Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus.
Greg Swain , B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Advertising Manager
Paul Buchtmann (02) 982 9553
Regular Contributors
Neville Williams, FIREE, VK2XV
Bryan Maher, M.E. B.Sc.
Jim Yalden, VK2YGY
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Jim Lawler, MTETIA
John Hill
Jennifer Bonnitcha, B.A.
Bob Donaldson
Editorial Advisory Panel
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Norman Marks
Steve Payor, B.Sc ., B.E.
SILICON CHIP is published 1 2 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd . All material
copyright (c). No part of the contents of this publication may be
reproduced without prior written
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Typesetting/makeup: Magazine
Printers Pty Ltd, Rozelle, NSW
Printing: Macquarie Publications
Pty Ltd, Dubbo, NSW 2830.
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: currently
$42 per year (12 issues) inside
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refer to the subscription page in
this issue.
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Address all mail to: Silicon Chip
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2097. Phone (02) 982 3935.
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ISSN 1030-2662
The joys of remote control
Some people have written to us suggesting that we don't need to
change the content of SILICON CHIP - it's just right. However, no
change soon leads to stagnation. With that thought in mind, we are introducing a new column this month on the subject of remote control.
We hope that this generates a big following, as have our other regular
We know that many of our readers are deeply involved in one or
more aspects of remote control although they possibly think of it under
the more specific heading of "radio control". You only have to consider the widespread popularity of radio-controlled models of all sorts,
such as cars, fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, boats and yachts, to
realise just how wide the field is.
Nevertheless, the new column will use the more general heading of
"Remote Control" and will also cover such equipment as garage door
controllers, infrared controls (such as for VCRs, TV sets and audio
gear) and remote controlled industrial and defence equipment.
We are very pleased to have an acknowledged authority writing the
column, Bob Young, of the well known firm Silvertone Electronics. Bob
has been in the game for many years, both as a keen modeller and as a
manufacturer of remote controlled equipment of all kinds.
This month Bob Young will start off with a general introduction to
the subject of remote control and he will continue in this vein for
another month or so before getting down to specific aspects of the subject. With such a large subject to write about we expect that he will
never run out of topics.
Remote control is yet another fascinating field in the world of electronics. Just consider some of the possibilities: radio controlled electric powered aircraft, helicopters with gyroscopic control, submarines, cars with full gearboxes and suspension. It is a short step
from these to target and surveillance vehicles for defence purposes
and large remote controlled equipment like road construction
machinery, window washing machines and props for film making.
Serious stuff, but fascinating nonetheless.
Go to it, Bob, and welcome to SILICON CHIP magazine.
Leo Simpson