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Multi-channel radio control
transmitter; Pt.7
This month, we deal with the final system
alignment and the programming instructions for
the Mk.22 transmitter. This is mainly a matter of
deciding the features you want and connecting
the various wander leads.
To begin it will be necessary to
re-read the May, June and July 1996
issues of SILICON CHIP in which the
basic instructions for the alignment
of the RF module and the encoder
are discussed. As we left the project
in the July issue, the transmitter was
completely assembled and working up
to the point of radiating a modulated
signal albeit not correctly tuned.
Before we go any further, make sure
your batteries are fully charged before
you start. Charging is accomplished
using a power supply set at 60mA or
a dedicated plugpack charger. These
are available at any good model shop
however you will need to change the
The charge plug must be a non-shorting 2.5mm jack type and is inserted
into the socket located on the lower
front right of the Tx. The tip of the
charge plug is wired positive. Remove
all micro-shunts and leads from the
encoder and RF modules.
It is probably best to begin proceedings with the adjustment of the
expanded scale voltmeter circuitry
as this will give a good indication
of the state of your batteries during
the alignment process. Trimpots
VR16 and VR17 on the encoder
PC board control the set points
and range of the meter. VR17 sets
the low point (+8.8V) and VR16
controls the range (sensitivity).
To adjust the meter, hook up
a variable voltage source to the
encoder GND and +9.8V pins on
TB7. Set both trimpots to their
midpoints, set the power supply
to +8.8V and switch on power.
Set the meter pointer to “0” using
VR17. Now increase the voltage
to +10.8V and set the pointer to
“10” using VR16. Drop the volts
back to +8.8V and reset VR17.
Continue this cycle until the
meter reads “10” at +10.8V and
Fig.1: the ideal modulated waveform and
“0” at +8.8V.
recommended rise times.
72 Silicon Chip
With this setting, the meter will peg
immediately after charging and drop
back very quickly to less than “10”
as the surface charge is dissipated.
As nicads are considered exhausted
at 1.1V per cell, the meter will give
an excellent indication of the state of
charge of your batteries. Stop flying at
“0” as you will have only about 10-15
minutes of safe flying after this.
Slip the Tx power input socket
back onto TB7 (PWR) and fire up your
spectrum analyser (yes, as I have stated
before, you will need an analyser) and
plug in the power connector to the RF
Open the May 1996 issue of SILICON
CHIP and work your way through the
tuning sequence presented in that
issue. The production antenna ended
up at 1.3 metres instead of 1.5 metres
long but the tuning range will accommodate that change.
The only area needing special
attention is the final shape of the
modulated waveform. Fig.1 shows the
ideal waveform and recommended rise
Fig.2: an overview of the encoder layout showing the major programming
controls and plug groups. Notice that all eight input configurations are identical.
times. It may be necessary to play with
the value of R7 on the RF module, as
mentioned previously, to adjust for the
spread in the FETs.
Once the RF module is properly
tuned, seal the ferrite slugs with wax
to prevent them moving. It is now
possible to drive a receiver from the
transmitter. As all input stages have
been disabled, only the default waveform will be transmitted (all 1.5ms
pulses). Switch on the receiver and
plug a servo set to 1.5ms neutral (most
modern servos) into channel 1.
Better still, plug in a pulse width
meter. Remove all leads and micro-shunts from the encoder PC board,
switch on the transmitter and the pulse
width meter should read 1.5ms or the
servo move to neutral, if you have
followed the instructions in the June
1996 issue.
The 10kΩ 10-turn trimpot VR2
(NEUT) is there to provide neutral adjustment. Clockwise rotation increases
the pulse width. Use this to set the
neutral if it is not already correct and
switch the Tx OFF. Try to get into the
habit of changing the plugs and sockets
with the Tx OFF. There are only one
or two plugs that may cause problems
and these are not usually moved once
in place (power sockets). The Tx must
be switched OFF when changing the
RF module.
The Mk.22 transmitter is now ready
for business, so let us move on to the
real work.
Fig.3: each channel input has
three main components: the
VARY-NORMAL 3-pin header
set, the CHANNEL INPUT 3-pin
header set and an Adjustable
Servo Travel Volume (ATV)
(see Fig.2, page 80, July 1996 issue)
which are free to wander anywhere
on the PC board. All control elements
are wired in an identical fashion with
the centre lead carrying the signal and
the two outside leads for positive and
negative. All control inputs on the encoder are fitted with identical, mating
3-pin headers (plugs). Any control
may be connected to any channel in
any order.
