This is only a preview of the May 1995 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 29 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Introduction To Satellite TV (Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Pt.1)":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Guitar Headphone Amplifier For Practice Sessions":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Build An FM Radio Trainer; Pt.2":
Items relevant to "Low-Cost Transistor & Mosfet Tester For DMMs":
Introduction To
Almost every day, in some way, satellite communications affect all Australians. Direct television links across
the world are now commonplace and
satellite TV usage in the Pacific area
is set to expand at an astounding rate.
All of this is good news for the
electronics enthusiast. Many of the
satellite signals covering our country are receivable using inexpensive
equipment including our new satellite
receiver kit, as this series of articles
will explain.
Satellite TV has grown enormously
since the 1970s, linking millions of
people around the world. In 1957,
the world’s first satellite (Sputnik 1)
16 Silicon Chip
was launched in a low Earth orbit,
several hundred miles above the Earth.
Sputnik orbited the Earth at a faster
velocity than the Earth’s rotation and
consequently had to be tracked by
ground stations – quite a cumbersome
operation. By 1965, the scientific community had realised that three satel
lites placed strategically around the
Earth in geostationary orbit could be
used to relay TV and telephone signals.
Geostationary orbit
A geostationary orbit places a satellite above the equator at an altitude
of 37,000km, at a rotational velocity
the same as that of the Earth’s. The
two main advantages are that the path
between satellite and Earth remains
constant and there is no need to track
the satellite. As the theoretical minimum spacing between satellites is
2 degrees (based on achievable dish
beamwidth), the maximum number of
satellites that can be placed around the
equator in geostationary orbit is 180.
In practice this is not the case and
already there are several orbital locations where more than one satellite
is located. At longitude 19.2 degrees
west (over the UK), there are four satellites co-located and operating on a
non-interference basis. In the Pacific,
there are two satellites co-located at
Using a pre-aligned module,
you can build a satellite TV
receiver to pick up signals
from around the world. There
are a great many satellite
signals to receive & with a
dish antenna & an LNB, you
can take your pick from a
plethora of programs.
*Av-Comm Pty Ltd
o Satellite TV
May 1995 17
INTELSAT 507 (708 95)
INTELSAT 704 (803 1996)
APSTAR 2 (1995)
ASIASAT 11 (1995)
PALAPA C2 (1995)
PALAPA C1 (1995)
JSAT 3 (1995)
OPTUS A3 (BS 1995)
OPTUS A2 (A3 1995)
INTELSAT 701 (801 1996)
INTELSAT 703 (802 1996)
= C (3.6-4.2GHz)
= K (12.5-12.75GHz)
= K (11.2-11.5GHz)
Fig.1: this diagram
shows the large range of
C and K-band satellites
which can be received
in Australia.
130 degrees east longitude. By careful
adjustment of the satellite transmit
dish “footprint”, power levels and
downlink signal polarity, it is possible
to operate in this way without causing
In some cases, extended frequency
coverage is also used, requiring wide
band LNBs and feedhorns at the Earth
station. Fig.1 shows the satellites visible in Australia.
Since 1966 when Intelsat 1 (carrying
240 telephone circuits or one TV channel) was launched into a geostationary
orbit over the Atlantic ocean, there has
been a tremendous amount of devel
opment in launch vehicles. There are
presently four countries offering sat-
ellite launch facilities and all of these
operators have a significant backlog.
The 1994 World Satellite Yearbook
lists 108 operational satellites distributing television and radio around the
world. In addition to this figure, there
are scientific, military, weather and
navigation satellites.
The capacity of satellites has also
increased dramatically. The latest
Hughes HS-601 spacecraft operated
by Optus has the capacity for 30 half
transponders of analog television
and up to 120 channels of digitally
compressed television signals. The
satellite is 3-axis stabilised, weighs
3000kg, has 6kW of battery capacity,
50 watt transmit power capacity, steerable antennas covering Australia and
New Zealand, and a design lifetime of
13 years, a far cry from the late 1970s
when the maximum capacity of any
Intelsat spacecraft was two television
History of TVRO
Small dishes, such as this 1.6-metre prime focus K band dish are usually made
of pressed metal or spun aluminium, while larger dishes (eg, the 3.7-metre dish
on page 17) are usually of mesh construction to cut down on wind resistance.
