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Loudspeaker protector
for stereo amplifiers
This simple circuit will protect your
expensive loudspeakers from overdrive or
from amplifier failure. It can be fitted to
just abol}t any amplifier & will also
eliminate switching thumps.
Although som e audio amplifiers
includ e loudspeaker protection circuitry as standard, there are many
amplifiers that do not. In particular,
this important feature is often left out
of high-power amplifiers , either to
reduce cost or to eliminate switching
in the audio path.
And that can be bad news for your
loudspeakers. Almost all audio amplifi ers use direct-coupled output
stages - ie, there is no output coupling
capacitor. This means that if an output transistor goes short circuit, virtually the full supply rail to that part
of the circuit will be applied to the
The result is usually a blown loud-
speaker voice coil or damaged suspension, probably before the unfortunate user even realises that anything
is amiss. For example , consider a
100W amplifier with ±50V supply
rails driving a loudspeaker with a
voice coil DC resistance of 6.5il If
one of the supply rails is shorted to
the speaker, the resulting power dissipation in the voice coil will be 50 x
50/ 6.5 = 385W (or at least it will be
until the power supply fuses blow.
Obviously, there are not too many
voice coils that will withstand that
sort of treatm ent for long. In fact, the
voice coil of a typical 50W or 100W
loudspeaker would burn out almost
Depending on the make and model
of the loudsp eaker, a typical driver
can easily set you back $150 or more ,
so replacing them can be a very expensive exercise - more so than getting the amplifier repaired, in fact.
And don 't think that the above scenario in quite improbable. Audio amplifier output stages can go short circuit for a variety of reasons ranging
from power supply faults to straight
out user abuse.
Another way of damaging your
loudspeakers is to overdrive them,
either by running the amplifier into
clipping or simply by advancing the
volume control too far. This type of
abuse can quickly burn out a tweeter
voice coil due to excessive power dissipation
In severe cases, it's also possible to
damage other drivers in the enclosure, particularly if the amplifier output power greatly exceeds the rated
power of the loudspeakers.
This project is designed to protect
your expensive loudspeakers if any of
the above situations occur. In use, the
Loudspeaker Protector monitors the
DC conditions at the output of the
amplifier and trips a relay to disconnect the loudspeakers if a problem is
Switch-on thump
All the parts for the Loudspeaker Protector are mounted on a small PC board
which is installed inside the amplifier chassis. This is the DC-powered version.
Another problem with many amplifiers is that they cause a large thump
in the loudspeakers when they are
switched on or when they are switched off. There are a couple of reasons
why this can happen. First, the positive and negative supply rails may
not rise (or fall) at the same rate and
so the output swings towards one rail.
Second, it takes a finite time for the
input circuit to stabilise at switch on
and gain control over the output stage.
During this time, there is no negative
feedback which again means that there
is nothing to stop the amplifier swinging towards one of the supply rails.
- ~ - ----- - --- - - - -,
.----.- -...-----'Wt'lr-:,~--~--.---v.
Fig.1: most of the
transistors in the circuit
function as switches.
Normally, Q4, Q5 & the
relay are on & the
loudspeakers are
connected to the
amplifier. However, if a
DC voltage appears at
an amplifier output,
then either Q3 or Q1 &
Q2 turn on & Q4, Q5 &
the relay turn off. D1,
D2 & Q6 form the
overdrive protection
This project neatly eliminates the
switch-on thump problem. It does this
by using a simple time delay circuit to
switch on a relay to connect the loudspeakers two seconds after power is
initially applied. During this period,
the amplifier has time to stabilise so
that, when the loudspeakers are connected, no switch-on thump occurs.
The Loudspeaker Protector can also
eliminate any thump that occurs in
the loudspeakers shortly after switch
off. It can also reduce (but not totally
eliminate) the sharp click that some
amplifiers produce at the instant of
switch off. This can usually be eliminated by correct selection of the suppression capacitor associated with the
on/off switch.
How it works
Take a look now at Fig.1 which
shows all the circuit details. The main
part of the circuit uses six transistors,
most of which function as simple
switches. It is based on a circuit which
was first used in a commercial Japanese amplifier some 20 years ago. We
have added a number of features to it
to arrive at the circuit presented here.
