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What's New In
Is it some time since you last looked at what's available in
oscilloscopes? In this article, we'll update the oscilloscope scene,
with special emphasis on CRT readout and the new digital
storage models.
In the last two years or so,
For those not familiar
the oscilloscope market has
with CRT readout on
changed radically. Convenscopes, we'll explain. Intional analog scopes are bestead of just having one,
ing more and more overtwo or four· traces on the
shadowed as digital storage
screen, CRT readout scopes
models become more powalso display the principal
erful and also cheaper. At
settings for the vertical senthe high end of the market,
sitivity, timebase (sweep
you can now obtain digital
speeds), AC or DC input
scopes with repetitive bandcoupling, probe settings
widths up to 50GHz, a figand so on. The letters and
ure undreamt of not so many
numerals shown at the top
CRT readout scopes can have simplified controls without
years ago.
and bottom of the scope
a lot of labelling to clutter up the control panels since the
But before we get carried
screen are generated in exsettings are displayed on the screen. The Kikusui model
COR5500 series are a very good example of this and have
away with where the maractly the same way as are
very clean and easy to use control panels.
ket is heading, let's back up
the alphanumeric characa little and see where it's
ters on a computer screen.
This is an interesting
For quite a few years now, the basic will have even greater bandwidth, up
contrast because while the scope
oscilloscope has been an analog model to 150MHz or more, and perhaps four traces are generated by the method of
with two channels, 20MHz band- instead of two channels. To provide "vector scan" whereby the CRT beam
width, a maximum vertical sensitiv- the much faster trace writing speeds moves in direct response to the
ity of 20mV/ division and a maximum required for these higher bandwidths, voltages applied to the vertical and
sweep speed of 20 nanoseconds/divi- the oscilloscope tube will generally horizontal plates, the alphanumeric
sion. Such an instrument can do a be a PDA (post deflection accelera- display is produced by a raster scan
tion) type with a spiral anode running method (see the glos,sary accompanywide range of tests on audio and video
equipment, logic circuitry including the full length. Inevitably, this adds to ing this article).
computers and on some communica- the price.
This means that the scope traces
tions equipment.
must spend some part of the time
The next step up in features is to CRT readout scopes
being "raster scanned" and the rest of
Higher priced analog scopes now the time being "vector scanned". The
have higher bandwidth, say 40MHz,
and perhaps a delayed timebase which commonly have CRT readout, a feasharing of the trace between these
enables you to more easily display ture introduced quite a few years ago two tasks is controlled by a micropulse waveforms with short duty cy- by the major manufacturers, Tektronix processor inside the scope and this
cles and to be able to measure pulse and Hewlett-Packard. CRT readout is also takes care of the alphanumeric
rise and fall times.
a major innovation and also means a character generation.
Higher priced analog instruments big increase in circuit complexity.
Why have CRT readout on scopes?
JUNE 1992
The overwhelming reason is to make
them easier to use. Because scopes
have so many knobs and buttons, with
20 or more settings in the case of the
timebase controls, they can be very
confusing to drive. In the middle of a
complex measurement setup, particularly where delayed timebase settings
are being used, it can be very easy to
"get lost". The trace can "get lost" too
and when this happens, it can take
quite some to get your bearings and
come to grips with the measurement.
This is where CRT readout scopes
excel. Because they display the principal settings on the Screen, you have
a much better grasp of what the instrument is actually doing.
You don't need to do anything special to display the measurement settings on the screen; it happens automatically. And each time you change
a setting, say the timebase or vertical
attenuator setting, the appropriate alphanumeric display changes automatically. And because all the settings are shown on the screen, the
labelling of the front panel can be
greatly simplified, which again makes
the scope easier to drive.
Apart from making a scope that
This Kenwood CS-5170 100MHz CRT readout scope is displaying a standard
PAL TV colour bar pattern, along with the channel 1 vertical attenuator setting
of 0.5V/div and the timebase sweep speed of 20µs/div.
much easier to use, the CRT readout
has one big additio_n al benefit: if a
photograph is taken of the screen, the
measurement settings are also recorded.
