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Collecting & restoring horn speakers·
One of the more collectable items as far as vintage
radio treasures are concerned would have to be
old loudspeakers. This month, we give advice on
collecting and restoring these interesting relics.
Early radios had separate horn
speakers which usually became lost
from their respective receivers as
time progressed. Occasionally, old
radios and old speakers appear in
antique shops as separate items but
rarely ·do they stay together as a
matched pair.
As a result, I have half a dozen
horn speakers in my collection that
have long since lost their original
receivers. These speakers have
been acquired through a number of
sources over a period of time. Horn
speakers are comparatively rare
and generally speaking, they are
now hard to come by.
Half of the speakers in my collection have come from antique
dealers. Naturally, when buying
from dealers, one has to pay top
price, for most of these people work
on a profit margin of 100% or more.
On the other hand, it takes a lot
of time and travelling around to
locate some of these scarce items
and if that time and effort is taken
into account, then perhaps dealer
prices are not so bad after all.
When all is said and done, antique
dealers are entitled to make a
reasonable profit on the goods that
they sell.
Most antique dealers have a list
of prospective customers who are
interested in a multitude of different things. When one collects
rare items such as horn speakers
and the like, it's a good idea to be on
a dealer's list. The dealer is the one
with all the contacts and can give
his client a call if he finds
something interesting. If the client
doesn't like what's on offer he is
under no obligation to buy.
In fact, when one takes everything into account, it must be
cheaper to buy from a dealer than
to spend countless hours looking for
things yourself.
Burnt-out windings
Unfortunately, not many horn
speakers work when you first come
across them. They now average out
at around 65 years of age and a lot
of things can happen to a speaker in
that period of time. The usual fault
is that they burn out one of the pole
piece windings and this must be rewound if the speaker is to work
Most horn speakers were designed for use with the low-powered
battery receivers of the mid-1920s
era. When used as they were meant
to be used, they gave very little
trouble. But if they were used in
other circumstances, such as with
more powerful mains receivers,
these ancient speakers simply could
not take the strain and burnt out.
Over the years, it would appear
that a good many have been given
this torture test and have failed
Making it work again
Horn speakers have an adjustment which varies the spacing between the pole
pieces and the diaphragm. This adjustment affects both the tone and the
Now some collectors don't care
much whether their collection is
operative or not. In some cases, if it
These parts are all from a dismantled Amplion driver. The body appears to be
made of moulded ebonite (hard rubber). Note the pole pieces at left.
This English-made Amplion horn
speaker is the best performer in the
author's collection. Notice the two
connecting terminals on the base.
Here is a close-up view of the pole pieces. Pole piece rewinding is a very
tedious job because the poles require thousands of turns of very fine wire.
looks the part then that's all that
I'm not like that and everything in
my collection is in working order.
Mind you, some items work better
than others but everything on
display is a goer. Therefore, if I buy
myself a burnt-out horn speaker,
my first job is to get it working
Dismantling a horn speaker will
soon show that it is nothing more
than a large headphone with a
trumpet attached. All the units that
I have seen are based on early
headphone technology and consist
of two 1000-ohm pole pieces which
are bolted to a permanent magnet.
The pole pieces are in close proximity to a thin metal diaphram
which vibrates in accordance with
the signals that pass through the
When inspecting the innards of a
burnt out horn speaker, you'll invariably find that everything looks
to be in good order. There are
usually no obvious signs of damage
and the only thing wrong is that the
fine wire in one of the windings will
have a break in it. It's worth noting
that in every speaker I have
repaired, only one of the windings
was open. Checking for open cir-
cuits with an ohmmeter will soon
locate the faulty winding.
The reason only one winding
burns out is that the break will occur at the weakest point of the wir.dings when an overload is placP.d
on the speaker. This weak spot acts
as a fuse and protects the other
winding before it has a chance to
burn out. It is most unlikely that
both windings would blow.
To repair the damage, the faulty
pole piece coil must be removed and
rewound with a similar gauge of
wire and in the same direction as
the original winding.
While the advice in the previous
paragraph sounds simple enough, it
is quite difficult to wind thousands
of turns of fine wire without breaking the wire at some stage of the
operation. Such a tedious rewinding job really requires the use of a
winding machine of some sort, even
if it is a makeshift one using a viceheld hand drill to spin the coil
But no matter how you go about
it, it is a delicate operation and far
from easy.
