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Every year thousands of thunderstorms occur in
Australia but most of them pass without note. But
they can cause untold damage to electronic
equipment - damage which runs into millions of
dollars. Some of this damage is virtually
unavoidable but you can avoid most of the risk to
your own equipment.
Virtually everyone acknowledges
that lightning is spectacular and
dangerous. It is especially dangerous to people who are exposed in
open, flat areas. Every year several
people are either killed or
hospitalised by lightning strikes.
And it does damage to large
buildings and other man-made
structures, not to mention the
countless trees that are destroyed
by direct strikes and the starting of
lots of bush fires.
These risks of thunderstorms arewell known and accepted by
everyone. Not so well known are
the risks of damage to electronic
equipment. The fact is, after every
large thunderstorm over a metropolitan area, lots of TVs, VCRs and
many other appliances go in for service. The repairs are for damage
which occurred during the thunderstorm even though the owners may
not have realised it.
For a TV set or VCR the risk of
damage due to lightning comes from
two sources. The most obvious one
is via the antenna. Even though the
antenna may not be directly hit
[direct strikes on antennas are
rare), the intense static discharge
from a nearby strike can be enough
to blow all the semiconductor components in the tuner.
And while these components may
only be worth a few dollars in
themselves, the resulting repair bill
can easily run to more than $100.
A more common source of
damage to VCRs and TVs is via the
mains supply. Because the electrical supply grid is hit so often during thunderstorms, high surge
voltages are unavoidable. It is these
brief surges which do the damage.
Often the damage is immediate and
the TV or VCR stops working
straight away. But in many cases
the appliance keeps working and
may not fail for a few hours, a few
days or even weeks afterwards.
The sort of faults which occur
due to surge voltages on the mains
supply are, naturally enough,
usually in the power supply. They
involve switchmode transistors,
switching diodes and other associated components. The major power
consuming component in a TV
chassis, the horizontal output transistor, can also be damaged.
How can components be damaged in lightning induced surges and
not fail straight away? It is quite
simple really. The very brief surge
voltage over-stresses the component and thereafter its leakage current is higher than it should be even
though it may keep working for the
moment. Ultimately, the leakage
current rises to the point where the
component fails completely and a
repair job is called for . It is unlikely
that such repairs are thought of as
being caused by thunderstorms but
they are.
Just how many repairs are caused by brief voltage surges on the
mains supply is unknown but it is
likely to be quite high. When you
think about it, electronic equipment
is very reliable once it has passed
through its initial "burn-in" period.
After that it tends to have very low
failure rates so any major failures
in semiconductors must be regarded as probably being due to an
unusual surge voltage.
In VCRs, power supply components are frequently damaged
and ironically, those that are
damaged are intended to protect
the circuitry against high voltage
surges. But the very fact that these
components are sacrificed means
that fuses are blown and a trip to
the service centre is necessary.
Again, the components involved
may not be in themselves very expensive but the overall repair bill
can amount to quite a lot by the
time labour charges are figured in.
And you have to add to that the inconvenience of not having the TV or
VCR for a week or more.
[Interestingly, the coming of summer always brings a rash of TV
failures. Partly these are due to
thunderstorms but high humidity
also plays havoc with TV sets, particularly in the high voltage horizonFEBRUARY 1989
A graphic demonstration of the destructive power of lightning. On December 9, 1988, the transmitter building for
Sydney radio station 2KY was struck by lightning and the subsequent fire destroyed the building. Photo by Bob Tregea.
tal sweep circuitry and in the EHT
(extra high tension) circuitry.
Humidity causes current leakage
and leakage leads to failures).
Refrigerators and
microwave ovens
In the days before TVs and VCRs,
the appliances most likely to be
damaged by passing thunderstorms
were refrigerators. Because they
are always connected to the mains
and always turned on, they were
and are at high risk. These days,
refrigerators are still commonly
damaged by high voltage surges
caused by lightning but they now
tend to be over-shadowed by the
newer and more fragile electronic
Another expensive appliance
which is at risk during thunderstorms is the microwave oven. As
with refrigerators and VCRs, these
are usually connected to the mains
and switched on, 24 hours a day.
They can't help but be damaged.
Frequently the damage is to the
power transformer and to the
microprocessor control circuitry.
In many microwave ovens
though, it is often the surge voltage
protection components which go.
These will be blackened or ruptured by the high voltage surge and
fuses will be blown. The net result
though is a trip to the service centre. You can easily pay $100 or
more for routine repairs.
