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One thing leads to another
It's funny how one simple act can lead to a
series of events that probably would not
have otherwise happened. In my case, these
so-called events were well overdue and it
was about time something was done anyway.
It all started when I was looking for
a potentiometer. I have hundreds of
these items in various shapes and
sizes and while looking for one particular pot I kept finding others. I was
surprised to discover that I had so
many wirewound types and these
were put to one side rather than mix
them up again with the other potentiometers.
I eventually found what I was looking for and put the wirewound as-
sortment into a box to be inspected at
a later date. As my potentiometer collection is mostly secondhand, such
pots need a thorough clean and checkout before they can be put back into
service. In many cases, they don't
make the grade.
This particularly applies to old and
used wirewound potentiometers. Not
only are they secondhand but they
are also often well worn, dirty and
clogged up with dry grease. Checking
and reconditioning these old pots
seemed like a good idea for they
would then be ready to use when
Wirewound potentiometers were
used as volume controls in early
superhet receivers up to about the
mid-1930s, before the advent of AVC
(automatic volume control) . The usual
setup was to place the volume control in the cathode circuit of the intermediate frequency amplifier valve(s)
and, in some instances, the frequency
converter valve as well (but not in an
autodyne). A variable resistance in
the cathode circuit alters the cathode
bias (effectively the grid bias) of the
valves and, therefore, controls the gain
or volume of the receiver.
It was also normal practice to connect the aerial to the unused end of
the volume control. This gave a secondary control of the volume because
as the resistance in the cathode circuit increased, the resistance between
aerial and chassis decreased.
Two volume controls
This 1936 model Radiola has two volume controls, one in the cathode circuit of
the IF amplifier valve and the other in the audio section of the receiver. This
arrangement is especially useful if the set is operated close to a powerful
transmitter, since cutting back the gain ahead of the detector stage helps prevent
overloading the audio stages.
Some pre-war superhets actually
had two volume controls. One control was, as previously explained, in
the cathode circuit of the IF amplifier
valve, while the other was in the audio
section of the set.
Such an arrangement can be an
advantage if the set is operated close
to a powerful transmitter. Cutting back
the gain ahead of the detector stage
helps prevent overloading the audio
stages. A local station switch has
much the same effect but lacks variable control.
Superhet design moved away from
these early ideas, with the advent of
AVC, and the volume control was
eventually placed in the control grid
circuit of the first audio valve only.
When this is the case, a cheaper car-
Vintage Wireless
Repairs - Restoration - Sales
Our skilled technicians offer QUALITY repairs
and restoration.
We also have a large stock of Bakelite and
Timber radios fully restored and for SALE.
This is just part of the author's potentiometer collection. Many old pots require
cleaning and lubrication before they can be put back into service. One certainly
collects lots of parts in the vintage radio business!
Parts are available for the enthusiasts
including over 900 valve types, high voltage
capacitors, transformers, dial glasses,
knobs, grille cloth etc.
Circuit diagrams for most Australian makes
and models.
Send SAE for our catalogue.
WANTED · Valves, Radios, etc.
purchased for CASH
Call in to our Showroom at:
51 Chapel Street, Windsor,Vlc 3181
PO Box 1116
Telephone: (03) 529 5639
control knobs only. That problem can
be easily overcome, however.
Extension shaft
A few hours work was all that was required to restore these old wirewound
potentiometers. Many old radios from the 1920s and early 1930s used
wirewound potentiometers as volume controls.
bon potentiometer is used.
The need for a wirewound volume
control in those early superhets is
because larger currents flow in cathode circuits than in control grid circuits.
However, in some instances, a carbon potentiometer can be used as a
replacement for a wirewound type. If
the volume control only alters the
cathode bias on one valve, there is
every chance of getting away with it.
If it controls the bias on two valves,
then a carbon pot may not be able to
carry the current. Anything greater
than a 0.25W load might be asking
too much from a carbon potentiometer, although the larger old types were
rated at one watt over the whole element. The wirewound pot was originally used for good reason.
