This is only a preview of the April 1996 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 26 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
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Items relevant to "Build A Knock Indicator For Leaded-Petrol Engines":
In this chapter,
we will deal with
oscilloscopes using
tubes and up to
20MHz bandwidth.
High voltage circuits,
DC coupled blanking/
unblanking and
triggering methods
are investigated in
some detail.
If you are puzzled by some strange
fault in any electronic equipment and
your voltmeter gives no clear evidence,
your first question should be “what
does the oscilloscope show?” It can
reveal at a glance more information
than all the voltmeters in the world can
demonstrate. Maybe you have subtle
supersonic oscillations. To see some
faults, even in audio equipment, your
CRO may need a bandwidth of 20MHz
or more but whatever the bandwidth,
a CRO is a very handy instrument.
Last month, we saw the basic configuration of a cathode ray tube (CRT),
as shown in Fig.1. The heated cathode
emits electrons which are attracted
forward by the (relatively) positive
potential on the acceleration grid (G3)
and the conductive aquadag coating
inside the tube, near the screen.
When these fast electrons hit the
fluorescent phosphor coating on the
inside of the front glass screen, light
is emitted. The resulting trace on the
screen is a graph of the voltage signal
we apply to vertical deflection plates
Y1 and Y2 via the vertical amplifier.
The electron beam current is determined by the tube, its acceleration
voltage and your setting of brightness;
typically between 10 and several hundred microamperes. In the simplest
arrangement, as in Fig.1, after hitting
the screen, the electrons must leak
across the phosphor to the conducting
aquadag and then to ground.
G3 is called the acceleration grid.
In this simple tube, it has the highest
positive potential. The word grid is
used here (even though it is posi-
This photo shows the base ends of two
elementary CRO tubes with the glass
envelope removed. In each, nearest
the base is the electron gun, consisting
of heater, cathode, control grid G1
and hollow tubes we call focus grid
G2 and acceleration grid G3. Further
from the base, ceramic insulator
pillars separate and support the pair
of vertical deflection plates. Farthest
out are the two horizontal deflection
56 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: this sort of CRO tube is a monoacceleration type because all electron
beam acceleration occurs before deflection. Therefore this type of tube requires
high voltage signals of up to 250 volts swing applied to the deflection plates.
tive) because electrons pass straight
through it. The term anode is reserved
for electrodes which collect electrons.
The CRO tube shown in Fig.1 is
known as a monoacceleration type, because all acceleration of the electrons
is achieved before beam deflection
occurs. We will see how this fact limits the realisable bandwidth to about
20MHz and acceleration voltages to
the 2kV to 5kV range.
In Fig.1, to prevent deceleration of
the electron stream, G3, the deflection
plates and the screen are all maintained at about the same potential.
But the deflection plates are low voltage circuits. Therefore, we choose to
ground the high voltage supply at the
G3-screen end; ie, its positive side.
The heater, cathode K, control grid
G1, focus grid G2 and acceleration
grid G3 are collectively known as the
electron gun. Because the high voltage
supply in Fig.1 is positive grounded,
the cathode K is at a high negative
potential with respect to earth. But
an even greater negative potential
is applied to control grid G1. This
negative bias (ie, the K-G1 potential
difference) determines the beam current and thereby varies the brightness
of the trace on the screen.
The high voltage supply usually
consists of a high frequency oscillator
driving a ferrite core step-up transformer, followed by high voltage rectifier(s) and filter capacitors. High frequencies are chosen for four reasons:
(1) any sounds from the transformer
core are supersonic, above human
hearing; (2) a high volts-per-turn ratio
is easily achieved; (3) the transformer
can be small and light; and (4) only
small filter capacitors are required to
smooth the rectified current to DC.
Deflection options
An electron beam can be deflected
by an electrostatic field between two
deflection plates or by a magnetic
field at right angles to the path of the
electron beam. Almost all analog oscilloscopes use electrostatic deflection,
as in Fig.1.
There are two reasons for this: (1) deflection of the electron beam is linearly
proportional to the voltage applied
to the deflection plates; and (2) the
low capacitance between the vertical
deflection plates (about 2pF) can be
easily driven over a very wide range
of frequencies, from DC to 1200MHz
(1.2GHz) or even higher, assuming
suitable amplifiers.
