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Showing its turntable
origins, this robot has two
stepper motors mounted
on the mast to operate the
shoulder and elbow. The
platter is turned by a third
stepper motor in place of
the original belt drive.
Build a PC-controlled
robot from surplus parts
What looks like a pile of timber and electronic
scrap yet can be controlled by a computer?
Answer: a robot based on the stepper motor
drivers described in the January 1994 issue
of SILICON CHIP. It is a cheap and cheerful
introduction to robotics using readily available
parts and surplus stepper motors.
Designed as a practical exercise in
robotics and PC control for TAFE students, this robot uses software written
in Visual BASIC. It is interfaced to a
PC’s printer port and, using on-screen
menus, is controlled with the keyboard
and mouse.
90 Silicon Chip
The robot presented here is a
demonstration unit only, as an example of what is possible. It is a 3-axis
device with a waist, a shoulder and an
elbow which has an attached gripper.
The waist is made from a record turntable which can be cheaply obtained
from a secondhand shop. The shoulder
and elbow driver arms are made from
discs of customwood 300mm in diameter and belt-driven by two servos.
The gripper mechanism is made from
24-gauge galvanised steel scrap and
is powered by a small geared motor.
The stepper motor article in the January 1994 issue of SILICON CHIP was
quite comprehensive, particularly in
regards to stepper motor technology
(back issues are available at $7 includ
ing postage.) Kits for the stepper
motor board are currently available
from Altronics in Perth –
phone (09)
328 1599.
This project makes use of two of
these boards, one to drive two stepper motors and the other to handle
a third stepper motor and up to four
solenoids. You can also opt to use just
one stepper board to drive two stepper motors or one stepper motor and
four solenoids. Depending on what
approach you take, some changes will
be required, as detailed in the section
headed “Solenoid Test”.
Apart from being able to actuate
motors and solenoids, it is also possible to connect up to five different
sense lines. Four sense lines are used
in this project. An individual sensor
line will have a 10kΩ resistor pulling
it to the +5V rail on the driver board
– see Fig.1. In this case, the line will
normally be high or a “1”. If the line is
brought to ground, it will be low or a
“0”. This can be done using a switch or
an open-collector transistor, as shown
in Fig.2.
We can not only step the motors,
and be confident of their final positions, but can also sense the result
of these actions or any other sensory
input we might be interested in. It
may be that we are using the robot
to lift something from the flat car of
a model train, for example, but not
until the flat car is in position. The
robot software can be programmed to
wait until this happens and then to
proceed from there.
We can also use the solenoid outputs to turn a DC motor on in either
direction and use the sensors to sense
when an action has been completed.
The boards are connected in daisy
chain fashion via a length of 25-way
ribbon cable. A 25-pin IDC male plug
is used for the computer connection
and two 25-pin IDC female plugs for
the stepper drivers. The plugs are attached to the cable as shown in Fig.3.
The software handles the operation
of the robot and includes diagnostic
This is one of seven screens used by the software to control the robot. The
different levels add program features in a way which makes it less confusing
for the novice (level 5 shown).
This is the final screen (level 7) used to control the robot and it adds the AND/
OR function. The various levels are stepped through by clicking on the level box
at the bottom righthand corner of the screen.
screens for testing the stepper boards’
operation, as an aid to debugging the
Fig.1: individual sensor lines will have a 10kΩ resistor
pulling them to the +5V rail on the driver board. In this
case, the line will normally be high or a “1”
As pointed out in the January 1994
article, a stepper motor is designed
to rotate a specified distance when a
Fig.2: the sensor lines can be pulled low using a
switch or an open-collector transistor, as shown
November 1995 91
Fig.3: the stepper boards are connected in daisy chain fashion via a length
of 25-way ribbon cable. A 25-pin IDC male plug is used for the computer
connection and two 25-pin IDC female plugs for the stepper drivers.
Fig.4: the waist of the robot uses a toothed belt driven by a stepper motor. Since
the platter will not need to rotate any more than 270° or so, the belt will not
need to wrap around the entire circumference but can be attached at two points
with screws.
pair of wires has current sent through
them. This step (usually in the range
of 1.8° to 7.5°) is determined solely by
the mechanical characteristics of the
motor and not by any voltage level or
rate of application. Once the step has
taken place and provided the voltage is
still applied, the motor will be locked
in position.
To obtain another step from the
motor, a voltage has to be applied to
92 Silicon Chip
another set of wires and then another
set, and so on.
Stepper motors come in a variety of
types – 4-wire, 6-wire and 8-wire – and
how these are connected to the driver
boards is explained in the January
1994 article.