Computers and modems
While the domestic appliances
listed above are the most common
casualties of thunderstorms, the
damage caused to computers and
modems can be equally if not more
expensive. Often the gear is out of
service for longer too.
Computers and modems can cop
damage from two directions: from
the power lines and from the phone
lines. And when a modem is damaged from a high voltage surge via the
phone lines or power lines, the computer is often a casualty too. Even if
a computer is not damaged during a
thunderstorm, peripheral components such as video monitors and
printers can still expire, for the
same reasons as set out previously.
Filters and surge protection circuitry can be a help in this regard
but with the double whammy of
surges from mains and phone lines,
computer systems are especially at
Facsimile machines
If you have a facsimile machine
in your home or business it is even
more at risk than your computer, if
only for the fact that it is usually
left running 24 hours a day. Make
no mistake, the biggest reason for
service to fax machines is for
damage due to voltage surges on
the mains or via the phone lines.
Fax machines are often regarded
as temperamental machines. If they
are it is partly because they are
working in a tough environment.
It goes without saying that they
are not cheap to repair . Frequently,
if a fax machine goes in for repair,
the whole motherboard is replaced.
Motherboards are usually not
repaired because it is too time-
consuming to do so - they are
packed with surface mount components.
Other equipment which is connected both to the mains and phone
lines is also at risk. Under this
heading come telephone answering
machines and call diverters, mains
powered wireless telephones and
burglar alarms.
Amateur and CB equipment
Amateur radio operators have
always recognised that their equipment is at risk during thunderstorms. This applies to installations
which have large antenna arrays.
Such arrays, if they have been installed properly, will be correctly
earthed and will have lightning arrestors or spark gaps on the antenna lead-ins but even so they are still
at risk.
Citizens band radios are also at
risk although their antennas are
usually nowhere near as big as
those used for amateur radio
What you can do to
protect your equipment
Let's not beat about the bush.
There is only one foolproof way to
protect your appliances during a
thunderstorm and that is to disconnect them completely. Don't just
switch them off you must
physically disconnect them.
Remember that most TVs and
VCRs are still operating even when
they are nominally switched off.
And even if your TV is switched off
and consuming no power, it is not
disconnected as far as a high
voltage surge is concerned.
If lightning strikes a power line,
substation or pole transformer,
even quite some distance away, the
resulting voltage surge on the mains
supply can easily be several thousand volts or much more. Such a
surge may only last a few
microseconds but in that time it can
cause a lot of damage.
In the face of a surge of several
thousand volts with a very fast
risetime, the power switch in your
TV is no barrier at all. The high
voltage can easily jump across the
switch, burn out tracks on the
printed circuit board and do untold
other damage whether the ap-
Oddities of Lightning Damage
There is no predicting the
damage that lightning can do. The
currents and magnetic fields
generated by a major bolt of lightning can be extremely intense. Currents in a really big strike can exceed 50,000 amps and the strike
can last for more than a second.
Such extreme currents and the
related high voltages can induce
very high voltages in nearby metal
structures even when they are
some distance from the strike.
It is quite common for electronic
doorbells and burglar alarms to be
triggered during thunderstorms -
pliance is switched on or not.
Having disconnected the appliance from the mains remember
to disconnect the antenna lead too
because it can damage the front
ends of both the TV and the VCR.
The same applies to your hifi equipment. Disconnect it from both the
mains and antenna, if you have an
FM antenna.
Protective routine
If you live in an area which experiences severe thunderstorms, or
the thunderstorm you are experiencing is notably wild, you should go
around your house, from room to
room, disconnecting all the appliances. If you have a computer,
modem, fax machine or phone
answering machine, don't forget to
disconnect the phone lines too.
Pushbutton phones are liable to
damage too and if you purchased
them you are liable for any repairs,
not Telecom.
Disconnecting the phone during a
thunderstorm has another advantage which may not be obvious. It
stops anyone from ringing you. It is
quite unnerving if you feel compelled to answer a ringing phone during a thundertstorm (and who
Telecom rightly warns against
using the phone during a thunderstorm but the party at the other end
may not know that there is a storm
in your area. Disconnecting the
phone stops that dillemma.
the cause is high static voltages or
induced voltages during a strike.
And the high magnetic fields can
cause damage to TVs even though
they are completely disconnected
from both the mains and antenna.
