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By Louis E. Frenzel
The basic circuit for storing binary data in digital
circuits is the flipflop. In a previous lesson, you saw
how flipflops could be combined to form storage
registers capable of remembering a binary word of
any length. You also saw how flipflops could be combined to form counters and shift registers where
binary numbers could be manipulated in a variety of
All digital equipment contains one or more counters
or registers to store and manipulate binary data. But
as you probably know, there are some kinds of digital
equipment that require the ability to store large
amounts of binary data. The most obvious example, of
course, is the digital computer which has memory
capable of storing many thousands of instruction and
data words.
Other kinds of digital equipment also have the need
to store large amounts of data. To meet that requirement, special electronic memory circuits have been
developed. Like counters and registers, some of those
memory circuits are made up of flipflops. In other
memory circuits, different kinds of storage elements
are used.
In this lesson, you'll learn about integrated circuits
designed specifically for storing large amounts of
digital data, and how they are used in computers and
other digital equipment.
Memory Organisation and Operation
An electronic memory is a place where hundreds or
thousands of binary words may be stored. The
memory is divided up into discrete locations where a
fixed-size binary number may be stored. Those individual word-storage locations are , in turn, made up
of bit memory elements such as flipflops and other cir84
cuits [which we'll discuss later). The organisation of
such a memory is illustrated in Fig.1. Its two key
characteristics are the number of bits per word and
the total number of word-storage locations.
Most electronic memories are capable of storing
standard binary word sizes such as 4, 8, 16 and
32-bits long. Of course, other sizes can be created. The
total word-storage capacity of a memory also varies
widely. Typical sizes are 256, 1024, 4096, 16,384 and
65,536 words. You've probably recognised that all
those memory sizes are some power of two. But the
word length and memory size are dependent upon the
application in which they are used.
To describe memories, we use a shorthand notation
that gives both memory and word sizes. For example,
the designation 1024 x 4 refers to a memory containing 1024 4-bit words; the designation lK x 4 is used to
define the same memory. In other areas of electronics,
k usually means 1000, but in memory jargon, K =
1024 - which is an even power of two.
1 0 1
4093 .....----------------.
4094 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
Fig.1: this illustration of the organisation of a memory
chip - which is capable of storing 4K or 4096 bytes of
data - shows that the chip is made up of lots of
storage locations, each having a distinct address (0-4095).
G = GIGA WORDS = 1,073,741,824
Fig.2: unlike other areas of electronics where
lk represents 1000, 1K in memory jargon means 1024.
Using that method, any memory size can be
designated. For example, a memory capable of storing
65,536 bytes would be designated as 64K x 8; a 256K
memory for 32-bit words would be designated 256K x
To locate a specific word in memory, each word is
given a unique number called an address. In Fig, 1, for
example, the 4K x 8 memory has 4096 storage locations, numbered from Oto 4095, for byte-length words.
The numbers are the addresses, and are used for each
specific storage location.
To use an electronic memory, you first apply an address to it. The address is a multi-bit binary word. A
specific number of address bits are required to address the memory locations. For example, with a 12-bit
address, 4096 individual states can be defined (2 to
the 12th power = 4096), which means that a 12-bit
word would be used for the address of the 4K memory
in Fig, 1. A 16-bit address would permit up to 64K
(65,536) memory locations to be addressed. The table
in Fig.2 shows the number of locations different word
sizes can address.
Random-Access Memories
The memories that we've just discussed are
generally referred to as random-access memories
(RAMs ). As this name implies, any specific memory
location may be accessed at random. Early computer
designs used a serial data-storage format , which required that data stored in memory be accessed sequentially. A given word could not be directly
selected; instead it was necessary to wait for that
word to come around.
Today's electronic memories are parallel devices
and any given memory location may be accessed
directly without reference to any other memory location. Random-access memories break down into two
basic types: read/write and read-only memories . The
read/write device permits both storage and retrieval
operations to take place. New data may be stored in
any memory location and any location may be accessed and recalled. Such memories are generally ref erred to as random-access memories or RAM for short.
