This is only a preview of the October 1988 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 46 of the 100 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "High Performance FM Antenna":
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Items relevant to "The Classic Matchbox Crystal Set":
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Articles in this series:
Have you ever built a crystal set in your
life? If you've never a built a crystal set
before, this is the one to have a go at.
You '11 be surprised at just how well it
This interesting little project is
easy on the budget but big on
satisfaction. And it won't cost you a
cent to run after it's finished, even
if you let it play continuously until
the year 2088.
Make no mistake about it, this
crystal set is a real, working AM
radio receiver, not just a nostalgic
Until the invention of electronic
amplification, the humble crystal
set was the only form of wireless
reception in use. Circuit development reached a peak around the
1920s and the "Super Crystal Set"
described in the March 1988 issue
of SILICON CHIP is a typical example
of the type of receiver used for shipto-shore communications over
thousands of miles.
Simpler crystal sets, using only a
single tuned circuit, were used for
listening to domestic broadcasts
and the crystal set described in this
article is in the same category. It's
cheap, easy to use, and capable of
receiving all local broadcast stations at worthwhile volume.
There is a price to pay for free
entertainment however. First, you
have to string up an antenna and
provide a fairly good earth. Second,
you will have to find a pair of sensitive, high-impedance headphones.
More about the headphones later.
Indoor antenna
Our new crystal set has been
designed to work with 15 metres of
hookup wire as an indoor antenna.
In most cases just draping it around
Fig.1: the complete circuit for our matchbox crystal set. Unlike
most other crystal sets, it uses variable inductance tuning to give
constant bandwidth and volume over the entire tuning range. The
headphones should be high-impedance types (see text).
a skirting board will do the trick.
But if you live in a poor signal area
it may be necessary to run the wire
out the window and up and away
from the house.
In any case, stick to a length of 15
metres to start with, because the
antenna capacitance and resistance form an integral part of the
tuned circuit.
As you can see from the circuit
diagram and photographs, the tuned circuit consists of an inductor,
wound on the outside of a matchbox, in parallel with a fixed
capacitor and the antenna
capacitance. The inductance is
varied over a wide range by sliding
two pieces of ferrite rod in and out
of the matchbox.
The ratio of minimum to maximum inductance that can be
achieved in this way is about 4:1,
which is not quite enough to cover
the entire broadcast band in one go.
This band extends from 531kHz to
1602kHz; ie, a 3:1 frequency ratio
which requires a 9:1 change in
We solved this problem by providing an antenna tapping, A2, at
the centre of the coil. This tapping
is used when tuning the top half of
the band, and the antenna
capacitance is transformed to an
equivalent capacitance of only
32pF or thereabouts.
When the antenna is connected
to Al, the full antenna capacitance
(approximately 135pF) is in parallel
with the tuned circuit. This effectively doubles the tuning capacitance and shifts the tuning range
down to cover the bottom half of the
The two antenna tappings also
perform another vital function they enable us to optimize the
antenna coupling for each tuning
The subject of antenna imOcT0BER 1988
· V
Fig.2: equivalent circuit for a
15-metre long antenna. It can be
represented by a 135pF capacitor
in series with a 400 resistor and
an AC voltage source.
pedance, and its loading effect on
the tuned circuit, is perhaps the
most important consideration in the
design and operation of a crystal
set. So let's start by considering the
antenna as an electrical circuit.
Equivalent circuit
Fig.2 shows the equivalent circuit of our 15 metres of hookup wire
at broadcast band frequencies. The
wire is too short for its inductance
to be significant at these frequencies. Thus, the antenna can be effectively represented by a capacitance of 135pF in series with a
small voltage source [the received
signal) and a certain amount of
This resistance can be broken
down into two parts. The major
component is just the highfrequency resistance of the antenna wire itself. The other component
is the "radiation resistance",
which represents the coupling of
the antenna to the surroun~ing
The total series resistance of our
15-metre indoor antenna [including
the earth connection) is about 400
at 1MHz, of which only a few ohms
is the actual radiation resistance.
Thus the antenna's efficiency is
quite low.
One way to increase the antenna
efficiency is to make it longer and
higher. The wire resistanc:::e increases in proportion to the length,
whereas the radiation resistance
goes up with the square of the effective height above ground. This
should answer the old question
"why is a longer antenna better
than a short one?" .
