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Getting the PIF with Windows
This month, we talk about the Windows Program
Information File (PIF) Editor which enables you
to provide special information in Windows about
Non-Windows applications. This is of particular
importance if you want to run an application
and have Windows always look to a certain
directory prior to start-up.
start-up directory (especially useful
for storing data files in different directories).
(3). To specify a program parameter
for the application (such as FW3/T to
start Framework and disable the license agreement screen), or to be
prompted for parameters when you
(4). To reserve short cut key combinations - some pop-up programs require key combinations which are usually reserved for Windows.
(5). For 386 machines, to give the
application more memory so it can
run properly or to enable it to run
On the Accessories window, the PIF
Editor in any mode enables you to
It can be equally useful in directing
Windows applications. The PIF's filename usually matches that of the corresponding application, so it is easy
to locate. Other uses include providing the application's executable file
name. If Windows can't find a particular PIF, then it assumes the standard settings that the Non-Windows
application utilises. Note that most
applications still run properly using
the standard settings.
What can a PIF do?
Why would you want to change the
PIF? Several reasons spring to mind:
(1). To change the application's
pathname. (2). To change the application's
.S,tart-up Directory:
'{ideo Mode:
<at> Text
Memory Requirements:
KB f!equired
XMS Memory:
KB Re_guired
frogram Filename:
Window I.itle:
Qptional Parameters:
Directly M odilieo:
Graphics/Multiple Text
I128 I
No Screen !;_xchange
KB Limit
D _!S,eyboard
Prevent Program S!!ilch
1:8:1 .!;_lose Window on E xii
Reserve Shortey! Keys:
□ · Alt+Tab
D Alt+Esc
D Ctrl+Esc
Fig.1: the PIF
Editor dialog box
is brought up by
double-clicking on
PIF Editor in the
window. After
that, it's simply a
matter of filling in
each section &
then saving the
make permanent changes to an application's PIF. And don't worry if the
application doesn't have a PIF; the PIF
Editor lets you create one!
You can run an application directly
from its PIF just as you can from the
application's .EXE file. The PIF can be
added to a Program Group, just as you
would add an application. You can
run an application directly from a PIF
- one advantage is that you can then
have several PIFs for a single application to cover various situations.
Remember that most applications
don't need a PIF since, they run properly on their own using the standard
settings. If an application doe; n't run
properly or doesn't run in the way
you want it to, a PIF could be the
answer. How do the PIFs get there in
the first place?
(1). Setup might create a PIF.
(2). The application may come with
its own predefined PIF.
(3). You can create a PIF using the
PIF Editor.
During Setup, Windows scans for
Non-Windows Applications, then automatically creates and installs a
predefined PIF for that application in
your Windows directory. Some applications even come with their own
Changing PIFs
Open the Accessories window, then
choose the PIF Editor. Each PIF may
contain options for Standard or 386
Enhanced mode of operation; the Editor automatically displays the correct
options for the current mode. Fig.1
shows the Dialog Box for Standard
Program Filename: Type the pathname of the file that starts the application. Most applications use either
the .COM or .EXE extension. The
filename could also be a batch (.BAT)
Fig.2: double clicking on the Sysedit icon brings up the System Configuration
Editor, which automatically loads the WIN.INI, SYSTEM.IN!, AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS files. Each file can then be edited & saved in the normal way.
file if you want to set several operating conditions prior to starting the
Window Title: This is optional but
recommended, as it assists with identification of the PIF file for later reference. If you leave the title blank, when
you minimise the application, its icon
title contains the application's filename without the extension.
Optional Parameters: This entry is
also optional. Here you select certain
parameters for the application to work
under - eg, a filename, letters, numbers, etc - but it must be applicable to
the actual application to which it's
referring. You can get Windows to
prompt you for parameters by typing
a question mark(?) in this box. Should
you want to use parameters otherthan
those specified in the PIF, choose Run
from the Program Manager menu and
supply the new parameters.
Start-up Directory: Some applications require access to certain files in
a specific directory. Although once
again the entry is optional, you may
specify the drive and directory that
· contains the application file. This
could be useful in a Non-Windows
application where you store the data
files in a separate directory.
Video Mode: The Text and Graphics/Multiple Text modes refer to the
application's actual display on the
screen when running. Windows gets
a certain amount of memory according to these option settings. Text mode
suggests to Windows that the application will run only in normal text mode.
This option uses the least amount
of memory, therefore making the most
of the memory available to the application. Graphics/Multiple Text mode
suggests to Windows that the application has capabilities of running a
graphical display. This option requires
more memory access, however it does
ensure that enough video memory will
be available when you switch between
modes - Lotus 1-2-3 Rel 3 will display graphs and text, for example.
