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The development of digital
proportional RC transmitters
As we have noted in recent columns on this
historical series, the development of the
proportional control transmitter was a long,
slow process which had its roots in the
Galloping Ghost and similar analog systems.
Galloping Ghost transmitt ers had
only one stick, which gave rudd er
and eleva tor control, and a lev er
switch which gave positionable throttle via a pulse omission detector in
th e decoder. This was quite primitive, as noted in previous articles on
the Galloping Ghost system.
Even more primitive by modern
standards was the construction of the
control stick assembly which was a
very popular and reliable unit made
commercially in the USA by "Protrol".
The direct mounted potentiometers
and the large completely open square
hole is a far cry from the modern
sealed gimbal in today's sets such as
the Futaba Tx featured in this article.
However, this type of stick construction died hard because it had
one great advantage over the modern
sealed gimbal: the excellent centring
accuracy obtainable from th e direct
mounted pots. The ·Americans fought
hard to retain this typ e of stick assembly and retained it on their top-line
competition sets almost until they
were forced out of the commercial
The customer is right
The Japanese eventually got a stranglehold on the R/C transmitter market by
producing sets with sealed gimbals, all moulded plastic contruction and lots of
operating features.
Here we see a very practical and
technically superior device giving way
to customer pressure, for some very
valid reasons secondary to performance. The "open gimbal", as it was
known , was prone to dust ingress into
the electronics and the large hole was
quite ugly when compared to the slick
finish of the modern Japanese units
moulded in full plastic.
The coup-de-grace was delivered
to the open gimbal as the accuracy of
manufacture of the sealed gimbal
gradually improved. Today's sealed
The interior of this Silvertone transmitter (made around
1969) shows a board using a half-shot encoder. The folded
metal construction, while desirable from a technical point
of view, was far less attractive to modellers than the
modern moulded plastic sets.
gimbals give nearly equal results and
offer the above advantages as well.
Thus died the "open gimbal" transmitter.
It is interesting to note the rigid
thinking of the American R/C manufacturing industry. Quite apart from
the price disadvantage, they failed to
recognise the importance of packaging and styling and thus they clung to
the traditional methods for far too
long. Their greatest failings were in
staying with folded aluminium transmitter cases and in not recogmsmg
the need for improved servo g\)artrains.
That said, there were sound technical reasons for retaining the aluminium Tx case, even if it did look
old fashioned, but their failure to improve their servo geartrains is totally
inexplicable. As the Americans were
the only reliable suppliers of OEM
parts for small manufacturers, I can
remember pleading with them, year
after year, for more powerful and
quieter geartrains and moulded transmitter cases.
The pleas fell on deaf ears and my
own sales suffered along with the
Americans. In desperation and despite the cost, I finally began tooling
for my own servo cases, but by this
time the battle was lost. Thus died a
major component of the Australian
R/C industry.
However, once again I digress and
we must return to the main story.
From the Galloping Ghost systems
there developed full house analog proportional sets which featured two twin
axis gimbal assemblies and looked for
all the world like a typical early model
digital system. The only problem was
that they did not work anywhere near
as well. Thus, we can see that by the
early 1960s the mechanical form of
the proportional transmitter was well
Mathers & Spreng
When Mathers and Spreng dev eloped their digital system in the early
1960s, there existed a sound mechanical layout to install their electronics
into and there was nothing here to
excite the fans.
However, the revolutionary aspect
of the Mathers and Spreng concept
was in their use of the then almost
unheard of digital techniques. In this ,
they turned the world of R/C electronics completely on its ear. Within
a decade, their system had become
the industry standard and completely
swept aside all other systems.
We have already examined th e
digital servo and noted its need for a
positive input pulse whose width is
variable from 1-2ms.
Spreng and Mathers pion eered the
use of what was then called PDM
(Pulse Duration Modulation) which
was not quit e technically correct and
which has since given way to the more
correct PPM (Pulse Position Modulation). The actual servo input pulse
varies in duration it is true, however
the modulation system they used converted pulse duration into pulse position and it was this feature that gave
the transmitt er its most powerful advantage.
In essence, what they did was to
transmit the control pulses in a serial
form using marker pips at the start
and finish of each pulse (s ee Fig.1 ).
The marker for the trailing edge of
pulse number 1 was the marker for
the leading edge of pulse number 2
and so on. Thus , the data was carried
in the position of the marker pulses.
This had several advantages over
prev'ious systems in that th e system
was virtually a full carrier system with
only a narrow spike of no transmission. This kept the receiver AGC
clamped into low sensitivity and thus
the best state for noise rejection.
The frame or repetition rate was
also very fast with all eight channels
being updated every 22 milliseco nds,
. _ _ _ _ I_
CHANNEL 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ti1 i~~~fb~ --++--+]+----++-+[]+-----(.._____.-++--)
Fig.1: the Spreng & Mathers technique transmitted the control pulses
in a serial form using marker pips at the start and finish of each pulse.
The marker for the trailing edge of pulse number 1 was the marker for
the leading edge of pulse number 2 and so on.
spent in range checking, tuning and
chasing fly-away models. You never
went to the flying field without your
name and address inscribed indelibly
on your model. How long is it since
anyone has done that? I haven't seen
a name on a model for years. How
times have changed.
