This is only a preview of the June 1990 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 49 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "Universal Stereo Preamplifier":
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How to recognise AC/DC sets
There are several major differences between
AC/DC sets and sets designed to run on AC
power only. AC/DC sets don't have a mains
transformer but include a special device
known as a barretter tube.
During the early days of electrification, not all household power
supplies were AC. Many small
country towns had their own
generating station and in most instances, the supply was direct current. While this mattered little
regarding lighting or heating, there
were considerable problems as far
as radios and any other device that
used a power transformer were
If a standard AC-operated radio
is plugged into a DC supply, it will
not work. What's more, if the set is
left plugged in for even a few
minutes, considerable damage can
be done to the power transformer.
In a very short space of time the
transformer will overheat and
smoke will billow forth.
I have this on good report from
my father-in-law who did just that.
He tried to use his radio (a 1940
model 5-valve Kriesler) on a DC supply and it belched smoke almost immediately. Fortunately, the set was
turned off before any serious
damage was incurred and the old
Kriesler still works today. This happened at Charlton, Victoria in the
early 1950s - not that long ago.
AC/DC sets usually have two or more valves with higher voltage heaters than
the more common 6.3V types. Shown is a 25Z6 rectifier and a type 43, both of
which have a 25 volt heater.
The reason for the problem is
simple: DC cannot be transformed
to other voltages. It just surges
through the primary winding in one
direction, rapidly heating the winding in the process. There is no constantly reversing primary current
with its accompanying back EMF to
protect the primary winding of the
tranformer. There is also no
useable electromagnetic induction
to the secondary windings as is the
case when AC is transformed. Such
a situation will wreck a power
transformer in a very short period
of time.
AC/DC sets
If radio manufacturers were going to sell radios in towns that had
DC power, they needed to produce
a set that would operate on DC and that they did! Not only were
suitable DC mains receivers designed but some of these sets would also
function on AC power as well.
These versatile receivers were
known as universal or AC/DC sets
because of their ability to operate
on either type of supply voltage.
A straight DC mains radio is very
similar in construction to the AC/DC
version, the difference being that
the AC/DC model required the addition of a rectifier valve. However,
there are a few quite major differences between an AC/DC
receiver and an ordinary AC set.
First, an AC/DC set has no power
transformer. As previously explained, a transformer simply doesn't
work on DC so there is little point in
having one.
Second, some valve types are
peculiar to DC and AC/DC receivers
in that they have much higher
heater voltages. Valves with 25 to
BC 545
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rRE'.OlJENCY 4581<C:
L---===:::::=::::::t-- -\...-..····~ -.. . . ~
This circuit of an AC/DC receiver is just one of several dozen that are
illustrated in the 1938 Radio Service Manual. This suggests that there was a
larger market for these receivers than one might think.
The barretter tube
Now one does not have to be a
mathematician to realise that the
We have Australia's largest collection of
timber and bakelite period radios from
1920-1960. Fully restored and for sale.
Prices start from $120.00.
All· radios carry a full workshop
llP.GAVCAST SUFSEJU:'.7RllDDTI-.'ll FtlR ..4.C:-D. C-. ◊FZ.Rl\.'l'I◊ll.
35-volt heaters are standard types
in AC/DC sets. The reason for these
high voltage valves is that the
heaters and the dial lamps are all
connected in series and such a setup on a 240 volt supply requires
valves of higher voltage than the
usual 6.3 volt variety.
Some of the more common valves
used in universal receivers and
their heater voltages are as follows:
CL2-24V, CL4-33V, CY2-30V,
43-25V, 35Z3-35V, 25Z5-25V and
others. Many standard 6.3V valves
can also be used provided at least
two of the high voltage types are
collective heater voltages of four or
five valves does not add up to 240
volts. Even if connected in series,
placing those valve heaters across
a 240 volt power supply will ensure
their immediate destruction. To
save them from such a terrible fate,
a "barretter" tube is also wired into the heater circuit.
