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The new amplifier can
deliver up to 120 watts
RMS into a 100V AC line.
The large heatsink keeps
the power Mosfets cool.
This rugged 120W Mosfet amplifier
module is designed specifically to drive a
100V line transformer for public address
applications. It can also be used as a
stand alone module for guitar amplifiers
and domestic stereo amplifiers.
Why is there any need to design
an amplifier specifically to drive a
line transformer? The answer is
that a transformer presents a much
more difficult load for an amplifier
to drive than a normal loudspeaker.
For a start, the primary of a
typical transformer will have a
very low DC resistance which may
be of the order of 100 milliohms
(0. H2] or less. Second, transformers
do not like direct current flowing in
their windings; the resultant
magnetisation causes distortion of
the output waveform.
This means that any amplifier
designed to drive a transformer
must have a very low DC voltage at
its output. Just consider what happens with a typical direct coupled
amplifier which has a DC voltage at
its output of say + 20mV. When a
transformer with a primary resistance of 0.10 is connected, a current of 100 milliamps will flow
through it. This will cause substantial magnetisation of the transformer core as well as increased
power dissipation in the output
transistors of the amplifier.
To solve this problem , the
amplifier circuit must include a
nulling adjustment so that the DC
output voltage can be set to a very
low value, say less than ± 5mV. The
input differential transistor pair
must also be thermally bonded
together to ensure that the nulled
output DC voltage does not drift
away from zero as the temperature
Another problem with a line
transformer is that if the load on
the secondary winding is disconnected or switched in level while
substantial power is being delivered, very high spike voltages can
be delivered by the transformer.
These high energy spikes can
easily destroy bipolar transistors
unless "flyback" diodes are connected across both halves of the
output stage. Even if amplifiers do
include these diodes and the spike
voltages are thereby limited to the
supply rails, the output stage is still
not safe if bipolar transistors are
Second breakdown
The particular problem with
bipolar transistors is " second
breakdown". This is a mechanism
whereby the current passing
3x120 1W
45.5V 22k
1.4V 3.9
L---+---~--+-..:.....---___.,_______________________ 51v
Fig.2: the first two stages of the amplifier operate in cascode mode to give greater open loop bandwidth and improved
linearity. The ouput transformer is required only if you intend running a 100V line for PA work.
through a power transistor is
"squeezed" into narrow channels
and thus causes hot spots. These
can destroy the transistor. The
transistor manufacturers get
around this problem by specifying
the "safe operating area" for each
bipolar device.
What this amounts to is that the
transistor is derated when higher
voltages are present between its
collector and emitter.
To give a specific example, consider the MJ15003 NPN transistor
(one of the output transistors used
Cascode Operation Explained
A cascade stage is one where
two transistors are connected in
series across the supply rail. In
our diagram (Fig.2) we show an idealised schematic of a cascade stage. A reference voltage of, say, 4
volts is fed to the base of 02. By
emitter follower action, its emitter
will be 3.4 volts and this will be the
collector supply for O1 .
Thus 02 maintains a constant
collector voltage on 01 and so eliminates any variations in gain which would otherwise occur if the
collector voltage was able to
The varying collector current drawn by 01 is the emitter current of
02 which converts it to a voltage
signal at its collector. 02 can be
regarded as a "grounded-base"
stage because of the constant
voltage at its base.
· The combined effect of operating 01 with a constant collector
voltage and 02 in a groundedbase mode gives a stage with
much improved linearity and band-
in the Studio 200 power amplifier).
This device has a power rating of
250 watts, a maximum collector
current rating of 20 amps and a collector voltage of 140 volts.
With a collector voltage of 50
volts you can pass 5 amps through
the transistor (provided the case
temperature is maintained at 25°C)
and so obtain a power dissipation of
200 watts.
However, at a collector voltage of
100 volts you can only pass 1 amp
safely through the transistor and
thus it is derated to 100 watts
Designers can cope with this
situation provided they know what
sort of load the amplifier is intended to drive. They can draw the load
lines and select the transistor
operating conditions so that the
limits of the "safe operating area"
are not exceeded.
The problem is, when the
amplifier is intended to be used
with a line transformer, it is much
more difficult to predict the load
characteristics. This means it is
Vref. :
Fig.2: a cascode stage is formed by
connecting two transistors in
series across the supply rail. Note
the reference voltage fed to the
base of Q2.
width compared with a single
common-emitter stage.