Fig.3: the traditional "textbook" crystal set.
The need for tap-changing as the set is
tuned makes operation awkward.
If we could run a very thick
antenna wire straight up to a height
of a quarter of a wavelength (75
metres at 1MHz), we would find
that the series inductance would
exactly cancel out the capacitive
reactance. Thus, the only impedance left would be the radiation
resistance, about 370. To achieve
this ideal performance, this antenna would also require a perfectly
conductive ground plane - a copper disc 150 metres in diameter
would be near enough!
Believe it or not, at a distance of
20km from a typical broadcast station, such an ideal antenna would
receive more than 20mW of power.
This is enough to provide quite
respectable sound level from a
Obviously such an antenna
system is not practicable, but one
should bear in mind that a crystal
set needs the best possible antenna
1 wooden matchbox
9 metres 0.355mm (27 B&S)
enamelled copper wire
5 solder lugs
1 polystyrene or silvered mica
(low loss) capacitor;
approximately 1 OOpF
1 germanium diode, OA47,
OA91 , OA90 or equivalent
4 miniature alligator clips
1 5 metres of insulated hookup
wire for antenna, additional wire
for earth lead as required, highimpedance headphones (see
panel) .
and earth system to function
A microwatt of received power
will provide good volume with a
sensitive pair of headphones, a
nanowatt is perfectly listenable,
and a signal of around 50 picowatts
is just readable.
A good earth
For the record, this crystal set
will receive stations at listenable
volume with less than a metre of
antenna. However, it won't work at
all without an earth connection, for
the simple reason that the antenna
current has nowhere to flow.
One can get away with a large
metal object buried in damp soil,
but since dirt is not as conductive
as metal the best ground connection
would be a large metal grid, laid on
or under the ground, and stretching
as far as possible in all directions.
Domestic water pipes fit this
description admirably.
Selectivity and coil tappings
Sharpness of tuning is always a
problem with simple crystal sets the resistive component of the
antenna impedance and loading by
the diode circuit both tend · to
reduce the selectivity of the tuned
One solution to the problem is to
provide several taps on the inductor, as in the typical "textbook"
crystal set of Fig.3. If we tap the
antenna and diode into the coil a
few turns from the "earthy" end,
the tuning will be very sharp
because the loading will be negligible. But the signal coupling will be
correspondingly small.
Selectivity and "Q" Factor
The "Q" or Quality Factor of a
tuned circuit is the ratio of its centre frequency to its -3dB band.,
width (see Fig.4). For example, a
tuned circuit with a centre frequency of 1 MHz, and a -3d8 bandwidth of 1 0kHz, has a Q of 100.
Normally, a Q of this magnitude
is only just achievable with a welldesigned low-loss inductor. The
unloaded Q of the Matchbox
Crystal Set at 1 MHz was
measured at around 95 to 98.
Conveniently, Q is also equal to
the ratio of the impedance of either
the inductor or capacitor (they are
equal at resonance) to the
resistance causing the energy loss
in the tuned circuit.
For example, consider again a
circuit with a Q of 100 at 1MHz. If
the tuning capacitance is 1 00pF, it
has a reactance of -j16000 at
1 MHz and the inductor has a reactance of +j1600O (253µH). For a
Q of 1 00, the equivalent series
resistance of the tuned circuit is
1600/100 = 160. The equivalent
parallel resistive load would be
1600 x 100 = 160k0. (Fig.5.)
Thus a high-Q tuned circuit must
have very little series resistance (in
the coil for example), and a very
high parallel load resistance.
The unloaded Q of the Matchbox
Crystal Set is almost entirely determined by the coil resistance
which, as we have just calculated,
is about 160 at 1 MHz. Compare
this with the DC resistance which
is only about 1.30!
When the crystal set is in use,
the Q is considerably lower,
because of the combined loading
The optimum tapping points can
be found by experiment but (and
here's the catch) they vary with
each frequency setting. For example, at the low frequency end of the
band, one might obtain best results
with the antenna tapping at 100%
(ie, at the top of the coil) and the
diode at about 60% of the turns. At
the high frequency end of the band,
the optimum antenna tapping may
be only 10%, and the diode tapping
about 25%.
