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Versatile 4-digit
coIDhination lock
Here's a 4-digit lock that will prove
useful in many security applications.
It's easy to build and can be quickly
programmed by setting four on-board
DIP switches.
Keypad locks are often far more
convenient to use for accessing secured areas or systems than conventional keys. They can provide better
security too and offer far greater flexibility if the security system needs
We all know about the disadvantages of conventional keys. They are
cumbersome to carry around, can be
easily lost and are easily copied. By
contrast, this electronic lock only
requires the user to remember a 4digit code. It's based on three lowcost ICs and is bound to prove useful
in applications such as burglar alarms,
security doors and gates, computer
systems, ignition killers and a host of
other areas.
So let's get on with it and take a
look at some of the features of this
versatile circuit. The design considerations were straightforward: the
circuit had to be low in cost, yet extremely versatile; the PC board was to
fit inside a standard GPO (general
purpose outlet) wall box; and the code
was to be entered via a keypad. The
keypad is a standard 3 x 4 decimal
keypad as used in some telephone
A 4-digit code is used to .unlock the
the unit and all the digits from 0-9
plus the"*" key can be used to make
up the combination. This gives you
14,641 possible combi11ations, which
should be more than enough for most
applications. The remaining key oa
the keypad, the "#" key, is used to
reset the circuit if you make a mistake
entering the code.
The 4-digit code is set using four
1 decimal keypad (Altronics Cat.
1 PC board, Altronics Cat K1925
4 4-way DIP switches
8 PC pins
1 9V battery snap
1 7-pin male transit connector
1 7-pin female transit connector
8 AAA 1.2V nicad cells or one
9V nicad battery (not included
in kit; see text)
1 2MQ miniature vertical trimpot
The keypad of the 4-digit combination lock is mounted on a blank mains wall
plate, while the electronic circuitry & backup battery fits inside the wall box.
The 4-digit code is programmed in by setting four 4-way DIP switches.
on-board 4-way DIP switches. Each
switch is used to set a binary code
and this code is compared to the code
from the keypad decoder. Because DIP
switches are used, rather than wire
links, the code can be easily changed
at any time.
The DIP switches also guarantee
that the code is retained even if power
is removed from the circuit. In addition, you can wire the circuit for
momentary or latched operation and
there is provision for battery back-up
so that you're not locked out during a
mains failure.
A single wire link is used to determine whether the circuit operates in
latched or momentary output mode.
The time interval for momentary output is adjustable from about 0.5 to 20
seconds by means of an on-board trimpot. In latched mode, the output remains on (unlocked) after the correct
code is entered until the # (reset) key
is pressed.
The output of the combination lock
is an open-collector transistor that can
switch load currents of up to 0.6A
and voltages up to 30V. When the
transistor turns on, it also lights a
LED to indicate the unlocked condition. This LED is located on the front
panel, to the lower left of the keypad
(see photo)
No tricks
There's no way that you can trick
this keypad. For starters, the circuit
is designed to automatically reset if
any key is pressed out of sequence.
Also, only one key can be registered
at any one time, so you can't fool the
circuit by pushing all keys at once.
Keys that are pressed too quickly
in sequence will also be ignored. To
register, each key must be held down
for longer than the debounce period.
Finally, the 4-digit code must be entered within a 5-second period, otherwise the lock will reset regardless
as to whether the correct code was
entered or not.