By contrast, magnetic deflection
requires large signal currents flowing
in coils (the yoke) wrapped around the
neck of the CRO tube. This is unsuitable for analog oscilloscopes for the
main reason that the inductance of
the yoke windings severely limits the
current as the frequency rises. Magnetic deflection is universally used
in TV and computer monitor CRTs
but here the deflection frequencies are
fortunately quite low and fixed: 50Hz
vertical and 15625Hz horizontal, in
the case of PAL TV. This allows each
deflection circuit to be optimised for
its particular frequency.
Electrostatic deflection
For parallel deflection plates, the
distance across the CRO screen (vertically or horizontally) that the electron
beam is deflected is directly proportional to: (1) the potential difference
Vd between deflection plates; (2) the
distance Ls from the deflection plates
to the screen; and (3) the length Lp
of the deflection plates. In addition,
April 1996 57
Fig.2: simplified diagram of the high voltage circuits suitable for a small analog
oscilloscope. Transformer T1, operating at 60kHz, provides two independent
negative DC supplies. The -1.5kV supply at TP3 provides the electron beam
current from cathode K to screen. The -1.6kV supply at TP2 is dedicated to
providing the control grid G1 potential.
it is inversely proportional to the accelerating voltage VHT between the
cathode and the deflection plates and
the spacing “d” between them.
These factors come together in the
following equation for Deflection Factor which gives the deflection voltage
required for one centimetre of trace
length on screen:
Deflection Factor = Vd/cm = (2d.VHT)/
(Ls.Ld) volts/cm
This equation dictates that the vertical deflection plates should be placed
as far from the screen as possible. Why?
To correctly display the signals, the frequency response of the vertical system
needs be much higher (often 20 times
more) than the horizontal. Therefore,
the design of the vertical amplifiers is
much more critical, in terms of bandwidth, than the horizontal amplifiers.
And it is easier to obtain high frequency
response from any amplifier if less
output voltage is required.
From the equation we see that,
for a given length of trace across the
screen, less voltage is required at the
deflection plates farthest from the
screen. Therefore, the vertical plates
are always furthest from the screen.
Of course that means more deflection voltage is needed at the horizontal
58 Silicon Chip
deflection plates as their distance to
the screen is less. This is usually not a
problem, due to the lower bandwidth
demanded of the horizontal sweep
The above equation also indicates
that by lengthening the vertical deflection plates, we could achieve deflection with less output voltage from
the vertical amplifier. That certainly
is practised but cannot be overdone
because longer plates mean greater
inter-plate capacitance which must
be driven by the vertical amplifier
without loss of frequency response.
Furthermore, long plates mean that
at high enough frequencies the signal
will cycle to the opposite phase while
any one electron is still between the
plates, partly cancelling the deflection
achieved and increasing the plate current. In modern CRO tubes, the vertical
deflection plates are commonly long
and curved, as a compromise between
these conflicting factors.
For a really bright, sharp trace on
the screen, high acceleration voltages
must be used but the above equation
says that higher VHT results in smaller
deflection angles. This is because faster electrons are more difficult to deflect. Typical deflection angles for CRO
tubes are only 10-30°. Because of this,
typical CRO tubes tend to be much
longer than their diameter. Diameters
commonly range from 50-135mm,
with lengths from 200-600mm.
Magnetic shielding
In all equipment using CRO tubes,
the power transformer should be
carefully positioned to avoid accidental deflection of the beam by 50Hz
magnetic fields. As well, electrostatic
CRO tubes are usually shrouded in a
shield of mu-metal, to prevent interference to the electron beam by stray
magnetic fields.
Acceleration Pot.
Electron Velocity
Electron speeds
Electrons accelerate all the way from
the cathode to the region of highest
positive potential. In monoacceleration
tubes, this means electrons continuously gaining velocity between K and
G3. They then coast at constant speed
to the front screen. Greater velocity
Fig.3: timing diagram for the CRO tube horizontal deflection and trace
brightness control. Sections of the repetitive input sinewave signal actually
displayed on screen during the forward sweep are from t1 to t3, t11 to t13
and so on. During the remainder of time the screen is blanked to conceal the
retrace and holdoff and wait times.
results from using a higher accelerating
voltage. Table 1 shows some examples.
Deflection factor
The design of any analog oscilloscope must start with the vertical
deflection factor of the tube; ie, the
number of volts that must be applied
between the deflection plates to produce one centimetre of trace on screen.