Fig.4: the "Q" of a tuned circuit is
the ratio of its centre frequency to
its - 3dB bandwidth.
= 1MHz Q = 100
Fig.5: equivalent high•Q tuned
circuits (Q = 100 at 1MHz).
of the aerial resistance and the
diode circuit.
With a 5k0 headphone load and
a 1 5-metre antenna connected to
"A2", the Q of the Matchbox
Crystal Set was measured at
around 50 at 1MHz, giving a
-3dB bandwidth of 20kHz. Since
the typical minimum separation
between local broadcast stations
is about 50kHz, this would put the
interference from an adjacent carrier at -14dB. Unless the wanted
signal is very weak, the major component of the interference will be
ultrasonic, and therefore inaudible,
so you will find that the Matchbox
Crystal Set has adequate selectivity for most applications.
There are three reasons why the
tappings change so much. First, the
RF resistance of the antenna wire
increases with the square root of
the frequency (due to the "skin effect"). But worse than this, the
radiation resistance goes up with
the square of the frequency. Thus,
the damping effect of the antenna
resistance is considerably greater
at the top end of the band than it is
at the bottom end.
Second, to obtain the same selec-
tivity at the top end, the tuned circuit needs to have a "Q" three
times higher than at the bottom end.
Finally, to make matters worse, the
impedance of the L and C elements
is three times higher at the top end
of the band. The result is that we
need to reduce the effective antenna and diode loading by more than
a factor of nine as we tune up the
For this reason the fixed inductor/variable capacitor approach is
just about the worst arrangement
possible. The only reason why this
circuit is so popular is that variable
capacitors are ·(or were) readily
available. Variable inductors, on
the other hand, were something you
had to make yourself.
Variable inductance is best
If we want a tuned circuit that
maintains constant selectivity with
the antenna and diode connected to
a fixed tapping point, the first thing
we must do is use a variable inductor instead of a variable capacitor.
Oddly enough, all of the earliest
crystal set designs used variable inductors. These were invariably
quite cumbersome affairs, using
either a sliding contact arrangement or a pair of coils which slid
or rotated inside one another.
Nowadays, making a variable inductor is almost too easy, thanks to
the availability of low-loss RF
With a fixed tuning capacitor
and a variable inductor, the impedance of the L and C elements is
three times lower at the top end of
the band. This means that, for a
given loading, the tuned circuit Q
will automatically be three times
higher. In practice, the effect is not
quite this good, since we have ignored the resistive losses in the coil
Another problem is that the
loading is not constant. Remember
that the antenna resistance increases with frequency, so the optimum tapping point still needs to
be moved, although over a much
smaller range.
This design solves the problem by
electrically "moving" the A2 tapping as the tuning is adjusted.
Although this tapping is nominally
half-way up the coil, the effective
Headphones for the Matchbox Crystal Set
Owning a good pair of highimpedance headphones is a must
for any crystal set enthusiast. You
may get lucky poking around the
disposal stores, but most of the
headphones you are likely to find
will have a fairly low impedance
Don't let this worry you too
much . If you find a sensitive pair in
good condition, then a small audio
transformer with the appropriate
turns ratio is all you will need to
turn them into a first class pair of
crystal set headphones.
The most sensitive type to look
for are those with a "balanced armature" mechanism and a light
aluminium diaphragm . Old telephone earpieces of this type are
excellent and, even allowing for
the losses in the impedance matching transformer, they are just
about the most sensitive transducers ever made.
Next, in order of decreasing sensitivity, come the even older style
of headphones with sheet iron
diaphragms. These are still being
manufactured in 20000 impedance, but the sensitivity is not
as good as it was in the old days.
Next come the older style of
"modern" headphones, the ones
coupling varies depending on how
far the ferrite rods are inserted into
the top of the coil. When the rods
are only partially inserted, the inductance of the top half of the coil
is greater than the inductance of
the bottom half.
Also, not all of the magnetic flux
from the bottom half of the coil
passes through both halves - some
of it leaks out the sides of the matchbox. Thus, the effective tapping
is less than half-way up.
When the ferrite rods are fully
inserted, all of the flux flows
through both halves of the coil and
the effective tapping point is exactly half-way.
So our "fixed" antenna tapping
actually "moves" whilst we are
tuning from station to station.
