This is only a preview of the January 1993 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 65 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "Build A Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter":
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Items relevant to "A 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Pt.4":
Articles in this series:
Articles in this series:
Installing & adjusting the
low-cost speed controller; Pt.3
Installing the speed controller is a matter of
connecting it to the motor & receiver, & wiring
the all-important suppression components across
the motor. The speed controller must then be
fine-tuned to match the transmitter & receiver.
Last month, we ended by saying
that the spark suppression components must be mounted directly on
the motor terminals despite the fact
that this is usually not very convenient, due to space restrictions in the
model. Also, soldering three or four
leads to each motor terminal can be
difficult and frustrating at times, so
why do it when some commercial
speed controllers have these components built right into the speed control module?
The laws of physics were written
by a much higher authority than Bob
Young and these laws state that the
radiation from a spark gap transmitter
(commutator) must be killed at the
source. If this radiation is allowed to
reach the motor interwiring, then it is
all over. Marconi transmitted across
the Atlantic with a spark gap transmitter and remember, you have a receiver antenna within just a few centimetres of this spark source.
Much of the commotion over opto-
coupling in speed controllers is largely
a result of poor installation practices
regarding this point. There is no need
for optocoupling if the installation is
carried out correctly.
Antenna range tests carried out with
diodes fitted in various places in the
installation, and with the varistor fitted and deleted, all indicated quite
clearly the importance of fitting these
items directly at the motor terminals.
The range decreased as the varistor
was moved further away from the
motor terminals. Leaving the diode
off results in the FETs running extremely hot very quickly and some or
all of the FETs being damaged.
Make sure that the diode is installed
with its banded end towards the positive battery lead. The varistor and capacitor are non-polarised. Ifby chance
the motor spins in the wrong direction for your prop or application, reverse the wiring at the motor terminals and don't forget to reverse the
diode! Finally, keep all of these component leads as short as possible.
One point not mentioned so far is
that the suppression diode must be a
fast recovery type capable of operation at the full motor current. A
Schottky MU810 or similar will do
the job nicely.
Fine tuning
One of the test beds used for the SpeedlB has been this twin engined model. The
controllers were mounted as close as possible to the motors, while still being
housed in the main fuselage.
We now come to the interesting bit:
fine tuning the motor/speed control/
radio combination using VRl, VR2
and VR3. You will need a tachometer
(eg, the optical tachometer described
in the May 1988 issue), a moving coil
ammeter and a voltmeter (multimeter).
It is also desirable although not essential to have access to an oscilloscope
and a frequency counter.
(Editor's note: you cannot use a digital multimeter to monitor the current
unless you know that it has a response
which is flat to 3kHz or more on the
DC current range. Nor will a moving
iron ammeter do the job since its response tapers off quite rapidly above
100Hz. That leaves a conventional
moving coil meter as the only choice.
Such a meter will respond to the average value of the current and not the
RMS value but, for the purpose of this
test, this should not be a problem.
You can distinguish a moving iron
meter from a moving coil meter by the
fact that it does not have a linear scale
- ie, it is cramped towards zero - and
it has no polarity markings).
Due to the fact that not all radios
use a standard pulse neutral, pulse
width variation or pulse frame rate,
some adjustment must be made in the
speed control to match these factors.
For example, the old Futaba 2-channel sets used a 1.3ms neutral, 0.71.9ms pulse width variation, and a
14ms frame rate. The new Futaba and
J. R. PPM sets use a 1.5ms neutral, 12ms pulse width variation and a 20ms
frame rate. The standard unit as delivered is set to 1.5ms neutral, with
variation between 1-2ms.
The frame (repetition) rate will often va:r: with the number of channels
and some sets use swinging frame
rates which keep the sync pause constant and thus deliver the fastest possible system response time. All of
these factors influence the speed controller performance to some extent.
For example, the frame rate will have
some affect on the voltage tripler.
Throttle settings
That said, let us proceed. First, the
travel direction and the 0V DC condition must be set with the throttle stick
at the low throttle position. This is
usually done with the trim lever in
the mid position to allow for small
variations over time. Switch on the
transmitter and set the throttle to low,
with the trim lever in the mid point.
The usual convention in Australia
is for full throttle to be applied by
pushing the throttle stick forward (to
the top of the Tx case). If you have an
old transmitter with no servo reversing
switch, the flexible wire jumpers between JlA, JlB, J2A and J2B need to
be correctly connected. If your radio
gives an increasing pulse length with
increasing throttle, connectJlA to JlB
This photo shows the test setup used to measure the change in efficiency at part
throttle for various switchmode frequencies. No definitive answer emerged to
give a best frequency for all conditions. Instead, there tends to a broad range of
frequencies that will best suit a particular motor.
and J2A to J2B as shown in Fig.2
(p.41, Dec. 1992). If your radio gives a
decreasing pulse length with increasing throttle, connect JlA to J2B and
JlB to J2A.
