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Satellites are now
used to distribute a
raft of TV signals into
& around Australia.
This series discusses
the basics of satellite
TV reception, looks
at the signals
available, and shows
you how to tune into
these signals using a
low-cost commercial
ground station.
' The
This 1.8-metre dish is sited in a Sydney suburban backyard & receives good TV
pictures from Aussat 1. The programming carried includes American news
feeds (eg, CNN - Cable Network News) plus various interstation feeds between
local stations. Note the low-noise block (LNB) at the focal point of the dish.
first man-made satellite
launched into orbit was the
Russian" Sputnik 1" in August,
195 7. It circled the Earth in a low
polar orbit that required constant
tracking adjustment to receive the
Morse code signal it transmitted. Later,
in December 1958, the US Airforce
launched a satellite named "Score"
which transmitted a pre-recorded message from the President. It too was
launched into a polar orbit.
The world 's first geostationary (or
geosynchronous) satellite was designed and built by the Hughes Aircraft Corporation in 1963. It was called
"Syncom" and had the capacity to
relay either a single TV channel or 50
separate telephone conversations from
its orbit high above the equator be-
axis at a fixed rate. This spin stabilisation technique was subsequently
used by most other satellites.
Subsequent Intelsat satellites
launched in 1966 and 1967
also used omni-directional
antennas but were placed
in positions around the
globe as shown in Fig.1.
This enabled
I more than 40% of the
Earth. This technique , ·
now known as a global
I beam, allowed Intelsat to
extend communications
to locations both
north and south of the equa/
1965, the USSR launched a
satellite communications
system called Molniya (Russian for
lightning). It connected isolated villages and towns throughout the Soviet Union with radio and TV broadFig.1: the Intelsat series of satellites launched in 1966 & 1967 were placed in
casts originating from Moscow. But
geostationary orbit at intervals around the globe so that they covered more than
instead of using a geostationary orbit,
40% of the Earth's surface. They employed large omni-directional antennas &
carried 240 voice circuits & one TV signal.
the Russians deployed several satellites in an elliptical orbit around the
lite as it passes overhead (ie, the sateltween Africa and South America. This
Earth. As a result, ground stations
lite is fixed with respect to the Earth).
position allowed it to relay the first
had to constantly track the satellite as
it passed overhead.
real live TV transmissions between
If we were to populate the geostationary orbit with satellites spaced
North America and Europe.
The Molniya system is still used
By 1965, the scientific community at 2° intervals, we would only be able
today, distributing TV and FM radio
programs from Moscow to remote
had realised that TV sign als could be to accommodate 180 satellites. This
is the limit of the geostationary syscommunities in Russian-influenced
easily distributed over vast distances
tem. To date, there are 89 satellites in
regions of the northern hemisphere.
by using satellites in geostationary
orbit as relay stations. A geostationary geostationary orbit and orbital "slots"
Global coverage
are allocated by the ITU (International
satellite is one which remains above
Telecommunications Union), based on
the same spot on the Earth as it orbits.
By the late 1960s, Intelsat had deThis means that the time taken for a the needs of member countries. The
vised a system where spin stabilised
2° separation limit, by the way, is the
geostationary satellite to complete one
satellites were given orbital assignsmallest that can be used by small
orbit in space is the same as the time
ments over the Atlantic, Pacific and
Earth terminals on a non-interference
taken for the Earth to rotate once on
Indian Oceans to cover the entire
its axis.
globe. By this tim e, the telephone caThe distance above the Earth that a
pacity had been increased to 1500
Intelsat 1
satellite must reach to remain in
simultaneous voice circuits and one
In 1966, the International Telecom- TV circuit. In addition, those satelgeostationary orbit is about 36 ,800
munication Satellite Organisation
kilometres (22,280 miles). This aplites carried directional antennas so
plies to all geostationary satellites.
