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Checking out the power supply
The power supply must be carefully checked out
before switching on a vintage radio. The
components most likely to be at fault are the
electrolytic capacitors, most of which should be
replaced as a matter of course.
Although only a few parts are involved, the power supply is a common source of problems in vintage
radios. It should be carefully checked out before power is applied, as a
fault here can quickly cause
damage to critical components.
Most mains-operated valve
radios have three separate secondary windings on the power
transformer. These secondary
voltages are used as follows: 5 volts
for the rectifier filaments, 6.3 volts
for the heaters in the other valves,
and a high tension (HT) winding
ranging from 285 to 385 volts a side
(equivalent to 570 volts, centretapped).
The 5V and 6.3V AC supplies are
wired straight from the transformer to the filaments and
heaters. However, the high tension
supply must be rectified to give a
high-tension DC supply for the
anodes and screens for the various
receiving and outpuf valves. A
vacuum tube rectifier of the full
wave type (two diodes in the one
envelope, with the cathodes joined
together) is used for this purpose.
Now the figures presented in the
preceding paragraphs work in with
a good many Australian-made sets
from the mid 1930s-1950 era. Fig.1
shows a typical circuit configuration but there are other variations.
For example, some rectifiers require a cathode voltage of 6.3V AC,
not 5V.
Similarly, not all radio valves use
6.3V heater supplies. There are
2.5V valves, 4V valves and 12V
valves in some late model sets. In
these radios, the low tension
voltages on the transformer will be
different - but that's about all.
The high tension voltage will still be
well in excess of 250 volts.
The output from the rectifier
valve will not be pure DC but does
contain some 100Hz hum. The
amount of hum will depend on the
degree of "smoothing" provided by
the following filter network. Whilst
mains hum can be eliminated completely, most radio manufacturers
settled for reducing it to a
reasonable level.
This smoothing of the rectifier
output was accomplished in several
ways. The most common method in
the older valve radios involved
filtering the rectified DC with a
choke and two high-voltage electrolytics, as shown in Fig, 1. Both
the choke and the capacitors help
to smooth out the ripple, which
reduces the intensity of the hum. In
later radio designs, a high-wattage
resistor was often used instead of
the choke.
Electrodynamic speakers
The heart of many an old set's high tension supply - a 5Y3G rectifier valve.
Other common rectifier valves lilcely to be found in vintage radio sets are the
5Y3GT, 280, 80, 5Z3, 5U4G, 6X4, 6X5GT, 83V and the 5V4G.
Most radios made up to the late
1940s incorporated the high tension
choke in the loudspeaker, where it
served a dual purpose. As well as
smoothing out the rectified DC, the
current flowing through the choke
Sets from the late 1940s and early 1950s used a chassis mounted choke. Spare
chokes come in handy from time to time.
Many high tension chokes in early
valve sets doubled up as a field coil
in the loudspeaker.
This derelict electrodynamic speaker
shows the field winding to be a large
coil of fine wire.
provided the magnetic field for the
''electrodynamic'' loudspeaker .
This type of loudspeaker was used
before the devolpment of permanent magnet speakers.
Electrodynamic loudspeakers are
not without their problems, but
more about that some other time.
If a radio set has a permanent
magnet speaker, then the choke will
be bolted to the chassis somewhere.
A choke looks like a small
transformer but only has two connections. It is nothing more than a
large coil of wire with an iron core.
An open circuit choke, whether it
be in the field coil of the
loudspeaker or a separate choke
unit, is frequently a problem with a
40 or 50-year old radio. Often the
set has been stored unprotected for
years in an outdoor shed. This can
Fig.1: this power supply
configuration was standard in
many Australian valve radio sets.
Be wary of the rectified HT and
the high-voltage transformer
secondaries - these voltages are
potentially lethal.
'--- -- - --+-...r12·16 +
12-16 +
promote corrosion where the fine
wire of the choke coil joins the leadout wires, but this is not the only
mishap that can happen to a high
tension choke.
The point is, if the choke becomes
open, that effectively disconnects
the high tension supply to the valves
and a very mute set is the result.
