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Low-cost model
train controller
Throw away that primitive rheostat
controller. This low-cost unit offers
much improved running for your
model trains and features simulated
inertia as well.
Most model train sets come supplied with a simple rheostat controller but this must be the worst type of
throttle you can have. OK, so they 're
cheap but that's about all they have
going for them. On the debit side,
they result in poor low-speed running characteristics, jack rabbit starts
and a model that frequently slows
(and even stalls) on curves and gradients.
Why does the rheostat controller
cause these problems? It's all to do
with the fact that this type of controller simply consists of a variable resistor in series with the supply voltage
to the track. It's job is to control the
armature current of the motor. This
in turn controls the torque produced
by the motor and thus the speed of
the model.
This scheme works fine at high
running speeds because the control
resistance is quite small. It's mainly
the back EMF produced by the motor
that determines armature current in
this situation, and so the speed will
be virtually independent of load variations (due to gradients and curves,
It's at the low speed settings that
we strike problems. The reason for
this is simply that, to get the train to
run at a lower speed, the resistance in
series with the supply is increased.
At very low speeds, the rheostat con-
+12·1 8 V ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . . . . . - - - - ,
Constant voltage source
Fig.t: the circuit is based on Darlington transistor pair Qt & Q2. These form an
emitter follower which buffers the output of speed control potentiometer VRt.
VR2 & the 4700µF capacitor provide throttle inertia while VR3 and the 470Q
resistor set the braking inertia. Q3 provides overload protection by removing
the drive to Qt when the voltage across the tQ resistors exceeds 0.6V.
troller behaves as a constant current
source and this swamps out the otherwise beneficial effect of reduced back
EMF as the motor slows.
Let's take a closer look at this situation. Normally, when a motor slows
down, its back EMF falls and the
armature current rises, thus increasing the torque. However, because our
rheostat controller is now behaving
as a constant current source, it prevents the armature current from rising in response to this reduced back
EMF. This reduces the torque of the
motor just when we most need it and
leads to the poor low-speed control
characteristics mentioned earlier.
Another problem with the rheostat
controller is its poor voltage regulation. If the motor attempts to draw
additional current in response to an
increased load, the voltage across the
resistance increases and so the track
voltage falls. This reduced track voltage adds further to the low-speed
running problems encountered with
rheostat-type controllers.
Finally, it's impossible to start a
model train smoothly with a rheostat
controller. That's because a motor
requires a much larger armature current to start than it does to keep running. So what happ ens as the throttle
is advanced? At some point, the motor suddenly starts and, once started,
it quickly gathers speed. The result is
a jack-rabbit start which hardly makes
for realistic control.
The answer to these problems is to
use a controller that behaves as a
constant voltage source at any given
control setting. And that's precisely
what this circuit does. It's really nothing more than a variable voltage power
supply with a low output impedance.
Because the controller has a low
output impedance , the current
through the armature now varies according to the back EMF and this leads
to much improved torque at low run-
Most of the parts are mounted on a small PC board which can be hidden under
the layout. The controls can be mounted in a small plastic case to give a
walkaround throttle or they can be mounted on the main control console. A
substantial heatsink should be fitted to transistor Q2 (at the back of the board).
ning speeds. This in turn leads to
much improved control characteristics , eliminating the tendency for the
model to slow down and stall on
curves and gradients.
A constant voltage source also overcomes the problem of jack rabbit
starts. Unlike the previous situation,
the armature can now draw significant current at low throttle settings
(ie, at low track voltage) and so starting is much smoother and more realistic.
Inertia & braking
As a bonus , this new controller
includes a couple of features to make
your model behave just like the real
thing. When you open the throttle on
a real train, it doesn 't speed up immediately. Instead, it gradually builds
up speed to match the new throttle
setting. Similarly, when the brakes
are applied, the train does not come
to a "brick-wall " stop but slows down
So , to make things more realistic ,
this low cost controller includes simulated inertia circuitry so that the track
voltage builds up slowly when the
throttle is wound up and drops slowly
when the brake is applied. A couple
of preset pots allow you to independently adjust the amount of inertia for
throttle and brake to suit your layout.
