This is only a preview of the June 1996 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 23 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "A High-Performance Stereo Simulator":
Items relevant to "A Low Ohms Tester For Your DMM":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Automatic 10-Amp Battery Charger":
Vol.9, No.6; June 1996
4 Review: BassBox 5.1 Design Software For
Loudspeaker Enclosures
It lets you select a speaker and vary the box parameters or select a box and
check the performance of various speakers – by Rick Walters
26 ‘MV Oriana’ – Luxury And Technology Afloat
The “Oriana” is P&O’s newest passenger liner. Here’s a brief rundown on its
impressive electrical and propulsion technology.
14 A High-Performance Stereo Simulator
New design uses a digital delay chip. Build it and enhance the sound from mono
VCRs, AM tuners or electronic instruments – by John Clarke
22 A Rope Light For Party Fun And Frolic
Build this simple chaser circuit and drive low-voltage coloured lights arranged in a
plastic tube – by Robert Riede
31 Build A Laser Pointer From A Kit
Five minutes is all it takes to assemble this nifty laser pointer – by D. Light
40 A Low Ohms Tester For Your DMM
This handy test instrument plugs into your DMM and lets you accurately measure
resistances down to 0.01Ω – by John Clarke
70 Automatic 10-Amp Battery Charger
Need a charger with some oomph? This unit features automatic selection of 6V, 12V
and 24V batteries & is short circuit & reverse polarity protected – by Rick Walters
DMMs – PAGE 40
10 Computer Bits
Overcoming the 528Mb hard disc barrier in older PCs – by Geoff Cohen
53 Satellite Watch
Another Long March launcher failure – by Garry Cratt
54 Serviceman’s Log
Chuck it away and buy a new one – by the TV Serviceman
60 Radio Control
Multi-channel radio control transmitter; Pt.5 – by Bob Young
86 Vintage Radio
Testing capacitors at high voltages – by John Hill
2 Publisher’s Letter
32 Circuit Notebook
59 Order Form
82 Product Showcase
92 Ask Silicon Chip
93 Notes & Errata
95 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
June 1996 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Christopher Wilson
Phone (02) 9979 5644
Mobile 0419 23 9375
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
Stuart Bryce
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $54 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
Cable TV could be
a financial black hole
As I write this editorial, I am contemplating
a 60cm offcut of coax used in the now-contentious Optus cable rollout. It is unlike any
coax that you might normally come across.
For a start it is surprisingly rigid, due to its
outer sheath of solid aluminium which is itself sheathed in black plastic. It is also thicker
than I thought, at 17.3mm in diameter. Such
cable would be very costly to make and even
more costly to string from poles – the supposedly cheaper option.
So as I look at this 60cm piece of plumbing, I am having serious misgivings
about the whole process of delivering Pay TV. Sure, I’ve already stated my
opposition on the grounds that these thick cables on poles are ugly but the
cost of wiring up Australia with this stuff is going to be enormous. And if
the cost of cabling in the street is high, it is modest compared with the cost
of running the cable into each home, supposing that even 20% of homes
are going to want it.
It seems as though every installation involves a couple of men and their
equipment for at least a day, for just a nominal rental. At this rate, the two
Pay-TV contenders are going to be losing hundreds of millions of dollars a
year or maybe a whole lot more.
Various articles in the financial press have attempted to analyse the possible revenue and costs associated with Pay-TV delivery and they all seem to
come up with the same bottom line – it is always in the red! As far as I can
tell, the reason why Optus is so furiously running out cable is so that it can
compete with Telstra as soon as possible in providing a telephone service.
All the much vaunted other services such as on-line banking, video phones,
home shopping and so on, are much further in the future so there won’t
be much revenue from those in the near term. In any case, home shopping
and banking could be available quite soon via the Internet and therefore via
normal telephone lines.
And if Optus sees its financial salvation in a future telephone service to
Australian cities, it is not reckoning on Telstra being a very savage competitor
and one which will be even tougher if it is privatised.
No, the more I look at Pay-TV, the more I foresee a huge financial black
hole. I think Optus and Telstra are galloping pell-mell into this technology when a more rational approach would say “Hang on. Where is all this
leading?”. In the 1980s we had all those high flying entrepreneurs backed
by starry-eyed banks. We paid for that. Are the 1990s going to be the era of
the Pay-TV debacle? We’ll pay for that too!
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
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2 Silicon Chip
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BassBox 5.1
Design Software For Loudspeaker Enclosures
This comprehensive speaker enclosure design
package requires Windows 3.1 & DOS 5.0 or
later & allows two design approaches. You can
select a speaker & vary the box parameters
to suit it or you can ‘pick a box’ & check the
performance of various speakers in it.
The minimum system requirements
to run this package, apart from Windows and DOS, are a 486 processor,
4Mb of RAM and 7.5Mb of hard disc
space to accommodate the files. Following the usual procedure of “when
all else fails – read the manual”, we
installed the software and proceeded
to explore its capabilities, without
reading the manual.
We were able to enter speaker parameters and plot impedance curves
4 Silicon Chip
but the subtlety of a picture of a motor
car with a check box beside it, which
when ticked changed the response
curves, had us reading through the
manual very carefully.
The 112-page manual is quite detailed. The major headings are Getting
Started, Running BassBox, Editing the
Loudspeaker Database, Testing Loudspeakers, Testing Passive Radiators
and Constructing The Box.
The first paragraph in “Getting
Started” informs us that the product
is pronounced as “base barks” (presumably with an American drawl),
then goes on to list the main features
of the program.
These include both small and large
signal analyses, plots of amplitude,
phase and group delay, multiple onscreen response plots for easy comparisons, acceptance of Thiele-Small
or elec
t romechanical parameters,
variable box damping, built-in test
procedures for analysing speaker parameters, the ability to select imperial
or metric units, with the capability to
switch in the middle of a design, and
the ability to save and recall designs.
When you start BassBox under
Windows, you get the familiar bar
across the top of the screen together
with drop-down menus. As mentioned
previously, there are two approaches
to using the program, either by selecting a speaker and operating with the
box as the variable or starting with an
enclosure and testing its performance
with various speakers.
If you run Windows in 1024 x 768
resolution, the main BassBox window
normally displays columns for six
sets of speaker data, one set of box
parameters and one graph, as shown
in Fig.1, or it can be switched to the
display shown in Fig.2. This only
applies to the main screen; no others
can be changed.
Speaker parameters
When you begin a new enclosure design the first step is to enter the speaker
parameters. The program accepts
Thiele-Small (T-S) or Electro-Mechanical (E-M) parameters. T-S parameters
are named after Neville Thiele who
pioneered the development of small
speaker enclosures in 1961 and Richard Small who expanded on vented
box loudspeaker systems in 1973.
Most speakers nowadays are supplied
with Thiele-Small parameters. The
electromechanical parameters are
much harder to measure and are not
often quoted.
Only three T-S parameters are
necessary for the program to be able
to calculate the box size and plot a
response curve. These are the speaker
free-air resonance Fs, the total Q (both
mechanical and electrical) Qts, and
the volume of air having a compliance equivalent to the loudspeaker
suspension, Vas.
A database of loudspeakers listed by
manufacturer is accessible from within the program. This includes most
well known makes from the USA and
Europe. Unfortunately though, when
Fig.2: this alternative screen can be selected when your video resolution is set
to 1024 x 768. The four plots – Amplitude Response, Power Response, Phase
Response and Group Delay – are all displayed on the screen.
I searched for two Peerless models
which are available in this country,
they weren’t included in the Peerless
database of 33 units. However, you
can readily add new speakers, edit
existing speaker data or delete existing
If the response curve is plotted
and you wish to vary the box size,
the quickest way is to duplicate the
data from the optimum column into
the custom column and then vary the
volume, plotting this response. Both
responses then appear on the same
graph, giving an immediate indication
of the change in performance.
The standard vented enclosure only
controls the low frequency end of the
speaker response. By using a double
enclosure with two ports, a bandpass
vented box is created – see Fig.3. The
program allows the design of 4th and
6th order bandpass boxes.
BassBox also provides for the design
of boxes with passive radiators. These
are essentially speakers without voice
coils and magnets and are often called
drone cones. They effect the response
in a manner similar to the port in a
vented enclosure.
Fig.3: by using
a double
enclosure with
two ports, a
bandpass box
is created. You
can design
either 4th
or 6th order
Fig.1: the opening screen for any video resolution.
The other responses shown in Fig.2 are individually
selectable using the GRAPH menu.
June 1996 5
Fig.4: when you select a vent type the vent picture changes
to reflect this. If one of the vent dimensions is entered the
other is calculated immediately.
There are six different response
curves available for each speaker/box
combination. These are the normalised
response in dB, power response in
dBSPL, acoustic power, impedance,
phase and group delay. As the box
parameters are varied these graphs
can be erased and redrawn for the
new conditions or superimposed on
the previous ones, allowing you to see
the effects of the changes.
In addition, if the actual response
curve of the speaker is available, this
information can be entered and will
be reflected in the amplitude response
plot. It is also possible to enter the
room or vehicle response as well, if
this is available, to get a more realistic
idea of the final system performance.
Once the box volume has been optimised, the duct size is calculated.
Normally the duct is flush with the
front panel and protrudes into the
interior of the box but with a bandpass
Fig.5: a preview of the printout of a design. If an enclos
ure has been designed for a client, the graphs could be
supplied with the system.
system both ends of the duct are flush.
BassBox can take these facts into
account when calculating the duct
length. The calculator (see Fig.4) allows round, square or triangular vents,
although round vents, using PVC pipe
from your local hardware store, are the
easiest to produce.
OK, we have the volume and the
vent size. We now need to establish
the dimensions of the enclosure. The
dimension calculators make this easy.
A large number of cabinet shapes, such
as barrel, cylinders and the usual style
of optimum prism, as well as many
others including a wedge shape, are
The calculator lets you compensate
for the space taken up by the speaker
and internal bracing, by adding these
to the required internal volume. Once
they are entered, the three box dimensions can be calculated or for example,
if the internal height was to be 860mm,
Fig.6: the responses
for both the 44-litre
and 14-litre
enclosures are
shown here. As
you can see the
smaller box lifts
the bass response
slightly but at 67Hz
starts dropping
off more rapidly.
You trade volume
for extended bass
6 Silicon Chip
this dimension can be entered and the
other two will be calculated using the
ratio of 1.62:1.00:0.62 for height to
width to depth.
Having completed the design, it can
be printed out as shown in Fig.5 and
filed or used to compare the performance of various combinations.
As mentioned previously, the
program comes with a loudspeak
database. If the speaker parameters
you need are not available or should
you wish to verify them for a suspect
loudspeaker, a testing procedure is
included in this program. It draws a
circuit of the setup needed to make
the particular measurement and gives
you instructions on how to carry it out.
As you enter each measured value the
program proceeds to the next step,
changing the circuit and instructions
as necessary.
A procedure is also included for
measuring the parameters of a passive
radiator. The sequence is similar to
that detailed above.
The final chapter of the manual
gives some details on the construction of speaker boxes. Headings are
Shape, Materials, Construction and
Duct Placement.
Proven results
All this is very impressive but how
well does the program work?
In the January 1993 issue of SILICON
CHIP we described a 2-way speaker
system using a 165mm Peerless woofer
type 174WF. This design, which used
the T-S parameters to calculate the box
details, featured a vented enclosure
with an internal volume of 14 litres.
Fig.7: this response graph for the woofer in a 2-way system was taken
from our January 1993 issue and shows excellent correlation with Fig.6.
The response curve for the woofer was
published in the article.
By substituting those parameters in
this program we did a comparison to
see how closely the results agreed with
one another or if they agreed at all.
The data was entered into BassBox
and it was asked to calculate the optimum enclosure. This it did, giving a
figure of 44 litres. Upon checking this
box response with the previous one
we saw that the hump at 100Hz was
missing from our new design.
The hump in the older design indicates that a smaller enclosure volume
was used. After entering a volume
of 14 litres into the program, the
two graphs were virtually identical.
The previous graph shows a peak of
+2.26dB at 100Hz while ours shows
+2.3dB at 100Hz, an excellent correlation. Our two plots of the optimum
and custom values are shown in Fig.6.
The previous data is shown in Fig.7.
Of course if both programs use T-S
parameters and are based on the same
calculations, the results should be the
same. It becomes a question of whether
there has been any “enhancement” of
the procedures.
In summary, I found this a fascinating and rewarding program to use. Its
operation is reasonably intuitive and
the handbook is quite detailed. Being
able to select a woofer from one of
the retailer’s catalogs, enter the T-S
parameters and plot the bass response
in a matter of seconds is a real boon.
Still wondering about the motor car
and check box? There is a natural bass
rise of about 12dB/octave in most motor vehicles, beginning around 50Hz.
Ticking the box adds this boost into
the response curve to give a better idea
of the speaker’s overall performance
in a car.
Crossover design too
As an added bonus a copy of X.over
2.0, a passive crossover network design program, is included. This lets
you design 2-way and 3-way cross
overs. It can calculate values for many
common 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th order
networks including Butterworth, Bessel, Chebychev and Linkwitz-Riley.
And as you would expect, woofer
details can be loaded from BassBox
files. It also allows you to design LCR
networks to compensate for the rise
in impedance of voice coils at higher
At its price of $299, I believe Bass
Box 5.1 with X.over 2.0 is good value
for money. The package is available
from Earthquake Audio, PO Box 226,
Balgowlah, NSW 2093. Phone (02)
9948 3771; Fax (02) 9948 8040.
Asiasat II, Gorizont, Palapa,
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June 1996 7
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Macservice Pty Ltd
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Macservice Pty Ltd
Fitting a big hard disc drive
to older machines
Have you installed a big hard disc in your PC
but then found you couldn’t format it to its full
capacity? Here’s how to regain those missing
With the way hard disc prices are
dropping, most people can afford to
upgrade their old hard disc drive. A
1Gb hard disc drive cost over $1000 at
the start of last year. Today, with a bit
of haggling, one can be had for under
$400 and the price is still dropping.
If you have a new 486 or Pentium
PC with an LBA (logical block addressing) BIOS, there’s no problem when it
comes to accessing the full capacity
of the larger drives. However, if you
have an older machine without LBA,
it will not support drives over 528Mb
in size. This will apply to all 286
and 386 machines and to most other
machines if the copyright date of the
BIOS is earlier than 1994.
I even have an old Toshiba T5100
(386SX-16MHz) which does not support hard discs over 100Mb.
In this situation, the disc will still
operate but the available disc space
will be set at the limit set by the
BIOS. As an example, let’s say that
you fit a 1.6Gb drive to your machine
but the BIOS only supports drives up
to 528Mb capacity. In that case, you
would be unable to access over 1Gb
of available disc space – unless you
take special steps, that is.
Basically, you have three options:
(1) Upgrade the BIOS to one that
does support drive sizes greater than
528Mb (often difficult);
(2) Use dual-drive emulation (either
LBA BIOS: What’s It All About?
The LBA (Logical Block Addressing) mode is a hard disc accessing
scheme that overcomes the old DOS
528Mb hard disc limit. The old system
only allowed a maximum of 1024
cylinders, 16 heads and 63 sectors
per disc, which worked out at 528Mb.
LBA allows up to 255 heads, which
gives a maximum size of 8.4Gb.
Although most new large capacity
disc drives have more than 1024
cylinders, the LBA software automatically translates the number of cylinders, heads and sectors to numbers
10 Silicon Chip
under the limits. As an example, the
IBM DPEA-31080 1.08Gb hard disc)
has 2100 cylinders, 16 heads and 63
sectors. Without LBA, the number of
cylinders would be truncated to 1024
and over half the hard disc’s capacity
would be wasted.
With LBA selected (most new PCs
have this as an option in the CMOS
setup), then as far as DOS or Windows 95 is concerned, the hard disc
has 525 cylinders, 64 heads and 63
cylinders This allows the full 1.08Gb
capacity to be used.
hardware or software, as available) to
split the drive into two logical drives.
You may then have to enter the relevant values for each in system setup,
then partition and format them.
(3) Install a special software driver
that automatically over
c omes the
528Mb limit.
Of these, the last option is the one
that will generally be preferred.
What if you are unsure as to whether
or not your BIOS supports disc drives
with greater than 528Mb capacity?
The answer to this is to first check the
manual for the motherboard or, failing
that, enter the CMOS setup and check
for any indication there. If you are still
unsure, install the new hard disc in the
normal manner, fdisk and format it as
necessary, and type dir. If the number
of bytes free is close to the formatted
capacity, then all is well. If it’s less
than 528Mb, then you need to choose
from one of the above three options to
bypass the barrier.
The software option
There are several utilities available
to correct the disc limit problem with
older PCs. For example, Ontrack has
a utility called “Disk Manager” which
is often supplied with the hard disc
drive, although sometimes you have
to ask the retailer to include this so
check carefully when buying.
The Seagate range of hard disc
drives come with the EZ-Drive utility
package. This used to come on a separate floppy disc but is now pre-installed on a section of the hard disc.
After the disc has been installed in
the computer, you simply follow the
instructions in the manual to transfer
the files to a floppy disc.
In my case, I have been using EZDrive with a 540Mb hard disc on
my old Toshiba 5100 for over a year.
All the software I use has performed
flawlessly, except for (blush) my own
Diskinfo software (see August 1995).
Diskinfo does actually run OK and
gives me the disc parameters but then
hangs the PC so that I have to reboot
(I will try to fix it in my spare time).
I have also tested EZ-Drive on several other 486 & Pentium PCs and it
ran without any problems.
Transferring the data
There are several options available
when you put a new hard disc in
your PC. The most obvious one at first
glance is to leave the old hard disc
as drive C and install the new one as
drive D. However, it’s generally better
to install the new drive as drive C since
it will invariably be much faster than
the old drive. So if your old drive is
a slowpoke, relegate it to the drive D
By the way, make sure that the
master and slave jumpers are correctly
set on the two drives, otherwise the
BIOS will not recognise them. Check
also that the power and I/O cables
have been plugged in correctly. And,
of course, always make sure that the
power cord has been removed from the
back of the machine before removing
the cover.
If you are comfortable with setting
up hardware and you have a second
PC, a really nifty way to transfer the
data from your old to the new hard
disc drive is to use a special program
such as LapLink or similar, which
normally needs to be installed on both
After you have installed DOS on the
new hard disc, temporarily put the old
hard disc in your spare PC, connect the
special cable between the two PCs and
use Laplink to start transferring the
data (a parallel cable transfers data at
around 4Mb per minute).
Another method is to do a full
backup of the old hard disc and then
transfer this to the new drive. If you
have a tape or ZIP drive backup this
will be straightforward but it’s a bit
tedious with floppy discs. Delete the
permanent swapfile on the old hard
disc (assuming you have one set up)
before running backup. After all,
there’s not much point in backing up
the swapfile.
A word of warning here on backups
EZ-Drive Installation
Moving EZ-Drive off a Seagate
hard disc is quite straight
Here’s a brief rundown of the procedure used for the Seagate ST31270A
which has a formatted capacity of
First, you need a bootable floppy
disc and this must ob
viously be
created before you remove your old
hard drive.You just put a blank floppy
disc in drive A and type format A: /S.
After installing the Seagate drive,
you then go to the PC’s CMOS setup
menu (usually accessed by pressing
the Del key during boot-up), then
move to the hard disc setup submenu and select type 2. If this not
available, you have to manually enter
the following data: 615 cylinders, 4
heads and 17 sectors. You then save
and exit the CMOS setup.
Note that some computers use
an automatic setup system that will
automatically detect the above hard
disc values for you. Note also that
these values are only interim numbers that allow you to access that
section of the hard disc that contains
the installation files. In reality, the
Seagate ST31270a hard disc drive
has 2485 cylinders, 16 heads and
63 sectors.
The next step is to boot from the
floppy disc, go to the prompt for the
new drive and type seamove. This
command will automatically copy the
EZ-Drive software from the hard disc
to the floppy disc. When it’s finished,
the Seamove program then erases
all the files and the drive partition on
the hard disc, so that it can later be
formatted to full capacity.
At this stage, you again reboot
the PC from the floppy, type ez and
press enter.You then select the “Fully
Automatic Installation” option which
automatically creates a single partition and formats the disc.
– make sure that you select the verify
after backup option. It’s too late when
you discover that you have a faulty
floppy disc after your hard disc is
dead and you can no longer recover
data from it.
If neither of the two above options
appeal, then you can always make
copies of your data files and reinstall
all your applications. In fact, this is
not a bad idea since it gives you a fresh
installation to start with and gets rid
of extraneous files that have been left
over from old applications that have
been deleted.
then it is also necessary to install
MH32BIT.386 if you want 32-bit disc
access. This optional 32-bit disc access
driver replaces the original Windows
driver and is necessary to prevent error
messages in older machines. Again,
the exact procedure is set out in the
installation guide that comes with the
hard disc.
If you are running Win95, then you
can ignore such things as setting up
permanent swapfiles and installing
32-bit disc access drivers. Win95
takes care of memory and disc access
management for you.
Windows speed-up
Final comments
After the new hard disc has been
installed, it is worthwhile setting up
a permanent swapfile for Windows
3.1. To do this, launch Control Panel,
double click the 386 Enhanced icon,
then click Virtual Memory & click
Change. You then select “permanent”
from the resulting dialog box (under
New Swapfile Settings). In most cases,
you can use the swapfile size recommended by Windows. You should also
check the 32-bit file access box.