(Intelsat) launched Intelsat 1 (also
that the full available power was radi known as Early Bird) into a geoLogically, the higher an object is , the
ated towards Earth.
longer it takes to orbit the Earth; and
stationary orbit over the Atlantic
Subsequent Intelsat satellites dethe lower the orbit, the shorter the Ocean. It had the capacity to transmit
veloped in the 1970s carried steerable
240 voice circuits or a single TV sigtime. This is why satellites used for
spot beam antennas which were able
navigation purposes are located in a nal but, partly because it employed
to concentrate transmitted energy into
an omni-directional antenna, a large
low polar orbit where they can orbit
powerful beams on desired areas of
proportion of the available energy was
the Earth every 90 minutes.
the globe. Also, by the late 1970s, the
radiated in directions where it could
A geostationary orbit has two major
capacity of the Intelsat satellites had
not be used .
advantages over a polar orbit: (1) the
been improved to a level whereby
distance between the satellite and the
In order to keep the satellite an3,750 telephone circu its and two TV
receiving station is constant; and (2)
tenna oriented in the correct plane for
channels co uld be carried simultanetransmitting towards Earth, the cylinthere is no need to continuously move
ously. Of course, these signals were
drical body ofintelsat was spun on its
the ground antenna to track the sate!designed for reception by large Earth
---- -
]UNE 1991
stations having a parabolic dish antenna measuring 10-20 metres in diameter.
Home satellite TV
It wasn't until late 1975 that a British experimenter, Steve Birkill, intercepted satellite TV transmissions using a small Earth station. The signals
came from ATS-6, a satellite loaned to
India by NASA and located in a temporary orbital slot over the Indian
Ocean. It was all part of an experiment to show how satellite technology could deliver educational television to small communities scattered
· throughout India.
Using a 1.5-metre antenna made
from wire mesh, Birkill was able to
receive transmissions from the satellite in his back yard in Britain, thousands of kilometres away from the
centre of ATS-6's footprint. It is largely
due to his pioneering efforts that private individuals realised that the reception of satellite TV was •within
their means.
But Birkill wasn't alone in his efforts . Several innovative American
enthusiasts, including Bob Cooper and
Taylor Howard, were also busy developing reception techniques based on
surplus military equipment. Their efforts were directed at amateur radio
operators and experimenters alike.
By 1979, popular American electronics magazines carried designs for
do-it-yours elf Earth stations, primitive by today's standards, but neverthel ess capable of receiving satellite
TV signals. Because of the large US
population , there was some commercial motivation for networks in the
USA to utilise satellite technology to
deliver TV programming and, later,
exclusive pay-TV services. In Australia, however, the Intelsat series of
satellites was mainly used to provide
a link to the Northern Hemisphere.
It was not until 1980 that Intelsat IV
was used by the ABC to relay programming from Sydney to outback
locations in Western Australia. These
signals were received by dedicated
large Earth stations and re-transmitted terrestrially using the PAL system.
In addition, as Australian TV networks
developed, they increasingly relied
on satellites to relay US news programs.
As a result, several networks leased
transponders on a series of Intelsat
satellites which broadcast TV signals
into Australia. These signals were also
designed for reception by large Earth
stations and sometimes used scrambling techniques to ensure privacy.
By 1980, a few satellite television
enthusiasts in Australia had developed techniques which allowed them
to monitor these TV transmissions. In
addition, it also became possible to
receive a later generation of Russian
Sqtellites named Gorizont, as well as
domestic satellites serving Indonesia
(Pala pa). And as technology improved,
the cost of the receiving equipment
dropped, thus making access increasingly easier.
Receiving systems
Generally speaking, there are two
frequency bands used for satellite television reception. The oldest system
operates in the "C band" which covers from 3.8-4.ZGHz. This system re-
Fig.2: this map shows
the signal footprint
from a 12W
transponder on one
of the Aussat
satellites. The
contours indicate
lines of equal signal
strength. Note how
the signal level
decreases as the
distance from the
beam centre (or
boresight) increases.
