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Knowing when to draw a line
Maybe I'm cynical or superstitious but it seems
that whenever I mentally register a fault as
"routine" it turns out to be anything but. Instead,
Murphy is usually waiting to pounce - to teach
me a lesson for daring to tempt fate.
Thus it was with this month's
story. The customer rang to say
that his TV set was playing up. The
picture had vanished and all he had
was a bright line across the middle
of the screen - in other words,
frame collapse. Now frame collapse
is not usually a difficult problem; in
fact, it's typically routine.
I suggested that he bring the set
in and that repairs should be quite
straightforward. When he arrived,
it was with a Sanyo model
CTP8631, a 53cm model between 10
and 12 years old.
I turned it on briefly while he was
there, just to confirm his description. Sure enough, it was a classic
example of frame collapse. I was
rather busy at the time and because
the customer had a second set, I put
it aside for a couple of days.
When I finally set it up on the
bench and fished out the manual, I
fully expected to find that the ver-
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< ,.._ THE: CUS1"'0M~'R AANG
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THA, Hl'S 1V
WF\S ?l..A'-flNG UP.
tical output transistors, Q903 and
Q904, had packed it in (a fairly
common fault). They usually take
out a few other components as well,
particularly diodes D461 and D462.
But no. A careful check of these
and other relevant components in
this part of the circuit drew a complete blank; as far as I could see it
should be working. It was time to
stoke up the CRO and start chasing
At least, that was what I would
have done normally. Now I realised
that the set was exhibiting a couple
of symptoms that I had overlooked
earlier. Other sets were operating
on the bench and I noticed that,
when I turned this set on, it created
random white dots all over the
screens of the other sets.
Sizzle, sizzle
At the same time I became aware
of a faint sizzling noise, exactly like
an EHT leakage, though not quite
as loud as these usually sound.
Nevertheless, I assumed that it was
an EHT fault and that this was
responsible for the interference to
the other sets. Such faults can be
quite destructive, so it was important that I fix it before worrying
about the vertical fault.
But it wasn't that easy. One can
usually pinpoint such faults visually
if the ambient lighting is not too
bright, but not in this case. I turned
off all the lights and it didn't help,
so I drew the blinds on the windows
and tried again, paying particular
attention to the ultor cap, the
tripler and the horizontal output
transformer. Still no luck.
More or less on impulse I reached for the EHT voltage probe and
measured the EHT. And that set me
back somewhat. In these sets the
EHT normally runs at around 24kV
to 25kV but in this set is was varying between 30kV and 32kV. I snapped the power off quick smart. Excessive EHT can cause a lot of
damage, even puncturing a picture
tube in extreme cases. I needed
time to think.
The most likely cause of excessive EHT would be a higher than
normal (120V) main HT rail due, in
turn, to some kind of fault in the
regulator circuit of the main power
supply. But I didn't fancy the idea
of trying to track down such a fault
while the EHT system was doing its
imitation of a sausage sizzle.
On the other hand I needed to apply power. The simplest approach
seemed to be to fire the set up via a
Variac, bringing the voltage up
gently to assess behaviour, while
keeping the system below the sizzle
So that was what I did, connecting a voltmeter across the main HT
rail to keep tabs on it. I brought the
rail up to about 100V, at which
point all was quiet, but I had been
paying more attention to the meter
and the vital EHT points than the
screen, which was facing away
from me.
When I did check it, I received
another setback - in a cockeyed
kind of way - for there in place of
the thin bright line was a full size
picture. From a serviceman's point
of view I don't know which is more
puzzling; finding a line when there
should be a picture, or finding a picture when there should be a line!
I checked the EHT at this point
and it was close to normal so I edged the Variac up gently, trying to
keep an eye on everything at once.
And suddenly, as the HT rail was
approaching the 120V mark and the
R613 R614 R616
220k 270k 270k
Fig.1: this diagram shows the divider network which supplies the G2
voltage in the Sanyo CTP 8631. Note C603 (1µF) which is common cause
of trouble.
EHT was getting dangerously high,
we were back into sizzle country
again and the picture collapsed to a
thin bright line. I switched off
Weird symptoms
Well, here was a weird set of
symptoms if ever there was one.
