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How pulse code modulation
decoders were developed
Of all the units that comprise the modern
radio control set, the decoder has probably
undergone the most circuitous development.
Where many discrete components were once
required, it can now be done in one or a
couple of ICs.
As I have pointed out in the past,
when the new generation of PCM sets
were launched onto the marketplace,
accompanied with the usual hoopla,
much was made of the fact that PCM
was fitted with "Fail-Safe".
Amid many gasps, oohs and aahs,
the unsuspecting modern generation
of the modelling fraternity eagerly
embraced PCM, as do all fraternities
eagerly awaiting their next technological "fix".
This appears to be the problem
when dreams become reality, the reality fades quickly and a jaded technological palate seems to require
constant boosts of new technology. If
only people stopped to soak up the
wonder of all of this technology we
are surrounded with, they would be
much more satisfied with what they
However, not all of the modelling
fraternity eagerly embraced PCM. The
- -n~ - - n _ __
Fig.1: repeated from last month, this diagram shows the essence of the
serial to parallel conversion performed in the decoder. The serial pulses
from the receiver are converted into control pulses for the servos.
greenhorns may have, but us old timers recognised it for what it was; a
recycled version of the system that
by 1964 had become known as "that
circuit which neutralised the controls
on the way to a crash". PCM has become one of the sad stories in the
development of R/C systems. However, I digress.
The modern digital proportional
system grew by a tortuous process
and progressed through all sorts of
developmental periods, amongst
which were pulsed multi-tone systems. These systems came close to
giving good results but the technology for tone decoding did not exist in
those days (late 1950s). I still look at
the multi-tone system with interest
and with the new technology, I feel
there is potential for a much more
interference free system here. However, that is for the future; our story is
about the past.
In the early 1960s, Don Mathers
and Doug Spreng developed the first
really successful digital system and
it completely revolutionised model
radio control. Gone were the days of
constant retuning, bulky audio filters
and poor response times.
The Mathers and Spreng system
delivered tuning-free control with a
maximum response time of 16 milliseconds and almost perfect proportional control. The greatest benefit
howe.ver was that all controls were
simultaneous . Gone were the days of
manually pulsing alternate controls.
The modellers of the day were in
raptures. Here was genuine progress
and the marketing men had a field
day, and for once I did not mind. I
was in there helping them. Real progress I am all in favour of.
However, the first generation de-
however, and the second generation
sets allow the owner to select FailSafe or leave it off.
They even allow choice of PPM or
PCM modes. The Germans have a
quaint way of expressing the situation; they state that Fail-Safe PCM
allows you to "crash like a gentleman". If you have one of these modern sets, select PPM and no fail-safe.
The results are well worth the effort.
Personally, I feel that a more productive approach to PCM and microprocessor systems would be in error
detection and correction as in CD
technology, leaving Fail-Safe out
completely. This would represent, to
my mind, a valid application of
Circuit techniques
The Bonner Digimite was quite advanced for its time but incorporated the FailSafe concept. If the incoming pulse train was corrupted, the decoder was shut
down and a neutralising DC level was sent to the wiper pads in the servos. The
throttle was set to low and controls to neutral.
coders had the dreaded "Fail-Safe"
built into the system. In retrospect,
the "Streakers Defence" applied in
this case. It did seem like a good idea
at the time and I can remember being
very impressed with the concept. In
those days many of us were still flying
what were virtually free-flight models with a very high degree of natural
stability built in.
If the radio failed, and they did fail
more often in those early days, the
model kept flying by itself. The motor
was cut by the Fail-Safe and all one
had to worry about was the odd thermal which carried off many a model,
never to be seen again.
Keep in mind also that our old
friend "V2 " is a component of kinetic
energy and cutting the throttle is very
important as it reduces crash damage
considerably. It still does and I am all
in favour of Fail-Safe throttle even
now. My real objection to Fail-Safe is
in the locking out of the controls once
Fail-Safe is activated.
However, and here is the crux of
the story, by 1964 modellers had discovered the neutrally stable aerobatic
aircraft and now we have a vastly
different story. Neutralised controls
on this type of model are a death
sentence, hence the epithet above.
These things flew as straight as an
arrow in the direction of the last control command and once control was
locked out, crash they certainly did.
It did not take long for the designers to wake up to the fact that some
control was better than none, thus
Fail-Safe was consigned to the rubbish bin and models were allowed to
fly through interference or weak levels of RF until control was regained
properly. The odd snatch of control
available in the noisy periods was
often enough to keep the model flying.
The problem with Fail-Safe is that
once the decoder decides that the
signal is unreadable and shuts itself
down, all control is lost until the
decoder deems it proper to restore it.
