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Servicing your R/C receiver
This month, we will look at the technical aspects
of servicing the modern R/C receiver. Apart from
using your eyes, the equipment required is a
toothbrush, a can of CRC-226, a voltmeter, an
oscilloscope & a signal generator.
To begin, one must keep in mind
at all times that the receiver has lived
out its entire operational life in an
extremely harsh environment; usually
subjected to high levels of vibration,
high “G” forces, crash damage, plus
possible water and dust ingress. As if
this were not enough, receivers which
fail in flight due to a simple component failure then have to undergo the
trauma of a crash, before the wretched
thing can be lobbed up on the bench
of some poor serviceman, usually
waiting with baited breath for the next
horror story.
Servicing model equipment adds
backed into the propeller of the model
behind me. Its prop chewed the leads
off my servos and receiver and sliced
the battery pack in half. In the crash
which followed, the engine bearer
smashed through the receiver case
and broke some components. Do you
think it will cost much to repair?” Or
“I had my hydro howling and it hit
a submerged log. It did a triple somersault and sank in 50 metres of salt
water. It was only under the water for
about two days before I could get it
out. Do you think it is repairable? PS:
you will notice the Rx case is a funny
copper colour and another thing, I
“I had my hydro howling & it hit a submerged
log. It did a triple somersault & sank in 50
metres of salt water. It was only under the
water for two days before I could get it out”.
a new dimension to “Mondayi
Every Saturday and Sunday, the
weekend warriors are out there doing
their thing, flying and crashing, racing
and sinking, lead-footing and rolling.
Every Monday the phones run hot with
their horror stories.
“I was flying along, minding my
own business, when this tree jumped
in front of my model...” Or “I was
in this pylon race and I accidentally
42 Silicon Chip
cannot seem to see any tracks on the
PC board. I am sure they were there
the last time I drained the water out of
the receiver, after I collided with me
mate’s Deep V.”
Don’t laugh, I have had all of the
above and more happen to me personally. In one horrific period, I lost
six models in six consecutive flights.
It was the closest I ever came to giving
up flying completely. Oddly enough,
they were mostly due to propellers
breaking in flight. The models quite
literally explode in mid air when a
prop sheds one blade.
At the time, I was reworking big
motors for my speed runs and using
nylon props. In the end, I tried virtually every brand of nylon prop on the
market and was finally forced to use
wooden props. These break easily on
rough fields and the cost is very high.
However, the cost of a lost model is
even higher so I had to grit my teeth
and persevere with wooden props.
Nylon props have improved a lot since
then but always make sure they are
correctly balanced.
Crash hazards
The last crash in the series was the
most galling, however. At the time I
was training for the World Aerobatics
Championships in Pennsylvania, USA
(1971) and used to get up at 5am and
drive to “Bedrock” for a session before
work. I did this every day for three
months. Now “Bedrock” (Heathcote
Road, Sydney) was a dirt strip which
used to grow a new crop of rocks
overnight. I used to take a broom and
sweep the strip every morning and
every morning there would be a new
crop of rocks.
This particular morning as usual,
I stood at the side of the runway,
midway along the strip, and taxied
to the end of the runway to take off.
I opened the throttle and began the
take-off and as the model drew level
with me, I spotted a new rock right
in front of my prop. Too late – the
prop shattered, the nose of the model
disintegrated and the whole mess fell
in a heap at my feet. It never even left
the ground! I was hopping mad and
one model short with six weeks to go
to the championships.
300mm LONG
Fig.1 (above): the end of the antenna is often glued to an
aluminium chassis in a zig-zag pattern, as shown here. This
is undesirable, as it allows noise pickup & cancellation in the
folded sections, resulting in detuning of the front-end. Fig.2 at
right shows the correct way to deal with the antenna.
Such is the pressure on the dedicated contest flyer. You never knew
when the next blow would be struck.
Somehow you always made it to the
contest but the amount of midnight
oil used in the effort leaves one exhausted.
However, the real point of this story
is that the explosive vibration levels
experienced by models throwing a
prop blade can be transmitted to the
receiver and servos. Also, the electronics must survive the fall to earth. This
must be kept in mind at all times when
servicing model equipment.
With this background, we can now
move on to the servicing of receivers.
