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ISSN 1030-2662
Saving electrical energy
is a question of tariffs
Just recently an American expert was br ought out to Austr alia to
show us how to save electrical energy. He was given a considerable
amount of time to air his views on Sydney r adio stations and probably
in most other State capital radio stations too. Most of what he said
was so trivial as to be nonsense.
One memorable example w as his claim that a n incandescent lamp
was very wasteful because it was virtually a "short circuit in a
vacuum" . That might have seemed plausible with some listeners but
most people would be a ware that an incandescent lamp is definitely
not a short circuit and neither is it in a vacuum. Incandescent lamps
are filled with the inert gas Argon at low pressure.
Another one of his erroneous statements was that fluorescent
replacements for incandescent la mps are a very new and exciting innovation and should be used wher ever possible to save power in the
home. Well, they are hardly new. BC fluorescent lamps such as the
Philips SL series have been a round for at least 10 years. But they are
quite expensive and the fact that they take at least 10 minutes to reach
full brilliance makes them impractical for most home lighting applications. Nor are they practical in industry and offices where the fluorescent tube is king.
What the " expert" should ·have emphasised is that we can make
much bigger energy savings in domestic heating and cooking by using
reverse-cycle air-conditioning and microwave ovens. Many people are
doing that anyway, not to save power but for comfort and convenience. Big energy savings can also be provided by the new more
energy-efficient r efrigerators.
But all that pales into insignifica nce if you consider the energy used
for domestic hot water. Solar hot water could give big energy savings
here but the present generous tariffs for off-peak hot water presently
make solar hot w ater systems an uneconomic proposition.
Perhaps it is time those off-peak tariffs were looked at again. If we
are serious about conserving coal and the cost of building more power
stations, a change to the off-peak tariff and perhaps a subsidy to purchasers of solar hot water systems could make all the difference. Are
we that serious about saving coal? I doubt it.
Leo Simpson