I personally dislike having electronics decide. for me when I can or cannot have control of my model.
Fail-safe is an invalid concept in
theory, proved itself invalid in practice and was quite correctly consigned
to the rubbish bin; that is, until the
new generation of university trained
designers were turned loose into the
practical world and dragged it out
again in the form of the PCM set.
Even these people learned quickly,
The first really successful commercial proportional system appeared
around 1964 in the shape of the Bonner Digimite and featured, for those
days, absolutely revolutionary ideas.
They were heady days for modellers
and I can still remember the excitement generated by the American advertising.
Bonner was a leading manufacturer
of servos for use in reed receivers and
when he went to a proportional system he spared no expense to make it
the best available and it was. It gave
good service to many people for many
years - quite an achievement for a
pioneer set.
It did, however, feature Fail-Safe
which was a pity, but there was little
known about this concept in those
Bonner followed the Spreng and
Mathers concept in which a serial
stream of pulses are transmitted to
the receiver and then passed to a serial to parallel converter for decoding. Fig.1 (repeated from last month)
shows the timing sequence for this
serial to parallel conversion.
The system is termed Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and in this
system a master clock in the transmitter triggers a cascaded series of
pulse generators. Each of these generates a pulse, the width of which is
controlled by the potentiometer
coupled to the transmitter control
stick. Convention has this width at
1.Sms for neutral; lms for minimum
and Zms for maximum pulse width.
Depending upon the number of
channels (controls), a set will have
APRIL 1991
I cc
Fig.2: this serial to parallel decoder is based on BRY39 silicon controlled
switches, one for each servo channel. The circuit was simple yet reliable & was
used for many years until IC decoders appeared on the scene.
from two to eight pulse generators.
These serial pulses are then converted
into a marker pulse stream in which a
350µs marker pulse marks the beginning and end of each pulse.
Transmission is continuous, with a
new frame transmitted every 16-20ms
(new clock pulse). Thus, in a 4-channel set with a frame rate of 16ms, full
deflection on all controls will result
in a data stream 4 x 2ms long followed by a resting period of 16 - 8ms
or 8ms. This rest period is used as
an identification or synchronisation
This serial data stream may be
transmitted by NBFSK or amplitude
modulation and the receiver passes
on a duplicate of this data to the decoder. The decoder is essentially a
serial to parallel converter and there
is a wide varity of approaches 'to the
decoding process. However, all follow the Spreng and Mathers concept
of reconstituting the serial stream to
the original number of variable width
pulses which are essential for the
operation of the proportional servo
(described last month).
Bonner used an 8-transistor array
in a Johnson ring counter, with a diode matrix for decoding. Frame validity was verified by a separate
counter. Bonner went the whole hog
and came out with an 8-channel set
and decoding alone took 15 transistors. If the incoming pulse train was
corrupted, the decoder was shut down
and a neutralising DC level was sent
to the wiper pads in the servos. The
throttle was set to low and the controls to neutral.
As you can imagine, this was quite
an elaborate circuit for discrete corn-
A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.___ _ _ _~_
_..._ _ _ _ _ _.___ _ +4.8V
Fig.3: this circuit used a 74C164 serial to parallel decoder & is still current
today. However, many manufacturers are now going over to custom ICs which
enable them to incorporate more features.
ponents and the set was a little bulky.
The problem with this system was
that corrupt data was often encountered and the set immediately went
into lock-out until valid data was
again established, thus denying the
pilot access to the controls. Quite often this corrupt data was only present just long enough to activate the
Once activated, the pilot had to wait
out the time-out period, thus the FailSafe exaggerated what was in reality
a very minor glitch - one that the pilot
may not have noticed under normal
conditions. He certainly noticed the
throttle come off and the controls fly
back to neutral and stay there, even if
it was only for a very brief time. But
at 100km/h, even a very brief time
can be disastrous.
The lessons learned from this system and many others were quickly
picked up , and the second generation
systems came out without Fail-Safe ,
the concept being that it was better to
let the model fly through the corrupt
data. The era of truly reliable radio
control modelling had begun. Bonner
never learned the lesson and stuck
with Fail-Safe and gradually faded
from the market.
Decoder development followed
quickly from there on and there were
many ingenious circuits, all aimed at
improving reliability and reducing
component count. This in turn gave
smaller size and lighter weight.
One very popular circuit was that
shown in Fig.2. The heart of this was
the SCS (silicon controlled switch).
One switch was used per channel and
the pulses just simply stepped
through the counter. The output was
a positive pulse whose width equalled
the distance between the leading
edges of the clock train. Simple and
reliable , this circuit was used until
the IC decoder began to appear.
