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This automatic sprinkler controller allows
you to selectively water any area of a garden
or nursery as little or as often as you like.
It can control up to eight solenoids plus an
optional master solenoid.
HE FIRST VERSION of this de-
sign was published in the July
1992 edition of SILICON CHIP.
It was a popular project and I still get
enquires from the original article.
About a year ago, I decided that an
update was due. The most obvious
thing that needed replacing was the
microcontroller, as the NMOS 68705P3
microcontroller was to be discontinued. The controller now uses a PLCC
version of the popular 68HC705C8.
There was also some changes made
54 Silicon Chip
to the power supply, which now uses
a switching IC.
While I was at it, I also decided to
make a couple of changes to the front
panel layout. First, I deleted the row
of green LEDs that were used to indicate which solenoids were on. This
function is now taken care of by the
row of red LEDs – when a solenoid
turns on, the appropriate LED flashes at a fast rate to provide the “on”
I also added an extra button to the
front panel to make it easier to get back
to the default mode. Apart from that,
the layout of the front panel worked
pretty well, so I kept it that way.
The PC board is also now a lot easier
to put together than before. And finally, I’ve added three inputs –designated
Rain 1, Rain 2 and Frost 1 – that enable
almost complete automation of your
Two of the inputs are for optional
rain switches that enable the controller to turn off selected cycles if it
is raining. This facility is especially
important in a country like Australia,
where many parts of the country suffer from low rainfall. Wasting water
costs money, especially these days
with the in-vogue user-pays principle,
so turning off the sprinklers when it
rains makes economical (and ecological) sense.
The third input is for a temperature
sensor (again optional). This enables
the controller to switch in extra cycles
on a hot day. It even works in reverse;
an extra cycle can be switched in if the
temperature falls below a set trip point.
The controller even stores the MIN and
MAX temperatures (time stamped) for
today and yesterday.
Each rain switch and temperature
trip point can be set on a cycle by
cycle basis. The default mode can
display the time and date, or the time
and current temperature. This facility
Main Features
(1). Uses a 16 x 1 liquid crystal display
(LCD) to show time, date and sprinkler
settings, plus all the various system
(2). Controls up to eight solenoids plus
a master solenoid.
(3). Each station can have up to four
cycles on Program A and Program B,
or eight cycles on Program C (Program
C = Program A + B). Each cycle can
operate with either the three-week
built-in calendar or on a continuous
schedule for up to 99 days
(4). Each station (and cycle) is completely autonomous, providing a possible 64 programmable start times per
day (Program C).
(5). LED indication of station status.
Continuously lit = auto mode on; fast
flash = solenoid on; 1Hz flash = Rain
Off mode.
(6). Manual on/off control for each
solenoid. The run time of cycle 4
can be used to provide an automatic
cutoff feature. This lets you manually
is pro
grammable via the “CONFIG”
menu. More about that later.
Main features
The original version allowed sprinklers to turn on every day, every second day, every third day, etc. While
this system worked OK, it was a bit
difficult to nail down exactly which
days the sprinklers would turn on. To
rectify this, the Rain Brain now has a
3-week cycle as well as the original
method – the original method being
useful for plants that require watering
at a set interval, regardless of whether
it is a weekend or not.
The “3-week cycle” method is
based on a built-in calendar. It lets
you choose exactly which days the
sprinklers will turn on up to three
weeks in advance! For example, you
could program the unit so that solenoid 1 turned for two 1-hour cycles on
Monday of the first week, Wednesday
of the second week and Thursday of
the third week.
All the facilities mentioned above
are available to every single cycle, and
are programmable via the “AUXILIARY
To cater for the extra facilities, the
Rain Brain has twice the EEPROM
capacity of the previous version. Each
switch on a sprinkler and forget it.
The sprinkler will then automatically
turn off after the run time of cycle 4
has expired.
(7). Run time (per cycle): 1-99 minutes.
The cycles can be joined so the maximum run-time (per solenoid) is: 8 x 99
minutes = 13 hrs, 10 mins.
(8). An EEPROM stores all settings,
so settings are not lost if the backup
battery fails. Battery backup is provided
by a 3V lithium battery.
