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A look at satellites & their orbits
Amateurs are in the privileged position of
having access to experimental satellites which
provide a range of technical & operational
challenges. This month’s article discusses some
of the basics of satellite orbits.
The laws of planetary motion were
first described by Kepler and Newton
in the 17th century and they also apply to the motion of satellites around
the Earth. Kepler’s first law states that
the orbit of a satellite is an ellipse
(Fig.1a). The satellite’s closest point of
approach is called the perigee, while
the apogee is the orbital point furthest
from the Earth. The shape of the ellipse
is determined by the semi-major axis
(a) and the eccentricity (e). When the
eccentricity is zero, the shape of the
orbit is circular.
Kepler’s second law states that
equal areas are swept out in equal
times by the satellite’s radius to the
Earth, so that the satellite’s velocity
as seen from the Earth will vary, being maximum at the perigee (Fig.1b).
For circular orbits, the velocity of the
satellite is constant.
Kepler’s third law describes the way
in which there is a fixed relationship
between a satellite’s height and its
orbital period, with smaller orbits
containing faster moving satellites –
see Fig.1c.
Kepler’s laws, in conjunction with
Newton’s laws, can be used to fully
describe the orbit of a satellite around
the Earth, resulting in a mathematical
model with six constant terms. These
constants are called orbital or Kepler
ian elements.
The inclination of an orbit is the
angle between the orbital and equatorial planes (Fig.2a). When a satellite moves in the same direction as
72 Silicon Chip
the Earth’s rotation, it is said to be
in a prograde orbit. Satellites which
follow retrograde orbits move in the
opposing direction (Fig.2b). The most
commonly used orbit is geostationary,
where the satellite moves at the same
speed as the Earth’s rotation, and has
an inclination of 0 degrees.
A geostationary satellite appears at a
fixed location in the sky, so that it can
provide a continuous communications
link between ground stations within
its “footprint”. The use of satellites
in geostationary orbit for global communications was envis
aged by the
scientist Arthur C. Clarke in 1945. His
calculations, based on Kepler’s laws,
showed that geostationary satellites
would orbit the equator at a height of
approximately 35,786km. This unique
orbit is known as the Clarke belt, and
contains many satellites which are
“parked” in “slots” above the equator.
The Optus series of satellites are located in the assigned slots: 156°, 160°
and 164° east.
Recently, there have been proposals
made by amateur groups to establish
geostationary communications links
with the development of the Phase
IV series amateur satellites. This new
generation of Hamsats could provide
some very interesting possibilities for
long distance voice, packet and image
Polar orbiting satellites pass over the
north and south polar regions (Fig.2b).
The NOAA weather satellites follow
polar orbits which are also sun-syn-
chronous, passing over the same
points at the same local times each
day. This allows the same areas of the
Earth to be imaged under reasonably
consistent lighting conditions.
The footprint of a sun synchronous
polar orbit satellite overlaps itself
during successive passes. SARSATS
(search and rescue satellites), which
often share a common space platform
with weather satellites, utilise this
footprint overlapping to obtain accurate readings for the position of ELT
(emergency locator transmitter) and
EPIRB (emergency position indicating
radio beacon) devices.
A rather specialised orbit is used
by the Russian Molniya satellites,
which are inclined at approximately
64°. Their orbits are optimised to
provide telecommunications for areas
located at high northern latitudes,
as geostationary satellites cannot be
seen from locations above 81° north or
south. Molniyan orbits are also highly
eccentric, and remain within view
of targeted regions for many hours;
a specific appli
c ation of Kepler’s
second law.
Low Earth orbits
Low Earth orbit satellites (LEOS)
follow fast, almost circular orbits and
are relatively inexpensive to implement (approximately 1/20th the cost
of geostationary). LEOS orbits are used
extensively by small satellites which
gather atmospheric and other scientific
data. Many amateur satellites make use
of near-polar low Earth orbits with an
inclination of greater than 80°.