It’s then just a matter of clicking OK
and rebooting Windows so that the
changes can take effect.
Note that if you are using EZ-Drive,
The only major difference I have
found when running EZ-Drive is
that when I want to boot off a floppy
drive, I need to wait until the message
“Hold the Ctrl key down to boot from
a floppy” flashes on the screen. In other respects, it seems to be extremely
Finally, if you ever want to disable
EZ-Drive, first make a backup, then
boot up from a floppy disc (with FDISK.
EXE). When DOS is up and running
type FDISK/MBR. This will rewrite
the master boot record and allow the
drive to be used with a newer LBA
motherboard, for example.
June 1996 11
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
• Realistic stereo performance
• Low noise and distortion
• Adjustable stereo effects
• Runs from a 12V plugpack
A high-performance
stereo simulator
This high performance stereo simulator uses
a digital delay chip to convert any mono
signal source into stereo. You can use it to
enhance the sound from mono VCRs, AM
tuners or electronic musical instruments.
If you compare the sound from a
mono source to that of stereo the difference is easily perceived. Instead of
appearing to come from a single point,
the sound is dispersed over a wide
field between the stereo speakers. Very
few recordings these days are made
14 Silicon Chip
with ping pong ball effects whereby
the sounds bounce from one channel
to another and back again. Because
of this, attempting to simulate stereo
sound is a reasonably straightforward
design exercise.
In the past, the usual approach to
producing a simulated stereo effect
was to divide the mono signal into
separate fre
quency bands and distribute these into the left and right
This frequency division was done
by an array of filters which rejected
certain bands in the audio spectrum
for one chan
nel but allowed them
through for the other channel. The real
drawback to this approach is that you
need a fair few filters for a good result.
Another method was to use bucket brigade delay chips but these are
quite expensive, have high noise and
distortion and the overall result is
So how have we gone about it? Our
task has been made easier by Dolby
surround decoders which require
high-performance digital delay chips.
We have used one of these devices and
the results are very good.
How it works
In essence, we use the delay chip
to provide a “comb filter” effect. This
chops the incoming audio signal into
lots of very narrow frequency bands.
The narrow frequency bands are
subtracted from the mono signal and
the result becomes the left simulated
channel. The difference between the
simulated left channel and the incoming mono signal then becomes the right
simulated channel.
Fig.1 shows the general arrangement
of our stereo simulator. It has an input
buffer IC1a and this feeds the delay
chip IC2. It also drives one input of
mixer IC1d while the delay chip drives
the other input. The output of mixer
IC1d becomes the right channel.
For the left channel, the delay chip
drives inverter IC1c and its output
is mixed with the input mono signal
before mixing with the buffered output
mono signal in IC1b.
This process of mixing a signal
with an identical delayed version
results in some frequencies being “in
phase” and these pass through without attenuation. Other frequencies are
cancelled out because they are “out
of phase”.
If the delay chip is set at 1.5 milliseconds, for example, the input signal
will be in phase with the delayed
output at 666Hz (1/1.5ms), 1.333kHz,
1.999kHz and so on. Thus, these fre
quencies will pass through to the
right channel. For the left channel,
the inverted signals are out of phase
at 666Hz, 1.333kHz and so on and
these frequencies will coincide with
a dip in the response.
Conversely, signals at 333Hz,
999Hz, 1.666kHz, etc will pass through
to the left channel but will have dips
in the right channel. Fig.2 shows the
frequency response for the left and
right channels. The solid curve is the
right channel while the dotted curve
is the left channel.
Note that the notches at the lower
frequencies (333Hz, 666Hz, 999Hz,
etc) are very deep while at higher
frequencies the notch depth becomes
progressively less.
Looking at the responses of Fig.2, it
is easy to see where the term “comb
Fig.1: the stereo simulator has an input buffer (IC1a) and this feeds the
delay chip (IC2). The delayed signal is then mixed with the buffered
input signal to produce the right channel. The left channel is produced
by mixing an inverted delay signal with the buffered input signal.
filter” came from – all those notches
look like the teeth of a comb.
Mind you, Fig.2 shows just one
possible set of frequency responses.
It corresponds to a delay setting of
1.5ms. You can also select delays
anywhere between 0.5ms and 4ms, in
steps of 0.5ms, and each of these settings will have its own characteristic
“comb filter” effect.
Circuit description
We have used the M65830P digital
delay IC from Mitsubishi as the heart
of the circuit. This is the same delay
chip as used in the Dolby Pro Logic
Surround Sound Decoder, as published in the November & December
1995 issue of SILICON CHIP.
The delay chip works by first converting the incoming analog signal to
a digital format which is then clocked
into memory. This digital signal is
then clocked out at the end of the
delay period and converted back to
an analog form. The chip is timed by
a 2MHz crystal oscillator to provide
a 500kHz sampling rate. In the Dolby
Surround Sound Decoder, we used a
microprocessor to control the delay
21 MAR 96 12:18:53
Fig.2: these “comb filter” effects are the frequency response curves for the left
and right channels. The solid curve is the right channel while the dotted curve
is the left channel.
June 1996 15
16 Silicon Chip
chip but in this circuit we use three
low cost CMOS ICs. These are required
because the M65830P gets its delay
setting instructions each time it is
powered up.
The full circuit of the Stereo Simulator is shown in Fig.3. The mono
input signal is AC-coupled into unity
gain buffer IC1a via a 2.2µF capacitor.
IC1a then drives mixers IC1b & IC1d
and the delay chip, IC2. The signal to
IC2 is AC-coupled to its pin 23 via a
low-pass filter comprising the 39kΩ
and 18kΩ resistors and the 560pF and
150pF capacitors. This filter rolls off
signals above about 15kHz to prevent
higher frequencies affecting the digital conversion and causing spurious
effects in the output.
The capacitors at pins 17, 18 and 20
control the rate of delta modulation
which is the type of analog to digital
conversion used in IC2. Similarly, the
.068µF capacitor at pin 16 controls the
digital to analog conversion output
signal appearing at pin 15. This output is applied to another 15kHz filter
comprising two 39kΩ resistors, an
18kΩ resistor and 560pF and 150pF
The output of IC2 is then AC-coupled to inverter IC1c and mixer IC1d
via a 4.7µF capacitor.
IC1b & IC1d mix the signals applied
to their inverting inputs via 10kΩ
resistors. Their outputs at pins 1 & 7
become the left and right simulated
stereo channels.
All four op amps in IC1 are biased
to +6V by a voltage divider consisting
of two 10kΩ resistors across the 12V
supply rail.
Delay selection
IC2’s delay is controlled by CMOS
chips IC3-IC6. Each time IC2 is powered up it automatically resets itself to
provide a 20ms delay. This is much too
long for this application so we need to
set it by feeding a serial data stream
to the Data input at pin 6. This data is
Fig.4: taken from a Tektronix TDS360 200MHz digital scope, this printout
shows the timing of the SCK (top), Data, (serial clock) and REQ (request) lines
to IC2. This data is sent once to the delay chip each time it is powered up.
clocked in at each negative transition
of the SCK input and accepted on the
rising edge of the REQ input. The serial data stream must include various
mute, sleep and address codes as well
as the delay information before IC2
will respond.
Fig.4 shows the timing of the Data,
SCK (serial clock) and REQ (request)
lines to IC2. What happens is that
when the REQ line goes low (lower
trace), the serial data block (centre
trace) can be clocked in. In the time
that the REQ line is low, there are 12
clock pulses and these clock in the
respective data levels. Our data line
shows two positive pulses in the data
line but this is not the case as the data
stream actually contains 12 separate
codes which can be high or low.
On the first clock pulse, the sleep
data is fed in and this must be a low.
The following six codes are for delay
selection while the next three are the
low mute, ID1 and ID2 (identification
codes). The last two codes are high for
the ID3 and ID4 identification signals.
For the ID4 code to be valid, pin 7 of
IC2 must be also high.
With all this data complexity, it is
easy to see why a microprocessor is
the most elegant solution in Dolby
Prologic decoders, particularly when
it can provide a lot of other functions
as well.
IC5, a 74HC165 serial shift register
with parallel load inputs, is used to
supply the first eight bits of data. This
has the advantage that the data can
be initially set by parallel load inputs
(inputs A-H). The E, F and G inputs
are connected to a DIP switch to allow
Frequency Response................. (see graphs)
Fig.3 (left): the heart of this circuit is
the Mitsubishi M65830P digital delay
chip. Each time it is powered up it
needs a stream of serial data to set its
delay time. It can be set for between
0.5ms and 4.0ms using a DIP switch
(see Table 1). Once data has been sent
to IC2, CMOS chips IC3, IC4 and IC5
are effectively out of circuit.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio................. 96dB unweighted (22Hz to 22kHz); -100dB
................................................... A-weighted, with respect to 1V RMS.
Harmonic Distortion................... <0.5% at 1kHz and 1V RMS
Maximum Input Signal................ 1.2V RMS
Output Level............................... 0-1V RMS
Delay Options............................. 0.5-4ms in 0.5ms steps
June 1996 17
Above: bird’s eye view of the Stereo Simulator – there is not much wiring to be
done. Note that shielded cable is used for the connections between the board
and the RCA sockets.
Another view of the assembled PC board, prior to installation in the case. Take
care to ensure that all ICs are correctly oriented.
18 Silicon Chip
the delay to be selected. IC3 and IC4
are used to control IC5.
IC3 is a 4060 binary counter which
has its own oscillator, set by the components connected between pins 9, 10
& 11. IC3 supplies the clock signal for
IC2 at its Q4 output. Its Q5 output at
pin 5 is inverted by IC6a to drive IC4,
a 4022 divide-by-8 counter which has
eight outputs, O0 to O7. We use the O1
output to drive the serial input of IC5.
Finally, we use the QH output of IC5
to drive the data input of IC2.
When the “6” output of IC4 goes
high after 12 counts of SCK, IC3 is
reset, the REQ line goes high and IC5
is set into the load position with a
low pin 1.
At power up, the 47µF capacitor at
the input of Schmitt NAND gate IC6b
is high and its output is low. When
the capacitor charges, the pin 3 output
goes high to apply a short positive
pulse to the reset input of IC4 via the
.001µF capacitor. This resets IC4 and
the code is fed to IC2.
The resultant waveforms are shown
1 PC board, code 01406961, 100
x 100mm
1 plastic case, 111 x 45 x
140mm, Arista UB14
1 front panel label, 95 x 33mm
1 rear panel label, 95 x 33mm
1 12VAC 300mA plugpack
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 4-way DIP switch (DIP1-DIP3)
1 2MHz crystal (X1)
3 panel mount RCA sockets
1 insulated panel mount DC
1 5mm ID rubber grommet
1 400mm length of hook-up wire
1 150mm length of shielded cable
1 250mm length of tinned copper
7 PC stakes
1 TL074, LF347 quad op amp
1 M65830P digital delay (IC2)
1 4060 binary counter (IC3)
1 4022 divide by-8 counter (IC4)
1 74HC165 8-bit shift register
1 4093 quad 2-input Schmitt
NAND gate (IC6)
1 7805 5V regulator (REG1)
1 7812 12V regulator (REG2)
1 1B04 bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 1N914, 1N4148 signal diode
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
Fig.5: the parts layout and wiring diagram for the Stereo Simulator. Note
that the input and output leads are wired in shielded cable.
in Fig.4, as previously discussed.
Note that once the “6” output of IC4
goes high, it also pulls the reset line
of IC3 high and this stops any further
data being sent. Thus, IC3, IC4 and
IC5 serve no further purpose until the
circuit is powered up the next time.
That completes the circuit description except for the power supply. This
uses an AC plugpack fed to a bridge
rectifier (BR1) and a 470µF filter
capacitor. A 12V regulator supplies
power for the op amps in IC1 while
a 5V regulator supplies the rest of the
1 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
5 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 4.7µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 .068µF MKT polyester
1 .012µF MKT polyester
1 .001µF MKT polyester
3 560pF MKT polyester or
2 150pF ceramic
2 100pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 1MΩ
11 10kΩ
1 100kΩ
3 4.7kΩ
4 47kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
4 39kΩ
3 100Ω
1 22kΩ
1 33Ω
2 18kΩ
1 10Ω
The Stereo Simulator is assembled
June 1996 19
A view of the Stereo
Simulator with the
top removed and
showing the inside
of the rear panel.
onto a PC measuring 100 x 100mm
and coded 01406961. Our prototype
was housed in an Arista UB14 plastic
case measuring 111 x 45 x 140mm.
Self-adhesive labels, were fitted to the
front and rear panels.
The full wiring details and component overlay for the PC board are
shown in Fig.5.
You can start construction by
checking the PC board against the
published pattern of Fig.6. Fix any
broken tracks or shorts that may be
evident. Now insert the ICs, diode,
resistors and links in the locations
shown. Take care with the orientation
of the ICs, noting that IC1 is oriented
differently to the others.
DIP Switch Settings
The accompanying resistor colour
code chart should be used when selecting each resistor value. Alternatively,
This DIP switch can be used to change
the delay chip’s setting and thus the
stereo effect. Use Table 1 at left to set
the DIP switches.
use a digital multimeter to measure
each resistor before it is fitted into
the board.
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 4
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
20 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange white orange brown
red red orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
red red red brown
brown black brown brown
orange orange black brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange white black red brown
red red black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black black brown
orange orange black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
IEC Code EIA Code
0.1µF 100n 104
.068µF 68n 683
.012µF 12n 123
.001µF 1n 102
560pF 560p 561
150pF 150p 151
100pF 100p 101
Seven PC stakes will need to be
fitted to the board. This done, insert
and solder in the capacitors taking
care to orient the electrolytics with
correct polarity. Next, fit the 3-terminal
regulators and make sure you insert
the 7812 (REG2) into the location
nearest LED1. Insert the DIP switch,
crystal and bridge rectifier. The LED is
mounted without shortening its leads
and is bent over at right angles to insert
into the front panel hole.
The PC board is fitted into the case
and secured with four self-tapping
screws into integral standoffs in the
base. Affix the adhesive labels to the
front and rear panels and drill out
the holes for the power switch and
LED on the front panel and for the
RCA sockets and DC socket on the
rear panel. A 3mm hole is required
for the LED.
Note that the DC socket must be
insulated from the metal rear panel to
prevent shorting the AC plugpack to
ground. On our prototype, we fitted the
DC socket inside a 5mm ID grommet
and then secured it with a nut after
shaving the grommet thinner with a
sharp utility knife.
After fitting the front and rear panels, the final wiring can be done. Use
short lengths of shielded cable for the
input and output connections. The
connections from the DC socket to the
switch and PC board are made with
hook-up wire.
Apply power and use a multimeter
to check that pin 4 of IC1 is at +12V.
Pin 16 of IC3, IC4 & IC5, pin 14 of IC6
and pin 24 of IC2 should all be at +5V.
If the LED does not light, it is probably
connected the wrong way around.
To test the Stereo Simulator, connect
the mono input to the mono output
of your VCR and the stereo outputs
Fig.6: actual size artwork for the PC board.
Fig.7: these full-size artworks can be used as drilling templates for
the front and rear panels.
to the left and right inputs on your
amplifier. This done, set DIP1, DIP2
and DIP3 on, apply power and listen
to the stereo effect.
Now set DIP 1 off and switch off
the power. Reapply power after about
10 seconds and check that the stereo
effect has changed. If that is the case,
the circuit is working correctly and
you can experiment with the delay
settings. Table 1 table shows the delay
versus frequency bands for various
settings of DIP1-DIP3. We found that
the most satisfying stereo effect was
obtained with the delay set to either
2ms or 2.5ms.
June 1996 21
Build a rope light for
party fun & frolic
You’ve seen those rope lights at discos
and in shop displays. Now you can build
your own with some plastic tubing, a
bunch of lights and a simple driving
Rope Lights are quite intriguing to
look at but essentially they are just another form of light chaser. This one is
based on 12V lamps which are driven
by SCRs (silicon controlled rectifi
ers). The circuit has two refinements
though. As well as have a variable
speed it has a built-in electret microphone to provide triggering from the
beat of the music – each beat of the
22 Silicon Chip
drums is seen to move the rope lights
on by one step.
As is usual with most light chasers,
the circuit of this Rope Light is fairly
simple, although it does have a few
interesting twists (no pun intended).
For example, it uses a programmable
unijunction transistor, a device rarely
seen these days, and as already men
tioned, it uses SCRs instead of tran-
sistors to drive the low voltage lights.
Have a look at the circuit of Fig.1.
The core of the circuit is the 4017 decade counter. It is clocked by transistor
Q3 and four of its outputs are used to
control lamps. Its fifth output, DO4, is
used to drive its reset line.
Each of the four outputs of IC1
drives the gate of an SCR so that while
ever an output is high, its respective
SCR will be turned on to drive its
lamps. The lamps are not supplied
from pure DC because if they were,
the SCRs would be unable to turn off.
Instead, the lamps are fed raw DC from
the bridge rectifier (diodes D1-D4) and
the 12VAC plugpack transformer.
The beauty of this arrangement is
that the SCRs are relatively cheap
and it avoids the need for expensive
electrolytic filter capacitors.
The SCRs are also ideally suited
for turning incandescent lamps on and off.
The specified C106s have a rating of 4A RMS
and a whopping peak repetitive surge current
rating of 75A. This makes the C106 far more
rugged than any equivalent 4A transistor
and it easily handles the repetitive surges of
the incandescent lamps. It also means that
the circuit has no need of such niceties as
filament preheating.
Instead of using a 555 or other pulse generator IC to provide the clock source for IC1, this
circuit uses a programmable unijunction transistor or PUT. Essentially, this can be regarded
as an “anode gate SCR”; it turns on whenever
the anode voltage is higher than the gate. The
PUT is wired as a relaxation oscillator which
produces very brief positive pulses at its gate
at a rate determined by potentiometer VR2,
resistor R11 and capacitor C8.
The beauty of the PUT oscillator compared
with, say, a 4093 Schmitt trigger oscillator, is
that its frequency is highly predictable. This
is not really an issue in this application but it
means that the PUT is still a valid approach.
Each time the PUT produces a pulse at its
cathode it turns on transistor Q3 and this drives
the clock input of IC1.
So why have the two transistors and other
circuitry which appears to control the PUT?
The answer is that this part of the circuit provides beat synchronisation of the lights, via
the electret microphone.
The electret microphone is biased from the
DC supply via the 3.3kΩ resistor R1 and its
signal is coupled to the base of Q1. Q1 and Q2
operate as simple common-emitter amplifiers
with no feedback. Q2 has a gain of about 20
(ie, 10kΩ/470Ω) while Q1’s gain is adjustable
up to a maximum figure of 20. This only ap
plies to low frequencies (bass) since the high
frequency gain is severely curtailed by the
.068µF capacitors, C4 & C5. The resultant bass
signal at the collector of Q2 swings high and
low, pulling the gate of PUT1 with it.
When the audio signal swings high, there is
no effect on PUT1 but when the gate of PUT1
is pulled low, its anode is liable to be higher
than the gate and so it turns on to clock IC1 on
by another step. This process means that the
clocking of IC1 is effectively synchronised to
the bass beat of the music.
There are two aspects of the construction
for this project: the assembly of the controller and wiring up the “rope” in its plastic
tube. We’ll deal with the controller first. It
uses a PC board measuring 53 x 82mm and
is housed in a plastic utility box measuring
129 x 68 x 42mm.
Before inserting any components, check the
Fig.1: this circuit is essentially a chaser. Four outputs from IC1 are cycled continuously and drive four SCRs. Each
SCR drives a bank of incandescent lamps from rectified but unfiltered DC. The PUT provides the clock oscillator for
IC1 and is synchronised to the bass beat of the music by the electret microphone and amplifier stages Q1 & Q2.
PUT clock generator
June 1996 23
Fig.2: follow this diagram when building the PC board and take care
with component polarity. No heatsinks are required for the four SCRs.
board for any defects such as undrilled
holes or breaks and shorts between
tracks. If any are found they should be
fixed before proceeding further.
Then start by inserting and soldering the small compon
ents such as
resistors and diodes. Then insert the
capacitors and transistors, making
sure that the semiconductors and
electrolytic capacitors are installed
the right way around. Finally, install
the IC and the four SCRs. No heatsinks
are required for the latter components.
You will need to drill three holes in
the lid of the case, one for the electret
microphone insert and one each for
the sensitivity and rate controls, VR1
& VR2. You will also need to drill one
hole in each end of the case, to take
the power input and output cables.
There is no need to run shielded
cables to the electret microphone or
to the potentiometers VR1 & VR2 –
ordinary hook-up wire will suffice.
Our prototype had the electret fixed
to the lid of the case with a blob of
epoxy adhesive – a fairly crude but
permanent approach.
Checking the board
The Rope Light consists of a length of plastic tubing with a lamp wired into the
loom at intervals of about every 30cm or so.
Once the wiring is complete, you
will want to check the circuit operation with just four lamps connected.
