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A woolly picture at Wollongong
For those of us who service TV sets in a big city
served by several transmitters, all carefully sited
and delivering signals of about the same strength
at any one location, life is (relatively) simple. But
not so for our collegues who work in fringe areas,
where customers seek the best of both worlds.
This train of thought was started
by a story from a colleague who
works in and around the
Wollongong area on the NSW south
coast. The story itself, while interesting in its own right, was made
even more interesting because of
the way it highlighted the many problems encountered in this area. But
before getting stuck into the
technical problems, we first need to
set the scene.
For the benefit of those not
familiar with this part of the world,
the City of Wollongong is some
70km - as the crow flies - south
of Sydney. (I've never been able to
work out why the poor old crow has
been given the job of making these
measurements or, for that matter,
how he goes about it. Perhaps he
does it on the basis of so many wingbeats to the kilometre?)
Anyway, the accompanying sim-
ple map should help put the reader
in the picture. Given reasonable
terrain, 70km is not a great
distance for a TV signal but, in this
case, the terrain is anything but
favourable. Wollongong city is at
sea level, and sits immediately
below an escarpment, some 300
metres high, which runs parallel to
the coast and only a few kilometres
As a result, the advent of TV in
Sydney (using channels 2, 7, 9 and
later 10) saw a forest of tall masts,
fitted with high gain antennas and
amplifiers, which sprang up in
Wollongong and the coastal
suburbs to the north and south. As
might be expected, the results were
patchy and unpredicable. While
Smith might receive excellent pictures, poor old Jones next door
could often get little more than
This situation prevailed for some
years, during which time both the
residents and the local TV sales
and service industry learned to live
with it. And, in many cases, they
achieved results which, in theory,
should not have been possible. In
short, the population had become
Sydney TV orientated.
Eventually, the powers that be
presented the area with its own TV
channels: channel 4 (94-101MHz)
as the commercial channel and
channel 5A (137-144MHz) as the
ABC channel. Both these bands,
regardless of their geographical
allocations, have been controversial; channel 4 because it occupied
part of the "international" FM
band, and channel 5A because it
transgresses certain international
satellite channels, and is adjacent
to the amateur 2-metre band
But controversies aside, the
channels have in general served the
area well. The two transmitters are
located on Knight's Hill, some 700
metres above sea level and about
30km sou' sou' west of Wollongong.
They also serve areas to the south,
such as Nowra, Jervis Bay,
Ulladulla and even further down
the coast, as well as inland.
In theory, of course, the locals
should have been content with
these two channels since, officially,
the Sydney channels were never intended to serve that area. But
human nature being what it is, and
considering the history of Sydney
reception, most wanted the best of
both worlds. And very nice too, if
you can get it; four commercial
channels plus the ABC puts you one
up on Sydney viewers.
(By the same token, many Sydney
clubs and hotels have channel 4
and 5A antennas pointed at
Knight's Hill to take advantage of
Sydney sporting events not broadcast locally).
Fig.1: this map shows the area,
south of Sydney, involved in the
accompanying story. The Sydney TV
transmitters are at Gore Hill while
the Wollongong transmitters are at
Knight's Hill.
But satisfying this desire wasn't
always plain sailing. In some cases
it worked out very well, often by
default, but in others it presented a
host of problems.
Signal strength problems
and around Wollongong itself, since
the antenna is pointed towards
Sydney and the local signals are approaching from the rear and the
side. In addition, the antenna is not
cut to favour the local signals, so
there is enough natural attenuation
to prevent problems.
But not always. As we move
south from Wollongong the distant
signals get weaker but, because the
local transmitters are moving
around to the front of the antenna,
their signals get stronger. And as
we said earlier, there is conflict
between channel 4 and channel 9.
The main reason appears to be the
nearly two-to-one frequency relationship between the two channels.
While the second harmonic of channel 4's vision carrier falls short of
channel 9's vision carrier, some of
channel 4's video content would
reach it.
Anyway, the practical result is
that, with too much channel 4
signal, channel 9 becomes unwatcha ble.