Backup power
Any mains-derived DC power supply capable of delivering 11-30V DC
can be used to power the circuit, and
there is provision to recharge a nicad
back-up battery. This backup battery
can consist of either a single 9V nicad
battery or 8 AAA (1.ZV) nicad batteries. The current consumption in
standby mode is about 400µA which
means that AAA 180mAh nicads will
1 4017 decade counter (IC1)
1 7 4C922 keypad decoder (IC2)
1 4030 quad XOR gate (IC3)
2 BD681 Darlington transistors
(01 ,03)
1 BC549 NPN transistor (02)
3 1N4002 diodes (D1 ,D2,D30)
33 1N914 diodes (D3-D29,
1 11 V 400mW zener diode (ZD1)
1 6.8V 400mW zener diode
1 red LED (LED 1)
1 47µF 35VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 10µF 19VW PC electrolytics
1 4.7µF 1'6VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.1 µF monolithic
1 .01 µF monolithic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 10MQ
3 10kn
10 1MQ
1 3.3kQ
2 100kQ
1 4700
1 47kQ
1 R1 (see text)
Hookup wire, tinned copper wire
for links, solder, etc.
last about 18 days from full charge.
We'll talk more about backup batteries later on, in the constructional
How it works
Take a look now at the circuit of
Fig.1. It can be broken down into four
main sections: a power supply, the
keypad and its associated decoder
(ICZ), a sequencer (ICl), and a comparator stage (IC3 & D31-34). Each
Although IC sockets were used on the prototype, these can be considered .
optional. The keyboard is affixed to the mounting plate by gluing the corners
with 5-minute Araldite.
section will be discussed in quite a
bit of detail, as this detail will be
beneficial if it comes to troubleshooting. We'll start with the power supply which is at the top of the diagram.
A regulated power supply with a
low standby current consumption is
necessary for this circuit. This meant
that 3-terminal regulators such as the
7805 were out of the question, since
these have a standby current of
around 5mA - too much for a battery
backup supply.
It was time to try a transistor regulator circuit but it was soon found
that a couple milliamps were needed
for the transistor base current and its
associated zener diode in order to
obtain an adequate output current.
This problem was solved by using a
high gain Darlington transistor (Ql) .
The Darlington used is a BD681 and
this operates in conjunction with ZD2
which sets the regulator output to
about 6V.
The final circuit consumes only
about 200µA with no load, making it
ideal for use with a back-up battery. It
will also regulate any DC input voltage between 11-30V.
Normally, the backup batteries are
trickle charged from the main supply
rail via Rl. The value of this resistor
is dependent on the supply voltage
and can be obtained from Table 1. It
sets the charging current to somewhere between 1.5mA and 2.5mA
while ever the main supply is active.
If the main supply fails for any reason, D2 becomes forward biased and
the backup batteries supply power to
the circuit via the regulator. ZDl prevents the batteries from overcharging, while Dl prevents the batteries
from discharging back through the
supply if the supply voltage drops to
a low value. It also provides reverse
polarity protection for the circuit.
Keypad decoding
A single integrated circuit (IC2) is
used to provide the keypad decoding
logic. IC2 is a 74C922 hex keypad
decoder from National Semiconductor. It is designed to scan a 4 x 4 (4
columns, 4 rows) keypad and output
a binary value on. pins 14-17 which
corresponds to the value of the
In this design, we are using a 3 x 4
keypad but this is no problem since
we just ignore one of the column outputs which the 74C922 normally uses
to scan the keypad. In this case, the
Xl output at pin 11 is not used. As a
result, the binary value at the ABCD
outputs (pins 17-14) does not match
the value of the keypress but in this
circuit that's of no consequence.
All you have to do is to set each
DIP switch as shown in Table 2 to
obtain the required key value. A "1"
in the binary code means that the
corresponding switch is on and vice
versa. Note that each DIP switch has
four switch settings, with the leftmost
switch corresponding to the most significant bit.
Only a few other components are
used in the keypad decoder circuitry.
These include a 4. 7µF debounce capacitor on pin 6 and a lµF oscillator
capacitor on pin 5. These set the debounce period to about 50ms and the
keyscan oscillator frequency to about
The only other connections to IC2
are at the Data Available (D/ A) output
(pin 12) and the Output Enable (OE)
input (pin 13). Both these connections are used to interface the 74C922
to the sequencer circuitry. The DI A
output goes high during a keypress
and returns to the low state when the
key is released. The OE input enables
the outputs when low and returns
them to a high impedance state when
The sequencer circuit is based on a
very busy 4017 CMOS decade counter.
