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The path of TV service never did run smooth
Ever had one of those jobs where nothing seemed
to go right; where each lead turned out to be
false? Of course; we all have. Well, I had one
recently which produced just such a sequence of
false leads before I finally cracked it.
The story concerns a 46cm National
TC-1809 colour TV set fitted with an
M9 series chassis. It is one of about 12
used by a local motel and I have been
servicing them since they were installed about 11 years ago. They have
proven to be a very reliable set with a
minimum of problems over this period.
But, like most sets, they do have
some particular weaknesses. One
which I cottoned onto quite early in
the piece involves C519, a lOµF 250V
electrolytic smoothing capacitor on
the supply rail for the RGB driver
transistors. This can dry out and in
some cases, one of the terminal lugs
can actually come adrift. In any case,
inadequate smoothing on this rail can
produce some funny effects.
In fact, this particular set had been
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Peter C. Lacey Services Pty. Ltd.
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in the workshop about a year ago for
just this fault, at which time I had
given it the usual once over for any
other obvious problems. But now the
motel proprietor was on the phone
with a new fault which, with a bit of
guesswork, I interpreted as severe vertical overscan. So I said "bring it in
and we'll have a look at it".
When he turned up, I plugged the
set in immediately and, yes, that was
the problem. And it was quite severe;
on an SBS test pattern, the SBS logo at
the top of the screen had all but vanished, with much the same degree of
error at the bottom. This drew my
attention to another point: the scan,
though excessive, was still quite linear. It was almost as if the height
control had simply been wound up.
In fact, that was the first thing I
tried - not that I believed that the
problem was goipg to be solved that
easily. But I wanted to check a couple
of points. First, was the control working? And if it was, was it set correctly,
somewhere near its mid-position?
The answer to both questions was
yes; it appeared to be working correctly and it was correctly set. In fact,
by winding it right back, I was able to
reduce the scan to almost normal but not quite. But that was not the
answer. The need for such an extreme
setting clearly indicated a basic fault
- one which might well get worse
with time.
So where to from here? The horizontal scan appeared to be normal;
perhaps overscanning by a whisker
but nothing serious. So I went first
the main HT rail, which is always a
good starting point. This should have
been at 111 V but was a trifle high at
115V. I reset it as a matter of routine
but this had only a marginal effect.
Circuit details
At this stage, it was time to get out
the circuit and try to come up with
some ideas about the fault. The relevant section is reproduced here and
I will try to give the reader a broad
picture of what is involved.
On the left of the diagram is the
horizontal output transformer and
near the bottom is a winding terminating in pin 2. This point feeds diode D503 and capacitor C517 (lO00µF
35VW} to provide a +20V rail (test
point E14}. This rail supplies several
sections of the set and is also used to
derive a +12V rail. This is achieved
using resistor R516 (immediately to
the right of C517} and 6V. zener diodes D506 and D507.
And that brings us to the next section of the circuit: jungle chip IC501
(AN5431}. Among other things, this
chip provides the sync separator, horizontal AFC, and the horizontal oscillator, vertical oscillator and ramp generator circuits.
These latter functions are accessed
via pins 10, 11 & 12, while the +12V
supply is fed directly to pin 13. Pin 10
is also fed from the 12V rail, in this
case via R428, diode D406 and the
height control (R406, a 30kQ pot}.
Having digested the circuit arrangement, the first thing I did was check
the +20V rail at test point E14. This
was at +19.5V which was quite acceptable. My next stop was the +12V
rail; this was checked at pin 13 of the
IC and came out a fraction high at
12.5V, which again is an acceptable
Neither observation helped very
much and I was pondering on my
next logical move when I realised that
the fault condition had changed. The
degree of overscan was not constant;
while I was watching the screen, the
height suddenly decreased slightly.
i zw
Fig.1: relevant section of the National TC-1809 colour TV receiver. The +20V
rail components are associated with pin 2 of the EHT transformer (lower left),
while the +12V rail is derived via R516 & zener diodes D506 & D507, The height
& linearity components are associated with pins 9-12 of jungle chip IC501.
was further encouraged when, while
probing at the diodes in an effort to
measure their individual voltages, the
scan began varying erratically.