The other type of random-access memory is the
read-only memory or ROM. Data is permanently
stored in such memories. The desired data is stored in
memory at the time that the circuits are manufactured
but in some ROMs, the data may be stored later by the
user. Once that data is written into the memory, it cannot be destroyed or changed; because of that, only
read operations are possible thereafter. There are
many applications where it is desirable to permanently store data or programs.
Read-only memories are said to be non-volatile
because their contents are retained even when power
Store and Recall Operations
Once the address has been applied and a specific
storage location enabled, a read or write operation is
performed. A read operation simply means that the
binary number stored in the addressed location is
recalled - ie, read out or transferred for use
elsewhere. The read operation is non-destructive, in
that the contents of the addressed memory location
are retained.
A write operation is the process of storing new data
in the addressed memory location; the operation is
equivalent to loading a storage register.
Access Time
The most important specification of any memory
device is its access time - the time it takes for a word
stored in a memory to be addressed and read out. It is
that interval between the application of the address
and the appearance of the data at the output.
Most MOS memories have access times in the
100-500 nanosecond (ns) range. Bipolar TTL memories
have access times in the 20 to 90ns range.
Fig.3: this diagram of a single storage element in a
static memory chip illustrates the operation of each cell
in the memory. In the static-memory cell, the storage
element is a flipflop.
MAY 1988
is removed from the circuit. In read/write memories
all data stored in the memory is lost when power i~
turned off; such memories are said to be volatile.
Despite the fact that both read/write and read-only
memories are of random-access organisation,
read/write memories are usually referred to as RAM
and read-only memories are simply called ROM. Both
types will be discussed in detail in the following
RAM Storage Cells
Fig.4: most semiconductor memories are organised as a
matrix of storage cells. To access a particular cell, one
row and one column must be activated.
There are two basic types of storage cells or
elements used in read/write memories - static and
dynamic cells - both of which store one bit. Each type
has its advantages and disadvantages. In most cases,
the memory cells are made up of metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs ). Each
storage element is capable of storing one bit. Many
thousands of storage cells can be fabricated on a
single silicon chip. By combining a number of the
chips, you can form a memory of any desired size.
Let's take a look at how the static and dynamic cells
Fig.3 shows a diagram of a typical static memory
storage cell. The basic storage circuit is a latch or
flipflop made up of enhancement-mode MOSFETs
Ql-Q4. Ql and Q2 are the active transistors, while Q3
and Q4 have been biased into conduction and act
strictly as load resistors.
The circuit in Fig.3 has two stable states. One state
is where Ql is conducting and Q2 is cut off. With Q2
cut off, the supply voltage through Q4 on the gate of
Ql keeps Ql conducting. With Ql conducting, its
drain is near O volts and below the conduction
threshold of Q2. Therefore, Q2 remains off.
The other stable state is where Q2 is conducting
and Ql is cut off. With those two states, either a
binary 0 or binary 1 can be represented. The gate to
source capacitances of Ql and Q2 are charged
through either Q3 or Q4 to keep the conducting transistor on. All the additional circuitry in Fig.3 is used
for storing data in the cell or reading it out. Transistors Q5 and Q6, as well as Q7 and Q8, are switches
used for addressing purposes.
Fig.5: the architecture of a dynamic storage cell differs
somewhat from that of a static unit. Here, miniature
capacitors, which must be refreshed periodically, are
used as the storage elements.
In most memories, each storage cell is part of a
matrix of storage cells arranged in a row and column
format. To address a particular cell, address signals
activate the desired row and column in which the cell
appears (see Fig.4).