A burnt-out winding is another
common cause of choke failure. I
remember once observing smoke
quietly pouring out of a choke
within a minute or so of switching
the radio on. The set seemed to be
working fairly well, yet the choke
was overheating enough to produce
visible smoke. If prolonged operation under these circumstances is
allowed, the choke will soon burn
The cause of this problem is
usually a faulty capacitor; eg, a
faulty electrolytic on the choke output, or a faulty paper capacitor on
the HT line. As we've seen in a
previous episode, the waxed paper
dielectric that separates the two
layers of foil breaks down and
causes electrical leakage between
the plates of the capacitor. This
breakdown can result in anything
from slight leakage to a complete
short circuit.
The more current through a
leaky capacitor, the greater the
current flow through the choke.
Hence, a choke can be overloaded if
the set has defective capacitors. It
is good practice to replace all paper
and electrolytic capacitors when
restoring old valve radios - particularly those capacitors which
operate with high voltages across
Replacing chokes
It will be fairly easy to replace a
choke that is attached to the
chassis, but the job will be more difficult if the choke forms part of the
loudspeaker. In the latter case, you
will have to replace the loudspeaker as well and that usually
means substituting a modern permanent magnet type unless you
happen to have a suitable spare.
So, before switching an old radio
on, it is a good idea to thoroughly
check out the high tension supply if there's a short somewhere, you
could wreck a perfectly good elecOCT0BER 1988
Replacing a power transformer is not difficult if it is clearly marked like the
one in the middle. In other cases, you will have to first identify the primary
winding, then locate the other windings by making voltage checks.
The speaker field coil can be mounted under the chassis if an old set is
converted to permag (permanent magnet) speaker operation. Make sure that
the choke is properly secured.
trodynamic loudspeaker.
If in doubt, put a milliamp meter
in the choke circuit and find out
what's going on. Most chokes that
are fitted to a 5-valve receiver are
rated at 60 milliamps . Remember, it
is quite normal for a choke or
speaker field coil to become warm
when in use but it is not normal for
it to become hot or to give off
By the way, the HT voltage on the
output side of the choke should be
about 250 volts DC and this can be
quickly confirmed using a multimeter. If the voltage is higher, it
may be caused by a non-standard
component replacement (eg, a
replacement choke or loudspeaker
of the wrong impedance) and
something should be done to correct
the situation. Adding a resistor to
the high tension line could solve this
Electrolytic capacitors
Electrolytic capacitors are an important part of the high tension sup-
ply. As previously mentioned, a
shorted electrolytic can soon wreck
the choke or the speaker field coil.
The rectifier valve could also be
damaged due to excessive power
dissipation - the anodes will get
red hot.
Although I recommend that all
electrolytic capacitors be replaced,
this may not be strictly necessary in
all cases. In post-war sets, you may
be able to get away with the
original capacitors. They should be
thoroughly checked though.
A visual inspection is a good starting point when checking electrolytic capacitors. It will be fairly
obvious if the fluid inside the
capacitor has been leaking: the seal
at the positive end of the capacitor
will be cracked or punctured in
some way. Any capacitor that
shows signs of leakage must be
replaced, even if the set still appears to be working OK.
Old electrolytics should also be
checked for electrical leakage and
this can be done using an ohmmeter
set to the tkn scale. When the test
probes are applied, a good electrolytic will initially cause the
meter needle to rise dramatically
(half scale deflection or more), then
fall back to almost zero as the
capacitor reaches full charge. A
reading of several megohms indicates a good electrolytic with
very little leakage.
However, old electrolytics that
have not been in use for many years
often show a much higher reading
on the meter. In many cases, this _
high degree of leakage is only temporary. Putting the capacitor back
into service helps to reform the
aluminium oxide dielectric inside
the capacitor and it often works
normally again.
You can check whether the
capacitor has been reformed by
another leakage check. After the
set has been running for five
minutes, turn it off, let the
capacitor discharge and do another
leakage check. If the leakage is still
high, the capacitor should be
A final check for an old electrolytic is a capacitance test. Many
digital multimeters have a capacitance function up to 20µF or
thereabouts. Be warned though;
without the correct polarising
voltage, the measured capacitance
will only be a guide. Remember also
that old electrolytic capacitor
tolerances were very wide (typically + 100% to - 50%}.
It is a good idea to always
discharge the electrolytic capacitors before working on a set.