There is an obvious advantage of
this tuning system - it's dead easy
to use. As a bonus, the Matchbox
with small 80 loudspeakers in
them, and very large earpads.
A good scheme is to connect
both 80 drivers in series (get the
phasing right) and use a 1 k0:80
transistor radio type audio
transformer (eg , the M-0216 from
Dick Smith Electronics). You may
lose a little bass response, but you
will have a pair of 20000
Note that the DC resistance
looking into the matching
transformer will be a lot less than
20000, so the transformer looks
like a short circuit to the DC
voltage from the rec'titied carrier.
Actually, it is not quite this bad
because the diode still has a few
thousand ohms of forward
resistance. Nevertheless, it is
worth taking some steps to avoid
excessive damping of the tuned
Fig.6 shows how a series
resistor can be added to bring the
DC resistance up to 2k0. A bypass
capacitor prevents any attenuation
of the audio signal.
This technique can also be used
to make a pair of medium impedance phones from a couple of
old telephone earpieces. These
Crystal Set automatically maintains
a constant bandwidth and volume
over its entire tuning range.
There is a second and not-soobvious bonus: we can accurately
mark a tuning scale on the sliding
part of the matchbox. This is normally not possible with an "ordinary" crystal set, since a slightly
different tuning scale is required
for each antenna tapping - hardly
worth the bother!
Actually, the Matchbox Crystal
Set has two tuning scales, one for
the top end of the band (with the
antenna connected to AZ), and one
for the bottom end (with the antenna connected to Al).
As you can see from the photographs, both scales are almost
linear, and all of the Sydney stations are spread out quite nicely
across each range. The same will
apply for other locations.
" 20000" 1k·BO AUDIO
Fig.6: this diagram shows how to
convert a pair of low impedance
headphones into 20000 highimpedance headphones. All you
need is a small audio tran~former,
a resistor and a capacitor.
200 (0C)
Fig.7: this circuit will give good
results with 200 telephone
have an AC impedance of a few
hundred ohms each, but a DC
resistance of only 200. Connected as shown in Fig. 7, they
perform surprisingly well, although
with 'a proper matching transformer
Once your crystal set has been
calibrated, the tuning scales will
always be spot on, so long as you
maintain a fixed antenna length.
Diode circuit
For the sake of simplicity, the AZ
tapping is used for the diode as well
as the antenna.
Loads of between Zk0 and 10k0
are about right for this tapping. If
you intend to use a very high impedance load, such as a pair of
piezoelectric "crystal" earpieces,
then connect the diode to the top of
the tuned circuit (ie, to Al). The
load resistance with crystal earpieces will be somewhere between
100k0 and lM0.
Headphone impedance
At this point we should explain
why the headphone impedance required for crystal sets is always
Fig.8: a 4.7kll-10kll resistor should be added in parallel with piezoelectric
transducers to prevent distortion due to insufficient shunt resistance.
the results are phenomenal.
If you don't want to go to all this
trouble, try a pair of piezoelectric
transducers. Murata make some
very sensitive piezo inserts which
are easy to fit into any old-style
headset. These are available
(along with lots of other goodies)
from Orpheus Radio, RSD 898,
Ballarat 3352. Telephone (053)
34 2513.
Piezoelectric transducers have
the opposite problem to electromagnetic transducers - they
have an infinite DC resistance, and
a fairly low AC impedance. Electrically, a typical pair of piezoelectric transducers in parallel
looks like a 0. 1µF capacitor. If you
connect them to the diode without
a load resistor, all you will hear is a
faint, distorted crackling.
very high, compared with the impedance of modern high-fidelity
headphones (usually 80 to 320).
Why can't we just move the diode
tapping way down towards the bottom of the coil and use low impedance headphones? The answer
is we could, if we could find a diode
with a resistance of about 100 at a
forward voltage drop of say lOmV.
The best all-round diode for
crystal set use is the gold-bonded
germanium type OA47. At lOmV
applied voltage, a typical device exhibited a forward static resistance
of 26k0 and a reverse resistance of
3 lk0. So, for signal voltages of
± l0mV, no effective rectification
takes place.