So did I have a faulty diode or a dry
But before I could follow up on before I came back and, when I turned joint? To save mucking about, I pulled
this, I was called away on another the set on again, it was no longer them both out and fitted two new
matter. It was half an hour or more overscanning. In fact, it was now ones. These gave a slightly lower voltunderscanning slightly but . age than before (about 11.8V) but again
Y- the fact that I had previously I didn't regard this as important. It
left the height control at its
did, however, reduce the overscan
minimum setting partly ex- slightly and I found that I could actuplained this effect.
ally set the height control to give a
More importantly, as I normal scan by backing it off to its
watched the screen over the extremity.
next few minutes, the height
That was no solution of course and
slowly increased, eventu- I still suspected a thermal fault someally settling down to its pre- where in the set. In the meantime, it
vious gross overscan posi- was time for lunch and so I turned the
tion. So it looked like we set off to let it cool down. The lunch
had a thermal problem · of break would also give me time to think
some kind.
about the problem.
At this point, I decided to
re-check the+ 12V rail, only Doubts dispelled
this time I went to the two
When I switched the set on again
zener diodes (D506 & D507). about an hour later, any doubts I may
I had tried to find these ear- have had about a thermal fault were
lier without success but this immediately dispelled. The picture
time I eventually tracked was now underscanning substantially,
them down under the verti- by about 35mm at both the top and
cal hold control.
bottom of the screen. It then started to
And now I seemed to be creep up and, in a few minutes, was
on the track of something. back to where it had been before I
For one thing, the voltage switched it off.
across them had increased
Fortunately, I had taken the preslightly to about 13V. While caution of leaving the meter across
this increase was not im- the 12V rail, so I was able to monitor
'SO 1-r t - ~ t - 1 ~
portant in itself, I wondered it while the scan increased. For all
whether it was a sign of practical purposes, it didn't vary.
H~0 A. ~~~L. PROSL.E:M
something that was. And I
So, summarising the situation, I was
OF SOW\E. \<.\tJ'O•••
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'DIP WA.'S CHE:.CK -rHE: +~OV "RA\\.A-r ,-i;.s-, 'PO\N,14- ...
able to rule out both the +20V rail and
the + 12V rail. And if there had been a
fault in the zener diodes (and I was no
longer sure about this), it was incidental anyway. False lead number one.
Height control circuit
So where to now? Pin 10 of IC501
and associated components in the
height control circuit seemed to be
the next best bet. As already mentioned, the main components here are
R428, diode D406 and the height control pot (R406). Also connected to pin
10 is diode D403, the other side of
which goes to the +12V rail at pin 13.
My first step here was to measure
the voltages on pins 10, 11 & 12. According to the manual, pin 10 should
be at 1V, pin 11 at 6.3V and pin 12 at
7V. All these came out pretty well
spot on, so there were no clues here.
While making these measurements
and studying the circuit, I noticed an
interesting diversion. If we go back to
the junction of R428 and D406, we
encounter another resistor - R405 .
And if we trace the circuit from this
point, to the right, down and left, we
come back to the +20V rail, near E14.
As I said, this is a diversion and,
fortunately, I dicl not allow myself to
be side-tracked by it. Nor should the
reader, because it has nothing to do
with the final outcome. But I am still
wondering about its function. My best
guess is that it is a belt-and-braces
arrangement to ensure that the jungle
chip keeps working - at least to some
degree - in the event that the main
+12V rail goes out.
But back to the height control cir- .
cuit around pin 10. Since it was obviously a thermal fault, I went over each
of the components in this section with
freezer spray, fully expecting that cooling one of them would cause the height
to drop. Alas, no joy. Even when I
went further afield, spraying C405,
C406 & D404 in the linearity circuit
plus several components around pins
11 & 12, there was still no response.
My n ext move may seem a little
unusual but was quite logical - I removed the height pot from the board.
One reason was simply to check it for
any funny behaviour. A Samsung set I
had serviced a few weeks earlier had
produced all kinds of weird intermittent symptoms. After much heartbreak, the problem was traced to a
crook pot; one which measured OK
when tested initially but which varied its value drastically in operation.
It took quite an effort to nail it.
So I gave this pot a thorough going
over. And as far as I could tell, there
was nothing wrong with it.
My second reason for removing the
pot was that I could then check a
number of surrounding components
without removing them. R428 checked
out OK but D406 presented a query. It
had a very high forward resistance
reading and no reverse reading.
Not only was this unusual but the
diode itself was something of a mystery. Designated MA26TA, I suspect
that it is a special purpose device of
some kind but I could find no reference to it in the regular manuals. Nor
is there anything in the parts list to
provide a clue.