As these problems became apparent the TV antenna industry
responded with a range of "traps"
designed to control channels 4 and
5A, and having different orders of
attenuation. The first one offered
provided 30dB attenuation and,
when this proved to be too severe
for many localities, was followed by
20dB and lOdB models.
These helped a lot but were not
adequate in all localities. Which only serves to highlight the difficulties
encountered in this and similar
areas; each case has to be treated
on its merits and installations
tailored to suit.
Which brings us to the specific
situation that started this story, and
which the reader will be better able
to appreciate against the background we have just set out. In fact,
from here on, the story is best handed over to my colleague. This is how
he tells it.
Colleague's story
The story really started about 15
years ago, and concerns a customer
who lives at Ulladulla, about 85km
south of Knight's Hill and about
180km from the Sydney stations at
Gore Hill. I helped him install a new
TV set when he moved into the area
at that time. His home is on an excellent site and I felt sure that
Sydney's signals would be readily
available. But he wasn't interested
and, in fact, for a few years was
content to watch the two local
channels, using nothing more
pretentious than a pair of rabbit
I don't like rabbit ears. Signal
strength notwithstanding, they
simply cannot provide a clean
Broadly, the problem is one of
having to cope with vastly differing
signal strengths and the risk of
cross modulation caused by powerful local signals mixing with weak
distant ones. In particular, there is
conflict between channel 4 in
Wollongong and channel 9 in
A popular set-up for Sydney
reception is a phased-array antenna, such as the Hills model CA16,
feeding a suitable amplifier, usually
masthead, on the tallest practical
mast. These antennas are cut to
resonate around channel 9, but are
broad enough to cover 7, 8, 9, 10
and even 11 in some circumstances.
This arrangement is often good
enough to cope with both groups of
signals. This is particularly so in
signal in all circumstances. Movement of venetian blinds and other
metal objects, or even people, can
create all kinds of ghosting problems. As a result, I continued to
urge him, over the years, to fit a decent antenna.
He succumbed in the end and I
fitted a simple 4/5A antenna on a
"hockey stick" mast mounted on
the bargeboard of the house. And
even he had to admit that the improvement was worthwhile.
He was happy enough with this
for the next couple of years, then
suddenly, about 10 years ago, expressed a desire to receive the
Sydney channels. I suspect that the
advent of some sporting events,
available only on these channels,
prompted this decision. Anyway, I
was confident I could provide a
suitable installation.
I chose a Hills CA16 phasedarray antenna, mounted on a
5-metre length of masting, and
feeding a Standard Components
MH20 masthead amplifier. This
produced excellent signals from the
Sydney channels, apart from channel 9, which suffered severe cross
modulation from channel 4.
This came as no surprise, having
come to grips with the problem
previously in this area. The solution called for yet another trap
filter which had been developed by
the antenna manufacturers, following representations from myself
and other servicemen.
Initially, we had tackled the problem using the lOdB or 20dB 4/5A
filters already mentioned. This was
tricky enough in itself because the
strength of the channel 4 signal as
fed to the amplifier can be quite
critical. Too little attenuation can
wreck channel 9, while too much
can put channel 4 into the noise.
And the gap between these limits
can be quite narrow.
But there was an even bigger problem, involving channel 5A. For a
couple of reasons, channel 5A's
signals are significantly weaker out
of the antenna, to the point where
they can be well into the noise by
the time channel 4 is under control.
One reason is that 5A's signals
are naturally weaker in this area,
an official DOTC survey listing
them as lOdB down on channel 4.
By my observations this figure may
be a little high, but there is at least
a 6dB difference.
The second reason is that this
phased-array antenna favours
channel 4 rather than 5A; probably
because, being cut for channel 9, it
favours channel 4 on a harmonic
basis. Anyway, whatever the
reason, channel 5A can be down
anything from 6dB to lOdB. So, on a
worst case basis, channel 5A could
be 20dB down on channel 4, and
even in the most favourable circumstances is going to be 12dB
By itself, this difference can
usually be tolerated. But add 10 to
20dB attenuation caused by a filter
needed to control channel 4, and 5A
is well and truly into the noise.