When the voltage was increased
to lO0mV, the forward resistance
dropped to 7k0 and the reverse
resistance increased to 73k0. Rectification now takes place but, for
Fig.8 shows the demodulated
signal envelope as delivered by
the diode into a load which has too
much capacitance and not enough
shunt resistance. Severe audio
distortion results because the
capacitor can't discharge rapidly
enough to follow the audio frequency variations. Adding a 4. 7k0
to 1 0kO resistor in parallel with the
transducers will fix this problem.
Last, but not least, you might like
to try a pair of "crystal" earpieces.
These use tiny crystals of a
naturally-occurring piezoelectric
salt and their impedance is very
high. A pair connected in parallel
will only need a shunt resistance of
between 1 0OkO and 1 MO for best
audio quality. Often, the reverse
leakage of the germanium diode
alone will be sufficient.
reasonable efficiency, a load in excess of 10kO is necessary to prevent
undue loading.
There are two possibilities for
improved rectification with low impedance loads. One is the so-called
"backward diode", which is really
a zener diode with a reverse
breakdown voltage of 0V. These are
normally used only in microwave
detectors and are hard to come by.
Another approach is to use a battery and potentiometer to bias a
silicon diode into forward conduction. By adjusting the bias, you can
select the best compromise between forward and reverse resistance for a given load.
This approach was often used in
the past, especially when using a
"carborundum detector". This was
a diode made from a crystal of
silicon carbide with a sharpened
steel point sticking into it. It needed
This old telephone earpiece was
converted to high impedance
operation using the circuit shown in
Fig.6. The parts all fit in the plastic
a forward bias of about 1V for best
However, high impedance headphones and an ordinary germanium
diode are still the most convenient
arrangement. If you want to, you
can make a suitable pair of phones
using currently available parts (see
What, no .00tuF capacitor?
Conspicuous by its absence from
the circuit diagram is the usual
.00lµF capacitor across the headphones. This is included in all the
"textbook" circuits to provide RF
filtering of the audio output, but its
presence is usually undesirable.
The impedance looking into a rectifier with a capacitive filter is
close to half that of the load
resistance, so with our headphones
already lower than the optimum
load resistance, this capacitor only
makes things worse.
By contrast, an inductive filter
can increase the effective load
resistance to slightly more than the
headphone resistance. A lmH or
2.5mH RF choke in series with the
diode may well improve the performance with low impedance headphones (eg, lkO or even 6000) - at
least in theory. In practice, the
choke can be left out as there will
be sufficient inductance in the
headphone windings or in the matching transformer.
Let's begin construction by
locating a suitable matchbox. This
glue is incredibly tough, and it is the
only one which can take soldering
temperatures without embarrassment.
Start with the three lugs on the
"antenna" side of the matchbox.
Spread an ultra-thin smear of
Urethane Bond on the matchbox,
and a little more on the solder lugs.
Position one lug at each end, and
one exactly in the middle. Leave the
box standing on its side for several
hours until the glue hardens.
Next, turn the box over and glue
the two headphone lugs exactly opposite the "A2" and "E" lugs,
checking the location with a ruler.
Stand the box between two heavy
objects to keep it level until the glue
The tuning scale was carefully hand-drawn on the inner part of the matchbox.
Note the diode running across the centre of the matchbox and the
polystryrene capacitor between the "Al" and "E" terminals.
= 37 TURNS,
Fig.9: here's how to build your matchbox crystal.set. Each
of the coils consists of 37 turns of 0.355mm guage wire, but
other wire gauges can also be used (see text).
is not so easy as it sounds because
wooden matchboxes are scarce
these days, and the cardboard ones
are a little too flimsy to wind a coil
on. In any case, you will need to
make up a wooden "dolly" to prevent the box from being crushed
during the winding. Carefully plane
a block of wood so that it just fits
tightly inside, then glue a short
piece of broom handle to it and put
it aside.
Next, give the insides and outsides of both halves of the matchbox a coat of Satin Estapol or
similar clear polyurethane finish.
This strengthens the assembly considerably. Allow it to dry overnight,
then lightly sand all over with 600
grade paper to smooth any furry
bits. The top coat of Estapol will be
added later, when the coil windings, etc are in place.
Meanwhile, prepare the five
solder lugs by firstly tinning them
- this will minimise the amount of
soldering heat needed later on.
