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The care and feeding of
battery packs
Sooner or later, everyone involved with remote
control realises that without good batteries, a
fancy model is a dead duck. It is particularly
unfortunate if the battery dies when your
model is in mid-flight.
The heart of the modern R/C
system is the battery pack which,
nowadays, usually consists of
rechargeable nickel-cadmium cells.
Statistically, the battery is now the
number one killer of R/C systems
and it is the very first item that I
check on systems in for repair.
That is not to say that nicads are
unreliable far from it. But
modern R/C designs and the components in them have become so
reliable that the nicad is now the
weak link in the system, primarily
because of its inherent corrosive
However, there is a more obvious
:reason why nicads have become the
number one problem: they are prone to operator error and I mean
operator error in a big way.
Because any discussion on the care
and feediR-g-of nicads is so vast, I intend to cover only the more obvious
problems that present themselves
to the R/C modeller.
Operator error
I define operator error as the inappropriate choice of cell type and
the actual handling of those cells
once installed.
To begin, they must be recharged
correctly and let me tell you it is unfortunate that the most popular fly82
ing time is Sunday morning. This
means that the batteries must be
recharged on Saturday night.
Now strange things happen to
human beings on Saturday nights,
amongst which they stay out late
and drink too much of that frothy
brown liquid.
If recharging is remembered at
all, it is often in the early hours of
the morning, resulting in a charging
period well short of the required 1 O
to 14 hours .. More seriously, the
model · is usually banned from the
nice warm house by a long suffering better half, and recharging
often takes place in a cold garage.
This further reduces charging efficiency and cell life.
Sunday morning thus sees the
R/C junkie, desperate for his weekly
fix of fun in the sky and sun, drag
himself out of the cot, thoroughly
unsure of his position in the world
and the state of charge of his batteries. In trying to relate to his position in the world he probably falls
back on that good old Australian
question: "Did I have a good time
last night or what?" As he most
likely cannot remember he p:roba bly consoles himself with that
equally famous Australian reply,
"Gawd I feel crook, so I must
Unfortunately there is no such
simple way to gauge how the nicads
fared, short of doing a timed
discharge and recharge, which will
not help get our R/C desperado to
the flying field in time for that contest. So, reaching once more for
another Australianism, he sets off
with a "she'll be right mate".
A trifle facetious perhaps but
this is a scenerio that I have encountered many times in my career
in the field of R/C modelling. Of
course, few customers have the
courage to admit it but some have. I
have done similar things myself and
although I have never partaken of ·
the amber fluid, my desperation to
fly has certainly overridden commonsense on occasions. And yes, I
have forgotten to recharge my batterie·s once or twice.
Access to a good power supply
allows a rapid charge but the
average modeller has no such
recourse and will often in desperation fall back to the "she'll be right"
panacea. The lessons learned are
usually bitter ones and age and experience soon teaches one to put
batteries on charge before one goes
out on Saturday night. However,
there are always new chums arriving in the hobby and the same
mistakes keep re-appearing.
Different batteries
The modern nicad battery, along
with all modern electronic components, has suffered from the process of proliferation. The result is a
bewildering array of components
with very subtle differences in the
local hobby stores.
1.6 - - - --
..-------r- - - r - - - - r-
11---+--+-- -+- --+--+-t+--+~
o.8 1-- ......L---'----+-- -tt,8C,---,";;4c-t~,c:.--:o:-l.2:lc
CNARGE : 0.1C x 16Hr
DISCHARGE : 0.2C, 1C, 4C, BC
0·6 L _ _2_0 _ _4_0_ __..
&o- - ~
80~ - ~
-1-- -+ - - - + - - - + -----+------1 0. 2
_ 6===:::l::=N!;,;
E±== = ;=
0 60
Fig.2: the effects of discharge current on cell
efficiency. Note that a discharge current of 4C
results in the efficiency dropping to about 90%.
The output voltage is also reduced along the
entire discharge curve.
Fig.1: one of the dangers with nicads is the sudden
voltage drop at the end of the discharge curve.