(9). A “Rain Mode” deactivates all automatic cycles while saving program
(10). Two fully programmable Rain
Switches (optional) allow any/all of
the 64 cycles to be controlled by
the immediate weather conditions
(11). An optional Temperature Sensor
enables any/all of the 32 cycles of Program A (or B ) to switch to another cycle
if the programmed trip temperature is
exceeded. This allows extra cycles to
of the eight stations can switch on as
often as eight times a day (ie, there are
up to eight daily cycles), or as little as
once every 99 days! As before, each
cycle can be programmed for an “on
time” of 1-99 minutes.
A new feature allows you to choose
from three standard programs, designated A, B and C. Programs A and B
allow each station to programmed for
four cycles per day, while program C
combines programs A and B to provide up to eight cycles per station per
day. If this isn’t enough, you can add
optional extra memory plus a switch
to select an alternative group of A, B
and C programs.
The row of eight LEDs beneath the
LCD indicates the status of the solenoids at a glance. If a LED is flashing
quickly, this indicates that the solenoid is turned on. If a LED is steady,
the station is active, meaning that it
will switch on automatically once its
“turn on” conditions are satisfied. And
if all enabled LEDs are flashing slowly
(1s on, 1s off), a rain switch has been
A flash rate of 0.5s on, 0.5s off indicates the “RAIN OFF” mode. This
means that all automatic cycles have
been globally disabled (see later). This
mode has precedence over the rain
be automatically added; eg, so that
plants get extra water on a hot day!
The sensor is accurate to ±0.1°C and
has a range from -20°C +60°C.
(12). The controller stores the maximum and minimum temperatures
sensed that day and the time at which
these extremes occurred is also recorded. This information is accessed
by pressing the “Cursor” button while
in the Default Mode. The previous
day’s temperature extremes can also
be displayed, as well as the current
(13). Uses the well proven MC68HC
705C8 microcontroller. A watch dog
circuit ensures a proper reset is issued
to the microcontroller if it “crashes” due
to a mains glitch.
(14). All appropriate solenoids are enabled and the various cycles completed
after a reset, or when power is restored
after a power failure.
(15). Runs from a 10-24VAC or a 1035V DC 1A plugpack supply.
switch inputs and the fast flash rate
has precedence over them all.
Although these different flash rates
may seem initially confusing, it all
makes perfect sense when you start
using the unit.
Power requirements
The unit is powered by the usual
24V AC plugpacks associat
ed with
watering systems, or from voltages as
low as 10V DC. As with the first version, flat batteries are not a problem, as
all settings are stored securely inside
an EEPROM. The controller reads the
EEPROM when it is first turned on, so
it knows exactly which mode it should
be in (RAIN OFF or DEFAULT) and
which sprinklers are active.
Other uses
By this stage, you are probably already thinking of other uses for this
versatile controller, apart from its
primary use as a sprinkler solenoid
controller. For example, those of you
who have an interest in satellites can
set the controller to switch on a tape
recorder at the time it is due to pass
overhead, even though you may be on
holidays for a few weeks.
Alternatively, the unit could be
used as a security light controller or
January 1996 55
56 Silicon Chip
Fig.1 (left): the circuit is based on IC4,
a 68HC705C8 microcontroller. IC3 is
a real-time clock (RTC), while IC1 is
an EEPROM and is used to store the
programmed settings.
as a general-purpose timer. In these
applications, the on-board relays can
act as slaves to appropriately rated offboard relays, so that other equipment
can be controlled.
How it works
The circuit is fairly straightforward
(Fig.1), with all the heavy work being
done by the software in the micro
controller (IC4).
Starting with the power supply,
diodes D1-D4 rectify the 24V AC
input, which results in about 35V DC
across C1. IC8 (LM2574-5) is from the
“simple switcher” series from National
Semiconductor and provides a very
efficient method of providing a 5V rail
to power the circuitry.
The resultant 5V across C2 is further
decoupled by L1 and L2. These inductors attenuate any spikes generated by
the solenoids as they switch on and off.
Note that the relay driver (ULN2804,
IC5) is supplied from the “noisier” 5V
across C2.
C16, C17 and C18 are spread around
the PC board to decouple the power
supply. The circuit draws the following currents from a 24V AC plugpack
under the following conditions: (1)
all LEDs off = 26mA; (2) all LEDs on
= 32mA; and (3) all LEDs and relays
on = 88mA.