Transistor Q5 controls the relay and
is in turn controlled by Q4. When Q4
is on, it turns on Q5 and the relay to
connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier.
Base hias for Q4 is derived from a
network consisting of a 2 70kQ resistor, two 56kQ resistors and a 100µF
capacitor. When power is applied, the
100µF capacitor charges via the 270kQ
resistor and, after about two seconds,
provides sufficient forward hias to
turn on Q4. Q5 and the relay then
turn on to connect the loudspeakers
at the end of this 2-second delay, thus
eliminating any switch-on thump.
Q1, QZ & Q3 are used to monitor
the amplifier outputs for DC fault conditions. Both channels are monitored
via a low pass filter consisting offour
22kQ resistors and two 47µF bipolar
capacitors . This filter is there to ensure that legitimate AC signals at the
ampl ifier outputs have no affect on
the protector circuit.
However, if the DC output of th e
amplifier rises above +2.5V, Q3 turns
on and pulls the base of Q4 low. Q4
thus turns off and so Q5 and th e relay
also turn off to disconnect the loudspeakers. On the other hand, if the
amplifier output exceeds -2 .5V, Ql 's
emitter is pulled negative with respect to its base. Ql thus conducts
and turns on QZ which th en turns off
Q4, Q5 and the relay as before.
Note that when the relay is de-energised, the moving contacts are shorted
to the loudspeaker ground lines via
the " unused" contacts . This has been
done because if a large DC voltage
appears at the amplifier output, an
arc can be maintained across the contacts as they open; ie, the loudspeakers will still effectively be connected
during this time. Shorting the moving
contact to speaker ground removes
any DC voltage across the loudspeaker
terminals and blows th e amplifier
fuses if the arc persists.
The fact that this Loudspeaker Protector is intended for use with high
power amplifiers which can produce
considerable output currnnts, plus the
JUL Y 1991
! 0B63VW
~a®' efM
+ -
Fig.2: here are the assembly details for the DC-powered version. Be sure to
observe correct component polarity & use heavy-duty cable to connect the
loudspeaker terminals & amplifier outputs. Resistor Rl (220Q 5W) can be
replaced with a wire link for supply rails of less than +45V.
need to protect against heavy DC fau lt
currents, means that a heavy duty relay is call ed for. The one specified for
this circuit has DPDT (changeover)
contacts rated at 10 amps. Lesser rated
relays can be expected to weld their
contacts together under DC fault condition s.
DC input voltages of less than Z.5V
have no affect on the circuit. This is
desirable since all direct-coupled amplifiers have a "normal" DC offset at
their outputs and this can be as high
as Z00mV or so. In any case, DC
voltages of less than Z.5V are not going to cause damage to your loudspeakers.
Overdrive cutout
D1 , DZ and Q6 form the overdrive
monitoring ci rcuit. In operation, D1 &
DZ rectify th e AC signals at th e ampli-
fier outputs and charge a 10µF capacitor. If the AC signals exceed a preset level , sufficient vo ltage will be
developed across this 10µF capacitor
to forward bias Q6.
Q6, Q4 and th eir common 100Q
emitter resistor form a Schmitt trigger. In order for Q6 to turn on, the
voltage on its base must exceed the
voltage on the base of Q4 (approx.
1V). When this happens due to excessive signal drive, Q6 turns on and Q4 ,
Q5 and the relay all turn off.
As soon as Q6 turns on , the voltage
across the 100Q emitter resistor drops
since all current is now supplied via
the 56kQ resistor in the co ll ector circuit. This means that the voltage on
Q6's base must drop to well below the
turn-on value for Q6 to turn off again.
This translates to an inp ut h ysteresis
level of about 3V AC and prevents
relay chatter at the transition point.
Trimpot VR1 allows the trip point
to be adjusted to the desired signal
Power supply
Power for the circu it can be derived
in one of two ways . Assuming that
you intend mounting the circuit inside your amplifier, power can be derived from any convenient positive
DC rail ranging from +30V to +65V.
This voltage is fed to a series regulator
circuit based on D4 , ZD1 and Q7 .
D4 protects the circuit against reverse polarity voltages, while ZD1 sets
the voltage on the base of Q7 to 18V.