It is reponsible for driving the DIP
switches, triggering the output transistor (Q3), maintaining the code sequence and responding to various
reset conditions.
Briefly, this part of the circuit operates as follows. The Q0-Q4 outputs of
ICl drive DIP switches Sl-S4 respectively and the outputs of these
switches are applied to one set of
inputs of XOR (exclusive-OR) gates
IC3a-lC3d via diode OR gates D6-D21.
Fig.1: the circuit uses keypad decoder •
IC2 to scan the decimal keypad. When
a key is pressed, this IC outputs a
4-bit binary code on pins 17-14 (A-D)
& also clocks decade counter ICl
which drives the DIP switches. XOR
gates IC3a-d then compare the 4-bit
code from IC2 with the corresponding
DIP switch setting and generate a
reset pulse if the wrong key is
pressed. If no reset pulse is generated,
Q4 of ICl goes high on the fourth
keypress and turns on transistor Q3 to
switch the load.
~ - - + - - - ---1r---.-+6V
4.7 +
1N91 4
04 10
13 EN
1N91 4
1N91 4
1 Y1
D 14
C 15
B 6
t 6V\\'
B X3
10 X2
VIN +11-30V
~ :.,,..--GND
.'>.~ ""-Mif--PRE-REGULATED
Fig.2: to save space, all the resistors on the PC board are mounted
end-on, with the eight lMQ resistors made into two 4-way single
in-line packages (see Fig.3). Refer to Fig.1 for the pinout details
when mounting transistors Ql, Q2 & Q3 on the board. As shown
here, the DIP switches are set for a code of 1879 but you should
choose your own code.
The other inputs of the XOR gates are
connected to the binary output lines
from the keypad decoder, IC2.
Thus, each time a key is pressed,
the XOR gates compare the binary output from IC2 with the corresponding
DIP switch setting. If the values
match, the XOR gate outputs all remain low. However, if the values don't
match (ie, a wrong key is pressed),
one or more of the XOR gate outputs
goes high. The XOR outputs are then
OR'ed using diodes D31-34.
Let's now look at what happens in
a bit more detail.
Since Q0 is connected to the Output Enable on IC2, the latter's output
lines (pins 17-14) will all be in the
high impedance state during standby
mode. These lines are pulled low by
four lMQ resistors and thus place a
logic 0 on pins 2, 6, 8 & 12 of the XOR
gates (IC3a-d). At the same time, Q1Q9 ofICl are also all low and thus the
DIP switch outputs will all be low.
So, in standby mode, all inputs to
the XOR gates are low and thus their
outputs are also low. This means that
D5 will be forward biased and so D36's
anode will be held low.
Now let's take a look what happens
when a key is pressed. When this
happens, the DI A output of IC2 goes
high and clocks ICl. Ql of ICl now
switches high and this high is applied to the first DIP switch (Sl).
Depending on the setting of the DIP
switch, this will apply a high or low
to the remaining inputs of the XOR
gates via diodes D6-D9.
For example, let's say that Sl is set
to 0101. This means that pins 6 & 8 of
Sl will switch high when Ql of ICl
goes high and so pin 5 of IC3b & pin 9
of IC3c will be pulled high. If this
binary pattern matches the setting of
the first DIP switch, each XOR gate
will have the same logic level on its
two inputs. Thus, the XOR gate outputs will remain low and no reset
pulse will be generated.
If the next key in the seqvence is
now pressed, IC2's DIA output goes
high again and clocks ICl to Q2. This
output drives DIP switch S2 and its
setting is again compared with the
binary output from IC2. If all four
keys are pressed in the correct sequence, Q4 of ICl switches high and
turns on the Darlington output transistor, Q3.
Q3 is used to switch the load (eg, a
relay or solenoid-operated door
strike). LED 1 provides visual indication of the unlocked condition (ie, it
lights when Q3 is on), while D30
quenches any back EMF which may
be generated by inductive loads.