The microcontroller (IC4) uses a
standard 3.58MHz crystal (Xtal2) as
a timebase. A feature of this micro
controller is an internal watchdog
function, called the Computer Operating Properly (or COP). I tried to
get this to work but the maximum
timeout period with this crystal is a
bit over one second. This is a bit short
and I eventually opted for a tried and
tested alternative built around timer
stage IC2.
The time function is supplied by
real time clock stage IC3 (PCF8573),
hereafter referred to as the RTC. This
RTC chip inter
rupts the micro
troller every minute. Each time it
receives an interrupt, the microcon
troller reads the RTC and stores the
time in an internal RAM buffer.
After this, it reads 12 bytes of
January 1996 57
set if any of these inputs are activated. The temperature
input (PD4) is read every minute, for one second exactly.
During this time, writes to the LCD and LED flashing
routines are disallowed, so as to prevent incorrect temperature measurements.
Button switches
The button switches are connected directly to the
microcontroller (PD0-PD4 & TCAP). An RC network attached to each pin provides a small amount of debounce,
while the software does the rest.
Buttons S1-S4 (Menu, Cursor, Up, Down) are polled
during the main loop, whereas button S5 (Exit) is connected to the TCAP input. The TCAP pin is an interrupt
pin associated with the internal timer function. In this
application, it is simply used to notify the microcontroller
that the button was pressed in a manner similar to how
a normal interrupt would be used.
Watchdog timer
This circuit comprises a CMOS 7555 IC (IC2), configured as an astable multivibrator but normally prevented
from oscillating. If IC4 is functioning correctly, PA7 (pin
5) is set to a logic 1 within the timer interrupt routine
and cleared in the mainloop. The resulting waveform
continually charges and discharges C14. This means that
Q1 is continually turned on and off, which prevents C4
from charging up and thus disables IC2.
However, if the pulses from PA7 stop due to a spike
causing the program to stop and/or crash, IC2 will begin
to oscillate. After about 10 seconds, its pin 3 output will
pull IC4’s reset pin (pin 1) low via D16, thereby resetting
the microcontroller. Note that the time-out period is set
to 10 seconds to allow for the “dead time” during the
EEPROM read cycle every minute. The timer interrupt
interval is set to 5ms.
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board as shown here.
Note that IC1, IC3, IC4 & IC11, the relays and the LCD
should not be mounted until after an initial “smoke” test
has been carried out (see text).
EEPROM (IC1 or IC11) associated with cycle 1 of solenoid
8 and compares the stored start times with the current
time and date. It then repeats the process 31 more times
for the other cycles and solenoids (this process takes twice
as long when program C is selected).
The LCD and the two 8-bit latches IC6 & IC7 (74HC573)
share port B as a common data bus. When the micro
controller needs to send data to either latch, pin 11 of
the required latch is pulsed high (by either PA5 or PA6).
At reset, all port pins are initialised as inputs (high Z),
therefore the OE pin (pin 1) of IC7 is held high by R18
until the latch is cleared and PA2 is made an output. This
stops inadvertent operation of any relays until initialisation is complete.
The LCD data is validated by the E pin (pin 6, LCD
connector). As the microcontroller is not required to read
the internal RAM of the LCD display, the R\W pin can be
tied low, which is write mode. VR1 is used to adjust the
contrast of the display.
The two Rain Switch inputs (PD7 & PD5) are tested
during the timer interrupt routine. Appropriate flags are
58 Silicon Chip
The EEPROM is an 8Kb device, internally organised
as 1024 x 8 bits. Each cycle of each solenoid is allocated
12 bytes of the EEPROM (11 of these are used, with one
spare). Another part of the EEPROM is set aside for storing
“global” variables like the current year, the LED status,
and whether “Rain Mode” is active or not.
Pin 3 (A2) of IC1 and IC11 is an address pin, which
allows two of these chips to be connected onto the same
I2C bus. The A2 pins are connected to either side of S6,
which allows either of the EEPROMs to be switched into
The selected EEPROM is read at power up, to determine
which mode it should be in (ie, “RAIN OFF” mode or just
the Default mode) and which LEDs are active. At the next
interrupt from the RTC (IC3), any cycle that satisfies the
“On Time” conditions will be switched on. No settings
will ever be lost!