In Fig.3, when a binary 1 is applied to the row-select
line, transistors Q5 and Q6 conduct, allowing the
signals at the drains of the flipflops, X and X-bar, to be
passed through to Q7 and Q8. When the column-select
line is binary 1, Q7 and Q8 are also turned on. At this
point, the latch output signals pass through Q5 and Q7
as well as Q6 and Q8 and appear at the inputs to the
sense amplifier. The binary state stored in the flipflop
appears at the sense amplifier output. Usually, the
sense amplifier is a 3-state device whose output can
be turned off or effectively disconnected from the output so that the memory cell can be used in bus
To write data into the circuit, both the row and
column-select lines are made binary 1 so that transistors Q5-Q8 conduct. The data to be stored in the circuit is then applied to the data-input line. For example,
to store a binary 0, a binary O is applied to the datainput line. The signal is then applied to write amplifier
1, and to write amplifier 2 through an inverter. That
results in write amplifier 1 delivering a zero, while
amplifier 2 delivers a 1.
The zero output of write amplifier 1 pulls the drain
of Ql low. Since Q5 and Q7 are conducting, they appear to be a near short circuit and therefore
regardless of the state of the latch, the drain of Qi
goes to binary 0. That turns Q2 off if it should happen
to be on, which in turn, causes Ql to conduct. The circuit then holds that state, storing a binary 0.
If a binary 1 were applied to the data input, the output of write amplifier 2 would be binary 0 , causing the
drain of Q2 to be pulled low through Q6 and QB. The
drain of Ql (X) would go high and so the circuit would
store a binary 1.
The basic storage element in a dynamic memory cell
is a capacitor. When the capacitor is discharged, it
stores a binary 0. When the capacitor is charged, it
stores a binary 1. Dynamic memory ICs pack
thousands of tiny capacitors on the chip with related
control circuits to read and write information.
----------- .....
Fig.6: functional block diagram of a 4164 64K x 1 dynamic RAM IC. Such a circuit is said to be volatile
because without refreshing (ie, period recharging of the storage capacitors), all data stored in memory would
be lost. Note that the IC contains on-chip refresh circuitry.
A simplified drawing of a typical dynamic storage
cell is shown in Fig.5. Transistors Ql and Q2 are switches that permit access to the storage capacitor. As in
most memory architectures, dynamic cells are arranged in the form of a matrix with rows and columns. To
access a given memory cell, the specific row and column in which it appears is activated by row and
column-address signals.
In Fig.5, the row-address signal is applied to Q2 and
the column-address signal is applied to Ql. When the
transistors are turned on by the address signals, data
may be stored in or read out of the capacitor. If data is
to be stored, it is applied to the data-input line and
passed through the write amplifier, which causes the
capacitor to charge or discharge through Ql and Q2.
To read data out, the charge stored on the capacitor
is simply connected to the read-amplifier input
through Ql and Q2. The capacitance of the tiny
capacitor in each storage cell is only a fraction of a
picofarad. But while it is very small, it's still capable
of holding a charge that can determine the binary
state of the cell. However, leakage in the circuit
causes the capacitor to discharge over time, despite
the fact that MOSFET circuits are typically very high
impedance in nature.
The effect of such leakage is that the state of the
cell changes over time. Of course, such a memory is
not reliable. To overcome the problem, dynamic
memory cells are periodically refreshed. That is,
special circuitry in the dynamic memory periodically
looks at the state of the cell and refreshes it - either
charging or discharging the capacitor as required. In
most memory ICs, the refresh operation takes place
approximately every two to four milliseconds. The
refresh circuitry reads the state of the cell and reapplies it to ensure data integrity.
The entire refresh operation is transparant to the
user who never knows that it's going on.
Typical RAM ICs
Now let's take a look at some typical static and
dynamic memory ICs. Many manufacturers supply a
wide variety of memory-chip configurations. However.
over the years some configurations have become more
or less standard. For example, most dynamic RAMs
come in one of four configurations: 4K x 1, 16K x 1,
64K x 1 and 256K x 1. The 64K x 1 chip contains
65,536 storage locations for 1-bit binary words.
Naturally, to form large memories, many chips must
be placed in parallel. To form a 64K x 8 memory would
require eight such chips.