If you haven't the slightest idea what
your radio does, jumper the pins as
shown in Fig.2 or use it as deliveredyou'll have a 50-50 chance that this is
correct. If the throttle works backwards, you've got it wrong and the
leads should be swapped over.
With the speed control connected,
restrain the model and switch on the
Rx, making sure that you are well
clear of the propeller. If the motor
leaps into life, check to see if moving
the throttle to full power slows the
motor. If this is the case, reverse the
direction of the throttle with the Tx
switch or the PC board jumpers Jl
and J2.
All being well, the motor will sit
quietly, eagerly awaiting your first
command. Adjust VRl until the motor begins to emit a tone and then
back offVRl slightly, until no noise is
heard. If your scope is hooked up to
the common gate line (ie, emitter of
Q2), very narrow voltage spikes will
appear just before the motor noise is
heard. Set VRl to deliver a dead flat
trace, with no sign of switching.
As the throttle lever is gradually
advanced, the gate pulses will become
wider and current will begin to flow.
At some point, depending on the number of poles in the motor, the resistance of the windings, motor loading
and a host of other factors, the motor
will start to turn slowly. From that
point on, the throttle response is very
smooth and linear, giving excellent
control over motor revs.
Throttle sensitivity
Now push the throttle all the way
forward, listening to the prop noise or
observing the instruments to ensure
that after about 7/8ths of the stick
travel, there is no further increase in
motor RPM or voltage at the gates. If a
scope is being used, the gate pulse
width should increase to the point
where it is pure DC (about 14V) by
7/8th throttle.
If this is not the case, and full stick
travel still leaves the gate voltage in
the switching mode, VR3 must be adjusted to increase the sensitivity of
the throttle range control. Alternatively, if the throttle range control is
too sensitive, VR3 must be adjusted to
soften the range control.
By the way, while VR3 is shown on
the overlay diagram in last month's
issue, it did not appear on the circuit
diagram in the November 1992 issue.
This was_a late change, made in response to requests from a number of
enthusiasts, and has been included to
give optimum throttle response. The
change has been made by altering the
value ofR2 to lOkQ and then connecting VR3 (50kQ) in series with it.
The smoothest results are obtained
by using the full stick travel to achieve
full throttle. Using VRl and VR3 in
Another view of the twin-engine model (shown here partially completed) that
was used as a test bed for the Speed 1B speed controller. A critical function in
twin-engine models is that the prop speeds must be matched over a wide range.
conjunction with each other will give
end point adjustment.
Switchmode frequency
Having completed the above, we
are now ready .for the fine tuning of
the speed control switching rate. This
is the most important part of the whole
As you may recall, the rationale
behind the design of Speed 1B was to
allow it to be matched to the motor
parameters. It was my belief that maximum efficiency would be obtained at
a particular switching rate, depending on a myriad of variables in the
motor design and application requirements. Such factors as winding inductan"Ce, motor capacitance and commutatio.g speed (which in turn is influenced by prop or gearbox loading)
all contribµte to a complex and highly
interactive chain that determines system efficiency.
At the time, this was only a hunch
and I had seen nothing in previously
published work to confirm this feeling. After extensive testing, I can now
publish the results confirming this
premise. In this regard I owe a very
large debt of gratitude to Barry Younger
who worked flat out to provide the
test facilities and who did much of
the actual testing and tabulation of
the final results.
Put briefly, improvements of up to
25% in efficiency can be obtained by
careful selection of the operating RPM
and switching rate. This result will
vary from motor to motor and with
RPM on any one motor.
The process of selecting a switching rate is divided into two distinct
phases: (1) full throttle (DC mode);
and (2) partial throttle (switchmode).
The first step is to push the throttle
to full power and monitor the RPM
while swinging VR2 through its full
range. According to theory, the RPM
should not vary over the full range of
VR2, as at full throttle the Mosfet gates
are being fed pure DC. However some
Table 1
Switching R,ate
Gate Peak Volts
Gate DC
speed control/motor/radio combinations we have tested have exhibited a
best switching rate at full throttle and
this is a puzzle.
The only explanation I can offer is
that the voltage tripler is peaking in
output at some frequency, yet the gate
voltage does not appear to vary to any
appreciable level that I can detect. As
stated many times in this series of
articles, the subtlety of the various
interactions between system components is quite confusing.
The second and more understandable phase is tuning the mid-throttle
ranges. Here the switching rate, at
least according to theory, will have a
very definite effect.
There is a trap to be careful to avoid
in the partial throttle test and it threw
me off-track for some time during early
testing. Part of the reason for the long
delay in this project was that I could
not decide what was the best frequency to use and even now I still
cannot give a definitive answer to this
question, for the simple reason that
there is no best frequency for all applications. Each application has its
own ideal rate, hence the need for a
variable switching rate.