Screen photos
In the past, the accepted method
for recording screen information has
been to take a photo with a specially
designed Polaroid camera using fast
film. As we shall see, digital storage
scopes come with computer interfaces
which allow screen and measurement
data to be stored in computer memory
for later retrieval. And some digital
. V-1065A DC to 100MHz
V-665A DC to 60MHz
V-1060 DC to 100MHz
V-660 DC to 60MHz
Dual channel, delayed sweep, CRT readout , cursor readout (not provided on the
V-1060 and V-660) , frequency counter (not provided on the V-1060 and V-660). sweep
time autoranging, trigger lock. Hitachi Compact features CRT Readout, Sweep
Time Autorang _
ing and Trigger Lock Functions.
. . 24 Campbell St. Bowen Hills
Q 4006. Tel: (07) 252 7466
Fax (07) 252 2862
22 Campbell St. Bowen Hills
Q 4006. P.O. Box 481, Fortitude
Valley 4006. Tel: /07) 252 3762.
Fax /07) 252 5778.
~~if~tR°8 J:211£ Welch St.
Tel: /075) 32 3632.
Fax: /075) 51 0543.
Electronics Workbench®
The electronics lab in a computer!
A simple, intuitive and very
powerful teaching tool, Electronics Workbench lets students and
hobbyists design and test both
analog and digital electronic
circuits, without the delays and
expense of a laboratory •
Yokogawa's DL1200 and DL1100 storage scopes have
large memories for long waveform storage. They
incorporate an optional printer but can also feed an
external HP-GL printer or laser printer.
scopes, such as the Yokogawa DL-1200, come with an
optional inbuilt printer, making a Polaroid scope camera
LCD readout
One manufacturer that has provided an alternative to
CRT scopes has been Philips but they still recognise the
need for displays of principal settings. Their method is to
use a separate backlit liquid crystal display to show this
information. It is probably even easier to read than CRT
readout scopes but it cannot be recorded by means of a
photo of the screen. We should note that most Philips
digital storage scopes have CRT readout as a matter of
• Quick and simple circuit entry
• Digital and Analog Modules
included, complete with all components • Simulated instruments: dual
trace scope, spectrum analyser,
function generator, multimeter, digital
word generator and logic analyser
• Complete control over all
component values and parameters
• Print: circuit schematics, parts list,
instrument readings, macros • Logic
conversion - truth table to Boolean
formula to logic gates • Customisable hypertext help system
• Professional Version: EGA/VGA
colour display; unlimited components
• Personal Plus Version: Monochrome display; unlimited components
• Personal Version: Monochrome
display; limited to 20 components per
NSW ......................... (02) 519 3933
VIC ............................ (03) 889 0427
QLD .. .. ...................... (07) 397 7427
.. ..... (09) 244 2777
Adela Ide .................. ...... (08) 362 7548
Hobart .. .... ... ...... .. ........ .. (002) 34 2233
Four instruments in one package!
Intelligent scopes
On the even more upmarket scopes with CRT readout,
the internal microprocessor is employed to do measure-
The LAB4 has four full
function test instruments:
Triple output; 5V, 15V, 0-50V
~~p :i
Full function, auto-ranging
0.02Hz-2MHz, with SWEEP
1Hz-100MHz input range
Digital storage scopes can generate a lot of data and are
most useful when they can be used to compare waveforms
with previously stored signals. This Tektronix TDS640
(which has a sampling rate of 2 gigasamples/sec) is shown
with the Tekemate TD100 which has a 50Mb hard disc
and 1.44Mb floppy drive. All storage, recall and other
functions are selected from menus on the scope screen.
with neatly laid out and labelled
front panel controls. Also, the
LAB4 is compact and only takes
up a small space, compared to
four bench-top instruments.
Each instrument in the LAB4 is
completely independent and can be
switched ON or OFF as required.
The LAB4 has only one 240V mains
input, saving on multiple power
points .