It is quite tiny physically and is
colour coded in green and cream. But
since it didn't seem to be working as a
diode should, I tried replacing it with
a regular 1N914 small signal diode. I
didn't know it then but that was another wasted effort, to say nothing of
the frustration of not knowing what
the device was.
The other components - diodes
D403, D404 & D405, capacitors C405
& C406 in the linearity circuit, and
the resistors in the vertical hold circuit - all checked out OK. And this
was rather significant, in view of the
final outcome.
No frame collapse
At this point, I switched the set on
again. Because the height control pot
was still out of circuit, I had backed
off the brightness in anticipation of
total .frame collapse and the inevitable bright line across the screen. But
this didn't happen; at least not totally.
There was now a scan about 50mm
high across the centre of the screen.
And this was the first real step towards a breakthrough because, on the
face ofit, it was impossible; how could
we have a scan with no voltage on pin
But this wasn't strictly true; the
meter showed that there was a voltage
on pin 10. It wasn't much - a mere
0.086V - but there should not have
been any voltage at all. And was it
enough to give the 50mm or so of
scan? Probably. Anyway, I knew I was
onto something.
At this point, I had to leave the set
to complete another job - this time for
a couple of hours. When I came back
and turned it on again, there was considerably more scan than before. It
now measured about 150mm and varied quite randomly. That didn't make
much sense in view of the previous
behaviour but I'd more or less given
up trying rationalise what was going
But the real query was the source of
the spurious voltage. When I looked
at the circuit, one component stood
out above all the others: diode D403,
between pin 10 and the +12V rail. Ifit
was suffering reverse leakage, it could
apply voltage to pin 10. Granted, I
had already tested this component on
the board and it had checked OK, but
stranger things had been happening
with this job.
There was one quick way to find
out; It took only a moment to unsolder
one leg, whereupon we had total frame
collapse. I fitted a replacement diode
and we still had total frame collapse.
I re-fitted the height pot and we had
normal scan with the pot set near its
mid-position. More importantly, it remained rock steady over the next couple of hours and through a couple of
on-off cycles. Problem solved.
But there was a bit more to it than
that. When I checked D403 again on
the meter, it now showed substantial
reverse leakage. So why hadn't it done
that when I first tested it? It would
have saved me several hours and much
Then there were the two suspect
zener diodes. Now that I had found
the real culprit, it seemed unlikely
that there was anything wrong with
them. It was a simple job to replace
the original pair, so they went back in
and behaved perfectly.
And finally, the mystery diode D406, MA26TA. This was re-fitted
and, again, the set continued to perform without a hitch. And it continued to behave over the next couple of
days and through several on/off cycles.
It has now been back with the cus-
Akai VS200 VCR (and Samsung
Symptom: Intermittent orno clock
when the set is on standby. Also
EE picture shows a small amount
of hum.
Cure: C15 in the power supply
(an electrolytic capacitor on the
32V rail) is defective. The manual
shows th is capacitor to be a 1OµF
50V unit but this set had a 22µF
50V fitted. It didn't matter which
value replaced the faulty unit.
TETIA TV Tip is supplied by the
Tasmanian branch of the Electronic Tec;hnician's Institute ofAustralia. Contact Jim Lawler, 16
Adina St, Geilston Bay 7015.
tomer for several weeks and, at last
report, has not missed a beat. So after
a couple of false leads, all ended happily. But it was not one of my most
satisfying jobs.
Filling in the gap
Now, for a change of scene, here is
something from our regular contributor, J. L. of Tasmania. He starts off
with the cryptic comment, "this story
started a week before it began".
Well, if you say so J. L. , who am I to
argue, but I must confess that these
ancient brain cells had some trouble
working that out. No matter; here's
the rest of his story.
I was asked to repair a TV set for an
elderly customer and , so that she
would not be without entertainment
while I worked on it, I left one of my
older loan sets with her.
I went ahead with her job and had
it completed within a couple of days.
However, it wasn't convenient to take
it back immediately and, before I was
able to do so, she rang to say that my
set had broken down. This was rather
a surprise; it is an old HMV 48cm
model - a B4803 fitted with a Rank
Arena Dl chassis. It had given no
trouble in the several years since I
inherited it.