In the past, cascade stages
have been a feature of RF circuitry. Cascade stages were originally
designed around valves. The word
"cascode" is derived from the phrase "cascaded via the cathode",
a reference to the cathode in a
much more difficult to guarantee
that the transistors will not be
damaged by unsafe operating
This is where power Mosfets
come into their own. They don't
have to be derated for "safe
operating area" because they don't
have any tendency to internal hot
spots. And if they are driven hard
so that their temperatures are unduly elevated, they compensate
automatically by reducing their
In effect, they are just about unburstable. Their only weakness is
that they can be damaged by excessive gate-to-source voltage. This
can be prevented by connecting a
suitable zener diode between gate
and source.
New circuit design
With these thoughts in mind, we
set out to design a new amplifier
module which would be suitable for
driving a 100V line transformer. It
would use power Mosfets, have
provision for nulling the DC output,
flyback diodes across the output
devices and so on.
The circuit is as shown in Fig, 1. It
is suitable for use with or without a
100V line transformer. When used
without a transformer, it will
deliver 90 watts into 80 loads and
125 watts into 40 loads. The performance is fully detailed in the
specification panel elsewhere in
this article.
While most of the circuit is fairly
standard, it does incorporate a
feature which has not been seen in
many published circuits to date .
This involves cascade operation for
the first two stages, a feature
which gives improved linearity and
better bandwidth.
Let us now describe the circuit in
detail. Ql and Q2 are PNP transistors connected as a differential
input stage. The input signal is fed
to the base of Ql while the negative
feedback signal is fed to the base of
Q2. The total current through Ql
and Q2 is set by constant current
source Q3.
Q3 is biased by diodes Dl and DZ
so that it applies close to 0.67 volts
across its 6800 emitter resistor.
This sets the current through Q3 at
close to lmA and so the current
through Ql and Q2 is 0.5 milliamps
for each.
In a conventional direct-coupled
amplifier, the signal from the collector of Ql would be connected
directly to the base of the following
class-A driver stage transistor. In
our circuit though, the signal from
Ql connects to the emitter of
cascade transistor Q4 while the
output signal appears at its collector and is then fed to the base of Q5.
Q5 and Q6 form a cascade
class-A stage with Q7 operating as
a constant current load. The base
of Q7 is biased by diodes Dl and DZ
(which also serve as reference
voltage for Q3). With this bias
voltage, the current through Q7, Q6
and Q5 is just over 10 milliamps.
Five diodes, D3 to D7, provide the
base reference voltage for Q6 and
thus set the collector-emitter
voltage for Q5 at close to 2.6 volts.
(To read how a cascade stage
works, see the panel at the top of
this page).
The output signal from the
cascade stage is coupled directly to
Delving Into the Mysteries of the 100V Line
Why do public address amplifiers use 1 00V lines for speaker
distribution? Does the speaker line
operate at a constant 1 00 volts
AC? How do you match a speaker
to a 1 00V line?
· These and other related questions cause a lot of confusion to
people in and out of the public address field.
The big problem with public address systems is that the very long
speaker leads can have considerable voltage losses if conventional
low impedance speakers are used.
Imagine the voltage loss in a pair of
speaker lines 200 metres long
with an 80 speaker. A 200 metre
length of such cable will have a DC
resistance of about 5.50. This means that 40% of the power would
be lost in the cable.
When you consider that a PA system in a large building may have
tens of kilometres of speaker wiring running back to the amplifier,
the resistance losses with conventional low impedance speakers
would be intolerable.
The way around this problem is
to feed the amplifier's output into a
step-up transformer and then into
the long speaker lines. Each speaker is then coupled to the line via a
Fig.3: how the amplifier output is
connected to give a 100V line.
Each loudspeaker is connected to
the line using a separate stepdown transformer.
step-down transformer which usually has tap connections to vary
the loudness from the speaker.
So how does the figure of 1 00
volts come into the picture? The
assumption is that when the amplifier is running at full power, it will be
delivering 1 00V AC to the speaker
lines . This makes it easy for the PA
system installer. Instead of having
to calculate the total load impedance when all loudspeakers are connected, all he has to do is add up
the power settings for every speaker connected and see that it is
equal to or less than the power
rating of the amplifier.
Consider a 1 00 watt power amplifier (with 1 00V line output) . The
installer can install any combination
of speakers which give up to 1 00
watts . For example, he may have
50 loudspeakers all of which are
connected via the " 2 watt" primary
tap on their individual step-down
So under the worst case conditions, when the attenuators (if fitted)
on all speakers are set to maximum
loudness, the maximum power delivered to each speaker will be 2
watts. Thus, provided no one modifies the installation, the loading on
the amplifier will never be excessive (ie, too low in impedance).
