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to Detect
and Measure
Fig.1: the LM339 contains four independent
comparators and can operate from single or
dual voltage power supplies.
Discover how to use op amps to monitor
real-world conditions.
Comparators are among the easiest op amp circuits
to use. Unlike other op amps, whose outputs vary
linearly in response to some input, the outputs of comparators switch between just two voltage levels,
depending on the relative voltages at their inputs.
A comparator is really quite similar to a toggle
switch. When the toggle, or lever, is raised slowly (in a
linear fashion), the switch will suddenly snap to the on
position. There's no in-between state! Likewise, as the
toggle is lowered, the inner switch mechanism will
suddenly flip to the off position. The comparison stops
here though, because comparator circuits are much
more flexible than ordinary toggle switches.
Comparators are ideal for voltage monitoring in test
or alarm circuits. Any condition, such as temperature
or light, that can be sensed as a voltage can be
monitored with a comparator. Besides using comparators in simple voltage-detecting circuits, you can
use a pair of comparators to detect whether an input
falls within a range of voltages; or you can use a series
of comparators to control a bargraph display, for a
good-looking and more precise indication of signal
The circuits that follow are typical examples of
comparators in action. They can be used to guide you
in choosing and using comparators to fit your own circuit needs.
What's special about comparators?
Although some op amps are specifically designated
comparators, in many cases a general-purpose op amp
can also serve the same purpose. The main limitation
is that op amps often include phase and frequency
compensation for better closed-loop stability. Since
comparator circuits operate open-loop (without
negative feedback), they don't need this compensation
and respond faster without it.
Most of the examples in this article use the low-cost
and readily available LM339 IC, which contains four
independent comparators on one chip. Fig.1 shows the
LM339 chip's pinouts. The chip can be powered from
a single supply ranging from 2-36 volts DC or from
dual supplies from ± 1 to ± 18 volts DC). Supply current requirements are less than one milliampere
(lmA) which is low enough to allow battery-powered
Comparator basics
Fig.2 shows a basic comparator circuit using the
LM339. The voltage to be sensed (Vinl is connected to
the non-inverting ( +} input (pin 5), while the
reference, or trip point, voltage (V rerl is applied to the
inverting ( - } input (pin 4).
The comparator's operation is straightforward:
when Vin is greater than Vref, V 0ut (at pin 2) goes high.
Conversely, when Vin is less than Vref, V 0ut goes low.
Fig.2: in this basic comparator circuit, Vout goes high
when Vin is greater than Vref· The reference voltage
(Vref) determines the comparator's toggle point.
Fig.3 illustrates the comparator's response (Voutl as
Vin is varied with respect to V ref·
For inverting operation (ie, Vout high when Vin is
less than Vref), all we have to do is swap Vref and Vin
at the comparator's pin connections in Fig.2. The
reference is now connected to the + input while Vin
Fig.3: this diagram shows the relationship between the
input and output voltages for the comparator
represented in Fig.2. The upper graph (A) shows the
inputs to the comparator's + and - inputs while the
lower graph (B) shows the circuit's output response.
Fig.4: here are three ways of using a light-emitting
diode (LED) to indicate the electrical output state
of a comparator.
pull-up resistor Rl, and the collector current through
Ql lights the LED. When Vin is less than V ref, pin 2 is
low and Ql is cut off, turning the LED off. Resistor RZ
limits the current through the LED.
The circuit in Fig.4b is similar to Fig.4a but this time
the comparator controls a PNP transistor. When pin 2
goes low, Ql turns on and lights the LED, giving the opposite effect of the NPN circuit in Fig.4a.
Fig.4c shows yet another option for connecting a
LED. Typical current-sink capability of the LM339 is
16 milliamperes. This is enough current to light a highefficiency LED directly, without using a driver
The circuits in Fig.4 are shown using one of the four
identical comparators in the LM339. In these and the
circuits that follow , the inputs to unused comparators
on the chip should be tied to ground. The power supply
rails should be connected at pins 3 (positive) and 12
(ground) as shown in Fig.2.
