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for TV signals
Do you have a problem with weak TV
reception & no possibility of “line of sight”
to the TV transmitter. If so, then this article
on delivering a TV signal over a distance of
up to 1km will be of interest.
A letter featured on page 93 of the
August 1993 issue prompted me to
put pen to paper. It referred to the
possibility of passively re-broadcasting TV signals picked up in a high
signal strength area by beaming them
down into a low signal area. This was
to be done by coupling two television
antennas back to back with a length of
low loss coaxial cable.
At first thought, the idea seems a
good one but with simple propagation
theory and antenna maths it can be
demonstrated that it has only limited
potential. The letter also mentioned
the use of a masthead amplifier and the
matching of a long feedline from the
high signal area down some distance
to the TV set. But first, let’s address the
problem of passive re-transmission of
TV signals.
There are a number of mathematical
formulas that enable one to calculate
field strength at a distance from a
transmitter. The first of these is used
to calculate the power density “P” at
a point “r” metres from an isotropic
P = Pt/4πr2
P = received power in watts/square
Pt = transmitted power in watts; and
r = distance in metres between transmitter and the reference point.
This formula shows the in14 Silicon Chip
This photo shows the author’s original open wire feeder system in use with a
vertically polarised VHF antenna in a remote part of New Zealand.
verse-square nature of radio waves.
The energy level reduces in proportion
to the square of the distance. Note that
the frequency of the signal does not
enter this equation. The electric field
intensity “E” of a radio signal “r” metres from a point of “P” watts is given
by the equation:
E = √(30Pt)/r
E = the intensity in volts per metre;
Pt = the transmit power in watts; and
r = the distance in metres.
The power density of a signal and
the electric field intensity are related
by the equation:
Pr = E2/120π
Pr = received power density in watts
per metre squared;
E = intensity in volts per metre; and
120π = the resistance of free space.
The above formulas are for theoretical signal strengths between isotropic
sources in free space. However, there
are other external influences that may
times 20dB is 100 times. Thus,
the formula to include gain
arrays is:
Pr = 1.64Pt/4πr2
Antennas have a performance
factor known as “antenna aper
ture” and it determines how
much of that potential signal the
antenna extracts from free space.
The larger the receiving area,
the more power is intercepted.
Aperture is determined by the
following equation:
A = λ/4π
For a gain array with a gain
of “G” times over isotropic, the
equation is:
Fig.1: this diagram shows the general concept of passive rebroadcasting as outlined
in the article. The hilltop antenna picks up a strong signal which is re-radiated
A = Gλ/4π
downhill by another antenna to the receiving antenna at the bottom of
the hill.
λ = wavelength of the signal in
G = gain of the antenna (not in
dB format) over isotropic; and
A = Aperture, as a decimal
Remember that an isotropic
antenna has a gain of unity and
a dipole has a gain 1.64 times
more. Thus, the amount of power available is derived by:
Pa = PiA
Pi = power density in watts/
Pa = power available; and
Fig.2: this is a variant of the passive rebroadcasting system with better isolation
A = Antenna aperture as a decbetween antennas and a masthead amplifier interposed between the hilltop
imal fraction
By combining the above equations, one arrives at an equation
have a bearing on the outcome and of a halfwave dipole, broadside to the that can determine the received power
signal strengths can be assumed to dipole, is:
in an antenna of known gain:
be slightly less than those calculated.
Pr = 1.64Pt/4πr
Pr = Pt.Gt.Gr.λ2/(4πr)2
An isotropic radiator is not exactly a or
The situation of passive rebroad
useful concept in the real world, alE = √(49.2 x Pt)/r
casting (receiving signals on one
though it is a base on which to place where
antenna and feeding them down to
firm theory.