To do this, wire up one side of a miniature 12V lamp to each of the SCR
outputs. The other side of each lamp
then connects to the common line from
the board; this actually connects to the
+V unfiltered DC line. Now connect a
12V plugpack and switch on.
Check with your multimeter for the
presence of +5.6V across ZD1 and at
pin 16 of IC1. The lamps should be
switching on and off at a rate which
is variable by VR2. Try tapping the
lid of the case with a pencil or your
finger nail. Each time you do so, a
lamp should switch off and another
should switch on. If all these checks
are OK then the board is functioning
Rope light assembly
Fig.3: actual size artwork for the front panel.
24 Silicon Chip
There are several ways of approaching the assembly of the rope light but
regardless of how you do it, there will
be a number of common aspects. You
need a length of 12mm OD clear plastic
tubing, say 6-7 metres. You will need
at least 5-8 times that length of hookup wire and you will need 60 or more
miniature incandescent lamps, in at
least four colours.
Kit Availability
Kits for the Rope Light described in this article are available from Oatley
Electronics who own the design copyright. The pricing details are as follows:
PC board with all on board components...........................................$24.00
Two pots with knobs............................................................................$5.00
Case to suit board...............................................................................$4.00
16VAC 1.5A plugpack.......................................................................$25.00
7 metre assembled Rope Light.........................................................$40.00
60 miniature coloured lamps.............................................................$12.00
Postage & packing..............................................................................$6.00
For further information on pricing and availability, contact Oatley Electronics,
PO Box 89, Oatley NSW 2223. Phone (02) 579 4985 or fax (02) 570 7910.
1 PC board, 53 x 82mm (from
Oatley electronics)
1 plastic utility case, 129 x 68 x
1 12VAC 1.5A plugpack
6 metres 12mm OD clear plastic
Miniature 12V coloured
incandescent lamps (see text)
1 6-way Molex plug
1 6-way Molex socket
2 knobs
1 10kΩ linear potentiometer (VR1)
1 2.2MΩ linear potentiometer
1 4017 decade counter (IC1)
2 BC548 NPN transistors
1 BC558 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 2N6028 programmable
unijunction transistor (PUT1)
4 C106D1 silicon controlled
rectifiers (SCR1-4)
5 GIG silicon rectifier diodes
1 5.6V 400mW zener diode (ZD1)
1 electret microphone
6 100µF 25VW electrolytic
1 0.47µF monolithic
7 .068µF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 220kΩ
7 3.3kΩ
1 150kΩ
5 470Ω
1 56kΩ
1 100Ω
4 10kΩ
Hook-up wire, cable ties, solder,
plastic sleeving.
Inside the box, showing details of the PC board and its wiring. The controller
has only two knobs, one for the rate at which the lamps switch on and the other
a sensitivity control for the inbuilt electret microphone.
Since there are five outputs from the
controller PC board, you might think
that five wires inside rope light cable
would be adequate but that depends on
the cross-section of the hook-up wire
and the current rating of the lamps.
If you use very light duty hook-up
wire, (ie, 10 or 13 strands of 0.12mm)
it should be capable of carrying about
500mA on a continuous basis.
That means you could use one
hook-up wire for each output, up to
a maximum lamp load of say 1A, on
the basis that the duty cycle is 25%; ie,
each lamp is on for 25% of the time.
However, since the common cable
carries current for 100% of the time,
you would need to run two or three
cables together, so you would have a
maximum of six or seven wires in the
rope. All these can be wired up to a
6-way Molex socket. This then mates
to a 6-way cable and plug from the
If you want to double the length of
the rope light, the far end of the cable
can terminate in a Molex plug which
can then mate up to a further length of
rope light. However, if you do this, you
will need to use heavier duty hook-up
wire or double up on the light duty
hook-up wires.
On the other hand, if you don’t fancy
making your own rope light cables,
you can buy them ready-made from
Oatley Electronics.
June 1996 25
MV Oriana being fitted out at the Meyer
shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. The vessel’s
hybrid drive system allows five different
operating modes, combining diesel engines and
electric motors. The drive system can deliver a
total of 48,150kW for the ship’s propulsion.
‘MV Oriana’: luxury
and technology afloat
Most people who see the new P&O passenger
ship “Oriana” will be impressed by its
luxurious appointments but its electrical
equipment is just as impressive. It uses
hybrid-electric propulsion and is powered
by up to six diesel engines.
With a gross registered tonnage of
69,153 and a length of 260 metres,
the luxury liner “MV Oriana” is
among the largest passenger vessels
ever to have been built in a German
shipyard. The prestigious order was
awarded to Jos. L. Meyer GmbH &
Co, Papenburg, by the Peninsular &
26 Silicon Chip
Oriental Steamship Co (P&O Cruises)
of Southampton, UK.
ABB Industrietechnik’s Marine Division in Hamburg supplied the main
electrical equipment for the vessel,
which is also the fastest cruise liner
to have been built in the last 25 years.
The vessel, which was built at the
Meyer shipyard in Germany, in the
world’s largest (370m long) covered
dry dock, had its keel laid in midMarch, 1993 and was ready to leave
the dock on July 30th, 1994. The Oriana left Southampton on its maiden
voyage in April 1995, on a cruise that
took it to the Canary Islands, Morocco,
Gibraltar and Portugal.
Oriana has a crew of 760 and will
normally carry 1,760 passengers (maximum capacity 1,975). It has an overall
length of 260 metres, a beam of 32.2
metres and a maximum draught of
7.9m. At 69,153 tonnes gross, it even
surpasses Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth 2
(69,053 tonnes).
This puts the Oriana among the
largest passenger vessels operating in
One of the two 5.25MW shaft generators which can also
run as motors for ship propulsion. Their output is rated
at 6.6kV 60Hz.
the world today. Despite its impressive size, it is able to pass through the
Panama Canal.
Oriana has a top speed of more than
26 knots (approximately 48km/h),
making it the fastest cruise vessel to
have been built in the last 25 years.
For passenger comfort, cruise ships
normally travel at speeds under rather
than over 20 knots, so the Oriana will
rarely make use of this top speed.
Four 5.25MW diesel-generator sets work with the two shaft
generators to produce the ship’s electricity supply. The total
installed generator rating is 31.5MW. The machines are
brushless, self-excited and self-regulating.
The ship has 13 decks, 11 of them
passenger decks. The total number of
cabins is 914, more than half (594) of
which offer a view (118 have a balcony).
There are eight suites and 16 luxury
cabins. Eight of the cabins are specially
equipped for handicapped people.
Fire protection
Fire is one of the greatest hazards to
ships at sea. Oriana has been designed
for maximum safety in the event of
emergencies. For example, the ship
has seven fire zones and is divided into
16 watertight sections for full compliance with the latest fire protection and
fire-fighting regulations. In addition,
watertight fire-doors are built into the
bulkhead deck.
A total of 3,700 fire detectors are
installed throughout the ship. Individually addressable, they allow any
motor 1
generator 1
generator 2
generator 3
generator 4
motor 2
thruster 2
thruster 1 thruster 3
A C compressor 1
Earth M
transf. P transf. S
comcompressor 3
pressor 2
This is a single-line diagram of the ship’s power supply, showing the diesel-generator sets and the drives for the
bow and stern thrusters.
June 1996 27
The MV Oriana is P&O Cruises’ newest luxury liner. The
ship, which has fin stabilisers and is fully air-conditioned,
carries 1760 passengers and a crew of 760. The top speed of
the 260 metres long and 32.2 metres wide vessel is 26 knots.
fire to be pinpointed from the bridge,
engine control room or fire protection
Monitors provide the crew with a
good overview of the different sections of the ship and enable relevant
information to be accessed quickly.
If a fire alarm is not acknowledged
within a preset time, a signal is given
to begin preprogrammed fire-fighting
Two pontoons built into each side
of the ship’s hull can be swung out
for easy boarding of the tenders. Four
automatic gangways are provided for
disembarking on land.
as claimed by the shipyard. Fitted as
standard to most passenger ships, fin
stabilisers are hydraulically operated
and have a similar effect to the ailerons in a plane’s wing, literally flying
the ship’s hull as it moves through
the water.
The Oriana is fitted with two
four-bladed controllable pitch propellers 5.8m in diameter, three bow
thrusters and one stern thruster (each
rated at 1,500kW) as well as two spade
rudders in the thrust stream. These can
be operated by the helmsman, using
a central joystick, either together or
Fin stabilisers
Engine room
Integrated fin stabilisers effectively
reduce the ship’s rolling motion, by up
to 90 percent at a speed of 19 knots,
The Oriana’s main propulsion
system consists of two 11,925kW
and two 7,950kW four-stroke diesel
28 Silicon Chip
engines (MAN B&W L58/64), the former with nine and the latter with six
cylinders. The engines are grouped in
pairs in a so-called “father and son”
arrangement, to act via couplings on a
gearbox which reduces the drive speed
from 428 RPM to 127.6 RPM for the
controllable pitch propellers.
In addition, each gearbox is
equipped with an ABB shaft generator
which can produce up to 5.25MW of
electrical energy. The two synchronous generators are each rated at
6.6kV and 60Hz, for a rotational speed
of 1,200 RPM.
The shaft generators can also be
used as motors, being coupled via the
gearing to the drive shaft. In this case,
the electrical power is taken from the
auxiliary generators. Thus, five different modes of propulsion are possible:
1 The Terrace, with whirlpool
2 Children’s play area and paddling pool, next to it Peter Pan’s
3 Pacific Lounge, with stage and
dance floor
4 The Oriental Restaurant
5 The Terrace Bar
6 The Conservatory, restaurant
with outdoor seating
Main diesel engines (“fathers”):
2 x 11,925kW.
• Main diesel engines (“sons”):
2 x 7,950kW.
• Shaft generators as motors:
2 x 4,200kW.
• All main diesel engines:
• Main diesels plus shaft generators: 48,150kW.
The smaller main diesel engines, the “sons”, can also be used
independently of the propeller
system to drive just the shaft
Apart from the two shaft generators, there also are four MAN B&W
5.25MW auxiliary diesel-generator
sets that provide the ship’s 6.6kV
60Hz electricity supply. These bring
the total available generator capacity
up to 31.5MW. A standby generating
7 Decibels and Outer Space,
teenager’s room with video
15 Pontoons for easy boarding of
16 Anderson’s club bar
17 Monte Carlo Club, casino
18 Curzon Room, saloon with
evening entertainment
19 Royal Court and Knightsbridge –
shopping on two levels
20 Tiffany Court and Bar, top level of
an atrium rising over four decks,
with waterfall
21 The Riviera Pool, with two whirlpools
8 The Lord’s Tavern
22 The Riviera Bar
9 Chaplin Cinema
23 Oasis, fitness centre with aerobics
area, gymnastics room, whirlpools, sauna, massage room,
beauty salon, hairdressers and
10 The Crystal Pool
11 Crichton’s, for card games, next
to it the Thackeray Library
12 Harlequin’s Night Club
13 The Peninsular Restaurant
14 Deck games area (tennis,
shuffleboard, golf, quoits and
clay-pigeon shooting)
24 The Crow’s Nest, saloon and bar
with panoramic view
25 Iberia Room, VIP area next to
Crow’s Nest
26 Theatre Royal
set with a 937kW generator provides
back-up in emergencies.
The bow thrusters are driven by
three 1,500kW 3-phase induction
motors. An identical 1,500kW induction motor is used to drive the stern
June 1996 29
trouble-free switching. Mechanical
contact position indicators and inspection windows have been added
to ensure maximum safety for the
personnel. This type of switchgear is
currently in use on many new cruise
ships in operation all over the world.
The entire power supply is controlled by a management system from
ABB’s marine division in Hamburg. Its
duties include the automatic connection of the thrusters, the air-conditioning plant’s compressor and other major
power consumers. ABB developed this
system especially for power plants on
large ships.
Control panels
The main switchboard for the ship’s 6.6kV power supply. It employs SF6-gas
puffer circuit-breakers.
thruster. For these machines, ABB
has installed two metal-enclosed
switchboards with built-in starting
transformers, vacuum contactors and
programmable controllers.
The compressors for the air-conditioning systems are driven by three
3-phase AC induction motors, also
from ABB.
Main switchboard
A main switchboard consisting of
30 panels distributes the 6.6kV produced by the four diesel-generator
sets and the two shaft generators. The
switchgear uses SF6-gas (silicon hexa
fluoride) puffer circuit-breakers which
allows it to be installed in confined
Each of the switchboard panels is
divided into metal clad compartments
(for the bus-bars, cable connections,
circuit-breaker, voltage transformers
and instruments). Interlocks ensure
Each of the 6.6kV
deck substations has
two disconnectors
for opening the ring
network on both
sides of damaged
equipment or for
isolating parts of
the network which
need to be serviced.
A fuse-switch, via
which power is fed
to the transformers
for the low-voltage
network, is also
Each of the generator control panels has a display that shows all the
important operating data, including
the voltage, current, power frequency
and power factor. A second display
on the panel gives the following
• Status of the diesel-generator set;
• Measured generator data; eg, revs/
min, temperature, etc;
• Alarms triggered;
• Status of the overall plant.
The emergency switchboard consists of nine panels. The emergency
power supply operates at the voltage
levels 660VAC, 440VAC, 220VAC and
A total of seven substations are installed on the decks. Comprising 24
panels in all, they distribute electrical
power in a 6.6kV ring network. Each
of the deck stations has two discon
nectors; eg, for opening the ring on
both sides of damaged equipment, or
for isolating parts of the network on
which service work has to be carried
out. Each station also has a fuse-switch
for the transformers to the low voltage
Another seven substations are
installed on the decks for the low
voltage distribution. With a total of 30
panels, they supply power at voltages
of 660VAC, 440VAC, 220VAC, 220VDC
and 110VAC.
However else you may regard the
Oriana, as a luxury liner, floating hotel
or whatever, it also has a very large
energy distribution system to keep it
all going.
This article has been reproduced
courtesy of the ABB Review, from the
April 1996 issue.
30 Silicon Chip
Build this laser pointer
in just five minutes
Visible solid state lasers are becoming
cheaper all the time. If you have hankered
after a nifty laser pointer, you can now build
your own with this simple to assemble kit.
As technology marches on, it was
inevitable that solid state laser pointers would become readily available
at reasonable prices and indeed they
have with the arrival of this little kit
from Dick Smith Electronics.
There are plenty of applications
for a laser pointer, especially if you
are engaged in lecturing or public
speaking. A laser pointer is a boon for
highlighting visual aids in lectures,
during slide shows and in commercial applications such as auctions.
In the education field, a laser pointer
makes a fine tool for demonstrating
the properties of light. A laser pointer
Above: this photo shows how the kit is
supplied. It only takes a few minutes
to put it together. All you really have
to do is fit the battery contacts and
connect them to the PC board.
also could form the basis of various
distance measurement tools, race
timing and games.
OK, there are plenty of uses for a
laser pointer but what if you’re not
happy about assembling a tiny PC
board with almost invisible surface
mount components on it? Don’t worry.
The PC board and its lens assembly
is already complete. You can put the
whole thing together in under five
minutes and be “lasing” away to your
heart’s content.
As the photo shows, this kit comes
with a 2-piece case, two AAA penlite
cells, the completed PC board and lens
assembly, assorted metal bits for the
battery contacts and not much else.
Your first task is to assemble the three
battery contacts into the case. These
will connect the two cells in series to
give a 3V supply.
You then sit the PC board assembly
into its cradle in the case and connect
the positive (red) and negative (black)
wires to the correct battery contacts.
The cell positions are moulded into
the case so that you can readily see
which battery contact will be positive
and so on. Once the soldering is done,
insert the batteries and then press the
miniature button on the PC board. You
will be instantly gratified with a beam
of red laser light. Marvellous!
You can now adjust the focus of
the lens by carefully rotating the front
portion. Once that it done, drop the
plastic pushbutton actuator into its
cutout in the case and then clip the two
halves together and fit the self-tapping
screw. Stick the laser warning label on
the case and you are finished. You can
now “lase” away.
Before we conclude there are two
warnings: (1) Don’t shine this laser into
your eyes or anybody else’s. Although
this is a low power device it may still
cause eye damage; (2) Do not be tempted to adjust the miniature trimpot on
the board. This has been critically
adjusted to set the laser current during
manufacture. If you play with it, you
blow the laser diode.
This laser kit is available from all
Dick Smith Electronics stores and is
priced at $69.95. (Cat K-1048).
June 1996 31
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Bridge operation for
LM3886 stereo module
A number of readers have asked
how to provide bridge operation of
the twin-LM3386 stereo power module published in the February 1995
issue of SILICON CHIP. As published,
the stereo module would deliver 48
watts per channel into 8-ohm loads
and up to 60 watts per channel into
4-ohm loads, with the supply rails
reduced to ±28V.
The modifications required to run
the module in bridge mode are quite
simple and are depicted in the accompanying circuit and wiring diagram.
As shown, the circuit for one channel,
32 Silicon Chip
involving IC1, is unchanged. The
second channel, involving IC2, has its
non-inverting input (pin 10) grounded,
while its inverting input (pin 9) gets
its input signal from the output of the
first channel via a 22kΩ resistor. This
means that IC2 is operated in inverting
mode and so its output signal is 180°
out of phase with the output signal
from IC1.
The result is that the two output
signals from IC1 & IC2 are added across
the loudspeaker and the module will
deliver up to 120 watts into an 8-ohm
loudspeaker. Note that a 4-ohm loudspeaker must not be used because it
will trigger the overload protection on
both power ICs.
The circuit above shows how the two
power amplifier stages are configured
so that they drive each side of the
loudspeaker in anti-phase. Note that
IC2 operates as an inverting unity
gain amplifier. The parts layout
diagram for the bridge arrangement is
shown at right.
Note also that the specified 160VA
transformer has been changed from 2
x 25V to 2 x 20VAC. The LM3886TF
specified for IC1 & IC2 is the new
insulated tab type, indicated by the
TF suffix. This is now the preferred
package from the manufacturer and
eliminates the need for mica washers.
Stereo preamplifier with selectable gain
A common request from readers involves the need for a stereo
preamplifier to step up the gain by a modest amount. This circuit
is based on the Universal Stereo Preamplifier published in the
April 1994 issue of SILICON CHIP. This version can be configured
to provide any gain between unity and several hundred times. The
accompanying table shows resistor and capacitor values for gains
of 2, 5, 10, 20 & 50.
The PC board will have a number of component values vacant,
while R1 is replaced with a link. The resulting preamplifier is very
quiet and has very low distortion.
Novel modulator for
signal generators
This circuit can be used with
an existing signal generator or to
demonstrate the process of amplitude modulation (AM).
One section of an LM324 (IC1a), is
configured as an inverting amplifier
with unity gain. Its non-inverting
input is biased to 1.3V, and hence its
output voltage at pin 1 is also 1.3V.
IC1b is also an inverting amplifier
continued next page
June 1996 33
with unity gain. The voltage on its
non-inverting input and hence the
voltage on pin 8 the output is switchable between 1.3V and 2.7V by IC2a
(part of a 4053 analog switch). When
pin 9 of IC2a is high, 1.3V is applied
to pin 10 of IC1b and when the pin is
low 2.7V is applied.
A square-wave carrier signal of
5-6V peak-peak is applied to pin 11
of IC2b, another section of a 4053.
This causes IC2b to select the voltage
from IC1a when the carrier is high and
the output of IC1b when the carrier
is low. With the switch in the FULL
position, the signal at pin 14 of IC2b
will be a square wave with a frequency the same as the carrier input and
an amplitude from 1.3V to 2.7V. With
the switch in the SUPPRESS position,
the signal at pin 14 of IC2b will be a
steady 1.3V as both outputs are the
When audio is applied to the input,
the op amp outputs will be equal in
amplitude but 180° out of phase. That
is, when the output of IC1a is at a
maximum the output of IC1b is at a
minimum. These outputs are selected
alternatively by IC2b, thus providing
standard amplitude modulation with
switch S1 in the FULL position and
DSB suppressed carrier in the SUPPRESS position.
Q1 is included as a buffer between
IC2b and the load which should not
be much less than 1kΩ. The two 1kΩ
resistors and 220pF capacitors were
included to improve the modulation
envelope and keep RF out of the op
amp outputs. The LM324 was chosen
because of the low single rail voltage
A standard 4053 will allow operation to about 1.5MHz, however a
74HC4053 can be used successfully
to around 10MHz. I have been able
34 Silicon Chip
to achieve 25-30dB attenuation of the
carrier at 10MHz. The modulation
characteristics are quite good, with
a flat audio frequency response.
L. Williams, ($40)
Bungendore, NSW.
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Rod Irving Electronics Pty Ltd
This Low Ohms Tester plugs directly
into a digital multimeter and can
accurately measure resistances down
to 0.01Ω. It’s easy to build and runs
off a 9V battery.
Build a low ohms
tester for your DMM
The ability to measure low resistance values is necessary when items
such as meter shunts, loudspeaker
crossover networks, inductors and
contact resistances are to be checked.
Unfortunately, a standard digital
multimeter can only accurately measure resistances down to about 5Ω.
Resistors with lower values will give
misleading results due to a lack of meter resolution. A couple of examples
will serve to illustrate this point.