Dick Smith Electronics and other
electronics outlets sell nice new wirewound potentiometers, including 5kQ
and 10kQ, types that are ideally suited
to early superhets. There is, however,
one disadvantage with these modern
replacements: they seem to be only
made with an extremely short splined
shaft which is suitable for metric style
If these modern potentiometers are
to be used for vintage radio applications, then they will require a neatfitting extension shaft. Because I have
a lathe in my workshop, tailor-made
extensions are no problem. Without
the lathe, difficulties could be encountered because the extension shaft
needs to be a very close fit in order to
maintain reasonable alignment of the
shaft. An ordinary commercially
made extension may not fit these extremely short shafted potentiometers.
When using modern wirewound
potentiometers, remember that the
wiper arm is insulated from the control shaft whereas in the older types
this was not usually the case. This
simply means that the arm is not automatically earthed when the pot is
installed in the chassis by its securing nut. Therefore, the wiper arm
connection may require earthing.
As I like to keep my vintage radios
as original as possible, I prefer to use
a similar potentiometer if there is a
Modern wirewound potentiometers usually have very
short control shafts. A suitable extension will thus be
required if you intend using this type of potentiometer as
a replacement in a vintage radio.
need to replace one. Hence the reason for reconditioning all those wirewound pots that had been put aside.
Many of these volume controls are
quite reusable but they do require a
particular maintenance routine if they
are going to work smoothly again. In
this case, the word "smoothly" has
two meanings: smooth mechanically
and smooth electrically.
Watch the needle
To see how rough some of these old
pots are, one only has to connect an
ohmmeter and watch the needle
dance up and down the scale as the
wiper arm is turned around. Dusty or
corroded contacts will cause the meter needle to fluctuate, a fault that
will result in considerable noise if
the component is used as a volume
Making up suitable extensions for wirewound pot shafts is
a fairly straightforward job if you have access to a lathe.
Alternatively, you may be able to find a suitable
commercial shaft extender.
Worse still is the possibility that
the fine resistance wire element has a
break in it which will render the control pretty useless. A continuity check
should be one of the first steps when
repairing old wirewound potentiometers.
Checking the overall resistance often shows a variation in the specified
resistance ofup to 20%. For example,
it is common for a 10kQ pot to measure as low as 8kQ or as high as 12kQ
when checked with an ohmmeter.
Modern wirewound potentiometers
are made more accurately - not that it
really matters in a volume control.
Restoring old pots
Cleaning up an old wirewound pot
can only be done properly if the whole
unit is stripped first. The bearing part
of the shaft needs to be thoroughly
Background To Volume Control
The very early superhets used
an autodyne type local oscillator/
mixer. The circuit values in these
were quite critical and so they could
not be included in the volume control system.
With only one stage under control, overload on strong signals was
a serious problem. The local/distant
switch was the first solution but,
because it relied on the user switching it in or out, was not always successful. Connecting the antenna to
the unused end of the variable cathode resistor was a major improvement, provided the resistor value
was carefully selected.
The development of the pentagrid converter was the next major
step and allowed both valves to be
controlled . Then, with the advent of
AVC, the volume control was moved
to the audio stage.
Some people did object to AVC in
the early days. One reason for this
was the increase in noise between
stations, particularly on the very
sensitive sets that were popular in
those days. Another reason, probably arising out of the first one, was
the belief that sets with AVC "picked
up more static".
cleaned and regreased so that it will
work smoothly. The electrical cleanup may require more time and effort.
If the wire element is in good condition, it can be cleaned with a toothbrush or a blast of compressed air.
However, all too often, years of wear
and tear have almost worn the wire
through. Even those types of potentiometer where the wiper arm presses
a metal disc onto the wire can be
worn to almost breaking point. Pots
that employ a direct contact wiper
arm are even more likely to wear the
wire through.
Now if the worn track is still in one
piece, the potentiometer can usually
be salvaged simply by removing the
resistance winding and turning it over
so that the opposite side of the coil is
brought to bear on the wiper arm.