Q7 functions as an emitter follower
and produces a regulated +17.4V
which is then used to power the rest
of the circuit.
Also shown on the circuit is current limiting resistor R1 (ZZ0Q) . This
resistor is only required if the supply
rail is greater than 45V and is linked
out for voltages below this figure.
The alternative power supply uses
a centre-tapped mains transformer to
drive a full-wave rectifier made up of
diodes D5 & D6. The resulting 17V DC
supply is then filtered using a 470µF
Z5VW capacitor (n ear Q5 , at the top
righthand corner of the circuit).
All the parts for the Loudspeaker
Protector are mounted on a PC board
coded SC0l 105911 and measuring 134
x 71mm. Before installing any of the
parts, carefully inspect the copper side
of the board for possible defects. In
particular, look for open circuit tracks
or tracks which are shorted together
due to incomplete etching.
Two versions of the Loudspeaker
Protector can be built, one incorporating the voltage regulator components (based on D4, ZD1 & Q7) and
4-Band Code
5-Band Code
red violet yellow gold
green blue orange gold
yellow violet orange gold
red red orange gold
red red red gold
not applicable
brown black brown gold
blue grey black gold
red violet black orange brown
green brue black red bro"".'n
yellow violet black red brown
red red black red brown
red red black brown brown
not applicable
brown black black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
1 PC board , code SC01105911,
134 x 71mm
1 24V centre-tapped mains
transforme r**, Altronics M2854 or similar
1 12V DPDT relay with 10-amp
contacts, Jaycar SY-4065 or
DSE P-8014
1 TO-220 mini heatsink~
1 5kQ horizontal mount trimpot
1 1-metre length 32 x 0.2mm
hook-up wire
In most cases, you should be able to mount the PC board on the rear panel of the
amplifier, close to the loudspeaker terminals. This view shows the prototype
installed on the rear panel of the SILICON CHIP Studio 200 power amplifier.
the other using the mains sup ply. For
this reason, we have shown two separate wiring diagrams (Fig.2 & Fig.3 ).
Fig.2 shows the assembly details
for the version with th e on-b oard vo ltage regulator. Th is is th e version to
bui ld if you intend powering the unit
from the amplifier's pos itive supp ly
rai l.
Begin the assembly by install ing
PC pins at all the external wiring
points , then install the resistors , trimpot, diodes and capacitors. Make sure
that all the diodes and polarised electrolytics are oriented as shown on
Fig.2. The two 47µF bipolar electrolytic capacitors can be installed ei ther way around.
Note that the wirewmm d res istor
Rl (220Q, 5W) is required only if the
supp ly rail is greater than +45V. Mount
the resistor so th at it sits slightly above
th e board surface to all ow air circulation for cooling.
The six small- signal tran sistors can
be in stalled next. Push them down
onto the board as far as they w ill
comfortably go before so ldering the ir
leads and check th e ori entation of
each one carefully against the wiring
diagram. Make sure also that you don't
get the transistor type numbers mixed
up. Fig.1 shows the transistor pin out
detai ls.
The BD649 transistor (Q7) is
mounted flat against the PC board
and fitted w ith a small U-shaped heatsink to keep it cool. To mount th e
transistor, first bend its leads at right
angles so that the metal tab lines u p
with its mounting ho le. Thi s done,
smear the tab with heats i nk compound, then bo lt the assemb ly to th e
board and solder the leads.
Finally, th e relay can be mounted
on the PC board. The best way to go
about this is to first solder a short
length of stout tinned copper wire to
each relay pin. Th ese wire leads are
then pushed through the relay mounting ho les and soldered. Be sure to sit
the relay down as far as it wi ll go, so
that its pins contact the board surface.
Don 't try to enlarge the board h oles
to directly accept the relay p ins. You
will damage the copper pattern if you
Fig.3 shows the assemb ly details
for the alternative AC-powered version . It is similar to the prev ious version but omits the vo ltage regul ator
components and substitutes the transformer and diodes D5 and D6 instead.
Alternative ly, if th e amp lifi er's
power transformer has a 24 V centretapped winding, you can use this instead.