The lower this value, the easier is the
design of the vertical amplifier and
the wider the bandwidth that can be
One of the earliest CRO tubes, famous in Australian Radar sets during
World War 2, was the ubiquitous 5BP1
(125mm in diameter). Cheap in postwar disposals stores, this tube found
its way into many home constructors’
projects. It had the disadvantage of
a high deflection factor value. With
2.2kV acceleration voltage, the 5BP1
required a 320V peak-to-peak signal
between the vertical deflection plates
to draw a line 8cm high; a vertical
deflection factor of 40V/cm.
If the acceleration potential on similar tubes was raised to 5kV to produce
a brighter trace on the screen, then
a deflection voltage swing of about
700V would be required to produce
an 8cm trace; ie, 88V/cm. A deflection
amplifier capable of producing such
a large output voltage swing, even at
only 2MHz bandwith, would be very
difficult to design.
Later tubes progressively reduced
this demand for high deflection voltages. The European types 30C3 and
30E7, with 4kV acceleration potential,
had a deflection factor of 50V/cm.
Today, to keep the deflection factor
low, monoacceleration CRO tubes
are sometimes limited to a high voltage of around 2kV. For example, the
Tektronix TAS220 oscilloscope uses
2kV between cathode and accelerator
grid. Careful design of the vertical deflection plates optimised their curved
shape, their length (Ld) and the spacing (d) between them. That, together
with a high accuracy wideband solid
state vertical amplifier, achieves a
working bandwidth of DC to 20MHz.
In the next chapter of this series, we
April 1996 59
Fig.4: a simplified circuit diagram of an oscilloscope showing the vertical and
horizontal deflection amplifiers.
will see how post deflection acceleration (PDA) voltages up to 26kV can be
used to give a very bright, sharp trace,
yet achieve a very low deflection factor
of 6.5V/cm and bandwidths up to one
A practical oscilloscope
Fig.2 shows a simplified high
voltage circuit for a small CRO tube,
operating at 1.5kV. On a 75mm diameter tube this moderate voltage will
produce a bright enough trace when
Fig.5 (below): a trigger point control
circuit. This gives trigger pulse signals
at outputs 1 and 2 each time the input
signal V(in) passes through some
nominated voltage level, V(shift),
which you select by potentiometer
60 Silicon Chip
seen in subdued room lighting. The
deflection factor is reduced by lower
ing the acceleration voltage from 2kV
to 1.5kV but it is increased by using
a shorter tube. So we would expect
a deflection factor of about 30V/cm.
CRO vertical bandwidth is decided
by the question: can your vertical amplifier provide enough volts to the deflection plates at the highest frequency
you desire? To achieve a screen display
4cm high and 5cm wide, your vertical
deflection amplifier must provide a
120V signal swing and the horizontal
amplifier must provide a 150V excursion. The author has used a 75mm
diameter disposals CRO tube with only
600V acceleration potential, with moderate success. On such a low voltage,
the screen trace is less bright or sharp
than you desire, yet better than none.
A more satisfactory project used
a 125mm tube operating on 2.2kV
acceleration, with vertical amplifiers
of 5MHz bandwidth – quite useful for
TV servicing.
In Fig.2 a 60kHz power oscillator
excites the primary winding of transformer T1. Secondary winding 1, together with diode D2 and smoothing
capacitor C2, generates a 1.5kV DC
supply which has its positive end
grounded at point F. Its negative end
connects through R1 to test point
TP3, providing the negative 1.5kV
DC supply for the cathode K. The 4V
drop across R1 sets the heater slightly
more negative than the cathode K, to
prevent electron flow from cathode to
heater. The resistor string to ground
provides a 285V drop across the focus
potentiometer VR2.
Transformer T2 provides the 6.3
VAC heater supply for the tube. The
secondary of T2 is elevated to the neg-
ative 1.5kV potential, so it must have
at least 2kV insulation rating.
Brightness control
There are two essential aspects to
controlling the brightness of the waveforms on the screen. First, the manual
brightness control potentiometer VR1
sets the trace to the level to suit the
ambient room lighting. Fast rising
voltages may need extra brightness
to be visible. Second, the timebase
sweep circuits must blank out that
trace during every retrace (flyback) of
the presentation, to prevent confusing
patterns. Both these functions are
provided by the upper half of Fig.2.
Control grid G1 has a 1mm diameter
hole through which electrons emitted
by the cathode may pass. G1 is held
more negative than the cathode to control the number of electrons passing
through G1 to the screen. Thus, the
G1-K bias voltage controls the beam
current and thereby sets the trace
brightness on screen.