Wrong key
Let's now consider the situation if
we hit a wrong key during the code
entry. When this happens, the output
code from IC2 will no longer match
IEC Code
EIA Code
4-Band Code (5%)
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue gola
brown black green gold
brown black yellow gold
yellow violet orange gold
brown black orange gold
orange orange red gold
yellow violet brown gold
brown black black green brown
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown black black red brown
orange orange black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
and no reset pulse will be generated.
However, if the output code goes to
1111 (ie, the # key is pressed), D29's
anode will be pulled high by the lMO
resistor and a reset pulse will be applied to pin 15 of ICl. Because the
"#" key is used as a reset key, it cannot be used as part of the combination. All the other keys, including the
"*" key, can be used, however.
Code entry period
This close-up view shows one of the 4 x 1MQ SIP resistor assemblies (see also
Fig.3). The other SIP assembly can be seen adjacent to IC2 at the back of the PC
board. Note the 4-way DIP switches which are used to set the code.
the corresponding DIP switch setting
and so different logic levels will be
applied to the inputs of one or more
of the XOR gates. The outputs of these
XOR gates will thus switch high and
D5 will cease conducting.
The reset line is now pulled high
via the associated 100kO resistor and
diode D36. This high resets ICl, so
that we're now back where we started
from, with Q0 high.
Momentary operation
VRl, D35 and the associated 47kO
resistor and l0µF capacitor provide
the time-out period when the circuit
is wired for momentary operation.
When the output is enabled (ie, the
correct code has been entered), ICl's
Q4 output charges the toµF capacitor
via the 47kO resistor and VRl. Eventually (after one time constant), the
voltage on the capacitor pulls the reset line high via D3 and this resets
IC1, thus switching off the output
VR1 allows this time period to be
set anywhere between 0.5 and 20 seconds. For latched operation, the toµF
capacitor is simply shorted out so that
it cannot charge by installing a wire
link (shown dotted on Fig.1) across
its terminals. The 0. lµF capacitor on
pin 15 of IC1 is used to decouple the
reset line to prevent false triggering.
As a further precaution, when the
output is enabled, the clock enable
(pin 13) input of IC1 is taken high
after a small delay produced by the
5.6k0 resistor and 4.7µF capacitor on
the Q4 output. This prevents further
clocking of ICl until it has been reset
and prevents the output transistor
(Q3) from switching on if an incorrect entry is made on the fourth
keypress. Also, when Darlington transistor Q3 turns on, it disables the
comparator output by pulling the
anode of D36 low via D4 to prevent
any reset pulses from being generated
by additional key presses.
The only way to reset the unit when
the output is enabled is to press the
"#" key, or to wait for it to time out if
it is in momentary mode.
The "#" key is detected by ANDing
the four data lines from IC2, since the
output code when this key is pressed
is 1111. This AND gate function is
performed by diodes D25-28 and the
associated lMO resistor. Normally,
at least one of the output lines from
IC2 will be low and so the anode of
D29 will be pulled low by one or
more of the diodes in the AND gate
Table 1: Charging Resistor
Volts (VtN)
R1 Value
Transistor Q2 and its associated
components set the code entry period
(ie, the period of time during which
the code must be entered on the keypad). In standby or output enabled
mode, Q0 or Q4 of ICl is high, and so
transistor Q2 is turned on via D22 or
D23. While ever Q2 is on, the 47µF
capacitor across its output is discharged and D24 is reverse biased.
However, while the user is part way
through the code, Q0 and Q4 of ICl
are both low, transistor Q2 is off and
the 47µF capacitor charges towards
the supply rail via a 100kO resistor. If
the code in not entered within the
period set by this RC time constant
(about 5 seconds), the voltage across
the capacitor will eventually go high
enough to reset ICl. So you've got
just 5 seconds to enter the code.