L ____ i__,
Fig.3(a): the single pole fixed mount
technique is the easiest way of
mounting a dish if only one satellite
is to be viewed. The elevation is
adjusted using a turnbuckle or
threaded rod arrangement.
_- Em~11g~
Fig.3(b): if more than one satellite is
to be viewed, the alternative El/Az
(elevation/azimuth) mount can be
used. The arrangement shown here
allows manual adjustment of both
elevation & azimuth.
quires a large dish for good reception
- about 3 to 6 metres, depending on
the satellite signal or "footprint" level.
The "footprint" is simply the illumination pattern from the satellite as
it falls on the Earth and this is often
depicted as a map with contours showing the signal strengths. But no matter
what type of beam pattern is transmitted by the satellite, the footprint provides the strongest signal in the centre of the pattern. As the distance
from the beam centre (or "boresight"
as it is often called) increases , the
signal level progressively decreases.
When planning a ground station,
the local signal strength is obviously
an essential piece of information. This
information is available in various
specialist publications which show
the orbital assignments and footprint
coverage for all international satellites.
A satellite footprint map indicates
the performance that satellite engineers expect at a particular. In some
cases the level may be higher than
indicated but more often it is lower,
especially as the output power of the
satellite drops with age. The contours
of a footprint map are expressed in
dBW (decibels referenced to one watt
power). Fig.2 shows the footprint over
Australia from a 12W transponder on
one of the Aussat satellites.
To obtain the boresight EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) level,
the gain of the transmitting antenna
must first be added to the power level
of the spacecraft transmitter. It's then
a matter of subtracting any losses
caused by the feedline and
multicouplers on board the satellite,
and the path loss which is of the order
of 200dB or so.
Because of these losses, the signal
intensity on the Earth is often below
the level of ground noise. This is why
particular attention must be paid to
dish accuracy and size , as these two
parameters play a critical part in determining the performance of an Earth
station. For example, a 6-metre dish
typically has a gain of about 45dB as
opposed to about 40dB for a 3-metre
Obviously, a 6-metre dish installation would be impractical in a typical
backyard. However, a 3-metre dish,
using suitable electronics to provide
reasonable results, could be accommodated.
System components
This close-up view shows the general arrangement used for the single pole fixed
mount technique. Note the long threaded rod which is used for making azimuth
adjustments. The dish is clamped to the top of the pole using U-bolts.
A satellite system comprises a dish,
feedhorn , LNB (low noise block), receiver, video monitor and audio amplifier.
The dish, the most obvious component of a satellite system, is normally
parabolic in shape and made from
steel, aluminium or fibreglass sheeting
impregnated with a reflective coating. Some manufacturers use mesh
instead of sheeting, to achieve a reduction in wind resistance. The dish
must also be coated with some kind of
weatherproofing material to prevent
corrosion and pitting of the reflective
The most important parameter of
the dish is its gain, and this is dependent on the accuracy of the parabolic surface of the dish. Any imperfections or deviations of 2mm or more
from a perfectly parabolic surface can
mean a significant drop in efficiency.
Smaller dishes (up to 2 metres in
diameter) may be produced in one
piece, either spun from aluminium
or, if fibreglass, made in a mould.
However, one-piece construction is
impractical for the larger dish sizes
which are often made up of a number
of identical "petals". This makes transportation to the site far easier.
There are several methods of mounting a satellite dish, the method selected depending on the us er's needs .
If the obj ective is to view one satellite
only, then a simple single pole "fixed
mount" will be acceptable (Fig.3a).
The dish is fix ed on top of a pole and
the elevation (above the horizontal
plane) adjusted using a turnbuckl e or
length of threaded rod. Somet imes a
car jack can be used under the front of
the dish as the elevation mechanism.