First, let’s assume that a resistance
of 0.1Ω is to be checked on a standard
3-1/2 digit multimeter. In this case,
you would have to switch down to
the 200Ω range (the lowest you can
select) and the reading would be 0.1Ω
±1 digit (ie, ±0.1Ω). In other words,
40 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: block diagram of the
Low Ohms Tester. It works by
applying a constant current
through the test resistor (Rx).
The voltage across Rx is then
measured using a DMM.
the resolution of the DMM limits the
accuracy of the reading to ±100%
which is ridiculous.
This situation quickly improves
with increasing resistance values. For
example, a value of 1Ω will result in
a reading of 1.0Ω ±1 digit, assuming
that the 200Ω range is used. This
represents an accuracy of 10%. For
values above 10Ω, the accuracy of
the instrument will be 1% or better
since the resolution of the reading is
considerably improved.
This Low Ohms Tester overcomes
the limitations of conventional digital multimeters for low values of
resistance. It does this by applying
a constant current through the test
resistor Rx. The resulting voltage de-
Fig.2: the full circuit
for the Low Ohms
Tester. REF1, IC1 and
Q1 form a constant
current source for
the test resistor Rx.
The resulting voltage
across Rx is then either
measured directly or
amplified by IC2 before
being applied to the
veloped across Rx is then amplified
and applied to the DMM which is set
to read in millivolts. Fig.1 shows the
basic scheme.
As shown in the photos, all the circuitry is housed in a compact plastic
case. This carries a power switch,
a 4-position range switch and two
binding post terminals for the test
resistor. The output leads emerge from
the top of the instrument and are fitted
with banana plugs. These simply plug
into the COM and VΩ terminals of the
The output from the Low Ohms
Tester is a voltage (in mV) which is
directly proportional to the resistance
being measured. In practice, you simply multiply the reading on the DMM
by the range setting on the tester to
get the correct value. For example, a
DMM reading of 5.6mV when the 0.1Ω
range is selected is equivalent to 5.6
x 0.1 = 0.56Ω.
From this, it follows that if the 1Ω
range is selected, the reading on the
DMM is directly equivalent to the
value in ohms.
Values from 100Ω down to 0.01Ω
can be measured via the tester. Below
this, errors start to be significant due
to contact and lead resistance.
Values above 100Ω can also be
measured via the tester but this is
rather pointless. That’s because the
DMM alone can be used to accurately
measure values above this figure.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.2 for the complete
circuit of the Low Ohms Tester. It
consists of a constant current source
(which supplies the current through
test resistor Rx) plus an amplifier stage
to drive the DMM.
IC1, REF1 and Q1 are the basis of
the constant current source. REF1
is a precision voltage source which
provides a nominal 2.490V between
its “+” and “-” terminals. This device
is connected between the positive
supply rail and ground via a 5.6kΩ
current limiting resistor. VR1 allows
Main Features
Measures from 0.01Ω to 100Ω
Four ranges
Outputs to a digital multimeter
Battery operated
the reference voltage to be adjusted
slightly and is used for calibration.
Op amp IC1 and transistor Q1 function as a buffer stage for REF1. Because
this stage is simply a voltage follower,
the voltage on Q1’s emitter will be the
same as the voltage on pin 3 of IC1.
This means, in turn, that the voltage
across the resistance selected by S2b
is equal to the REF1 voltage.
As a result, a constant current flows
through the selected resistance and
this current also flows through Q1,
test resistor Rx and diodes D1 & D2
to ground.
In greater detail, when S2b selects
positions 1, 2 or 3, the 2.4kΩ resistor
is in circuit and so has the REF1 voltage across it. If REF1 is adjusted to
2.4V, then 1mA will flow through the
resistor and thus through Q1 and Rx.
Conversely, when S2b selects position
4, the constant current source delivers
10mA to Rx (assuming that VR2 is
correctly set).
IC2 functions as the amplifier stage.
This operates with a gain of either x10
or x100, as set by switch S2a. Switch
S2c selects between the collector of
Q1 and the amplifier output at pin 6.
Thus, when position 1 is selected,
June 1996 41
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
4 are selected, IC2 amplifies the
voltage across Rx and drives the
DMM via its pin 6 output. IC2
operates with a gain of 10 when
position 2 is selected and a gain
of 100 when positions 3 or 4 are
selected. These gain values are
set by the 1MΩ, 10kΩ, 1kΩ &
91kΩ resistors in the feedback
In position 2, all four resistors
are connected in parallel to give
a feedback resistance of 900Ω.
IC2 thus operates with a gain of
1 + 900/100 = 10. In the other
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board
three positions, only the 1MΩ
and complete the wiring as shown here.
and 10kΩ resistors are connected and these give a feedback
the amplifier is bypassed and the DMM resistance of 9.9kΩ. The gain is now
directly monitors the voltage across 1 + 9900/100 = 100.
Rx. Because the constant current
Note that the 0.1µF capacitor is
source supplies 1mA through Rx in
always connected across the feedback
this position, the reading in millivolts path, to reduce any high frequency
is directly equivalent to the value of
Rx in ohms.
The 91Ω resistor at pin 3 matches
Conversely, when positions 2, 3 or
the impedance seen by this input to
that seen by the pin 2 input. This ensures that equal currents flow in the
two op amp inputs and this in turn
minimises the output offset voltage.
VR3 nulls out any remaining offset
voltage and is adjusted so that the
DMM reads 0mV when Rx is 0Ω (ie,
when the test terminals are shorted
One interesting point is that the
lower end of Rx is two diode drops
above ground, due to series diodes
D1 and D2. This ensures that IC2
operates correctly when the output
is only 1mV above the lower Rx connection point.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9V battery via power switch S1. Two
47µF capacitors across the supply
provide decoupling and lower the
impedance of the 9V rail, while LED1
provides power on/off indication.
Most of the parts are mounted onto
a small PC board coded 04305961 and
42 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
white brown orange brown
brown black orange brown
green blue red brown
red yellow red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
red black brown brown
brown black brown brown
white brown black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
white brown black red brown
brown black black red brown
green blue black brown brown
red yellow black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
red black black black brown
brown black black black brown
white brown black gold brown
1 PC board, code 04305961, 60
x 100mm
1 front panel label, 62 x 125mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 66 x 43mm
1 9V battery holder
1 9V battery
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 3-pole 4-way PC mount rotary
switch (S2)
2 10kΩ horizontal trimpots
1 100Ω horizontal trimpot (VR2)
1 12mm knob
2 banana plugs
2 banana panel sockets
6 PC stakes
1 6mm ID rubber grommet
1 20mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 300mm length of hook-up wire
3 2.5mm screws and nuts
2 CA3140E Mosfet input op
amps (IC1,IC2)
1 BC328 PNP transistor (Q1)
1 LM336Z-2.5 reference (REF1)
2 1N914, 1N4148 signal diodes
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester or
monolithic ceramic
The PC board carries nearly all the parts and is mounted by clipping it into
the guide notches of a standard plastic case. Note that the locking collar of the
rotary switch (under the mounting nut) must be set to position 4, as described in
the text.
measuring 60 x 100mm. The board
clips into the integral side pillars of
a plastic case measuring 130 x 66 x
Begin construction by checking
the PC board for shorted tracks or
small breaks. Check also that it clips
neatly into the case. Some filing of the
PC board sides may be necessary to
allow a good fit without bowing the
case sides.
Begin the board assembly by
installing the PC stakes. These are
located at the three external wiring
points and at the con
nections for
switch S1. This done, insert the
single wire link (it sits immediately
beneath VR3).
Next, install the resistors (see table
for colour codes), then install the
diodes and ICs, taking care to ensure
that they are oriented correctly. The
capacitors can go in next – note the
polarity of the two 47µF electrolytic
REF1 and Q1 can now both be installed. Note that these two devices
look the same so make sure that you
don’t get them mixed up. LED1 is
mounted on the end of its leads so
that it will later protrude through a
matching hole in the front panel. For
the same reason, switch S1 is soldered
to the top of the previously installed
PC stakes.
Rotary switch S2 is mounted directly on the PC board. Ensure that it
has been pushed fully home and sits
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 91kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 200Ω
1 5.6kΩ
1 100Ω
1 2.4kΩ
1 91Ω
1 1Ω 1% (for calibration)
Hook-up wire, tinned copper
flat on the PC board before soldering
its pins. This done, loosen the switch
mounting nut, lift up the star washer
and rotate the locking collar to position 4. This turns what was a 12-position rotary switch into a 4-position
rotary switch. Check that the switch
operates correctly, then do the nut up
tight again so that the locking collar
is secured.
The board assembly can now be
June 1996 43
VALUE per mV
0.1Ω 0.01Ω
Fig.5: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
completed by mounting the trimpots
and fitting the battery holder. Note
that VR2 is a 100Ω trimpot, while
VR1 and VR3 are both 10kΩ types
so be careful with the values here.
The battery holder is secured to the
PC board using the 2.5mm mounting
screws supplied with it.
Final assembly
It’s now just a matter of installing
the board and the ancillary bits and
pieces in the case. First, attach the
front panel label, then drill holes for
the LED, switches S1 & S2, and the two
test terminals. A hole will also have
to be drilled in the top of the case to
accept a small grommet.
The PC board can now be clipped
into the case, the test terminals
mounted in position and the wiring
completed as shown in Fig.3. This
done, check that the switches and
the LED line up with the front panel
holes. Adjust the height of the LED
and switch S1 if necessary, so that
they fit correctly.
The leads to the meter run through
the grommetted hole in the top of the
case. Keep these leads reasonably short
and terminate them with banana plugs.
It will be necessary to trim the shaft of
switch S2, so that the knob sits close
to the front panel.
Test & calibration
Now for the smoke test. Apply
power and check that the LED lights
(if it doesn’t, check that the LED has
been oriented correctly). Now check
the supply voltages on IC1 and
IC2 using a multimeter. In each
case, there should be about 9V
between pins 7 and 4.
If everything is OK so far, check
the voltage between pin 3 of IC1
and the positive supply rail (ie,
the voltage across REF1). Assuming VR1 is centred, you should
get a reading of 2.4-2.5V. Pin 2 of
IC1 should be at the same voltage
as pin 3.
To calibrate the unit, follow
this step-by-step procedure:
(1) Monitor the voltage across
REF1 and adjust VR1 for a reading of 2.4V (this sets the constant
(2) Plug the Low Ohms Tester
into the DMM and short the Rx test
terminals using a short length of 1mm
tinned copper wire.
(3) Select the 0.01Ω range and adjust
VR3 for a reading of 0mV on the DMM.
Check for a similar reading when the
1mΩ range is selected.
(4) Connect a 1Ω 1% resistor between the test terminals, select the
0.01Ω range and adjust VR1 again for
a reading of 100mV.
(5) Select the 1mΩ range and adjust
VR2 for a reading of 1V.
(6) Short the test terminals again
and verify that the DMM reads close
to 0mV for all ranges.
That completes the calibration procedure. The lid can now be attached
to the case, the knob fitted to S2 and
the unit pressed into service.
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The explosion of Intelsat 708, some 20 seconds
after takeoff on February 14, has dealt the
Chinese “Long March” launcher another blow.
Previous launch failures included Optus B2,
Panamsat PAS-3 and Apstar 2.
future Long March launchers may be
uninsurable. Despite the destruction
of the satellite, insured for US$205
million, a back up satellite, Intelsat
707 is scheduled for imminent launch
on a European Ariane booster. This
satellite will take the place of Intelsat
708, at 310° east longitude, serving the
Atlantic Ocean Region.
• APSTAR 1R – 88° E longitude: no
further details are available on the
launch of this satellite and the failure
of Intelsat 708 may have some affect
on its schedule.
• ASIASAT 2 – 100.5° E longitude:
the popularity of RTPI has steadi
increased amongst the Portuguese
community. CCTV4 China has now
commenced operations at IF 1185MHz
in PAL. This is a great improvement in
service availability over the identical
program available prior to the launch of
AS 2, on the inclined satellite Gorizont
19 (96.5E). This service has now been
discontinued. CCTV4 is also available
in MPEG on PAS-2.
Broadcaster Deutsche Welle’s 10channel TV and radio service commenced operations in mid April. At
present the only available decoders
which will suit this service are used
for the Galaxy pay TV service, carried
on Optus B3. Simple reprogramming
enables this decoder to be used on the
Asiasat 2 DW service, although this may
not be legal as title to Galaxy decoders
always remains with Galaxy, through a
unique customer leasing arrangement.
• PALAPA C1 – 113° E longitude: transponder change over from the old B2P
satellite, scheduled for March 23, went
ahead early, commenc
ing March 16,
and should be completed by the time
this report goes to press. By early April
Compiled by GARRY CRATT*
it was apparent that all vertically polarised transponders were down in power,
affecting viewers in PNG and Asia. The
launch of Palapa C2M at the end of
April will give the satellite operator the
flexibility to move all or only those transponders affected to the new satellite.
Meanwhile interest in Palapa C1
continues to increase. Many signals are
available, including: Star channel “V”
(975MHz), CFI France (990MHz), MTV
Asia (1030MHz), TPI Malaysia (1070
MHz), GMA Philippines (1120MHz),
ANTEVE (1130MHz), CNNI (1175MHz),
SCTV (1190MHz), ABN (1230MHz),
TV3 Malaysia (1250MHz), ATVI (Aust
lia) (1270MHz), RTM-1 Malaysia
(1330MHz), RCTI Indonesia (1350MHz)
and CNBC Asia on the new extended
range band at 1530MHz.
Many services feature teletext and
as all but GMA are carried in PAL, a
standard teletext TV set can be used
to receive them.
• JCSAT 3 – 128° E longitude: still no
programming from this satel
lite. Its
test pattern can be seen on 1165MHz.
The satellite is designed to supply a
50-channel digital pay service into Japan but one of its footprints will cover
Australia and New Zealand. The service
should commence late April but it is not
known if it will be seen in Australia.
• GORIZONT 42 – 142.5° E longitude:
March 14 saw Indian broadcaster
ATN make an announcement that
they would be moving to PAS-4 (68° E
longitude) by the end of March. This
would effectively eliminate viewers
from the eastern states of Australia and
New Zealand. However, ATN returned
to Gori-zont 42 a week later and it is
planned to remain on this satellite until
October. Strangely, those monitoring
PAS-4 on the Western coast advise that
the broadcaster has never been seen on
that satellite!
• PANAMSAT PAS-2 – 169° E lon
gitude: until recently operating in the
clear, MTV Asia has now gone digital
on this satellite. Previous
ly reported
analog signals continue to be available
and NHK signals have been boosted
significantly in level, allowing recep
tion on dishes down to 1.6m. There is
one K band signal seen regularly at IF
1115 MHz. This transponder is used for
special events, otherwise running the
standard PAS-2 SYLMAR uplink test
pattern. Most “special events” broadcast
on C band can be found at 1245MHz IF.
• INTELSAT 701 – 174° E longitude:
daily transmissions are seen on IF
975MHz from Thailand and Taiwan. As
the political situation tenses between
Taiwan and China, transmissions are
expected to increase in frequency and
duration. This satellite will be replaced
at the end of 1996 with Intelsat 801.
• INTELSAT 703 – 177° E longitude:
the radio service carried on the
BMAC-encrypted AFRTS service (IF
985MHz) continues to be a good source
of American radio. The audio subcarrier frequency is 7.40MHz. This satellite
will be replaced in the first quarter of
1997 by Intelsat 803.
• INTELSAT 511 – 180° E longitude:
RFO Tahiti and Worldnet continue to
be the main sources of entertainment
from this satellite. RFO is scheduled to
introduce a second service on this satellite later in the year. There is continued
but unconfirmed speculation that New
Guinea broadcaster EM TV could move
to this satellite mid year.
*Garry Cratt is Managing Director of
Av-Comm Pty Ltd, suppliers of satellite TV
reception systems.
June 1996 53
Chuck it away and buy a new one
No, that’s not my advice but it is the philosophy
from one of this month’s stories – a story from
the USA, where the servicing scene is very
different. Even so, it has a very interesting
connection with the local scene.
My first story concerns a National
Panasonic model TC-1407, 34cm
colour set using an M12H chassis.
This model can be anything up to 10
years old and is a very well made and
reliable set, regarded by many as one
of the best that National ever made.
But of course faults do occur and,
in this case, the complaint was total
lack of colour. This is not an unusual
fault in itself but the actual cause was
unusual, as we shall see.
When tackling colour problems, I
automatically reach for the CRO leads.
And the first thing I checked was
whether a colour signal was coming
into the chroma decoder (IC601) – see
Fig.1. In fact it was, on pin 7. It was
only about 0.8V p-p but this tallied
with the circuit.
Next, I checked the crystal oscillator. Again there was no problem, with
plenty of 4.43MHz signal on pin 16 of
the same IC.
Well, that ruled out the more obvious possibilities. The next thing
to check was the gating pulses (horizontally derived) which control the
burst gate and similar functions. Such
pulses should appear at the burst gate
terminal (pin 14) of IC601 and are
shown on the circuit as waveform 30,
with a p-p amplitude of 4.6V. But not
in this set – pin 14 was dead.
Well, at least I was on the right
track. Unfortunately, the track wasn’t
very clear, which is just another way
of saying that the best circuit diagram
I could find left much to be desired.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if I had
been able find an original circuit but
the best I had was a much copied copy
of a copy – if you follow me.
To be fair, the original circuit was
undoubtedly very good, featuring lots
of information in the form of voltages
and waveforms, but it had been much
reduced and, when copied, a lot of fine
detail was lost.
Anyway, I was faced with the task of
tracing the circuit to find where these
pulses originated and at what point
they were lost. And I thought I had
cracked it in one as soon as I started.
Not far from, and to the left of, pin 14
is a diode, D602, which connects to
chassis. Naturally, I checked it and it
was a dead short. Unfortunately, my
jubilation was short lived because
when I replaced it and switched on
there was still no colour.
A literal drawing board
So, back to the drawing board –almost literally. The line split into two
at this point, both moving parallel
down the page for a short distance.
Then one turned left and one continued down. I turned left and finished up on pin 10 of the video chip
(IC301). There was supposed to be
a waveform here also (designat
waveform 21) which was similar to
the one on pin 14.
But there wasn’t. Fairly obviously,
pin 10 was supposed to receive this
waveform, not supply it. I followed
the other line down until it spilt,
going left and right. I went right, but
drew another blank. It finished up at
the base of transistor Q601, a blanking
pulse generator – which didn’t have
any pulses either.
OK, back to the junction and turn
54 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the chroma decoding circuitry in the National TC-1407. IC601 is at top right, IC301 at top left, and IC501
at bottom centre. Many of the IC pin numbers are quite difficult to read.
left. This brought me to pin 16 of the
jungle chip, IC501. And this, I felt, had
to be the source of the missing waveform. This chip performs a whole host
of functions, including horizontal AFC
and sync separation, both requiring a
reference to pulses from the horizontal
output transformer. In fact, pin 16 was
connected to the sync separator block
within the IC.
What’s more, this IC appeared to
be performing these, and its other
functions, because we had a perfectly
locked picture but in monochrome.
So it had to be receiving pulses from
the horizontal transformer. In fact,
after much more laborious cir
tracing, too complex to detail here, I
confirmed that the pulses at pin 2 of
the horizontal transformer were applied to pin 1 of IC501. And the CRO
confirmed that the pulses here were
as they should be.
So why wasn’t it delivering a pulse
at pin 16?
I could only conclude that there was
a fault in the IC. And, since I didn’t
have any on hand, I had to order one.
But while waiting for it, I still had
an urge to confirm that this was the
problem. Referring again to IC301,
I noticed that on pin 11 there was a
waveform (No.24) of similar shape
and amplitude to the waveform that
should have been present on pin 10,
though somewhat smoother.
So what would happen if I connected pins 10 and 11 together. At
best I might get some kind of colour
response. At worst, I could blow up
IC301. After studying the voltages on
the two pins (1.2V on pin 11 and 0V
on pin 10) I decided that the risk to
the IC was minimal and connected the
two pins together.
And it worked – well, partly. It did
produce colour on the screen but it
was not locked, drifting through the
spectrum and producing some weird
coloured scenes. But it was enough to
suggest that my diagnosis was probably correct.
And in fact it was. When the new
IC arrived, I fitted it and everything
came back to normal. Another satisfied
The American in-laws
And now for a change of scene; quite
a big change in fact, because my next
story comes from the USA. But it also
has a very close relationship with some
of my previous notes and one story in
By way of background, my regular
readers may recall that, from time
to time, I have featured stories from
a colleague who worked down the
south coast of NSW. And I was always
pleased to feature these stories because they involved factors peculiar
to the area; UHF almost exclusively,
long distances in many cases, and
much hilly terrain. And, of course,
we exchanged technical experiences
and picked each other’s brains from
time to time.
So it came as rather a shock when,
some months ago, my colleague
announced that he had decided to
retire and move to the US where he
June 1996 55
being that muggins, “who knows all
about TV sets”, could probably fix it.
So, it finished up on my doorstep.
I’m afraid I agreed to the idea with
mixed feelings. On the one hand I had
brought all my test instruments and
tools with me, had organised some
workshop space, set up a bench, and
begun to sort things out.
However, it was all very well for
the rest of the family to assume that
muggins “knows all about TV sets”.
