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The basics of receiver alignment
There is little point in restoring an old valve
radio unless the receiver is accurately aligned
afterwards. If you don't, it's like putting a
reconditioned engine into a car without fitting
new spark plugs or tuning the carburettor.
then convert the detected signal to
sound. However, whereas a crystal
set has only one tuned circuit, a multivalve receiver has many tuned circuits, all of which need to track accurately with each other if the set is to
perform well. The alignment of these
circuits is what this article is all about.
The subject of receiver alignment
has been "waiting in the wings" for
quite some time, simply because it is
a fairly difficult subject to cover in
detail. Radios from different eras use
different types of components and
therefore require different alignment
techniques. Some receivers require
more alignment than others, while
odd sets need no alignment at all.
Perhaps the best way to approach
the problem is to start at the beginning and work our way through. It
looks like a project that will run over
several months, so let's commence by
studying the simplest of radio receiv-
Tuned amplifier circuits
ers, the humble crystal set.
A basic crystal set consist_s of a coil
of copper wire, a variable capacitor, a
crystal detector and a pair of headphones. The coil and variable capacitor together form a tuned circuit. When
tuned to a station, the radio frequency
(RF) energy from the resonant coil is
passed to the crystal detector, where
it is rectified to audio frequencies
which are then turned into audible
sounds by the headphones.
These same basic functions can be
found in more elaborate receivers. All
radio receivers select various radio
frequency signals, detect them and
It was discovered long ago that there
were certain advantages if the feeble
RF signals from the aerial were amplified (using valves) and selected by
tuned stages before being fed to the
detector stage.
Early radios from the mid-1920s
often had two or three dials on the
control panel which indicated the
number of tuned amplifier circuits.
Unless these separate circuits were
all tuned to the same frequency, the
set would perform poorly because it .
was out of alignment. To tune such a
receiver from station to station required accurate adjustment of up to
three individual tuned circuits.
However, many operators were intimidated by these multi-dial receivers and three tuning dials were more
than some people could handle.
Naturally, the move to single dial
tuning was a logical next step. No
longer were there two or three separate tuning capacitors. Instead, they
were "ganged" together to form a single unit. During the transition stage,
there were various attempts at ganging
by connecting single tuning capacitors together, using gearing, metal
belts, or some other mechanical
Ganged capacitors
This simple crystal set is from the very early days of radio. It has only one
tuned circuit and thus requires no alignment.
Around the 1930s, ganged capacitors made single knob tuning possible
for as many as four tuned circuits. It
was from this point on that receiver
Trimmer capacitors are often built
into the tuning capacitor. They can
also be separate units installed
elsewhere in the circuit.
the aerial tappings can have a considerable affect on the set's selectivity.
This old UDISCO receiver from the mid 1920s has three tuned circuits as
indicated by the three tuning dials. Alignment of the three circuits was part of
the "tuning" procedure. Failure to correctly adjust any of the three tuning
capacitors would degrade the signal.
Early receivers used only single tuning capacitors (left) and it was not until the
late 1920s that single knob tuning became common. Single knob tuning required
ganged tuning capacitors, as shown at right. From this point on, receiver
alignment became important.
pacitors were built into early tuning
alignment became important.
With the old setup of separate dials gangs, so that the capacitance could
and tuning capacitors, it did not mat- be varied slightly on each section. In
ter greatly if the capacitors were not later years, it became more common
closely matched in value because each to fit the trimmers into the circuit
tuned circuit could be peaked indi- ยท rather than to the tuning capacitor.
As far as the TRF receiver is convidually to the chosen signal.
However, with a ganged tuner, each cerned, the alignment procedure is
section must be very closely matched limited to the adjustment of these trimto the others over the full range of its mers. This should be done at the high
travel, otherwise it will not track ac- frequency end of the tuning range and
curately. Even then, stray capacitance each trimmer peaked for maximum
due to wiring and minor coil varia- audio output.
The only other adjustments that can
tions can upset tracking at the high
be made to a TRF receiver are to the
frequency end of the band.
To correct this, small trimmer ea- tappings on the aerial coil. Changing
Superheterodyne receivers
With the advent of the superheterodyne receiver, alignment procedures
became more involved and a really
good job requires special equipment
- namely an RF generator and an output meter. But before going on to a
describe superhet alignment, there are
a few things to discuss first.
The superheterodyne circuit differs
from the simple TRF receiver in that
it converts each incoming signal, as
selected, to the same frequency. This
is called the "intermediate frequency"
(IF) and is produced by a frequency
converter stage which mixes the incoming RF signals with a frequency
produced by an internal "local oscillator". The IF chosen varied greatly,
depending on the design of the receiver, and ranged from 175-465kHz
in domestic receivers.
The intermediate frequency is the
difference between the signal frequency and the local oscillator frequency. In theory, the local oscillator
may be higher or lower than the signal frequency but, in practice, it is
normally higher.
Thus, a signal of 600kHz would
need an oscillator at 600 + 455 =
1055kHz in order to produce a 455kHz
IF. And a signal at 1500kHz would
need an oscillator at 1955kHz to produce the same IF.
The vital point about these figures
is that, while the signal range is 2.5:1,
the oscillator range is only 1.85:1. Yet
these two frequency ranges have to be
provided by two identical ganged tuning capacitors; one tuning the aerial
circuit and the other tuning the oscillator circuit.
This photo shows a selection of old IF transformers. The early types were
adjusted by built-in trimmer capacitors while later versions used adjustable
iron cores.
This under-chassis view shows the aerial and oscillator coils (black objects)
in a 1950-model Radiola. The larger of the two (at left) is the aerial coil. Many
receivers have these coils encased in metal cans, which makes their
identification more difficult.
