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Keep your phone bills low with the
This project helps you keep track of the time
while you make those expensive overseas
phone calls. It times for up to 19 minutes and
provides four warning beeps during the last
12 seconds of each minute.
How often have you lost track of
the time while making an overseas
phone call? No doubt , you haven't
worried about it at the time - until the
next phone bill came in, that is!
For example, making overseas (IDD)
calls can get quite expensive if you
lose track of the time. Not only that,
but you also'get charged a full minute's
worth for every part minute that you
Thus, if you make an IDD call that
lasts for three minutes and five seconds, you get charged for four minutes. That's because IDD calls are always rounded up to the next minute
for billing, which means that you can
wind u p paying an extra cou ple of
dollars for just a few seconds.
Our Telephone Call Timer can save
you or your business big m oney. It
keeps track of the time for you - for
up to 19 minutes - and it gives four
warning beeps 12 seconds before the
end of every minute. It then lights one
or more LEDs to indicate the elapsed
time since the start of the phone call.
That way you don 't end up paying for
the minute you don't use.
Alternatively, by using the timer,
you can keep talking until the next
minute is almost up to make sure you
get your money's worth.
The timer uses only common components, many of which you'll probably already have lying around in your
junkbox. To keep the cost down, it
uses a series of LEDs to indicate the
elapsed time instead of the normal?segment LED displays. There are 10
LEDs in all, with each unit LED lighting in turn to indicate the elapsed
time during the first nine minutes of
the call.
Fig.1: block diagram of the Telephone Call Timer. Clock
signals from 3-second timer ICl are first divided by two &
then fed to decade counters IC3 & IC4 wired in cascade.
IC3 activates the alarm tone circuitry, while IC4 & IC2b
drive the LEDs to indicate elapsed time.
After that, the 10-minute LED lights and remains lit for
the next nine minutes as the other LEDs again light in
An advantage of this unit is that it doesn't require any
connection to the telephone line. That does away with
the need for isolation transformers, interfacing circuitry
and connecting sockets. All you have to do is switch the
unit on the moment the called party answers the phone.
Block diagram
Refer now to Fig.1 which is a block diagram of the
Telephone Call Timer.
Clock signals for the circuit are provided by timer stage
. . .YN,.......1-----''f\-.......~u....l1,
ICl. This provides a square wave output with a period of
three seconds. This output is then fed to a divide-by-2
circuit (IC2a) which increases the period to six seconds.
The output from IC2a is fed to a decade counter with
decoded outputs (IC3). This stage is used to activate the
warning tone alarm (IC5), while its divide-by-10 output
gives us a square wave with a period of one minute.
This square wave output is then fed into another
decade counter (IC4) whose outputs go high in turn after
every minute. We use these outputs to drive the LED
The divide-by-10 output from IC4 is another square
wave with a period this time of 10 minutes. It is fed into
Fig.2 (right): the circuit uses 7555 timer IC1 to generate
the clock signal. NANO gates IC5a & IC5b make up the
tone oscillator. This oscillator is activated for four 3second periods during the last 12 seconds of each minute
& drives complementary transistor pair Ql & Q2 via a
33kQ resistor.
MARCH 1992
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Fig.3: the parts can be installed on the PC board in virtually any
order but make sure that the link wires are straight to avoid short
circuits. Install the two electrolytic capacitors so that they can be
bent over to lie flat against the board.
IC2b , which is another divide-by-2
circuit, and this in turn drives the 10minute display LED.
As you can see, the accuracy of the
circuit relies on the 3-second timer,
so you must get that as close to correct
as possible.
Circuit diagram
Fig.2 shows the complete circuit
details . IC1 (7555) is a CMOS version
of the popular 555 timer and is wired
here in the astable configuration. The
4.7MQ and 3.3MQ resistors, the 2MQ
trimpot (VR1) and the 0.33µF capacitor set the timing period
When the trimpot is adjusted correctly, the output at pin 3 of IC1 is a
square wave with a 3-second period
as described previously. The advantage of using the CMOS version of the
555 is that it allows us to use much
higher resistor values in the timing
circuit and h ence a low value capacitor to get the required time delay.