Th e pole is cement ed into th e
ground, so that it is strong enough to
support the dish and also to prevent
any movement in strong winds. This
is important, as any movement of th e
dish in either the horizontal or vertical planes by more than 25cm can
caus e degradation of the picture.
For users interested in observing
more than one satellite, the "El/ Az"
mount is suitable (Fig.3b). This mounting metliod allows th e dish to be
moved from one satellite to another,
by readjusting the elevatio n and the
azimuth. Although this can be tedious, the El/Az mount is simpl er to
construct than th e "polar" mount,
which allows geosynchronous satellites to be tracked with only azimuth
ad justment to the dish.
]UNE199 1
Fig.4: the focal point of the dish
can be calculated by measuring
its depth (C) & its diameter (D)
& plugging these values into the
formula F = D2/16C.
In operation, the dish must be positioned so that it has a clear view of the
satellite. The view must not be blocked
by trees, buildings or any other objects, as this will eliminate all signals.
In addition, the bottom front lip of the
dish should ideally be mounted one
metre or so above gro und level. to
minimise ground noise.
Different dishes
The purpose of the dish is twofold:
(1) to collect the maximum available
signal; and (2) to focus this signal on
the feedhorn. It is therefore important
to appreciate the different types uf
dishes. A parabolic dish can have either a shallow or deep parabolic curve.
This in turn will determine the focal
point, which is important for correct
placement of the feed horn components.
Every dish has a design "focal length
to diameter" ratio. This simply means
that the amount of curvature built
into the dish establishes a relationship between the diameter and the
distance from the back of the dish to
the focal point. This ratio can easi ly
be calculated by measuring th e diameter across the front of th e dish and
th e distance from the back of the dish
to the point of intersection across the
front of th e dish.
In practice, this can be easi ly done
using a piece of string stretched across
the front of the dish, and a rigid tap e
measure. Fig.4 shows the formula for
calculating the focal point. Once this
has been calculated, the F I D ratio can
be derived. One confusing aspect of
all this is that a dish having an F ID
ratio of 0.5 is actually shallower than
one having an F/D of 0.25 , although
the magnitude of the ratio might seem
to indicate otherwise.
The advantage of using a deep dish
is that it produces better side lobe
rejection, thereby reducing the effects
of unwanted terrestrial signals. This
is often quite an advantage for C-band
users, as there are often terrestrial
microwave links operating in the same
band that can cause interference.
There are still many Telecom links
operating around Australia on this
band, each operating at a signal level
hundreds of times more powerful than
the satellite signal.
It is important that the feedhorn
illuminates the entire dish, not just
part of it, to achieve maximum efficiency. Feedhorns are manufactured
to suit dishes having a particular F/D
ratio , so the choice of feedhorn is
There are several different feedhorn
arrangements. The most simple and
widely used is th e "prime focus "
feed, where th e feedhorn is placed at
the focal point of the dish . Whilst this
is a simple arrangement, alignment is
critical. Fig.Sa shows the details.
Another type of feedhorn arrangement is the "cassegrain" feed (Fig.Sb) .
This system uses two reflectors - the
dish itself and a smaller second reflector at the focal point. This second
reflector has Lhe shape of a hyperbola,
and reflects the signals through a hole
in the centre of the dish to the LNB.
This system has a higher gain/noise
ratio and is superior in performance
to the prime focus system, but only on
large dishes where the dish size corn-
pensates for the aperture blockage
caused by the sub-reflector.
Just as a terrestrial TV antenna must
be connected to a receiver, the feedhorn of a satellite system must be
connected to the antenna. The dish is
really only a reflector, and the energy
from the feedhorn must be connected
to the antenna which is actually a
"probe" mounted in the mouth of the
Fig.5: the two different feedhorn
arrangements. The "prime focus" feed
shown at (a) uses a feedhorn at the
focal point of the dish while the
"cassegrain" feed shown at (b) uses a
second small reflector to reflect the
signal through a hole in the centre of
the dish to the LNB.
