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Articles in this series:
A 2kW 24V/240VAC
sinewave inverter; Pt.4
This month, we will begin construction of the
2kW inverter by presenting the· assembly details
for the four main PC boards. Each PC board can
be tested so that any faults can be fixed before
they are wired into the chassis.
Make no mistake, this is a major
construction project and should not
be attempted unless you are an experienced constructor. You will need
access to a dual trace oscilloscope, a
digital multimeter, an adjustable
power supply capable of 24V at 1A, a
crimping tool , plus light and heavy
duty soldering irons. Also a small pro58
pane torch will be necessary for soldering lugs to 150A cable unless an
hydraulic crimping machine is available.
We will begin by discussing the
assembly of the four PC boards. These
are the DC-DC Inverter Board, the HPack Board, the Sinewave Generator
Board and the Rectifier Board.
Check each PC board for shorted
tracks, open circuit tracks and other
faults which may be evident on a
visual inspection. Repairs can be made
to shorted tracks by cutting away copper with a sharp utility knife, while
open circuit tracks can be repaired by
soldering a length of tinned copper
wire across the break.
Look at the overlay diagrams and
check that the holes in the PC boards
are the correct size for mounting the
components or hardware. Most of the
component holes should be 1mm diameter while the PC board mounting
and regulator tab mounting holes
should be 3.5mm diameter. Holes for
the 4mm screws (for the cable lug
connections) should be 4mm in dia-
Fig.12: parts layout on the DC-DC Inverter Board. Install all the parts as shown
except for the Mosfet transistors and the lMQ resistor marked "see text". This
resistor is installed later only ifit is necessary to increase the "dead-time".
meter. Drill or ream out any holes
which need to be enlarged before you
install any of the components.
Most of the links and all low wattage resistors for these PC boards are
spaced on 12.7mm (0.5 inch) centres
and it may be expedient to make up a
small jig so that the resistor leads and
the link leads can be bent to match
these centres.
Do not use IC sockets
We do not recommend using IC
sockets for any of the ICs in this
project. Apart from the fact that quality types can cost more than the ICs
them selves, they can reduce the reliability of the circuit. Readers may notice from the photographs that we used
a socket for IC23; ie, the OTP-ROM
(One Time Programmable ROM. However, this was only so that we could
easily remove and replace the OTPROM during the circuit development.
DC-DC inverter board
Let's now start with the DC-DC In-
verter Board which is coded 11309921
and measures 204 x 15 7mm. The component overlay is shown in Fig.12.
Note the 12 large pads, six on each
side of the board. These are drilled to
accept a 4mm machine screw. You
will need to solder a brass nut to each
of these large copper pads.
This is best done by fitting all the
screws and nuts in position on the
board. Each nut is then soldered to
the copper pad using a heavy duty
iron. It is also a good idea at this stage
to tin the Gate, Source and Drain pads
for the Mosfets (Q5-Q16).
Now insert the nine PC stakes and
solder them in place. The 3-terminal
regulator (REG1) is mounted flat on
the PC board and secured with a screw
and nut. Bend the leads first so that
they fit precisely into the IN, GND and
OUT pads when the regulator is secured in place.
The links and low wattage resistors
can now be soldered in place but omit
the 1MQ resistor marked "see text" at
this stage. This done, install the three
ICs, taking care with their orientation. When soldering, check that adjacent pins are not bridged except
where dictated by the copper pattern.
This can easily happen with a medium size soldering iron tip.
The capacitors can now be all installed, followed by trim pot VR1, transistors Q1-Q4, the diodes and zener
diodes. Make sure that these components are all installed the right way
around. The 82Q 5W wirewound resistor should be mounted so that its
body is about 1mm above the PC board
to allow the air to circulate beneath it
for cooling.
Finally, install the inductor (Ll).
Do not insert the Mosfets at this stage
- that step comes later.
H-pack board
Fig.13· shows the parts layout on
the H-Pack Board. It measures 204 x
157mm and is coded 11309922.
Assembly of the H-Pack Board begins in the same way as the previous
board; ie, by soldering the brass nuts
to the large pads on the copper side.
There are 16 insulated links on the
board and these are made using 15A
mains-rated cable. These wires carry
Fig.13: parts layout for the H-Pack Drive Board. Note that the 16 curved links
must be run using 15A insulated mains wire. The four IGBTs & the four diodes
are moun~ed on the underside of the PC board (see Fig.15).
the heavy current from the IGBTs and
diodes to the H-drive terminals
(+365V, 0V, X and Y).
Once these leads are in, the 14 PC
stakes can be installed, followed by
the links, resistors, ICs, diodes and
zener diodes. The capacitors and
varistors (the S14K275 devices) can
then be installed, followed by the
Fig.14: here are the winding details
for transformers T2-T4. Use 0.125mm
enamelled copper wire & make sure
that there is at least 5mm clearance
between the two windings'.