18 Silicon Chip
Electronics enthusiasts and amateur
radio operators have long played an
important role in the development of
home satellite TV equipment or TVRO
(television receive only) equipment as
it is sometimes known. In 1975 a British experimenter, Steve Birkill, pio-
Fig.2: Australia is located in ITU region 3, while the frequency range band in
use for K-band satellites in this region is 12.25-12.75GHz.
neered the construction of home-made
dishes, mi
crowave amplifiers and
receivers for satellite TV reception. In
the USA, enthusiasts Bob Cooper and
Taylor Howard were busy developing
techniques and modifications to allow surplus military equipment to be
pressed into service, and subsequently
a group of 30 or so radio amateurs began the “Home Satellite TV” industry
in the UK and USA.
Australia had its pioneers too, like
Victor Barker VK2BTV who pioneered
reception of Intelsat 3 in the mid
1970s using low-threshold receiving
techniques which the experts thought
impossible. In fact, it wasn’t until 1980
that satellite distribution was used in
Australia to relay ABC programming
from Sydney to outback locations in
Western Australia. These signals were
transmitted by Intelsat 4 and received
initially using large spherical anten
nas, for re-transmission terrestrially
to local communities.
By 1981, a handful of satellite enthusiasts had developed techniques
for receiving these signals. Not only
were the ABC transmissions available but so were signals from Japan
and the American AFRTS (Armed
Forces Radio and Television Service).
As technology improved, receiving
equipment became more affordable.
A microwave amplifier purchased in
1980 cost 10 times the current price
and was only 10% as efficient as those
available today.
After a feasibility study using a
Canadian “Anik” satellite, specially
moved above Australia for various
experiments in 1982, the Australian
government formed AUSSAT, the body
responsible for design, purchase and
operation of Australia’s domestic satellite system. The “A” series satellites
(Hughes type HS 376) were launched
in 1984, 1985 and 1987. The first of
the “A” series satellites was replaced
in August 1992 with the B1 satellite,
a Hughes HS 600, A1 having exceeded
its mission life.
The B2 satellite was destroyed at
launch in December 1992, while the
final satellite in the B series (B3) was
successfully launched in August 1994.
Fig.3: this diagram shows the coverage of the Optus B1 satellite. Optus is the
only operator using K band in our part of the world. For good reception of
K band signals, dishes up to 2-metres are required in fringe areas, whilst a
1.6-metre dish will perform adequately along the east coast of Australia.
May 1995 19
Fig.4: the geometry of a polar mount. Polar mounts are used where a number of
geostationary satellites must be tracked in the azimuth axis. Polar mounts are
equivalent to the “equatorial” mounts used by astronomers to make a telescope
track the motion of the stars.
To date, the B3 satellite remains as an
in-orbit spare, the B1 satellite carries
most domestic TV traffic, the A3
satellite carries most itinerant traffic,
and the ageing A2 “bird” is now in
an inclined orbit to save precious
station-keeping propellant. The latter
satellite is used as a backup to the
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.25 f/D RATIO
Frequency bands
There are two frequency bands used
for satellite television delivery. The
oldest system operates in the 3.7GHz4.2GHz range and is known as C band.
This band is used internationally
and, depending on the satellite
power, may require a dish from
3m-5m for good reception. The
other band used is known as K
band and the frequency allocation depends on the ITU region.
Australia is located in ITU region
3 and the frequency band in use
is 12.25-12.75GHz. Fig.2 shows
the ITU boundaries.
The only operator using K band
in our part of the world is Optus
Communications. For good reception of K band signals, dishes
up to 2m are required in fringe
areas, whilst a 1.6m dish will be
adequate along the east coast of
Australia. Fig.3 shows the Optus
B1 satellite national beam.
Fig.5: deep dishes have a shorter focal
length than shallow dishes. This allows
the feedhorn to be shielded by the dish
itself, providing some rejection for
terrestrial interference or “TI”. This
diagram shows the difference between a
shallow & a deep dish. Note the location
of the focal point.
20 Silicon Chip
Optus fibre optic network across the
The most obvious piece of
equipment needed is a dish. For
C band operations a polar mount
dish is desirable, so that geosta
tionary satellites can easily be
located using a single motor
drive unit or actuator operating
in a single axis. When used on telescopes, this is known as an equatorial
mount. It was originally devised last
century by astronomers who realised
it would be much easier to keep a telescope aimed at a particular planet if
it could be swivelled around a single
axis to exactly counteract the Earth’s
rotational motion.