Achieving snap action
The circuits shown so far all have limitations. If Yin
has noise riding on it, the output may chatter high and
low as Vin approaches V ref· A slowly changing input
may also caus'e the output to oscillate as Vin nears the
trip voltage. Adding a little positive feedback can take
care of both of those problems.
Fig.5 shows a temperature-monitoring circuit with
positive feedback via resistor R6. The trip voltage is
set with potentiometer R4 . The sensed voltage is taken
from a voltage divider containing a thermistor
(temperature-dependent resistor) and resistor RZ. As
the temperature of thermistor Rl increases, its
resistance decreases because it has a negative
temperature coefficient. The·resulting drop in the network's resistance increases the current through RZ,
raising the voltage at pin 4 of the LM339.
Here's how the positive feedback works. When the
output at pin 2 is high, a small part of the output
voltage feeds back through R6 to pin 5. This raises the
voltage at pin 5 so that it is slightly higher than the
level set by R4. When rising temperatures subsequently cause pin 4 to go higher than pin 5, pin 2 goes low,
buzzer BZl is energised, and the voltage at pin 5
drops , this time to a level slightly lower than that
previously set by R4.
The buzzer thus remains on until the temperature
falls enough so that pin 4 is less than pin 5 aga in.
10k AT 25 ° C
goes to the - input. V 0 ut will now be high when Vin is
less than V ref and will switch low when Vin exceeds
A light emitting diode (LED) provides a simple indicator of a comparator's output state. The circuits in
Fig.4 show several ways of interfacing a LED to a comparator's output. In Fig.4a, when Vin is greater than
Vref, pin 2 goes high, transistor Ql turns on through
Fig.5: in this circuit, a piezoelectric buzzer sounds at
and above a temperature selected by potentiometer R4.
Positive feedback through R6 ensures that the buzzer
snaps on decisively at the trip voltage.
Because the turn-on voltage is higher than the turn-off
voltage, the buzzer snaps on decisively at the desired
temperature and remains on until the temperature
How much feedback?
The feedback resistor (R6 in Fig.5) is usually chosen
to be much larger than the input resistor (R5). Its
precise value isn't critical but the smaller it is, the
greater will be the difference between the turn-on and
turn-off trip voltages.
Although you can calculate the effects of the feedback mathematically, for basic alarm circuits like this
it's often just as easy to set the trip point by experimentation. You simply bring Rl to the desired
alarm temperature and adjust R4 so that the buzzer
just turns on. As shown, the difference between the
trip points in Fig.5 is around 400 millivolts.
Positive feedback is also useful in relay-control circuits. Fig.6 shows a light-sensing circuit that controls
a relay. The light sensor, R2, is a cadmium-sulphide
light dependent resistor; its resistance decreases as
the light level increases.
As the light level goes up, pin 4 is progressively pulled lower by the decreasing resistance of the light
dependent resistor. When its voltage is less than the
voltage on pin 5, pin 2 goes high and turns on Ql, activating relay RLYl. Resistor R6 makes sure that RLYl
turns on and stays on until the light level has fallen by
a preset amount (as determined by the value of
feedback resistor R6).
Fig.7: this single-ended comparator circuit can be used
to measure voltages that would otherwise exceed the
comparator's input voltage rating.
single-ended configuration, Vref is proportional (but
not equal) to the trip voltage of Vin·
If R2 is made much larger than R3, the voltage at pin
5 will remain well within the differential input rating,
even with very large input voltages. For example, in
Fig.7, if Vref is set at - lV, the trip voltage at Vin is
+ lOOV!
One important limitation of the single-ended configuration is that Vref must be of the opposite polarity
from the trip voltage. In the circuit shown in Fig. 7, Vref
is always negative, so the trip voltage will always be
positive. Germanium diode Dl protects the comparator by limiting negative voltage inputs to - 0.3V.
Creating a window
What if you want to determine if a voltage falls between an upper and a lower limit? A window detector is
the answer and the LM339, with its multiple comparators and open-collector outputs, is ideal for that
use. In Fig.8, the thermistor/resistor voltage divider of
R4 and R5 connects to the - input of one comparator
and the + input of another.
The trip points for the comparators are taken from
another voltage divider made up of Rl, R2 and R3.