Once tinned, thoroughly scrub
away all traces of the flux resin
with a tissue and methylated
spirits, then bend the lugs through
90° as shown in the photographs.
Glueing the lugs
The best glue for this job is Dow
Corning "Urethane Bond" (formerly sold under the Selleys label). This
Winding the coil
The recommended wire gauge is
0.355mm (27 B&S) but don't worry
if you don't have the exact size good performance can be obtained
with any gauge from 0.315mm to
0.5mm (28 B&S to 25 B&S). Of
course, the number of turns that
will fit in the available space will
vary, but the appropriate choice of
tuning capacitor will compensate
for any variation in inductance.
For example, on one prototype,
wound with 0.355mm wire, two
coils of 37 turns each just fitted between the lugs. This crystal set required a tuning capacitor of l00pF.
A second prototype was wound
with 0.5mm wire. The two coils ended up having only 23 turns each,
and a 270pF tuning capacitor was
Performance wise, there was little difference between the two windings, although the second set had
a slightly restricted tuning range,
and it preferred a lower headphone
When it comes to winding the
coil, you can use one of two
methods. Either wind each half of
the coil separately, terminating the
wire on the solder lugs as you go, or
wind the whole lot in one go, with a
few extra turns across the central
gap which can be snipped out later.
Keep a heavy tension on the wire
all the time, and don't let go or you
will find yourself having to start all
over again. In fact, it's a good idea
to have on hand several short
pieces of masking tape, for holding
flanges, and soldered the end of the
antenna wire to it. A band of flat
elastic keeps the wire in place
when it is wound up.
For the earth lead, we suggest
that you use a few of metres of wire
with a miniature alligator clip at
one end, and a large jumper lead
clamp at the other end, which can
fit around the kitchen tap, or a
water pipe.
Initial testing
We made up an antenna reel using a tin can with a couple of large "Milo"
lids as flanges. The headphones were put together from a pair of discarded
telephone headsets and a small audio transformer.
the wire in place should you need to
stop for any reason.
It isn't necessary to count the
turns, just fill up the available
space between the lugs with a neat,
close-wound layer of wire.
When the time comes to solder
the wire to the lugs~ you can temporarily anchor the turns in place
with more masking tape, or secure
the windings with "Super Glue" or
a tiny smear of "Araldite".
Thoroughly scrape and tin the ends
of the wire, and solder them to the
lugs with a minimum of heat.
Mounting the components
The diode runs from the middle
"A2" lug, across the front of the
matchbox, to the headphone lug on
the other side. Bend the leads neatly to follow the shape of the box.
The tuning capacitor runs down
the side of the matchbox, between
the "Al" and "E" lugs, but its exact value needs to be determined
experimentally, so do not solder it
in place at this stage.
The only other components are
the two pieces of ferrite rod, but
first they need to be cut to length.
Ferrite is quite hard and brittle.
About the only way to cut it is to file
a groove right around the rod and
then break it by hand. Trim the rod
if necessary by rubbing it on a sheet
of silicon carbide paper (wet or
dry), using kerosene as a lubricant.
Check that both pieces fit snugly
lengthwise down each side of the
"drawer" part of the matchbox. If
everything is correct, give them a
wipe over with methylated spirits,
then glue them in place with
5-minute AL'aldite.
By the way, any type of round or
flat ferrite rod will do, providing it
is "antenna" grade ferrite.
The crystal set is now ready for
testing but first we need some accessories to complete the setup.
Number one on the list is a suitable
pair of headphones, and we have
prepared a panel describing a
number of practical alternatives.
Fit a pair of miniature insulated
alligator clips to the headphone
Next; measure out 15 metres of
medium or heavy duty hookup wire
for the antenna, and fit a miniature
alligator clip to one end. You may
wish to secure the other end to
some sort of spool, so that you can
wind the antenna up without getting it thoroughly tangled.
We made a spool from a tin can
with two large "Milo" lids as
Now for the exciting part. Connect up the antenna, earth and
headphones, and temporarily attach a 100pF capacitor to the "Al"
and "E" terminals with a pair of
short clip leads. Check the coverage
of the top end of the band with the
antenna connected to the "A2" tapping, then the bottom end with the
antenna connected to "A 1 ".