The new filter, designated
FL300-4, was designed to attenuate
channel 4 only, by 18dB. I have no
details of its response curve, but it
is reasonable to assume that it
would be level within a few dB over
the bandpass. It was a simple
device, on a printed board measuring about 25 x 60mm and consisting
of four resistors, three fixed
capacitors, a trimmer and three
printed inductors. It was enclosed
in shrink plastic for external moun-
ting, but I chose to mount it in the
amplifier housing.
And it worked. Channel 4 was
eliminated from channel 9, and
channel 5A was left in the clear to
provide a clean picture. So
everyone was happy.
Lost colour
End of story? No, the beginning
really. As I mentioned, all that happened about 10 years ago and was
virtually forgotten until recently.
Then the customer was on the
phone with the complaint that he
was losing colour on channel 4.
My first reaction was to enquire
whether it was only channel 4 that
was faulty. (Some customers will insist that a fault is on one channel
only, for the simple reason that they
only ever watch that channel!)
On being assured that channel
5A and all the Sydney channels
were OK, my next reaction was to
suspect faulty fine tuning for channel 4. On this basis, I told the
customer to check the fine tuning
and see if this made any difference.
If that didn't work, then I would
have to make a call.
Well, it didn't work and he was
on the phone the next day to report
this. So I headed for the hills. I'd
taken care to pack the field
strength meter because, even at
that early stage, I had a feeling that
the fault was likely to be associated
with the antenna.
I found the situation essentially
as the customer had described it,
and quickly convinced myself that
there was nothing wrong with the
So I disconnected the coax from
the set and made some field
strength measurements on the
channel 4 signals. The vision carrier (95.25MHz) was running at
54dBu (0dBu = 1µ V) which was
possibly a trifle low, but not
ill -10
"' "
- 15
We stock a wide range of
electronic parls
• For service • For Hobby
• For Transmitters
• For Receivers
\ I
Also in stock:
Valves for Transmitters - 6146,
8950, 4X150, 6JS6, 811 and
many others.
Fig.2: response curve of the channel 4 filter. As can
be seen, it gives a pronounced dip at 100MHz.
seriously so. But the sound carrier
(101.75MHz) was down to 35.5dB
and, while it is normally down
significantly on the vision carrier, I
felt that this was more than it
should be. And if something was
lopping off the top of the response
curve it would show up as a weak
sound carrier, but could also mean
a weak chominance sub-carrier.
So it was up the ladder and onto
the roof to lower the antenna for a
thorough inspection. This revealed
nothing significant. Nor were there
any other visible faults , such as bad
coax connections, or the like. So it
looked like something funny in the
ampiifier or the filter.
The filter was the easiest to
check, by the simple process of
removing it. This brought the vision
carrier to 73.5dBu (a jump of just on
20dB) and the sound carrier to
59.5dBu (a jump of 24dB). Of
course, channel 4 was now back to
full colour. But poor old channel 9
was the loser with cross modulation
from channel 4 very much in
The vision carrier increase was
not unreasonable for an 18dB filter,
but I was suspicious about the
sound carrier which had recovered
an extra 4.5dB gain compared to
the vision carrier gain. This seemed
to confirm that there could be
something amiss at the high frequency end of the filter bandpass,
as I had already half-suspected.
As far as the immediate situation
was concerned, the easiest thing to
do was leave things as they were,
while I took the filter back to the
workshop for a more detailed check
and consideration of what best to
Back at the bench I fed signals
from the generator through the
filter and into a suitable level
meter. Selecting an arbitary zero
reference at B0Mflz I took a series
of readings across the bandpass.
The results are shown in the accompanying graph and the point that
stands out is a marked dip at
100MHz which is virtually the
chrominance sub-carrier frequency
(99.7MHz) and which is no less than
16dB down from reference.
Just why the filter had developed
this dip was a mystery. A visual examination revealed nothing and a
detailed component-by-component
check would have taken more time
than I could spare at that stage. So I
simply pushed it to one side.