Naturally I wasted no time in delivering her set and, while I was packing
up the old HMV, I asked her what had
happened to it. She told me that the
screen had gone bright red, with even
brighter lines across it. There was no
sign of a picture, although the sound
had continued uninterrupted.
I groaned inwardly when I heard
this because these symptoms in older
sets often mean that the picture tube
has developed a heater-cathode short.
If this was the trouble , then the set
would be a write-off because it
wouldn't be worth fitting a new tube
to the old chassis.
Back at the shop, I wasted no time
getting the wreck onto the bench to
see ifI could rescue the situation. The
first thing I did was measure the voltage on the collector of the red output
transistor. This was down to 30V; over
100V less than normal. A check on
the other two collectors showed a
much more likely 190V. So it certainly did look like a short in the tube.
There is one sure way to prove a
heater-cathode short. If the collector
voltage reverts to normal when the
socket is pulled off the tube , then the
problem has to be in the gun assembly. But when I pulled the socket off
in this case, the voltage remained low.
I gave a little cheer and began looking
for the true cause of the problem.
If the output transistor had become
leaky, it could account for the symptoms. But this would be a fairly unusual fault , since output transistors
usually fail completely- a dead short
or an open circuit. In my experience,
most leaky transistors are small signal, low voltage types.
Anyway, I removed the transistor
and checked it on the tester. It was
perfect! No leakage and normal gain
for the type. I re-fitted it to the board
and hunted for any other fault that
could cause a red screen.
I checked the base and emitter
voltages on all three transistors and
found nothing amiss. Well, nothing
amiss in that they were all the same
but nothing like the figures given in
the circuit diagram. The bases read
1V and the emitters 0.4V, instead of
2.3V and 1.8V respectively. This suggested that all three tube cathodes
were drawing less than normal current. What's more, the voltages on all
three transistors remained more or less
the same when the socket was pulled
off the tube.
Where's the current going?
This left me with quite a puzzle.
The fact that the red collector voltage
was very low suggested that excessive current was being drawn. But it
It looked as though it was only a cou-
wasn't being drawn through the
transistor, nor through the tube. So
where was the current going?
Nothing appeared to be getting unduly hot. There were no sparks or
flames to indicate where the ergs were
going. Yet the power was being dissipated somewhere.
I checked all the resistors associated with the output side of the transistors and found a slight anomaly.
The circuit diagram showed 10kQ load
resistors and 2. 7kQ feed resistors to
the tube cathodes. The values I measured were 15kQ and 10kQ respectively. But they hadn't gone high; they
were the actual values fitted, so I had
to accept them as correct.
Leakage checks
The only explanation I could suggest for the low collector voltage was
that there was a leakage path somewhere on the board. I checked leakage
on the red channel, using a high impedance digital meter, and compared
it with the blue and green channels.
There was no leakage that I could
detect on any of them.
Yet there had to be something that
was leaky. And if it couldn't be detected with a multimeter, then perhaps it was only present when working voltages were applied. Leakage of
this kind is usually found only in
capacitors. Resistors go high, not low,
and other devices usually short out
completely. In this circuit there was
only a lO00pF ceramic capacitor in
the emitter circuit and a spark gap off
the collector.
It took no time to replace the capacitor, without any result. So next
came the spark gap. I put Z0V from a
bench power supply across it and it
showed no sign ofleakage. Yet when I
removed it from the board, the collector voltage came up to 170V and the
picture returned in all its glory.
The spark gap was totally enclosed
in heatshrink plastic and, after I cut
this away, I could see through the gap.
ple of thousandths of an inch across
but, by holding it up against the light,
I could see that there was something
inside the gap. (I trust I will be forgiven for reverting to the imperial system of measurement but it was more
appropriate in this case).
At first I couldn't find anything thin
enough to go through the gap. Then I
thought of the feeler gauge in the car
toolbox. The .002-inch gauge fitted
perfectly and when I looked again the
gap was perfectly clear.
I re-fitted the gap to the board and
the picture remained bright and clear,
so I declared the fault found and fixed.
I finished the job by putting a short
length of heatshrink tubing over the
gap and shrinking it into place.
I have no doubt that the gap will
continue to work perfectly but I can't
help wondering what it was that
caused the voltage dependent short
inside a spark gap that was very effectively sealed inside a thick layer of
heatshrink plastic.
Well thanks J. L., and another happy
result. And I trust the story finished
at the same time as it ended!
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