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Restoring a 1920s kit radio
Regenerative receivers from the 1920s can
provide quite a challenge when it comes to
-restoration. This month, we look at the
restoration of a kit radio from that era.
I have made it quite clear in some
of my past stories that I am not particularly interested in those old regenerative sets from the 1920s era.
Sure, they're valuable and add interest to a collection, but they're not nice
to listen to. Five minutes is about
enough for me when it comes to those
toneless horn speakers. Well, that's
what I have said in the past!
I have now changed my mind a
little in this regard and recently spent
a week or so of my spare time restoring an old mid-1920s 3-valve regenerative receiver. Perhaps one of the
main reasons for my new interest in
these truly antique _radios was the fact
that this one was in really excellent
condition, even if it was lacking its
original loudspeaker. Most radios from
the 20s are in an appalling state of
disrepair and do not generate much
enthusiasm as far as I am concerned.
I paid top dollars for this unit because it was bought from an antique
dealer. However, it is worth noting
that the price came down by $130
when I showed interest in buying it.
This goes to show that dealer prices
are sometimes grossly inflated and
one should never agree to buy without a little bartering.
Although it looks factory made at
first glance, items such as the hand
This photo shows the headphone compartment in the receiver cabinet. Although
it did not contain a pair of headphones, there was an interesting assortment of
other odd bits and pieces.
wound coil and the screwed together
cabinet suggest that the set was originally packaged as a kit. Many early kit
radios were fairly basic and often consisted of an open baseboard with a
front control panel. My latest acquisition was a much better kit - one that
came complete with quite a reasonable cabinet (presumably in pieces) .
The cabinet is unusual in that it has
a special compartment at the righthand end. Built-in compartments were
often provided for battery storage but
not so in this case. It appears as though
the space was provided to store a set
of headphones.
Phone jack
Although the set is capable of driving a loudspeaker, there is also a phone
jack on the front panel which cuts out
the output stage and taps the phones
into the B+ line of the second valve.
In other words: the set can be used as
a 3-valver with a loudspeaker or as a
2-valver with headphones.
The cabinet is in incredible condition for its age. It is structurally sound
and undamaged except for a few minor scratches. These responded well to
a touch up with a cloth soaked with
shellac. All things considered, it is
remarkable that something can survive so well for so long. According to
the "law of averages", it should have
been thrown out 50 years ago.
Although there were no headphones
in the cabinet compartment, it did
contai.q a few other interesting items.
There was a push/pull switch of the
type used in the 1920s, a large openended spanner, a selection of grid leak
resistors and an electoral card dated
1945. The back of the card had battery
connection instructions written on it,
so it seems as though the old 3-valver
had remained in service up until that
time at least.
Cleaning & adjusting the mechanical parts is just as important as servicing the
electronic circuitry in a restoration of this nature. This photo shows the
restored dial & its companion tuning capacitor.
The valves are of the 6V type: A609
regenerative detector, A609 first audio, and C603 output. The audio stages
are transformer coupled. For reasons
that will be explained later, the C603
was replaced with a B605.
Initially, the set looked fairly original but this was not really the case.
After a closer examination, it was obvious that it had undergone quite a
few modifications over the years.
The on/off switch was not original
and neither were the reaction control
capacitor or the filament rheostat. In
addition, a replacement audio transformer had been incorrectly wired into
the circuit and its mate had an open
circuit primary winding.
One notable aspect of the set was
the fact that there was no provision
for a "C" (bias) battery. Negative grid
bias is essential for the correct operation of amplifying valves. Without it,
signals are distorted, and the valve
will draw excessive plate current. So
why no bias battery?
The explanation is that the valves
were not totally without bias; there
This hand-wound coil, along with the screw-assembled
cabinet, the simple 3-valve format, and no maker's
nameplate, gave the impression that the regenerative
radio was sold in kit form. Build your own was a popular
concept in the 1920s.
was a source of bias but it was not
immediately obvious. This bias comes
from the filament supply and varies
along the length of the filament which is also the cathode; ie, there is
full battery voltage at one end and 0V
at the other. The practical result is a
bias equal to half the filament supply
voltage. In some cases, particularly
where 6V valves were used, this would
be adequate , assuming a typical HT or
"B+" supply of no more than 90V.
In addition, the relatively high resistance of the transformer and loudspeaker windings would keep the HT
current within reasonable limits. As a
result, "C" batteries received less attention than might otherwise have
been the case. More about this later.
The restoration job
At a practical level, there was quite
a lot to do if this old set was to work
again. I had no choice other than to go
through it systematically, sorting out
the problems as they came.
My first step was to test all the
valves. As it turned out, they were all
in excellent condition so that was a
good start!
The control panel components were
next on the list. The on/off switch
was broken internally and was replaced with the one found in the
headphone compartment. The filament rheostat was then stripped and
The defective interstage audio transformer was replaced
with a similar unit & the two serviceable transformers
then painted to give them a uniform appearance. Open
circuit audio transformer primaries are a common
problem when restoring a radio of this vintage.
lfoc:aus() thl) audio trnnsfornwrs
were of difforn nt colours. tlH)\' worn
painted matt brm,,vn to gi\'() a uniform
appearance. They worn llwn mou11t(1d
on the circuit board in positions that
covered up most of th e holes.