The output at pin 3 is fed into pin
11 of IC2a, which is one half of a
CMOS 4013 dual-D flipflop. Because
the Q-bar output is connected back
into the D input, it forms a toggle
flipflop which simply divides the
clock frequency by two. The output is
taken from the Q output (pin 13) and
is a square wave with a period of six
This output is now fed into the
clock input (pin 14) of IC3 which is
the first of the two 4017 decade
counters . Among other things, this IC
provides the required outputs to activate the 12-second warning circuit.
Here's how it's done: outputs 8 and
9, which correspond to the 48-second
and 54-second marks of each minute ,
are used to drive diodes D3 & D4.
These diodes, together with the associated lOkQ pull-down resistor, form
an OR gate. The output from this OR
gate is then fed into the cathode of
diode D2.
D1, D2 and the associated lO0kQ
pull-up resistor form a simple AND
gate. D3 & D4 drive one input of this
AND gate, while pin 3 of IC1 drives
the other. The output of the AND gate
(ie, the anodes of D1 & D2) is high
only when both inputs are high. This
only occurs each time pin 3 of IC1
goes high during the last 12 seconds
of each minute (ie, from the 48-second mark onwards).
Because IC1 has a 3-second period,
it follows that the output of the AND
gate (and thus pin 13 of IC5a) goes
high and low four times during the
last 12 seconds of each minute. This
signal is used to gate the alarm oscillator on and off to provide the four
warning tones.
The alarm oscillator is made up
using NAND gates IC5a & IC5b, which
are wired together in a conventional
manner. The associated 4 7kQ resistor
and .015µF capacitor set the oscillator frequency. The resulting square
wave output appears at pin 10 and
drives complementary transistor pair
Q1 & Q2 via a 33kQ resistor.
Q1 & Q2 in turn drive a miniature
8-ohm loudspeaker via a lOµF capacitor. Note that no quiescent bas e biasing has been provided for the transistors; nor is it necessary, since they are
only being fed with a square wave
So much for the alarm tones. We'll
now return to the main timing part of
the circuit and find out how the LED
indicators work.
The divide-by-10 output (CO) from
IC3 (pin 12) is fed to the clock input of
the second decade counter, IC4 . Because IC3 's output has a period of 60
seconds, IC4 's 1-9 decoded outputs
go high in turn at the end of each
successive minute to light the relevant
LED indicator. When a count of 10 is
reached, the divide-by-10 output (pin
12) goes high and clocks divide-by-2
stage IC2b. IC2b 's Q-bar output thus
switches high and drives LED 10 (the
10-minute indicator) via a 3.3kQ current limiting resistor.
Because it is now latched by IC2b,
LED 10 now remains on while IC4
cycles through the next nine counts,
with LEDs 1-9 again switching on in
turn at the end of each minute. After
19 minutes, both LED 9 & LED 10 will
be on and this is the longest practical
time for the Telephone Call Timer.
After 20 minutes, IC2b is clocked again
and LED 10 turns off.
To ensure that the circuit is correctly reset at switch-on, IC2b 's Set
input is momentarily pulled high by
an RC timing network. This initially
sets IC2b's Q-bar output low and thus
ensures that LED 10 is off. Counters
IC3 & IC4 are reset at switch-on by
similar RC timing networks connected
to their Reset inputs (pin 15).
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9V battery via on/off switch S1 and
is decoupled using a lO0µF capacitor.
Alternatively, you can delete the battery and use a DC plugpack supply.
All of the parts , including the miniature foudspeaker, are mounted on a
small PC board, codeSC12104921 (110
Before starting construction, check
the PC board carefully for any shorts
or breaks in the copper tracks. If you
find any, use an artwork knife or a
dash of solder as appropriate to repair
the problem.