Real time clock
The RTC chip (IC3) interrupts the microcontroller
every minute, causing it to read the time. IC3 requires a
32.768kHz crystal (commonly called a “watch” crystal)
for its internal dividers. The oscillator can be trimmed
using C12 to provide very accurate time keeping. Note
that the FSET pin (frequency SET) is brought out to a
The switches, the eight station indicator LEDs and the
LCD are all installed on the reverse side of the board.
PC board pin to facilitate easy tuning
using a frequency meter.
When power is lost from the main
circuit, a 3V lithium battery (B1) cuts
in and keeps IC3’s oscillator going.
The battery is held off via D14 and
D13 when normal power is applied to
the circuit. IC3 draws about 7µA when
the power is off.
Note that if the HOURS or MINUTES
setting is altered when setting the time,
the seconds counter in the RTC will be
reset. The DAY and MONTH settings do
not cause the seconds counter to reset
but the HOUR and MINUTE settings are
written to. The YEAR and (P)rogram
settings have no effect on the RTC.
Rain/temperature inputs
The three input circuits are identical and are based on LM393 comparator ICs. VR2-VR4 are used to adjust
the trip voltages, which can vary from
about 0.9V to about 2V. Resistors R3,
R15 & R16 (1MΩ) provide hysteresis
to prevent the outputs from oscillating.
R8, R9 and R10 provide the current
The programmed data in the EEPROM is backed up by a
3V lithium cell. Take care with the orientation of IC4.
feed to the rain switches and temperature sensor circuit. The output circuits
of the rain switch and temperature sensor act as constant current sinks. If the
probes are wet, then the Rain Switch
draws an extra 13mA compared to
when the probes are dry. The current
flows to ground via 68Ω resistors R4,
R14 & R17.
The extra current flowing when
the probes are wet causes the voltage
across these resistors to increase,
which in turn causes the comparator
to trip. Normally, the open collector outputs of the comparators are
held high by 10kΩ pullup resistors.
When they trip, the outputs turn on,
thereby presenting a logic 0 to the
microcontroller port pins (PD7, PD5
& PD4).
The temperature input requires a
frequency that is directly proportional
to the temperature at a resolution of
50Hz/°C. 1000Hz corresponds to 0°C,
2000Hz corresponds to 20°C and so on.
When the temperature sensor is not
connected, the temperature display
will be -19.9°C.
Relay drivers & relays
IC7 drives IC5, a ULN2804 relay
driver IC. This device has open collector outputs and can therefore be
used to drive relays with an operating
voltage different to that specified. To
do this, the component side track
marked “*” (above the battery holder)
must be cut. A wire running off to a
separate power supply is then soldered
into the via on the solder side, about
10mm below the “*”.
The controller can operate all of
the specified relays at once if need
be. Each relay draws about 41mA at
5V. This does not mean that all solenoids should be operated at once,
however. This very much depends on
the transformer that is used to power
your sprinkler system. Most solenoids
draw around 300mA when supplied
by 24V AC.
Diodes D5-D12 form an 8-input
diode AND gate. If any of the relays
(RLY1-RLY8) is (are) switched on,
then the associated diode(s) will also
be forward biased, thereby switching
on RLY9 (the master relay). This relay
January 1996 59
The PC board is mounted on the front panel using 12mm spacers and machine
screws and nuts. Similarly, the lower edge of the LCD module (near the LEDs) is
secured to the PC board using 5mm spacers and machine screws and nuts.
can be used to switch on the master
solenoid in a sprinkler system, or to
start a pump in a rural situation.
Manual operation
In addition to automatic operation,
the solenoids can also be switched on
To do this, you simply select the
solenoid with the Menu button, then
press the Down button; the selected
solenoid will immediately turn on,
as indicated by the fast flashing LED.
It will subsequently automatically
switch off after the “Run Time” of
cycle 4 (cycle 8 if program C) for that
solenoid has expired.
If the “Run Time” is set to “00”, then
the solenoid will switch off at the next
interrupt from the RTC. Note that this
facility works whether the “RAIN OFF”
mode is active or not.