Pr = power density in w/m2;
another for rebroadcast) can be shown
There are different correction factors Pt = power transmitted in watts;
to be something of a hopeless case and
that are added to the equations to take r = distance in metres; and
will only work if the received signal
account of antenna performance and E = field intensity in volts/metre.
strength is exceptionally strong and
other configurations. For a halfwave
The above equations give the pow- the rebroadcast distance is relatively
dipole oriented for maximum radia er density at a point “r” metres from short; ie, a couple of hundred metres.
tion, there is a correction factor of 1.64. the source. If you have a transmitting
By using the above formulas, the
This factor when converted to dB gives antenna with a gain of 10dBd (over received power level at the hilltop
the apparent gain difference between a dipole), then this factor must be receiving site can be approximated if
antennas referenced to a dipole and incorporated into the equation. 10dB you know several important factors:
those to the isotropic source. When is a power increase of 10 times, so the the radiated power of the transmitter,
looking at manufacturers’ antenna gain input power in watts must be multi- the frequency of the signal, the gain
figures, check to see if they are refer- plied by the apparent increase over the of your receive antenna, and the disenced to isotropic (dBi) or to a dipole original antenna (with its compensa- tance between the transmitter and the
(dBd). Those referenced to isotropic tion factor present if required).
receiving antenna.
appear to have 2.15dB more gain but
This multiplication factor is its
Let us put a few figures into the
their real gains are the same.
power gain not in dB form but linear equation and see how our theoretical
The formula for the field intensity form; eg, 6dB is 4 times, 10dB is 10 system is going to perform. To get a
May 1994 15
antenna is 6.16nW. Let’s assume the
transmit antenna has a gain of 10dBi
and that the receive antenna has a
gain of 10dBi.
The power received by the home
TV antenna is found by utilising the
same equation and a transmit power
of 6.16nW (the original received
signal). This results in a signal level
of 5µV/m, a totally useless signal for
any TV.
Calculating the path loss
8-12 GAUGE
300 RI BB ON
Fig.3: this is the author’s open line feeder system which gives very low signal
loss over a long path. The open line is matched to 300Ω ribbon with a 2-metre
long tapering section and terminated as shown.
good quality signal at the TV set, you
need a minimum of 250µV (assuming
a modern sensitive TV set). For the
purposes of this exercise, we’ll assume
the following:
• 100 watts of transmitter radiated
power (Pt x Gt);
• UHF channel 42; 640MHz approximately; wavelength = 0.468 metres;
• Distance from transmitter to receiver
= 30km;
• Antenna receive gain = 6dBi (4 times
relative to isotropic antenna).
Pr = Pt.Gt.Gr.λ2/(4πr)2
= 1000 x 4(0.468)2/(4 x π x 30,000)2
16 Silicon Chip
= 876.096/(1.42 x 1011)
= 6.16 nanowatts
This is a respectable received signal
strength and can be converted into
volts/metre by the following formula:
E = √(Pr.R)
where R is the impedance of the antenna in ohms.
The result is a signal of 679µV into
a 75Ω antenna, a good signal indeed.
In our setup, the receive antenna is
connected via a short length of low
loss coax to the “transmit” antenna as
shown in the diagram of Fig.1.
The power delivered to the transmit
In order to produce the required
signal level at the home TV, a level of
amplification equal to the path loss
between the rebroadcasting antenna
and home receive antenna has to be
ed at the re-transmitting site.
This is easily calculated. It is the difference between the re-transmitted
power level of 6.16nW and the home
television received signal:
6.16 x 10-9 - 3.4 x 10-15 = 60dB
This is about 60dB of path loss and
therefore the gain required is 60dB.
This amplification should be provided
between the hilltop receiving antenna
and the rebroadcasting antenna.
While it is relatively easy to provide 60dB of gain into the rebroad
casting system connecting coax, one
must maintain adequate RF isolation
between the receive and transmit
antennas. This is to prevent feedback
and thus stop the system becoming
an RF oscillator at the frequency of
maximum feedback. The two antennas must not “see” each other. One
antenna could be placed on one side
of the hill and the other placed on
the other side, “hidden” from view
of its mate.
Even more isolation can be obtained
by having one antenna with vertical
and the other with horizontal polarisation. This can amount to as much
as 20dB. One also has to make sure
that the coax between them is well
and truly decoupled to prevent RF
coupling along the outside of the coax.