Remember that 1 00VAC will
rarely, if ever, be present on the
speaker lines. That only happens
when the amplifier is driven to its
maximum output.
In the past, many PA systems
used 70V lines. This is exactly the
same principle as the 1 00V line
except that for a given power level,
resistance losses in a 70V system
will be twice that in a 1 00V
installation .
the output stage. A 39pF capacitor
from the collector of Q6 to the base
of Q5 rolls off the open-loop gain of
the amplifier to ensure a good
margin of stability.
Output stage
Four Hitachi power Mosfets are
used in the output stage. They are
connected in source follower mode
(similar to emitter follower mode
with bipolar transistors). The
signals to the output stage are fed
via 2200 resistors to the gates of
the Mosfets. These resistors also
Right: the pen is pointing to the two
input transistors (Ql and Q2) which
must be thermally bonded together.
This is done to minimise temperature
drift of the output DC voltage.
During assembly, push the small signal transistors down onto the board as far as they will comfortably go before
soldering the leads. The metal faces of the BF469/470 transistors (Q6 and Q7) go towards the heatsink.
function as "stoppers" to prevent
spurious RF oscillation.
Zener diodes ZDl and ZDZ plus
diodes DB and D9 prevent overdrive
to the gates of the Mosfets. When
the load is short circuited, these
diodes limit the voltage between the
gates and sources of the Mosfets to
about ± 11.6 volts.
The quiescent current through
the output stage is determined by
the setting of the 5000 trimpot,
VRZ. The lOmA current (via Q7 etc)
through the resistance of the trimpot provides a voltage between the
gates of the Mosfets to bias them on
slightly when no signal is present.
This is a normal feature of all
class-B amplifiers and is used to
minimise crossover distortion.
With Mosfets though, it is usual
to set the quiescent current much
higher than in an equivalent bipolar
amplifier. The reason for this is
twofold. First, Mosfets are even
more non-linear at low currents
than bi polars (contrary to what is
Fig.4: suggested power supply for the 120W PA module. Check
the output rails before connecting them to the module.
written in some journals). Second,
at a current of 100 milliamps, the
transconductance (measured in
amps per volt or "mhos ") of the
Hitachi Mosfets has a zero temperature coefficient. Hence, the total
quiescent current for the output
stage is set at ZOOmA.
This relatively high current also
reduces any tendency to RF instability which can be a problem
with power Mosfets if their quiescent current is set too low.
The high quiescent current is one
disadvantage of Mosfets. It means
they need a bigger heatsink and
that they waste more power than
an equivalent bipolar transistor
Output stage protection
Apart from the zener diodes
'---- I I
<at>® ~ ~ F -o.5!,Jfil~ ®
~ <at>£
l N
~ ¥
Oll _ _ _ _ _Q_6_~_9-F-0-3-0-7----,r---.-l~
*a; ..-m_o..~3~
Fig.5: here's how to install the parts on the printed circuit board. Keep the component leads short
and make sure that the Mosfet output transistors (Q8-Q11) are electrically isolated from the heatsink.
The 2200 resistors shown dotted are mounted on the copper side of the board.
already mentioned, the Mosfets
also have have diodes D10 and Dl 1
for flyback protection. These diodes
safely clamp any spike voltages,
generated by the load, to the
positive and negative supply rails.
To protect against short circuit
loads, a 5A fuse is connected in
series with the supply rails to the
An RLC network is connected
between the amplifier output and
the line transformer (or loudspeaker load if the transformer is
not used). This network serves two
purposes. First, it ensures stability
of the amplifier under all loading
conditions, including large shunt
capacitances. Second, it effectively
decouples the amplifier from the
load and connecting lines at very
high frequencies.
This stops large RF signals picked up by the loudspeaker lines from
being fed back to the input of the
amplifier (via the feedback components) and being detected in Q2.
Thus, it helps stop RF breakthrough.
Similarly, at the input of the
amplifier, there is quite a savage
low pass filter which attenuates
any extraneous RF signals before
they get to the base of Ql.
The voltage gain of the amplifier
is set by the 22k0 and lkO resistors
at the base of Q2. These set the
voltage gain to 23. The low frequency response is set mainly by the
0.47 µF input coupling capacitor,
giving a - 3dB point at about 20Hz.
This could have been set for a lower
frequency but this would cause problems of distortion and loading with
the output transformer.
DC nulling
As mentioned before, it is most
important that the DC voltage at the
output of the amplifier be as close
to zero as possible. To ensure this,
the two input transistors are thermally bonded together so that any
temperature drift will be minimised. As well, the 2000 trimpot VRl
allows the output voltage to be set
close to zero; ie, to less than ± lmV.
