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The adverse effects of
dihedral on aerobatic aircraft
This month, we will conclude our
considerations of the design elements in
modern aerobatic pattern aircraft. This is an
important topic in view of the trend towards
more sophisticated electronics in R/C
In addition to the six points raised in the last column on this subject, in the June issue, there is one
additional and very important
point. Aerobatic manoeuvres must
be presented to the judges in such a
manner that the model aircraft
stays inside a hypothetical "box".
Thus, the size of the manoeuvres is
severely restricted.
The ramifications of this rule are
serious and, in full size aerobatics,
have tended to favour the development of the biplane, of which the
Pitts Special is an outstanding example. Such a trend is developing in
model aviation and we are beginning to see model biplanes appearing
in aerobatic events.
I feel this is a real pity, for we
now live in the world of fast jets
which use vast amounts of sky and
which perform the most graceful
and sweeping of manoeuvres. To
-+- - ~ c
return to sharp, jerky manoeuvres
is very dissatisfying. I would not
mind much if there was a choice but
as it stands at the moment, the fast
sweeping model is completely locked out of the competition scene.
To me, the most spectacular and
difficult manoeuvre is the low slow
roll, performed at high speed and
stretched out in a perfectly straight
line over the entire field. This is
very, very graceful indeed and exhibits complete mastery over the
Neutrally stable aircraft
Back now to our analysis. To
begin, the best approach is the centreline, neutrally stable aircraft.
Thus, the basic parameters are as
follows: wing and tailplane of symmetrical section, mounted on the
thrustline. Fig.1 gives a stylised version of the design to date.
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Fig.1: the best approach for aerobatics is the centreline, neutrally stable
aircraft. This has symmetrical wing and tailplane sections mounted on the
thrustline and will go exactly where you point it.
At this point, it is necessary to
delve further into the secondary effects of the flight controls in order
to establish some very important
design parameters.
One of the most destabilising effects of the controls on design considerations is the secondary effect
of rudder, which is a roll in the opposite direction to the yaw. Fig.2
shows the problem. The rudder in
effect acts as a mini aileron.
The effect is most noticeable in a
slow roll, due to the very small
aileron deflection called for. Application of top rudder, applied
when the model is on its side in
knife-edge flight to keep the nose up
(Fig.2), speeds up the roll on one
half of the manoeuvre and slows it
down on the other.
This means that some compensation must be fed into the ailerons to
keep the roll rate constant. This can
be a real pain. If judges spot a
change in roll rate, bang go more
Here again we see the highly interactive nature of an aircraft between all three axes - an ideal opportunity for some computerised
hocus-pocus from our encoders.
The modern move to mixing of control channels drew its strength
from attempting to derive electronic solutions for these problems.
Knife edge flight
There is also plenty of scope for
some aerodynamic hocus-pocus.
The obvious answer to this problem
is to design an aircraft that will
hold knife edge flight with a
minimum of top rudder, or ideally,
no rudder at all. This is an impor-
Fig.2: application of the rudder to keep the nose up when the
aircraft is on its side speeds up the roll on one half of the
manoeuvre and slows it down on the other. In effect, the rudder
acts as a mini aileron.
tant point and we will return to it
Knife edge flight is straight and
level flight with the wings vertical
(see Fig.3). Speed is a great help in
this situation as we are relying entirely upon the lift from the fuselage
side area and you will recall that
lift is related to velocity squared. It
also suggests a fuselage with
generous side area and a plan view
which is like an aerofoil section.
Narrow, parallel sided fuselages
are out.
Let me point out here that many a
designer has been bewitched by the
problem of secondary rudder effects, including myself. One of the
many fixes tried for this problem is
the application of anhedral to the
tailplane (ie, sloping downwards see Fig.4).
Now we really are in it up to our
nostrils. The primary and secondary effects of dihedral and
anhedral when combined with the
weathercock stabilisation effect
provided by the fin and rudder are
tremendously complex. Perhaps I
had better explain.