There are fast charge, low
discharge rate batteries; slow
charge, high discharge rate batteries; calculator batteries; torch
batteries; portable radio batteries
and dozens or perhaps hundreds
more. What does it all mean and
more importantly, which one do I
use in my R/C set?
To answer this, we must have a
very clear idea of what the batteries will be called upon to cope
with in the locations in which you
intend to use them. In this month's
column, we will confine the discussion to the transmitter and the
receiver battery packs. A later column will discuss the more demanding ultra high discharge rates encountered in electric powered aircraft and cars. This discussion will
cover the construction of different
cell types as well.
In the R/C transmitter (Tx), the
current consumption is usually a
steady 150mA or thereabouts,
depending primarily upon the Tx's
power amplifier stage. Therefore,
the demands on the construction of
the battery are low and most lowcost 500mA.h cells will do the job
In my opinion, based on 2 7 years
of dealing with nicads, the overriding factor is the quality of the
cell construction and the safety
chemicals included to provide overcharge protection. A good quality
cell will provide around 10 years of
trouble-free service in the transmitter. But "black wire" syndrome is
the big problem and periodic inspection is a must, even with high
quality cells.
For a detailed discussion on the
"black wire" syndrome, see the
February 1990 issue of SILICON
The manufacturers' instructions
often point out that battery boxes
are not recommended and if used
they must have nickel or nickel
plated steel terminals. Copper, zinc,
aluminium and chrome will readily
corrode. Even nickel terminals will
still tend to oxidize and must be
wiped clean regularly. A spray of
CRC-226 helps minimise this effect.
This effect is one of the great
mysteries in using nicads and the
major cause of failures. Manufacturers go to great pains to point out
that the cell is sealed and that it
can withstand the normal 50mA
charge for extended periods and
yet the cell still promotes corrosion
both on contacts and on circuit
boards in the near vicinity.
Modellers rarely clean the contacts
or check for "black wire" or other
signs of corrosion until some
catastrophic failure occurs.
I feel that Tx batteries should be
charged out of the Tx case if possible. I still have yet to see a satisfac-
tory explanation for the "Black
Wire Syndrome", yet this problem
can eat the negative wiring loom
right out of electronic equipment
and is a major source of device
The position for the receiver battery is vastly different. A servo at
start up will draw an instantaneous
current which may be as high as
one amp. More usually this figure
runs at 600mA. Thus, four servos
leaping into life simultaneously will
draw 2 to 3 amps which is quite a
load for a 500mA.h battery.
The position in a helicopter is by
far the most demanding, for several
reasons. First, modern helicopters
require around six servos plus a
gyro. Second, the helicopter has
almost no natural stability and
therefore must be flown constantly.
Thus, the servos rarely rest and as
a result, current consumption is
very high.
The situation in a model car is
not as critical for two reasons: first ,
most cars run only two servos and
second, the car can be stopped im-
CHARGE : 150mA (C/3.3) x 5Hrs.
Fig.3: voltage curves for a
consumer-type cell at C/2,
C & 2C. Note the rapid
voltage drop at the endpoint in each case.
Now the important point is that
the voltage drop across the batteries at these high currents can be
considerable in cells not intended
for high discharge rates. This
results in supply rail noise finding
its way into the Rx and decoder circuits, reducing range and causing
excessive servo jitter in weak
signal areas.
In fact, the situation can very
quickly deteriorate into a closed
loop with the supply rail spike
generated by the servos starting
causing a decoder fault which will
in turn cause the servos to start
again, thereby re-injecting another
spike and bringing about complete
loss of control. The Rx battery,
designed for low current operation,
virtually collapses under a constant
2-3 amp load and the model is by
now irretrievably out of control.
I shudder when I open some sets
to find cheap calculator nicads,
usually designed for 50mA constant
current load. Cells designed for
high current usage have end welded plates and other features to
reduce internal resistance and thus
internal heating. High rates of
discharge will reduce cell life even
in cells designed for this usage.