In many CRO tubes, a bright (unblanked) trace on screen results when
G1 is 10V more negative than the cathode. To block off the electron beam to
achieve a dark (blanked) screen, the
K-G1 bias must exceed 50V.
Secondary winding 2 of transformer
T1, together with rectifier D1 and storage capacitor C1, provides an isolated
-1.6kV supply (measured between test
point TP2 and point A). This negative
system finds its ground return via
point A, through R2 and a separate
+230V supply.
For a blanked or dark screen condition, the drive at B to Q1 is made
low (around 0V). This cuts off Q1 and
causes Q2 to fully conduct, pulling
point A down to nearly 0V. That is
equivalent to point A being grounded,
so TP2 rests at -1.6kV and test point
TP4 at -1.5kV. The brightness control
pot. (VR1) has 100V across it.
In Fig.2, we set VR1 so that it taps
off -1585V, to control grid G1. This
potential is 85V more negative than
the cathode. With such a large negative
bias, the electron beam is completely
cut off and the screen is blanked.
To unblank the screen, a positive
signal of about +5V is applied to point
B, making Q1 fully conducting and
cutting off Q2. Thus, point A rises
to the +75V from zener diode ZD1
and this lifts the complete L2-D1-C1R1-R27 system up by +75V. VR1 still
has a 100V drop across it but both ends
Fig:6: timing diagram for the trigger point control circuit of Fig.5.
are raised by the same amount.
Hence TP2 becomes (-1.6kV + 75V)
= -1525V; TP4 becomes (-1.5kV + 75V)
= -1425V; and G1 becomes (-1585V +
75V) = -1510V. Thus, the G1-K bias is
reduced to only -10V, which allows a
bright trace on screen.
By this means, you set VR1 for the
brightness you want on screen. The
timebase sweep system then generates a 0-5V control signal at B which
automatically blanks out the return
(flyback) trace.
Note that all these circuits are DC
coupled, so that the blanking/unblanking works correctly, even at very slow
sweep speeds. At very fast sweep rates,
C3 is a speed-up capacitor to overcome
delay due to the time constant formed
by R27 and stray circuit capacitance
to ground.
Screen focus
To focus a beam of electrons, we
pass them through hollow electrostatic
fields. This is analogous to the focusing of beams of light by glass lenses.
So similar are these two processes
that both exhibit the same defects,
such as astigmatism and geometrical
In Figs.1 & 2, G2 is the focus grid;
sometimes called a focus ring. The
small electrostatic field between K/G1
April 1996 61
Fig.7: a rise differentiator based on a 74S00 AND gate
input signal V(in) passes through the
zero axis or at some other point on the
cycle. You can adjust the period of the
horizontal timebase sweep generator
(time/division switch) to display any
number (or fraction) of cycles of the
input signal. Fig.3a shows about one
and a quarter cycles of signal being
The trace is visible on screen from
times t1 to t3, from times t11 to t13, and
so on. Notice that we do not display
every cycle of V(in), because time must
be allowed for the beam retrace (flyback) and for holdoff and wait times.
In Fig.3, retrace occurs between times
t3 to t5 and from t13 to t15.
Fig.8: this is the timing diagram for the rise
differentiator of Fig.7.
and G2 acts as a divergent lens. The
stronger field (about 1kV) between
G2 and G3 brings the electron beam
back to a small point on the screen.
Thus, you focus the electron beam by
adjusting VR2.
Potentiometers VR1 and VR2 are
elevated to dangerously high voltages
and so they are operated by long insulated shafts from their front panel
Astigmatism is the tendency of the
beam to come to an elliptical rather
than a circular spot on the screen.
This is minimised by slightly adjusting
the potential on the acceleration grid
62 Silicon Chip
G3, by adjusting VR3. That alters the
difference between G3 and the average voltage at the deflection plates.
G3 rests at about +100V, 1.6kV more
positive than the cathode.
To view repetitive signals (ie, a
continuous waveform) on the CRO, we
superimpose many cycles of the input
signal on the screen as shown in Fig.3.
To produce a clear display, the hori
zontal timebase must repeatedly begin
its forward sweep across the screen
when V(in) passes through the same
nominated voltage level each time, as
at t1, t11, t21, etc. You may wish the
displayed pattern to commence as the
After each retrace is completed, a
deliberate holdoff time is incorporated
into the system, between times t5 to t6,
t15 to 16, etc. The purpose of holdoff
is to give the horizontal genera
time to settle and to avoid confused
traces when the input signals have a
complex period.