What we are trying to establish here
is the point of maximum efficiency of
the motor/speed control/radio combination in the mid-throttle ranges;
ie, in the switching mode. Once again
I must point out that once the throttle
is fully advanced, the whole argument about switching rates becomes
academic, because the speed controller moves out of switching mode and
into DC mode. The switching rate then
has absolutely no bearing, or at least it
should have no bearing, on gate voltage :-- apart from the anomaly noted
For those who missed the earlier
articles, there is a long-standing argument in electric power modelling circles over the merits of 50Hz or 2.5kHz
switching rates. The argument runs
that controllers using the 2.5kHz
switching rates are less damaging to
the motor magnets, use less current
and run cooler. They are also much
smoother in use and the 50Hz controllers are disparagingly referred to
as "rattlers".
The main problem with the 2.5kHz
controller is the component count.
This is much higher than in a 50Hz
controller which uses the receiver input pulse as the master clock. Thus, a
Kit prices & availability
Kits for the Speed1 B Speed Controller are available in a number of
configurations and prices, as follows:
(1 ). Surface mount PC board with all components installed, including
trimpots but without Mosfets, together with an' unpunched case ..... $69.50
(2). Complete unit, assembled and tested, includes servo lead, punched
case and with 8 SMP60N06-18 FETs fitted .. ................................. $175.00
(3) . Complete unit, assembled and tested, includes servo lead, punched
case and with 4 BUK456-60A FETs fitted ... ................................. $129.00.
Servo lead (depending upon brand) .................................................. $5-7.
SMP60N06-18 FETs ................................... ........ .. ...... .. ... .. .. ............. $9.50
BUK456-60A FETs ................ .. ................................ ............... .. ......... $6.50
Graupner ECO 600 non ball-race motors .. ..................................... $28.00
Graupner ECO 600 88 ball-race motors .......... .. ... .. ...... .. ............... $49.00
Post and packing for all the above kits is $2.50. Payment may be made by
Bankcard authorisation of by cheque or money order payable to Silvertone
Electronics. Post orders to Silivertone Electronics, PO Box 580, Riverwood,
NSW 2210.
2.5kHz controller is more bulky and
more expensive and so the argument
rages on, with both schools quite
vocal about their point of view. To
complicate matters, the microprocessor controller arrived, reducing the
component count but introducing software and service problems.
After months of testing in the early
days of researching this project, I became more and more confused as I
went deeper and deeper into the argument. To make matters worse, I could
never seem to obtain a repeatable set
of results.
What I did find was that the inter-
$ 5
For many years you have probably looked at satellite TV
systems and thought "one day".
You can now purchase the following
K-band system for only:
actions between the switching rates,
FET gate input capacitance, motor
commutation rate, motor loads and a
host of other factors were so complicated that a logical analysis was almost impossible. In the end, I decided that the answer was a variable
switching rate design which would
allow the user to fine tune the unit to
his combination. Table 1 gives some
idea of the parameters of the Speed
1B with various switching rates.
Notice that the peak gate voltage is
starting to roll off at 2.2kHz with this
particular set of FETs. By 12.6kHz,
the gate input waveform was a virtual
Here's what you get:
• A 1.6 metre prime focus dish antenna,
complete with all the mounting hardware.
• One super low-noise LNB (1.4dB or better).
• One Ku-band feedhorn and a magnetic
signal polariser.
• 30 metres of low-loss coaxial cable with a
single pair control line.
• lnfrared remote control pre programmed
satellite receiver with selectable IF & audio
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Your receiver is pre-programmed to the popular
OPTUS transponders via the internal memory.
triangle of 3.1 V and the FETs were
starting to heat badly at 3/4 throttle they weren't being turned on hard
Interestingly enough, the unit still
worked well, with a very smooth throttle response. There was no heating in
the tests conducted up to 3.5kHz, despite the fact that the peak gate volts
had dropped below 6V at this point.
To return now to the trap mentioned
above, it involves the method of testing. If we regard the real measure of
efficiency as the ability to move a
given load with th8 minimum of energy, then testing should proceed as
Set the throttle at some given point
(half way, for example) and measure
the RPM and note this figure. Now,
while monitoring RPM , tune VR2
through its complete range, looking
for the lowest possible source/drain
current that will deliver this RPM.
In fact, at some point the RPM may
increase at the same current draw,
and this is what makes this test so
confusing. In this case, back off the
throttle until the target RPM is once
again obtained and note the new current, which will of course be lower
due to the reduction in duty cycle. On
one unit tested, this point occurred at
about 1200Hz. Most units tested exhibited a minimum 5% increase in
efficiency at the best frequency, a useful figure.
Finally, do a range test before flying
the plane. The radio should not be
significantly affected by running the
motor at any speed.
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