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TheStory f
Electrical Energy, Pt.6
As time passes, all alternators either
wear out or fail completely. Now
though, instead of scrapping worn out
machines, it is often worthwhile
rebuilding them to better than new.
All over the world, the picture of
electricity generation is undergoing a
change in emphasis. Projecting future
demands is becoming more difficult
and in many countries the number of
possible new power station sites is
severely restricted. So existing stations are being upgraded and improved.
In the USA, Canada and Europe,
atomic plants tend to provide the base
load. Thus, many fossil fuelled power
stations, designed for base load 20 or
30 years ago, are today required to
cope with cyclic load duty.
The changing economic climate
forces generating companies to extend
the working life of existing machinery rather than purchase new equipment.
All the above factors make the decision to recondition and upgrade old
alternators, to extend their life by 20
or more years, a sound financial
proposition. No longer does it make
sense to scrap a power station after 30
years of service, as was done in Australia and overseas until recently.
Very large alt~rnators can be retrofitted to obtain higher output, better
efficiency and greater reliability, especially under peak load duty. This giant
970MVA alternator, being lifted by the crane, failed and was rebuilt to a much
higher standard.
The electro/mechanical justification for a 30-year-old alternator retrofit may be summarised as follows:
(1). The stator insulation may no
longer be reliable;
(2). Improved design can today raise
the efficiency;
(3). Alternators designed for steady
base load years ago may well fail if
used on cyclic peak duty.
Two types of peak load
Two forms of peak load duty are
used, depending on the requirements:
(1). Load cycling means that the turboalternators are run at full speed all
the time, the load changing from full
power during peak hours to some
minimum load at other times.
(2). In two-shift operation, the machine may run at full speed between
7am and 7pm daily, carrying the full
load during peak times and perhaps
3/ 4 load throughout the day. Between
7pm and 7am, all electrical load may
be removed, the steam supply shut
down and the turbo-alternators kept
revolving slowly. This way, thermal
equilibrium is more easily restored
before the next shift. Sometimes, electrical shaft turning gear is employed
for this purpose.
Either of the above two forms of
cyclic loading has a bad affect on the
alternator. The changing power load
causes thermal cycling in the stator
with consequent expansion and contraction problems in the insulation of
the copper coils.
Either the copper coils will expand
by sliding with respect to the core
slots, or the copper will remain still
in the slot and suffer elastic compression. The amount of movement or
stress depends on the difference
between the no-load and full-load
temperatures, and the relative expansion coefficients of core and
Minimising these stator stresses
requires careful choice of copper and
Modern alternators are big brutish machines running with very fine tolerances.
The rotor of a big machine (say 1 gigawatt) may weigh as much as 70 tonnes and
rotates at 3600rpm (60Hz) or 3000rpm (50Hz). Vibration is a very big problem,
particularly at the ends of the stator windings.
silicon steel alloys. Also (and most
importantly), the full load temperature must be kept as low as possible.
The best way to do this is to use water
Rotor stresses
In two-shift operation, the rotor
winding and core teeth suffer cyclic
forces which accelerate metal fatigue.
At full speed, centrifugal forces on
the rotor winding are so strong that
the conductors cannot possibly slide
axially under thermal expansion.
Therefore, the copper remains under
axial compressive stress at full load.
In load cycling operation, this thermal compression cycles on and off,
fatiguing the copper. In two-shift
mode, the centrifugal forces alternately range from maximum to zero,
accelerating wear on the winding insulation.
Some alternators are rejuvenated
when their reliable lifetime is judged
to have ended. In other cases, actual
failure precipitates a complete retrofit. In this chapter, we trace the story
of a very large alternator from burnout to its complete restoration.
In June 1986, a 970MVA 60Hz
steam turbo-alternator in Florida,
USA suffered a stator winding to earth
fault. The machine protection automatically opened the alternator circuit breaker and switched off the excitation. This prevented further power
from being generated, preventing the
escalation of the short circuit into a
possible full scale fire.