Amateur LEOS are able to rapidly
upload and download information
around the world, making them ideal
vehicles for packet BBS (bulletin board
systems), which have been used for
primary international communications during disasters. The excellent
world-wide coverage and low cost of LEOS also provides a
strong commercial potential. Currently, there are a number
of proposals for global personal communications on the
corporate drawing boards.
A disadvantage of LEOS is the amount of tracking required at the ground, as they tend to move rather quickly.
This is partially offset by the fact that the satellites are
closer to the Earth, with the associated increase in signal
strengths. Lower gain antennas may be used, which often
have broader directional characteristics and less critical
aiming requirements.
Orbital perturbations
The Earth has a slight bulge at the equator and a
flattening of the poles; its true shape is as an oblate
spheroid. This complicates the determination of satellite motion, as Kepler’s laws assume the Earth to be
perfectly spherical.
The Earth’s mass is not evenly distributed, producing
minor variations in the gravitational forces acting on its
satellites. The difference in gravity experienced at two
points in an orbit produces a ‘gravity gradient’ or slope.
A satellite will be more attracted to one of these points,
and accelerate towards it.
Geostationary satellites are attracted towards the positions of 75° E or 105° W, and require regular ‘station
keeping’ to prevent their inevitable slide towards what
are commonly referred to as satellite graveyards (orbital
points situated between gravitational ‘bulges’).
A recent example of this effect occurred in 1992, when
two ARABSAT series spacecraft suddenly ran out of station keeping fuel. They began to drift along the Clarke belt
towards 75° E and although still otherwise operational,
were eventually powered down to prevent interference
to other satellites.
The gravitational fields of the sun and moon significantly affect geostationary satellites, by inclining their orbits
away from the equator. The LEOS are less affected, due
to the increased effect of the Earth’s gravitational field at
close range. Again, station keeping is required to correct
the orbit of satellites affected, by the firing of onboard
thrusters in the opposite direction of the drift.
At heights of below approximately 1000km, satellites
are affected by atmospheric drag, which serves to reduce
the eccentricity and apogee height of their orbits. Atmospheric drag can be a particular problem for low Earth
orbiting satellites.
The orientation of a satellite in its orbit with respect
to the Earth is its attitude, which is maintained through
attitude control. This differs from station keeping in that
the shape of the orbit is not of prime concern. Attitude
control is used for local stabilisation.
To simplify the stabilisation of satellites in low orbits, the
gravitational field of the Earth is utilised. After launch, the
spacecraft gradually aligns itself vertically with the Earth,
so that the antennas are pointing in the desired direction.
During this time, amateurs monitoring the satellite’s beacon may notice periodic fading as the satellite ‘oscillates’
around the stable attitude. This effectively modulates the
beacon, an effect used to help determine the status of the
satellite in the initial orbit stage.
a b
PERIGEE HEIGHT = a(1 - e) 6378km
APOGEE HEIGHT = a(1 + e) 6378km
V ~=
HEIGHT = 35786km
VELOCITY ~= 11000km
Fig:1: this diagram illustrates Kepler’s Laws of
planetary motion which also describe the orbits of
satellites around the Earth. Note that at apogee the
satellite is travelling at its slowest speed.
Geostationary satellites, which generally carry telecom
munications and broadcasting, are too far from the Earth
for gravitational torque stabilisation to be efficient. These
satellites are stabilised by two basic methods. An entire
satellite may be set spinning, in the manner of a gyroscope.
The antennas must then either have circular symmetrical
radiation patterns, or be placed upon a non spinning
(despun) platform.
Alternatively, internal stabilisers may be used, in the
form of momentum wheels, which provide the necessary overall stabilising torque. Satellites which use this
August 1993 73
The point directly
underneath the satORBITAL
ellite at the Earth’s
surface is called the
sub satellite point
Radio frequenEQUATORIAL
received at the
ground appear to
vary from high to low
during the satellite’s
pass overhead, due to
the effect of Doppler
shift (Doppler shift
is a phenomenon
associated with the
behaviour of waves
HEIGHT ~= 1000km
propa gated from a
moving transmitter).