But there were a couple of others I
had noticed while the picture was
on the screen. It was overly bright
for what I took to be a normal
brightness setting and more importantly, was exhibiting vertical
retrace lines.
These were vital clues but I
didn't appreciate this immediately.
I was still trying to figure out the
source of the sizzling and why it
was causing the vertical system' to
I also wanted to know at what
point the vertical deflection was
failing. The vertical and horizontal
drives, along with a number of auxiliary functions, are generated in a
24-pin chip, IC401, type LA1463.
The vertical drive comes out on pin
5 and runs straight to the base of
vertical output transistor Q904.
I attached the CRO probe to this
pin and with the set running on
reduced input voltage, confirmed
that the waveform here was essentially as shown on the circuit. Next,
I wound up the Variac until the vertical deflection collapsed, held it
there just long enough to check the
CRO, then backed off. The answer
was that the waveform out of the
chip vanished when the fault
This at least cleared the vertical
output stage but did little to suggest
why the excessive EHT was shutting down the vertical oscillator. On
the other hand the real fault was
the one causing this excessive
voltage. Find that and I shouldn't
have to worry about what was really a side effect.
But what could possibly cause
the EHT to go high? While horizontal output transformers develop
faults from time to time, I've never
known one to behave like this.
Reduced voltage, yes; excessive
voltage, never.
Much the same applies to
triplers. But it so happened that I
had a spare tripler on hand and it
took only a couple of minutes to
patch it in. After all, funnier things
have happened. But it was a waste
of time; the results were exactly as
G2 voltage
It was then that I realised that
the symptoms, when I forced the
vertical system to work, were more
significant than I had previously appreciated. A common source of
trouble in these sets - and some
other brands as well - is a voltage
divider network from which the picture tube's G2 voltage is derived.
In this set the voltage divider is
connected between the lower end of
the EHT winding and chassis (the
chassis connection also involves the
beam limiter network). There are
seven resistors in the main divider
network: R607, R617, R612, R611,
R613, R614 and R616, in that order
(see Fig.1). In addition, there is a
700k!l pot (VR601) connected
across R612 and R611, the moving
arm of which supplies the G2
voltage via R605 (270k!l).
Another vital component here is
C603 which is a 1µ,F electrolytic
capacitor. Partial or total failure of
this capacitor will either darken or
black out the screen. I'm not sure of
its exact function but I imagine that
it's there to filter out any remaining
ripple which might otherwise upset
the beam limiter circuit and bring it
into action prematurely. It is a fairly common fault.
Screen brightness can also be
reduced by total or partial failure
of resistors at the high voltage end
of the divider (eg, R616). This
lowers the G2 voltage and is a fault
I have encountered several times in
the past.
But I was looking for increased
brightness plus excessive EHT.
Could some other failure here account for this? I pulled the neck
board off and one glance was
enough; all the main divider
resistors were showing signs of
distress and one of them, R617 at
the chassis end of the network,
measured open circuit (note I said
I promptly replaced the whole
chain, plus C603 for good measure.
Then I switched on and up came a
near perfect picture, being just a
little on the dark side due to the
Variac being turned down. Restoring full mains voltage cured this
and there were no further complications - ie, normal vertical
scan, no sizzling and no interference to other sets. That was
Unfortunately, I can't answer all
the questions which this fault
raises. The hardest one is why the
fault shut down the vertical
oscillator. Quite frankly, I haven't a
Next, where was the sizzle? I
never did find it but my tip is that it
was on the neck board, on the component side, facing the front of the
cabinet. This cabinet is fairly deep
and there is no way that one can
view the front of the board while it
is in situ.
And why did the open circuit
resistor cause excessive EHT?
How, in fact, did the circuit work at
all? I suspect that the resistor
which measured open circuit on the
ohmmeter behaved quite differently
in the circuit. More specifically, it
was probably behaving more like a
very high value resistor, breaking
down across the fault and
generating the sizzle.
And in this condition it jacked up
the EHT, either directly due to the
increased resistance, or indirectly
because it reduced the current
drain. In any case, any voltage increase in this part of the circuit
would be multiplied by the tripler.
Which is about the limit of my
speculation. If anyone has any
other ideas I'm sure readers would
be interested. But, as I hinted
earlier, never take a "routine"
fault for granted.