This is one very good reason for using the largest capacity battery
weight will allow.
I refuse to guarantee the repair
unless those cells are replaced, for
I know from past experience the set
will be back soon. Unfortunately,
this time I will be blamed because I
was supposed to have fixed it. In
..:;- 3 0 0 1 - - + - ' - . . + - ~ - - - - + - - - - - - - t
250 l---+--+-.......-1----+----,f----l
l!; 2001---+--f->'---'lr----+-----,f-----t
"' 1001---i--+--l---+-~i-=--...
Fig.4: depth of discharge (D.O.D) vs.
cell life. The graph shows that the
deeper you discharge the cells, the
lower their cycle life.
mediately the first signs of trouble
show up. It takes time to land an
aircraft and often that time is just
not available because of the very
sharp "knee" on the voltage curve.
A 500mA.h pack will give about
2.5 hours in a 4-servo aircraft but
only about 45 minutes in a 4-servo
helicopter. The usual pack size for
helicopters is 1.2Ah. There is an important point to note here. Modellers tend to learn from experience
that a 5-hour charge is enough for,
say, four flights; the industry rule of
thumb being one hour of charging
per flight.
What can happen is that a windy
day calls for more control inputs
and thus higher current consumption and the reduced charging time
resulting from our late night out
(referred to above) is just not sufficient. The result may be a crash on
the last flight.
the R/C world, once you have
repaired a set, it seems that you are
held eternally responsible for that
set. I used to joke that even if the
wings fell off the aircraft, I would
be blamed, until one day the wings
did fall of a model and I was blamed. That joke lost its appeal
The moral of this story is do not
send a set in for repair with inappropriate nicads installed, without
expecting to renew them. The only
thing worse is to send a set in for
repair without the batteries used on
the fatal occasion, for the most probable cause of the problem was
those batteries. In that situation,
you will only end up with a "defect
not confirmed" tag and a bill for
checking the set. After re-installing
the defective batteries, a second
crash is the certain result.
Yet over and over again, sets arrive for repair with inappropriate
nicads or without battery packs. As
stated previously, the battery is the
heart of the R/C system and the well
being of that system is in the hands
of the operator. Furthermore, cutting corners on the cost of Rx
nicads is -being very foolish indeed
- a model travelling at lO0km/h
can make a siza ble hole in
somebody's head.
Choosing batteries
How then do we arrive at the
choice of an appropriate battery
Most commercial R/C equipment
comes complete with nicads and
charger and thus presents no problem, as the manufacturer ensures
CHARGE: 0.1C x 16Hrs.
DISChARGE : 0.2C EV : 1V
Fig.5: discharge capacity vs. number of cycles
for a typical nicad cell. Under normal
conditions, nicads are good for over 500
charge/discharge cycles.
30 ~
-~-- .-
.;-- =...
DISCHARGE: 0.7C x 1Hr.
25 ..,
Fig.6: cell voltage, internal pressure and cell
temperature as a function of charge input. Note
how the cell voltage drops if charging continues
after it is fully charged. Note also the increases in
temperature and pressure as charging proceeds.
Fig.7: the effects of
temperature on cell
voltage during charging.
Nicad capacity is
specified at 20°C and
must be derated for
higher temperatures.
CHARGE : 150mA (C/J_j) x 5Hrs.
--l---- ~
that the correct cell type is fitted.
The problem arises with sets sold
for dry battery operation which
have nicads fitted by the operator,
and in sets in which the original
cells have been replaced.
In addition to this, the performance of the set on dry batteries or
inappropriate nicads is very much
influenced by the design of the Rx
circuit. Such matters as decoupling,
voltage stabilisation and low voltage operation all play an important
part in this situation.
Fig.1 illustrates the basic pros
and cons of dry batteries versus
nicads, when used in R/C systems.
The very flat voltage curve and extremely low internal resistance of
the nicad puts it clearly in front of
the dry cell. In fact, it amazes me
that dry cells give as satisfactory a
result as they do and it speaks
volumes for the quality of modern
circuit design. However, they can
cause excessive servo jitter as the
cell ages.