The polar axis of the Earth lies parallel with a line drawn through the
North and South geographic poles.
To achieve this orientation, the axis
of the dish is set to an angle which
is a function of the site latitude and
the difference between the satellite
and site longitude. For example, for
an Earth station at the equator, where
the latitude is zero, the polar axis
angle equals zero because the arc of
satellites can be tracked by moving the
dish along a circle directly overhead.
Fig.4 shows the geometry of a polar
mount. Polar mounts are used where
a number of geostationary satellites
must be tracked in the azimuth axis.
Inclined orbit
Some ageing satellites, kept in orbit
due to the backlog of launch bookings
for new satellites, have been deliberately put into an “inclined” orbit, to
prolong their useful life. In this situation, a certain amount of station keeping tolerance is acceptable to ground
stations. By accepting the resultant
effects of the gravitational pull of the
Sun and the Moon, the radiation force
of sunlight and the pull of the Earth’s
gravitational field, and allowing the
satellite to drift within a target “box”
in space, a significant amount of propellant can be conserved. However,
this does mean that ground stations
must track the satellite in both azimuth
and elevation.
To track these satellites, a modified
polar mount must be used, having
bearings or bushes in both axes, and
a declination angle set to zero. As the
inclination of these satellites can reach
4 degrees, compared with the geostationary inclination of 0.1 degrees,
significant movement of the dish is
necessary to maintain the downlink.
There exists a patented manoeuvre, called the Comsat Manoeuvre,
which cleverly conserves satellite
station-keeping fuel. Part of an excerpt
from the patent reads “a conventional
satellite uses an average of 37 pounds
of station-keeping fuel for each year
of design life . . . approximately 34
This is the view inside the completed Satellite TV Receiver to be described next
month. It’s based on a pre-aligned module which makes it easy to assemble &
get going.
pounds of fuel is used for north/south
correction, whilst only 2 pounds is
used for east/west correction, and 1
pound for attitude control.” So it is
obvious that any kind of manoeuvre
that can minimise the amount of fuel
used in north/south station keeping
can prolong the life of the satellite.
On the ground, an Earth station must
be equipped with both a mechanical
dish mount capable of moving in both
axes and a satellite tracker capable
of reading the incoming signal level
and controlling two motors to pivot
the dish. This is necessary in order to
track the satellite.
Dish construction
Dishes can be made from fibreglass,
steel, aluminium, and perforated sheet
or mesh (where wind resistance is likely to be a problem). The larger dishes
are used on the weaker satellites and
these generally operate on the C band.
Compared to K band, the requirement
for surface accuracy is considerably
relaxed and a C band dish can tolerate
up to 10mm in surface inaccuracies
without noticeable performance
On the other hand, K-band dishes
must be very accurate and so are
normally fabricated from either spun
aluminium or hot pressed steel. Using
either of these fabrication techniques,
surface accuracy of a few millimetres
is achievable.
The size of the dish required is determined by the satellite “footprint”
and signal level on Earth. From the
centre of the “footprint”, called the
“boresight”, where the signal is at the
highest level, signal contours radiate
outward at decreasing levels. The
lowest signal contour is known as the
“beam edge”.
Mathematical formulas are used
to calculate what is known as the
“link budget”, and these formulas
take into account path loss, satellite
EIRP, available dish gain, dish noise
temperature and signal bandwidth.
Several computer programs are commercially available to perform these
link calculations.
In practice, the size of a dish required to receive a particular satellite
could be determined on a subjective
basis. Whilst this technique will provide some results, there is normally
no margin allowed for rain fade or
a drop off in satellite power as the
spacecraft ages.
In addition, broadcasters can change
the direction of the satellite footprint
and power level. For this reason, it’s
always wise to use a dish larger than
the calculated minimum. The shape
of the dish is also important. There
are two basic types of dish: (1) prime
focus; and (2) offset. A prime focus
dish is perhaps the most recognisable,
May 1995 21
Fig.6: the compact size of offset dishes has made them popular with enthusiasts,
despite their mechanical instability for sizes over 90cm. Offset dishes have very
good sidelobe performance & no aperture blockage, unlike the prime focus dish.
This diagram shows the relationship between prime focus & offset dishes.
as it is used almost exclusively on C
band and more often than not for larger
K band installations.