Static-memory circuits are available in a wider
range of configurations. But because static-memory
cells contain many more components, they take up
much more space on a chip. As a result, static
memories typically are capable of storing less data
than dynamic RAMs. Today, a practical commercial
dynamic RAM is capable of storing up to 256K bits.
Typical static RAMs have a maximum storage capacity of 64K bits. As for memory organisations, static
RAMs are available in some of the following configurations: 4K x 1, lK x 4, 4K x 4, 4K x 16 and 8K x 8.
An example of a dynamic memory is Texas Instruments' popular 64K x 1 dynamic RAM, the 4164.
That chip, made by many manufacturers under different model numbers, is widely used for personal
computer memories. Housed in a standard 16-pin
dual-in-line package (DIP), it operates from a single
+ 5V supply, and has a typical access time of 150ns. A
simplified block diagram of the 4164 is shown in Fig.6.
The dynamic memory cells themselves are organised into a matrix of 256 rows and 256 columns capable
of storing 65,536 bits. Note that the 4164 has 8 lines
labelled AO to A7. With eight a ddress bits, 256
separate locations can be addressed. The question is:
how do we address the full 64K? To address 64K bits
requires a 16-bit address. The 16-bit address is fed to
the chip as two 8-bit segments. The eight least significant bits of the address are first applied to the address line and are strobed into the row address
register with a control signal called RAS (row address
The higher order eight bits of the address are then
placed on the eight address lines, loaded into memory
by the control signal, CAS-bar (column address
strobe), and stored in the column-address register.
Both the row and column-address registers feed row
and column decoders that convert the eight address
bits into 256 lines. One column-decode and one rowM A Y 1988
(4096 CELLS)
AO A1 A2 A9
Fig.7: block diagram of the 2114 4K-bit RAM, which
uses a 10-bit address code; six address lines (A3 to A8)
for the row decoder and four address lines (AO, Al, A2
and A9) for the column decoder.
decode output is required to activate each memory
cell. Once a particular memory cell has been addressed, a read or write operation is then performed. The
W-bar input line selects the mode. If W-bar is high, a
read operation is performed; if it's low, a write operation is performed.
Assuming that a read operation has been selected,
the addressed storage cell will be enabled. A sense
amplifier reads the charge stored on the cell
capacitors and passes it through to a data-output
flipflop. For a write operation, W-bar is made binary
0. The bit to be stored in the selected cell is placed on
the D-input line and stored in a flipflop. When control
signal CAS-bar goes low, the data is stored in the
selected cell.
Finally, keep in mind that, because this is a dynamic
memory circuit, a refresh operation must be performed. In the 4164, a refresh operation is performed approximately every four milliseconds. The row address
is incremented by an external counter and after each
count, the RAS line is strobed, which causes the 256
bits in each row to be refreshed.
Static RAM
The 2114, a popular 4K-bit static RAM, is organised
in a lK x 4 configuration; ie, it can store 1024 4-bit
words. Since the 2114 can address 1024 words, it uses
a 10-bit address word. Housed in an 18-pin DIP, it
operates from a + 5V supply, and has a nominal 250ns
access time. Fig. 7 shows a simplified block diagram of
the 2114.
The memory cells are arranged in a 64 x 64 matrix.
producing 4096 individual storage cells. Six of the address bits A3-A8 are applied to a row-select decoder
that's used to enable the 64 rows of storage cells. The
other four address bits (AO, Al, A2 and A9) are applied to a column decoder. The 16-column decode outputs are used to enable 16 4-bit words, as illustrated
in Fig.8. For a given address, one of the 64 rows will be
enabled. The column decoder enables four columns
simultaneously, thereby defining a 4-bit word in the
selected row.
In this memory, four pins are used for both input
and output (I/0). The write-enable (WE) input signal
determines whether a read or write operation is to be
performed. If the WE signal is low, a write operation is
performed. The data on the four I/O pins are accepted
as inputs and stored in the memory locations selected
by the address.