Each instrument is clearly defi ned
NSW ......................... (02) 519 3933
VIC ............................ (03) 889 0427
QLD .......................... (07) 397 7427
Perth .. ... .. ... ... . .. .... ... (09) 244 2777
Adela ide ...... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. (08) 362 7548
Hobart ... . . ....... . .. . .... . (002) 34 2233
]UNE 1992
--y ,_. ~ y~-,----=-...~--------,""""-.,
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,. .,.EJ -~· (::.
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This and other CRT readout scopes
can also display time and date and
other information which may be useful in later documentation. And finally, some of these "intelligent" analog scopes have digital outputs to enable screen signals to be sent to a
printer or computer.
Digital storage scopes
Hewlett-Packard have been pioneers in the development of digital storage
scopes and more latterly of raster scan models such as the 54601A 100MHz unit
pictured here. HP has also just released the 54602A 4-channel model which has
a bandwidth ofup to 250MHz.
ments automatically. This adds little
extra to the circuit complexity of the
unit but greatly increases its use as an
all-round measurement tool.
For example, the Hitachi V-1150
150MHz CRT readout oscilloscope
also incorporates a 150MHz frequency
meter function and a wide bandwidth
AC and DC voltage measurement func-
tion which includes relative measurements in decibels. It will also measure and automatically display pulse
rise and fall times, periods, overshoot,
droop and so on.
It also has moveable vertical cursors for time (period, rise time, etc)
measurements and moveable horizontal cursors for voltage measurements.
While analog scopes have been able
to cope with most measurement situations, some types of signals have always presented a problem. How do
you measure and display a waveform
or signal which only occurs occasionally or is very fast? For example, all
switch contacts bounce when they
close and this leads to troublesome
transient pulses. In the past, the way
to display such single shot phenomena has been to use an oscilloscope
tube with a special mesh structure
behind the screen. The mesh was used
to store the screen pattern so it could
be displayed long enough for visual
examination and to allow photos to
be taken.
Alternatively, some storage tubes
had a secondary target and flood gun
system to achieve much the same function. Patterns could be stored for about
an hour. Some scopes have also had
Alphanumeric characters: letters
and numbers which may be displayed on the screen of a scope to
show the principal settings being
used. These are generated by an
internal microprocessor in a similar way to that used on a computer
Bandwidth: maximum frequency
which can be displayed on the
screen for a reduction in vertical
deflection of 0.707 (ie, -3dB or half
power point.) For example, a
20MHz signal displayed on a scope
with a 20MHz bandwidth could be
expected to display 70% of the
amplitude of a signal at 1MHz.
Beam: the electron beam from the
cathode of an oscilloscope (CRT)
tube. Usually the beam is split to
give two or more traces, depending on the number of input channels.
CRO: abbreviation for "cathode ray
oscilloscope". This term is falling
into disuse and is being replaced
by "scope".
CRT: abbreviation for "cathode ray
tube" which is the heart of any
oscilloscope, TV or computer monitor picture tube, radar display, heart
monitor and so on. A scope CRT
has voltages applied to the vertical
and horizontal plates which cause
the electron beam to trace out a
pattern on the electroluminescent
Quantising: process by which
sampled signais are converted to
digital data.
Raster scan: method by which a
display is produced on the screen
of a TV set or computer monitor.
The electron beam is scanned continuously and rapidly over the entire surface of the screen and then
modulated to produce areas of light
and shade in the case of a monochrome picture, or modulated on
and off to the produce the dot ma-
trix displays of computer monitors.
Raster scan is also used on CRT
readout scopes to produce alphanumeric displays.
Sampling: process by which the
signal levels of a waveform are
taken by a digital to analog converter. These sampled signal levels are then "quantised" to convert
them to digital data. For repetitive
signals, the sampling rate must be
at least twice the signal frequency.
For non-repetitive signals, the sam-,
pling rate must be at least 10 times
the signal frequency in order to
capture the waveform with reasonable fidelity.
Vector scan: method by which
voltages applied to the vertical and
horizontal plates of an oscilloscope
tube move the beam to trace out
waveforms on the screen.
Word: parcel of digital data or unit
of memory in digital storage scope;
usually eight bits.