Finally, the controller includes
output short circuit protection. This
is necessary because short circuits can
occur quite frequently in a model train
layout; eg, if a loco becomes derailed.
It's also easy to accidentally short circuit the track when you modify your
To overcome this problem, the con-
troller automatically current limits
when the track is short circuited and
lights a LED to indicate the overload
How it works
Now take a look at Fig.1 which
shows all the circuit details. It's uses
just three trarisistors plus a few other
The input ·to the controller is unsmoothed DC of15-18Vand this voltage is tapped off by VR1 which is the
throttle control. This voltage is then
applied to the base of transistor Q1
via S1a, D1 , the inertia trimpot (VRZ)
and the series 5.6kQ resistor.
The voltage change on the base of
Q1 is not instantaneous when VR1 is
adjusted to a new setting, however.
That's because it takes time for the
4700µF capacitor to charge up to the
throttle voltage via D1 and VRZ. Instead, depending on the setting of
VRZ , the train will build up speed
gradually until the capacitor is full y
less than 0.6V and so Q3 is off and
has no effect on the circuit operation.
However, if a short circuit occurs, the
output current shoots up until there
is 0.6V across the two H1 resistors. At
this point, Q3 turns on and reduces
the drive to the output stage, thus
limiting the output current to about
1.2A. It also turns on LED 1 to indicate the overload condition.
At the output, double-pole switch
SZ is used to provide forward/reverse
switching. It simply switches the
supply polarity to the track. Diode DZ
is included to protect the transistors
from any spikes which may be generated by the loco motor or by track
Power for the circuit can be derived from any 12-18V unsmoothed
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board as shown here. Take care with
component polarity and note that the metal tab of Q2 goes towards the
edge of the board (see Fig.1 for transistor & LED pinouts).
charged. Diode Dl prevents the
4700µF capacitor from discharging
through VRl when the throttle setting is reduced.
So VRZ and the 4700µF capacitor
1 PC board (available from
Electronic Toy Services)
1 5kQ linear potentiometer
2 1kQ PC-mounting trimpots
2 DPDT miniature toggle
1 heatsink (see text)
1 TO-220 mounting kit (mica
washer plus insulating bush)
2 BC337 NPN transistors
1 TIP41 NPN transistor (02)
2 1N4001 silicon diodes (D1 ,D2)
1 red LED (LED 1)
1 4700µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF 25VW PC electrolytic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 5.6kQ
1 470Q
21Q, 1W
provide the simulated inertia feature
for the throttle. Similarly, brake
switch Slb and VR3, in conjunction
with the 4700µF capacitor, provide
the braking feature. When brake
switch Slb is closed, the 4700µF capacitor slowly discharges via the 470Q
resistor and VR3. Thus , the voltage
on the base of Ql gradually reduces
and so the train slows to a stop.
Note that Sla switches out the
throttle control (VRl) when the brake
is applied. That's done for two reasons: (1) to eliminate the need to reduce VRl's setting to zero in order to
stop the train; and (2) so that the train
will gradually build up speed to its
previous setting when the brake is
released (assuming that VRl is not
touched). VR3 sets the level of braking inertia.
Transistors Ql and Q2 form a Darlington output stage and this stage is
forward biassed as soon as the voltage on Ql 's base reaches 1.3V. These
two transistors together function as a
compound emitter follower, with QZ
supplying current to the load via two
parallel lQ resistors.
Q3, LED 1 and the two parallel lQ
resistors provide the overload protection feature. Nmmally, the voltage
across the two lQ resistors will be
Fig.3: mounting details for the TIP41
transistor. Smear all mating surfaces
with heatsink compound before
bolting the assembly together, then
use your multimeter to confirm that
the metal tab of the transistor & the
heatsink are correctly isolated.
Fig.4: if you don't already have a
suitable power supply, this simple
circuit will do the job. Use a power
transformer with a 12V secondary
that's rated at 60VA or more & take
care with the mains wiring.