Power supply
The suggested power supply
(Fig.4) for the amplifier module uses
a 300VA toroidal transformer with
a centre-tapped 70V secondary
winding (ie, 35 volts a side). This
feeds a 400V 35 amp bridge rectifier and two 8000µF 63VW electrolytic capacitors.
100V line transformer
The recommended 100V line
transformer was supplied by
Altronics of Perth, as were the supply components. The transformer is
a toroid with a rating of 160VA. It
has been designed to present a 40
load to the amplifier. It has two
prinmary windings and two secondary windings. The method of connection to the amplifier is shown on
the circuit of Fig.1.
No feedback is applied around
the transformer but even so the performance is very good, both as far
as frequency response and harmonic distortion are concerned.
Full details are shown in the
specifications panel.
The wiring layout of Mosfet
amplifiers is very critical so the
printed board is a crucial feature of
the design. The printed board
1 PCB, code SC01111881,
95 x 163mm
1 cast aluminium heatsink with
integral bracket, 1 95mm
wide by 66mm high; Jaycar
Cat. No. HH-8550 or
equivalent L-shaped bracket
and heatsink
4 3AG fuseclips
2 5A 3AG fuses
6 PC pins
1 plastic coil bobbin, 1 2mm
diameter x 11 mm long;
Siemens B65672-B-T1 or
equivalent (or 4 .3µH aircored choke; see text)
4 T0-3 transistor mounting kits
2 2SK134 Mosfet transistors
2 2SJ49 Mosfet transistors
measures 163 x 95mm and is coded
SC 01111881. It is meant to be used
with a large heatsink. The one
shown in our illustrations is from
Jaycar (Cat. HH-8550).
As an alternative, the board
could be used with a heavy gauge
aluminium angle bracket and a
large extruded heatsink. The heatsink must be reasonably large to
keep the amplifier as cool as possible, for long term reliability.
BC556 PNP transistors
BC548 NPN transistor
BF470 PNP transistor
BF469 NPN transistor
1 N4148, 1 N914 small signal
2 11 V 400mW zener diodes
2 1 N5404 3A silicon diodes
1 22µF 16VW PC electroyltic
1 0.47µF 16VW PC
1 0 .27 µF metallised polyester
4 0.22µF metallised polyester
1 .001 µF metallised polyester
1 39pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 x 27k0, 3 x 22k0, 2 x 18k0
Assembly of the board is a
straightforward matter but it
should not be hurried. First, you
should closely inspect the board to
see if there are any shorted tracks
or open circuits in the copper pattern. These should be fixed before
proceeding further. The PCB component diagram is shown in Fig.5.
Fit the small components first,
such as the resistors and diodes.
Make sure that you don't confuse
•~--- e.-~-
Fig.6: this diagram shows how the Mosfet output transistors
are mounted on the heatsink. Use your multimeter to check
for shorts between the case and heatsink as each transistor is
mounted. The nuts should be soldered to the PC pattern after
assembly to ensure reliable contact.
Transformers and
Power Supply Parts
1 300VA power transformer,
70V centre-tapped, Altronics
Cat. M-3092 or equivalent
1 160VA 1 OOV line
transformer, Altronics Cat.
1 35-amp bridge rectifier,
Altronics Cat. FB-3504
2 8000µF 63VW electrolytic
1 1 A fuse and fuseholder
the small diodes (1N914s} with the
11 V zeners. The fuse clips, trimpots
and small transistors can be
mounted next. Ql and Q2 should be
mounted so that their flat faces are
touching. When you have soldered
them in place, put of drop of superglue between them and squeeze
them together.
Note that all the transistors
should be pushed close down onto
the PCB before soldering (see
The 4.3µH choke at the output of
the amplifier is wound with 19.5
turns of 0.8mm enamelled copper
wire on an 11mm plastic bobbin.
Two layers of wire are wound on so
that the start is at one side and the
finish is at the other side of the bobbin. Bend the start and finish leads
at 90° and scrape off the enamel
coating before soldering the choke
to the board.
Heatsink assembly
0.5W, 2 X 3.9k0, 2 x 2.2k0, 1 x
6800, 4 X 2200, 2 X 680, 3 X
120 1W, 1 x 5000 trimpot
(Bourns Cermet horizontal
mount, 0.2 x 0.4-inch), 1 x 2000
trimpot (Bourns Cermet horizontal mount)
The four Mosfet power transistors are mounted on the heatsink
but with their leads soldered to the
printed board. The assembly is as
shown in Fig.6. We used 5mm
fibreglass tubing for the insulating
bushes. Smear all the mounting surfaces of the Mosfets and the heatsink with heatsink compound
before assembly.