To change the subject, here's a
story from my colleague J.L., in
Northern Antarctica, across Bass
Strait. As so often happens,
something which started out looking like a lost cause finally had a
happy ending. Here's how he tells
J.L.'s story
Sometimes customers give the
most misleading description of the
symptoms their sets are displaying.
One such came in recently with the
rep9rt, "No colour". The set was an
early model HMV, a 12613, otherwise known as a "Braddon".
At first I took the customer at his
word. As is typical in such situations, when I set it up on the bench
it produced a perfect colour picture. This introduction to the problem set the stage for my battle
over the following two months.
The set normally lived in a country town, some 100km away amid
high hills. It was possible that the
colour loss was due to a weak
signal, so I set about reducing the
signal with a series of coax
All of which proved nothing
because the colour remained
steady until the picture was about
to disappear in the snow. I could do
nothing more than return the set to
its owner with instructions about a
good antenna connection and proper fine tuning. I heard nothing
more for a week.
When the set came back it was
with the explanation that the colour
had been good for several days,
then it disappeared and returned at
irregular intervals until the owner
decided to bring it with him on his
next visit to town.
On the bench it upset its owner
by firing up with perfect colour. But
only for five minutes. Even before
he left the colour had gone, only to
return intermittently for the rest of
the day.
But more importantly, I had seen
the fault for the first time and
realised that the customer's decription was only partly correct. There
was some colour with faces being
shown on screen as red. Just the
faces - the rest of the picture was
indeed monochrome!
When there were no faces on
screen, any red or orange item was
coloured but everything else was
monochrome. It was rather like a
newspaper illustration in which
highlights have been picked out in
garish colour.
In between times the colour
returned and produced quite a good
picture. At these times I tried all
the usual tests, like thump and
bump or heat and freeze, in an attempt to disrupt the colour. The only thing I learned from this was that
adjusting the fine tuning could produce the strange "red faces"
Unlocked chroma
W\1'\,\ "TI-\~ 'R~'PoR-r
'' NO COI-OU'R ''
But there was another strange effect; tuning from sound bars into
the picture produced nothing
unusual but tuning the other way,
from a monochrome picture towards colour, produced a picture
with unlocked chroma.
I couldn't imagine why the
chroma should be locked when fine
tuning one way, and unlocked when
tuning the other way. But it was a
possible clue and I spent much time
swapping crystals and integrated
circuits in an attempt to secure
stable locking.
The intermittent nature of the
fault gave me many false alarms
but in the end it was always back to
either red faces or unlocked colours. The only hint of a clue was
that the go/no-go state might have
been slightly sensitive to the angle
at which the chroma board was sitting on its socket.
This made me hope that there
might have been a dry joint under
the socket, so I upended the chassis
and resoldered all the pins under
the chroma board socket and a few
others that looked a bit doubtful.
Then I re-tensioned the contacts on
the board itself, just for good
After all this I thought I might
have really cracked it because the
picture came up perfect, with no
sign of unlocked chroma no matter
which way I fine tuned the set.
After all my hassles, this had to be
a cure so the set went back home
next time the owner came to town.
I should have known better
because it was back again within a
week. It was the same problem and
thoroughly intermittent to boot!
The symptoms did not point to
any clearly defined fault. The
unlocked colours might have indicated a reference oscillator fault
(and note that this set has two
oscillators, running on different frequencies!) while the fine tuning requirement might have indicated a
bandpass amplifier fault. Several
other less likely troubles also suggested themselves.
As an aside, the use of two
reference oscillators is a rather
novel arrangement in place of the
usual flipflop, line alternation, PAL
switching system. One oscillator
runs at the conventional frequency
of 4,433,618.75Hz and the other is
offset by half the line frequency
and runs at 4,441 ,431.25Hz. There
are two decoder circuits, one for
the B-Y signal and one for the R-Y
It became clear that I was going
to need a set of extension leads so
that I could test and adjust the
chroma board out of the chassis. I
had no idea where I might get such
a set, so I cast around for bits and
pieces to make into a suitable lead.
Funny sockets
You mightn't believe this but I
tried dozens of plugs and sockets
from dozens of different sets and all
of them were either too big or too
small. It seems that this particular
HMV was fitted with odd sized
sockets that don't match any other
set sold in this country. It seemed
that I was going to have to hardwire
each plug pin to each socket terminal.
