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Antenna tuners: why they are useful
If you browse through most catalogs of amateur
equipment you will find a range of antenna
tuners available for the amateur bands. Perhaps
you may have had doubts about whether these
devices are worthwhile. They are & this article
explains why.
Possibly the most commonly considered theory regarding the benefit
of antenna tuners is that they improve
antenna efficien
cy and so assist in
the effective radiation of signals by
the antenna. In fact, nothing could
be further from the truth. Anten
tuners do nothing to improve antenna
efficiency but there certainly are other
good reasons to use one.
These days, all modern transmitters
are designed to operate into a nominal
resonant 50Ω load. This is all very
well in theory but in practice very few
antennas present such an ideal impedance to the transmitter. In addition,
solid state transmitters are designed
so that their output power drops as
the load SWR increases, to protect
the final output stage from excessive
dissipation which would occur when
feeding a highly reactive load. So any
antenna mismatch leads to increased
SWR and therefore a subsequent reduction in radiated power.
For the VHF and UHF bands, the
scale of resonant antennas is such that
they can be made with quite manageable physical dimensions. They can
also be made to provide relatively
wide bandwidth, whilst maintaining
a reasonable Q.
We know that any piece of wire
connected to a transmitter will radiate
This heavy duty antenna tuner from Emtronics is based on the Pi network
shown in Fig.3 but it also features monitoring of forward & reflected power via
a twin needle meter to give SWR readings. It can handle HF band transmitters
with output powers rated up to 1000 watts.
84 Silicon Chip
signals to some degree, so it is logical
that there will be a considerable advantage in using a device which assists in
the matching of an HF antenna to the
transmitter output stage, maximising
the current flowing in the antenna,
and thereby resulting in improved
field strength.
A related factor to be considered
is the Q, or “quality” factor of the
antenna. Generally, RF experience
indicates that the higher the Q, the
better. However, this is not necessarily the preferred situation with HF
antennas. A high Q means a narrow
bandwidth and readjustment of the
antenna tuning unit may be necessary,
even for small changes in frequency.
For HF antennas, a low Q is preferred. As the Q of an antenna is
determined by both the radiation and
DC resistance, it may be preferable to
select an antenna tuner where capacitive reactance is added to bring the
antenna system to resonance, lowering
the Q and generally giving broader
Most long wire or vertical HF
antennas are loaded against ground
and need to be only one quarter
wavelength long at the resonant
frequency. For an antenna tuner to
assist in matching this type of antenna, it is important to have a good
low impedance ground, so that equal
currents can flow in both the antenna
and ground, hence producing an antenna radiation pattern which will be
of some use. If an insufficient ground
is provided, an imbalance will exist,
and the resultant radiation pattern
will have (in the instance of a vertical)
a high angle of radiation.
Measuring antenna current
A simple antenna current indicator
can be made using a 25mm ferrite
toroid slipped over the antenna wire.
Fig.1: this circuit arrangement can be
used to monitor the current flowing in
a wire to an antenna or in the ground
return. The two capacitors are each
100pF disc ceramics while the diode
is any germanium type such as OA91.
The meter is a 1mA movement.
This photo shows the interior of the Emtron EAT-1000A antenna tuner. Note the
wide spaced variable capacitors and the large tapped inductor.
Fig.2: the simplest configuration for
an antenna tuner, used to match a low
impedance (50Ω) transmitter to a high
impedance line is either a parallel (a)
or series (b) tuned circuit, resonant at
the operating frequency.
A pick up wire, comprising several
turns around the toroid, feeds a diode
and 100pF capacitor, wired to a 0-1mA
meter which has a another 100pF
capacitor across it. Fig.1 shows the
circuit. By applying some RF energy
from the transmitter and adjusting the
antenna tuner, an increase in antenna
current can be verified. The same circuit can be used in the ground lead,
to verify current flowing.
The circuit configuration of an
antenna tuner needed to transfer maximum power from the transmitter to
the antenna depends to a large degree
on the impedance of the feed line. The
simplest configuration, used to match
a low impedance, say 50Ω, transmitter to a high impedance line is either
a series or paral
lel tuned circuit,
resonant at the operating frequency.
Fig.2 shows various configurations
of series and parallel matching
A superior arrangement,
based on the Pi network shown
in Fig.3, allows 50Ω or so to be
matched to an impedance of
up to several thousand ohms.
Both capacitors C1 and C2 are
Fig.3: based on a Pi network, this antenna
variable and, in a high power
tuner allows 50Ω or so to be matched to an
situation, must have widely
impedance of up to several thousand ohms.
spaced plates, due to the large
Both capacitors C1 & C2 are variable &
amount of energy normally
are usually ganged together. The inductor
involved at HF. The inductor
should be made from large diameter wire or
should be made from large dicopper tubing, to minimise insertion losses.
ameter wire or copper tubing,
to minimise insertion losses.
A well designed Pi network antenna
received signal performance when
tuner should also include some form
a high impedance antenna, such as
of gas discharge protection circuit, to
a long wire, is used with a low imprevent possible damage to the trans- pedance receiver. The antenna tuner
mitter equipment from atmospheric
reduces the SWR by improving the
antenna impedance matching, resultSome lower power designs use a ing in maximum transfer of energy.
tapped inductor to ensure a “match” This is most noticeable when using a
across a wide range of impedances. receiver without an RF stage, where
In any case, the network is used to the antenna input is fed via a bandpass
correct a mismatch problem and some filter to the mixer. In receivers having
reduction in system efficiency when a high amount of RF gain in the first
compared to a correctly matched stage, the effect is not as noticeable.
antenna at the same frequency will
In summary, an antenna tuner is
be noticed. However, this can still no substitute for a properly designed
provide a major improvement over an resonant antenna, but in cases where
unmatched antenna without a tuner!
such an antenna cannot be used, they
Antenna tuners are also capable of can offer improved performance over
an unmatched antenna system.
making a noticeable improvement in
July 1993 85