The steam valve was closed and
weeks. While on loan, this spare ·alternator produced 2500GWh of electrical energy.
The contract involved complete
redesign of the alternator using the
original stator casing. This required a
new stator core with improved slot
geometry and provision of laminated
end pressure plates. The original
hydrogen cooled stator winding was
replaced by a new water cooled coil
set and end-winding supports were
made flexible to accommodate startup expansion stresses. Improved stator insulation was also incorporated
and the rotor winding replaced using
coil retaining rings of advanced design.
During assembly, the laminated stator core of an alternator must be thoroughly
compacted to minimise vibration. This is achieved by inductive vibration and
massive clamps.
half an hour later, the machine was at
a standstill.
When the 69-tonne rotor was removed, inspection 'showed severe
burning of the stator coils deep within
the core slots. And removal of the
ZZkV coils revealed the iron laminations to be severely burnt. It was a
Records showed that this machine
.had run for almost 20,000 hours, in-
eluding nearly 800 stop/start cycles.
In fact, even though it was a very
large machine, it had been used
mostly for peak load duty.
The ABB company was awarded
the contract to remove, retrofit and
replace the 460-tonne alternator. During the repair, a 730MVA alternator
was loaned to the power company,
being mounted on the original foundations and brought on line in just 11
With the alternator lifted from its
foundations, the old stator windings
and laminated core were removed.
The remaining 113-tonne stator housing was then shipped by rail to ABB's
workshops in Richmond, Virginia for
cleaning and modification.
Simultaneously, at the company's
Birr workshops in Switzerland, new
stator coils and iron core segments
were designed and manufactured.
These were delivered in sections tr.
the Richmond shops for assembly.
With the stator casing mounted
vertically over one end press-plate,
the first task was stacking the core
into the stator casing. The core is
composed of low-loss silicon alloy
steel segments, each 119th of a circle.
Each lamination was punched, deburred and coated on both sides with
heat resistant varnish, then placed on
the core stack.
For long life, it is important that
the core laminations be compacted
tightly, otherwise vibrating segments
would damage the coil insulation.
Therefore the core was periodically
compressed using hydraulic rams
during the stacking process.
The completed core was vibrated
by inductive currents, while being
squeezed hydraulically to settle and
compact all the steel segments.
Stator winding
This photo shows the stator of a 300MVA 2-pole turbogenerator undergoing
testing at ABB's Birr works in Switzerland. The stator is cooled by pumping
de-ionised water through the windings and end connections.
With the casing and its core returned to horizontal attitude and the
coil support ring fitted, the new
31,800 amp stator windings were installed.
The new stator coils were wound
using multiple parallel flat copper
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This close-up photo of a rotor shows some of the detail of the ends of the
excitation windings. The windings are subjected to considerable stresses, both
from the retaining rings which stop them flying out and the centrifugal forces.
bars interleaved with stainless steel
tubes for the water cooling. The original coils were hydrogen cooled. Because water has much higher specific
heat than any gas, less volume is
needed when water does the cooling.
Hence, less space in each coil is required for the water tubes (compared
with the original larger hydrogen
tubes). Thus, more of the coil cross
section can be copper, even when
slightly smaller coils are used.
So compared to the old coils, the
new coils are smaller in total cross
section yet contain more copper.
The new smaller coils naturally
require smaller slots to accommodate
them. Therefore, more iron volume
remains. The result is that for the
same total magnetic field , the greater
core section means lower flux density. Thus, in the refurbished machine, the excitation losses are lower.
As core vibration amplitude is proportional to the square of magnetic
flux density, the reworked machine
(using lower flux density) also has
much less vibration. The coil insulation can therefore be expected to last
a lot longer.
High voltage insulation
Micadur, which exhibits high di-
electric and mechanical strength, was
used for the stator coil insulation.
Developed by ABB specifically for
turbo-alternators, Micadur is superior
to the insulation used in the original
The newly renovated stator, winding end connections and cooling water tubes are shown in the photos.