After the advent of crystal-locked
superhets and digital proportional
systems , we had nothing to do all day
but fly the models and drink coffee;
really boring stuff. We all very quickly
began to put on weight from lack of
exercise and I have not lost it since.
Who said progress was all good? I can
so there was no time lag in control
response . In addition, the system was
inherently stable, using as it did full
monostable multi vibrators as the master clock and pulse-width generators.
There was absolutely no tuning requ ired in the entire system.
This fact absolutely floored us old
timers, brought up as we were on
tu ni ng direct coupled super-regen
trans istorised rece ivers, tuned reed
aud io tones and free running transmitter oscillators.
Tuning and tweaking was an important part of life on the flying fi eld
for us and a good part of the day was
Fig.2: this simple
"half-shot" circuit
formed the backbone
of transmitter
encoders for many
years. Any number of
these circuits could be
strung in a row,
depending on the
number of channels
remember once running after a model
from the Cooks River up into the main
street of Earl wood shopping centre, a
distanc e of 3-4km.
R/C modellers had to be fit in thos e
days. They also had to be insensitive
to the "village idiot" label inevitably
hung upon them. Believe me, nothing
looks sillier than a grown man chasing a runaway model whilst waving a
transmitter aerial ineffectually at it.
You also had to have a heart as big
as a lion to walk into a house with a
model sticking out of a broken. win dow or the tile roof and for ask it back.
However I digress yet again, so back
to the story.
In 1964, Howard Bonner brought
out the Digimite 8-channel proportional system which was very professional in approach and appearance.
Featuring such novel features as
failsafe and full y wired servos with
plugs for instant interchangeability,
this system set the pace for several
years. The most remarkable feature
was, however, the sea led control gimbals, a first for the industry.
The Bonner system suffered several drawbacks as we have already
seen in past articles, and the main
criticism of the Bonner sealed sticks
was the mechanical trim.
Modern gimbals use a trim lever
which rotates the body of the control
potentiometer and thus gives about
15% additional range to the stick
travel, leaving the stick still mechanically centred. Bonner, on the other
hand, used a mechanical trim which
again gave about 15% of the travel for
trim but instead shifted the control
pot by shifting th e mechanical neutral position of the control stick. The
disadvantage of this system was that
if the model was flying in a trim that
required (say) full up trim, then the
available up elevator travel was less
than the down elevator travel.
I personally felt this criticism was
unjustified for the simple reason that
a good fly er trimmed his model correctly so that the trim is always in the
qmtre. This applies even today with
the modern microprocessor encoders
and I have stated this previously, on
many occasions.
There was one very big advantage
in the Bonner sticks and that was that
all of the servo travel was available
from the stick regardless of the trim
position, whereas in the electrical trim
system, 15% of the servo travel is
These photographs show the open gimbal construction used in Galloping Ghost transmitters.
kept in reserve and not available from
the stick. The microprocessor systems
at least have cured this problem.
This advantage to me completely
outweighed the disadvantage of the
stick centre moving and I used Bonner
,... ·r•g . -.
Fig.3: this exploded view shows
the main components inside a
modern sealed gimbal assembly.
Note the yokes which operate
the two pots & also the
mechanical trim levers.
No.2 xl/8"
L- -<at>-
Transmitter encoders
To finish the discussion on
transmitter development, we
need to talk about transmitter
encoders which were also partly
covered in the January 1990 article.
Although the full 2-transistor
multivibrator used for producing PPM signals was very stable, it was also very heavy on
component cost and the relent-
sticks in my own equipment for many
years. I also continued to fly with
these sticks long after I had changed
my production sets to electric trim
due to customer pressure.
f No.2x3/16"
Side plate centring
tab on other side
Side plate/
' I
Allen key
1·5 mm
Pot carrier
Yoke ~Yoke,.,:,,.;•
Set screw
"---, /
type J
Threaded bushing
Fig. 3
less pressure for cost savings produced
the clever little circuit featured in
Fig.2 . Known as the "half-shot", it
very quickly also became industry
standard and was the backbone of
transmitter encoders for many years.
You just simply strung as many of
these things in a row as you needed
channels. and you had a simple and
very reliable transmitter encoder. We
built 32-channel transmitters for our
robotic puppets from these pulse
width generators and they were very
successful. Their big asset was their
voltage stability while thir chief disadvantage was again component count
when compared to the new IC encoders. Another disadvantage was that
they were not flexible enough for modern demands in regard to servo reversing, dual rate and exponential
control configurations.
Thus they gave way to the balanced
rail encoders which used a stable reference voltage and which allowed
symmetrical operation for servo reversing at the transmitter end. The
Signetics NE5044 is good example of
this type of encoder.
However, nothing beats the microprocessor for flexibility and they are
gradually finding their way into more
and more R/C transmitter encoders.
Finally, while this electronic race
for improvement was in progress,
there was a relentless quest for improved appearence and accuracy in
the transmitter mechanicals. The
transmitter of today, loaded to the gills
with microprocessors and liquid crystal displays, is a far cry from the bent
tin jobs that us old timers called the
answers to our prayers.
]UL Y 1991