Dihedral effects
The series of diagrams of Fig.5
show the primary and secondary effects of anhedral and dihedral
when applied to a wing.
Fig.5(a) shows the traditional effect of dihedral applied to a wing in
order to provide roll stabilisation. If
a gust from below upsets the air-
craft and lifts one wing, the aircraft
will immediately begin to fall
sideways [sideslip) towards the low
wing, thus producing a crosswind
component striking the aircraft
from the side of that low wing. This
also applies if we fly one wing low,
another very important point which
will be discussed further.
This will in turn call into play the
weathercock stability of the vertical stabiliser and the result is that
the aircraft will turn into this crosswind and thereby increase the
deviation from the original flight
path. This will ultimately lead to an
ever increasing deviation and eventually a spiral dive.
This is a real irony, for the better
the weathercock stability, the
greater the spiral instability, yet we
cannot fly an aircraft without
weathercock stability. As I have
stated in some earlier columns,
aerodynamics is one huge compromise and the balance between
all of the various factors is a very
delicate one. Let me tell you that
there have been, and still are, good
aeroplanes and bad aeroplanes.
The bad ones are really dangerous
to fly.
How then do we get around this
problem'? Fortunately, the addition
of dihedral [ie, wings sloping upwards) provides a simple fix. In a
side slip, which develops soon after
a turn is initiated, the inside wing
strikes the slipstream at a higher
angle of attack than the outside
wing and the aircraft rolls away
from the crosswind component,
thereby restoring the original flight
path. This is a very important point
when we come to pattern aircraft
design and we will return to it
Roll stability
Fig.3: during knife-edge flight (ie, with the wings vertical), the aircraft relies
entirely on the lift from the fuselage side area. This manoeuvre is best
performed at high speed.
The larger the dihedral angle,
the greater the roll stability. The
final tur:,ning ability and spiral
stability will be a complex balance
of various factors including dihedral, weathercock stability, and
the power of the rudder, which in
turn is a function of rudder area
and angle of deflection.
Now roll stability is fine in a aircraft designed to be positively
stable. It is not so good in an aircraft designed to fly as straight as
is well earned. As stated previously, aircraft design is one great
Biggest ever
radio controlled model
Fig.4: one approach to combatting the problem of secondary rudder effect is
to use an anhedral tailplane. Another approach is to design an aircraft that
will hold knife-edge flight without top rudder.
an arrow and perform good slow
rolls. You just simply cannot afford
to have an aircraft designed for
pattern flying doing its own thing
and all of these factors fighting
each other tend to produce an aircraft which constantly demands
the pilot's attention during manoeuvres.
They may fly themselves well but
if you wish to deliberately disturb
them, then they will fight you every
inch of the way. In short, they are a
pain in the neck to the aerobatic
pilot. .They are, of course, a dream
for the pilot on a long flight who
does not wish to be constantly correcting the flight path.
Dutch rolling
Again too much of a good thing
will produce "Dutch rolling" or excessive roll stability. The Boeing
707 suffered badly in this respect,
having the twin roll stabilising effects of dihedral and sweepback,
and an important autopilot function
was the suppression of the Dutch
roll. Here again is a prime example
of electronics in action to minimise
interaction between axes.
There is an interesting aside here
which some reader may be able to
enlighten me on. I have always
wondered why Boeing persevered
with the low, swept wing on their
jet airliners. The underslung
engines called for large dihedral
angles as a consequence, in order
to keep the outboard engines clear
of the ground in a bad crosswind
I have seen a 707 scrape an
engine on the ground (very spectacular) and the 707 has severe
crosswind landing constraints imposed upon it for this reason. This
dihedral, when combined with the
dihedral effect of swept wings,
results in excessive roll stability
and thus the auto pilot fix. Flying a
707 with the autopilot unserviceable is not nice and early 707s
had engines torn from the pylons in
some extreme cases of Dutch
The mystery is deepened when
one considers that the Boeing B47,
the forerunner to the 707, was a
shoulder wing aircraft with anhedral. This anhedral cancels the
dihedral effect of the sweep back
and gives a much nicer flight
characteristic, completely ellminating the Dutch roll.