When the WE line is high, a read operation is
designated. The 4-bit word stored in the location
designated by the address is read out and placed on
four I/O pins. A chip-select (CS) signal is used to
enable the chip. When CS is high, the chip is disabled
and no read or write operations take place. However,
when CS is low, the chip is selected or enabled and a
read or write operation may occur.
Read-Only Memories
A read-only memory (ROM) is a semiconductor circuit in which a number of binary words has been permanently stored. An input address selects the desired
word to be read out. Read-only memories are used in
those applications where it is desirable to permanently store binary information. In a computer, for example, it is usually desirable to incorporate a ROM that
contains instructions that make up frequently used
programs. In that way it is not necessary to load those
programs into the computer's RAM from some external peripheral device.
ROMs are also used in various logic applications. By
assuming that the address lines are inputs and the
data lines are outputs, the ROM can be considered as
a form of combinational logic circuit. By storing
specific bits in the ROM, it can perform a wide variety
of special functions, such as code conversion and
table-look-up functions, which are less conveniently
implemented with more conventional combinational
logic circuits.
Diode Matrix ROM
To better illustrate the concept of a ROM, refer to
the circuit in Fig.9, a simple 8 x 4 ROM. It stores eight
4-bit words. A 1-of-8 decoder circuit is used to
translate a 3-bit address word into eight output lines.
In this particular circuit, for a given address, only one
output line will be active. The decoder has active-low
outputs, which means that the enabled output line will
be binary O while all other output lines are binary 1.
The data is stored in ROM by the presence or
absence of a diode. Whenever a binary O is desired in
one of the words, a diode is connected between the
decoder output and the ROM output line where the O is
desired. Assume that the input address is 001. That
Fig.8: the 2114, with its 1K x 4 configuration, can store
1024 4-bit words. The memory is arranged in a 64 x 64
matrix, providing 4096 individual storage cells.
1 OF 8
Fig.9: in this illustration of a ROM, the presence or
absence of a diode determines whether a 1 or a O will
be sensed when a particular memory location is accessed.
means that the 1 output line will go low, causing
diodes Dl, DZ and D3 to conduct. Therefore, they effectively bring the output lines to which they are connected low. Since all of the other decoder-output lines
are high, the remaining diodes in the network are cut
off. Therefore, the other output lines are high at this
time. The output word DCBA is thus 0100.
While small simple ROMs can be constructed using
the diode-matrix technique, prepackaged ROMs are
used in most applications because they're capable of
storing many more bits of data and are far more
There are two basic types of ROMs: maskprogrammable and electrically-programmable. Maskprogrammable devices are programmed during the
manufacturing process. A special mask, conforming to
the bit pattern stored in memory, is custom-designed
to interconnect the circuits on the ROM chip. In other
words, the data to be stored is permanently manufactured into the device and cannot be changed.
Electrically programmable ROMs. called PROMs
(programmable read-only memory) can be programmed by the user. When the ROM comes from the
manufacturer, it contains all binary 0's or all binary
1 's depending upon the circuitry involved. The user
places the ROM in a special programming instrument
called a PROM programmer and enters the data to be
stored. In some cases, data storage is permanent. At
other times. data storage is semi-permanent: that is.
the data remains in memory even when power is
removed from the circuit, but can be erased or reprogrammed.
In high-volume production applications, where the
information to be stored is reliable, masked ROMs are
to be preferred because of their very low cost. On the
other hand, where the data to be stored may have to
be changed for some reason, PROMs are preferred.
During the design process of any equipment using a
ROM, the program or data may change several times
as the "bugs" are worked out or as performance is improved. Even in production units, it may be desirable
to update the ROM if an important change occurs. In
such applications, PROMs are preferred.
However, PROMs are far more expensive than
masked ROMs for most applications. During the
development process though, nothing can beat a
PROM for flexibility and ease of up-dating. Both masked and programmable ROMs are made with both MOS
and bipolar technology. Most ROMs are of the MOS
variety because of their low cost and high storage density - currently up to 256K bits per chip.
On the other hand, bipolar ROMs are much smaller.