Fig.1 also shows one of the basic
dangers in using nicads and that is
the rapid voltage drop [beyond the
"knee") at the end of the usable
portion of the curve. Nicads pushed
to their limit can collapse in the
space of a 15-minute flight with
very little warning. The moral here:
land at the first sign of trouble and
check range and battery voltage as
well as for mechanical defects in
the airframe.
Modern nicads fall into broad
catagories regarding design and
construction and the Panasonic
catalog lists the following types:
Standard, Rapid Charge, High
Temperature, High Capacity, High
Rate Discharge and Rapid Charge,
Super High Capacity and Rapid
Charge, Memory Backup and Consumer Type.
From this bewildering array,
which cell do we choose? To begin,
we must establish how . long we
wish to operate between charges. A
500mA.h cell will quite safely provide 2 to 2.5 hours of operation on a
4-servo model aircraft. The same
size cell will provide approx 4
hours operation on a standard Tx.
This is usually considered adequate
for most modelling applications.
Next, we must establish what
type of load 2.5 amps represents in
relation to a 500mA.h cell. Obviously 2.5 amps drawn from a lead acid
car battery is not a heavy load but
does it constitute a rapid discharge
from a 500mA.h cell'?
This is not so easily settled and
there is no definition of what constitutes a rapid discharge rate in
any catalog that I could find. Fig.2
does give some clue in that 4C (4
times the cell capacity in milliamps,
4 x 500 = 2000mA or 2 amps) is
beginning to stress the cell and efficiency has dropped to 90% of
Note also that the voltage
available has fallen, despite the low
internal resistance. Fig.3 shows the
voltage curve for a consumer type
cell at C/2, C and 2C. Thus, in the interests of efficiency, cell life and
voltage available, it pays to use the
largest capacity cell that the weight
penalty will allow. Note that 2.5
amps from a 500mA.h cell is 5C
while the same current from a
2.5A.h. cell is only lC.
The airborne battery cells should
be a high discharge type if the
capacity is kept to a minimum. The
AA cell is a borderline case and
may be a high quality standard cell.
One final word here on the effects of genuine interference: if you
are using inappropriate, aged or
otherwise defective cells, all of the
servos will begin to chatter when
interference is encountered. This
gives rise to the condition described
earlier, thus ensuring a crash,
whereas cells in good condition may
ride out the crisis.
Finally, a brief word on charging:
nicads are very simple to charge
and under ordinary conditions will
give well over 500 cycles in their
lifetime. Fig.4 shows the effect of
depth of discharge (D.O.D) on cell
In this regard, there is an ever
raging argument in R/C circles concerning the use of cycling chargers
and whether to discharge every
time before charging or not. My opinion is that it is worth doing. Why?
Fig.5 shows the cycle life of nicads
based upon the 100% D.O.D cycle.
As can be seen, the minimum life is
500 cycles. Now this represents 10
years of charging every Saturday
night with a full discharge before
every charge and that is the
minimum figure.
Don't overcharge
Overcharging can also damage
nicad cells. One big problem faced
by the model aircraft people in particular is the situation where a set
is charged on Saturday night but
the model is not flown the following
day. Next Saturday, what to do?
The set is still charged although self
discharge will have reduced that
charge by an amount unknown to
the modeller because that rate
depends on all sorts of things including cell age, internal condition,
temperature and so on.
Also, if the kids have access to
the garage, they often show Dad's
pride and joy to their mates and use
half the charge in the process.
Rarely is this communicated to Dad.
The moral? Do yourself a favour.
Discharge the cells immediately to
their endpoint voltage (1. 1V per
cell) and then charge them for the
full 14 hours. Charge as close to the
flying session as possible.
Also, replace the cells every 5
years and check them every 6 months for corrosion. Replace any airborne cells involved in a heavy
crash, particularly if physically
damaged. High "G" forces can internally weaken a cell which can
result in a later failure in flight. ~