The truth was that all I knew about
projection TV sets was secondhand
and did not even involve the same
model. Nor did I have a manual, have
any idea of where to find one, what it
would cost if I did, and whether such
an outlay could be justified.
I short, I would have to fly by the
seat of my pants.
A bright spot
had various in-laws and other family
connections. So, no more stories from
that source.
But do TV servicemen ever retire
Significantly, my colleague shipped
all his equipment, which was considerable, to the US with him. He had no
intention of setting up in business but,
I imagine, he knew he would feel lost
without the means to look after his
own devices and ap
pliances, along
with those of his relatives and friends.
So that is one part of the background. For the other part I would refer
readers to one of my own stories which
appeared in the May 1995 notes under
the heading “All it needs is a new
fuse”. In greater detail it concerned
a Mitsubishi VS-360A projection TV
set and the difficulty of convincing the
owner that it needed a lot more than
a new fuse.
Linking all this together is the fact
that my colleague was “in” on that
story from the beginning. Neither of us
had tackled projection TV sets before
and he was anxious to learn all he
could from what I had to learn. It was,
therefore, sheer coincidence that one
of the first family jobs he encountered
after settling into his new home involved a Mitsubishi projection TV set.
56 Silicon Chip
Anyway, here is my colleague’s story
as he tells it.
The set involved was a Mitsubishi
VS-405R projection type, featuring a
100cm (40in) screen. It was about 11
years old, roughly the same age as
the one my colleague had dealt with
in Australia. And it came to me by a
somewhat round about route.
It had originally belonged to a
friend of one of my in-laws and had
failed some time before I came on the
scene. The owner had called in a local
serviceman who repaired it for $170
(I’m quoting $US, of course). It was
quite a reasonable charge and the set
performed perfectly.
Unfortunately, it did not perform
for long, failing again after about six
months. And this time the owner did
what so many people do in this country when something fails (particularly
something 11 years old which has
failed for the second time) – he chuck
ed it away and bought a new one.
And, as a matter of interest, the new
set – a larger 125cm (50in) model – cost
about $1200, roughly half the price of
a similar set in Australia.
At the same time the old set was
“chucked” in the direction of my inlaws – not literally I hasten to add, because the thing weighs a ton – the idea
One bright spot was that the device appeared to be fairly easy to get
at; much easier than was apparently
the case with the one my Australian
colleague worked on, due to a slightly differ
ent layout. One important
difference was that the top part of the
cabinet back could be removed, as
well as the lower part, giving much
better access.
In addition, the 3-gun assembly was
mounted on a steel subframe supported on runners on the inside of the
cabinet. This allowed the subframe to
be withdrawn, although not without
some difficulty – more on that later.
The whole system was made up
from a collection of PC boards, each
mounted on a light metal frame which
served as a nominal chassis.
These included a power supply
board, a horizontal and vertical scan
board, a signal processing board, a
stereo sound board, and a convergence control board. The scan and
signal boards were secured to the
floor of the cabinet while the remaining boards were secured to the sides.
They could all be easily unplugged
and withdrawn.
That much established it was
time to apply power and see what
happened. The answer was simple –
nothing. This lead me to a 3A fuse in
the power supply which had failed.
This was replaced and power applied
This time there were signs of life.
The set tried to fire up but then would
shut itself down and try again. In
other words, there was a slow hiccup,
suggesting that a protection circuit
somewhere was taking over. I suspect
that the set had been inadvertently left
on in the hiccup condition which, if
it continues long enough, can blow
a fuse.
I went straight to the horizontal
output transistor, which was readily
accessible, and picked it in one; it was
shot. This was easily fixed. I didn’t
have a direct replacement type but
settled for a 2SD380.
Unfortunately, when I switched on,
the set was still hiccuping. I found a
HT rail check point and monitored it.
It looked as though it was about 125V
but this called for some judgement as
it rose and fell.
I suspected that the fault was either
somewhere in the horizontal scanning
circuit or in the protection circuit
covering this section.
Normally, I would check this second
possibility by momentarily disabling
the protection circuit and noting what
happened. The trouble was, without a
suitable diagram, I had no idea where
to look for this circuit, so I put that
on hold.
I was also curious as to the nature
of the previous fault and what work
had been done. I could see that the
boards had been pulled because the
wiring looms had been released from
their clips and, although most had
been restored, a few had not.
I examined the boards very carefully, in search of a clue, and finally
concluded that no work had been done
on them. One obvious indication was
a fine layer of dust, as normally found
in such situations, which had not been
At the same time, I went over each
board and checked for dry joints, particularly around the horizontal scan
circuitry and the four pin connections
to the horizontal driver transformer.
Dry joints to these pins have been a
common problem with many sets in
the past. In this case, the soldering
quality was very good. I did remake a
couple of joints which were vaguely
suspicious but it was more of a gesture
than anything.
Why the failure?
At this stage, I began to wonder
why the horizontal output transistor
had failed. I also wondered if there
had been a previous failure and if the
faulty transistor I had replaced had
itself been the correct type number?
However, without a circuit I really had
no way of knowing.
Finally, having checked the most
likely possibilities as I far as I could,
there seemed to be only one positive
check left that I could make; a check
for shorted turns in the deflection
coils. Fortunately, I had brought my
trusty shorted turns tester with me
and unearthed it after some searching.
The deflection coils were plugged
in, so it was easy to make the checks
without pulling the metal frame
assembly. I checked the horizontal
windings first and the first two tested
OK. But not so the third one; there was
a clear indication of a short.
So now I had to pull the metal
frame assembly. This wasn’t quite as
easy as it looked. To understand why
it will help if I describe the device in
greater detail.
Imagine a rectangular metal frame
running the width of the cabinet and
sitting horizontally on two runners,
one on each side of the cabinet. This
frame extends from the back of the
cabinet to about two thirds the way
to the front. A second frame is then
attached at right angles to the front of
the first frame and this extends downwards to the floor of the cabinet. This
supports the picture tubes and some
associated circuitry.
OK, having envisaged all that, consider how the frame is constructed. It is
made from box section mild steel –actually two lengths of angle iron welded
together to make the box section. All
of which adds up to a lot of steel. Add
the weight of the three picture tubes
– they may be small, but they’re not
light – plus a few odd pieces and you
have a total weight of around 25kg.
It’s not at all easy to manhandle in an
enclosed space.
Nor was the operation made any
easier by the location of the picture
tubes. These are mounted at about 45
degrees, below the level of the horizontal section so that, if it were simply
removed and placed on a bench, the
whole assembly would be resting on
the tube necks. Ouch!
I tackled the problem by arranging
some suitable blocks on the bench.
I then unclipped all the connecting
leads and carefully manhandled the
frame out and onto the blocks.
It was worth the effort. With
everything out in the open it was
immediately obvious why the set had
failed in the first place – and why it
had failed in the second place. In fact,
one doesn’t often get an explanation
presented as clearly and positively
as this one. The faulty deflection coil
assembly was coated with a brown
varnish, the appearance of which
exactly fitted the description of the
coating on the failed transformer in
the set handled by my Australian
Even without any other warning I
would have been highly suspicious
of this mixture. I had encountered a
similar witch’s brew before – sometimes brown, sometimes yellow – in
other makes of sets. It is sometimes
used as a varnish on windings, and
sometimes as a glue to secure an extra
component on the copper side of a PC
board. More particularly, I was well
aware of its corrosive properties. It will
eventually eat away any copper with
which it comes in contact.
In this case, of course, I had been
June 1996 57
Serviceman’s Log – continued
warned. I recalled that the technician
in the Australian Mitsubishi service
department had advised my colleague
to check for this varnish on the trans
former and for any damage it might
have caused. The rest is history; that
transformer was a write-off.
There was one other interesting development. One of the three deflection
coils – presumably fitted during the
previous service –was quite free of the
witch’s brew. Perhaps a message had
finally penetrated.
But that was all rather academic
from my point of view. My more immediate concern was the fate of this set.
Would I be justified in pressing on with
the job or should we cut our losses?
There had been a tentative agreement
before I started that we would put a
limit of around $100 on the cost of
replacement parts. Labour, of course,
would be no more than an extra serving of turkey at next thanksgiving – if
I was lucky!
I had determined that a new deflection assembly would cost about $100
58 Silicon Chip
which, with a new horizontal output
transistor, was already stretching this
limit. To that would need to be added
a second scan coil assembly, because it
would be pointless to simply replace
the one faulty one. The third coil was
another failure just waiting to happen.
On top of that, how much more of this
brown varnish was there elsewhere in
the system?
So we were looking at $200 plus to
repair an 11-year old set, which could
be replaced with a similar size modern
set for around $1000. I am well aware
that, in Australia, many people would
regard such an opportunity as a gift
and be prepared to take the risk.
Not so in this country. Because appliances are so much cheaper, in real
terms, than in countries like Australia,
the concept of service is very much
different. Many people will simply
discard an appliance at the first sign
of trouble, without any attempt to
determine whether the fault is minor
or major, and whether a repair might
be worthwhile.
Against this background, and on
my advice as to what would be involved, the decision was made to cut
the losses, such as they were ( mainly
my time, which nobody regarded as
being very important). Not that this
really worried me very much; it had
been an interesting exercise and an
opportunity to study another version
of this type of set.
The cabinet of the old set was salvaged, however. It was a very useful
piece of furniture and one member of
the family had it earmarked as a useful
storage unit.
I suppose the most interesting
aspect of the story, from a technical
viewpoint, was the coincidence of
finding two sets, of the same make, so
far apart in different countries, suffering from almost identical faults. Also,
it is to be hoped that, at long last, the
havoc caused by these witches’ brews
has been recognised and that they
will be suitably disposed of – with
due regard to the environment, of
Well that’s my colleague’s story; and
a very interesting insight it is into the
TV scene in another country. Thanks
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June 1996 59
Multi-channel radio control
transmitter; Pt.5
This month we discuss the construction of
the Mk.22 transmitter encoder PC board.
This uses surface mount components
throughout apart from the trimpots. If it had
relied on conventional components it would
have been a great deal larger.
As a result of the experience gained
from test flying of the Mk.22 system the
transmitter has undergone a radical
redesign from its original simple slide
and plug concept for all modules.
The original encoder layout proved
difficult to program, so we have rotated the PC board through 90° and
screwed it to the case as well. This
results in all the programming pins
being easily accessible from the rear,
improved bonding to the earth for RF
bypassing and a larger, less crowded
PC board.
There have also been some additions
to the encoder as a result of customer
requests. The meter has been changed
to an expanded scale voltmeter as the
original proved too insensitive. The
meter now has zero suppression and
reads from 8-10V. Fig.1 shows the
circuit addition, involving trimpots
VR16 and VR17, zener ZD1, and resistors R70 and R71. These have been
included in the encoder PC board
featured this month. TB7 also had to
be extended from four to six pins.
TB30 has been added at the request
of a government depart
ment. They
required a hard wired system (no RF
link). TB30 allows the receiver decoder to be coupled directly into the
encoder with a two-wire patch cord
via the existing socket on the decoder.
You simply remove the receiver
module, connect the patch cord between TB30 and the receiver decoder
and presto, you have a hard-wired
Fig.1: the zero
suppression circuit for
the meter which now
reads from 8-10V for
greater sensitivity.
60 Silicon Chip
remote control system. This is also
very handy for testing, as we shall see.
The original circuit also did not
allow for the dual control (buddy box)
connections, an oversight fixed by the
addition of TB29.
Finally and most importantly from
my point of view, recent developments
have indicated that a welded, seamless
case is now economically possible,
which will greatly improve the appearance of the finished product.
AM vs FM debate
The only other comment I receive
on a regular basis is “why AM?”. To
which I can only reply, “why FM?”.
Although the following is a small diversion, I feel that I should deal with
this furphy immediately.
I have stated it before and will repeat
it now: the FM thing is false advertising and largely a sales gimmick. Socalled FM radio control transmitters
are not true FM; they are Narrow Band
Frequency Shift Keying (NBFSK), with
the emphasis on narrow band.
Older sets use frequency shifts of
as little as 400Hz. This places the
signal down in the noise area and it is
only recently that most imported sets
have gone to a 1.5kHz shift, a small
FM is supposed to offer a vast improvement in signal-to-noise ratio and
of course it does when a bandwidth
of 40kHz or more is used. NBFSK
very definitely does not offer an improvement over AM, especially with
systems running on 400Hz deviation.
We flew very successfully for 30
years on AM and in the two years
that have elapsed since the Mk.22
AM system began flying I have yet to
receive a single receiver back due to in-
June 1996 61
Fig.3: component layout for the underside of the encoder board.
Fig.2: component layout for the topside of the encoder board. All surface mount components should be
soldered to both sides of the board before installing the conventional (through hole) components.
This is the topside of the finished encoder board. Note that some of the headers
have micro shunts (shorting links) across them.
terference. In fact I have only had two
receivers back in those two years. One
because a wing came off in flight and
the crystal shattered (no other damage)
and the other because the owner tried
to use it with an FM transmitter which
he believed to be AM.
Yet to listen to the pundits, you
Fig.4: this patch cord connects
the servo test header, TB30, to
the decoder (described in the
April 1995 issue) for the final
Fig.5: to test servos with the
encoder and encoder, you will
need a control stick. Wire it up
to a three-pin socket as shown
here. The pot wiper connects to
the centre pin.
Fig.6: if you do not have a
control stick, this circuit can be
used for testing servos with the
encoder and decoder (see text).
62 Silicon Chip
would believe it is no longer possible
to operate an AM system. I still fly AM
and feel no need to change, especially
now that I have the Mk.22 transmitter
with all its modern tricks.
From a home construction point
of view, AM is the best system to
use because it is reliable and easier
to service. It also requires less test
equipment, is easier to align, the
components are cheaper and, most
important of all, the crystals are
cheaper and readily available on the
now deserted 29MHz band.
Having come this far, I may as well
go the full distance. I believe that most
R/C manufacturers have lost the plot
and are forcing the average sport flyer
and hobbyist into buying expensive
equipment they have little use for.
Some of the latest gems being advertised include a transmitter with over
one hundred model memories and
others with rocker switch electrical
trims, a very dangerous concept to
my mind.
At this point, it is appropriate to
remind the reader that the Mk.22 is
designed to expand with the user’s
requirements, starting with a simple
two or 4-channel system and adding
as you know and grow. In other words,
it is an attempt to provide the modern
concepts that users feel are desirable
for their applications, combined with
a return to the simple and more user
friendly systems of the pre-microprocessor era.
The component layout diagrams
for both sides of the PC board are
shown in Fig.2 & Fig.3. For those not
familiar with surface mount assembly,
I suggest reading the article “Working
With Surface Mount Components”, as
featured in the January 1995 issue of
SILICON CHIP. You will need a pair of
magnifying spectacles, a fine-tipped
soldering iron and a pair of tweezers
with very fine tips.
The diagrams of Fig.2 & Fig.3 depict the full component count for a
complete 8-channel system with all
the trimmings. If you intend to build
a simpler version then photocopy the
assembly drawings and white-out all
of the components you do not need. In
fact it is a good idea to do this anyway
and then mark off each component as
you mount it.
Begin by tinning one pad at each
of the surface mount component position, as set out in the above article.
Now is a good time to establish which
components are to be mounted by only
tinning those pads.
The surface mount assembly is very
straightforward. In fact, the whole
assembly is quite straightforward;
there is just a lot of it. I usually empty all of the components of one type
into a small tray and beginning at the
top left hand corner, mount all of the
components of one type down through
the PC board.
When all of the surface mount components are mounted on the topside of
the board, turn it over and mount all
of the SM components on the reverse
side. Once complete we are ready for
the conventional components.
The header pins come first and
there is no height restriction to limit
which way they are mounted. You
can mount the whole header with the
black plastic base included or you can
invert the pins (long side through the
PC board) as we did in the transmitter
module, and remove the black plastic
base when finished. This gives a much
Underneath the assembled encoder board, showing all the surface mount components. You can use
this photo as a crosscheck with the component diagram of Fig.2.
This view shows how the configuration module, to be discussed in future article, fits on the header
pins for the mix expansion socket TB30.
neater looking finished item. This
is the way the commercial units are
If you do not mount the header
pins first then you will not be able
to remove the black base. The header
pins supplied in the kit are in strips
of 40 pins and must be cut into the
required number of pins for each terminal block.
If you have no intention of expanding beyond eight channels, the header
pins TB11, TB12, TB13 and TB14 can
be deleted altogether. There is a short
on the PC board which automatically
programs the PC board to eight channels. If you do intend to go beyond
eight channels then this short must be
cut and the header pins installed. Do
not forget also that all the components
not placed during the original build
can be easily added later.
This close-up view
shows the micro
shunts fitted to pin
pairs 4-11 on TB30.
TB29, the dual control (buddy box)
header, also has a short across it on the
PC board. If you intend to install this
feature, install TB29 and cut the track
between the pins. Adding this feature
will be described in a later column so
for the moment leave this track uncut.
TB30, the servo test header, must be
fitted since it allows you to set up the
entire system without the transmitter
and receiver modules installed. TB29
is a polarised 2-pin connector so be
sure it is mounted exactly as shown on
the overlay. This is the only connector
not made out of header pin strip.
TB10, the mix expand port, is a
June 1996 63
of the solder connections are complete.
It is very easy to miss soldering one
end of a surface mount component or
to short out two pins on an IC.
This scope photo shows the staircase waveform at pin 1 of IC3a (upper trace)
and the pulse waveform from pin 7 of IC1b (lower trace).
special case and must be mounted
with the plastic base left in place and
the long side of the pins uppermost
(short side through the PC board). The
black plastic base provides the clearance height to keep the configuration
module above the surface mount components. This header pin set carries
the configuration modules which are
used during setup and provides the
mix points for the on-board mixers.
In order to provide access for the
configuration inputs, the tracks are
broken between each of the pin pairs
4-11 (refer back to the encoder circuit
on pages 56 & 57 of the March 1996
issue). For normal operation, shorting
links (micro-shunts) must be placed
across these pin pairs for circuit
continuity. If you do not intend using
mixing, then TB10 can be left out and
hard wired shorting links wired across
the pin pairs 4-11.
Again, if you don’t want mixing,
all of the components associated with
TB27 and TB28, including the headers
themselves can also be omitted.
The only other item of note in the
header pin department is the clipping of pin two on the power and
expansion terminal blocks to provide
polarisation. This is essential as these
connectors carry the DC power to the
encoder board and the 24-channel
expansion board. When we come to
wiring the transmitter looms, then we
will talk about fitting jumpers to the
header sockets.
Now complete the assembly by
mounting the remaining conventional
components. Zener diode (ZD1) in
the meter circuit is best left standing
a little proud of the PC board to keep
it well clear of the SM components.
Now go back and check your work,
taking particular care to ensure that all
Kit Availability
Kits for the Mk.22 encoder module are available in several different forms, as
Fully assembled module........................................................................$159.00
Encoder kit.............................................................................................$110.00
Encoder PC board...................................................................................$29.50
Post and packing of the above kits is $3.00. Payment may be made by Bank
card, cheque or money order payable to Silvertone Electronics. Send orders to
Silvertone Electronics, PO Box 580, Riverwood, NSW 2210. Phone (02) 533 3517.
64 Silicon Chip
Once you are satisfied that all is
well, load the micro shunts onto pins
4-11 of TB10 (mix expand) and onto
the NORMAL side of TB1, TB3, etc.
Set all potentiometers to the midpoint,
including VR2. This pot has been
changed to a 10-turn trimpot on the
production PC board (same value) to
improve the accuracy and stability of
the neutral adjustment.
Switch your multimeter to a low
“ohms” range and check between pins
3 and 6 of TB7 to ensure there isn’t a
dead short across the board.
Hook up a 10V supply to pins 3 and
6 of TB7 and check the voltages at the
following points: input to the voltage
regulator REG1, +10V; output of REG1,
+5V; junction of the voltage references
R22/R23 and R58/R61, 2.5V; cathode
of ZD1, +7.5V and finally, the centre
terminal of VR2, +1.5V.
With 10V applied, run along the four
output pins of IC3 (pins 1, 7, 8, 14) and
check with an oscilloscope to see that
pulses are present. The waveform at
pin 1 should be as in the scope photo
accompanying this article.
Now go to pin 1 on power connector
TB7 and you should have a negative
going pulse of about 10V peak-to-peak
with a pulse width of approximately
1.5ms. There should be nine negativegoing spikes.
Congratulations, you now have a
working basic encoder module. All
that remains for this month is to make
up a patch cord to connect the servo
test header, TB30, to the decoder (described in the April 1995 issue) for
the final test.
This patch cord is quite simple,
consisting of a ground and signal
connection – see Fig.4. Take care to
get the polarity correct on the 2-pin
connector for TB30. The output of
TB30 is a positive-going pulse in order
to match the receiver output.
The 3-pin plug for the decoder is
a bit of a problem as this socket is
non-polarised, so paint dots on the
mated connector to ensure correct
alignment during later use. The ground
connection is the pin closest to the
receiver crystal. The socket we are
discussing here is the black plastic
socket used to mate the receiver to
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the decoder.
Plug the patch cord onto TB30 and
into the decoder socket. Plug in a receiver battery and one or more servos
or better still, a pulse width meter. If
you do not have a pulse width meter,
then a servo set to 1.5ms neutral (most
modern servos) will be quite adequate.
