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his laser is housed in a length
of plastic electrical conduit
which protects the laser tube
and the high voltage power supply.
To operate it, you press the pushbutton, just like a torch. You hold the
button down to operate it, and take
your finger off to stop. Simple. This
conserves the batteries and reducesthe possibility of accidents.
Speaking of accidents, we need to
stress a couple of safety points before
we go to much further.
(1). Looking directly into the laser
tube while it is operating could damage your eyesight.
The tubes used in this project are
of low power, around a milliwatt or
so, but they still could cause damage
to your eyesight. So don't even think
of looking into the tube while it is operating. Ever.
(2). The power supply of this project is potentially LETHAL.
Yes it could kill you, or at the very
least, give you a very unpleasant electric shock. It may be battery powered
but it contains a DC-to-DC inverter
which steps the voltage up to very
high levels. You can't even trust it
when it is turned off, until it has had
time for the capacitors to discharge.
What is a laser?
Lasers are becoming so commonplace now that it is easy to forget that
they are using some pretty exotic technology. Laser stands for Light Ampli-
fication by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation. The important characteristics of lasers are that they produce
very pure monochromatic light (ie, a
single wavelength or frequency), that
all the light waves are coherent (ie, in
phase) and that the beam has very
little divergence (ie, it is concentrated
into a small spot).
There are many different types of
lasers. The first laser, demonstrated
in July 1960 by Theodore Maiman,
was a crystal laser (actually a rod of
synthetic ruby with the ends finely
ground and polished so that they were
optically flat and exactly parallel to
each other). Both the polished ends
are silvered to act as mirrors but one
is partially silvered so that some light
passes through. This very precisely .
Build this
Battery Powered
Laser Pointer
Want to explore the
fascinating technology
of laser light? Now you
can, with this battery
powered laser.
Completely portable, it
could be used as a
laser pointer for
lectures or for laser
dimensioned ruby rod was resonant
at one particular light frequency. All
that it needed was some external
stimulation and it would emit light at
that particular frequency - see Fig.1.
Pumping the laser
Those early crystal lasers were
stimulated or "pumped" by an external Xenon flash tube. They could not
operate continuously, for two reasons.
First, an Xenon flash tube will not
operate continuously and secondly, a
laser needs to dissipate a lot of heat
when it is operating and crystals do
not conduct or dissipate heat very
Other types of lasers
The most common types of laser
are either gas or semiconductor. Gas
and semiconductor lasers are not optically pumped but are stimulated or
energised by passing a current
through them. For gas lasers, this
means a high voltage DC power supply is needed, capable of delivering
many thousands of volts.
Laser applications
So what are some typical laser
applications'? These days, you name
it, it's got a laser in it. Well almost.
The most common applications are
in CD players and CD-ROM drives, in
laser printers, and in barcode readers
for supermarket checkouts and lending libraries. They're the everyday
consumer applications but they also
have lots of applications in industry,
surveying, medicine and science.
Now that lasers are so widespread,
it is not surprising that low power
laser tubes have become a great deal
Fig.1: the first laser was a synthetic ruby rod which was optically "pumped" by
a high power Xenon discharge tube. By contrast, gas lasers are "pumped" by
passing a current though the tube with a high voltage DC power supply.
(Courtesy Radio-Electronics).
cheaper in the last few years. Combine that fact with the use of other existing cheap technology and you can
build a laser for not much more than
We're talking about a low power
Helium-Neon laser, with a tube rated
at 0.5-0.8 milliwatts or a slightly larger
tube, rated at 1-1.SmW. The tube is
energised from a 12-volt rechargeable
battery pack via a DC-to-DC inverter.
The whole lot - batteries, inverter and
laser tube - is housed in a length of
40mm OD electrical conduit (in a nice
bright orange colour) with suitable
end pieces.
Now let's have a look at the circuit
which is shown in Fig.2. As will become more apparent when you look
at the diagrams of Figs.3 & 4, the circuitry is in two parts: the transistor
inverter and the rectifier circuit.
Fluorescent light inverter
Fig.2: the complete circuit of the laser.
It is basically a small fluorescent light
inverter driving a rectifier board to
develop the high voltage. The two test
points (TPl & TP2) are provided for
checking the laser current (at 3.5 to
3.4mA). If necessary, the current is
adjusted by changing the 68kQ and
33kn ballast resistors. With the
supplied kits, this should not be
The transistor inverter, built around
Ql, Tl and Dl, is directly out of a
battery powered fluorescent light. It
comes already assembled on a miniature printed circuit board. Essentially, it is a "ringing choke" inverter.
Transistor Ql oscillates by virtue of
the positive feedback from the secondary of transformer T1 back to its base.
It oscillates at about Z0kHz or so and
steps the 12V DC input up to many
r -- - - - - - - - - - -------7
SWITCHED~ _ _ _ _....,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------7
+1 0• 1JV
VOL 1~g\~,ml~LIER
L ___ ____ __ _
L _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DC-AC
___ __ _ J
Dl lA•
Fig.3: the wiring diagram for the two printed boards, showing also how they are linked together.
Be sure to use the components specified since they operate at high voltage.