This is done by connecting a carefully chosen value of capacitance in
series with the oscillator tuning capacitor, which reduces the capacitance
range of this section. This capacitor is
called a padder and may be fixed or
made adjustable for alignment.
Adjusting these two circuits - aerial
and oscillator - so that each tunes
exactly to the required frequency at
each point across the tuning range is
called tracking. It can be the trickiest
part of the whole alignment procedure and must be done properly for
best results. More about this later.
In the majority of domestic receivers, the IF is amplified by one valve
(sometimes two) and this valve is coupled into the circuit by IF transformers. These IF transformers are (naturally) designed to work at the receiver's IF and can be adjusted to ensure
that the transformer windings are
peaked for maximum signal transfer.
The type of IF transformer adjustments vary depending on the age of
the receiver, so a quick look at these
would be appropriate for those who
are unfamiliar with old radios.
Early IF transformers are adjusted
by small trimmer capacitors which
are built into their metal shields. Ac~
cess to the trimmer screws can be
through holes at the top of the shield
can, on the sides of the can, or from
underneath. In all cases, adjustments
are made using a non-metallic screwdriver, as the adjustment screws may
have a high voltage applied to them.
Apart from the possibility of an elec-:
tric shock, a short circuit between the
adjusting screw and the metal shield
could damage the fine windings of
the transformer.
More recent IF transformers (from
the late 1930s) feature adjustable ironcore tuning. The iron cores, or slugs,
are attached to slotted brass screw
threads which protrude from each end
of the transformer.
IF transformers made from around
1950 onwards are more likely to not
have brass adjustment screws. Instead,
these are adjusted via a slot in the
iron core itself and these slotted slugs
are easily damaged if they are stiff to
turn. Once the slot has been gouged
out it is impossible to adjust the transformer unless other techniques are
used (see Vintage Radio, July 1990).
Other parts of a superhet that need
to be recognised are the aerial and
oscillator coils. These are often open
coils mounted on the underside of the
chassis or they can be enclosed in a
shielded can, which makes identification a little more difficult.
If the coils are visible, then the aerial
coil is usually the slightly larger of
the two. If the coils cannot be seen,
just trace the aerial through from the
aerial terminal. The aerial goes to the
aerial coil, which means that the other
coil must be the oscillator coil.
Most aerial and oscillator coils have
adjustable iron cores but occasionally
only the oscillator coil will be adjustable. However, very early receivers
will have no slugs at all. (No wonder I
have put off writing about receiver
alignment for so long).
Trimmer capacitors
The next components to find are
the aerial and oscillator trimmers and
these can be found in a number of
places. Some , as previously mentioned, are built into the tuning capacitor or soldered onto it. They may
be fitted into the circuit close to the
aerial and oscillator coils. They may
even be bolted to the front, rear or top
of the chassis with a small hole in the
chassis for adjustment purposes.
Sometimes they may even be labelled
so that they are readily identified (but
not often).
Vintage Wireless Specialists
'Irimmer capacitors come in all shapes & sizes. But regardless of their physical
differences, they all perform the same basic function.
Some trimmer capacitors don't even
look like trimmer capacitors. One type
consists of a central insulated wire
with a coil of much finer wire wound
around the outside. This type -which
I understand was made by Philips - is
inconvenient to work with because it
is not easily adjusted. The capacitance of the trimmer is decreased by
removing some of the outside coil.
However, if the capacitance has to be
increased, then wire has to be soldered to the outside coil and a few
extra turns wound on.
Another type consists of a long brass
rod that slides in, but is insulated
from, a metal tube, and is held in
place with a locknut. While these are
much larger than the compression
type, they had much to recommend
them. They were used by AWA, HMV
and many other makers for many
Unfortunately, without the proper
tool, they can be difficult to adjust
but, with it, they work well. The avail-
able movement is quite large for a
given capacitance range and, once
adjusted, they are very stable - much
more so than the compression type.
The alignment tool used to adjust
these was a composition rod with a
box spanner at one end - to adjust the
locknut- and a right angle hook at the
other. The hook was used to engage a
hole in the end of the brass rod, enabling it to be moved in and out of the
It is unlikely that such tools would
be encountered these days although it
should be possible to make one with a
little ingenuity.
The final alignment component to
identify is the padder capacitor. In
early superhets, this takes the form of
a compression type variable mica capacitor and is adjusted with a screwdriver. Many are made of white porcelain and these are easy to recognise.
The padder capacitor is part of the
local oscillator circuit and the correct
value is important for accurate tracking. In later model
sets , the padder capacitor was a fixed
type, tracking adjustments being made by
an adjustable iron
core in the oscillator
So far, I have tried
to keep this article as
simple as possible
and for good reason.
all the vintPadder capacitors in old radios usually take the form
age radio collectors I
of a compression mica type which can be adjusted
with a screwdriver.
know cannot do their
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Our skffied technicians offer QUALITY repairs and restoration.
We also have a large stock of bakelite and
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own repairs. They have had little or
no electrical or radio experience prior
to becoming collectors and these people need precise directions if they are
to align their receivers.
It is pointless discussing alignment
procedures if the reader is unsure of
what he is doing. However, now that
the preliminaries have been dealt
with, I hope to be able to cover the
subject more fully. From this point
on, if I refer to the padder capacitor or
the oscillator trimmer, I expect the
reader to have some idea of what it
looks like and where it might be found.
Incidentally, there are two ways of
doing an alignment job. One way is to
use alignment equipment such as a
radio frequency generator and an output meter; the other method is to do
the job wjthout them. Although the
right equipment makes the task easier,
a reasonable job can still be done without it.
In the next few months, Vintage
Radio will cover both methods. So if
you are about to tune up a recently
restored receiver, then you will have
to wait until then for the finer points
on alignment.
APRIL 1992