Remove any connections you may
have to the encoder except the power
lead and patch cord. Switch on the
power to both the encoder and decoder
and the servos should all take up the
same position. Adjust VR2 to bring the
servos to neutral (1.5ms) and you now
have an aligned encoder.
If you do not have a Mk.22 receiver
then you may want to hook up the encoder to the transmitter module. Simply connect ground, 10V and signal on
the two boards, set the programming
shunt on TB3 in the RF module to
the AM position and you should have
a modulated RF signal adequate in
strength to drive the receiver at close
range. Carry out the above adjustment
and you are all set for the programming
which will be described when we deal
with system alignment.
Finally, for those who just cannot
contain themselves and must see a servo move from an input, if you have an
old control stick, just wire up a 3-pin
socket as shown in Fig.5.
If you do not have a control stick
then wire up a 5kΩ linear pot as shown
in Fig.6. The two 4.7kΩ resistors simulate the mechanical stops in the control
sticks. Set the programming shunts
supplied to the NORMAL position on
the input programming headers TB1,
TB3, etc. Plug the pot into the channel
1 input and the servo into channel 1
on the receiver/decoder.
Rotating the pot or moving the stick
will result in servo movement. To
reverse the direction of travel, simply
rotate the pot connector through 180°.
When satisfied that all is working and
the novelty has worn off reversing the
servo, check each channel input.
A word of warning here. When reversing the servo, keep in mind that
the pulse width must be set at precisely 1.5ms (servo in exact neutral) or else
any error in position will be multiplied
by a factor of two when you reverse the
servo. In other words, if a servo is at
one end of its travel (for example the
throttle), then it will fly to the other
end as soon as you reverse its travel.
Next month, we will discuss construction of the transmitter case. SC
June 1996 65
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Battery Charger
Have you tried to start your car or boat
recently and found the battery wouldn’t
do its job? Do you need a fast charger
for the battery? This new automatic 10amp charger should fit the bill.
Although it’s possible to buy a commercial battery charger for just $30, it
won’t get you out of trouble in a hurry
if you have a flat battery. These chargers usually have a maximum current
rating of just 4A continuous, which
means that it can take many hours to
bring a flat battery up to scratch.
Often, it’s a case of connecting the
charger and letting the battery charge
70 Silicon Chip
for the rest of the day or overnight.
Many low-cost commercial chargers
also lack any useful indication of the
charging rate. What’s more, they often only have a single fixed charging
voltage and come with rather flimsy
clamps and cables. When it comes to
battery chargers, the old adage “you
get what you pay for” is quite true.
By contrast, this design is capable
of pumping out a hefty 10A on a continuous basis and can automatically
charge 6V, 12V or 24V batteries. You
don’t have to manually set the charging
voltage either. When connected to a
battery, this unit measures its voltage
and then automatically selects the
correct charging rate.
This scheme works because a “flat”
battery is generally only a few volts below its nominal voltage. For example,
a flat 12V battery generally would be at
about 10V while a 24V battery would
drop to about 20V.
The only drawback of this scheme is
that the charger will not automatically
recognise a 12V battery that has gone
below 8V or a 24V battery that has gone
below 16V. That’s because the sensing
circuit assumes that anything under
8V is a 6V battery, while anything
between 8-16V is a 12V battery.
Most of the components, including the main PC board, the power transformer,
the electrolytic capacitors and two bridge rectifiers, are mounted on an
aluminium baseplate. This provides an excellent heatsink and simplifies
mounting the various components. Note the heatshrink tubing covering the
mains switch and fuseholder terminals.
We don’t think this will happen very
often but if it does, the solution lies in
the “override” pushbutton switch on
the back panel. All you have to do is
hold this pushbutton down for short
periods until the correct voltage indicator LED stays on. We’ll talk about
this function later.
Because of its high current rating,
this battery charger is just the shot for
quickly topping up a battery that’s not
quite up to the job. It can really get
you going again on those cold winter
mornings. It’s also ideal for getting
your boat or recrea
t ional vehicle
battery up to speed, if it’s been lying
around neglected for a while.
Seven front panel LED indicators
give you a good idea as to what’s going
LED lights whenever a battery is connected, even if the power is off. Three
more LEDs indicate whether a 6V, 12V
or 24V battery is being charged, while
the remaining three LEDs indicate
✔ Automatic selection for 6V,
12V or 24V batteries
✔ Manual override button for
single voltage setting
✔ 10A maximum charging
✔ Automatic change over from
high through medium to trickle
✔ Battery voltage and charge
status indicator LEDs
✔ Output short circuit protection
✔ Reverse polarity protection
the charging rate (trickle, medium or
How it works
Refer now to Fig.1 for the circuit
details. This circuit can be split into
four blocks:
(1) a battery voltage sensing and
reference voltage summer (IC1);
(2) a switching regulator (IC2 and
associated circuitry) which regulates
the battery charging voltage. This circuit block also senses and limits the
battery charging current;
(3) a power supply based on transformer T2, full-wave bridge rectifier
BR1 and 3-terminal regulator REG1;
(4) charging and voltage indicators
based on transistors Q5-Q7 and LEDs
Let’s take a closer look at each of the
various circuit functions.
The battery voltage sensing circuit
consists of three comparators: IC1a,
IC1b and IC1c. As shown, pins 3
& 5 of IC1a & IC1b respectively are
June 1996 71
Fig.1: comparators IC1a-IC1c provide the automatic battery voltage sensing function, while IC2
is the switching regulator. The latter generates a PWM (pulse width modulated) waveform and
drives Mosfet Q4 via a buffer stage (Q2 & Q3) and isolating transformer T1. IC1d monitors the
voltage across the 0.01Ω current sensing resistor and drives the charge indicator LEDs.
72 Silicon Chip
1 plastic instrument case with
plastic front & rear panels, 260
x 180 x 65mm (Jaycar HB5984
or equivalent)
1 self-adhesive front panel label,
250 x 60mm
1 PC board, code 14105961, 145
x 83mm
1 PC board, code 14105962, 51
x 48mm
1 160VA toroidal power
transformer with 18V
secondaries (Jaycar MT2113 or
1 mains lead with moulded 3-pin
1 mains switch with plastic rocker
& neon indicator (S1) (Jaycar
SK0985 or equivalent)
1 pushbutton momentary contact
switch (S2)
2 3AG panel-mount fuseholders
(Jaycar SZ2020 or equivalent)
1 2A 3AG slow-blow fuse (F1)
1 16A 3AG fuse (F2)
1 10A battery clip - red (DSE
P-6420 or equivalent)
1 10A battery clip - black (DSE
P-6422 or equivalent)
5 TO-3 insulating bushes
2 TO-220 insulating washers
1 E-type ferrite transformer
complete with bobbin - Jaycar
LF-1270 or equivalent (T1)
3 190mm cable ties
1 ETD29 transformer assembly
(Philips 2 x 4312-020-37502
ferrite cores; 1 x 4322-02134381 former; 2 x 4322-02134371 clips) (L1)
1 1.5-metre 30A battery cable
1 1.5-metre 30A battery cable
7 5mm LED clips
1 3mm x 10mm tapped spacer
4 3mm x 6mm tapped spacers
2 3mm x 15mm bolts
5 3mm x 12mm bolts
8 3mm x 6mm bolts
16 3mm hex nuts
11 3mm flat washers
12 3mm spring washers
2 mains cable clamps (Jaycar
HP0716 or equivalent)
3 6PK x 10mm screws
4 6mm female solder quick
connectors (BR1)
1 260mm length 20 B&S
enamelled copper wire (for
.01Ω resistor)
1 6-metre length 21 B&S
enamelled copper wire (for L1)
1 9-metre length 30 B&S
enamelled copper wire (for T1)
connected to the positive terminal of
the battery via a 20kΩ resistor and to
ground via two series 10kΩ resistors.
This arrangement ensures that half the
battery voltage appears on pins 3 & 5,
while one quarter of the battery voltage
appears on pin 10 of IC1c.
A voltage divider string fed from the
+15V output of REG1 is used to set the
bias voltages on the inverting inputs
of IC1a-IC1c. As shown, pin 6 of IC1b
is biased to +2V, while pins 2 & 9 of
IC1a & IC1c are biased at +4V.
If a 6V battery is connected, the
output of IC1b will switch high,
turning on Q7 and lighting LED7
(the 6V indicator LED). Similarly, a
12V battery will cause the outputs of
both IC1a and IC1b to switch high.
Because pin 1 of IC1a is now high,
LED7 turns off and LED6 turns on (via
Q6), indicating that a 12V battery is
being charged.
Finally, a 24V battery causes all
three comparator outputs to switch
high. LEDs 6 & 7 will now both be off,
while LED5 will be on to show that the
battery is being charged to 24V.
1 LM324 quad op amp (IC1)
1 TL494 or TL594 switching
regulator (IC2)
1 BS170, BS170P or VN10KM
N-channel IGFET (Q1)
1 BD139 NPN transistor (Q2)
1 BD140 PNP transistor (Q3)
1 MTP75N05 N-channel IGFET
3 BC548 NPN transistors (Q5-Q7)
1 7815 3-terminal regulator
5 1N914 switching diodes
Switching regulator
IC2 is a TL494 PWM switching
regulator IC from Texas Instruments.
1 BYV32-200 ultra-fast diode (D3)
1 1N4004 power diode (D4)
1 400V 35A bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 400V 6A bridge rectifier - P04
7 5mm red LEDs (LED1-LED7)
1 15V 400mW zener diode (ZD1)
3 4000µF 63VW chassis mounting
1 470µF 63VW PC electrolytic
1 220µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 22µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 4.7µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 0.1µF 100VW monolithic
1 .0022µF 100VW MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 10MΩ
7 4.7kΩ
1 1MΩ
1 2.2kΩ
2 220kΩ
1 1.8kΩ
1 100kΩ
2 1.5kΩ
3 56kΩ
6 1kΩ
2 27kΩ
1 910Ω
1 20kΩ
1 470Ω
1 15kΩ
1 330Ω
3 10kΩ 1W
1 100Ω
2 10kΩ
1 91Ω
2 8.2kΩ
1 0.01Ω
1 5.6kΩ
Red, orange & black hook-up wire;
heatshrink tubing.
This device contains an on-board
oscillator, a reference regulator, two
error amplifiers, and a pair of output
driver transistors.
In operation, this device monitors
the voltage between its pin 1 and pin
2 inputs and adjusts its output duty
cycle accordingly, to give the correct
charging voltage.
In greater detail, pins 1 & 2 are the
non-inverting and inverting inputs
respectively of an internal error amplifier (designated A1). Pin 1 monitors the battery voltage via a voltage
divider (5.6kΩ and 910Ω), while pin
2 monitors the output of the reference
June 1996 73
Fig.2: most of the parts are installed on these two PC boards.
Make sure that transformer T1 is correctly oriented, as it’s
easy to install it back-to-front. In addition, the two round
plastic corner lugs on the base of this transformer must be cut
off so that the pins go through the PC board.
voltage summer formed by IC1a-IC1c.
When a 6V battery is connected, pin
7 of IC1b goes high as we’ve already
described. As well as driving Q7, this
output is also applied to a voltage divider consisting of 56kΩ, 4.7kΩ and
330Ω resistors. As a result, +1V DC is
applied to pin 2 of IC2.
When a 12V battery is connected,
the output of IC1a goes high as well
and so the two 56kΩ resistors at the
comparator outputs are effectively in
This means that a signal of +2V is
now applied to pin 2 of IC2 and this
jumps to +4V for a 24V battery (all
three comparator outputs high).
Thus, depending on the voltage of
the battery connected to the charger,
the comparators apply a fixed DC
voltage to pin 2 of IC2 (ie, to amplifier
A1’s inverting input).
This voltage is then compared with
the divided battery voltage on pin 1
74 Silicon Chip
of IC2 (the non-inverting input of the
A1 error amplifier). As a result, IC2
adjusts its pulse width output accordingly so that the battery is charged to
the correct voltage.
This works out to be 7.2V for a 6V
battery, 14.4V for a 12V battery, and
28.8V for a 24V battery. Note that
these full-charge voltages respectively
equate to 1V, 2V and 4V signal voltages
on pin 1 of IC2.
Override function
Pushbutton switch S2 provides
the override function. As explained
previously, this is used in situations
where the battery is so flat that it is
no longer automatically recognised
by the charger.
To simplify the circuit, however,
S2 provides just one override voltage
(either 6V, 12V or 24V). That’s because
most individual users will only want
to charge one type of battery (usually
12V). The actual override voltage is
determined by the value of resistor
R1 and this is selected when the unit
is built.
When S2 is pressed, it simulates
the relevant comparator output(s) going high and applies the appropriate
voltage to pin 2 of IC2. This forces
switching regulator IC2 to charge
the battery at the correct voltage,
even though the automatic detection
circuitry has failed to identify the
Assuming that the battery is OK,
this will very quickly bring its voltage up to a level where the automatic
detection circuit can take over. The
battery will then charge to the cor
rect voltage.
In practice, it’s simply a matter of
holding down S2 for short periods
until the correct charge indicator
LED remains on when the switch is
Note, however, that it should rarely be necessary to use the override
switch. Only batteries that have been
severely discharged will have an output that’s so low that they will not be
automatically recognised. And any
battery that’s left in this state for too
long will quickly deteriorate.
Current limiting
The need for current limiting is obvious – without it, a discharged battery
could attempt to draw 30-40A or more.
This would certainly be no good for the
battery or for the charger itself.
In this circuit, the maximum charging current has been limited to 10A.
This is done by monitoring the voltage developed across a .01Ω current
sensing resistor and applying it to
the non-inverting input (pin 16) of
a second error amplifier (A2) inside
IC2. This voltage (ie, on pin 16) is
then compared with a fixed 10mV
reference on the inverting input of
A2 (pin 15).
As long as the charging current remains below 10A, the voltage across
the .01Ω resistor remains below 10mV
and no current limiting takes place.
However, if the current attempts to rise
above 10A, the voltage on pin 16 will
rise above the voltage on pin 15. The
A2 amplifier then generates an error
signal and this in turn reduces the duty
cycle of the pulse width modulated
(PWM) output at pins 9 & 10.
As a result, the maximum output
current is effectively limited to 10A.
If the current does try to rise above
this, the error amplifier immediately
reduces the PWM duty cycle to reduce
the current again.
Mosfet Q1 and its associated components provide a delayed start-up for
the switching regulator (IC2). This is
necessary to give IC1a-IC1c sufficient
time to apply the correct reference
voltage to pin 2.
When no battery is connected, Q1’s
gate is at ground and so it is turned
off. As a result, pin 4 (Inhibit) of IC2
is held at the pin 14 reference voltage
(5V) via a 4.7kΩ resistor and diode
D2 – ie, the 22µF capacitor between
pins 4 & 14 will be discharged. This
prevents the switching regulator from
producing any output.
If a battery is now connected, the
output of IC1b (and perhaps IC1a &
IC1c as well) will go high after a short
delay, as set by the 22µF capacitor at
pin 5. This high turns on Mosfet Q1
The LED indicator board is mounted on the front panel by pushing the six
charge indicator LEDs into matching plastic bezels. Note the 10mm spacer
attached to the middle of the board – this ensures correct spacing between the
board and the front panel.
(via D1) and so the 22µF capacitor on
pin 4 of IC2 charges via the 100kΩ
resistor in Q1’s drain.
As a result, the voltage on the Inhibit
pin slowly reduces as the capacitor
charges. This allows the output pulse
width at E1 and E2 to increase slowly
from zero to a width which is con
trolled by the battery voltage.
Note that pressing the override
switch (S2) also applies a high (+15V)
to the gate of Q1 (via D7). This ensures
that IC2 starts when S2 is pressed,
even if the battery voltage is so low
that none of the op amp outputs has
gone high.
Buffer stage
The paralleled emitter outputs
from IC2 drive a buffer stage based on
complementary emitter followers Q2
& Q3. From there, the PWM signal is
fed to transformer T1. The transformer
secondary then drives Mosfet Q4 via
a 0.1µF capacitor. ZD1 is included to
protect Q4’s gate circuit from voltages
in excess of 15V.
T1 is necessary to isolate the
switching regulator circuitry (IC2, Q2
& Q3) from the output circuitry. This
is because Q4 operates as a source
follower and its source is effectively
at the battery voltage.
In operation, Q4 is switched on and
off by the waveform applied to its gate.
Each time it turns on, it applies a DC
pulse to the positive battery terminal
via inductor L1. When Q4 turns off,
the field around L1 collapses and D3
conducts so that the energy stored in
the inductor can continue charging
the battery.
Note that although Q4 switches a
+55V rail, the average voltage applied
to the battery is determined by the duty
cycle of the PWM waveform from IC2.
The pulse widths are at their narrowest
for 6V batteries and at their widest for
24V batteries.
Bridge rectifier BR2 is there to
protect the circuit against reverse
polarity connection of the battery.
Using a bridge rectifier may seem a
little odd here but we are really only
just connecting the top two diodes
in parallel and with reverse polarity
across the output. The bridge rectifier
is simply a low-cost way of obtaining
two diodes with adequate current
If the battery is connected the wrong
way around, the two top diodes inside
the bridge become forward biased and
conduct a heavy current. This blows
15A fuse F2, thereby disconnecting
the battery from the charger before
any damage can occur (other than to
the fuse itself).
Charge indicators
Op amp IC1d, together with LEDs
2-4, provides the charge rate indication – either trickle, medium or
high. It does this by monitoring the
June 1996 75
Fig.4: the
winding details
for transformer
T1. Wind the
primary first,
cover it with
insulating tape,
then wind on
the secondary.
Fig.3: the core halves in inductor L1 are
separated using washers cut from TO3
mounting insulators.
voltage developed across the .01Ω
current sensing resistor. This voltage
is applied to pin 12 of IC1d which
operates with a gain of 214, as set by
the 1MΩ and 4.7kΩ feedback resistors
on pin 13.
The output from IC1d appears at
pin 14 and is applied to the charge
LED indicators. If the charging rate is
greater than about 3.5A, then IC1d’s
output will be above 7.5V and both
the HIGH and MEDIUM LEDs will be
lit. At the same time, the TRICKLE LED
(LED4) will be reverse biased and so
it will be out.
As the battery charges, the output of
IC1d gradually reduces. Because the
cathode of the HIGH current LED is
biased to about 5.5V, it will gradually
dim and then extinguish as IC1d’s
output falls. The MEDIUM LED now
remains lit until the charging current
drops to about 0.75A. It then dims
and goes out, by which time LED4
has come on to indicate the trickle
charge mode.
Note that the output from IC1d must
76 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: install the power switch on the front panel with the
ring on the rocker oriented as shown here.
drop to about 2.4V before LED4 begins
to turn on. That’s because LED4’s
anode is biased to about 4.8V using a
voltage divider and diode D6.
In summary, LEDs 2 & 3 both light
when the charging current is above
3.5A; LED3 lights when the charging
current is in the range 0.75-3.5A; and
LED2 lights when the charging current
is below about 1A. Note that there is a
transition period when both LED3 and
LED4 are on (ie, LED4 gradually turns
on as LED3 dims).
Power supply
Power for the circuit is derived from
the mains via T2, a 160VA toroidal
transformer with 18V secondaries.
This drives full-wave bridge rectifier BR1 which, together with three
4000µF filter capacitors, produces a
+55V rail for the drain of Q4.
The three 4000µF filter capacitors
are required in order to provide an adequate ripple rating so that the charger
can deliver 10A.
A neon indicator wired across the
primary of the transformer provides
power on/off indication, while fuse F1
provides overload protection. D4 and
3-terminal regulator REG1 provide a
regulated +15V rail to power the rest
of the circuitry.
Most of the parts for the Autocharger
10 are installed on two PC boards: (1)
a main board coded 14105961 (145
x 83mm); and (2) an indicator board
coded 14105962 (51 x 48mm).
Fig.2 shows the parts layout on
the two PC boards. Before installing
any of the parts, carefully check both
boards for etching defects (in most
cases there will be none). If everything
is OK, start the main board assembly
by fitting PC stakes to the 12 external
wiring points, then install the six
wire links.
The diodes and resistors can be
installed next, followed by the ICs,
capacitors and transistors. Be sure
to orient transistors Q2 and Q3 with
their metal tabs facing away from T1.
Fig.7: the mains cord must be anchored securely and the wiring installed
exactly as shown here. Be sure to cover the switch and fuseholder terminals
with heatshrink tubing. The thick lines indicate heavy-duty (30A) cable.
No heatsinks are required for these
two devices.
As explained previously, resistor R1
is selected to set the desired override
voltage. Use 56kΩ to provide a 6V
override, 27kΩ for 12V override and
15kΩ for 24V override.
Care is required when mounting
Q4, D3 and REG1, since their metal
tabs must later line up with matching
holes in a metal baseplate. Note that
these devices are all mounted on the
June 1996 77
copper side of the board, as shown
in Fig.7. The mounting procedure is
as follows:
(1) Bend the device leads upwards
at a suitable distance from the bodies
(note: the holes in the metal tabs must
match the relevant baseplate holes if
this has been pre-drilled);
(2) Install the devices so that the bottom faces of their metal tabs are exactly
6mm below the PC board. This can be
checked out by fitting 6mm spacers
to the PC board and then placing the
assembly on a flat surface. Make any
adjustments as necessary before cutting the device leads off flush with the
top of the board.