4-Band Code (5%)
5-Band Code (1%)
green blue red gold
yellow violet brown gold
brown black gold gold
green blue black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
brown black black silver brown
DC supply. Most model enthusiasts
will already have a suitable supply
but if you don't, the circuit shown in
Fig.4 will do the job.
There are a couple of choices when
it comes to building this unit. Many
modelling enthusiasts will prefer to
retain their existing control console
and so will bury the PC board under
the layout. Others may want to fit
VRl and the two switches into a small
case to provide a walkaround throttle.
This would then be linked to the PC
board via a multi-way cable.
Because each individual's requirements will vary, we'll simply show
you how to assemble the PCB. Fig.2
shows all the details.
You don't have to follow any particular order when installing the parts
on the board but it's generally easier
if you mount the smaller components
first. Many of the components are
polarised so be sure to orient them
exactly as shown in Fig.2. These include the transistors, diodes, LED and
electrolytic capacitors. Q2 is installed
with its metal tab towards the edge of
the board.
Check the resistor values with your
digital multimeter before installing
them on the .board. Alternatively, refer to the accompanying table to read
off their values from the colour codes.
We mounted the LED directly on the
board but it could also be mounted in
some other location and connected
by flying leads if that's more convenient.
Rainbow cable can be used to wire
up LED 1, S1 and VRl but use medium duty hook-up wire for the connections to S2, the track and the
power supply. The prototype used
trimpots to preset the throttle and
braking inertia but you can substitute
a couple of full-size potentiometers if
you wish. These could be mounted
on the front panel and linked to the
PC board via flying leads.
Because it can be required to dissipate quite a lot of power, a substantial
heatsink must be fitted to Q2 (TIP32).
A commercial finned heatsink with a
rating of 2°C per watt would be satisfactory or you could bolt it to a sheet
of aluminium (about 200 square cm
should be OK).
In either case, it's advisable to iso-
To keep it cool, the metal tab of the TIP41 transistor (Q2) should be bolted to a
substantial heatsink. Use a mica washer & insulating bush to electrically isolate
the transistor from the heatsink as shown in Fig.3.
late the metal tab of Q2 from the
heatsink using a mica washer and
insulating bush to prevent accidental
short circuits (see Fig.3 ). However,
you can bolt the transistor directly to
the heatsink provided you make absolutely sure that the heatsink touches
nothing else.
If you elect to mount the board in a
metal case, the case itself can be used
for heatsinking. Be sure to isolate the
tab of Q2 from the case though, otherwise the supply will be shorted out.
Note: the metal tab of the transistor is
connected to its collector.
To test the unit, connect up a power
supply and check that the track voltage slowly increases (or decreases) to
a new value each time the throttle
(VRl) is varied. You can do this by
monitoring the output across DZ. If
this checks out, check that LED 1
lights if you momentarily short-circuit the output. It should go out again
when the short-circuit is removed.
If you strike problems, first check
the voltage across the 4700µF capacitor. No voltage here? - check that Dl
is oriented correctly, that Sla is closed
and that Slb is open. Ql and Q2 can
be checked by measuring their baseemitter voltages. In each case, you
should get a reading of about 0.6V
(assuming that there's at least 1.2V on
Ql's base to start with). IfLED 1 stays
on, check DZ , the wiring to S2 and for
track shorts.
Finally, check that the output swaps
polarity each time the forward/reverse
switch (S2) is operated. Naturally, you
should always make sure that the loco
has come to a complete stop before
operating this switch. Flicking this
switch while the model is still moving will only lead to a derailment and
could even damage the gearing. ~
Where to buy the kit
A kit of parts for this project is available from Electronic Toy Services, PO
Box 491 , Noarlunga Centre , South Australia 5168 (Shop 2/111, Glynville
Drive, Hackham West, SA). This kit includes the PC board, all on-board
components , the throttle control pot. and the two switches, but does not
include a mains transformer or case. The price is $19.95 plus $2.50 p&p.
Payment may be made by cheque or by phoning (08) 382 8919 and quoting
a credit card number.
Note: copyright of the PCB artwork associated with this project is retained
by Electronic Toy services.