The transistors are mounted to
the heatsink using 12mm 6BA
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The pen points to one of the four 22011 resistors mounted on the copper side of the board. Mount the resistors so that
they are 2-3mm proud of the board while keeping their leads as short as possible.
Performance of Prototype
Frequency Response
125 watts into 4 ohms ; 90 watts into 8
ohms; 120 watts into 1 OOV AC line
20Hz to 50kHz (-3dB) without line
transformer; 20Hz to 23kHz (-3dB)
with line transformer
Input Sensitivity
1 .1 V into 22k0 input impedance
Harmonic Distortion
( 0.1 % from 20Hz to 20kHz
-111 dB unweighted (20Hz to 20kHz);
-11 9dB A-weighted
)50 for 80 loads
Power Output (RMS)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Damping Factor
screws and nuts. Solder the nuts to
the PCB pattern after assembly to
ensure reliable contact. Alternatively, if the nuts are nickel
plated or stainless steel, use
As each transistor is mounted,
use your multimeter (set to a low
"ohms" range) to check that its
case is insulated from the heatsink.
If the meter does indicate a short,
remove the transistor and check
carefully for metal swarf around
the mounting holes.
After the nuts have been tightened and soldered, the gate and
source leads of the Mosfets can be
soldered to the PCB pattern. The
four gate resistors are then
soldered in place, on the copper
pattern side of the PC board.
Install these four resistors so that
they just sit proud of the PCB (see
photo for details).
Now closely inspect all your work
for correct assembly and soldering.
Make sure there are no blobs of
solder bridging out tracks. As a
final check on your work, connect
your multimeter (set to a low
"ohms" range) and test for shorts
between the supply rails and the OV
rail. There is a trap here - flyback
diodes DlO and Dl 1 will show a low
resistance for one connection of the
multimeter and a high resistance
for the reverse connection.
Assuming that you have wired up
the power supply, check the voltage
on the two supply rails before mak-
Fig.7: the full size PC pattern. The wiring layout is critical so the PCB pattern is a crucial feature of the design.
ing connections to the amplifier
board. The supply rails should be
close to ± 50V DC. Switch off and
wait for the 8000µF capacitors to
discharge to below 5V before hooking the supply up to the amplifier.
Caution: remember that the
power supply puts out a total of
100 volts DC. This is a potentially
dangerous voltage. Make sure you
don't come in contact with it.
Setting up
Now remove the negative supply
fuse from its clip and connect a
multimeter set to measure up to 1A
across it. Do not connect a load or
the output transformer to the
amplifier at this stage.
The output stage quiescent current can now be set. Rotate the
5000 trimpot (VR2) fully anticlockwise and apply power. Now
rotate the 5000 trimpot for a current of 200mA.
Switch off the power supply and
wait for the voltage across the supply capacitor to drop. The multimeter can now be removed from
circuit and the 5A fuse replaced in
the negative supply line. Reapply
What is Transconductance?
While the gain of bipolar transistors is specified as a simple ratio of
collector current to base current
(and known as beta or htel, the
gain of Mosfets and V-fets is referred to as transconductance. This
is because a fet (field effect transistor) is a voltage controlled device;
a signal of several volts into the
gate gives a drain-source current
of several amps.
Hence, a Mosfet varies its conductance (the reciprocal of resistance) in proportion to its gate
power and measure the DC voltage
at the output of the amplifier.
Rotate trimpot VR1 to set it to zero;
ie, to less than ± lmV.
Leave the amplifier with power
connected for an hour or so and
then check the settings for DC output and quiescent current. Reset if
necessary. It is normal for both settings to drift slightly.
Now you can connect the 100V
line transformer or the loud-
The gain of a Mosfet is specified
in terms of amps per volt or in the
old unit of conductance, Mho (which is "Ohm" spelt backwards and
still used by American semiconductor manufacturers). The new
unit for conductance is the Siemen
(used by European and Japanese
manufacturers) .
For the 2SK134 (N-channel)
and 2SJ49 (P-channel) devices,
the transconductance is typically 1
Siemen (ie, 1 amp per volt) at a
drain current of 3 amps and a
drain-source voltage of 1 0V.
speakers and check for the
presence of hum or any other
signal. With no signal applied the
amplifier should be absolutely
quiet. Touching your finger to the
input should cause the speaker to
emit a small "blurt" . With that,
your amplifier is ready for work.
Footnote: a complete PA amplifier based on this new module will
be published in a future issue of