If an incorrect number is pressed
during code entry, Q0 ofICl switches
high and Q2 turns on and discharges
the 47µF capacitor. This ensures that
you get the full 5 seconds to enter the
code on each attempt.
The PC board for this project is
fairly compact and consists of many
fine tracks. Before starting assembly,
it's a good idea to check the board for
any shorts or discontinuites in the
trackwork. It might also pay to check
the hole sizes for the DIP switches
and the PC pins and enlarge them if
You will need a fine, clean soldering tip for this job and plenty of light,
as there is not a great deal of space to
work in on the board. Also, try not to
spend too long soldering a joint, as
these fine tracks have a tendency to
lift if they get too hot. Be especially
careful with solder bridges and
splashes as well, as it's not hard to
short tracks on this board.
Fig.2 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Begin the assembly by
mounting all the diodes and wire
box, it's best to mount the PC pins on
the copper side of the board.
Back-up battery
If you mount the keypad on a mains wall plate as shown here, the PC board is
best attached via matching 7-pin transit connectors. If the keypad is mounted
away from the board, the two can be wired together using ribbon cable.
If you intend using the unit to control a door strike, you will have to
make up a suitable battery pack. Unfortunately, you cannot use a l00mAh
9V nicad battery here as it will have
insufficient current capacity to ensure reliable operation.
The best approach is to make a battery pack of 8 x AAA nicad cells.
These have a current rating of about
180mAh (nearly twice that of the 9V
nicads), so they will operate door
strikes easily. They should all be connected in series by soldering leads to
their positive and negative terminals,
and then taped up so that they cannot
short against the wall box or to the
underside of the PC board.
Be careful not to get the batteries
too hot during soldering and don't
spend too long on any one joint. Check
the completed assembly by measuring the output voltage. You should
get a reading of about 9.6V.
Fig.3: here's how to
make the two 4 x 1MQ
resistor SIP assemblies.
Begin each assembly by
soldering the four
resistors to the PCB.
Fig.4 (right) shows the
cutout details for the
blank wall plate.
3 DIA.
links. If you intend using IC sockets,
mount these now as well. Now it's
time to make some home-made resistor SIPs (Single Inline Packages).
If you haven't already noticed, all
the resistors on this PC board are
mounted vertically. This was done to
save space and thus give a more compact board. You may also have noticed that two groups of 4 x lMQ
pull-down resistors all share a common earth, so each group is made
into a 4-resistor SIP pack. Fig.3 shows
how this is done.
It's best to start off by soldering
one end of each resistor in the SIP
arrangement to the PC board. The top
lead of the resistor furthest from the
earth pad is then bent across the other
three resistors as shown in Fig.3, and
then down to the earth pad. Finally,
the top leads from the other resistors
are all soldered to this earth lead.
The rest ofthe resistors can now be
installed, followed by the trimpot,
capacitors and transistors. Make sure
you get all polarities correct on the
capacitors and transistors as any mistakes here could fuse the tracks on
this board. The 47µF capacitor adjacent to QZ is the one rated at 16VW.
The other 47µF capacitor must be
rated at 35VW and goes next to the
pre-regulated output terminal see
You can now complete the PC board
assembly by installing the multi-pin
connector, DIP switches and PC pins
at all external wiring points. If you
intend mounting the unit in a wall
Now that the board is completed
and the battery back-up organised, we
can test the circuit for correct operation. Connect the keypad to the PC
board temporarily for the moment via
a length of ribbon cable, as this makes
testing and troubleshooting a bit easier (just tack the ribbon cable to the
solder side of each PC board). With
that done, let's give it a work out.
Begin by connecting an appropriate DC supply to the main input terminals or just connect a 9V battery to
the back-up battery terminals. This
done, check the regulator output - it
should be around 6V. If not switch off
immediately and find the fault. If it's
OK, check the supply pins on all the
ICs to make sure they are getting
Before we proceed any further, you
will need to set up a combination.