Antenna trap
The important thing was to
decide on the best solution. Simply
fitting a new filter was one option,
but I decided to try another approach which I had developed more
recently. In many cases, it has proved to be perfectly adequate.
This involves making a simple
trap from a length of coax; a
quarter wavelength long at the appropriate frequency [allowing for
the coax velocity factor) and which
is connected across the amplifier
input terminals. The other end is
Valves for receivers , made by
Rhode & Schwarz, Siemens &
Collins. R-388, R-390(A), R392
and more.
Mail order welcome
D. Dauner
51 Georges Crescent,
Georges Hall 2198, NSW
Phone: (02) 724 6982
Telex 178 401
Have your
Repaired or
ONLY $17.oo ea
Quick service
3 Months Warranty
Send Faulty Tuners
Cheques and money orders
+ P&P $2 .00 to:
216 Canterbury Road,
Revesby 2212, Sydney Australia
Phone: (02) 77 4 1154
left open and, by reason of the
quarter wavelength dimension,
makes the device look like a short
circuit at the chosen frequency.
The "Q" of such a trap is quite
high - too high for this application
- so the trick is to cut it for a lower
frequency, about 88MHz in this
case . This normally provides
enough attenuation to prevent cross
modulation but has little effect on
frequencies above the channel.
This offers another advantage.
There are several Sydney FM stations in this segment, and these are
well received in good local positions. The ability to use the TV
antenna for these signals is a bonus
which customers appreciate.
Happily, this approach worked in
this case and I had the customer's
system back to normal in a couple
of days. It is not, of course, a
panacea, but when it works it has
the advantage of low cost, simplicity, and reliability. A convenient
form of coax is the very thin Teflon
dielectric type, the higher cost being of little consequence in this
End of story
Well, that's my colleague's story
and I think the lesson to be learned
is that there is no one answer to the
problems encountered in such
areas. The successful serviceman
or technician is the one who has a
whole range of options available,
most born of long experience in the
area, and a good understanding of
the basic principles involved.
From my own bench
For a change of scene, here is a
short report from my own bench
about a puzzling case of sound
distortion in a TV receiver. The
first one occurred several years
ago and I have had about eight
since then. Naturally, after the first
one, they presented no problem.
I had intended to write about this
on many occasions but, for one
reason or another, never managed
it. It was only when another such
case landed on the bench a few
days ago that I was reminded of my
good intentions and resolved to procrastinate no longer.
That first case involved a Sanyo
6603 colour TV set but I hasten to
add that the fault is not confined
to any one brand. The lady who
owned it was basically an ABC
viewer but occasionally chose a
commercial program if it
appealed to her. And this
was the first vital clue
because her complaint was that,
FOR A Ct\~~GE OF see.NE
FROM W\'1 OWN 'gE.NCH•o•
while the sound was perfect on the
ABC, it was distorted on one of the
commercial channels. (I can't be
certain which one; most likely channel 9, but I would stand corrected
on that. In any case, it doesn't alter
the sense of the story}.
It was convenient to make a
house call on that occasion, and I
f?und that the customer's description of the fault was quite accurate,
except that the distortion was far
worse than she had led me to
believe. But why distortion on that
channel only? The picture was first
class but I checked the fine tuning
anyway, just in case of something
silly in that department. All I learned was that, by detuning the channel to the point where the picture
had virtually vanished, the sound
was significantly improved, although it was still a long way from
Then the penny dropped. That
particular channel had just enjoyed
a blaze of publicity as a result of its
being the first to introduce a stereo
sound system. So that was it; I'd
have been prepared to wager a new
picture tube to a dud diode that for
some reason, yet to be determined,
this set didn't like the stereo sound
Well, that was a start, but there
was still a -way to go. What would
cause a set to respond to a stereo
signal in this way? With the stereo
system only recently introduced, it
was a real brain teaser to try to
visualise how this might happen.
The stereo signal
I had followed the technical
discussions which had preceded
the selection of the system, so I was
familiar with its basic theory. And
to refr_e sh the reader's memory, our
TV stereo system uses a second
sound carrier alongside the main
one, approximately 242kHz higher
in frequency; more exactly,
242 .1875kHz ± 1Hz, if my memory
serves me correctly. (All right, all
right, I looked it up}.