70MHz IF
Fig.6: block diagram of a typical satellite receiver. Frequency conversion from
either 4GHz or 12GHz to the first IF (1450-960MHz) is carried out in the LNB &
then applied to the receiver for conversion to a second IF at 70MHz.
~ -20
~ -30
30 1 - - - - ->-- t c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cc -40
. .~-
1 .. POOR
Reception techniques
These days, frequency conversion
from either 4GHz or 12GHz to the first
IF (1450-950MHz) is done in the LNB
(low noise block converter) which is
essentially a low noise amplifier and
frequency converter in one package.
This converter produces a block of
output frequencies 500MHz wide,
which is then fed via a coaxial cable
to the receiver.
The receiver contains a second frequency converter and a local oscillator which is either manually tuned or
stepped using a synthesised PLL
(phase lock loop) circuit. This provides a second IF at 70MHz which is
, ,. FAIR
1 ..
Fig.7: typical 70MHz SAW filter response. The steep
skirts ensure that signals interfering with the 70MHz IF
are substantially rejected.
LNB. To make this connection we use
a waveguide, which is far more efficient than coaxial cable because it
uses air as the dielectric. The physical dimensions of the waveguide determine the impedance.
Because the probe is fixed when
the LNB is manufactured, it cannot be
moved to allow reception of different
polarity signals. Nor is it convenient
for the user to have to rotate the LNB
every time a transponder having a
different polarity is selected.
To counter this problem, various
mechanical rotation devices have been
used over the years with varying degrees of success. One "no moving
parts" solution is to use a dual polarisation feed. This system uses the principle of Faraday rotation where an
axial magnetic field is applied to a
waveguide containing ferrite material.
A current carrying coil is wound
around the ferrite and the resulting
magnetic field changes the polarisation of the incoming signal.
Fig.8: the video quality drops markedly when the
relationship between the C/N (carrier to noise) & SIN
(signal to noise) ratios becomes non linear.
then amplified, filtered and detected
using a balanced demodulator to provide a baseband output.
This baseband output contains all
the video and sound subcarrier information. After further filtering to remove certain video components from
the audio subcarriers, the video is
processed using a standard video detector. The audio is demodulated using either a PLL capable of covering 57MHz or a quadrature detector operating at 10.7MHz. This second approach allows the use of standard
wideband FM filters but does not allow any flexibility when detecting either very wide or very narrow audio
Fig.6 shows the block diagram of a
typical satellite receiver.
To maximise satellite use, a number
of transponders or satellite channels
are allocated within the downlink
passband. These may be either full or
half transponders, having a bandwidth
or either 36MHz or 18MHz respectively. Because the signals are FM,
every effort should be made to obtain
a signal level that's sufficient to take
the receiver into limiting. This means
making the system as efficient as possible.
One part of the receiver circuit that
plays an important role is the IF filter.
The IF filter is normally a SAW (surface acoustic wave) type, with very
steep skirts to ensure that interfering
signals to the 70MHz IF are rejected
by a substantial amount. Fig. 7 shows
a typical 70MHz SAW filter response.
This is necessary due to the large
volume of interfering signals on low
band VHF. Obviously, if the banrlwidth of the filter is 36MHz and the
bandwidth of the signal being received
is 18MHz, a considerable amount of
noise will also pass through the filter,
degrading the carrier to noise ratio (C/
N ratio) of the receiver. If a filter with
a bandwidth of 18MHz is used instead, there will be in improvement
of 3dB in the C/N ratio.
In practical terms, a half transponder signal can be received using
an IF filter having a bandwidth as
narrow as 10-lZMHz. The trade off is
less intense colour and slightly noisy
audio against what can be up to a 6dB
improvement in C/N. This is considered very worthwhi le, as most users
can tolerate a video signal of less than
This view shows the feedhorn & LNB
used at the focal point of the 1.8-metre
dish. The LNB boosts the signal &
provides frequency conversion.