Rewinding the coil
The broken on/off switch (left) was replaced with the switch (right) that was
found in the headphone compartment of the cabinet.
The original coil looked a bit sad.
There were loose windings and the
wire insulation was quite grubby in
Each of the three windings was removed and the wire strung out and
washed with hot soapy water. It was
then wound onto spools. The cardboard coil former was also cleaned
and given a fresh coat of shellac.
When the wire was rewound onto
the coil former, the aerial winding
was tapped in three places. Previously
it had been a 17-turn winding but all
three coils - aerial, tuning and reaction - were now about two turns less
than in the original due to trimming
the kinked leadout wires. This had no
adverse affect on the set's performance and the rewound coil worked
perfectly. It was finished off by reinforcing the aerial taps with glue and
giving the windings a coat of shellac
to hold them in place.
Bias battery
A number of alterations were also
made to the circuit. A radio frequency
choke was added and provision was
made for a "C" battery. This was the
reason for discarding the C603 output
valve. The C603 is supposed to have
This close-up view shows the front panel controls. The filament rheostat, tuning
-40V grid bias, whereas the B605 that
dial & reaction control make up the top row (from left to right), while below
it needs only -18V bias, at
them are the on/off switch & the headphone jack.
maximum plate voltage. One reason
for adding the bias circuit was a decleaned, as were the tuning and reacmotive cut and polish compound.
sire to see just how well the set pertion capacitors.
This done, the valve sockets w ere formed at maximum HT voltage.
These variable capacitors are of the
dismantled and adjusted so that there
Two 9V transistor batteries were
was firm contact with the valve pins . used as a bias battery, with the centre
plain bearing type and the bearings
required lubrication and adjustment.
Some socket connections were loose tap connection (-9V) biasing the A609
I also took the opportunity to reverse
and would have given considerable first audio valve. The bias battery was
the moveable plates of the reaction trouble if they had been left as they attached to the circuit board using
capacitor. As they were originally fitwere. A drill shank can be used to
double sided masking tape and is perted, the reaction· increased as the con- check socket tension.
manently wired in.
trol was turned anticlockwise. HowThere were numerous holes in the
Getting the bias to work correctly
ever, it seemed more logical to have a circuit board where the audio trans- was a problem. The set functioned
clockwise action and reversing the
formers had been mounted, indicat- OK on two valves but when the third
plates achieved this effect.
ing several past replacements. Audio
valve was brought into operation,
transformers, with their fine windings , · there was uncontrollable oscillation.
The next step was to dismantle and
clean the dial assembly, after which were a common source of trouble in
I believe that this may have been
all the components were re-assem- the old days. Fortunately, I had about
caused by mounting the two audio
bled on the control panel. The eboneight good transformers to choose from
transformers in line with each other.
ite circuit board was then stripped,
and one similar in appearance to the It probably would have been better to
cleaned and polished with an autoset's remaining good unit was selected.
have mounted them at right angles to
Silicon Chip Binders
A rear view of receiver after restoration. The wired in "C" battery (two 9V
transistor batteries) can be seen between the two audio transformers.
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The finished receiver is hardly a thing of great beauty but is fairly typical for
the mid 1920s. The nickname "coffin" was an apt description of early radio
each other, to minimise mutual interference between their surround electromagnetic fields. Positioning them
the way I did (to cover up unsightly
holes) was not the best way to install
them, at least not electrically.
However, the feedback problem was
easily solved by installing a 1MQ resistor in the bias line to the first audio
valve. That simple remedy isolated
whatever it was that was causing the
trouble without altering the bias voltage.
According to a colleague, this cure
suggests another possible factor contributing to the oscillation - coupling
between the two audio stages via the
common bias battery. Some of the audio voltage applied to the grid of the
output valve could appear across the
bias battery and, in turn, at the grid of
the audio valve.
The added resistor provided a degree of decoupling but a more elegant
approach might have been to add a
bypass electrolytic capacitor between
the resistor/transformer junction and
the negative HT rail. This would probably allow the resistor value to be
substantially reduced.
Once all the few minor bugs had
been sorted out, the old battery powered regenerative receiver worked really well.
To power the set, a small 6V motorcycle battery was used for the valve
filaments and a relatively modern "B"
battery eliminator for a high tension
It is interesting to note that many
old battery triode valves have the recommended plate voltage marked on
them. 20-lS0V is a common inscription and the Philips valve manual
gives specifications at the full 150V. If
the valves are correctly biased, these
maximum plate voltages can give
power outputs of between 0.SW and
0.75W (quite high for their day).
So, casting caution to the wind, I
decided to find out just what they
could do. The result: these ancient
receivers really fire up when the high
tension voltage is increased. Previously, I have run similar sets at a
conservative 90V but this time I have
opted for the valve manual 's 150V
maximum. The difference is unbelievable!
Perhaps that is why I am now a
little more enthusiastic about battery
powered sets. Maybe some of these
old receivers are better than I previously thought!