lower sideband is produced from their
The DSB (double sideband) signal
is passed through a buffer amplifier
which is also used as an ALC control point. The IF filter is typically
an 8-pole unit with steep skirts.
This has low ripple and a narrow
bandwidth since it is only required
to pass frequencies from 300Hz to
3.3kHz above the IF. Thus, the output of the filter contains only the
USB (upper sideband) ACSB signal
which is then amplified to drive the
RF mixer.
RF stages
The ACSB IF signal is combined
with the local oscillator (LO) at the
mixer. The mixer is usually a double balanced type so that little output occurs at either the IF or LO
frequencies. Among the signals
present at the RF mixer output are
the sum and the difference of the IF
and LO frequencies. The desired
This mobile ACSB transceiver
features 16 channels and a power
output of 25 watts PEP.
that as the PA output reaches
its compression point, any further
increase in drive level reduces
gain in the previous stages.
The ACSB receiver
output is the sum of the IF and LO
frequencies, which is an USB ACSB
signal. The lower sideband is
The Local Oscillator is generated
by a frequency synthesiser, similar
to those used in synthesised FM
equipment, and has a resolution of
5kHz. As in most commercial and
amateur equipment these days,
frequency selection is made by a
channel switch and PROM
(programmable read only memory)
circuitry. A stable master reference oscillator is essential, and
typical circuits use 10.240MHz as
the reference frequency with a
stability of ±2ppm.
After some amplification, the
mixer output is fed to an RF bandpass filter which removes all
undesired mixer products. Several
gain stages are then used to increase the amplitude of the signal
to about lO0mW to drive the RF
power amplifier. After linear
amplification, the RF output is
passed through a low pass filter to
suppress any harmonics which may
be present, and then fed to the
antenna socket.
Safety circuitry in the form of
ALC protects the power amplifier
(PA) from being overdriven. The PA
output is sampled, rectified,
filtered, and fed back to one or
more of the earlier IF or audio
stages. The ALC threshold is set so
Fig.3 is a block diagram of the
receiver circuit. The received
signal first passes from the antenna
to a selective RF amplifier. The tuned circuits in this amplifier reject
the input signal at the image
frequency (twice the IF below the
desired frequency) and pass the
correct input signal.
The same synthesiser local
oscillator and mixer circuit used in
the transmitter is operated in
reverse for the conversion of the RF
input frequency to the IF
(intermediate frequency). From
there, the signal is fed to the first IF
amplifier which in turn feeds an IF
delay circuit and noise blanker. A
separate IF amplifier is used to
magnify noise pulses and these are
used to trigger a noise gate during
strong impulse noise periods.
The IF delay circuit ensures that
the noise pulse arrives at the
blanking gate at exactly the same
time the gate is turned o'n.
The IF signal then passes through
a crystal filter (as used in the
transmitter) and two subsequent
amplifying stages. The IF amplifiers
have AGC applied to them so that
the average signal level at the product detector is held fairly constant
for a wide range of input signals.
This AGC is derived from the
recovered pilot tone. The product
detector uses the carrier oscillator
to mix with the IF to produce baseband audio.
The baseband audio contains
both the audio passband and the
3. lkHz pilot tone. Two separate
audio circuits are used here to process these signals.
The pilot tone bandpass filter
strips the pilot tone from the baseband audio. It is then used to drive
the AGC circuits. The pilot tone
filter output is also fed to an
amplitude limiter which preserves
the pilot phase and frequency. This
signal is compared with the locally
generated 3. lkHz pilot tone and is
used to derive AFC information.
This AFC is routed back to the synthesiser, where the first local
oscillator frequency is adjusted so
that the recovered pilot tone is set
exactly to 3. lkHz.
This guarantees that the recovered speech will be correctly
demodulated. In repeater systems,
the received pilot tone may have
CTCSS phase modulation applied to
it. An additional discriminator or
phase locked loop can be used to
demodulate this information which
can then be used for repeater control or squelch control.
The voice audio is sent to a fast
acting AGC amplifier which has its
gain controlled by the pilot tone
amplitude. This AGC almost entirely eliminates amplitude fluctuations caused by multipath propagation and vehicle movement.
The AGC circuit also acts to reexpand the amplitude compression
encoded at the transmitter in the
form of pilot amplitude pumping.
The fade-corrected signal passes
to an amplitude expander which
restores the dynamic range of the
voice signal. This audio is then
subject to de-emphasis. Both deemphasis and amplitude expansion
provide a great reduction in
channel noise and help to improve
the overall signal to noise ratio. The
expanded and de-emphasised audio
is then fed to the squelch circuit,
which feeds the receiver volume
control and audio amplifier.
Footnote: most of the developmental work on ACSB has been carried out by Stephens Engineering
Associates Inc, 7030 220th Street,
S.W. Mountlake Terrace, WA
98043, USA. The author wishes
to acknowledge the use of public domain information provided by
Stephens Engineering, USA.