JUNE 1991
days, noise temperatures of 25°K and
115°K are achievable in C and Kuband LNBs respectively (each costing
less than $500).
Fig. 9 shows the C/N improvement
that can be achieved using an LNB
having a lower noise temperature.
0 ---~--~------'------'
Fig.9: C/N vs LNB temperature for
LNBs with a 120°K (top) & 100°K
noise temperature. Note that for a
20°K drop in LNB noise temperature,
there is a 0.BdB improvement in
carrier to noise (C/N) ratio.
broadcast quality, particularly if it is
to be viewed on a standard TV set.
Even so, it is important to realise
that Earth stations must be designed
to maximise the incoming signals,
whilst keeping external and internal
(semiconductor) noise to a minimum.
This relationship is expressed as the
system carrier to noise ratio, which is
calculated by adding the system noise
level an d the signal carrier level, and
dividing the sum by the noise level
alone. Every receiver has a threshold
point expressed in dB C/N. As the C/
N falls below threshold, the video
becomes increasingly noisy.
Fig.8 shows the video reception that
can be expected as the receiver drops
below threshold. The threshold of the
receiver is defined as the point at
which the relationship between the
carrier to noise ratio (C/N) of the incoming signal and the signal to noise
ratio (S /N ) of the resulting video becomes non linear.
Above the threshold point, each ldB
increase in C/N will cause a corresponding 1 % increase in S/N for the
video signal. However, when operating below threshold, a ldB increase
in C/N can cause several dB improvement in the video SIN.
Another important factor to be taken
into consideration is the polarisation
of th e satellite downlink. In order to
achieve some degree of frequency reuse, dual polarity is often used on
satellites. As there is sufficient isolation for opposite polarity signals to
co-exist (normally 30dB or so), this
effectively doubles the number of
transponders that can be carried
within the satellite bandwidth.
While the Australian Ku-band system operated by Aussat uses both horizontal and vertical polarisation ,
Intelsat IVA and Intelsat V both use
circular polarisation. This requires a
modification to the feedhorn, to convert from circular to linear polarisation. A righthand circularly polarised
signal possesses an electromagnetic
fi eld that rotates in a clockwise direc-
tion while a lefthand circularly polarised signal rotates anticlockwis e. The
standard scalar feed designed for linear polarisation can reduce the margin of any Earth station by 2dB unless
it is modified.
One modification technique is to
insert a dielectric plate into the throat
of the feedhorn at a 45° angle relative
to the orientation of the LNB. probe
(Fig.10). When the dielectric insert is
positioned on the righthand side of
the probe, the feedhorn will intercept
right hand circularly polarised (RHCP)
signals. Similarly, when the dielectric is placed on the lefthand side of
the probe, the feedhorn will intercept
lefthand circularly polarised (LHCP)
But while this is the simplest and
most commonly used method of converting circularly polarised signals to
linear polarisation, it is not the most
efficient. For C-band reception, where
signals are very weak indeed, the use
of a "hybrid mode" feed is recommended. This kind of feed uses a series of adjustable screws or, in later
models, transitional steps inside the
waveguide to perform the polarity
Fig.10: one technique for converting from circular to linear polarisation is to
insert a dielectric plate into the throat of the feedhorn at a 45° angle relative to
the orientation of the LNB probe.
Noise temperature
As one of the contributing factors
to C/N is the internal noise generated
by the semiconductor amplifiers in
the LNB , by far the most critical parameter when selecting an LNB is its
noise temperature.
The lower the LNB noise temperature, the higher the performance. In
fact, for every 20°K drop in noise temperature, there is a co rresponding
0.6dB improvement in C/N. These
50mm DIA.
Fig.11: for C-band reception, the "hybrid mode" feed is used for
polarity conversion. This type of feed typically consists of a copper
tube fitted with a series of adjustable screws.
conversion. Fig.11 shows the details
of a screw-type hybrid mode feed.