After the holdoff time, the horizontal
timebase waits for the next occurrence
of a trigger signal (t11, t21), which ini
tiates the subsequent forward sweep.
The length of holdoff time is dictated
by the horizontal generator circuit. It
is comparatively short at slow sweep
speeds but relatively long at very high
sweep speeds.
The duration of wait time is not
specified by the circuits; it just depends on how long before V(in) again
passes through the trigger voltage level
you have selected.
Deflection amplifiers
Fig.4 is a simplified circuit of an
oscilloscope showing the vertical
and horizontal deflection amplifiers,
trigger point control and rise differentiator. Also shown are the triggered
timebase generator and the front panel
controls: trigger source selector S2,
trigger point control potentiometer
VR1, and slope selector switch S1.
We’ll start our discussion with the
timebase generator which consists
of sweep logic circuits controlling a
Miller integrator. This generates the
rising ramp horizontal deflection
signal, by using a selected constant
current to charge a low-loss capacitor.
The slope of the rising ramp in volts/
second is directly proportional to the
value of constant current chosen by
the time/division front panel switch,
and inversely proportional to the ca
pacitance value. For very fast sweeps,
a small value capacitor is used; larger
values of C are switched in for slow
sweep speeds. Discharging the capacitor results in the much faster falling
retrace (or flyback) signal.
The display sequence starts when
the trigger signal in Fig.3e triggers the
timebase generator. That begins the
forward sweep at time t1. Simultaneously, the timebase also generates the
blanking signal, Fig.3d, which is fed
to point B on Fig.2.
At the end of each retrace (t5, t15),
the timebase spaces out the holdoff
time until t6 (or t16). The system then
sits and waits for the next occurrence
of a valid trigger signal.
The trigger point control unit naturally generates more trigger signals
than are used – once each time your
input signal V(in) passes through
the chosen voltage level. But during
forward sweep, retrace and holdoff
time, the timebase generator will not
respond to those invalid triggers,
shown dotted in Fig.3e.
Trigger point control
Stable triggering of the display is an
absolutely essential property of any
oscilloscope. To trigger the CRO from
your input signal, first set front panel
trigger source selector S2 to the INT
or Internal position. That will feed
amplified input signal from point H to
the trigger point control unit. You then
set trigger point control potentiometer
VR1 to the voltage level at which you
want your display to begin.
Fig.5 is a circuit which could form
the block called trigger point control
unit in Fig.4. IC1 & IC2 operate on
±15V rails, while Q1 & Q2 work from
a single +5V rail for TTL compatibility
with following circuits. Fig.6 is a timing diagram for Fig.5.
In Fig.5, waveform (a) is V(in).
Suppose you wish the trace to commence when V(in) passes through
voltage level M, on the rising part
of the cycle. On the front panel, you
adjust potentiometer VR1 to select
a DC voltage called V(shift). This is
added to V(in) in IC1, an operational
adder. Waveform (b) indicates the sum
of V(in) and V(shift); where we have
chosen V(shift) as a negative voltage
about half the amplitude of V(in). Thus
we call IC1 a level shifter.
IC1 is inverting so its output, shown
at (c), is just (b) inverted. This signal
Because of the small deflection angles
achieved by electrostatic means,
monoacceleration analog oscilloscope
tubes tend to be much longer than
their diameter; typically 200-600mm
from base to screen.
is passed to IC2, an inverting Schmitt
trigger. In this condition, IC2 has
enormous gain – at least 30,000. So
the moment its input, waveform (c),
goes the slightest bit negative at time
M, IC2’s output saturates to almost the
positive rail voltage, about +14V, as
shown by waveform (d). IC2 remains
in this condition while waveform (c)
has any negative value.
The moment the input to IC2 (wave-
form (c)) becomes positive, at time W,
its output switches back to saturation
near its negative rail voltage. Any noise
on V(in) could make the change over at
M and W jittery. To prevent this we add
a small amount of positive feedback
to IC2. The 100#/10k# voltage divider
feeds one hundredth of the output back
to the non-inverting input, pin 3. Thus,
the moment waveform (c) crosses the
zero line, the rise of waveform (d) locks
Shown here is a highvoltage DC low-current
power supply for the
acceleration potential
of an oscilloscope.
The ferrite core
transformer is
excited by high
frequency drive from
a low voltage power
oscillator. The high
voltage secondary
current is rectified
and filtered to DC,
the large 10kV rated
ceramic filter capaci
tors can be seen at top
rear. High frequency
primary drive allows
the transformer to be
light and compact.