Because the outputs of the LM339 have open (uncommitted) collectors, they can be connected together as
shown, and a low output on either one will pull their
combined outputs low.
When Vin falls between Vref-high and Vref-low, the
outputs of both comparators go high and turn on LED
Monitoring large voltages
An important characteristic of comparator devices
is their differential input voltage rating. This is the
maximum voltage difference allowed between the +
and - inputs of the device for correct operation.
Many comparators, including the LM339, can handle
input differences nearly as large as the difference between their positive and negative supply pins.
If you need to monitor voltages larger than the input
rating allows, a voltage divider can be used to derive a
proportion of the total voltage. Alternatively, a singleend.e d comparator like the one, shown in Fig.7 can be
used. Here, Vin and Vref connect through resistors R2
and R3 respectively to the + input of the comparator,
while the - input is grounded through Rl. In the
10k AT 25 ' C
.____ I
R2 CdS
Fig.6: light dependent resistor R2 is used here to sense the
light level. When the light rises above a preset level, as se_t
by potentiometer R4, the output of the comparator switches
high and turns on transistor Ql and the relay.
Fig.8: this window detector circuit lets the
experimenter know when the detected temperature
is within a pre-selected range. Resistors Rl, R2 and
R3 set the comparator trip points and thus
determine the upper and lower limits.
+9v_..._......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. But if Vin is greater than V ref-high or less than
Vref-low, the output goes low and LED 1 is off. The LED
is on only when the temperature is within the window
set by resistor network Rl, RZ and R3.
Fig.9 is similar but different - it's an out-of-window
detector. In this circuit, the output of the bottom comparator goes high when the temperature is too high,
lighting LED 2 [red). Similarly, the output of the top
comparator goes high and lights LED 1 [green) when
the temperature is too low. When the temperature
falls within the window, both comparator outputs are
low and the light-emitting diodes are off.
Bargraph display
The final example [Fig.10} is a light meter with
bargraph output. The circuit design has been made
easier by using an LM3915 bargraph driver IC which
contains a series of 10 comparators. The - input of
each comparator connects to the buffered input
voltage and the + inputs connect along a 10-resistor
voltage divider network. This divider network biases
each of the non-inverting outputs to a different level.
The top of the resistor string [pin 6) is connected to a
regulated voltage which can be varied by potentiometer R4. This means that the output of the top comparator only switches low when the voltage from the
buffer amplifier exceeds the voltage on pin 6. The
previous LEDs in the series are turned on in 3dB steps
in response to a rising input signal on pin 5. This pin
connects via a ZOkO resistor to ther buffer amplifier.
To use the LM3915, you need only add a sensing circuit and connect the comparator outputs to a
bargraph display or a succession of 10 light-emitting
In Fig.10, the input at pin 5 of ICl is taken from a
voltage divider made up of Rl [a cadmium-sulphide
photo-resistor) and RZ. Each comparator inside ICl
compares the buffered input voltage to its reference
and turns its LED on or off, as appropriate. The
R1 CdS
Fig.10: the LM3915 IC contains a series of 10
comparators and can be used to drive a bargraph
display. In this circuit, the number of LEDs lit in the
display varies with the light level sensed by photoresistor Rl.
number of LEDs that light thus varies with the light
level at Rl.
Resistor R3 sets the current in each of the light emitting diodes at 10 milliamperes (lOmA), while potentiometer R4 varies the full scale [ie, all LEDs on) input
voltage between 1.2V and 7V.
Leaving pin 9 of ICl unconnected will change the
display from a bargraph to a single-dot display. In that
mode, only one LED is lit at a time [which saves on battery power). The position of the LED indicates the
signal level and thus the light intensity.
Now it's your turn
10k AT 25°C
Fig.9: an out-of-window comparator detector circuit.
When the temperature is too high, the output of the
bottom comparator goes high and lights LED 2 (red).
Conversely, when the temperature is too low, the output
of the top comparator goes high and lights LED 1 (green).
Comparators are circuit building blocks that are
both easy to use and adaptable to many circuit situations. By carefully studying the circuits presented in
this article, you should be able to adapt them to your
own specialised requirements.
This article first appeared in Hands -On Electronics, USA
(August 1988); reprinted with permission.