The other factor that helps in antenna isolation is the front-to-back
ratio. An antenna with a very good
front-to-back ratio will have little
problem ignoring signals coming to it
from behind, again improving antenna
isolation. This setup is shown in Fig.2.
The foregoing should give the reader
an insight into antenna concepts and
propagation. While it is possible for
passive rebroadcast systems to work,
the received signals must be very
Fig.4: this diagram shows the modifications needed to a
standard 4:1 balun to enable DC to be sent up the ribbon to
the masthead amplifier. Two such baluns will be required.
strong, the antenna gains high and the
rebroadcast distances short.
Masthead antenna
The other comment in the letter
relates to using a masthead amplifier
to drive a long feedline to the home
TV below a hill in a weak signal area.
My experience is that this setup can
work extremely well, contrary to the
comments from the magazine. I once
built such a system for my parents
who lived in the country and whose
TV reception left a lot to be desired.
It used a standard TV antenna on
a hilltop and a homebuilt masthead
preamplifier (BFY90) with a gain of
about 15dB. This preamplifier fed
signals down about 1km of balanced
open wire feeder. Power was fed to
the preamplifier via the open wire
feeder. This feeder was made from
single-strand copper wire spaced at
about 75mm and used spreaders made
from 12mm black polythene tubing.
Matching into and out of the open
wire feedline was by a 2-metre long
tapering section that brought the
open wire feeder down to the spacing of 300Ω ribbon. The 75Ω coax
was matched to a short piece of 300Ω
ribbon by the usual 4:1 ferrite balun,
modified slightly to enable it to pass
DC into the open-wire feedline from
the 75Ω coax. Fig.3 shows the details
of the polythene spreaders and the
tapering match and termination to the
300Ω ribbon.
Open wire feedline can also be made
from single strand galvanised fencing
wire. At UHF, open wire feeder can
have a loss of less than 1.5dB/100
metres. Even good quality coax has
a much greater loss than this and is
much more expensive. That means
that you could run a 15dB preamp
lified signal down 1km of open wire
feeder and still have the same signal
level present that was available at the
receiving antenna terminals ahead of
the masthead preamp.
On the other hand, open wire feeder
is more “messy” to use than coax as it
has to be supported on poles and must
not come too close to metal objects; ie,
no closer than 200mm.
Matching to 75Ω is somewhat involved and you must use modified
baluns to pass DC and RF simultaneously.
Power to the masthead amplifier
is best fed as AC as this will reduce
electrolytic corrosion at connections
but you can use DC if you want to. To
get DC through the 300Ω-to-75Ω balun requires it to be modified slightly.
For this, you need a small low-value
(eg, 470pF) ceramic capacitor. Look
very carefully at the way the balun
is wound. The windings you want to
investigate are those that appear to
crisscross. The capacitor is placed in
series with one of those wires.
Fig.4 shows how the balun is wired.
You will have to disconnect each wire,
leaving the others connected, and test
for a loss of continuity between the
inner and outer of the 75Ω side. When
this is achieved, test for continuity
from the 300Ω side to the 75Ω side
without any shorts between either side
of the respective feedpoints.
If all is well, solder the capacitor
in series between the 300Ω terminal
and the “disconnected” end of the
winding. It goes without saying that
you need to put this assembly into a
water-tight container.
Two of these baluns are required,
one for each end of the open wire
feeder. A good way of connecting
the 300Ω ribbon to the thin end of
the taper is to use the insides from a
“chocolate block connector” (ie, the
internal metal sections from plastic
barrier terminal blocks), as shown
in Fig.3.
(1). Hewlett Packard. Spectrum Analy
zer series Application Note 150-10,
(2). I.T.T Radio Reference Manual,
4th Edition
(3). Introductory Topics in Electronics
and Communications, Antennas, by F.
R. Connor, 2nd edition. ISBN 0-71313680-4.
(4). Radio Communication in Tunnels,
by K. F. Treen, Wireless World, March
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May 1994 17