The software moves the robot arms
by pulsing the stepper motors a certain number of times. Provided that
there is no slippage, the arms should
go to the position required. However,
stepper motors do have inertia. If
a loaded motor is presented with a
pulse sequence that is too fast, it will
just hunt back and forth. Similarly, if
a motor running at maximum speed is
suddenly deprived of its pulse train,
it will tend to run on.
While no damage is likely, the program will lose vital positional data and
think that the arm is somewhere other
than where it actually is. The software
needs to take care of this.
The way to control the speed of a
stepper motor is to vary the rate of its
driving pulses. To accelerate the motor
to its final running speed, the pulse
rate is slow at first and then increases.
Deceleration is the reverse procedure.
If the software is instructed to move
an arm to a specified position, it needs
to know where it is and where it is to
go to. To achieve this, the software
uses two registers, called the current
position and the programmed position. The software compares these two
resisters and computes a difference. It
will then issue a number of pulses to
the designated stepper motor. Once
done, it will look at other current and
programmed positions and repeat
this operation until there are no more
The current register contains only
stepper motor positions and solenoid
and sensor status. The program position is a 2-dimensional array, one
dimension holding the new required
position (which when done will become the new current position) and
the other dimension a list of all the
future positions.
When the software is run, it starts by
comparing the contents of its current
register with the register contents of
the first location in the array. It will
look at stepper motor one and if it
sees a difference it will take action to
reduce this difference to zero.
If the current content is a number
less than the programmed position,
a positive difference results and the
current motor counter will increment
to the new number. If the current motor
content is a number greater than the
programmed content, then the difference will be negative and the current
motor counter will decrement to the
new number.
When this is done the next motor
is interrogated and so forth. When all
the motors are positioned, the software
will look at the solenoids. As the so-
lenoids can only be on or off, it will
merely turn on those that are required
and turn off those that are not.
Next, the input sensors are interrogated. By now it should be clear
that the program is running a set of
positional data contained in the 2-dimensional array. Each new program
position contains a complete set of
positional requirements for each of the
stepper motors and solenoids. There’s
a great deal more in the programs, as
will become apparent later in this
Teaching the robot to move
As noted above, the control program has a series of seven on-screen
menus (Level 1-7) and you control the
actions of the robot with the keyboard
and mouse. When the robot starts, the
screen will be in Level 1. From this
screen you will be able to manually
move the motors, select motor speed,
select a higher level, observe the current motor position, set the base motor
timing and Exit the program.
Before setting the position of any
of the motors, you first need to set
the speed. Because stepper motors
are critical of pulse rate, it needs to
be carefully set. Each pulse is a result
of a series of internal program steps,
updating the screen, etc. Howev
computers operate at different speeds
depending on whether they have a 286,
386, 486 or other processor and if they
have the turbo facility on or not.
To overcome this variation in computing speed, we need to set a variable
in the program. As you view the main
program screen you will see a “set
timing” button in the upper right-hand
corner. Clicking on this will cause
the program to test its internal timing
and produce a number unique to this
configuration. When the motors are
now actuated you should see a fairly
consistent speed.
When the program is started it will
automatically set the base speed. You
need only alter it if you have changed
the status of the turbo facility. You can
also change the speed in five increments with the button at the bottom
righthand corner. Clicking on it will
increment it up to 5 (fastest) and then
back to 1 (slowest).
To position a particular stepper
motor, click on the one you want and
the screen will change to provide
further instructions. Briefly, the left
mouse button is pressed to move the
Three diagnostic screens are featured in the software. This one is used to check
the operation of the stepper motor driver boards which were described in the
January 1994 issue of SILICON CHIP.
The operation of up to five sensors is checked using this diagnostic screen. A
third screen is used to check the operation of the solenoids.
motor clockwise while the right mouse
button is pressed to move in the other
direction. Pressing any key on the
keyboard will return you to the main
menu. While the motor is moving you
will see a counter incrementing or
decrementing, depending on which
direction you are moving.
If the motor movement is erratic,
the speed you are using might be too
high. Select a slower speed and try
again. You may also experience erratic
motor operation because the load is
too high, the voltage applied to the
motor too low or the current limiting
resistors (if used) on the stepper board
are too large.
Once back in the main menu you can
either select another motor or you can
exit. To leave the program, click on the
Exit button and you will return to the
beginning menu. To exit altogether,
select Exit and you will be returned
to the DOS prompt.
Level 2 adds more functions to the
screen: four solenoids, four sensor
inputs and Clear facilities for the
current step motor locations. If you
require a solenoid to actuate, just click
on the one that you want. If you want
to disable a particular solenoid, click
on the solenoid button and you will
see it toggle off.
Home position
To the right of the stepper motor
button is the CLR button which will
clear the contents of the current
November 1995 93
Fig.5: the mast is attached to the turntable platter using two pieces of
25 x 50mm dressed pine 450mm long using four angle brackets.