MOVs. The latter can be oriented either way but the electrolytic capacitors must be oriented as shown in
Winding the transformers
Transformers T2, T3 and T4 are
wound using 0.125mm enamelled
copper wire - see Fig.14. Each transformer bobbin is wound in the same
way. The windings are 10 turns between pins 1 and 4 for the primary
and 12 turns between pins 5 and 8 for
the secondary, on a Philips EFD 15/8/
5 bobbin.
Wind the turns as close together as
possible and solder the leads to the
outside pins. The actual direction that
each winding is wound is not critical
but the completed bobbin should have
at least a 5mm clearance between the
primary and secondary windings to
provide high voltage isolation. Complete the job by winding a couple of
layers of insulation tape around the
bobbin to keep the turns in place.
Once the bobbins are wound, insert
the two ferrite core halves and secure
them in place with the spring clips.
The three finished transformers can
then be installed on the PC board,
taking care to ensure correct pin orientation.
The four IGBTs (Q17-Q20) and the
four diodes (D10-D13) are mounted
on the underside of the PC board as
shown in the mounting detail diagram of Fig.15 (this diagram also applies to Mosfets Q5-Q16 on the DCDC Inverter Board).
To install these devices, first bend
their leads at right angles 3mm from
their bodies as shown in Fig.15. This
done, attach four 9mm standoffs to
the PC board, then install and solder
each device so that its face sits flat
against the resting surface (ie, the
Siiiewave generator board
The Sinewave Generator Board
measures 181 x 131mm and is coded
11309923. Its component overlay diagram is shown in Fig.16.
You can begin this board by installing the 17 PC stakes, followed by the
wire links. The remaining parts can
then be installed.
Note that the 7805 regulator (REG2)
is fitted with a finned heatsink and is
secured to the PC board with a screw
and nut. Smear the metal tab of the
regulator with heatsink compound
before bolting the assembly together.
The 150Q 5W resistor is mounted
about 1mm above the PC board to
allow the air to circulate beneath it for
Rectifier PC board
This board mainly functions as an
assembly platform for the two high
voltage capacitors (680µF 400VW &
25µF 370VAC), the three large toroids
(12 , 13 & L4), and a terminating panel.
Apart from that, it incorporates the
fast rectifiers (D3-D6) and the optocoupled feedback circuitry for the DCDC inverter, involving IC4 and IC5.
The board measures 214 x 162mm
and is coded 11309924.
The first step is to solder the seven
4mm brass nuts to the relevant pads
on the copper side of the PC board.
The heavy current links must be run
using 15A mains-rated wire. Keep
Fig.15: the IGBTs & diodes are
installed on the underside of Hpack board as shown in this
diagram. Make sure that the
mounting face of each device is
exactly 9mm below the bottom
of the PC board.
these links as short as practicable.
Now install the fuse clips, the
tinned copper wire links, the resistors and zener diode and, finally, the
two ICs.
The DC filter choke toroid, 12, is
wound with six turns of 2mm enamelled copper wire spread evenly
around the core. Strip the enamel insulation from the wire ends, tin them
with solder and then solder them to
the PC board. The finished toroid is
anchored to the PC board using two
small cable ties.
Solder in the four fast recovery diodes (D3 -D6) but do not trim their
leads under the board yet since their
tabs have to be aligned with matching
holes in chassis when the board is
finally installed.
Inductors 13 and 14 and the two
high voltage capacitors are not installed at this stage.
DC-DC Inverter Board: to test the in-
verter board, you will require a power
supply capable of delivering 24V DC
at 0.5A. You will also need a dual
trace oscilloscope and a multimeter.
Bridge the pins for the thermal cutouts and connect your DC power supply to the +24V and GND IN pins.
Connect your scope probes to the 4. 7Q
resistors at the emitters of Ql and Q2
and the emitters of Q3 and Q4 respectively. Now apply power; the oscilloscope should show two 20kHz square
waves with an amplitude of 15V peak.
The waveforms are as shown in Fig.9
which is on page 30 of the November
1992 issue.
If no waveforms are present, you
will have to backtrack through the
circuit to find the malfunction. First
check the outputs of inverter IC2 and
then the outputs of ICl (pins 9 & 10).
If nothing still, check that the 15V
supply is present at the relevant pins
of ICl and IC2.
Now switch off the power and
switch on again to observe the soft
start feature. Each waveform should
start off with a low duty cycle and
increase to the maximum duty cycle
of slightly less than 50% in about one
Check the "dead time" between
each waveform. This is measured as
the time between the falling edge of
one waveform and the rising edge of
the other. It should be about 5µs. If the
dead time is less than lµs, then the
lMQ resistor between pins 4 & 14 of
Fig.16: parts layout on
the Sinewave Generator
Board. Make sure that all
polarised parts are
correctly oriented & use
PC stakes for the 17
external wiring
connections. Don't use
sockets for any of the I Cs.