This operation varies from being fairly
easy to quite difficult, depending on
the type of construction. Some types
may not allow the wire element to be
Naturally, reasonable care needs to
be taken when repairing potentiometers in the manner just described, for
it can be a delicate task. In most instances, wirewound volume controls
can be completely restored by reversing the resistance element and cleaning and relubricating the mechanicals. This treatment costs absolutely
nothing whereas a new pot costs
around $8 and requires an extension
The best part of an afternoon pased
before I finished repairing my collection of wirewound potentiometers.
Only two were discarded. It was a job
that had been put off for quite some
Vintage Service Tip
Checking Early Pickups
Depending on design and condition, many wirewound potentiometers can be
restored by cleaning them and by reversing the wire resistance element so that a
fresh section of track is brought to bear against the resistance arm.
time and now they were all ready to
use. As a matter of fact, I could even
think of where I could use one straight
Modifying an Airzone
One of my radio treasures is a 193 7
5-valve console model Airzone. Although a 1937 model with octal based
valves, it had a wirewound volume
control in the cathode circuits of the
first two valves. This control had
developed a particularly bad spot
where it made a lot of noise and the
volume level jumped noticeably. It
seemed like a good time to swap it
over for one of my reconditioned
When removed, the pot was found
to be in excellent condition and it
was repaired and put back into serv-
Many early pots had their working
parts exposed to the dust and grime.
Cleaning the resistance element and
lubricating the mechanicals
(particularly the wiper arm) often
restores the unit to working condition
ice again instead of being replaced.
The main problem with this particular potentiometer was a dob of gunk
on the wiper track which effectively
isolated a number of turns on the resistance element - hence the noise
and the jump in volume.
However, this simple repair was
about to lead onto a more ambitious
project. While the set was on the
workbench , it seemed like a good
opportunity to look at other things.
The old Airzone has no AGC (Automatic Gain Control; also known as
AVC or Automatic Volume Control).
It is one of those receivers which requires two hands to tune in order to
avoid "crashes" on the stronger local
stations. Automatic gain control was
one of the really good innovations to
come out of the early 1930s.
Why the Airzone was made without AGC is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps
receivers without AGC were a little
cheaper and the Airzone was a budget
priced model? Perhaps some people
liked them that way - who knows?
What I proposed to do was add
AGC to the old Airzone. It is a good
receiver with a very attractive timber
cabinet and the addition of AGC
would most certainly improve an already excellent radio. I had been
thinking about such a conversion for
quite a while and now seemed like
the ideal time to do it, even if I had to
remove the volume control that had
only just been fitted.
A number of modifications would
be necessary to convert the receiver
to AGC. To begin with, the set would
Old crystal & magnetic pickups
can be quickly checked by connecting them to a set of high im pedance headphones and then
rubbing a finger across the needle
or stylus. The scratching should
be clearly heard in the headphones. The relative output can
be checked by comparison with a
known good unit.
Other then being open circuit,
faults in early magnetic pickups
are mainly confined to misalignment or drying out of the rubber
armature dampers. In the latter
case, repairs can be effected by
using bicycle valve tubing. Cut off
a length slightly less than that
required and split it lengthwise. In
most cases, the top (blade) rubber will also have hardened or
disintegrated. Replacement of this
is essential as it not only provides
damping but also stops the armature hitting the magnet pole faces.
Th is damper will have to be handshaped from sheet rubber of suitable resilience.
Watch out for shorts in the old
shielded cable used in these pickups. This often has rubber compound insulation which also
cracks & hardens.
Vintage Radio Service Tip is supplied by Resurrection Radio, 51
Chapel St, Windsor, Vic 3181.
Phone (03) 529 5639.
have to be changed to diode detection and the volume control shifted
from the present cathode circuits and
placed in the control grid circuit of
the first audio valve. Finally, the AGC
voltages would have to be connected
to the control grids of the first two
Unfortunately, we have run out of
space, so the AGC story will have to
wait for some other time. If the conversion turns out OK (and there is no
reason why it shouldn't), I know what
it will lead onto next. The old Airzone
isn't the only set in my collection that
would benefit from such a modification, so the operation will be repeated
a number of times.