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OR l-\~-r AND 'f'RE:E'Z.~ •..,
There was only one adjustment
on the chroma board that I was
prepared to fiddle with while the
board was in situ. This was the
killer threshold trimpot and a small
movement of this control brought
back full colour, without any of the
earlier tuning problems. What's
more, the set ran for a fortnight in
my workshop without a glitch.
The only problem, if it could be so
described, was that we now had
confetti on the blank channels. Putting the killer back where it had
been stopped the confetti but
restored all the problems! So the
set went home with the killer set
fully high and my hopes for a long
and trouble free life.
I wasn't really happy about the
job because I hadn't found and fixed the fault - I had only masked it.
The customer had no grouch so long
as the set worked normally onchannel. He had no interest in what
it was like off-channel but it still
worried me.
As a result I was not too surprised when the set came back a couple
of weeks later. It was back to its old
capers and this time I had to fix it
once and for all.
Eureka -
as they say
At about this time I had an inspiration. I remembered that my
son had an identical model. So I
gave him a loan set and borrowed
his HMV to give me a known good
board for comparisons.
My first test was to put the good
chroma board in the doubtful set.
This confirmed that the fault was
on the chroma board because the
client's set was now perfect. More
importantly, when the client's
chroma board was fitted to my
son's set, it became as troublesome
as the client's set.
I had already replaced the three
chips on the faulty board so I
assumed that these were OK. Next I
checked the rest of the semiconductors and compared them with their
equivalents on the good board. Only
one transistor showed any difference and I replaced this but
without any improvement.
Next, I checked all the fixed inductors on the board by testing
cso2 i
them for DC continuity. They were
all OK so I began testing other coils
and transformers, about eight in
None of the transformers gave
any indication of being faulty during my initial continuity check. It
was only when compared with the
equivalent unit on the good board
that any sign of a difference in one
of the coils showed up.
It was the first coil on the board
(although by Murphy's Law it was
still the last one to be checked),
L501. This is the chroma input coil
and consists of a tunable shunt coil
and a series capacitor. It is fed with
raw chroma from pin 1 via a 120pF
input capacitor and in turn feeds
clean chroma to pin 2 of IC501.
My first test was for continuity
from pins 1 to 3 and this checked
out at less than rn on both boards.
The second test was from pin 4 to
chassis, thus checking the integrity
of the capacitor. Here the good
board showed 2.2kn while the bad
one showed much less, varying between 4200 and 8200, depending on
which digital meter I used.
I removed the whole coil/capacitor assembly and rechecked the
resistance from the (now empty) pin
4 connection on the chroma board
to chassis. It was 2.2k0, just as in
the good board. As a quick test, I
shunted connection points 1 and 4
on the board with a lOOpF
capacitor. At switch-on the picture
came up trumps - good though
noisy colour and perfectly stable.
Now that I knew what the trouble
was, I was faced with the problem
of curing it. This chroma input coil
would have been an unlikely spare
part, even when the set was new.
Now, 12 years on, I wouldn't give
tuppence for my chances of getting
a replacement coil from any of the
usual sources.
It seemed that the best thing to do
would be to find a similar coil in
another set. The most likely source
would be a Rank Arena because
3___ .J
Fig.2: this is the circuit for the
chroma input coil in the HMV
12613. While simple electrically,
it is difficult to work on
they use the same chroma amplifier
chip. However, examination of
several Rank boards showed there
was no similarity between the
equivalent coils. So that line of investigation came to a dead end.
So, if replacement was not going
to be easy, would repair be any
easier? Closer examination of the
L501 package strengthened my conviction that the capacitor was the
culprit. It seemed to be leaky,
although there remained a slight
possibility that the leakage was in
the coil base material itself. There
Built in meter to check EHT transformers
including split diode type, yokes and drive
$78. 00
$3.00 p&p
Built in meter reads positive or negative 0-50kV.
For checking TVs, microwave ovens.
$5.00 p&p.
Removes cathode grid shorts & rejuvenates
picture tube. Suitable for all colour tubes.
12 months warranty.
$420.00 + p&p.