Whether you speak 01010011 or analog, Philips provides
you with a complete analog and digital oscilloscope in one
instrument. With a sampling rate of 200 megasamples per
second and a bandwidth up to 200 MHz our easy- to-use 4-channel
oscilloscopes represent state-of-the-art technology. With direct access
functions. Innovations like aprobe mounted button which allows you to
recall set ups. Perform Autoset. Freeze display as well as display
measured results.
In the analog mode, extremely fast update and infinite display
resolution allow you to see three dimensionally. For instance, the
distribution of time-jitter.
The digital mode is impressive. Logic triggering creates a true
4-channel logic analyzer. It is prepared for HDTV triggering.
The powerful 0SO specifications_
give you extensive trace storage
possibilities. And processing capabilities like FFT. At Philips, we're on your wavelength. Which is why
we promise you one thing.
You'll measure b~tter performance
For further information please contact your local
Philips Test & Measurement Organisation:
SYDNEY (02) 888 0416
MELBOURNE (03) 881 3666
PERTH (09) 2TT 4199
WELLING.TON (04) 88 9788
BRISBANE (07) 844 0191
ADELAIDE (08) 348 2888
AUCKLAND (09) 89 4160
Tektronix was one of the pioneers of CRT readout scopes. Their model 2211 is a
digital storage oscilloscope which uses a conventional CRT.
variable persistence phosphors which
enabled one-shot signals to be more
easily examined.
Such oscilloscope tubes were very
expensive, had limited brightness and
tended to bloom if you attempted to
turn up the brightness. The tubes also
did not last very long, especially if
they were often used in storage mode.
With the great expense of analog
storage scopes, it was inevitable that
logic circuitry and computer memory
would eventually produce a digital
storage oscilloscope. The first fully
digital storage scopes by Hewlett
Packard (HP54100) were introduced
about 10 years ago. Since then, they
have progressed gradually, with increasing bandwidth, sampling rate,
memory and measurement functions.
One of the new
breed of LCD
scopes, the Fluke
combines a
50MHz digital
storage scope and
a 3000 count
digital multimeter.
To date , most digital storage scopes
have been a marriage of conventional
analog scope technology with digital
storage circuitry. These scopes can
function as conventional analog instruments and are used in the digital
storage mode only when necessary.
Other digital storage scopes can only
be used in digital mode. To display a
signal on the screen, you set up the
recording parameters, push a button
and then the trace appears on the
screen. They are powerful instruments
but their very power makes them difficult to drive.
All digital storage scopes have
broadly the same internal circuit functions. First, they have attenuators for
the input channels and the signal either passes to the vertical deflection
amplifiers when in the analog mode
or to the digital to analog conversion
circuitry when in the storage mode.
The signal is sampled, quantised and
the digital data stored in memory. It
can then be read out of memory, converted back to an analog signal and
displayed on the screen.
The beauty of having signals stored
in memory is that, with suitable software, they can be stored indefinitely,
for display at any time.
Raster scan scopes
In the past year or so though, the
scene has changed quite radically with
the introduction of digital scopes like
the Hewlett-Packard 54600 series, the
Yokogawa DL 1100/1200 series and
similar machines from Tektronix, Le
Croy and others.
Two factors make these scopes different from earlier digital scopes. First,
they do not use the expensive scope
tube which is typically 40cm long or
longer. Instead, they use a CRT which
is just like that in a computer monitor
and the display they generate is composed entirely of dots, not just the
alphanumeric information. Because
of this , they can display waveforms
which move much more slowly or a
great deal faster than possible on an
analog scope and do it without having the trace becoming unusable.
Second, this new generation of
scopes can now respond to signal and
measurement changes in such a way
that they appear to behave exactly the
same as analog scopes. Because of
this, they are much easier to drive easier even than analog scopes. (To
gain an insight into these new instru-
like the feeling·of our new
1gital troubleshooting scope.
Now there's a 100 MHz
digital scope that handles
just like analog.
instantly to the slightest control
Digital oscilloscopes have
certain advantages that are
hard to overlook. But for
troubleshooting, many
engineers still prefer analog
scopes. Simply because they
like the way they handle.