However, don't do this by directly
shorting the capacitor terminals
with a screwdriver blade or similar
instrument. Discharging a capacitor in this manner can cause internal damage due to the high
discharge current involved.
A far better method is to use a
lOkO resistor fitted with a couple of
probes. This will limit the current to
a safe value.
The rectifier valve
The rectifier valve itself must not
be overlooked in this discussion on
high tension. A rectifier may light
up OK but that doesn't mean that it
will work properly.
Filament type rectifiers have
specially coated filaments that give
off high electron emission at
relatively low temperatures (red
heat). This coating is easily seen by
looking into the glass envelope of
the valve. Such a visual inspection
is a reasonable way to determine
the general condition of the rectifier, excluding short circuits and
other nasties.
If the filament is white, the
coating is intact. If the filament is
bare and metallic looking, then the
coating has either burnt off or has
fallen off. In some cases, the filament coating can be seen in bits
and pieces drifting around inside
the glass envelope.
What the foregoing really means
is this: if the filament is bare, the
electron emission will fall to such a
low level that the rectifier will not
pass sufficient current for the set to
operate correctly. In many cases,
low volume in a valve receiver is
the result of abnormally low hightension voltage due to a worn-out
rectifier valve. Simply replacing the
rectifier will boost the volume
Much the same can be said about
rectifiers with indirectly heated
cathodes. The cathode is coated
and, if this coating has cracked or
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There are many high voltage connections underneath the chassis. Don't take
unnecessary risks when working on the high tension supply, as the voltages
are potentially lethal.
Old electrolytic capacitors can cause serious problems in the high tension
department. Their replacement is always a good move.
worn away, the performance of the
valve is suspect.
Naturally, a valve tester can
save a bit of guesswork in this
regard. However, a good many
restorers work without such an instrument and a visual inspection
followed by an in-circuit check will
do the job just as well.
Power transformers
Power transformers in old radios
are usually very reliable. However,
they do break down occasionally
and the usual problem is a burnt
out primary winding.
If the primary or any of the other
windings has broken down, the only
solution is to replace the
transformer. This is another situation where it pays to have a good
supply of spare parts. Radio wrecking is a very important aspect of
vintage radio work and every
restorer should have a good range
of power transformers on hand to
cope with emergencies.
Changing a transformer over is a
fairly simple job if the connections
are clearly marked. However, in
many cases, there is nothing more
than a bunch of multi-coloured
wires emerging from the transformer. This means that a bit of circuit tracing is required to identify
the leads. This can be done by trac-
ing the leads back to the 240 volt
AC line, the rectifier filament (5
volts), the rectifier anodes (285
volts) and the valve heaters (6.3
The connections on the replacement transformer may also need
sorting out. The primary leads are
usually the leads closest to the core.
Once these have been identified,
the unit can be temporarily connected to the mains and the remaining windings identified using a
voltmeter. Note that, in most cases,
the high-voltage secondary winding
will be centre-tapped.
Take great care when making
these measurements. Both the
mains and HT secondary voltages
are dangerous and getting tangled
up with them could well be the last
thing you do on this earth.
In fact, it's a good idea to terminate all leads from the transfomer in a terminal block before applying power. It should only be installed in the chassis after the leads
have all been identified.
Another way of identifying
transformer leads is to apply an AC
test voltage to one of the lowvoltage' secondary windings (either
the 5V winding or the 6.3V winding). The leads to these windings
use stout single-strand copper wire,
so they're easy to identify. All you
have to do is to apply the test
voltage (say 6.3V AC) to one pair of
leads that have the same colour
code, then identify the remaining
leads using a multimeter.
It doesn't matter which lowvoltage secondary winding you feed
the test voltage into. If you guess
correctly and feed a 6.3V test
voltage into the 6.3V winding, then
all the other voltages will be correct. But if you pick the 5V winding,
all the other voltages will be high by
a factor of about 1.26 (ie, 6.3 + 5).
If you use a test voltage other
than 6.3V AC, the expected output
voltages will be scaled accordingly.
Finally, always remember to
disconnect the power supply and
discharge the electrolytics before
working on the set. If you follow this
simple safety routine you will live to
enjoy your hobby for some time to
Next month's vintage radio topic
will be on loudspeakers.