DEGAUSSING WAND: A must for all workshops. Efficient
design, strong magnetic field, low heat, double insulated with
momentary on/off.
$75.00 + $1 0 p&p.
Cheque, Money Order, Bankcard or MasterCard
216 Canterbury Road,
Revesby, NSW 2212.
Phone (02) 77 4 1154
Broadcast qual ity audio transformers ex-stock
Mo re than 70 standa rd types availab le
Fast protot yping se rvice for non-standard types
Co mprehensive data available on requ est
Locall y manufacture d
Competitively priced
90 George St .. HORNSBY NSW 2077 Ph one (021476-5854
was only one way to find out.
The trouble was, any kind of
work on the package didn't look to
be particularly easy. It is very
small, the can being about 10mm
square and 12mm high, and removing the assembly from inside the
can without damage is difficult to
say the least. So the alternative was
to work inside the can to isolate the
Using a powerful magnifier and
working with the fine tip of a sharp
craft knife, I cut one of the
capacitor leads. This removed all
trace of the leakage between pins 1
and 4 and proved conclusively that
the capacitor was the culprit.
i carefully cut the other lead and
tried to remove the capacitor from
the coil body. It came out in two
pieces so I don't know if that was
the problem or the result of my
ministrations. Whatever it might
have been, there was no further
sign of leakage across the base
pins. I re-fitted the coil, and replaced the missing capacitor with an external 47pF ceramic tacked onto
the back of the board.
The problem licked
At next switch-on I had the problem licked. Perfect colour, no
chroma hash, and no sign of instability due to the fine tuning. I still
had the confetti off-channel but
that was easily curable with the
killer threshold pot.
I'm sure that the set will never
come back with that particular
fault. But in retrospect, I can't help
wondering how I would have found
it if I had not had the good board
from my son's set for comparison.
The extension leads might have
helped by makin_g scope .inspection
possible. But I wonder . It was the
ohmic disparity that really solved
the problem.
As a matter of interest, I tried to
duplicate the fault on the good
board by dabbing a 5600 resistor
across the capacitor in 1501. It killed the colour all right. But totally!
Nothing I could do would give a
repeat of the red faces or unlocked
Well that's J.L.'s story and it
prompts a couple of comments. It so
<at>J~g,. ......
s~v~AAL 011-\ER l-~'SS
L..\K~l-'1 -r'ROU'Bl-E'S A.L.'SO
s \JGGes-r-E,0 ~e:M~eL-ve:s.o.
happens that I have one of these
chassis in the workshop right now,
exhibiting a particularly stubborn
fault. Tracking it down may well
make a story in its own right but
that's for the future. The point is
that this one is a General chassis,
model GC18A, which is the true
origin of the HMV 12613, which
was also marketed under the Healing label.
More importantly, good stocks of
spares are still available from the
General Corporation Japan (Aust.)
Pty Ltd, 10 South St, Rydalmere,
NSW 2116. I recently obtained an
IF transformer from them and they
also supplied my extension leads
for the chroma board. They came
as a kit of four leads (three 6-pin
and one 3-pin).
This was some time ago now but
they may still have some. So, next
time you tackle one of these J.L.,
this information may make things a
little easier.
AWA C6319 (Q chassis)
Symptom: Overbright screen, with
no control of brightness. Retrace
lines are obvious and persist at all
settings of the CRT bias control.
Replacing the usual electrolytic
capacitors has no effect.
Cure: R251 (1. 5MQ ½W) open
circuit between VR25 1 CRT bias
trimpot and the Vee supply to the
video output transistors. This fault
is confusing because the bias trimpot seems to adjust the screen
voltage as might be expected.
Al pine Cassette Deck, Model
Symptom: Mechanism completely
inoperative although panel lights
show that power is reaching the
Cure: Either or both of two faults:
( 1 ) the counter belt is broken or
misplaced or (2) the reed switch
on the counter is stuck. A magnet
on the counter shaft rotates in normal operation and causes the reed
switch to produce a series of
pulses which unlatch the auto stop
circuit. Without these pulses the
machine thinks it has come to the
end of the tape.
TETIA TV Tip is supplied by the
Tasmanian branch of The Electronic Technicians ' Institute of
Australia. Contact Jim Lawler, 16
Adina St, Geilston Bay, Tasmania