1 PC board, code SC12104921,
110 x 82mm
1 plastic utility case, 150 x 90 x
1 adhesive front-panel label
1 miniature toggle switch (S1 )
1 battery clip
1 9V battery
4 10mm-long plastic standoffs
1 25mm-dia. miniature 8-ohm
1 2MQ horizontal-mount trimpot
The miniature loudspeaker is mounted directly on the PC board using short
lengths of tinned copper wire. Power comes from a 9V battery but there's no
reason why you couldn't use a DC plugpack supply instead.
When you sure that the board is
OK, check that the horizontal trimpot
(VRl) fits snugly into its mounting
holes. If the holes are too small, enlarge them slightly so that the trimpot
does fit.
Fig.3 shows how the parts are
mounted on the PC board. You can
begin construction by installing the
wire links. Make sure that they are all
nice and straight so they don't end up
shorting each other out. You can
IEC Code
EIA Code
straighten the link wire if necessary
by first clamping one end in a vyce
and then pulling on the other end
with a pair of pliers.
Once all the links are in, you can
install the resistors and trimpot VRl.
Table 1 shows the resistor colour
codes. It's also a good idea to check
each value with your multimeter as it
is installed, just to make sure.
The polyester capacitors can be installed next, followed by the two electrolytics. Bend the leads of the electrolytics at right angles to their bodies
so that they lie flat against the board
and check their polarity carefully before soldering them into position.
The diodes, transistors and ICs can
now all be installed. Make sure that
you don't mix up the two transistors
since one is an NPN device and the ·
other is a PNP (see Fig.2 for pinouts).
1 7555 CMOS timer (IC1)
1 4013 dual-D flipflop (IC2)
2 4017 decade counters
1 4011 quad NANO gate (IC5)
1 BC337 NPN transistor (01)
1 BC327 PNP transistor
4 1N914 diodes (D1-D4)
10 red LEDs (LED 1-10)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.33µF MKT polyester
4 0.1 µF MKT polyester
1 .015µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W
1 4.7MQ (5%)
1 3.3MQ (5%)
4 100kQ
1 47kQ
or 0.5W, 1%)
1 33kQ
4 10kQ
10 3.3kQ
Hook-up wire, foam rubber to
secure battery, machine screws
and nuts, tinned copper wire (for
Note: 0.25W 5% resistors can be
used in this project.
4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
4.7MQ 5%
3.3MQ 5%
yellow violet green gold
orange orange green gold
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange orange orange brown
brown black orange brown
orange orange red brown
yellow violet black yellow brown
orange orange black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange orange black red brown
brown black black red brown
orange orange black brown brown
MABCH 1992
the sound escape from the loudspeaker.
Begin by attaching the adhesive
label to the front panel (ie, to the case
lid), then (working from the front)
drill 3mm holes for the loudspeaker
and at the P.C-board mounting points.
The holes for the LEDs are best made
by first drilling small pilot holes and
then slowly reaming them out until
the LEDs are a snug fit.
This done, mount the LEDs with
their cathode leads adjacent to the
edge of the PC board, then secure the
board to the front panel using screws,
nuts and spacers. Fig.2 shows how to
identify the LED leads. The cathode
lead is the shorter of the two .
The LEDs can now be gently pushed
through the front panel holes and
checked for correct orientation before
finally being soldered. Don't worry if
the LEDs don't perfectly line up with
the hole positions. Just bend their
leads slightly so that they go in.
The PC board can now be removed
from the front panel so that the supply wiring can be installed. The battery clip negative lead goes directly to
the PC board, while the positive lead
goes to one of the outer switch terminals. A short length of hook-up wire
is then used to connect the switch
centre terminal (wiper) to the positive supply terminal on the board.
~_! _Qj
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board. Check your board
against this pattern for defects before mounting any of the parts.