To maintain compatibility, the
main channel carries a left plus
right (L + R} signal (mono receivers
thu_s receive a normal mono signal}
while the second channel carries a
right only (2R} signal. In a stereo
receiver, these two signals are
IC151 AN340
or LA1320
SYNC. DRl\11
0202 2SC5:
fl90 1'
FRO'"4 SW90 18
Fig.3: portion of the sound IF channel of the Sanyo 6603 showing the
IF amplifier and demodulator chip (IC151), the sound IF transformer
(T151), and the quadrature coil (T152).
matrixed together to recover the
separate left and right channels.
Which is all very well as basic
theory, but was not much practical
help right then. For one thing, I
couldn't be sure whether I had a
one-off situation - ie, a fault in this
particular set - or whether there
was something in the design of this
model which made it incompatible
with the new system; something
which nobody had foreseen when
the set was designed.
I finally decided that the faulty
design theory was the lesser
possibility, particularly as I had
heard nothing of any such probl~m
elswhere. But, if it was this particular set, where did I start
I fished out the manual and turned to the sound IF section of the circuit, the relevant portion of which
is reproduced here. The main portion is the sound IF amplifier and
demodulator chip, IC151 (AN340/
LA1320}, and I had to consider the
possibility that the fault could be in
the chip itself, or in any one of a
dozen or so associated minor
But my strongest hunch was that
it was simply an adjustment problem, if only because such maladjustments, while rare, are not
unknown in the mono scene, where
they cause varying degrees of
distortion. And, while in theory at
least, such adjustments should be
made using a sweep generator and
CRO, experience has taught me that
it is usually possible to make a
perfectly acceptable adjustment, in
the field, with nothing more than a
keen ear and a little care.
The two adjustments I had in
mind involved the sound IF
transformer, T151 , which feeds the
sound IF to pins 1 and 2 of IC151 ,
and the sound detector transformer
(quadrature coil) between pins 9
and 10. Based on experience I
tackled the latter first.
National TC1401 A
Symptom: Bottom foldup . Linearity
can only be corrected if height is
reduced almost to minimum.
Voltage on TR454 collector low at
80V instead of 91 V.
Cure: C-463 , a 22µF 250V electro , open circuit. This capacitor is
the bypass on the main rail to the
vertical output and its loss drops
the rail voltage , as well as introducing excessive negative feedback.
A vital precaution in making such
adjustments is to first note and
mark the position of the core or
slug, then move no more than one
turn initially to judge the effect.
Further adjustments can then be
made if necessary but one should
always be in a position to return to
the original setting.
In this case, one turn was enough
to produce a dramatic improvement, so I kept going until I passed
the obvious peak, then returned to
that point. And for the moment, that
seemed to be the answer. But had I
found the right peak? Was this the
main sound channel or the second
Confident that I could return to
this setting when I needed to, I turned the adjustment back to where it
had been, then beyond this until I
found another sound channel. Subjectively, it was hard to pick the difference between the two, but I
reasoned that the first was more
likely to be the right one, so I reset
the core to this position. Then I moved to T151 and gave it a slight
tweak, which was all it seemed to
Finally, I switched the set to the
ABC, which I knew was not even experimenting with stereo at that
time, and was happy to note that
the sound was perfect here also.
Undoubtedly, had I picked the second channel instead of the main
channel, this test would have
revealed it.
So that solved that problem and,
as I said earlier, I have had about
eight such cases since._ All have
responded completely to this simple
adjustment routine.
As to why the fault occurred in
the first place, I can only guess.
One possibility is that the adjustments simply drifted, and it is
true that most of the sets had been
in use for several years. On the
other hand I am more inclined to
the idea that the adjustment was
out from day one; not far enough
out to upset a mono signal, and
therefore capable of passing final
test, but far enough out to allow a
distorted version of the second
channel to be heard.
That's all we have room for this
time around; see you next month.~