But when it comes to troubleshooting, the HP 54600's digital
performance leaves analog and
hybrid scopes far behind. At
millisecond sweep speeds, the
display doesn't even flicker.
Low-rep-rate signals are easy to
see without a hood.
The HP 54600 changes that. It
looks like a 100 MHz analog
scope. All primary functions
are controlled directly with
dedicated knobs. And itfeels
like one. The display responds
It has all the advantages that
only a true digital scope can
provide. Like storage, high
accuracy, pretrigger viewing,
hard copy output, and
programming. And since it's one
of HP's basic instruments the HP
54600 gives you all this performance at a very affordable price.
So if you like the feel of analog
control, you'll like the way our
new digital scope handles
troubleshooting. To find out
more call the Customer Information Centre on 008 033 821 or
Melbourne 272 2555.
[hi] ~i~KLi~6
A Better Way.
Just released: the HP 54602A scope with bandwidth up to 250MHz
c:::, ~=~
1,,00IC sco,-e
CH 1u1tll
CH1"i/•llU5 l_ltY
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Another of the new breed of LCD scopes, the Leader 300 is a dual channel
storage unit with a sampling rate of 30 megasamples/sec & a bandwidth of
10MHz. It can record one-shot events with signals up to 3MHz. It can also
function as a data logger, 8-channel logic scope and a digital multimeter.
ments, refer to our review of the HP
54600 series in the October 1991 issue and the review of the Yokogawa
DL1100 series in the April 1992 issue.)
Interestingly, once the input signal
is converted to digital data in these
scopes, it is not converted back to an
analog signal for subsequent display.
Instead, the signal is converted in order to produce a dot matrix display,
just as on a computer screen.
Because the signal display is en-
tirely made up of dots, there are no
problems with the trace becoming
faint when displaying very high frequency signals or becoming just a very
bright dot when displaying very low
frequency signals. In just about all
measurement situations, the raster
scanned scope can produce a display
which gives as much, if not more,
information and it will generally
present less problems in producing a
steady display. And even if the signal
is rapidly changing, the display can
The Le Croy 7200 series digital scopes have a bandwidth of 500MHz and a
sampling rate of 2 gigasamples/sec. They are equipped with an internal hard
disc for data logging and a floppy drive for waveform storage.
be frozen to enable you to examine it
at leisure.
Having said that, there will be times
when the display from an analog signal is significantly different to that
produced on a digital scope, for the
same signal. This does not necessarily come down to a matter of one
scope being right and the other one
being wrong. It is more a matter of
correct interpretation. Over many
years, technicians and engineers have
become expert at interpreting the displays on analog scopes. In some cases,
they will have to learn how to interpret the displays again when they see
the signals on a digital scope.
Just about all digital scopes are
available with interfaces which enable them to be hooked up to computers or printers. Two interfaces aie the
most common: RS-232 and IEE-488 or
GP-IB (HP's General Purpose Instrument Bus). With appropriate software,
not only can data be collected via the
scope but its operating parameters can
be changed under program control.
LCD scopes
Finally then, there is the new generation of LCD scopes, as typified by
the Fluke PM97 Scopemeter. This uses
a green backlit LCD screen and can
display signals up to 50MHz. It combines a 3000 count digital multimeter,
making it a potent tool for work in the
field away from mains power.
And which one is ideal for you?
Your budget is the first consideration
as scopes today range in price from
just under $500 to $50,000 or more.
For most applications, the analog
scope functions very well but it is
being gradually supplanted by the digital scope. And while today, the analog scope has the bulk of sales, in five
years time or less, digital scopes can
be expected to have the major part of
the market. They are dropping in price
and improving in performance.
In just about all test applications,
you can find a storage scope which
will do the job as well as, if not better,
than an analog scope. And its ability
to be programmed, to recall waveforms and to produce a rock-steady
display is rapidly putting the analog
scope in the shade.
Where the analog scope will continue to hol.d its own is where waveforms need to be displayed with utmost accuracy and where noise must
not be hidden in jitter.