This arrangement results in a transmitter of the utmost flexibility. Even
the front panel controls can be programmed in the most suitable manner
for the task at hand. Toggle switches
can become retract switches, dual rate
switches or mix IN-OUT switches.
Sense of operation may be reversed,
channel allocation changed or direction of the servo travel reversed very
quickly and without complex menu
Fig.2 gives an overview of the
encoder layout showing the major
programming controls and plug
groups. Notice that all eight input
configurations are identical so that
it is only necessary to master one to
have complete mastery over all eight
or indeed 24 channels.
Each channel input has three main
components: the VARY-NORMAL
3-pin header set, the CHANNEL INPUT
3-pin header set and an Adjustable
Servo Travel Volume (ATV) potentiometer – see Fig.3. Each of the channel input sets are numbered on the PC
board and run from left to right. These
three items give rise to an almost limitless variety of programming options.
We will work through some of these
options, paying particular attention to
the basic principles involved, in order
to build a good knowledge of how the
system works. This will make the more
complex programming tasks (such as
CROW) much easier to understand
when we describe them in coming
Programming the encoder
The Mk.22 encoder utilises what
is perhaps best defined as “Wander
Lead” programming. All controls are
wired with identical 3-pin sockets
Fig.4: this diagram shows how the various micro-shunts (shorting
links) must be placed across TB10, if the configuration module is
not used.
August 1996 73
We will begin with the simplest and
most fundamental tasks and work forward from there. Load the appropriate
micro-shunts and sockets as we go
through the programming sequence.
Configuration module
The configuration module is not
used in the basic Mk.22 transmitter.
This was briefly mentioned and pictured in the June 1996 issue. If the
module is not plugged into the configuration port TB10, then micro-shunts
(shorting links) must be placed across
TB10 as shown in Fig.4 to complete
these open circuit input leads (see
circuit in the March 1996 issue). These
micro-shunts also play an important
role in the mixing programming and
we will deal with that later.
Channel allocation
As a result of the wander lead concept, channel allocation is a matter of
deciding which controls should utilise
which channel and plugging the 3-pin
sockets onto the appropriate CHANNEL INPUT header pins. Channel
allocation is a most important function
when we come to such complex programming options as CROW, changing
stick modes or matching a Mk.22 Tx
to another brand of radio. As glitches
tend to affect channel 1 more than any
other channel, it is best to keep the
flying controls away from channel 1.
The standard Silvertone channel
allocation is as follows:
aux 1
aux 2
Other brands of R/C equipment
use different channel allocations. To
match a Mk.22 Tx to a model already
fitted with another brand of receiver,
it is a simple matter to duplicate the
channel allocation by rearranging the
order of the sockets.
Servo reversing
Servo reversing is simply a matter
of rotating the 3-pin socket on any
74 Silicon Chip
and we will now move on to some of
the more advanced features.
End point adjustment
Fig.5: the sense of operation on the
toggle switch for dual rate operation
can be reversed by reversing the 3-pin
socket on the VARY-NORMAL header.
Adjusting throttle linkages can be
a tricky business as it is often almost
impossible to get both ends exactly
right. Using the ATV in conjunction
with adjustable linkages overcomes
this problem. Whilst not a true end
point adjustment it certainly will adjust both end points simultaneously
and will set the exact amount of servo
travel needed to match the carburettor
arm travel.
Fig.6: use this diagram when pro
gramming toggle switch operation.
Dual rate programming
of the CONTROL INPUT headers by
180°. Keep in mind that any error
from absolute neutral will be doubled.
For example, if the throttle servo is at
one end before reversing, then it will
immediately fly to the other end when
reversed. If the trim is at absolute neutral when the socket is reversed, then
no servo movement will be apparent.
Programming servo travel
In order to simplify the programming, certain configurations call for
the ATV (adjustable servo travel volume) potentiometer to be connected to
become a completely different type of
volume control. The VARY-NORMAL
header pin sets provide this function.
When a micro-shunt is placed on the
centre/left pair of pins as in Fig.5(a),
the CHANNEL GAIN potentiometer is
programmed as the ATV potentiometer. In this mode, servo travel may be
adjusted from 20-120% (0.9 - 2.1ms)
of the normal servo travel using the
channel gain (ATV) potentiometer.
Clockwise rotation increases the
amount of servo travel.
If the micro-shunt is placed on the
centre/right pair of header pins, as in
Fig.5(b), then the ATV pot is allocated
to other functions and the servo travel
reverts to the NORMAL non-adjustable
100% level (1 - 2ms) and the ATV potentiometer is no longer available for
servo travel adjustment.