We know of cases where the
shadowmasks of colour TV
receivers have been heavily
magnetised and required subsequent external de-gaussing (demagnetising) before they could
give a recognisable picture.
Such cases must be regarded as
extremely rare but they do show
the extreme energy of lightning.
Now we won't maJ<e any secret of
the fact that having to disconnect
everything during a storm is a pain.
Switching on everything after the
storm and resetting the clocks in
your VCR, microwave oven, clock
radios and so on is an even bigger
pain. Is it really worth it?
Without a doubt it is. It is a
foolproof method of protection. Barring a direct strike on your home, it
is highly unlikely that any damage
can occur to an appliance which is
completely disconnected (although
we will give one instance which can
Cracking it hardy
You may feel that the process of
disconnecting every appliance in
your home during a thunderstom
and then powering everything up
afterwards is just not worth the
trouble. And you may be right.
However, a number of · TV servicemen and service organisations
we talked to in preparation for this
article agreed that lightninginduced surges do undoubtedly
result in a great many repairs to
electronic equipment.
If you feel that you can withstand
the relatively low risk of damage to
your appliances, then well and
good. But remember that by using
the "disconnect routine" during
severe thunderstorms you will undoubtedly avoid the inconvenience
of having equipment in for repair.
Even if you don't do it for all apFEBRUARY 1989
Lightning: protecting your appliances
And that brings us to lightning
protection itself. We don't intend to
go into the aspects of protecting
buildings and structures from
lightning. That is a complete subject in itself. Suffice to say that all
large and exposed buildings and
structures must have good lightning
protection otherwise the risk of
damage can be very high.
In rural areas which have a high
incidence of thunderstorms, individual homes should also have
lightning protection.
In metropolitan areas, there is no
doubt that the electrical power grid
itself gives quite considerable protection to smaller buildings and
homes. And typically, it is struck
hundreds or thousands of times
every year in Australian cities.
TV antennas
This photo inside 2KY's transmitter building shows the aftermath of the fire
started by lightning. The building also housed the transmitter for 2EA and this
was destroyed too. Photo by Bob Tregea.
pliances it is worth doing for major
units such as computers, microwave ovens, TV and VCRs.
Insurance claims
There is a bright side to this subject too. If you are unlucky enough
to have an appliance damaged during a thunderstorm, it may be possible to claim the repair cost on your
home contents insurance policy.
Many contents policies do have
clauses involving lightning damage.
To make a claim, the damage
must clearly be identified as having
been due to lightning. To give the
claim some weight, the service
organisation or repairman would
have to make a statement to the effect that the repair was for lightning damage.
If you want really strong
evidence (some insurance companies are not the most willing
payers) and the damage is graphic,
take a Polaroid photo.
Remember though that many
lightning induced failures may not
be easily identified as being due to
a thunderstorm. This is especially
the case if the component fails days
or weeks after the storm.
Other means of protection
Yes, you can use surge protected
power outlets to protect your major
appliances. These may contain
metal oxide Varistors (MOVs) or
gas filled spark arrestors and they
can give a high level of protection.
But they can only protect those appliances that are connected directly to them. They will not protect
equipment against voltage surges
or discharges on the phone lines or
on TV antenna leads.
So surge protectors are not
foolproof. In the case of a severe
voltage surge on the mains they
themselves can be destroyed and
the equipment they are connected
too can still be damaged. At least
one manufacturer, Click Industries
Pty Ltd, recognises this fact , and includes $5000 free insurance with
its Surgebuster protector.
But while most Australian homes
probably don't need a lightning protection installation, their external
TV antennas are another matter,
particularly if a high mast is involved. These should be earthed, if not
as direct lightning protection then
at least for static protection.
The recommended method is
outlined in the relevant Australian
Standard, AS 1417.1 1987
[Receiving Antennas for Radio and
Television in the Frequency Range
30MHz to 1GHz; Part 1- Construction and Installation). Briefly, the
method involves earthing the antenna mast by a copper wire of 2.5
square mm cross-section. The wire
should be connected to a copper
clad steel earth stake via the most
direct route.
If wire other than copper is used,
it should have equivalent current
carrying capability.
The reason for earthing the
antenna is so that it does not present a hazard to the building it is
mounted on or to its occupants.
In our experience, very few
antenna installations are earthed in
this manner, even though most are
professionally installed. These
days, it is even more important for
antennas to be earthed because
there is no direct earth path via the
antenna socket on VCRs or TVs.
Nor are these appliances themselves earthed because they are
mostly double insulated.