Two steppers are mounted on the mast to operate the shoulder and elbow discs
via toothed belts.
94 Silicon Chip
register for this motor to zero. When
you first start to use the program you
must “home” the actuated arms. You
do this by moving the arms to the
midpoint of each arm’s travel.
For repeatability, you should mark
this “home” position with a pencil.
On return to the main menu, you
press the clear button and this current location will be “home” or zero.
Be careful that you do not clear the
register after this as you will confuse
the program logic.
Because of this, the clear function
is hidden from view until the level
control (bottom righthand corner) is
incremented to 2 . This is done so that
you do not accidentally click on it.
Level 3 adds the facility to store settings in memory. The new buttons are
AddMem, NewPg, Run, SetStep and
StpPg. NewPg clears the memory prior
to a new program. SetStep sets the step
number to 1 so that the program can
start from here. Stp Pg stops the program but only after all the individual
locations have been interrogated and
Run commences operations.
You can add the new location(s)
to memory, which is what the new
positional array is called, by clicking
on the AddMem button. The speed
information is also loaded. You will
see the step number and program end
labels increment and the program
location change to the current value.
Repeat this as often as you need with
this and the other motors.
Before writing a new program you
should list on a piece of paper the
moves you want to take place and
include on this the actual numbers
for each position, the solenoid and
sensor status and branch and wait
Once the program is being run and
you are debugging it there may be
changes that you will want to make.
Level 4 has several development tools
for this. These comprise six new but
tons, as follows:
Single Step (Sglstep) allows the
program to execute one complete step
and then you will see the contents of
the next position that the program will
go to; the new stepper motor positions,
solenoid and sensor requirements and
Branch and Wait Until. Pressing the
button again will cause the program
to perform these operations and you
will be presented with the contents
for the next step.
If you want to change any of this,
use the Change button. Clicking on
this button brings up a screen that tells
you to click on the function that you
want to change. The selected function
will not alter its state but merely load
the new state into the current program
Move Forward increments the step
number and displays the next lot of
contents. No other action will take
place. Move Backward does the same
thing, only in the reverse direction.
The Insert button allows you to insert new locations into the program.
In this case, the program end counter
and step number will increment and
the insertion will assume the current
step number.
Save program
When you want to save the program
click on the SaveP button and a copy
of the program array will be loaded
onto the default disc.
Level 5 adds the Wait Until facility. With this you can stop program
execution until a selected condition
is sensed. You need to click on the
sense input that you want ‘high’ for
the program to continue. At this level
you can ‘OR’ up to four sense lines.
The program will advance when any
of them become high.
Level 6 adds the Branch function.
You will see the current step number
appear in the box below the BR button. Click on the UP or DN buttons to
tell the software where you want the
program to branch to and the Unco
button for conditional or unconditional branch. As for the Wait Until
function, the conditional branch will
occur when any of the sense lines you
have selected goes high.
Level 7 adds the AND/OR facility. In
the AND case, the Wait Until or Branch
will not occur unless all the selected
sense lines go high.
In order to help in the debugging
of the electronics there are three diagnostic screens: Stepper Motor Test,
Solenoid Test and Sensor Test.
Making the robot
As noted previously, the waist is
made from a record turntable which
can be cheaply obtained from a secondhand shop. Remove the tone arm
mechanism and the drive motor which
is replaced with a stepper motor. The
stepper can be coupled to the platter
using a toothed belt, as depicted in
Fig.6: the shoulder arm and elbow driver arm are made from discs of customwood 300mm in diameter. These are driven by steppers and toothed belts.
Since the platter will not need to
rotate any more than 270° or so, the
belt will not need to wrap around
the entire circumference but can be
attached at two points with screws.
The stepper motor will need a
November 1995 95
Made of sheet metal, the gripper is similar in principle to a bicycle’s brake
calliper. Note the elastic bands which provide tensioning.
toothed pulley to match the belt.
The 6-wire motor supplied by Oatley
Electronics is an unusual size (pitch
2.07mm). R & I Instrument and Gear
Co Pty Ltd, Box 1302, South East Mail
Centre, Vic 3176, can supply a belt of
the right length and almost the right
pitch (2.03mm). Alternatively, the
prototype was driven by the original
turntable rubber belt using a stepper
motor giving 1.8° per step.
For the mast, attach two pieces of 25
x 50mm dressed pine 450mm long to
the turntable, using four angle brackets
as shown in the diagram of Fig.5. Drill
a 6mm hole through the top of the mast
to accept a 6mm bolt 150mm in length.
The shoulder arm and elbow driver
arm are made from discs of customwood 300mm in diameter. Fasten
these so that they are free to rotate
alongside each other. Fasten another
stepper motor to the mast and connect
it to the shoulder in the manner shown
in Fig.6.