- - -- - - - - - -- - - - ---JlOmm-----
- - - --
- - - - --
Fig.4: these "see through" diagrams shows how the laser and the battery pack are mounted in their respective
lengths of electrical conduit. The endplates are made of 10mm-thick Perspex.
hundreds of volts AC (depending on
the loading).
Normally the output of the transistor inverter would be fed to a small
fluoresc ent tube (say around 8 to 10
watts rating) via the .0015µF capacitor from the transformer secondary
winding. However, this circuit
bypasses the .0015µF capacitor with
a link to feed the rectifier circuit.
Rectifier circuit
There are two stages to the rectifier
circuit. DZ and D3, together with two
Close-up view of0.5-0.BmW laser tube, showing the 33kf2 2W ballast resistor
wired to the positive electrode of the tube.
.0lµF capacitors, form a conventional
halfwave voltage doubler circuit.
Then, stacked on top of that is a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit
comprising diodes D4, D5, D6 & D7
and their associated capacitors .
When the circuit is firs t turned on,
both the halfwave voltage doubler and
the Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier work together to produce a voltage of between 3.5kV and 6kV to fire
the laser tube and establish a discharge current of several milliamps
through it.
With the discharge current flow ing, the Cockcroft-Walton multiplier
can no longer function prop erly because its high impedance is heavily
loaded by the laser tube. This high
internal impedance of the multiplier
is artificially provided by the two
680pF high voltage capacitors and the
1MQ resistor. So what happens is that
the halfwave voltage doub ler, DZ and
D3, supp li es the laser tube via th e
series path provided by th e diod es
D4 to D7.
Even so, th e voltage across the la-
Close-up view of the finished printed board assembly. The smaller board is from
a portable fluorescent lamp and is su pplied ready assembled.
1 PC board, 78 x 26mm (for the
rectifier circuit)
1 assembled fluorescent light
inverter board (see text)
1 laser tube (see text)
1 304mm length of 40mm OD
electrical conduit
1 184mm length of 40mm OD
4 10mm th ick Perspex
endplates to suit conduit
1 polarised male socket (2 or 4pin)
1 polarised female socket to suit
male socket
12 small self-tapping screws to
fasten endplates and
polarised sockets
10 AA size nicad cells
1 pushbutton momentary
contact switch
6 VG2X 2kV silicon diodes
3 .01 µF 3kV ceramic capacitors
2 680pF 3kV ceramic capacitors
1 1Mn 0.25W resistor
1 68kn SW wirewound resistor
1 33kn 2W resistor
1 1kn 0.25W resistor
Hookup wire , solder, etc.
This view shows the completed assembly, ready for mounting in the electrical
conduit. Remember that the circuit operates at high voltage so never touch any
of the parts while power is applied.
ser tube is still quite high, at close to
1000 vo lts DC. The current through
th e tube is set by the "ballast res istors", a 68kn 5W and 33kn 2 watt
And that 's just about it , as far as the
circ ui t is con cerned. It runs from 12
volts DC as already ment ioned, provided by a "battery" of nicad ce lls or
from an externa l 12 V battery.
This w hol e pro ject is avail ab le as a
ki t from Oatl ey Electron ics so corn-
ponent availability w ill not be a problem (see the panel on prices elsewhere
in this article). As already noted, there
are two PC boards, one of which (for
the transistor inverter) w ill be supplied already assembled. All you have
to do is fit two links to the board,
although it is li ke ly that these, too,
w ill already be fi tt ed . You w ill need
to check your samp le board against
the com ponent w iring d iagram of
Fig.3 to confi rm thi s poin t.
The rectifi er board takes 6 di odes,
6 capacito rs and 3 res istors. Note th at
the diodes an d capacitors are far from
ordinary in that they have high voltage ratings. The diodes are rated at
2kV w hile the ceramic disc capacitors are rated at 3kV.
When assembling th is board, install the 6 diodes first , fo ll owed by
the capacitors. Note that diode D3
hangs off the board slightly on one
side, to clear one of the .0lµ F capacitors . The 1Mn resistor is mounted
vertically, to save space.
The 33kn 2W ballast resistor is not
wired in at th is stage - that is done
later wh en the circuit is co nnected to
the laser tube.
Wh en the rectifi er board is complete, it can be connected to the inverter board with two short links of
tinned copper w ire. Th e d iagram of
Fig.3 and the photos show how they
go together.
Initial tests
By thi s time , you 'll probably be
itc hing to do a test ru n an d yes, you
can do so, prov ided yo u have a 12V
NO\' f•:/1 1/lE/l 1990
laser tube are laid out on your
workbench or table which must have
a safe insulating surface. Connect the
two input leads the battery and the
laser tube should fire up immediately.
If not, disconnect and leave the unit
for a few minutes, to allow the high
voltage capacitors to completely discharge. Remember, they can give you
a substantial shock, even if no power
is applied to the circuit.
Once the capacitors have discharged, you can safely check your work
and rectify any mistakes.