If the receiver is your own then you
know its exact history and the probable
cause of the problem. If the receiver
belongs to a friend or customer, then
suspect everything! If the receiver
comes from a model aircraft, then suspect everything, including the aircraft.
Non-electronic faults
To clarify this last point, another
story is in order. By far the worst receiver repair I ever had to deal with
belonged to a friend of mine and was
one of my first Mark VII production
receivers. Because of this, I had to be
particularly careful about establishing
the cause of the problem. Despite all
the care lavished on prototypes and
early production units, faults can
easily slip through.
Anyway, the complaint took the
form of a loss of control at the top of
a loop. My friend swore blind that the
fault had only begun to manifest itself
in the last few weeks. Prior to that,
the receiver had worked flawlessly.
To compound the problem for me, in
the earlier receivers we had an antenna phasing problem which caused a
similar result. I was sure the Mark VII
receiver was free of this fault but one
could never be sure.
After exhaustive testing, I began to
suspect detuning due to engine vibration or simple component degradation
and I went through that receiver with
a fine tooth comb. I could not find a
fault of any kind. Week after week this
went on until finally, in exasperation,
I went flying with him to see the problem for myself. Now this business of
going with a customer is a real pain
for it usually entails a 100km round
trip in heavy traffic and blows away
at least half a day. But sometimes it is
To cut a long story short, The model
was a very fast swept wing semi-scale
F-86 Sabre. As soon as I saw the model
I knew what came next. Sure enough
the loop was performed and the model
did a perfect flick roll off the top of the
loop. It wasn’t loss of control in the
true sense but a genuine flick-roll. As it
turned out, Bill had moved the centre
of gravity (CG) back the week before
the problem began. The whole thing
was an aerodynamic problem. Moving
the CG forward cured the problem and
I heard no more complaints about that
particular receiver.
I have spent a considerable amount
of time on the foregoing because these
sorts of problems caused me endless
trouble until I had gained sufficient
experience to recognise this sort of
fault. Filling out the complaint sheet
correctly is a vital part of servicing
in model work and the serviceman
must stay alert to any external factors
causing what appears to be a purely
electronic problem.
Antenna installation
Antenna installation is a classic
problem often encountered in model
work. Most model receivers come
with one metre of hookup wire for an
antenna. The problem is that this is
too long for many models, particularly model cars. Most cars come with
a flexible tube about 30cm long into
which the last 30cm of the Rx antenna
is slid. What do you do with the excess
70cm? You dare not cut the antenna
short, for it will detune the receiver
front-end badly.
Now the ingenuity used by some
modellers in devising the worst
possible use for this excess antenna
often leaves me speechless. Usually
it is wound up in a ball and left lying under the servos or some such
electrically noisy device. Often it is
glued to the aluminium chassis in a
zig-zag pattern, as shown in Fig.1.
This is undesirable, as it allows noise
pickup and cancellation of the folded
sections, resulting in detuning of the
Rx front-end.
The correct way is to make a small
bobbin and drill two holes in each
end about 25mm apart. Thread the
end of the antenna through one hole
and wind the excess into a coil on
the bobbin. Thread the 30cm to be
inserted into the flexible tube through
the other hole and Bob’s your uncle.
It makes a neat little antenna (Fig.2)
which should be mounted well clear of
servos, battery packs and interwiring.
In electric models, keep it well clear
of the speed controller and motor
batteries as well. All of these devices
generate electrical noise and will interfere with the receiver.
I cannot stress too strongly that the
best reception is achieved with the
maximum length of antenna, in the
clearest location possible. On aircraft,
a 90 degree change in direction is
December 1993 43
permissible (from cockpit to fin and
down to the tip of the tailplane) but
do not fold the antenna back upon
itself more than about 5cm. The
maximum which can be cut off most
receiver anten
nas without serious
receiver detuning is about 10cm. This
often occurs during a crash and is a
commonly asked question.
Grilling the modeller
Therefore, from my point of view,
the first step in receiver servicing is
to grill the customer on the symptoms
and establish the nature of the fault.
Be sure to ask if there have been any
changes to the model prior to the fault
appearing. Changes in antenna location, CG of the model or new servos
can all introduce problems.