The nominal freORBIT
quency of a particular
beacon or transponder (transponders are
HEIGHT 35786km
devices which, upon
receiving signals,
5F 8 180 o
164 o
automatically issue
160 o
responses) is given
156 o
for the TCA, when
the Doppler shift is
113 o
In the case of satFig.2a illustrates the inclination of a satellite orbit,
ellite AO-21, with a
while Fig.2b shows the geostationary orbits of the
Optus satellites at around 160°E, the Intelsat 5F8
nominal downlink
satellite at 180°E & the Palapa B2P satellite at 113°E.
of 145.987MHz (FM
voice), the received
method are called three-axis or body frequency may vary from approximatestabilised.
ly 145.990MHz at AOS to 145.984MHz
To correct for errors in spacecraft at LOS. The effect of Doppler shift
attitude, a variety of techniques are is greater for passes which are more
used, such as firing thrusters, accel- directly overhead.
erating the momentum wheels, and
AO-21 is a LEOS with a near polar
employing reaction wheels to absorb orbit of 83° inclination. Apogee and
the effects of disrupting forces.
perigee heights are 1000km and 958km
respectively. The orbital period is
about 105 minutes, and a good pass
Tracking a satellite involves locating may last for 20 minutes.
The FM voice transponder uses an
its position in orbit and determining
its motion. This information is referred experimental digital processing systo the Earth’s motion, so as to provide tem which is used to regenerate weak
pointing coordinates (look angles) for or distorted signals. The downlink
a station’s antenna system. Times at frequency, as mentioned, is approxiwhich the satellite will be visible to mately 145.987MHz.
the station are calculated, and the
A beacon on 145.822MHz (CW) is
feasibility of communications with quite useful for tracking, even with
the satellite during these times are an FM receiver. Due to the relatively
wideband nature of the FM signal, it is
The time at which a satellite appears not necessary to use an expensive mulover the radio horizon, and beacons timode rig to tune in. Try 145.990MHz
or other transmissions are received, as a starting frequency on which to
is known as the acquisition of signal monitor the satellite.
(AOS). The time of closest approach
Some handheld transceivers can
(TCA) and loss of signal (LOS) then be tuned in 5kHz and 12.5kHz steps,
describe the completion of the pass. giving a series of three frequencies
74 Silicon Chip
(145.990MHz, 145.9875MHz and
145.985MHz) to track Doppler shift.
Receive antenna requirements
for this satellite are minimal and a
¼-wave ground plane should give
good results.
The uplink frequency for this transponder is 435.016MHz, making it
“mode B” in hamsat terminology. The
uplink requirements are a little more
involved. Power levels in the range
of 25W are considered the minimum
useful level, although AO-21 has been
worked with a dual band hand-held
By using a predictive tracking program, it would be possible to determine the best time to listen out for the
satellite, although it is also possible to
just tune in and wait.
After the first pass, add 105 minutes
to the AOS to give an indication of
when the next pass might be (given
that the satellite will be in view at the
next pass). For those with a computer,
a tracking program is essential for
detailed orbital analysis and more
advanced satellite experimentation.
These programs require a set of
up-to-date Keplerian ele
ments for
each satellite being studied, which
are available from bulletin boards in
a standard format.
Further information
Amateur satellite information is
available from AMSAT Australia. Their
HF net meets on Sundays at 1000z
(UTC). Net frequencies are 7.064MHz
and 3.685MHz, depending on conditions. AMSAT Australia is at GPO
Box 2141, Adelaide 5001. Public domain satellite tracking programs and
NASA-issued Keplerian elements are
available from the Satcom Australia
BBS on (02) 905 0849.
(1). The Inclined Orbit Satellite Tracking Guidebook, M. Long & J. Keating,
MLE Inc, 1993 (available from AvComm Pty Ltd, PO Box 225, Balgow
lah, NSW 2093).
(2). Satellite Communications Systems, G. Maral & M. Bousquet, John
Wiley & Sons, 1986.
(3). Satellite Communications, T. Pratt
& C. Bostian, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
(4). Advanced Electronic Communications Systems, W. Tomasi, Prentice
Hall, 1987.
(5). Satellite Communications, D.
Roddy, Prentice Hall, 1989.