The laminated construction of the
end-press plates results in reduced
iron losses compared to the original
The method of supporting the stator end connections is just as important as the slot insulation. This is
because coil overhangs can be subject
to vibration if not suitably clamped.
The clamping support used in the
refit is rigidly fixed to the stator core.
Therefore, no 120Hz vibration can be
transferred from the core to the coil
end overhangs. This is a considerable
improvement over the original design.
A further improvement introduced
in the retrofit is that the coil ends are
allowed to move in the axial direction, yet are restrained radially and
Axial flexibility accommodates differential thermal expansions which
must occur during changing loads.
Therefore, the reworked machine is
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suitable for cyclic peak load duty as
well as steady base load operation, an
important consideration for its owners. Provision was also made for retightening the end connections as the
winding insulation settles and ages.
De-ionised cooling water is pumped through the stator windings and
end connections, passed through a
cooling heat exchanger and filter, then
recirculated. On return from the stator, the circulating water is monitored
for temperature rise, flow rate, pressure differential and electrical conductivity.
Rotor improvements
Alternator rotors are made in one
piece from high grade steel, with slots
milled to receive the insulated copper excitation winding. The steel teeth
between these slots are subject
many stresses.
At the normal speed of 3600rpm,
the copper winding tends to fly out,
so must be tightly restrained against
the enormous centrifugal forces.
Wedges driven into keyways in the
slots, along with circumferential steel
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aupplied with back reflectors to pre'llent ghoalln(I
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,& f t .bolt and a lilt adjua1able
ELECTRONICS metal mounting bracket.
An Tl.'llllft.
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This photo shows the rotor of a reconditioned alternator in the process of being
refitted. This is a tricky job since the clearances are tight and because of the
tendency for rotors to sag under their own weight. Compared to the original
design, the reconditioned machine generates 14% more power.
bands, are used to hold the winding
in place along the length of the rotor
Restraining the ends of the rotor
windings is a big mechanical problem. The usual practice is to fit a steel
retaining ring over the insulated
winding ends. On this machine, this
had ultimately resulted in cracking of
the rotor teeth. This happened because when the machine was stationary, .the retaining rings applied considerable force to the steel teeth. Then,
at full speed, centrifugal forces exerted by the winding pushed radially
outwards, taking tension off the teeth.
This reversal of forces in the rotor
teeth each time the machine was run
up to speed caused metal fatigue, and
hence the cracking.
Extensive tests with this method
have shown that cracks appear after
about 200 starts, while 1000 starts
can cause dangerous cracking right
through a tooth. As this particular
machine had already had about 800
starts in its lifetime, a new approach
was needed. This involved using a
ring set fixed in place on the rotor
using a bayonet locking system. This
greatly reduces the stress reversal
cycle at start-up.
In addition, the new rings are made
from a manganese chromium steel
alloy that's not sensitive to stress-corrosion cracking. These rings and the
rotor modifications to accommodate
them are designed for 10,000 starts,
ensuring a long life for the rebuilt
Uprated alternator
After the completed rotor had been
overspeed tested, the finished alter-
Output voltage
Apparent power
Stator volts
Power factor
Increase in power
71 .2MW
Ii' ·' .
nator was returned to its original site
and coupled to the steam turbine.
Tests validated the calculated details
used during the retrofit.
Because of the changes made in the
design of the stator coils, 14% more
power (116 megawatts) could be taken
from the alternator for the same temperature rise.
Even then, this increase in available power is limited not by the alternator but by the ratings of the original
exciter. The results are shown in Table
1 for two values of alternator voltage:
Z0kV and 22kV.
Increased efficiency
The modifications made during the
retrofit resulted in lower alternator
losses and hence increased efficiency.
The new stator slot and coil design
give lower flux density, thus reducing excitation power loss and stator
Compared at the original power
output, the rebuilt machine has
600kW less losses which is a fantastic saving in energy.
Completed in December 1987, the
retrofitted alternator has been operating on load ever since - a much
cheaper solution than a completely
new machine.
Grateful thanks to ABB staff and to
ABB Review for data, photos and
permission to publish.