Battery problems
Always be alert to battery problems
as they are very high on the list of
probable causes, although not as high
as in the transmitter. Crash damage
and engine vibration radically alters
the statistical analysis of fault probabilities. Make sure you get the battery
pack used during the flight when the
A fault occurring at the end of eight
15 minute flights often indicates that
a battery has gone flat. Check the
capacity of the battery with a cycling
charger or a graph. I routinely graph
all batteries sent in for servicing. Do
not forget to ask if the battery charged
correctly and fully the night before.
Batteries charged and left to stand for
a week will self-discharge and this will
influence flight duration.
A slope soarer (with two servos)
flown gently will last about 3.5 hours
on a 500mAh battery pack. A 4-servo
pattern ship flown vigorously will
last about two hours and a helicopter
with four servos about 45 minutes.
The corollary to this is that the servos in each of these models will be
subject to different rates of wear. In
addition, helicopters are subject to a
lot of vibration. Be sure to find out
what type of model your customer
is flying.
If the model comes in as well, I look
at the antenna and advise the customer
on the correctness of the installation.
In this regard, I always routinely
replace the receiver antenna on the
grounds that it gets severely stressed
“Always be alert to battery problems as they
are very high on the list of probable causes.
And make sure you get the battery pack used
during the flight when the fault occurred”.
fault occurred. Often, the model battery pack is difficult to remove and the
modeller will send in a spare pack.
If the fault is in the battery, you can
spend a lot of time on a wild goose
I will not give a warranty on a repair unless I can examine the actual
batteries to be used. Always be aware
that the industry standard for average
battery consumption for a flight battery
is 270mA, as against approximately
120-150mA for the Tx. This means
that the receiver battery is the shortest
duration member in the Tx/Rx battery
pair. Also be aware that this will vary
depending upon the number of servos
and the style of flying of the operator.
44 Silicon Chip
in a crash; I often find the conductor
broken inside the insulation.
Receiver checks
Finally, it is time to move onto an
examination of the receiver. Regardless of the nature of the complaint
lodged by the customer, begin with
a very close physical examination of
the receiver case, its PC board and
components. Often, old crash damage
has been missed or has just become
Look for impact marks on the case.
Plastic cases often return to shape after
an impact, leaving almost no trace of
the object which distorted the case.
Aluminium cases were better in this
regard, as they were stronger. They also
protected against electrical noise and
left marks if a sharp object impacted
with the case.
The real danger here is that delicate
components which are unsupported
inside their housings, such as crystals
and IF coils, can be cracked internally
and it is difficult to check on this. A
vibration table is a great help and will
often show up this type of fault, while
freezer cans can be of help too.
Next, move to the servo leads or pins
and give them a visual inspection and
a good scrub with a toothbrush and
CRC-226. Remove any dust or dirt
and inspect the PC board for corrosion. Often, receivers are purchased
secondhand and whilst the current
owner may be using it in an aircraft,
the previous owner could have had it
in a submarine, with no waterproofing!
Be suspicious of everything is my
motto. Somebody bringing back a
model and radio that you have just
serviced – in a bucket – is no joke. I
once had an alcoholic customer who
did just that. Some modellers really
take their modelling seriously and
faults in the radios or servicing are
never forgiven.
Next, cut open the receiver battery
pack and examine the cells individually for signs of corrosion or physical
damage. If there are signs of damage,
discard the pack. Damaged cells will
often let go in flight under engine vibration with disastrous results. Short
circuited cells are a common problem
in airborne battery packs. Do not replace a single cell as this will often
result in unequal stress on that cell and
premature failure of the pack.
Pull back the insulation on the
battery leads and examine them for
“black wire” corrosion. Examine the
battery connector for signs of damage
or corrosion. Water on the connectors
will result in electrolysis and damage
to the pins. Always be on the alert for
this type of problem.
Finally, charge the pack and check
each cell voltage. They should be
within 0.07V of each other. Any cell
showing a greater deviation than this
is suspect. The actual terminal voltage
will depend upon the internal chemical composition of the cell. This will
vary from brand to brand but most will
come off the charger at about 1.35-1.4V
per cell.
That’s about it for this month. Be
sure to keep those nicads cycled. SC