A barretter is a special resistor
that is constructed in much the
same manner as an early electric
light bulb with an Edison screw
base. However, instead of a
tungsten filament in a vacuum, the
barretter has an iron filament in a
hydrogen atmosphere. The barretter tube has the ability of maintaining a constant current flow over a
wide variation of voltages.
One common barretter is the 302.
WANTED - valves, radios, etc.,
purchased for cash.
Call in to our showroom at:
51 Chapel Street, Windsor, Vic 3181
PO Box 1116
Telephone: (03) 529 5639
The Philips valve specification
catalog describes it as a 300
milliamp current regulator with a
voltage range of 112-195 volts.
When a device such as a 302 barretter is placed in series with a
number of valve heaters and dial
lamps (which are all rated at 0.3
amps), it gives a reasonably even
current flow through the heaters
provided the voltage across the barretter is within its specified range
+ +
_r-0 .,.
Fig.1: simplified circuit diagram showing the heater
connections and high tension supply for an AC/DC set.
Note the barretter tube in series with the rectifier's
Left: the 302 barretter tube had an Edison screw base
and was rated at 112-195 volts and 0.3A. A barretter
tube is basically a constant current regulator and
consisted of an iron filament in a hydrogen atmosphere.
JUNE 1990
other valve receiver, requires a
high tension DC supply. In the case
of DC operation, the set obtains its
high tension straight from the DC
mains. When operating on DC, the
receiver must be connected to the
mains so that the anode(s) of the
rectifier valve is connected to the
positive side of the supply voltage.
When on AC operation, the rectifier valve is used to supply the DC
high tension. Due to the nature of
the design, half wave rectification
is used, resulting in the need for a
larger than normal electrolytic on
the input side of the HT filter. This
helps to both reduce the hum and
maintain a constant DC voltage.
A real shocker
The large barretter tube and its special screw socket are one obvious
indicator that a set is a DC or AC/DC type . In addition, DC and AC/DC
receivers do not have a power transformer, so this type of receiver is easy to
of 112-195 volts. Regardless of
variations in the supply voltage
(200-250 volts), the barretter will
operate well within its voltage
tolerance and keep all the valve
heaters working at close to the correct voltage.
One drawback is that the barretter becomes very hot during operation and so special consideration
must be given to its mounting position because of radiated heat.
AC/DC radios are very susceptible to noise originating in the power
supply and are prone to hum problems. Wiring the valve heaters in
a particular order supposedly helps
to reduce hum but a study of old circuit diagrams reveals many variations in use. This seems to suggest
that maybe it's not all that important. However, the use of radio frequency chokes and numerous
capacitors in the power lines indicates the presence of mainsborne interference that requires
special filtering techniques.
An AC/DC receiver, like any
AC/DC receivers are fitted with a special power plug and
socket. Note that the two plug connections are different
sizes so it will only fit one way. Reversing the plug
connections can lead to a situation where the radio
chassis has a 240 volt AC potential.
Now one of the problems with
AC/DC sets is that they can be very
dangerous to work on. Incorrect
wiring at either end of the power
cord or the power point itself can
give the set a live chassis with a 240
volt AC potential. For the unsuspecting, that can be a real shocker!
Because of the fact that a live
chassis is always a possibility on
AC operation, AC/DC receivers are
well insulated to prevent electric
shock. These radios are always
totally encased with closed backs
and all controls fully insulated from
the chassis. Even the screws that
hold the chassis into the cabinet
will be insulated from the set so as
to prevent trouble.
This large high tension choke could be easily mistaken
for a power transformer by someone not familiar with
valve radios. This unit came from a Healing AC/DC
Before working on a universal
receiver, the chassis potential
should be checked using an AC
voltmeter, with one probe on the
chassis and the other to earth
(careful - don't touch the chassis).