The resulting movement of the
shoulder will be something less than
180° but this was not found to be a
problem. Again the mechanical connection to this will need to be deter
mined by you. Note that there will
96 Silicon Chip
Fig.7: the gripper is similar to a
bicycle brake calliper in concept and
is actuated by a geared motor pulling
a string against tension provided by
rubber bands.
Fig.8: two relays connected to the
solenoid outputs provide for control
of the gripper motor. RLY2 connects
voltage to the DC motor while RLY1
controls the motor direction.
be more load on this axis than on the
waist, considering that we are actually
going to lift something.
To this 300mm disc attach a piece
of 25 x 50mm dressed pine so that the
reach is extended by 150mm. This is
powered by a stepper motor in the
same manner as for the shoulder.
From 150mm pieces of light timber
construct a box section as shown and
connect the driving arms at right angles. The distance between the outer
points and the axis will need to be
the same as the dimensions on the
300mm disc.
Now, using light dressed timber,
make two driving arms and fasten
them to the box section. The driving
arm lengths need to be the same as
the distance between the centre of
the 300mm half and the pivot point
of the elbow.
Other methods could be used to
mechanically attach the stepper motor to the arm. For instance, a length
of threaded rod can be connected to
the stepper motor shaft and the arm
connected to this via a threaded nut.
The gripper was made from 24 gauge
galvanised steel sheet. It is similar to a
bicycle brake calliper in concept and
is actuated by a geared motor pulling
a string against tension provided by
rubber bands – see Fig.7. The mass of
the gripper and its motor are counterbalanced by weights at the other ends
of the arms.
Using a piece of Veroboard and two
relays build the circuit of Fig.8. One
of the relays, RLY2, is actuated by the
solenoid 2 output and will connect
a voltage to the DC motor. The other
relay, RLY1, is driven by the solenoid
1 output so that the motor direction
can be forward or reversed.
Two switches will be attached to
the first two sensor inputs; the closed
switch to sensor input 1 and the other
to sensor 2. One will be ‘high’ when the
gripper is open and when it is closed
the other will be ‘high’.
Once the robot is completed, you are
ready to program it to pick up something by using the manual position
and remembering buttons. To use the
gripper, the following sequence may
be of help.
(1). Select the sensor being used to
determine grip closure.
(2). Click on the Wait Until and OR
(3). Select the solenoid that governs
the direction of motor move
Whether or not this is set or reset
depends on how you have wired the
relays and the polarity of the motor
drive supply.
(4). Select the solenoid that turns the
gripper motor on. The motor should
start to move. You may like to wait
until the sensor indicating the gripper
is closed goes high and then turn the
power off to the motor. This should
prevent any damage to the mechanism if you are not quick enough to
add this to memory and then turn the
solenoid off.
(5). Add to Memory.
(6). When the the sensor for gripper
closure comes on (goes high), the gripper is closed. De-select the solenoid
that turns the gripper motor on. The
gripper motor should stop. Reapply
power again if you had already disconnected it.
(7). Add to Memory.
Position the gripper and load to
where you want it to be, using the
methods as described before.
Open gripper
To open the gripper the following
may prove useful.
(1). Select the sensor that indicates
that the gripper is open. Make sure
that you de-select the sensor that indicates gripper closure and the other
two sensors. Failure to do this will
result in no operation when the Wait
Until function is set, as you can not
have the gripper open and closed at
the same time.
(2). Click the Wait Until and OR
(3). Select the solenoid that governs
gripper motor direction.
(4). Select the solenoid that causes
the gripper motor to operate. The gripper motor should now be running and
allowing the gripper to open. Again,
you may want to disconnect power as
for the closing sequence.
(5). Add to Memory.
(6). When the indicator that shows
the gripper has opened comes on
de-select the solenoid that powers the
gripper motor. Reapply power if you
went down this path.
(7). Add to Memory.
Position the gripper for another
operation or branch back to repeat
the sequence.
A simple gripper open/close function is included in the registered
This photo shows a stepper motor mounted in place of the original belt drive
motor, to provide movement for the waist.
A geared 12VDC motor operates the gripper, against tension provided by two
elastic bands.
version of the software (see below).
Further reading
(1). Robot Builders’ Bonanza, by
Gordon McCombs. Published by Tab
Software availability
Shareware versions of this software
can be obtained by sending $8 to NewTech Education Resources, PO Box 61,
Ferntree Gully, Vic 3156. Details of the
registered version of the software will
be on the disc.
* Tony Mercer is a lecturer in technology studies at the Hawthorn
Institute of Technology and can
be contacted during office hours
by phoning (03) 9810 3279.
November 1995 97