This is done via the DIP switches and
Table 2 shows the switch settings for
each key value. Before setting the
switches, orient the board so that it
faces towards you with the DIP
switches along the bottom. The leftmost DIP switch represents the first
digit of the code and so on to the
right. Remember that you can use any
key on the keypad except the"#" key,
as this is the reset key.
the "#" key during the time-out period and check that the unit resets.
Finally, check that the circuit is
reset by an invalid key entry (ie, pin 3
of ICl switches high) . OK, you now
have a working combination lock, so
let's put it to work.
The eight AAA nicad batteries are first soldered in series and then wrapped in
plastic insulation tape. They sit in the bottom of the wall box, below the PC
board, and are connected via flying leads to the PC stakes.
Initially, when first switched on,
the unit will be in an unknown state
but after about 5 seconds will be reset
by the time-out circuit. You may also
reset it during this time by pushing
the"#" key.
After resetting, check that pin 3 of
ICl is high (ie, at +6V) and that pins
14-17 of IC2 are all low. If everything
is OK, enter the first digit of the code
on the keypad and check that pin 2 of
ICl is now high. Wait for 5 seconds
and check that pin 3 switches high
again. If so, you can assume that the
entry period circuitry is working. If
not, check transistor Q2 and its associated components.
Made it this far? Now try entering
the complete 4-digit code correctly.
As soon as the fourth digit is entered,
the LED should light. Assuming that
the unit is wired for momentary output (link open), the LED should then
extinguish after the time-out period
set by VRl. Verify this and then enter
the code correctly once again. Push
any key but the "#" key and check
that the LED remains on. Now press
Table 2: DIP Switch Settings
DIP Value
Where to buy the kit
A complete kit of parts for this project is available from Altronics Pty Ltd,
174 Roe St, Perth, WA 6000. You can also order by calling toll free on (008)
99 9007 and quoting your credit card number or by mail order from PO Box
8350, Stirling Street Exchange, Perth 6000. Prices are as follows:
Kit of parts (Cat. K-1925) .............................................................. $39.95
Door strike (Cat. S-4390) ........................................................... ... $39.95
Blank mains wall plate ... ................................................................. $4.00
Eight AAA 1.2V nicad cells (Cat S-5021) ............................ .......... $28.00
12V DC 300mA plugpack ... ........................................................... $15.95
Note: copyright© of the PC board is retained by Altronics Pty Ltd.
Before installing the unit, you first
have to choose between momentary
or latched operation. For momentary
output, just leave the board exactly as
shown in Fig.2. For latched operation, either remove the lOµF capacitor immediately adjacent to VRl and
replace it with a wire link, or simply
bridge its pads on the solder side of
the PC board. Remember that if you
opt for a latched output, the only way
to reset the unit is to press the "#"
If the load is polarised, connect its
negative terminal to Q3's open-collector output terminal and the positive to an external power supply. This
external supply can be the pre-regulated output from Dl, the main supply to the keypad, or a completely
different external supply.
In most cases, you can simply connect the positive of the load to the
pre-regulated supply terminal (see
Fig.2). This scheme will give you the
advantage of battery back-up should
the main supply fail. If a totally different external supply is used, it must
share a common earth with the keypad circuitry.
If you intend using a door strike
with the unit, the S-4390 from Altronics is suitable. This is a 12V
400mA unit and is ideal for the ·purpose.
Finally, you need to decide how
the keypad is to be mounted. You
have two choices here: fix the board
directly to the keypad or connect it
via a length of ribbon cable. If the
unit is to be installed in a wallbox,
it's best to mount the keypad via a 7pin transit connector (see photo). The
recommended wall box is the Clipsal
NO157 which measures 95 x 54mm
and has a depth of 37mm. Note that
other types of wall boxes may not
have sufficient depth to accommodate the batteries.
Fig.4 shows the dimensions of the
cutout for mounting the keypad on a
blank mains wall plate. The keypad
and LED can be secured to the mounting plate using 5-minute Araldite.