At this point the transmitter should
have all of the micro-shunts loaded
on TB10, the main controls hooked
to the CHANNEL INPUT headers
and the micro-shunts loaded on the
VARY-NORMAL headers. You can now
move multiple servos simultaneously.
This completes the basic programming
All 24 channels may be programmed
for DUAL RATE operation. Simply
remove the micro-shunt from the
VARY-NORMAL headers on the channels intended for DUAL RATE operation and connect the desired toggle
switches to the appropriate headers.
Any of the front panel toggles can
be used on any channel. The choice
should be based on convenience of
Sense of operation of the toggle
switch can again be reversed by simply reversing the 3-pin socket on the
VARY-NORMAL header – see Fig.5.
When the toggle is in the VARY position the ATV potentiometer becomes
the DUAL RATE set pot. Thus with the
switch in the NORMAL location, the
ATV pot is disabled and a non-adjustable 100% servo travel is available.
With the switch in the VARY position,
the ATV pot is used to set the amount
of DUAL RATE variation. It is usual
to select the VARY position with the
toggle DOWN.
The amount of DUAL RATE adjustment ranges from 20% to 120%.
Anticlockwise rotation decreases the
amount of servo travel. Note that it is
possible to program the Mk.22 Tx for
increased throw in the DUAL RATE
Toggle switch programming
There are two identical toggle switch
modules built into the main encoder
PC board module. These are located
on the righthand side of the PC board
just above the righthand input groups
(see Fig.2) These modules consist of
two 3-pin headers and a potentio
Fig.6 shows these in detail. Note
that the lefthand 3-pin header of each
toggle module is labelled SW and this
Kit Availability
Kits for the Mk.22 transmitter are available in several different forms, as follows:
Fully assembled transmitter module......................................................$125.00
Basic transmitter kit (less crystal)............................................................$89.00
Transmitter PC board...............................................................................$29.50
Crystal (29MHz).........................................................................................$8.50
Fully assembled encoder module..........................................................$159.00
Encoder kit.............................................................................................$110.00
Encoder PC board...................................................................................$29.50
Transmitter case kit................................................................................$395.00
Full transmitter kit (includes all the above).............................................$594.00
Post and packing of the above kits is $3.00. Payment may be made by Bankcard,
cheque or money order to Silvertone Electronics, PO Box 580, Riverwood, NSW
2210. Phone (02) 533 3517.
will receive the 3-pin socket from the
toggle switch (see Fig.2c, July 1996
issue). Thus, any toggle switch on
the Tx front panel may be used as the
actuator for the toggle channels.
The righthand 3-pin header labelled
CH is the output connection. The short
jumper cable with a 3-pin socket at
each end (see Fig.2e, July 1996 issue)
is connected to this header. The other
end of this patch cord can go to any
CHANNEL INPUT header in your
channel allocation plan. Thus any two
channels may be allocated to toggle
switch actuation.
Servo reversing is available simply
by reversing the CHANNEL INPUT
socket as normal. A novel feature is
the ability to very quickly reverse the
sense of operation of the toggle switch
by simply reversing the socket on the
SW header. Thus UP-ON becomes
With the channel input programmed
for NORMAL mode, adjust
ing the
toggle module potentiometer will
provide from almost zero to 100%
travel volume. Clockwise increases
the servo travel.
Another novel feature of this arrangement is that 180° of servo travel
is easily obtained by using the toggle
module potentiometer in conjunction
with the VARY mode ATV pot. Some
care is needed here in case the brand
of servo you are using has its rotation
angle limited by internal stops to
less than 180°. Check to ensure that
the servo is not straining against the
internal end stops.
There is provision for two toggle
modules on the standard encoder PC
Programming knob control
The standard Mk.22 case is punched
for four toggle switches and two knob
controls. The knob control consists of
a panel-mount potentiometer upon
which are mounted limiting resistors
and a cable fitted with a 3-pin socket
(see Fig.2d, July 1996). The resistors
allow the full 270° of rotation to be
used without driving the channel beyond the electronic limits allowable.
Thus, the knob control is a completely self-contained proportional
control element which may be treated
as one axis of a 2-axis stick assembly.
It may be allocated and reversed in the
normal manner.
There are two knob controls in the
standard Mk.22 transmitter, however
all eight channels could easily be knob
controls in a suitable case.
Programming slide control
A slide control unit is available as
an option and again may be considered
a single axis proportional control ele
ment. It may be allocated and reversed
as normal. However, this would require a slot to be cut in the case by
hand. A slide control suitable for flaps
is available as an optional extra.
That is all that space allows for this
month. Next month we will discuss
mixing, dual control and frequency
Scan Audio Pty Ltd
August 1996 75