Construction of the Rain Brain is
straightforward, since it is supplied
as a complete kit. All the parts
mount on a double-sided PC board
with plated-through holes and a
screened layout overlay, so that you
can see at a glance where the parts
go. As always, eyeball the PC board
for any obvious faults before starting
Begin by fitting all the ICs and sockets (except the PLCC socket for IC4).
The RTC IC (IC3) and the EEPROM(s)
(IC1 & IC11) are the only ICs that
require sockets. Do not use sockets
for the other ICs. In particular, IC8
(LM2574-5) absolutely must be sol
dered to the PC board
This done, fit the PLCC socket. This
socket has one corner chamfered and
this must match up with the screened
60 Silicon Chip
The five pushbutton switches are
all mounted in modified 6-pin DIP
sockets on the track side of the board.
Note that two pins of each socket are
removed – see text.
overlay on the PC board. Also pin 1
on the PC board is square, and you
will see a little ridge on the side of the
socket that denotes pin 1. Do not plug
the microcontroller in yet!
The three SIL resistor networks
(R1, R2 and R7) should be installed
next, noting that the pin with the dot
goes into the square hole. Note that
two of these resistor networks are
10kΩ types, while the other is a 1kΩ
type so don’t get them confused. All
three can be either 9-pin or 10-pin
The following parts are mounted on
the solder side of the board: LEDs 1-8
(discussed later), the five 6-pin DIP
sockets, and the 14-pin SIL connector
for the liquid crystal display.
Pins 2 & 5 of the 6-pin DIP sockets
(used to mount the push buttons)
have to be cut out so that they won’t
interfere with the PC board (pushing
the pins out with the hot soldering
iron results a neater job).
Solder in all five sockets, then turn
the board over and fit the battery holder (don’t fit the battery yet). This done,
solder in the 14-pin LCD connector,
remembering that it goes onto the
solder side of the board (along with
the five switch sockets).
Next, fit the four trimpots (VR1VR4) and the trimmer capacitor (C12).
Set VR2, VR3 and VR4 to midway,
then install power supply components IC8, C1, C2, D15 and L3. Note
that the cathode of D15 goes into the
square hole.
The resistors can now all be installed. In particular, install R15 (1MΩ
near pin 1 of IC10) so that its long lead
goes into the top hole. The same goes
for R16 (1MΩ below IC10), while R3
(1MΩ near pin 1 of IC9) should have its
long lead to the left. The reason for this
is that these long leads are used as test
points when adjusting the comparator
trip points.
The capacitors, diodes, the transistor and the two crystals can be fitted
now. You will notice that all the diode
cathode pads have square holes, as do
all the positive pads of the electrolytic
L1 and L2 have small lengths (23mm) of spaghetti sleeving fitted over
their mounting leads so that they
stand proud of the board. If only one
EEPROM is to be installed, solder a
link between the bottom two holes
of S6 (marked SW1 on the screened
overlay). This links the A2 pin of IC1
to ground.
Installing the LEDs
As mentioned earlier, the LEDs are
mounted on the solder side of the
board, so that they match up with
clearance holes in the front panel.
Insert each LED into its position,
remembering that the cathode (short
lead) goes into the square hole but do
not solder any yet.
This done, carefully fix the front
panel to the PC board using 12mm
spacers and machine screws and nuts
– just install two spacers diagonally
opposite each other, as this is only a
temporary operation. Once the panel is
on, manipulate the LEDs so that they fit
into the appropriate holes, then solder
These two photos show typical displays for the Auxiliary Functions menu. At
left, rain sensor 1 has been enabled (1R), the temperature trip point is 10°C, the
three-week cycle mode (W) has been selected, week 1 has been selected (—),
and the sprinkler will turn on every day of this week. In the photo at right, the
continuous schedule (D) mode has been selected and the sprinkler will turn on
every day (01).
them in from the component side and
remove the front panel.
Now fit the fuse clips and the connector blocks to the PC board. Don’t fit
the LCD or the relays yet, as a smoke
test needs to be done first!
Smoke test
Before applying power, ensure
that IC3, IC4, IC1, IC11 (if supplied)
and the LCD have not been fitted.
This done, connect a suitable power
supply to the designated connectors
and switch on.