My first rewind
The first horn speaker pole piece
coil I rewound was an absolute
JUNE 1989
Amp lion horns simply screwed onto the driver. Note the two-start thread not bad for 1925!
disgrace to say the least. I used a
slightly heavier gauge of wire than
in the original and I simply wound it
on by hand. As a result, I ended up
with at least three joins in the wire
because of breakages and a total
resistance of about 200 ohms instead of the 1000 ohms of the
original winding.
However, I decided to see what
would happen if this hideous looking hand-wound coil was put into
service, so I replaced the coil in the
speaker with a one-watt resistor to
make up the difference in resistance. The result was a working
horn speaker that was every bit as
good as other units with two good
My next attempt was a much better effort. This time, I used the correct gauge of wire and ended up
with a coil resistance of about 900
ohms. The restored speaker has
now given hours of trouble-free
I tried something different with
the last horn speaker I repaired.
Reflecting on my first miserable
rewinding attempt, I suddenly had
a great idea! What would happen if
the burnt-out coil was ,simply bridg-
Although unrestored, this little Brown horn loudspeaker
works quite well. A repaint job will restore the speaker
to as-new condition.
ed with a lkO 1W resistor? At the
very least, it was worth a try. Just
how well the speaker would work
on a single pole piece was the question about to be answered.
After implementing the simple
repair, the old horn burst into life
and worked quite well - so well in
fact that I don't think I'll ever
bother to rewind the offending coil.
No doubt such a cheapskate
repair will cause many readers to
throw up their hands in horror. But
before you rap me over the
knuckles for suggesting such a
dreadful thing, first consider this.
Horn speakers are so lacking in
tonal quality that there is little
pleasure involved in listening to
one. They sound harsh and metallic
and their frequency range is very
limited indeed. Bass is totally nonexistent and 10 minutes of listening
is about enough for anyone. They
really are awful things to listen to.
What I'm getting around to is
this: very few collectors would
spend much time listening to their
horn speakers. They are great for
display purposes and it's an added
bonus if they work. But no matter
what you do to them they will still
sound dreadful. If bypassing a
burnt-out coil with a resistor gets
an old horn speaker working again
without additional expense, then
such a simple trick must be worthy
of consideration.
Not all horn speakers look like horn speakers. This
particular unit is of German manufacture and is housed
in a decorative diecast cabinet.
Amplions with a timber flare would
be the ultimate collectors' items as
far as horn speakers are concerned.
(Photo courtesy Orpheus Radio
Museum, Ballarat).
Horn speaker guises
As a matter of interest, not all
horn speakers look like horn
speakers. Many are disguised in
various ways and some are specially shaped to fit into decorative
cabinets and boxes. This particular
type of horn speaker is ref erred to
as an "internal horn speaker".
But no matter how dressed up
these internal horns may be, one
only has to listen to know that it's
a horn speaker in disguise. These
ancient speakers have a characteristic harsh sound that cannot be
mistaken for something else.
I have also done other sneaky
things to horn speakers, apart from
the resistor bypass trick mentioned
earlier. One of the speakers in my
collection is a mismatch of two different types although not many
would be aware of this fact. Only a
collector who was fairly familiar
with horns would pick it up.
This mismatch is a combination
of a Brown driver and a very fancy
flare of unknown make. Collectively, the two odd parts work as well
as any other horn speaker in my
collection and it looks particularly
good even though it is a hybrid.
A lot af antiques are in fairly
poor condition and most horn
speakers are knocked about and in
a rather sad state. I have only one,
an Amplion, that was in good
original condition. Usually, a 60-70
year old horn speaker has a dented
flare, up to 50% of its paintwork is
chipped off, and it is burnt out.
Inevitably, these battle-scarred
old speakers will look better after a
panel beat and repaint job. Unfortunately, repainting will often cover
up the maker's original name
transfer. Brown and Sterling
speakers, in particular, fit into this
category but often the name has
faded so badly it is hardly worth retaining and repainting doesn't
cover up anything worthwhile.
When repainting an old horn
speaker, a semi-gloss surface seems
a more appropriate way of finishing
them. They lose some of their appeal if they are too bright and
Whether horns or early cone
speakers, there curios are excellent
collector material and are much
sort after. They make interesting
displays and attract a lot of attention. However, their sound reproduction is another matter and just a
few minutes of listening is enough
to make one aware of how much
loudspeakers have improved during
the past 60 years.
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This Sterling "Baby" horn speaker is
one of the few in my collection that
didn't require rewinding.
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JUNE 1989