Prime focus dishes
Prime focus dishes can be made to
various degrees of “deepness”. Deep
dishes have a shorter focal length than
shallow dishes. This allows the feed
horn to be shielded by the dish itself,
providing some rejection of terrestrial
interference or “TI”.
Fig.5 shows the difference between
a shallow and a deep dish. Note the
location of the focal point.
and ice pooling on the dish degrades
the incoming signal. Because the
offset dish is actually only a section
of a larger prime focus antenna, the
offset angle means that the actual
angle of the reflector with respect to
the horizontal plane is much higher
than that of a prime focus dish, ensuring that rain, ice and snow easily
fall off the reflector. In Australia, we
generally avoid such problems, due
to our climate.
However, the compact size of offset
dishes has made them popular with
enthusiasts, despite their mechanical
instability for sizes over 90cm. Offset
dishes have very good sidelobe per
formance and no aperture blockage,
unlike the prime focus dish. Nevertheless, the prime focus dish is much
easier to align and point. Fig.6 shows
the relationship between prime focus
and offset dishes.
For reception of a single satellite in
geostationary orbit, a simple ground
mount can be used. If the mounting
location demands a pole supported
mount, such as a wall bracket, an
“Az/El” mount can be used.
This type of mount allows adjustment of both elevation and azimuth,
normally using a piece of threaded
steel rod and lock nuts, for each axis,
but has no facility for tracking through
the polar arc, in order to view other
ary satellites. This is the
main difference between a polar and
an Az/El mount.
Satellite receiver
We have presented several articles
in the past dealing with the equipment necessary for satellite television
reception. Most readers would find
Offset dishes
Offset dishes were developed primarily for use in high latitude countries, where the effect of water, snow
These photographs show some of the
many foreign satellite TV programs
which are available at any given time.
Some of these are broadcast in NTSC
format & you will need an NTSC VCR
or standards converter to watch them
in colour. Alternatively, they can
be displayed in black & white on a
standard PAL TV receiver.
22 Silicon Chip
difficulty in “home-brewing” a dish or
the microwave components required
for satellite reception but few will
have difficulty with the receiver to be
A typical satellite television receiving system comprises a dish antenna,
microwave feedhorn, low noise block
down-converter, cable and a receiver.
Each of these components performs a
vital function, and the interconnections are shown in Fig.7.
A commercial satellite designed
to carry television programming can
operate on either (or both) of the two
internationally agreed satellite bands:
(1) C band (3.7-4.2GHz); and (2) K
band (12.25-12.75GHz in our part of
the world).
A parabolic dish antenna is commonly used to provide a significant
degree of gain, normally in the region
of at least 40dB. Depending on the
band used, this equates to an approximate dish diameter of 3m for C band
or 1.2m for K band.
Home construction of a 3m C band
dish is quite an undertaking considering the physical size. Similarly, the
construction of a 1.2m dish for K band
is also quite difficult, considering the
surface accuracy required (3-4mm over
the entire dish).
Equally daunting is the prospect of
constructing a microwave feedhorn,
polariser and low noise amplifier and,
considering the price concessions to
be offered on these items to SILICON
Fig.7: a typical satellite
television receiving
system comprises a dish
antenna, microwave
feedhorn, low noise
block down-converter,
cable & a receiver which
feeds the TV set.
CHIP readers in conjunction with the
receiver kit, the incentive to build
these items is minimal!
A satellite receiver is the one component of a system that can easily be
constructed, saving around 50% over
the price of commercial units.
As noted above, the incoming satellite signal “block” has a frequency of
either 4GHz or 12GHz, depending on
the band used. This signal is collected by the dish antenna and directed
through a piece of waveguide called
the feedhorn to a quarter-wave dipole
antenna, an integral part of the LNB
(low noise block converter).
The LNB performs two vital functions: (1) it amplifies the incoming
signal whilst maintaining a very low
noise figure (typically around 50°K
for K band and 20°K for C band); and
(2) it converts the incoming 500MHz
wide block of signals to a much more
manageable range, normally 9501450MHz. This allows the use of inexpensive RG-6/U 75Ω coaxial cable
to connect the LNB to the receiver.
There is sufficient output from a typical LNB, and sufficient AGC range on
our receiver, to allow cable runs of up
to 100 metres without additional line
Next month, we will present the
circuit and assembly details of a
complete satellite receiver, along with
some special offers on dishes and
LNBs for readers of SILICON CHIP. The
off-screen photos included with this
article are just a sample of what can
be received.
May 1995 23