The completed board assembly can
be installed in any conven ient location in the amplifier chassis , although
it's best to mount it close to the loud speaker termina ls. In most cases, you
shou ld be ab le to mou nt the board on
the rear panel using standoffs. If you
are installing the AC-powered vers ion
into an integrated amplifier, be sure
4 BC547 NPN transistors
(01 ,03,04,06)
1 BC557 PNP transistor (02)
1 BC327 PNP transistor (05)
1 80649 NPN transistor (07)*
2 1 N4148 s ignal diodes (01 ,02)
4 1 N4002 diodes (03 ,04* &
05**, 06**)
1 18V 500mW zener diode
(ZD1 )*
1 470µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 63VW PC electrolytic*
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 47µF 50V bipolar PC
1 10~1F 16VW PC electrolytic
Resistors (0 .25W, 5%)
1 270k.O
2 56kQ
2 47kQ
2 22kQ
2 22k.O 0.5W
1 2.2kQ
1 2.2kQ 1W
1 220Q 5W*
1 100Q
1 68Q 1W
Heats ink compound , standoffs,
machine screws & nuts , mainsrated cable.
* DC-powered version only.
** AC-powered version only.
to keep the mains transfo rmer away
from th e sens itive preamp lifier stages .
On ce the un it has been moun ted in
position, connect up the power sup p ly w irirrg but don' t co nn ect the amplifier or loudspeaker leads unti l the
unit has been tested . You w ill have to
check your amp li fier 's circuit d iagram
fo r a su itable DC supply rail and th is
shou ld be verified using a m ult imeter
before it is connected to the Lou dspeaker Protector.
If the AC-powered vers ion is used,
JULY 1991
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Fig.3: the alternative AC-powered version omits the on-board voltage regulator
components and substitutes a mains transformer & diodes D5 & D6.
tery. Connect the battery across each
input in turn, first with one polarity
and then the other, and check that the
relay immediately opens in all four
In each case, the relay should close
again as soon as the battery is removed. If you strike trouble , switch
off immediately and check the circuit
for w iring errors. In particular, check
the power supply voltage and ch eck
that all parts are correctly oriented
and in their correct locations.
Assuming everything is OK, VR1
can now be adjusted to set the signal
overdrive trip point. To calculate this
trip point, you need to know the power
rating (P) and impedance (R) of your
be sure to in stall the mains wiring in et
professional manner. Use mains-rated
cable and solder the leads directly to
the PC board. Do not use PC stakes for
mains terminations.
Noto also that a lead must be conn ected -from the ground pin on the
board to th e main earth of the amplifi er. On no account shou ld you simply connect the ground pin to circuit
earth. You could get a hum loop if you
To test the unit, switch on and check
that the relay closes after about two
seconds. Fault conditions at the input
can now be simulated using a 9V bat-
Fig.4: here is an actualsize artwork for the PC
board. Note that the same
pattern is used for both
the DC-powered & ACpowered versions. Check
your board against this
pattern before mounting
any of the parts.
sco I 10591~
loudsp eakers . These values are then
plugged into the formula P = v ~/R to
derive th e trip point voltage.
For example, let's say that yo ur
loudsp eakers have an impedance of 8
ohms and are rated at 50W. If those
values are substituted into th e above
formula, we get a trip point voltage of
V = 20V. Similarly, if your loudsp eakers are rated at 100W, the trip point
voltage will be 28V.
Th e adjustment-procedure i_s as follows:
(1). Switch offal! equipment & connect the Lauds poaker Protector between the amplifier outputs and loudspeaker terminals using h eavy duty
(32 x 0.2mm) hookup wire. Disconn ect th e loudspeake~ .
(2). Connect your multimeter to the
speaker terminals of the amplifier and
set it to the 50V AC range. Connect an
audio signal gen erato r to an input of
the amplifier and sot VRl on the protector board to minimum (fully anticlockwise).
(3). Switch on, set the signal generator to 50Hz and increase th e signal
level (or volume contro l) until the
multimeter shows the required trip
voltage. Adjust VRl slowly until th e
relay trips (opens).
If you wish , the can check the hysteresis of the system by now reducing
the signal level and noting the voltage
at which the relay closes again. The
difference will probably be about 3V
although individual units can vary
from this figure somewhat.
That's it! Your expensive loudspeakers are now protected against signal
overdrive and amp lifi er failure. SC