Memory requirements
Reference will need to be made to
the application manual to find out
how much free memory is required to
execute the program. In general, leave
the setting at 128Kb as Windows will
give the application all available con-
ventional memory when you start it.
The number simply indicates the
minimum required before Windows
even tries to start the application and
does not limit how much conventional
memory it receives. For Kb Required
and Kb Desired, a setting of -1 tells
Windows to give the application all
available conventional memory and
as much memory as possible, up to
the maximum of 640Kb respectively.
XMS Memory: These options tell
Windows how much extended memory to give to an application. Few
applications use extended memory (although Lotus 1-2-3 Rel 3 does), so you
can usually leave these options at their
Directly Modifies: This selection
informs Windows that the application will use certain resources in a
way that prevents other applications
sharing the same resource. Some communications applications take control over the COM port they are using,
denying access to other applications.
Using this switch would guard against
garbled or lost data.
No Screen Exchange: This option,
when selected, prevents the copying
of information to Windows Clipboard
using the Print Screen key. One advantage in selecting the option is that
run =
deuice=PostScript Printer,PSCRIPT,LPT1:
Prograrns=corn exe bat pif
GridGr anulari ty= o
Fig.3: section of a typical WIN.IN! file, showing its general
format. This file contains all the information that defines
the Windows environment.
it conserves memory - the effect is
similar to Reserve Shortcut Keys options.
Prevent Program Switch: This is
another method for conserving memory, however it prevents program
switching. You must quit the application then start another, but this minimises the benefit of Windows.
Close Window on Exit: Automatically closes the applications window
on exit and returns you to Windows,
rather than leaving the information
on the screen.
Reserve Shortcut Keys: Selecting
one or more of these key combinations will tell Windows to ignore the
specified key combination when the
application is running. As the key
combination you may use in the application may also perform a function
within Windows, by reserving the
combination Windows will ignore it
while the application is running.
Additional PIF settings for 386 Enhanced mode include the ability to
display an application in either Full
Screen or Windowed mode with Background or Exclusive execution, Multitasking, Memory, Display and Other
options such as Allow Fast Paste.
The PIF Editor has context-sensitive help for its parameter fields and
it issues warnings if you select potentially dangerous settings (phew!) .
di s play.dru=Radius TPD/PC 19-Inch Display
network.dru =Hetwork not ins t alled
language.dll=English (International)
cal=calendar . exe
crd=cardfile.exe A.crd
display.dru=tpd19 . dru
keyboard.dru=keyboard . dru
oernansi.bin =
keyboard . dll=
Fig.4: the SYSTEM.IN! file primarily contains settings that
allow you to customise Windows to meet your system's
hardware needs.
Applications requiring the PIFs can
also be used in the WIN.IN! file to
automatically load an application.
Initialisation files
Modifying initialisation files allows
you to automatically load and/or run
applications while Windows starts.
The files that can be modified include
the WIN.IN! and SYSTEM.IN! files . You
can edit these files with a text editor
such as the notepad program. Perhaps a better option is the SYSEDIT.EXE
utility program that accompanies Windows. You can easily add the program
to the Applications program group by
creating a new program item, as follows:
(1). Maximise the Program Manager
and make sure the Windows Applications program group is active.
(2). Choose File New Program Item
(3). Choose Browse then double
click on the System Directory.
(4) . Double click on SYSEDIT.EXE
then choose OK.
The Sysedit icon now appears in
the Windows Applications program
group. This text editor automatically
loads the WIN.IN! , SYSTEM. IN!,
when activated (see Fig.2).
Each of the files may be printed for
further reference , although it is the
WIN.IN! and SYSTEM.IN! files which
are of the most interest. If you are
going to edit the INI files, make sure
you have a backup copy of the files
before making any changes - just to
be on the safe side!
One of the advantages of modifying
the INI fil es is the amount of time you
can save by having Windows launch
frequently used applications automatically at start-up , displaying them
as icons, in windows or full screen.
The WIN.IN! file contains information that defines the Windows environment. Windows and Windows
Applications can use the information
in the WIN.IN! file as you configure it
to meet your needs and preferences.
Generally the file has the following
[Section Name]
Section name is the name of a section; sections are used to break settings into logical groups. The enclosing brackets are required and the left
bracket must be in the leftmost column on the screen.
The Keyname=value statement defines the value of each string. A keyname is the name of a setting. It must
be immediately followed by an equals
continued on page 96
Getting the PIF with Windows - continued from page 44
Advertising Index
sign and comments can be included
provided the comment line is preceded by a semi-colon(;). The following sections, not necessarily in this
order, appear in the WIN.INI file:
Windows - affects an assortment of
elements in your Windows environment, including statements that can
automatically load and run applications.