If you are missing some stations
off the top end of the band, you will
need to reduce the tuning
capacitor, and vice-versa. A small
assortment of capacitors will provide quite a variety of values if you
Handy Hints
Hint #1: nail polish is a handy
item in your workshop. It will
secure a pointer to a dial cord,
prevent a knot in a dial cord
from coming undone, or can be
used to lock screws in place.
Nail polish can also be used to
anchor the terminations on
small coils and to permanently
set trimmer capacitors and
Hint #2: to hold small components while you solder them
together, use a large spring clip
(normally used for holding
papers together). The spring
clip can either be screwed to
your work bench or to a solid
block of wood to stop it. from
moving around.
Hint #3: having trouble getting
a replacement tip for your Tandy, Dick Smith or Scope
temperature-controlled iron?
Many of the tips for these
brands are interchangeable.
Take your old tip with you to
compare it with the new one to
make sure it matches.
This view shows how the two ferrite rods are glued to the inside of the
matchbox tray. Any type of round or flat ferrite rod can be used, providing it
is "antenna" grade ferrite .
connect them in series and parallel
Once the required capacitance
has been determined, it can be
made permanent, but make sure
you use a low-loss capacitor. A loss
factor of less than .001 % at 1MHz
is desirable. The best capacitors
are polystyrene, silvered mica, or
NPO ceramic types specifically
designed for RF work.
Finishing touches
The ruggedness of your Matchbox Crystal Set can be improved
by giving the lower parts of the
solder lugs, and the area around
them, a thin coating of epoxy. Use
slow-setting Araldite, and spread it
thinly and evenly with a pointy instrument. It will flow out smoothly
and set crystal clear if you warm it
up a little while it is setting. A
warm window sill in the afternoon
sun is ideal.
Put a little of the epoxy oh the
diode and capacitor as well but
don't bother to coat the coil windings - these are best held in place
with a final coat of Satin Estapol.
Before you get out the Estapol,
stick some small pieces of sticky
label material on the matchbox and
label the terminals "A 1" , "A2",
"E", " Phones" and "Phones" with
your neatest writing. Don't use a
spirit-based felt tip pen - use
drawing ink or similar water-based
The matchbox crystal set is tuned by
sliding the tray up or down to change
the inductance of the coils. A good
earth connection is vital for correct
medium. Also, now would be a good
time to draw a tuning scale on the
sliding part of the matchbox, so that
it will be protected under the final
coat of Estapol.
As you can see from the
photographs, we managed quite a
comprehensive tuning scale. This
was hand-drawn over the first coat
of Satin Estapol with Rotring drawing ink and a fine pen. This surface
takes ink beautifully if it is pretreated to render it slightly
hydrophilic (ie, to make it attract
water). Just moisten a tissue with
saliva (yes, that's right), rub it all
over the Estapol, and then wipe it
If the cardboard is darkly coloured, you can stick some white
label material over it, or use one of
the decorative white or silver inks
available at most artists' supply
Next, consult a list of AM broadcast stations (in any recent DSE
catalog for example) and make a
short list of all the stations in your
area and their frequencies. Log as
many of the stations as you can,
drawing a light pencil line against
the edge of the matchbox for each
one. Draw a base line on the scale
and measure the positions of all the
station lines relative to it.
Next, plot a graph of these
measured distances against the
listed carrier frequency of each
station. Carefully join the points
with a smooth curve. You can now
read off the position of any intermediate frequencies (eg. every
50kHz or lO0kHz), as well as the exact position of any stations which
happen to be too weak to be received from your location.
Transfer all this information with
ruler and pencil onto the sliding
part of the matchbox, and ink it in.
If you make a mistake, it can be
cleaned off with a moistened cotton
bud. Be careful of smudges - the
ink takes a long time to dry on this
Finally, give both halves of your
crystal set a final coat of Estapol all
over, keeping clear of the exposed
parts of the solder lugs of course.
Operational hints
Although the circuit should be
tuned by moving the ferrite rods in
and out of the top of the matchbox,
you can also tune in the same stations by moving them in and out at
the bottom. The difference here is
that the lower half of the coil will
have a greater inductance, effectively moving up the "A2" tapping.
This will give you more volume,
but less selectivity - the stronger
stations will be noticeably louder
but some of the weaker ones will be
lost altogether. Use whichever setting suits you best.