Transmission modes
The three major video standards in
the world today - PAL, NTSC and
SECAM - are also used for international satellite TV transmissions. NTSC
is used by the USA and Japan; PAL by
the UK, various other European countries , Australia, New Zealand and
China; and SECAM by the French and
the USSR.
Whenever one of these video formats is uplinked to a satellite, the
downlink format uses precisely the
same standard. This means that it is
necessary to use an NTSC monitor to
observe NTSC pictures in colour, a
PAL monitor to receive PAL pictures
in colour, and a SECAM monitor to
receive SECAM pictures.
Alternatively, for international ~eception, a multi-standard video monitor is ideal as often all three video
standards can be carried on the same
In addition to the three world video
standards, Australia has also adopted
B-MAC as a transmission standard for
the Ku-band Aussat system. B-MAC
signals use a time multiplex system to
create an audio data baseband consisting of a multilevel code that is
transmitted during the video signal
horizontal blanking period. The maximum data rate of a B-MAC transmission is 1.8Mb/s, while the overall
bandwidth of a ·B-MAC signal is just
over 6MHz.
The B-MAC system is also user
addressable and this is a great advantage for pay TV operators who can
switch off any clients who fall behind
with their payments.
Unfortunately, B-MAC is considerably more expensive than PAL, at least
as far as the user is concerned. This is
considered by many to be the reason
Australia's Aussat system has not been
as popular as predicted.
Audio services
Although television reception may
often be the prime motive for establishing an Earth station, there are also
many single channel per carrier
(SCPC) audio services that can be received. Many radio networks transmit SCPC signals by satellite to regional stations around the country. In
addition, this system is used on Aussat
by the Department of Transport and
This US news program was received from Aussat 1 using a 1.8-metre dish
linked to a low-cost satellite receiver. In addition to TV signals, the Aussat
satellites also carry numerous audio signals from radio networks.
Communications to provide communications between aircraft and ground
based control zones.
The Indonesian Pala pa series of Chand satellites also use the SCPC technique for transmitting FM radio and
TV sound signals.
SCPC signals are usually located at
evenly spaced intervals across the
transponder bandwidth. To maximise the number of signals that can be
carried, compander circuits are often
used to compress the peak deviation
level of the audio prior to frequency
modulation. This means that expander
circuits must be used on the ground
to restore the audio signals to their
original state.
Because an SCPC signal only has a
relatively narrow bandwidth, a single
transponder can conceivably carry
hundred's of different audio signals.
In practice, the bandwidth is totally
dependent on the amount of deviation. A voice grade SCPC signal may
occupy no more than 5kHz, while an
audio channel might occupy 60kHz
or so of bandwidth.
Although modern satellite receivers can usually receive SCPC signals,
older receivers cannot. However, this
does not preclude the reception of
SCPC audio services. A scanner can
easily be used for this job by connecting it directly to "tap" off the incom-
ing block of frequencies from the LNB.
These days, scanners can easily
cover the 950-1450MHz band and if
fitted with a "search" facility, as most
are, can tune SCPC signals with relative ease. Naturally, the IF feed to the
scanner must have the DC component
removed prior to connection.
Another method used to multiplex
voice and data signals onto a satellite
circuit is FDM (frequency division
multiplex). This method is primarily
used for voice grade telephony circuits and utilises SSB.
In practice, 12 individual SSB signals are multiplexed together to form
a composite baseband signal called a
"group", each group containing telephone signals spaced 4kHz apart. Several groups can then be multiplexed
together to form a "supergroup " which
can contain as many as 3600 separate
voice channels.
To decode FDM transmissions , a
scanning receiver can be ~onnected
to the baseband output of the satellite
receiver. Telephone signals can then
be received by tuning from 500kHz to
11MHz or so, using the SSB mode.
That's all we have space for this
month. Next month, we will discuss
the difference between C-band and
Ku-band reception, and look at the
programming that's available off the
JUNE 1991