Now check that 5V is present across
the power supply pins of IC6 (or IC7);
ie, between pins 20 & 10. If so, touch
the top of each IC for a few seconds,
particularly IC8.
All the ICs should be cool to the
touch. If all is well, switch off and plug
in the rest of the ICs. Make sure that
you install the microcontroller around
the right way. The chamfered corner
of the IC must match the chamfered
corner of the socket.
the connector on the main board and
force it down slightly so that it firmly
grips the pins.
Now turn the power on, while
making sure that nothing on the LCD
board can short against the main
board. You should be greeted with
a message telling you to check the
battery, a software version message
for a second or two, and then the time
and date display.
Assuming that all is well, the LCD
can be permanently mounted. The
lower edge of the LCD (near the LEDs)
is secured to the main board using
5mm spacers and machine screws and
nuts. Once these are fitted, judge the
gap at the connector edge and solder
tack a pin. This done, check that the
LCD board is parallel to the controller board, adjust it as necessary, then
solder the rest of the pins.
By the way, all the LCDs are tested
before they are packed into the kits, as
are the microcontrollers. However, it is
still nice to know that it works before
soldering it in as it is an unpleasant
job trying to unsolder them.
The five pushbutton switches can
now be installed by fitting them to
the previously installed DIP sockets
(there’s no need to solder them). Once
they’re in, the plastic switch caps can
be clipped into position.
If you have purchased the additional
memory kit, solder the wires to the
toggle switch, then mount the switch
in a convenient location on the side
of the case. Make sure that this switch
can not foul other parts on the main
board when it is installed in the case.
Now the front panel can be refitted
using the four 12mm spacers provided.
This done, clip the lithium battery into
its holder (positive side up), connect
a power supply and switch on. The
LCD should go through the same routine as above. Once the time has been
programmed into the RTC, the battery
flat message should not show at power
up unless the battery is flat.
Note that, at this stage, the time
display will have miscellaneous characters in the time and date fields.
Memory initialisation
The next step is to put the memory
Where To Buy The Parts
Parts for the Rain Brain Sprinkler Controller are available as follows:
Rain Brain Kit (excludes relays)
Relays – FBR211D005M (Price ea.; specify number required)
Installing the LCD
Built & tested (relays extra)
Before installing the LCD, the six
tabs that secure the metal frame to
the LCD board should be bent over
slightly. This is to prevent possible
contact with any of the leads protruding through the main PC board. Also
check that none of the tabs is shorting
to any of the fine tracks around the
edges of the tab holes.
Next, turn VR1 clockwise until it
stops, so that it is in the full contrast
position. This done, fit the LCD to
Rain switch kit (Price ea.; specify number required)
Temperature probe kit
Optional memory kit
Optional super twist LCD with LED backlight upgrade
Note 1: p&p is $10.00 for Rain Brain kit plus any combination of other kits. Individual parts
are also available (POA).
Note 2: Payments by cheque or money order to Mantis Micro Products. Send order to
Graham Blowers, 38 Garnet St, Niddrie, 3402 Vic. Phone/fax (03) 9337 1917.
For COD orders, you pay $4.75 COD charge plus postage at the destination post office. The
Post Office will notify you when the parcel arrives.
January 1996 61
1 double-sided PC board, code
1 plastic case with screened front
1 P1601 liquid crystal display (H1)
1 BH800 battery holder (BH1)
1 3V lithium battery (B1)
9 5V SPDT relays,
FBR211CD005M (RLY1-9)
2 M205 fuse clips (FH1,FH2)
11A M205 fuse (F1)
2 ferrite (6-hole) inductors (L1,L2)
1 470µH inductor (L3)
1 50kΩ miniature horizontal
trimpot (VR1)
3 10kΩ miniature horizontal
trimpots (VR2-VR4)
1 44-pin PLCC IC socket
1 8-pin DIP socket
1 16-pin IC socket
5 momentary contact pushbutton
switches plus plastic caps (S1S5)
5 6-pin DIP sockets (for switches)
4 15mm x 3mm dia. machine
screws plus nuts
4 12mm x 3mm dia. spacers
2 5mm x 3mm dia. spacers
1 14-way connector (X1, for LCD)
1 6-way terminal block (X2)
4 3-way terminal blocks (X3-X6)
2 PC pins (X7,X8)
1 LM7555 CMOS timer (IC2)
1 PCF8573P real time clock (IC3)
1 MC68HC705C8FN
microcontroller (IC4)
into a known state. To do this, turn off
the power, hold down the Menu and
Cursor (⇒) buttons, and turn the power
back on. This time, the LCD will tell
you to press the Menu button. Once
this is done, the “Config” menu will
be displayed. This consists of three
(1). “M” is memory initialisation.