Battery pack
The laser & the two PC boards are simply slid into the electrical conduit. Note
the special cutout for the pushbutton switch. Wrap the laser tube in a small
piece of corrugated cardboard to centre it in the conduit & hold it in position.
power supply which can deliver about
an amp or so. Before you think about
connecting the power supply though,
the laser tube must be connected,
together with the in-line 33kQ ZW
ballast resistor.
Notice that the laser tube is polarised. The negative electrode is the
one connected to the internal metal
shield. The negative wire from the
rectifier board goes to the negative
electrode. The positive wire, from the
5W resistor end of the rectifier board,
connects to the positive electrode of
the laser tube via the 33kQ ZW ballast
That done , check all your work
carefully. The unit is now ready for
testing. Before you do that though,
make sure that both boards and the
The 12V battery pack is made up
from 10 1.2V AA size cells. These are
soldered in series, in two groups of
four and one group of two, as shown
in the battery pack diagram in Fig.4.
These are then packed (squeezed
tightly is probably a better description!) into a 184mm length of 40mm
OD electrical conduit. The endplates
are made of 10mm-thick Perspex,
drilled to take small fixing screws.
One of the end plates is drilled to
take a polarised male socket for the
DC connections.
Before the batteries are finally inserted into the electrical conduit, a
layer of card or other insulating material is placed between each group of
cells, to avoid the possibility of shorts.
Laser head
As an alternative to the nicads, you can use a 12V sealed lead acid battery
housed in a plastic case as shown here. This will give longer battery life than
the nicads but the arrangement is not as convenient.
The laser tube and its driving circuitry are also mounted in a section
of 40mm OD electrical conduit,
304mm long. This also has 10mmthick Perspex end plates. One of these,
mounted at the laser tube end, has a
6mm hole drilled right through it, to
avoid any obstruction of the laser
light. The other end plate carries a
female polarised socket, to match the
one on the battery pack.
A hole needs to be cut for the pushbutton switch 100mm from one ertd
of the conduit. The switch is a pushfit
into a specially shaped cutout,
roughly 13mm by 12mm. You'll need
to do it by drilling the outline and
then finishing with a small rectangular file.
The laser tube and the accompanying printed boards are a comfortable
fit into the conduit. Before they are
inserted though, you'll need to pack
some pliant insulating material, such
as pieces of corrugated cardboard,
around the laser tube so that it is
Thia computer and electronic game Joyaliclr la
c/4WJt1y t»algned for two handad oparalion. Th/a
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~~:::;..' eurfece for .,abilizing the unit
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Your P.A. Accessory Specialist
The end plates for the plastic conduit are made from lOmm-thick Perspex,
drilled to take small fixing screws. This particular end plate carries the
polarised DC power socket.
centrally located in the conduit.
Next, the wires for the switch are
fed through the conduit and out
through the switch hole. The wires
are soldered to the switch and then
the laser tube and the PC boards are
installed in the conduit. The DC input wires are soldered to the polarised female socket and the two endplates are fitted.
Finally, the laser head and the battery pack are fitted together by a standard double female plastic fitting
which has an internal diameter of
40mm - a snug fit over the conduit.
Now plug the two units together, push
the switch and your Laser Pointer
5'· $ 8.95
6"- $ 9.95 Large Lockable $9.95
8'- $11.95
10' - $15.95 Small Lockable $4.95
12'- $19.95
15"- $23.95
18"- $34.95
Clamps for
Grilles Pk4- $2.95
5' $8.95
Suit 1 x Male XLR + Female XLR $4.95
As above also 2 x 1/4" Sockets
Suit 2 x 1/4' Sockets
Suit 2 X 1/4' Sockets $3.95
Large Corner/Foot$2.95 Large Stackable$2.95
Large lnterlocking$1.95 Medium lnterlocking$2.95
Extrusion for above $5.95/M
6' Strap
$ 1.95
8' Strap
10· Strap $ 4.95
8' Nylon
Briefcase Style
Chest Handle Metal
Recessed Spring Handle
$ 2.45
$ 2.95
$ 2.95
$ 5.95
4 Unit $100 .00
6 Unit $115.00
8 Unit $135.00
10 Unit $155.00
12 Unit
This photo shows how the AA nicad
cells are shoe-horned into the
electrical conduit.
Rack Cases can be made to order in any size and any
colour carpet.
ALL $5.50ea
Please Call for a Catalogue
28 Walker S~. Dandenong, VIC, 3175
Telephone: (03) 791 1622
Where to get the kit
Kits tor this project are available from Oatley Electronics. The
complete kit for the laser head,
including a 0.5-0.8mW tube, is
$189.00. With a 1-1.5mW tube,
the price is $209.00. The battery
pack is $29.90. Certified postage
and packing for the above items
is $8.00. Also available is a 12V
6.5A.h sealed lead acid battery
for $27.90.
You can contact Oatley Electronics by phone on (02) 579 4985
or by post at PO Box 89, Oatley,
NSW 2223.
At Last!!!
Public Address &
,It1 Hi Fi Combined
This is the business end of the laser,
showing the Perspex end plate with a
hole drilled though it.
should "laze" away. Have fun but
remember our warnings about looking into the laser tube while it is operating. Remember too that the circuit operates at high voltages and that
some of the capacitors can remain
charged for quite some time after the
power is turned off.
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