Because· the circuitry is more complex and dissipates
more power, it takes up more space on the chip; thus,
fewer bits can be stored. Most bipolar ROMs are
small and are limited in practice to only several thousand bits. The big advantage of the bipolar ROM over
the MOS ROM is speed. Access time for a typical MOS
ROM is in the 200 to 500 nanosecond range, while
bipolar ROMs have access times of typically less than
100 nanoseconds. In fact, bipolar ROMs with access
times in the 20 to 50 nanosecond range are available
for high speed applications.
In most applications, you will encounter the MOS
ROM, which is available in a wide variety of sizes. The
main difference between ROM and RAM organisation
is that while typical dynamic RAMs are designed to
Fig.10: in this simplified diagram of one type of ROM
structure, the presence or absence of a MOSFET
transistor (Qt in this example) at each possible junction
determines whether 1 or O is stored. If a MOSFET exists
(ie, is connected) at the junction, a binary 1 is stored; if
not, a binary O is stored.
MAY 1988
store multiple 1-bit words, ROMs are usually organised to store bytes (eight bits). Typical ROM storage configurations are 1K x 8, 2K x 8, 4K x 8, BK x 8, 16K x 8
and 32K x 8.
Masked MOS ROM
Most MOS ROMs use the row and column matrix
structure discussed earlier. Two sets of decoders, one
for rows and another for columns, are used to address
a matrix of storage elements. The state of the storage
elements determines whether a binary 1 or binary O is
Fig.10 shows a simplified diagram of one type of
ROM structure. In this circuit, the presence or
absence of a MOSFET (Ql) at each possible matrix
junction determines whether a binary 1 or a binary 0
is stored. If the MOSFET exists, a binary 1 is stored. If
the MOSFET does not exist, a binary O is stored.
MOSFETs exist at every junction but the mask determines which ones are connected and which are not
In connection with the MOSFET transistor storage
elements, another transistor (QZ) is associated with
each column. The column decoders turn the MOSFETs
on or off as required. To select a particular bit in
ROM, an address is given to the row and column
decoders and each, in turn, activates one line. If the
output of the activated row decoder is binary 1, Ql (if
it exists) is turned on, causing a binary 1 to appear on
the bit line. The column decoder output turns on QZ.
Therefore, the sense-amplifier output will see
ground or binary O through Ql and QZ. The output,
therefore, will be a binary 1. If the transistor, Ql, does
not appear in the matrix, effectively an open circuit
exists. The bit line being open causes an open condition to appear at the output amplifier if QZ is turned
on, placing a binary O at the output.
Bipolar PROMs
Bipolar ROMs are made programmable by placing a
fuse element in the circuit as illustrated in Fig.11.
Note that the output of a decoder is used to enable a
bipolar transistor at each matrix junction. The emitter
of the transistor is connected to the column output line
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Fig.11: bipolar ROMs are made programmable by the
inclusion of a tiny nichrome or silicon fuse which is
placed between the transistor emitter and the column
output line. If the fuse is good and the output of the
decoder is high, the transistor turns on and a binary 1
is applied to the output amplifier.
through a tiny nichrome (an alloy of nickel and
chrome) or silicon fuse. If the output of the decoder is
high, the transistor turns on. If the fuse is good, a
binary 1 is applied to the output amplifier; that results
in a binary O output.
To cause a binary 1 to appear at the output, the fuse
can be blown. A high current is passed through the
fuse which causes it to open. Now when the decoder
output is high, the transistor does not conduct because
its emitter circuit is open. The resistor at the input to
the output amplifiers holds the input low, resulting in
a binary 1 at the output. Once the fuses are blown in
such a PROM, data is permanently stored there and
cannot be changed.
The advantage of such a ROM is that it can be programmed in the lab by the design engineer or in the
field by a service technician rather than at the factory. The disadvantage is that such permanence is
often undesirable. During the engineering design process it may be desirable or necessary to change the
data stored in the ROM. That means that an entirely
new ROM must be programmed. However, this problem has been overcome by an improved kind of ROM
known as the erasable PROM.