I find this issue an interesnng
one and I have not yet had a
satisfactory answer to my question.
One factor does occur to me, that
being the safety angle. The weight
of the wing and fuel is underneath
the passengers in an emergency
and the solid wing spar protects
them in a wheels up landing.
Certainly, the Boeing airliners
have a reputation for safety which
In one of the most elaborate radio
controlled experiments I have seen
to date, NASA and the FAA combin.ed resources to produce what was
known as the Controlled Impact
Demonstration Flight. A full size
Boeing 707/720 was crashed under
radio control to test various safety
features under development.
One of these features was a new
fuel which was believed to be much
safer in a crash. At the last moment, the aircraft veered off line
due to the pilot accidentally inducing a Dutch roll. As a result the experiment was somewhat flawed.
The point here is that even the full
size R/C operators have their share
of problems and interaction between axes is one of them.
To return to the world of model
aviation, we can now see that an
aircraft with a small dihedral angle
and large fin will be directionally
stable and spirally unstable. So
much for the traditional approach
to roll and spiral stability.
By now it should be fairly obvious
that the position for the neutrally
stable aircraft is becoming fairly
murky. All of these interactions
tend to make such an aircraft an
impossibility it would appear. It is
also becoming obvious that the
more simple the design the better.
The position is compounded
when we now consider knife edge
flight, which is in effect only
straight flight in a 'yawed position.
This is an essential manoeuvre in
an aerobatic aircraft, forming as it
does one component of a slow roll.
Now this really does set the cat
amongst the pigeons. How do you
make an aircraft with dihedral fly
in a straight line when yawed?
The answer is, of course, with
great difficulty. Figs.5(b) and 5[c)
show that when yawed, a model
will immediately try to "weathercock" the fuselage back parallel to
the direction of the airflow. At the
same time, the dihedral on the wing
will roll the aircraft away from the
advanced wing. Thus, the aircraft
banks and turns.
Fig.5: if an aircraft with dihedral wings is yawed (b), lift left (LL) will be greater than lift right (LR) & the
aircraft will roll away from the advanced wing. An aircraft with anhedral wings (c) will roll in the
opposite direction. If there is no dihedral (d), neither wing will lift.
Interestingly enough, here we
find the proof that an aircraft cannot be turned on rudder only
without dihedral; it will only yaw.
Fig.5(d) shows this quite clearly. If
there is no dihedral, there will be
no increase in lift on the advancing
wing and hence no turn. Thus, if
you wish to fly an aircraft such as
an old-timer on rudder only, then
you must have dihedral. Again, the
larger the dihedral angle, the more
responsive the rudder - initially!
Then we run into the problem of
the dihedral trying to correct the
turn. Thus, we can see that a model
with the correct balance of
dihedral and fin/rudder area will
turn beautifully on rudder only. Get
this balance wrong and you will
have a real pig-boat on your hands.
The converse is that you cannot
achieve knife edge flight with
dihedral, without large control
deflections to counteract the rolling
effects of the dihedral. This results
in a very difficult, crooked and
awkward looking manoeuvre.
One final word on dihedral:
remember also that dihedral
becomes anhedral when the aircraft is flown inverted. Thus the
anhedral will try to force the model
to return to the upright position,
again making the pilot's task of
keeping his aircraft inverted a difficult one.
Finally then, after this long,
drawn out analysis, we arrive at
the conclusion that you apply any
form of dihedral to an aerobatic
aircraft at your own peril. We can
now therefore add a wing with no
dihedral to our list of essential
parameters and stylised drawing. ~
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