Inductor L1 consists of six lengths
of wire, all wound together on a
Philips 4322-021-34381 former (as
one winding). This is done to achieve
a high current capacity using a small,
manageable gauge of wire.
The winding procedure is as follows:
(1) cut the 21 B&S wire into six
1-metre lengths;
(2) tin one end of each wire, form
it into a hook and solder each hooked
end to a separate pin on the 6-lug side
of the former;
(3) bundle the wires together and
wind on 20 turns (the direction doesn’t
(4) check that the ferrite core halves
fit the former, then terminate the six
ends on separate pins on the other side
of the transformer;
(5) cover the windings with a couple
of layers of insulation tape, then slip
one of the ferrite core halves into the
side of the former with the six lugs and
secure it with one of the clips;
(6) cut three TO-3 mounting insulators as shown in Fig.3 (these serve as
Fig.8: the mounting details for D3 and
Q4. Make sure that the area around
their mounting holes is smooth and
free of metal swarf, to avoid punching
through the insulating washers.
spacers between each leg of the two
core halves);
(7) fit the second ferrite core half
to the former, along with one of these
insulating washers as a spacer between
the two centre legs;
(8) push the other two spacers into
the gap between the outer legs of the
core halves, then secure the assembly
using a 190mm plastic cable tie.
Fig.4 shows the winding details
for driver transformer T1. This is
wound on a plastic bobbin using 30
B&S enamelled copper wire. Be sure
to wind the turns in the direction
shown in Fig.4, as the phasing of this
transformer is critical.
The primary is wound first. To do
this, terminate the start of the wire
on pin 2, wind on 100 turns and ter-
(1) No charging voltage is indicated; or
(2) The indicated charging voltage is too low.
Release override switch every 10 seconds until the correct charging
voltage is indicated.
Fig.9: this label should be attached to the top of the charger. Be sure to fill in the
value for the override voltage in the space indicated (either 6V, 12V or 24V).
78 Silicon Chip
minate the finish on pin 1. Cover this
winding with a layer of insulating tape,
then wind on the 110-turn secondary,
starting at pin 5 and finishing on pin
7. Note that the secondary must be
wound in the same direction as the
The last item to make is the 0.01Ω
resistor, as follows:
(1) take a piece of 20 B&S enamel
wire and cut it to 260 mm;
(2) clean each end with a knife or
emery paper and tin for about 5mm;
(3) wind the wire into a coil (we
used a pencil as a former and ended
up with nine turns).
T1, L1 and the .01Ω resistor can now
be installed on the PC board, as shown
on Fig.2. Be sure to match the start and
finish windings of T1 to their designated locations. It will be necessary to cut
off the two plastic lugs on the botton
of T1, so that it can be pushed all the
way down onto the board.
LED indicator board
The LED indicator board will only
take a few minutes to assemble. Begin
by installing PC stakes on the copper
side of the board at the external wiring
points, or if you wish just solder flying
leads into the holes as shown in one
of the photographs. This done, fit the
resistors, transistors Q5-Q7, diode D1
and the six indicator LEDs.
Note that the LEDs must be mounted
so that the bottom of each LED is 6mm
above the board. The easiest way to do
this is to cut a 6mm-wide cardboard
jig. This jig is then inserted between
the LED leads as they are being pushed
down on the board.
Finally, a 10mm spacer is fitted to
the top of the board – see photo.
Case assembly
A standard plastic instrument case
with plastic front and rear panels is
used to house the circuitry. Most of the
components, including the main PC
board, power transformer, electrolytic
capacitors and the two bridge rectifiers, are mounted on an aluminium
baseplate. This provides an excellent
heatsink and simplifies mounting the
various components.
Begin by attaching the label to the
front panel, then use this as a drilling
template for the LED indicators (6.57mm), the fuseholder and the battery
cable clamp. Note that larger holes
are best made by first drilling a small
pilot hole and then carefully enlarging
Fig.10: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
them using a tapered reamer or, for the battery cable clamp
hole, a small file.
The cutout for the mains switch is made by drilling a
series of small holes around the inside circumference, then
knocking out the centre piece and carefully filing the hole to
shape. Don’t make this hole too big – the mains switch must
be a tight fit so that it is held securely.
The LED bezels, fuseholder F2 and the mains switch (see
Fig.5) can now be fitted to the front panel. The battery cables
consist of 1.5-metre lengths of 30A cable (red for positive
and black for negative). These are each fitted with a large
battery clip at one end. Secure them using a cordgrip clamp,
leaving a length of about 250mm for each cable at the back
of the panel.
The LED indicator board is now fitted by pushing the LEDs
into the bezels, until the spacer contacts the front panel.
Once the front panel assembly has been completed, the
rear panel can be drilled to accept the mains cord clamp,
fuseholder F2 and pushbutton switch S2. The locations of
these holes can be gauged from the photographs and from the
wiring diagram (Fig.6). Note that the mains cord hole should
be carefully profiled to match the cordgrip grommet.
The next step is to drill the baseplate. This will need to be
drilled for the transformer mounting bolt, the two bridge rectifiers, three filter capacitors, the PC board mounting screws,
the three TO-220 devices (Q4, D3 & REG1), and the three
fixing points to secure the baseplate into the base of the case.
The latter three holes take self-tapping screws into integral
pillars in the base of the case. One of these is adjacent to the
front-panel power switch, while the other two are just in front
of the three filter capacitors. When the drilling is done, all the
hardware is mounted on the baseplate before it is mounted
into the case.
Transformer T2 is secured using a large bolt, two rubber
washers and a large metal washer. One of the rubber washers
sits under the transformer, while the second sits under the
metal washer at the top.
The main PC board, the bridge rectifiers and the electrolytic
capacitors can now be installed on the baseplate. The board
is secured at the front and rear using the 6mm spacers and
12mm long bolts.
Note that Q4 and D3 must be isolated from the baseplate
using standard TO-220 mounting kits – see Fig.8. After mounting, check that the device tabs are indeed isolated using a
multimeter switched to a high ohms range.
REG1 can be bolted directly to the baseplate, since its metal
tab is at earth potential.
Final wiring
Fig.6 shows the final wiring details. Exercise extreme care
when installing the mains wiring, as your safety depends on
it. In particular, make sure that the mains cord is securely
anchored by the cordgrip grommet on the rear panel and that
it cannot be pulled out.
The Active (brown) and Neutral (blue) wires from the mains
cord go directly to the mains switch, while the Earth (yellow/
green) wire is soldered to an earth lug which is bolted securely
to the baseplate.
Use a star washer and an additional lock nut to ensure that
the earth lug cannot come loose.
The terminals of the fuseholder and mains switch should
be covered with heatshrink tubing to prevent accidental
contact with the mains. This involves slipping a length of
June 1996 79
Fig.11: the full-size etching patterns for
the two PC boards are shown here. Check
your boards carefully for etching defects by
comparing them with these patterns, before
installing any of the parts.
heatshrink tubing over all the leads
before they are soldered to the terminals. After soldering, the heatshrink
tubing is pushed over the fuseholder
and mains switch bodies and shrunk
using a hot-air gun.
The two thin orange wires from
the transformer are the primary leads
and these go to the mains switch and
the fusehold
er, as shown. The low
voltage secondary leads are much
thicker. Twist the ends of the pink
and yellow leads together (to form the
centre tap) and solder a short length of
hook-up wire to them. The resulting
joint should then be sleeved using
heatshrink tubing.
The red and white transformer
leads go to the AC terminals of the
bridge rectifier via spade terminals,
while the lead connected to the
transformer centre-tap goes to D4 on
the PC board.
All leads between BR2, the fuse
Lead-acid batteries generate hydrogen gas which is explosive. This charger
should only be used in a well-ventilated area and you should always connect
the battery to the charger before turning the mains switch on. This is done to
prevent sparks from being generated.
If the BATTERY LED does not light when the battery is connected, check
the 15A fuse and the battery polarity. This fuse will blow if the battery is
connected the wrong way around and is there to protect the internal circuitry.
Finally, always turn the charger off before disconnecting the battery leads.
Again, this is done to prevent sparks from causing an explosion.
80 Silicon Chip
holder and the PC board must be run
using 30A cable. The only exception
is the lead between the fuseholder
and the battery sense terminal on the
PC board. The connection between
the positive terminal of BR2 and the
fuseholder is made using the bridge
rectifier lead – it’s simply bent over to
contact the fuseholder terminal.
Again because of the currents involved, three separate leads are run
from the +55V terminal on the PC
board to the positive terminals of the
4000µF capacitors. Three more leads
are run from the GND point to the
negative terminals. Similarly, separate
leads are run from the plus and minus
terminals of the capacitors to the corresponding terminals on bridge rectifier
BR1 (see Fig.6).
Note the 10kΩ resistors across the
capacitors – they’re there to discharge
the capacitors after switch off. Warning: don’t touch the capacitor terminals as they can give you a shock.
The remainder of the wiring be-
tween the LED indicator board, LED1
and the main PC board can be run using light-duty hook-up wire. Complete
the construction by fitting the fuses in
the fuseholders. The 2A fuse goes in
fuseholder F1, while the 15A fuse goes
in fuseholder F2.
Before plugging the unit in and
switching it on, it is a good idea to
check the mains wiring using an
To do this, first check that there is
an open circuit between the Active
and Neutral pins of the mains plug
when switch S1 is off and a resistance
of about 13Ω when it is on. If this is
OK, check that there is an open circuit
between each of these two pins (Active
& Neutral) and the earth pin.
Finally, check that the meter reads
zero ohms when connected between
the Earth pin on the plug and the metal
If everything checks out, plug the
charger into the mains and turn it on.
Both the mains switch neon and the
TRICKLE LED (LED4) should light. If
they don’t, switch off immediately,
pull the mains plug and locate the
problem before proceeding further.
Now turn the mains switch off and
connect a 6V or 12V DC battery to the
charger leads (positive to positive,
negative to negative). Check that the
Next, disconnect the battery, switch
on the mains and (carefully) measure
the voltage across the 4000µF electrolytic capacitors (warning: do not
touch or short any of the terminals).
You should get a reading of about 55V.
The voltage on pin 8 of IC2 should be
around 15V, while pin 14 should read
around 5V.
If everything is OK so far, the unit
is ready for its first trial.
To do this, turn the charger off and
connect it to a car battery (disconnect
the battery from the car’s electrical system first). The BATTERY CONNECTED
LED should immediately light. Now
switch on the mains and check that
the 12V LED lights (assuming that a
12V battery is connected).
Depending on the state of the battery, one of the charge indicator LEDs
should also illuminate. If the HIGH
LED lights it will probably only be for
a short period of time, then the charger
will switch to MEDIUM. Eventually,
depending on the condition of the
The wiring connections to the LED indicator board can either be run directly to
the copper pads on the back of the board, as shown here, or to PC stakes. Use
cable ties to keep the wiring neat and tidy.
Heatsinking is provided for REG1 (left), D3 and Q4 by attaching them to the
baseplate. After mounting these devices, use a multimeter to confirm that the
metal tabs of D3 and Q4 are correctly isolated from the heatsink.
battery, the charger should switch to
Using the override button
Before concluding, here are a few
tips on using the override pushbutton.
First, remember that you have only
one override voltage available. So if
you selected a 27kΩ resistor for R1,
the override function is only available
for 12V batteries.
Of course, you can easily get around
this if by adding a 3-way switch to select between the three possible resistor
values. That way, you can provide an
override function for all three battery
The override function is easy to use.
If the battery does not start charging at
the correct voltage, hold the pushbutton down for 10 seconds, then release
it and check to see if the correct charge
indicator LED stays alight. If it doesn’t,
repeat this procedure until it does.
The battery should then charge to the
correct voltage.
Finally, note that the power transformer specified for the charger is
rated at 160VA. While it is suitable for
topping up 24V batteries, if prolonged
high current charging of these batteries
is envisaged, a 300VA transformer
should be used. This will necessitate
using a bigger case.
June 1996 81
New range of DMMs from Tektronix
There are three major features of
the new DMM800 series “true RMS”
digital multimeter range just released
by Tektronix. These are high accuracy
(up to twice that of competing brands),
high resolution (up to 10 times) and,
according to Textronix, lower prices.
The DMM800 series is the company’s new flagship range, designed
specifically to meet the needs of
electronic design engineers and
The family consists of the entry level
DMM830, mid-range DMM850 and
the high-end DMM870. All offer a full
range of industry-standard features
–voltage, current, resistance, capacitance and frequency, and incorporate
the new TC8129/8131 chip set, for
which Tektronix has exclusive rights.
This chip set is the first full featured,
autoranging, autocalibrated DMM A-D
converter, offering complete DMM
functions and the highest resolution
and accuracy available on the market
today: 4¾ digits or 40,000 counts and
0.06% basic DC volts.
The DMM850 and DMM870 feature
Design low frequency loudspeaker enclosures
fast and accurately with BassBox® software.
Uses both Thiele-Small and Electro-Mechanical
parameters with equal ease. Includes X. Over
2.03 passive crossover design program.
Plus $6.00 postage.
Pay by cheque, Bankcard, Mastercard, Visacard.
PH: (02) 9948 3771 FAX: (02) 9948 8040
82 Silicon Chip
dual numeric displays, allowing sim
ultaneous measurement of two functions without switching (eg voltage
and frequency). These models can
also time stamp (labelling minimum
and maximum values during measurement), as well as measure temperature directly in degrees Fahrenheit
or Celsius.
The DMM870 also features high/
low limit setting, with a beep to warn
when measurements exceed user-set
limits, along with a peak-hold function, holding and time stamping even
very short mode (1ms) events.
All three models are true RMS
meters that feature adjustable auto
power-off, memory store/recall and
a durable water/dust resistant casing. Each meets IEC, UL and CSA
standards and comes with a 3-year
Prices are $399 for the 830, $449
for the 850 and $499 for the 870. For
further information, contact Tektronix
Australia, 80 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde,
NSW 2113. Phone (02) 888 7066, fax
(02) 888 0125
Ghost killer chip for
consumer products
Cancellation Reference signal.
Suitable for both PAL and NTSC,
the MV52661SP chip provides the
first cost-effective means of reducing
ing in consumer devices. The
52-pin DIP-package chip contains a
4fsc burst-lock clock generator, a sync
separator, a clamping circuit for digital signal processing, an analog video
switch and a 10 bit D-A converter, along
with a timebase error detector circuit to
detect channel change or VCR signal.
For further information, contact Mit
subishi Electric; phone (02) 684 7777.
Mitsubishi Electric has announced
the release of the M52661SP, the first
anti-ghost pre-processor chip for tele
visions, set-top boxes and VCRs.
According to Mitsubishi, use of their
chip in conjunction with an adaptive
filter chip (made by Oren Semiconductor) and a standard 8 or 9-bit video
A-D converter, makes it possible to
dynamically cancel multipath ghosts
– if the TV station transmits a Ghost
TDK’s first global
PC Card
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is more
than likely that it contained advertising which
is now out of date and the advertiser has
requested that the page be removed to prevent
misunderstandings. Please feel free to visit the
advertiser’s website:
TDK has introduced the
first legal “international” PC
data/fax modem card, the
DF2814, giving computer users the freedom to call up data
from other computers, send
and receive faxes without a
fax machine, check e-mail
and even surf the Internet
both here in Australia and
Usable in up to 17 countries, the PC Card (which
used to be called PCMCIA)
supports V.34 (28,800bps)
data, 14,400 fax, MNP5 and
V.42 bis data compression
protocols, and MNP2-4, V.42
and MNP 10 error correction
protocols. It is also compatible with the existing V.FAST
class and will automatically
fall back to slower speeds as
When used overseas, country selector software allows
the user to select the appropriate telephone system.
Its default power-up is the
country of origin, avoiding
faulty setup.
The card plugs directly into an PC
or Apple Power Book sporting the
appropriate PC Card slot. As well as
the international business traveller,
the card is ideal for SOHO and remote
access applications.
Fast charger for
lithium-ion batteries
The bq2054 fast charge IC from
Benchmarq now optimises the charging of lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries.
The bq2054 incorpo
rates a pulse-
width modulator (PWM), on-chip
reference, charge timer, and status
indicators to provide a full-features
lithium ion charge controller. The
PWM frequency is set by an external
resistor-capacitor network.
The bq2054 is suited to switch
mode designs and may be configured
for linear or gated current regulation.
In use, the device terminates charging
when the current falls below a userselectable minimum current limit. For
safety, it also inhibits charging when
the battery voltage and temperature
are outside set limits. A user-selectable maximum charge time is also
Also possible are multiple LED
display options for charge status
and fault conditions; user-selectable
time-out and minimum current charge
termination; battery temperature and
voltage qualification before fast charge;
and fast charge suspension with temperature fault.
For further information, contact
Reptechnic, 3/36 Bydown St, Neutral
Bay, NSW 2089. Phone (02) 9953 9844.
June 1996 83
Complete mixer
on a chip
Active matrix liquid
crystal displays
Philips has just appointed Amtex
Electronics as sole Australian distributor for its range of FPD active matrix
liquid crystal displays. This range of
Active Matrix LCDs uses Thin Film
Diode (TFD) technology which is
simpler and more reliable than the
current TFT technology.
Ranging in size from 2.8 to 10.4-inches, with an 11.3-inch version soon to
be released, these LCDs are designed
for industrial, transportation, medical equipment and defence-related
For further information, contact
Amtex Electronics on (02) 805 0844;
fax (02) 805 0750.
PO Box 314 Blackwood SA 5051 Ph 018 806794
$49: a simple to build 2.5 watt free running CD level input, FM band runs from 12-24VDC.
•• FMTX1
FMTX2B $49: the best transmitter on the market, FM-Band XTAL locked on 100MHz. CD level input 3
stage design, very stable up to 30mW RF output.
$49: a universal digital stereo encoder for use on either of our transmitters. XTAL locked.
FMTX5 $99: both FMTX2A & FMTX2B on one PCB.
FMTX10 $599: a complete FMTX5 built and tested, enclosed in a quality case with plugpack, DIN input
for audio and a 1/2mtr internal antenna, also available in 1U rack mount with balanced cannon
input sockets, dual VU meter and BNC RF $1299. Ideal for cable FM or broadcast transmission over
distances of up to 300 mtrs, i.e. drive-in theatres, sports arenas, football grounds up to 50mW RF out.
FMTX10B $2599: same as rack mount version but also includes dual SCA coder with 67 & 92kHz subcarriers.
Audio Power Amp: this has been the most popular kit of all time with some 24,000 PCBs being
since 1987. Easy to build, small in size, high power, clever design, uses KISS principle. Manufacturing
rights available with full technical support and PCB CAD artwork available to companies for a small royalty.
200 Watt Kit $29, PCB only $4.95.
AEM 35 Watt Single Chip Audio Power Amp $19.95: this is an ideal amp for the beginner to construct;
uses an LM1875 chip and a few parts on a 1 inch square PCB.
Low Distortion Balanced Line Audio Oscillator Kit $69: designed to pump out line up tone around studio
complexes at 400Hz or any other audio frequency you wish to us. Maximum output +21dBm.
MONO Audio DA Amp Kit, 15 splits: $69.
Universal BALUN Balanced Line Converter Kit $69: converts what you have to what you want, unbalanced
to balanced or vice versa. Adjustable gain. Stereo.
I/O Card for PCs Kit $169: originally published in Silicon Chip, this is a real low cost way to interface
•to Max
the outside world from your PC, 7 relays, 8 TTL inputs, ADC & DAC, stepper motor drive/open collector
1 amp outputs. Sample software in basic supplied on disk.
PC 8255 24 Line I/O Card Kit $69, PCB $39: described in ETI, this board is easy to construct with
•onlyIBM3 chips
and a double sided plated through hole PCB. Any of the 24 lines can be used as an input or
output. Good value.
19" Rack Mount PC Case: $999.
•• Professional
All-In-One 486SLC-33 CPU Board $799: includes dual serial, games, printer floppy & IDE hard disk drive
interface, up to 4Mb RAM 1/2 size card.
PC104 486SLC CPU Board with 2Mb RAM included: 2 serial, printer, floppy & IDE hard disk $999; VGA
card $399.
If your kit does not work, provided good workmanship has been applied in assembly and all original parts
have been correctly assembled, we will repair your kit FREE if returned within 14 days of purchase. Your
only cost is postage both ways. Now, that’s a WARRANTY!
KITS-R-US sell the entire range of designs by Graham Dicker. The designer has not extended his agreement
with the previous distributor, PC Computers, in Adelaide. All products can be purchased with Visa/Bankcard
by phone and shipped overnight via Australia EXPRESS POST for $6.80 per order. You can speak to the
designer Mon-Fri direct from 6-7pm or place orders 24 hours a day on: PH 018 80 6794; FAX 08 270 3175.
84 Silicon Chip
Analog Devices’ new SSM2163 is
a complete 8-input audio mixer on a
chip. It accepts eight audio channels,
provides control of volume in 63 1dB
steps and can mix individual channels to either the right, left or both
outputs. The SSM2163 employs an
industry-standard three-wire serial
interface and one data output terminal
to daisy-chain multiple SSM2163s for
high-end multi-track audio systems.