Erasable PROMs
Erasable programmable read-only memories
(EPROMs) are a special type of MOS ROM whose data
can be obliterated when necessary. The most common
erasing technique is ultraviolet light. The chip is
usually contained within a standard dual-in-line
package. However, there's a transparent quartz window directly over the chip that physically seals and
protects the chip, while allowing light to pass through.
If ultraviolet light is applied to the chip for a short
period of time, all the data will be erased. Typically,
all the bits in the storage matrix are set to binary 1 by
this process. By being able to erase the chip, it can be
reprogrammed and reused.
The stucture of an EPROM is similar to other MOS
ROMs in that it consists of rows and columns of MOS
transistors. In the EPROM, a special floating-gate
MOSFET is used at each matrix junction. The floating
gate means that the gate element of the MOSFET is not
physically connected to anything. It is the charge on
the gate that determines whether or not the MOSFET
conducts or is cut off. The state of the MOSFET programs a binary 0 or binary 1 into the matrix.
To program the chip, a high source-to-drain voltage
is applied to each MOSFET for a given period of time,
which causes an avalanche breakdown in the PN junction between the gate and the source. Current flows
and some of the electrons pass through to the gate,
thus giving it a negative charge. With the gate sufficiently charged, the programming voltage is removed.
Now, when power is applied to the PROM, the
MOSFET (P-channel) conducts. Because the gate is
isolated and insulated from the rest of the structure, it
retains its charge for a considerable period of time.
Where the MOSFETs are conducting, binary 1 's are
stored. To program binary 0's, the MOSFETs at the
desired location are not subjected to the high programming voltage.
To erase the stored data, the MOSFET is exposed to
ultraviolet light, which removes charge on the gate. It
takes approximately twenty minutes of intense
ultraviolet light to completely erase the chip. Since
ultraviolet light is contained within normal ambient
lighting, it too can be used to erase the chip. But
because the ultraviolet content of most normal lighting
is low, erasure would take a considerable amount of
time. Nevertheless, it does happen. Therefore, once an
EPROM is programmed, the quartz window must be
covered to prevent accidental erasure.
A variation of the floating-gate MOS ROM is an
electrically erasable version known as an EEPROM,
which is programmed in the same way as the light
EPROMs. The floating gate MOSFETs are charged or
discharged as desired to store the desired bit pattern.
To erase the EEPROM, however, an electrical pulse
can be applied. The pulse, usually about 20 volts,
removes the charges stored on the MOS gates. The entire chip or only individually adressed words may be
EEPROMs have become extremely popular because
they have the advantages of permanent data storage
combined with the ability to erase and reprogram by
an electronic process.
Reproduced from Hands-On Electronics by arrangement.
(c) Gernsback Publications, USA.
1 . An 8K x 4 memory contains how many bits?
a. 8192 b. 32,000 c . 32,768 d. 65 ,536
1 0. The two basic types of RO Ms are _ _ _ __
and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
2. The common name for a read/write memory is
11 . What binary numbers are stored in adresses
2, 3 , 5 and 7 in Fig.9?
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __
3 . The interval between address application and
data output is called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 . Most memory cells are organised as a _ _ __
of _ _ _ __ _ _ _ and _ _ _ __ __ _
6. The basic storage element in a dynamic cell is
a _ ______________ __ __
1 2. Which of the following are volatile or nonvolatile?
RAM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ROM _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _
7. The numerical location of a word in memory is
called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
13. Data is stored in a PROM using a device
called a _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. A static memory storage cell is a _ __ __
8. In order to prevent data loss in a dynamic
memory, a ____ operation must be periodically
9 . How many words may be addressed with 8 bits?
a. 256 b. 512 c. 1024 d. 2048
~O ~
14. EPROMs can be erased with _ _ _ _ __
oran _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ __
15 . A store operation is called a __ , and a recall
operation is called a _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
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