Publisher & Editor-In-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus.
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Ro.bert Flynn
Regular Contributors
Neville Williams, FIREE, VK2XV
Bryan Maher, M.E. B.Sc.
Jim Yalden, VK2YGY
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Jim Lawler, MTETIA
Bob Donaldson
Editorial Advisory Panel
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Norman Marks
Steve Payor, B.Sc. , B.E.
SILICON CHIP is published 1 2 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd. All material
copyright (c) . No part of the contents of this publication. may be
reproduced without prior written
consent of the publisher. Kitset
suppliers may not photostat articles without written permission
of the publisher.
Typesetting/makeup: Magazine
Printers Pty Ltd, Waterloo, NSW
2017 .
Printing: Macquarie Publications
Pty Ltd, Dubbo, NSW 2830.
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates are currently
$42 per year (12 issues) . Out-.
side Australia the cost is $62 per
year surface mail or $1 20 per
year air mail.
Liability: Devices or circuits
described in SILICON CHIP may be
covered by patents. SILICON CHIP
disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the
manufacturing or selling of any
such equipment.
Address all mail to: Silicon Chip
Publications Pty Ltd, PO Box
139, Collaroy Beach , NSW
2097. Phone (02) 982 3935.
ISSN 1030-2662
* Recommended and maximum
Australian price only .
Tell us what you like
and what you don't like
Welcome to the March issue of SILICON CHIP which is the fifth since
we started. Already, this magazine is gaining a considerable following
as more people come to know about it. That is very gratifying but we'd
like you to tell us how to improve SILICON CHIP. Too few people are telling us what they think.
Quite a few readers have taken out a subscription and have pencilled a note on the coupon saying "top magazine" or some similar comment. Now this gives us a warm inner glow but it does not tell us which
parts of the magazine you really like. Maybe there were some parts
you didn't think much of. Or maybe there was an article that you
disagreed with. Perhaps you thought that an article could have been
improved or it omitted some useful information.
Please give us this sort of feedback. We want your constructive
criticism so that we can give you the highest editorial standard. So if
you think that something in SILICON CHIP is good or could be improved
or whatever, please jot down those thoughts in a letter and send it to
us, straight away.
Don't worry about whether your writing is neat or whether you use
correct sentence structure. Just write to us. We'll get the message.
This month's Mailbag carries a number of letters which give a good
example of what we're talking about. These letters mention an article
which appeared then proceed to tell us how it might have been improv- .
ed or what it omitted. Good. We might not agree with everything that is
written but we're not afraid to publish criticism if it is constructive.
If you feel that we should cover a particular topic or describe a pet
project of yours, please put in your request. We might not be able to do
it but there's a much higher chance of us doing so if you write to us.
And if you wish to see a controversial subject discussed in some
detail, say in Neville Williams' column "The Way I See It", don't
hesitate to write - there is a good chance that Neville will get stuck
into it.
There are several other ways you can contribute to SILICON CHIP. If
you're really keen you might submit an ar\icle for publication. You
might send in an idea for the Circuit Notebook pages. Or you might ask
a question to be discussed in the " Ask Silicon Chip" pages. It's over to
you. We'd love to hear from you.
Leo Simpson