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How to deal with block capacitors
As a young lad, I saw quite a few radio sets
come and go from my bedroom. Each one
was the ultimate receiver – that is, until
something better replaced it.
My first sets were a couple of crystal
sets which served me well for many
years. Following these were the regenerative receivers: several 1-valvers, a
2-valver and even a 2-valve shortwave
set with plug-in coils. I spent a fair
amount of my time building receivers
and listening to them. There is nothing
quite like the satisfaction of making
something that actually works. Looking back, I have very fond memories
of those bygone days.
After the home-made battery sets
had run their course, I spent up big
and bought a mains-powered set – my
first big purchase. It was only half a set
really, just a chassis and speaker that
I bought from a kid at school for 30
shillings. Unfortunately, my memory
is not good enough to recall all of the
details and I wish now that I could
remember them more clearly.
The set involved was a 4-valve regenerative detector type receiver. I still
have the single gang tuning capacitor,
so that aspect of it is fairly clear in my
mind. There was no dial, just a knob
fitted to the tuner shaft. It took a steady
hand to tune it to stations at the high
frequency end of the dial.
I distinctly remember that one of the
valves was very large, blue in colour
and extremely hot when it was working. I would just about bet a week’s
This tuning capacitor is all that remains of the author’s
first mains-powered receiver. The set used large block
capacitors for smoothing the high tension rail – common
practice prior to the advent of the electrolytic capacitor.
62 Silicon Chip
wages that it was an E406. A couple
of other valves were silvery looking
5-pin triodes and there must have been
an old 280 rectifier or the like in the
line-up as well.
The chassis was a metallic bronze
colour which seemed to be pretty
classy at the time. No doubt, it was just
one of those cheapies that were made
in the early depression years.
Block capacitors
This old AC receiver had two
volume controls (one being the reaction control), a feature that was
not uncommon in those days. It also
had two large pressed steel covers
mounted on top of the chassis and
these housed the power transformer
and block capacitors. It was that can
full of capacitors that finally caused
the demise of my pride and joy and
the set was eventually cannibalised
for spare parts.
This block capacitor contains three separate 0.5µF
capacitors & their capacitance is clearly marked on the
side. In this instance, each capacitor is separate & none is
connected internally to the case.
We are moving in February 1994
Radios, Valves, Books, Vintage Parts
Block capacitors were usually housed in large metal cans. The “Chanex” can at
left houses three 0.5µF capacitors, while to its right are a 4µF capacitor (middle)
and two 1µF capacitors. Chanex capacitors were made in Australia.
Send SSAE For Our Catalogue
WANTED: Valves, Radios, etc.
Purchased for CASH
Call in to our NEW showroom at:
242 Chapel Street (PO Box 2029),
Prahran, Vic 3181.
Phone: (03) 5104486; Fax (03) 529 5639
Sales Management
This old block capacitor has suffered a terminal internal disorder. No doubt
something like this happened to many block capacitors when the paper
dielectric broke down and allowed them to short circuit.
Many early sets used block capacitors. These units were nothing more
than paper capacitors in metal cans
instead of the cardboard tubes that
were to become the norm in later years.
Although the term “block capacitor”
strictly refers to metal-cased paper
capacitors of quite large size, the comments made in this article include all
metal-cased paper capacitors, even the
smaller sizes.
AC-operated receivers required
much larger capacitors than any battery set had needed up until that time.
Mica capacitors of relatively small
sizes were adequate for battery sets but
this situation changed with the advent
of mains-powered radios.
Initially, paper capacitors were used
in the high tension filter instead of
the electrolytics that were to become
common a few years later. A pair of
4µF paper capacitors did a reasonable
job of smoothing out the mains hum
when used in conjunction with a
loudspeaker field coil (the latter acting
as a choke).
Unfortunately a pair of 4µF paper
capacitors take up a sizable amount
of space. It was common practice at
this stage of receiver development to
place all the big bulky capacitors in
a large pressed steel can instead of
having them situated throughout the
circuit as would be the case a few years
down the track.
When hot wax, smoke and ominous rumbling sounds poured forth
Location: Chatswood, Sydney, NSW
Sales: Territory NSW and Qld.
Altronics Distributors of Perth, Western
Australia have a position for a dynamic
young person for their Sydney Office.
Applicants should be conversant in general purpose electronics and be familiar
with common electronic components.
Formal qualifications in Sales and/or
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A current drivers' licence and a reliable
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The successful applicant will be appointed initially as Assistant Sales Manager
with a view to promotion to the position
of Manager NSW and Qld in approximately 12 months.
This is an exciting and rewarding career
in Electronics.
Apply to Colin Fobister, Sydney Office.
Phone: (02) 417 8938; Fax: (02) 417 2670.
August 1993 63
This view shows the contents of a typical block capacitor.
This one contained five individual units which could
only be connected as a single unit into the circuit. The
can formed a common chassis connection for all five
from my old regenerative’s capacitor
box, it appeared as though the end
had come. Knowing what I know
now, I guess it wouldn’t have been
a difficult problem to repair but as a
14-year old, it seemed like the end of
the world. What a terrible feeling to
see 30 shillings self-destruct before
your eyes.
At a rough guess, I would say that
the input capacitor on the high tension
filter developed a short circuit. This
is not an unknown happening, even
with electrolytics, and a sure sign of
this problem is the rectifier anodes
glowing red.