Pin 1 of each IC is identified by the
adjacent notch at one end of the plastic body.
The loudspeaker used in the prototype is a miniature 25mm type (available from Jaycar Electronics), although
other speakers could also no doubt be
used. The best way to install it is to
first solder a couple of link wires to
its terminals and then solder the other
ends of these links directly to the
board (see photos).
Installing the LEDs
Before you install the LEDs, you
need to drill all the necessary holes in
the front panel. In addition to the
mounting holes for the 10 LEDs, there
are four mounting holes for the PC
board plus a number of holes to let
4 warning tones will
sound 10 seconds before
end of each minute
• ••••••• ••
Fig.5: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel. The holes for the 10
LEDs are best made by first drilling small pilot holes and then slowly reaming them out until the LEDs
are a snug fit.
You can now
afford a satellite
TV system
For many years you have probably
looked at satellite TV systems and
thought "one day".
You can now purchase the following K-band system for on ly:
Here's what you get:
A 1.8-metre prime focus dish
antenna,. complete with al l the
mounting hardware.
* One super low-noise LNB (1.4d8
or better) .
One Ku -band feedhorn and a
signal polariser.
* metres of low-loss coaxial
cable with a single pair control line.
lnfrared remote control satellite
with selectable IF audio
bandwidth, polarity & digital readout.
The PC board is mounted on the lid of the case & secured on 10mm spacers
using screws, nuts & lockwashers. Note the circular pattern of holes drilled in
the lid to allow the sound from the loudspeaker to escape.
The on/off switch can be mounted
on the front panel or on the side of the
case, depending on your personal preference.
To test the unit, connect the 9V
battery and wire your multimeter in
series with the positive supply lead
(you can do this simply by connecting the multimeter across the open
switch terminals). Check that the current consumption is about 2-3mA
when no LEDs are lit. If it is much
more than this, switch off immediately and check for incorrect parts
placement and orientation.
If the current consumption is in the
ballpark, switch the project off by
disconnecting the multimeter. You
should hear a low level squeak from
the speaker about two seconds later.
At this stage, you're ready to adjust
the timing oscillator. To do this, start
the timer and check the time taken for
LED 1 to come on. Adjust VRl as
necessary so that LED 1 comes on
after exactly one minute, then remount the PC board and secure the
lid to the case.
Your receiver is pre-programmed
to the popular AUSSAT transponders via the interna l EEPROM
memory. This unit is also suitable
for C-band applications.
You're now ready to start timing
those long-distance phone calls.
Call, fax or write to:
If it doesn't work, you can quickly
track down the faulty stage using your
multimeter. The first step is to check
that the +9V rail is present on the
supply pins of the five !Cs.
If this is OK, use your multimeter to
check that pin 3 of !Cl successively
switches high at 3-second intervals.
Similarly, pin 13 ofIC2a should switch
high at 6-second intervals, pin 12 of
IC3 at 60-second intervals, and pin 12
of IC4 at 600-second intervals. If any
of the LEDs fails to light while the
others work OK, it is probably connected the wrong way around.
Finally, if the LEDs all work OK but
you don't get any sound from the loudspeaker, check diodes Dl-D4, IC5 and
Ql & Q2. The cathodes of D3 & D4
should go high for the last 12 seconds
of each minute, during which the anodes of Dl & D2 should switch high
and low four times.
If you strike problems here, the most
likely cause is an incorrectly oriented
NSW 2063.
Phone (02) 949 7417
Fax (02) 949 7095
All items are available separately.
Ask about our C-band LNBs, NTSCto-PAL converters, video time date
generators, FM 2 & EPAL & Pay TV
----------Name .. .. ..........................................
I Address ....................... ...................
I ........................... P/code ................
II Phone..................... ....................... .
YES GARRY, please send me more information on K-band satellite systems.
___________ ,.
ACN 002 174 478
MARCH 1992