Press the Down (⇓) button to ini
tialise the memory. As each block of
16 bytes is initialised, a LED lights.
The LEDs chase each other from left
to right, eight times. This routine also
acts as a fault locater. If more than
one LED lights at the same time, then
there is a short circuit on the port B
62 Silicon Chip
1 ULN2804 8-channel driver (IC5)
2 74HC573 latches (IC6,IC7)
1 LM2574-5 5V switching
regulator (IC8)
2 LM393 dual op amps (IC9,IC10)
1 BC548 transistor (Q1)
4 1N4004 silicon diodes (D1-D4)
11 1N4148 silicon diodes (D5D14,D16)
1 MUR120RL fast recovery diode
8 3mm red LEDs (LED1-8)
1 32.768kHz crystal (Xtal1)
1 3.579545MHz crystal (Xtal2)
1 1000µF 16VW electrolytic (C2)
1 220µF 63VW electrolytic (C1)
4 10µF 10VW electrolytic
1 1µF 10VW electrolytic (C13)
10 0.1µF monolithic (C5-8,C1418,C20)
2 27pF monolithic (C9,C19)
1 3-40pF trimmer capacitor (C12)
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
5 2.2kΩ
4 1MΩ
1 1kΩ
1 33kΩ
3 470Ω 1W
5 10kΩ
3 68Ω
1 4.7kΩ
2 10kΩ SIL resistor networks
1 1kΩ SIL resistor network
Optional memory kit
1 8-pin DIP IC socket
1 SPDT switch (S6)
data bus.
Each cycle is set to 00:00:00 which is
actually a start time of midnight, with
a run time of 00 minutes. All cycles
and both rain switches are enabled.
The temperature trip point is off. The
3-week cycle is active, with all days
set to on (uppercase).
(2). Press the Cursor (⇒) button to
move to the next option (A) which is
the VR4 adjusting mode. This mode
continually reads the temperature and
displays the result. If VR4 is adjusted
correctly, the display will show a
steady temperature. How to do this
is included as part of the temperature
sensor kit.
(3). D is the default display setting.
A “D” indicates that the date will be
displayed in the default display. A
“T” means that the temperature will
be displayed instead of the date. Press
the Down (⇓) button to toggle from
“D” to “T”.
The contrast pot (VR1) should already be set up. The range isn’t very
broad, so maximum is probably the
best to start with (fully clockwise). The
other pots (VR2-VR4) were originally
set during construction.
Assuming that you are using the optional Mantis Rain Switches (available
from the author), VR2 and VR3 can be
further adjusted to set the trip voltages to 1.5V. This can be monitored by
connecting the positive lead of your
meter to the top lead of R15 for Rain
Switch 1 (VR2), or to the top lead of
R16 for Rain Switch 2 (VR3).
To adjust IC3’s oscillator, connect
a frequency meter to the pin marked
“128Hz” (X7) and the ground lead to
the GND pin (X8) nearby. Now tune
C12 until a display of “128.0000 Hz”
is obtained. Note that the frequency
counters built into some multimeters
will probably prove unsuitable, as
they do not have the resolution required.
If a frequency meter is unavailable,
check the time against a known good
source and tweak the trimmer until
the unit keeps good time.
The case is not waterproof, so
mount it on a wall in the garage or in
some other sheltered location. If you
must have it outside, the controller
will have to be installed in a waterproof case.
You will have to drill two rows of
five holes (5mm dia.) in the bottom
of the case to provide access for the
external wiring. Position one row close
to the back of the case and the other
row about 5mm away.
At first sight, programming this controller may seem a little daunting but
it only takes about 20 minutes to get
the hang of things. If you can program
a VCR, you can program this device.
We don’t have space to include
the programming instructions here
but full instructions will be supplied
with the kit.