April 1996 63
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes – continued
If the triggering is switched off, or selected from unrelated sources, the
oscilloscope display of a simple sinewave signal can be quite useless, because
successive timebase sweeps start with V(in) at different voltage levels. With
correct triggering this picture unscrambles to a single trace of six cycles of a
Q2 into saturation, until time W.
Q1 is an inverter and level shifter,
changing the signal level to a swing
between +5V and nearly zero, as at
(e). Q2 inverts again to waveform (f).
The output of Q1 or Q2 is compatible
with the following TTL circuits in the
rise differentiator.
The circuit of Fig.5 is intended only
to show the principles of operation.
Used with faster integrated circuits, it
would work from DC up to moderate
frequencies but for a wider passband
(eg, 20, 100 or 500MHz) the circuit
would be condensed to minimise time
delays. Fewer semiconductor junctions, extremely fast transistors and
very short leads would be employed.
Rise differentiator
You have chosen point M on the
rising phase of V(in) to be the trigger
point. So you want the output of Fig.5,
waveform (f), to be changed to a short
pulse beginning at time M. Such a
pulse can then trigger the timebase
generator to begin the forward sweep.
But you might change your mind and
64 Silicon Chip
decide to trigger the timebase at time
W in Fig.6, the same voltage level
but on the falling phase. How can the
circuits follow your wish?
The answer is differentiate waveforms (e) or (f). That can pick off just
the +5V rising edge, at time M in (f),
or at time W in (e).
Fig.7 is a suitable TTL circuit called
a rise differentiator which actually
works by integration, a safe noise-defeating mechanism. This simple
circuit uses three sections of a 74S00
quad NAND gate. Its output is a very
short pulse coincident with the rising
edge of whatever TTL signal is fed to it.
Suppose we switch S1 in Fig.5 to
output 1, waveform (f) in Fig.6. That
signal from the trigger point control
unit now feeds ICa in Fig.7 (called
waveform L in Fig.8). This is inverted in IC3a to waveform N, which is
integrated by R1 and C1, forming
waveform P.
IC3b then has both waveforms P and
L as its inputs. IC3b is a NAND gate,
so it gives a low output only when
both its inputs are high. But observe
in the timing diagram that, due to the
R1C1 time constant, P does not drop
immediately when waveform N does,
at time M. Rather, P takes a small time
after time M to fall from its +4V output.
So depending on the values of R1 &
C1, P is still above the TTL threshold
level (+2V) for a brief period Delta(t)
after time M. During that very short
interval, Delta(t), P and L are simul
taneously high (in TTL terms). That is,
(P.AND.L) is a logical high signal for
that brief time, as the timing diagram
IC3b promptly inverts this to a logical low (waveform U). IC3c inverts
again, giving waveform Z, a signal at
TTL high level for a short period from
time M to M + Delta(t). This is wave
form (g) in Fig.6, a pulse suitable for
triggering the timebase generator.
Suppose now you change your mind
and wish to trigger the oscilloscope at
that same voltage level of V(in) but on
the falling phase, as at W in Fig.6. In
this case, you just switch S1 in Fig.5
down to output 2, selecting waveform
(e) in Fig.6. This now becomes input
signal L to IC3a in the rise differentiator, which detects the rise of waveform
(e) at time W. As a result, it gives forth
its trigger pulse every time V(in) passes
through the chosen voltage level but
on the falling phase.
Most oscilloscopes provide a wealth
of trigger sources such as External,
50Hz Line, Single Sweep and Auto,
triggered by an internal free-running
flipflop, so there is always some display on screen, with or without vertical input. Others commonly found
include TV Horizontal, TV Vertical,
DC/AC Coupling and Noise Rejection.
Next month we will look at post deflection acceleration (PDA), calibrated
screens, deflection amplifiers, probes,
timebase generators, shift controls and
dual timebases.
Thanks to Philips Scientific & Industrial and to Tektronix Australia for
data and illustrations; also to Professor
David Curtis, Ian Hartshorn, Ian Marx
and Dennis Cobley.
“ABC’s of Oscilloscopes”; Philips/
Fluke USA.
“Solid State Physical Electronics”; Van
der Ziel, Prentice Hall NJ.
“XYZ’s of Oscilloscopes” and AppliSC
cation Notes; Tektronix Aust.