Block capacitors are no different
to any other old paper capacitor and
require exactly the same treatment.
The difference in size between a 4µF block capacitor and a
couple of modern 22µF 450V electrolytics is illustrated by
this photograph. Fitting modern capacitors into an old can
is easy as far as space is concerned but getting the cans
apart without wrecking them can be another matter.
That’s right! Discard them completely
and replace with modern equivalents
whether they be polyester or electrolytic. There is no room in any of my
receivers for leaky, troublesome 60year old paper capacitors.
Early paper capacitors were made in
two types: inductive and non-inductive. The inductive type was suitable
only for some applications and could
not be used if the capacitor was required to pass RF signals.
Rolled foil capacitors were made
non-inductive by a very simple trick.
The metal foils were made slightly
wider than the paper dielectric and
offset slightly relative to each other,
so that each protruded from one end
of the roll. A connection was then
Despite its age (at least 60 years), this capacitor still registers it true capacitance
on the meter. How it would perform with 250V across it is quite another matter.
64 Silicon Chip
made to each foil by means of a rivet
which connected all the turns of the
foil together.
Block capacitors vary greatly in size.
Some are relatively small in size and
capacity while others, as previously
discussed, are quite large. Many of the
larger capacitors are not singular in
construction but have multiple units
inside them. In fact, they can have as
many as four or five separate capacitors
in the one casing.
Some electrolytic capacitors were
also built into metal cans, usually in
pairs. In other instances, they were
packaged in cardboard containers.
Common problems
There is a reasonable possibility
of encountering block capacitors in
any mains-powered radio from the
late 1920s to the end of the 1930s. A
1939 German SABA receiver I worked
on recently used quite a large block
One problem frequently encountered when replacing block capacitors
is that, in some instances, there are
no identifying markings on the can
to indicate the capacity or the voltage rating of the capacitor. Some are
clearly marked but others are not. This
can be a problem at times but usually
a solution can be found.
Often, particularly where quite large
capacitances are involved, it doesn’t
make a great deal of difference if the
replacement capacitor is half or double
that of the original value.
I have cut 0.5µF capacitors out of
circuit while a receiver is working
only to find that their removal makes
no apparent difference to the set’s operation. In this case, virtually any size
replacement capacitor would work
OK. On the other hand, capacitors
from some parts of the circuit need to
be of a particular capacitance or fairly
close to it.
Usually however, the capacitance is
not critical and a ballpark value will
work just as well. A substitution box
can be a great help when replacing
capacitors of unknown value.
One way out of the unknown value
dilemma is to measure the old capacitor with a capacitance meter. Although
an ancient paper capacitor may be
leaky, it will usually register its value
with reasonable accuracy on a capac
itance meter. A capacitance meter tests
a capacitor at a potential of only a few
volts and any leakage at those levels
is usually only slight. It can behave
quite differently when 250V is applied
to it, however.
If a capacitor fails the meter test, its
value can often be guesstimated by its
physical size.
The capacitance meter can also
be very handy when replacing those
larger blocks which contain four or
five separate capaci
tors. If the capacitance value of each unit can be
determined, then their substitution
is much easier.
Multiple block capacitors come in
two types: some have a number of different leads coming from them, while
others have connection lugs at the top.
With the first type, each wire connects
to one contact of an internal capacitor,
while all the other contacts share a
common connection to the inside of
the can. In other words, bolting the
can to the chassis effectively grounds
one side of all the capacitors.
Thus, if there are four wires coming from the can, then there are four
capacitors in the block and the can is
the chassis connection.
The other type does not have an internal common connection to the can
and individual units can be connected
singularly or in parallel as required;
eg, the 1.5µF block capacitor shown in
one of the photographs can be wired
into the circuit as a single 1.5µF capacitor, as three 0.5µF capacitors, or
as two capacitors with values of 1µF
and 0.5µF.
When replacing block capacitors,
there is no reason why the new capacitors cannot be placed inside the old
These two block capacitors have values of 4µF (left) & 6µF. Block capacitors
were very large by today’s standards & they took up a considerable amount of
Many early tubular paper capacitors carried the inscription “non inductive”
to distinguish them from earlier inductive types. They used an extended foil
construction similar to that used for modern paper & polyester capacitors.
can if so desired. Sometimes, however,
this is easier said than done because
the can may prove difficult to open
without wrecking it.
In my old 3-valve Seyon, the 280
rectifier originally teamed up with
two 1µF paper capacitors which
were used in the high tension filter.
Unfortunately, such a small amount
of ca
pacitance does not do the job
particularly well and the hum level
is quite objectionable.
When restoring the set, the original
Philips capacitors showed considerable leakage when tested and they
were replaced with modern 1µF
350V electrolytics. Being relatively
inexperienced in valve radio repairs
at the time, it never occurred to me to
increase the capacitance. There was
plenty of room inside the cans to accommodate larger units which would
have greatly reduced the mains hum.
In summary then, block capacitors
should not present any real problems
for vintage radio repairers. They are
simply paper capacitors that should
be replaced if a restoration is to be
effective and reliable. Whether or not
the original can is used to house the
replacement capacitors is entirely up
to each individual restorer.
August 1993 65