The IC decoder had a patchy beginning and was usually cobbled together
out of a number of chips. JK flipflops
were a popular item and in 2-channel
sets the 4013 dual-D flipflop is still
used extensively.
The problem with using several IC
chips is that they are expensive in
regards to board space and size is
always a problem in R/C receivers.
This was particularly true in the days
before surface mount devices. Three
14-pin DIP packs would use all of the
space available and thus IC decoders
were seen to appear in one manufacturer's equipment while others stuck
with the SCS or discrete decoders.
The most usual reason in those days
for going to ICs was just simply to
hop on the bandwagon.
Then the serial to parallel decoder
made its very welcome appearance.
Here was a single chip solution and
chips such as the 74C164 would give
8 simultaneous controls in a single
chip. Fig.3 is a circuit of a decoder
using this chip. It is part of the circuit
featured on page 111 of the December
1990 issue. The 74C04 is used as an
This modern radio-control transmitter
uses pulse code modulation (PCM)
techniques to provide simultaneous 7channel control. Other features
include channel mixing, dual rate
control, trim adjustment & servo end
point adjustment.
audio amplifier/shaper/inverter.
Briefly the circuit in Fig.3 works as
follows . Transistor Q5 is used as a
small signal amplifier with a slicing
action. Thus, low level noise is eliminated and the amplified pulse train is
passed on to the 74C04. This acts as
Mailbag - continued from page 5
"Much more expensive to repair":
how do you look at the modulation
on an FM Tx? Answer: with great
difficulty or use a modulation meter.
Quoting my own case, having manufactured AM sets for many years,
suddenly my test equipment was inadequate.
There followed a spending spree
on new test equipment which included a modulation meter, a more
elaborate signal generator and a more
accurate frequency counter, amongst
other things. Then followed a stock
of more expensive crystals and other
components, and believe me broken
crystals are a big item in R/C receivers. Add to this a more elaborate alignment procedure. Need I go on?
"Much more expensive and sometimes more difficult to change crystals in": this is a very important practical consideration. Quoting from the
Futaba (Aust.) price list again: AM
crystals, $24.95 per pair; FM crystals,
$38.50 per pair. Because of the narrow bandwidth of some FM sets, crystal tolerances can put the frequency
outside the passband with a loss of
range occuring. Moral - always check
the range after crystal changes.
Complexity covers more than component count and includes alignment
which we have already covered. The
"simple AM receiver" was included
as a bit of history to illustrate the
development of narrow band spacing
without elaborate ceramic filters. I did
point out that it was a 20-year old
design. A modern AM receiver using
ICs in the RF section (as do the FM
examples you gave) would present a
much lower component count. The
question is would they work any better and the answer is probably not.
Capture effect was the weakest
statement in the article and probably
should not have been included. But
an inverting and squaring amplifier
to provide the necessary pulse information to the 74C164.
The output of pin 2 is the clock
stream and is applied to pin 8 of the
74C164 . Pin 4 of the 74C04, D3 and
the .033µF capacitor comprise the
identification network or sync separator. Pin 6 of the 74C04, D4 and the
2.ZµF capacitor comprise the chip
enable network. This network filters
the incoming pulse train and sends
the chip enable (pin 9) high. Thus,
the chip is disabled if there is no
incoming pulse train. This prevents
random noise from damaging the servos by driving them hard up against
the end stops.
The timing still follows the broad
outlines of Fig.1.
This type of decoder is still viable
today for PPM, however the larger
manufacturers have begun to move
over to custom ICs which incorporate
several features not found in off-theshelf decoding ICs.
Such features as voltage regulation
and noise filtering are often built into
the decoder chip, thus reducing even
further the component count.
The really significant development
in decoding, however, has been in
the area of the microprocessor and
here there is great promise for the
as you point out, it is laboratory demonstrable and I do seem to remember a series of editorials in RCM&E
some years ago on "Pirated models
due to capture effect". Actually, I
thought I was being very fair in the
article as I gave pros and cons for
both systems.
The remarks on oscillator design
were virtually a direct quote from my
friend who checked the article. I had
forgotten to mention the supply rail
stabilisation and he pointed this out
to me. All of these remarks I heartily
endorse. I did not say design was
impossible but that NBFSK placed
"more stringent demands on the designer". I stand by these remarks. All
of the NBFSK oscillators I examined
had zener stabilised supply rails and
heavy decoupling. I have yet to see an
AM transmitter with a zener stabilised oscillator.
Bob Young,
Silvertone Electronics,
Riverwood , NSW.
APRIL 1991