Desktop - controls the appearance
of the screen background (desktop)
and the positioning of windows and
Extensions - associates specified
types of files with corresponding applications.
Intl- describes how to display items
for countries other than the United
Ports - lists all available output
Fonts - describes the screen font
files that are loaded by Windows.
PrinterPorts - lists active and inactive output devices that can be accessed
by Windows.
Devices-lists active output devices
that provide compatibility with Windows 2.x applications.
Colors - defines colours for parts of
the Windows display.
Additional sections may be inserted
by other applications - you need to
consult the application's documentation for information on those sections,.
When changes are made using the
control panel, they are made to this
file automatically. This file can be
edited manually to make changes that
cannot be made using the control
This file (see Fig.4) primarily contains settings that allow you to customise Windows to meet your system's hardware needs. The following
sections appear in the SYSTEM.INI file
(again, not necessarily in this order).
Boot - lists drivers and Windows
Boot.Description - lists the name of
devices; can be changed using Windows setup.
Keyboard - contains information
about the keyboard.
Non WindowsApp - contains information used by non-Windows applications.
Standard - contains information
used by Windows in Standard mode.
386Enh-contains information used
by Windows in 386 enhanced mode.
If a setting is changed incorrectly in
SYSTEM.INI, Windows may become
disabled the next time the program is
started. Many settings in this file
should be changed via the programs
supplied with Windows (eg, Windows
Setup, Control Panel, etc).
Detailed instructions for altering the
WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files are contained in text files usually located in
the Windows directory.
Next month, we look in detail at the
options available and how you can
customise the INI files.
Market Centre - continued from page 95
card, 512Kb, exp. to 1Mb, $215.00 plus
$6 .00 postage. 16MHz CPU 286
motherboard, hardware EMS, OK,
$199.00 plus $10.00 postage. Mini
tower case with power supply, $215.00
plus $15.00 postage. Phone for other
bargains. Cheque and money orders
only to: BOK Audio, PO Box 139,
Landsborough, Old, 4550. Phone (074)
94 1928.
ANTIQUE RADIOS: vintage valve wireless sets, wind-up gramophones, phonographs, vintage musical ware, rare
records, 45s, LPs, 78s bought, sold,
traded. Antique Sounds, 476 Pacific
Highway, Belmont 2280. Phone (049)
45 9977. Open Thursday 10am-6pm,
Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am4pm.
ANTIQUE RADIO restorations. Your
one-stop radio repair shop. Specialising
in restoring vintage radios including
chassis rewiring, re-condensing, quality new parts, valves, valve sockets,
speakers, power & audio transformers.
Secondhand radio dials & parts for most
brands & models. About 400 radios in
stock for sale, restoration & parts. Every
restored wireless is covered by a 2year warranty on parts & labour. We
Altronics ...................... .... 28-31,78
Antique Radio Restorations ...... 96
Av-Comm ... ...... ........... ...... ..... ... 89
Back Issues ... ... .......... ......... 40,41
David Reid Electronics ......... . IFC, 1
Dick Smith Electronics ............. 5-7
Electronic Solutions .................. 25
Electronic Toy Services ............. 95
Electronics World ....................... 11
Elmeasco .................................. 79
Geoff Wood Electronics ............ 67
Harbuch Electronics ............ .. .. ,. 78
Hycal Instruments ..... .. .............. 95
Jaycar Electronics ................ 45-52
J.V. Tuners ................... ......... .... 23
Kalex ......................................... 75
Oatley Electronics ..................... 71
Obi at Pty Ltd .......................... OBC
PC Computers .... .. .................... 95
Pelham ..................... ....... ....... ... 95
RCS Radio ................................ 71
Resurrection Radio ................... 75
Rod Irving Electronics .......... 38,39
Silicon Chip Binders ..... .. .......... IBC
Subscriptions ............................ 93
TopCom Radio Comm . .............. 95
Transformer Rewinds .... .. .......... 95
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• Electronic Toy Services, 2/111
Glynville Drive, Hackham West, SA
5163. Phone (08) 382 8919.
• Jemal Products, 5 Forge St,
Welshpool, WA 6106. Phone (09)
350 5555.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone 88
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
587 3491.
restore damaged woodwork & cabinets
& French polish (approx. 40 coats). Vintage car radios available for sale or
restoration. Repairs done on tape decks
& amplifiers. Open Sat. 10am-5pm;
Sun. 12.30-5pm. 109 Cann St, Bass
Hill, NSW 2197. Phone (02) 645 3173
BH or (02) 726 1613 AH.