If the chassis is live (ie, at 240V
AC), then check the power cord the active side of the power supply
should not go to the earthy side of
the receiver. It is also a good idea
when working on these radios to
use an isolation transformer in the
power supply.
New text on
video cameras
One out, all out
One unusual problem associated
with servicing a DC or AC/DC set is
the "one out all out" syndrome. In
other words, should any valve
heater or dial lamp filament burn
out, it effectively puts everything
else out too because they are connected in series. In such a case, all
the valves, dial lamps and the barretter will need to be checked to
find out which one is at fault.
It may save time to start with the
dial lamps. Some circuits have
resistors across the dial lamps
which lowers their operating
voltage and reduces the likelihood
of them burning out.
In contrast, parallel connected
valve heaters are unaffected by an
inoperative dial lamp.
A well restored AC/DC set should
work as well as any standard
receiver and about the only difference one is likely to notice is a
much longer warm up time due to
the current restricting barretter.
Because the barretter will only
pass a maximum of 300 milliamps,
the warm up time is considerably
While sets of the DC and AC/DC
variety were common only in some
country areas, they can show up
just about anywhere . Always
remember that this particular type
of radio can be a dangerous proposition for the unwary, so make
sure that you know what you are
doing before you plug it in and start
At the very least, make sure that
the power cord is in good condition
and check the wiring at both ends
of the cord. Then, when you do plug
in, check the chassis for 240V as
described previously.
Video Cameras: Theory and Servicing, by Gerald P. Mc Ginty. Published 1984 by Howard W. Sams &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Soft covers, 279 x 217mm, 263
pages. Price: see text.
Books on video cameras are few
and far between but when they do
arrive they are very welcome. This
one has been written by a long time
practitioner in the field and, since
the copyright is owned by Matsushita Electric Corporation of
America, it not surprisingly leans
heavily on examples of cameras
made by that company.
Two subjects are not covered in
the text, so we might as well mention them at the outset. Since it is an
American text, it covers the NTSC
system well but makes no mention
at all of the PAL system used in
Europe and Australia. Second, it
makes only the slightest of mentions
of CCD cameras which probably account for the vast majority of video
cameras now being sold. At the
time it was written, CCD imagers
would have been very new.
Having dispensed with what the
book does not cover, we can say
that the rest of the subject of video
cameras is treated very well
although it is more of a theory and
circuit practice text rather than
one devoted to servicing. At any
rate, it is quite difficult to service
almost any video camera if you
don't have the service manual. So
you could hardly expect it to be
very strong on this aspect.
To give an idea of the subject
coverage, we'll list the 19 chapter
headings: Elements of Image Conversion, Vidicon Contruction, Beam
Focus and Deflection, Vidicon
Characteristics, Other Pickup
Tubes (Plumbicons, Newvicons ,
CCDs etc ), Lenses and Light Values,
Basic Black and White Camera Adjustment, NTSC Colar From the
Camera Standpoint, Colar Dissectors,. Preamps and Gamma Correction, Signal Processor, Enhancement, Encoders, Automatic Light
and Beam Control, Sync Generator,
Camera Interface and Accessories,
Three-Tube Camera Alignment,
Single-Tube Camera Alignment,
In addition, there are two appendices, one on IRE units and the
other on coax cable.
The text is well-written and there
are lots of diagrams and photos to
illustrate it. As one of the very few
(if not the only) available texts on
this subject, we can thoroughly
recommend it. It is available from
all Jaycar Electronics stores (Cat.
BS-0402) at around $36.00. (L.D.S).
Wanted: Your Circuit Ideas
Have you got a good circuit idea languishing in the old brain cells? If
so, why not send it to us for publication in Circuit Notebook and earn
yourself some money?
We'll pay up to $70 for a really good circuit, depending on how much
work we have to do to knock it into shape. So transfer your idea to
paper, write a brief circuit description and send it to SILICON CHIP, PO
Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
JUNE 1990