Fig.17: parts layout for the Rectifier PC Board, minus L3, L4 & the two high
voltage capacitors. As on the H-Pack Board, the curved links must be run using
15A mains-rated cable.
ICl should be installed. This will increase the dead time.
Test the under voltage cutout by
winding down the power supply. At a
voltage of around 20V from the power
supply, the circuit should stop operating.
The feedback control is tested by
connecting a lOOkQ resistor between
the "A" pin and the +15V pin. Adjust
This close-up view shows the H-Pack Board. The tµF 500VAC filter capacitor
that straddles the centre of the board will be added next month when the
chassis wiring is described.
VRl slowly to check that the duty
cycle can be varied from maximum to
Note that maintaining a steady duty
cycle with VRl is very difficult but
this test will confirm that the control
circuitry is operating.
Finally, the Mosfets (Q5-Q16) can
be installed. These are mounted at
right angles on the underside of the
PC board as shown in Fig.15.
Sinewave Generator Board: connect
a DC supply set to 15V between the
GND and +15V pins on the PC board.
Connect your oscilloscope probes to
the A and B pins and check that these
two waveforms are 180° out of phase
and operating at about 1MHz.
Similarly check that the E & F outputs-and the C & D outputs are also at
1MHz and 180° out of phase. If there
is a fault here, check for correct supply voltages on IC14, IC15 and IC16.
By the way, the supply rail for these
three ICs was incorrectly shown as
+5V on the circuit of page 70 in the
December 1992 issue. It should be
Disconnect the supply from the
Fig.18: these 5V p-p waveforms should be present on the
collectors ofQ21 (top) & Q23 (bottom).
+15V pin and then bridge the G and H
pins, the Kand L pins and the Mand
N pins respectively. Now connect a
24V supply to the +24V pin and GND
pins. Check that +5V is present on the
relevant pins of ICl 7-IC23.
To check the signals present on the
collectors of QZl and Q23, you will
need to trigger your oscilloscope externally using the 50Hz signal present
at pin 1 of IC17. You should obtain
signals similar to those shown in
Fig.18. The top trace shows the signal
at the collector ofQZl while the lower
trace shows the signal at the collector
A similar waveform should be seen
at the collectors ofQ22 and Q24 when
the external trigger is set to the opposite trigger polarity (see Fig.18)
Note that these waveforms show
only the active lOms half of the ZOms
period. For the other lOms period, the
collector ofQ21 is low and the collector of Q23 is high. The same remarks
apply to QZZ and Q24.
H-Pack Board: this board can only be
tested when wired to the Sinewave
Generator Board. You will need to cut
14 x 250mm lengths of hook-up wire
and connect them between the A-N
pins on the Sinewave Generator Board
and the A-N pins on the H-Pack Board.
An additional DC supply or the DCDC Inverter Board will be needed to
provide +15V to the Sinewave Generator Board.
Connect 24V to the DC-DC Inverter
Board and to the Sinewave Generator
Board and connect the +15 V rail from
the Inverter Board to the + 15V pin of
the Sinewave Generator Board. The
GND pins should also be connected to
Fig.19: check for these 15V p-p waveforms at the
collectors of Q18 (top) & Q20 (bottom)
the power supply (ignore the GND
OUT on the DC-DC Inverter Board at
this stage).
Connect your scope's probes to the
gates of Q18 and QZO, with the earth
clips on the Y terminal and on the OV
rail. Switch on the power. The waveforms should be as shown in Fig.19;
ie, with an amplitude of 15V. Similar
waveforms should be obtained on the
gates of Ql 7 and Ql 9 with the earth
clips on the OV rail and on the X
If these waveforms are incorrect,
check that there is a +15V supply
across ZD7 and the supply pins (1 &
8) ofIC7, across ZD9 and the supply
pins ofIC9, and across ZDl 1 and ICl 1
and the supply pins ofIC13.
Unfortunately, the Rectifier PC
Board is not easily tested until completely wired into the inverter chassis. After that, we can do some further
tests to check that the circuits are
functioning correctly before we finally
switch on full power and drive
240VAC loads.
Next month, we will describe the
construction of the DC-DC transformer
and the terminal board, and show how
the PC boards and other components
are wired into the chassis.
The Rectifier PC Board serves mainly as an assembly platform for the two high
voltage capacitors (680µF 400VW & 25µF 370VAC), the three large toroids (L2,
L3 & L4), & a terminating panel. It also incorporates the fast rectifiers (D3-D6)
and the optocoupled feedback circuitry (IC4 & IC5).