A single mute pin, when driven by
a micro
processor reset signal, will
silence all eight audio channels simultaneously.
The SSM2163 is a companion to
Analog Devices’ family of stereo codecs and provides excellent audio
quality. Signal-to-noise is -82dBu
(0dBu = 0.775V RMS) with an additional 10dBu of headroom, resulting
in a total dynamic range of 92dBu.
Total harmonic distortion plus noise
is .007% at 1kHz with all levels set
for unity gain. This mixer-in-a-chip
can be powered by a single (+5V-14V)
supply or dual (±4V to ±14V) supplies
and is available in 28-pin plastic
New range of filters for 3-phase
variable speed motor drives
Schaffner has a range
of filters for 3-phase
industrial frequency inverters. The new FN258
series have a voltage
rating of 480V, meeting the requirements of
variable speed motor
drive manufacturers and
users around the world.
The new filter is the first
Schaffner component to
meet EN133200 – the
new harmonised European standard for this
product sector –in addition to the USA’s UL1283.
The new filter is available in a family of nine variants to cover a current range from 7-180A, simplifying
the task of making variable frequency drives (VFDs)
comply with EMC regulations. A standard temperature
rating of 50°C obviates the need to derate specifications to match actual working conditions in countries
such as Australia.
For further information, contact Westinghouse Industrial Products, Locked Bag 66, South Melbourne,
Vic 3205. Phone (03) 9676 8888; fax (03) 9676 8702.
DIP and SOIC packages.
The SSM2163 is suited for automating many computer audio systems,
from high-end multimedia work
stations to low-cost PC sound cards.
Other applications include professional audio mixing consoles, broadcast
equipment, intercom and paging
systems and musical instruments.
For further information, contact
Hartec, 205A Middleborough Rd, Box
Hill, Vic. 3128. Phone 1 800 335 623.
Windows software
for robots
Procon Technology has released
Windows software capable of controlling robotic kits. Complete source
code is provided for VisualBASIC for
Windows version 3 or greater. The
supplied routines may also be used
by other Windows-based languages.
The Windows Robotics software an
be used to control motors, switches,
lamps, electromag
nets and buzzers.
You could program automatic responses to change light, temperature
or motion as detected by sensors.
Extending the control of the screen
to actual machines and robots enhances the computer’s learning environment in problem solving, science,
maths and logic.
The Fischertechnik interface unit
provides eight digital inputs, two
analog inputs and four bidirectional
motor outputs. The unit connects to
any IBM-PC parallel printer port and
allows a second unit to be attached
for a total of 16 digital inputs and
eight motor outputs (or 16 lamp/relay
outputs). The analog inputs may be
used with potentiometers (for position
control), light dependent resistors
(for measuring light), thermistors
(for measuring temperature) or other
resistive devices.
The Windows Robotics software
costs $45. For further details contact,
Procon Technology, PO Box 655,
Mount Waverley, Vic 3149. Phone (03)
9807 5660; fax (03) 9807 8220.
Electronics Workbench
software upgrade
The popular “Electronics Workbench” software which allows users
to simulate analog and digital circuits
as well as test equipment such as
an oscilloscope, function generator
and spectrum analyser on a PC, has
now been updated with the release
of version 4.
This new version expands the selec-
1VA to 25VA
Manufactured in Australia
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 476-5854 Fx (02) 476-3231
tion of analog and digital components
available to users. Real world models
which make all active components
selectable by part number, as found
in standard data books, have been
For more information, contact Emona Instruments on (02) 519 3933 or
fax (02) 550 1378.
Scan Audio Pty Ltd
June 1996 85
Testing capacitors at high voltages
using a megohm meter
Faulty capacitors can cause lots of problems in
old valve receivers. Although this topic has been
covered in previous Vintage Radio columns,
other aspects keep arising which suggest that
another session on capacitors is in order.
When it comes to valve receivers,
we are not looking at one particular
type of capacitor. There are high and
low-voltage paper capacitors, high and
low-voltage electrolytics, and standard
mica and silvered mica capacitors.
There were even a few “late model”
valve receivers fitted with polyester
Discarding all paper capacitors
when restoring a receiver has been a
standard procedure for me for a long
time. Although I do this, there is no
reason to replace all paper capacitors
as even (slightly) leaky ones will work
OK in some applications; eg, when
used as a cathode bypass capacitor.
If one is prepared to properly test
paper capacitors, many can be reused
although not always in their original
Leaky capacitors should not be used
in any high tension application or the
AGC (automatic gain control) circuit,
for example.
Personally, I prefer to replace all
This Altronics megohm meter is assembled from a kit. It tests at 500V and
1000V and is powered by a 9V “AA” battery pack.
86 Silicon Chip
suspect capacitors in an old radio set.
That way, I can be absolutely certain
of elimi
nating one common source
of problems. However, the following
information will be of use to those
restorers who like to retain as many
of the original components as possible
in their radios. This means replacing
only those capacitors which really are
faulty. When this is the case, those
capacitors that are not replaced should
be thoroughly tested and their serviceability properly established.
Leakage problems
When restoring a radio receiver, I
often find that the high tension voltage
can rise by as much as 100V after the
paper capacitors have been replaced.
This gives some insight as to the
amount of leakage that can be involved
with faulty capacitors.
Without going into details, capacitor leakage can seriously overload a
variety of components such as valves,
screen resis
tors, chokes, field coils
and output and power transformers,
to name just a few.
This means that any paper capacitors left in the high tension circuit
must be carefully tested for leakage.
What’s more, they should also retain
their original capacitance and that may
not always be the case. Sometimes a
paper capacitor with no leakage also
has little or no capacitance, due to
internal open circuits.
Quite simply, it boils down to
this: all capacitors must be carefully
checked for both leakage and capacitance before using them in a high
tension circuit.
I was recently embroiled in a debate
over how capacitors should be tested
for leakage. This is a difficult subject
Above: this Megger is self-contained and requires no batter
ies. “Megger” is a registered trademark used by Evershed and
Vignoles Limited, England.
Right: a modern electronic Megger. Gone is the old crank handle
used in early design to generate the test voltage. The trademark is
faintly visible at right, just below the meter scale.
for some to appreciate, especially
when they are accustomed to low voltage circuits. It is difficult to appreciate
the stress placed on a capacitor when
it has hundreds of volts across it.
My opposition claimed that all that
was needed was a ca
pacitance test
and, if the capacitor was leaky, then
the capacitance reading on the meter
would slowly drop away.
It is incredible the things some
people say when they have not even
tried out such a theory. In fact, it was
immediately disproved by testing a
known faulty capacitor with a multimeter set to capacitance. The reading
remained static for quite some time,
then it increased slightly, a characteristic of that particular meter. Yet the
same capacitor measured about 2MΩ
when tested with the same meter set
on the ohms x 1000 scale.
My counter argument was that a
high voltage megohm meter – such as
a “Megger” – should be the ideal instrument to conveniently test suspect
capacitors. If the dielectric can withstand a 400-500V potential without
showing leakage on the meter, then
there would be little to worry about
if that capacitor were to be put back
into service.
Again, unproven theories were
thrown into the discussion on the basis that a Megger was never intended
to test capacitors. According to my
opponent, “a Megger would produce
high voltage spikes that would blast
holes in the dielectric, thus rendering
what may have been a perfectly good
capacitor totally useless”. Well, that’s
what I was told!
Now before going any further, let’s
clear up the terminolo
gy regarding
the word “Megger”, which is often
carelessly and incorrectly used.
The word “Megger” is in fact a trade
name for a particular brand of megohm
meter. The old familiar type used a
black bakelite cabinet fitted with a dual
range meter scale and used a folding
crank handle that was used to spin a
small generator! Anything else – without the Megger trademark – is simply
a megohm meter.
Trial runs
Doing a few tests on a range of
capacitors with a borrowed megohm
meter seemed to support all my
assumptions. Testing ca
pacitors at
400V clearly showed up any leakage
problems. Good capacitors kept the
meter needle hovering around the infinity mark, while the not-so-good ones
showed various amounts of leakage in
megohms, or zero ohms in the case of
a shorted capacitor.
(Editorial comment: our oldest contributor recalls that one of the first jobs
he was given when he entered the radio
industry back in the mid-30s – yes,
mid-30s – was to help test hundreds
of paper capacitors, as they came from
the makers. And his job was to crank
the Megger while another operator
applied the test prods to rows of the
capacitors laid out on the bench. There
was never any suggestion that this was
The interesting aspect of the high
voltage test is that a crook capacitor
that shows a leakage of around 1-2MΩ
at 400V will appear quite good when
checked with a normal multimeter set
to the ohms x 1000 range.
Leakage and straight resistance are
two different things. A 10MΩ resistor
will measure the same on both types
of meters but leakage through a capacitor will usually increase with the
voltage and that is why capacitors
require a high voltage test. If an old
paper capacitor is going to be operated at several hundred volts, then
it needs to be tested at that voltage
or more.
Many of the old capacitors from
the early 1930s have the test voltage
June 1996 87
A close-up view of Altronics meter. Despite the 1000V warning, there is little
sensation at the test terminals but always be sure to discharge fully-charged
capacitors before touching their test leads, or you could get a nasty shock.
selected by a rotary switch –see photo.
These voltages can be varied to some
extent by internal adjustment.
Although the megohm meter tests
at potentials as high as 1000V, one
can hold the test leads and not feel as
much as a tickle.
This is because there is a 10MΩ resistor in series with the test leads and
this restricts the current flow to such
a degree that the instrument is quite
shock proof, even though it carries a
warning referring to the 1000V potential at the test leads. But a charged
capacitor is another story and they
can really bite!
The 10MΩ resistor also overcomes
another of the “anti megohm meter”
comments made during the great
debate. Because of this high value
resistor, there is no great inrush current to internally damage any delicate
capacitor. As a result of this resistor, it
takes about 20 seconds to fully charge a
0.47µF capacitor. But there is no doubt
about the effectiveness of the high voltage test if a capacitor is shorted. The
discharge spark can be clearly seen and
heard. ZAP! (Editorial note: shorting a
charged capacitor is not good practice,
as it can cause internal damage).
If the capacitor is left connected
after testing, it will discharge through
the meter. Larger capacitors need
longer discharge times, so be careful
Mica capacitors
Most 100V greencaps will withstand a 1000V test. That indicates that they
should work OK in a lot of valve radio situations without much trouble.
clearly marked on them and a 400V
capacitor was often tested at 1500V
– well above its normal operating
Using a borrowed megohm meter was a great help in establishing
whether or not it was a suitable test
instrument for capacitors. But someone else’s Megger is not mine, so I set
about finding an equivalent for my
own use.
A kit-based meter
After a period of unsuccessful
searching, I came across an advertise88 Silicon Chip
ment for a megohm meter in kit form
for $80 from Altronics. There was a
minor problem with the kit, with the
parts layout diagram and circuit board
showing the wrong battery polarity.
However, that problem has since been
rectified if you are thinking of buying
one. So, despite the minor hiccup,
I eventual
ly had myself a working
megohm meter.
The Altronics kit seems to be a good
design and is an electronic type, not an
electromechanical device like the old
Megger. It has two test potentials (500V
and 1000V) with the desired voltage
One very interesting test procedure
was carried out on a couple of known
faulty silvered mica capacitors that
were causing a distinct crackle in a
When tested with the megohm
meter, the needle continually fluctuated up and down the scale. In other
words, the problem could be clearly
seen when the capacitor was subjected
to a high voltage test. However, when
one of these capacitors was reversed,
the needle swung over to infinity and
held steady.
This test seems to indicate that
whatever happens inside a faulty
silvered mica capacitor can create
a rectifying effect whereby there is
current leakage in one direction but
not the other.
The next time I have a crackly mica
capacitor problem, I will reverse the
capacitor to see if that cures the fault.
Although there is some possibility that
it might, whether it lasts is another
The UV People
● Bubble Etch ● Circulating
● Portuvee 4 ● Portuvee 6
● Dual Level
● Ideal
● Toyo HiSpeed
The test voltage should be in excess of normal operating potentials and 400V
paper capacitors were often tested at 1500V. Both of these capacitors dismally
failed the high voltage test.
● PC Board: Riston, Dynachem
● 3M Label/Panel Stock
● Dynamark: Metal, Plastic
40 Wallis Ave, East Ivanhoe 3079.
Phone (03) 9497 3422, Fax (03) 9499 2381
All of these old capacitors failed the high voltage test. They have varying
amounts of leakage, with some registering less than a megohm of resistance
when tested on a megohm meter. A good capacitor should not show any DC
current leakage.
question. While I am not suggesting
that this technique be adopted as a
recommended practice, it will be an
interesting experiment.
In conclusion, it would appear
that a high voltage megohm meter is
an entirely suitable instrument for
checking capacitors for leakage. It
works on all types of capacitors, except
electrolytics, provided that the voltage
rating of the capacitor to be tested is
appropriate for the test voltage.
Finally, high voltage testing of pow
er transformers, chokes, field coils, etc
can also be carried out using a meg
ohm meter.
Footnote: the High-Voltage Insulation Tester described in the May 1996
issue of SILICON CHIP is also ideal for
testing capacitors for leakage. It has
a 10-step LED bargraph display and
provides five selectable test voltages
ranging from 1000V down to as low
as 100V.
APPROVED TO AS 3108-1990
15VA to 7.5kVA
Tortech Pty Ltd
24/31 Wentworth St, Greenacre 2190
Phone (02) 642 6003 Fax (02) 642 6127
June 1996 89
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2;
Build The Vader Voice.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need
to Know About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2;
LED Message Board, Pt.2.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback
Monitor For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing
TV Interference; LED Message Board, Pt.3.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor (Uses TGS812 Gas Sensor);
Extension For The Touch-Lamp Dimmer; Experimental Mains
Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector; Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2; Auto-Zero
Module for Audio Amplifiers (Uses LMC669).
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1;
GaAsFet Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 1Mb Printer Buffer;
2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.2; Installing A Hard
Disc In The PC.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax,
RTTY & Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2;
2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive
Formats & Options; The Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch;
Balanced Input & Output Stages; Data For The LM831 Low
Voltage Amplifier IC; Index to Volume 2.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service
Tips For Your VCR; Speeding Up Your PC; Phone Patch For
Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna Kit; Speed Controller For
Ceiling Fans; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
A Really Snazzy Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller;
Battery Powered Laser Pointer; 1.5V To 9V DC Converter;
Introduction To Digital Electronics; Simple 6-Metre Amateur
December 1990: DC-DC Converter For Car Amplifiers; The Big
Escape – A Game Of Skill; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
A 4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The
6-Metre Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
February 1990: 16-Channel Mixing Desk; High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random
Wire Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio
Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: 6/12V Charger For Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries;
Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer For
Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing
Desk, Pt.3; Active CW Filter For Weak Signal Reception; How
To Find Vintage Receivers From The 1920s.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protection Switch For
Power Supplies; A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax
Card To A Computer.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers
0-500kHz); Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock;
Simple Electronic Die; Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside
A Coal Burning Power Station.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace
The Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: Remote Control Extender For VCRs;
Power Supply For Burglar Alarms; Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter
Module; Simple Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band.
October 1990: Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator;
DC Offset For DMMs; Using The NE602 In Home-Brew
Converter Circuits.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR;
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have
Fun With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD
Readout For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals
Work; The Dangers When Servicing Microwave Ovens.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads;
Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V
Light Chaser; Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical
Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model
Railways; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply
For Transceivers; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In
To Satellite TV, Pt.1.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV
Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
August 1991: Build A Digital Tachometer; Masthead Amplifier
For TV & FM; PC Voice Recorder; Tuning In To Satellite TV,
Pt.3; Step-By-Step Vintage Radio Repairs.
September 1991: Studio 3-55L 3-Way Loudspeaker System;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights, Pt.1; The Basics
Of A/D & D/A Conversion; Windows 3 Swapfiles, Program
Groups & Icons.
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October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1;
SteamSound Simulator For Model Railways Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital Altimeter For Gliders &
Ultralights, Pt.2; Getting To Know The Windows PIF Editor.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1;
In-Circuit Transistor Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter;
Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
November 1991: Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; Battery
Charger For Solar Panels; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights, Pt.3; Build A
Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.2.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier
With IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1; Programming The Motorola 68HC705C8
– Lesson 2.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators; Infrared Light Beam Relay; Solid-State Laser Pointer;
Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter;
Experiments For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Studio Twin Fifty
Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Thermostatic Switch For Car Radiator
Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping With Damaged Computer
Directories; Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential Input Buffer For CROs; Studio Twin Fifty Stereo
Amplifier, Pt.2; Understanding Computer Memory; Aligning
Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Low-Cost Electronic
Doorbell; Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared
Remote Control For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage
Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video
Switcher For Camcorders & VCRs; Infrared Remote Control
For Model Railroads, Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look
At Hard Disc Drives.
July 1992: Build A Nicad Battery Discharger; 8-Station Automatic Sprinkler Timer; Portable 12V SLA Battery Charger;
Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.2.
August 1992: Build An Automatic SLA Battery Charger;
Miniature 1.5V To 9V DC Converter; Dummy Load Box For
Large Audio Amplifiers; Troubleshooting Vintage Radio
September 1992: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm;
Heavy-Duty 5A Drill speed Controller (see errata Nov. 1992);
General-Purpose 3½-Digit LCD Panel Meter; Track Tester
For Model Railroads; Build A Relative Field Strength Meter.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter;
Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For
Personal Stereos; Build A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery
January 1993: Peerless PSK60/2 2-Way Hifi Loudspeakers;
Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity LED Flasher
For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.4;
Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An
Electronic Cockroach; MAL-4 Microcontroller Board, Pt.3;
2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Build A Solar Charger For 12V Batteries;
Alarm-Triggered Security Camera; Low-Cost Audio Mixer
for Camcorders;A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency
Inverter For Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic
Timer For Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamplifier &
Line Filter; 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range
Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For
Radio Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your Mother
board Goes Flat; Mains Music Transmitter & Receiver; Guitar
Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/
Mosfet Tester For DMMs; 16-Channel Decoder For Radio
Remote Control.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini
Drill Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter
Design; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.4.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; A 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost
Video Security System; A Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter For Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
February 1994: 90-Second Message Recorder; Compact &
Efficient 12-240VAC 200W Inverter; Single Chip 0.5W Audio
Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.5; Airbags – How They Work.
July 1995: Low-Power Electric Fence Controller; How To Run
Two Trains On A Single Track (Plus Level Crossing Lights
& Sound Effects); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground Station;
Build A Door Minder; Adding RAM To A Computer.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; Build A 50W
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones;
Simple LED Chaser; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.6.
August 1995: Vifa JV-60 2-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; A Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; The Audio Lab PC Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.1; The Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker;
An Easy Way To Identify IDE Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
April 1994: Remote Control Extender For VCRs; Sound &
Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Discrete Dual
Supply Voltage Regulator; Low-Noise Universal Stereo
Preamplifier; Build A Digital Water Tank Gauge; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.7.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction
Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote
Control; Dual Electronic Dice; Two Simple Servo Driver
Circuits; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.8; Passive
Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; An 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter
For Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs;
A PC-Based Nicad Battery Monitor; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.9
September 1995: A Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible
Vader Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Build A Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio
Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Compact Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex
Loudspeaker System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle
For Model Railways, Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
November 1995: LANsmart – A LAN For Home Or A Small
Office; Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB Transverter
For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; Low Cost PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2,
Pt.1; Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel
Horn Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.10.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser For Cars; Five Band
Equaliser For Musicians; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur
Band, Pt.2; Build A Subwoofer Controller; Dolby Pro Logic
Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock Sensing In Cars;
RAM Doubler Reviewed; Index To Volume 8.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Build a Nicad Zapper; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.11.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Build
a Magnetic Card Reader & Display; Rain Brain Automatic
Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote Control For The Railpower
Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries For Long Life.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified
Night Viewer; AM Radio For Aircraft Weather Beacons; Dual
Diversity Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.12.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer
Stopper Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors;
Build A Basic Logic Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; The Fluke 98 Automotive ScopeMeter.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound – How It Works;
Dual Rail Variable Power Supply (±1.25V to ±15V); Talking
Headlight Reminder; Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent
Lights; Temperature Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.13.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Remote Volume Control For Hifi Systems, Pt.1; Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; A Novel
Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter;
Twin-Cell Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock
Braking Systems; How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
June 1993: Build An AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control
For The Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Remote
Volume Control For Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low
Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic
Cricket; Cruise Control – How It Works; Remote Control
System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake
Light Array; A Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; The
Southern Cross Z80-Based Computer; A Look At Satellites
& Their Orbits.
March 1995: 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier
Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors;
Low-Voltage LED Stroboscope; Low-Cost 25W Amplifier
Module; Build A 1-Chip Melody Generator; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Build An Audio
Power Meter; Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC
To 70VDC Step-Up Voltage Converter; Digital Clock With
Battery Back-Up.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Programming The Motorola 68HC705C8 – Lesson 1; Antenna
Tuners – Why They Are Useful.
With LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car
Sound; Pt.2; Remote Control System For Models, Pt.2.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver
For Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.2; Dual Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone
Preamplifier; The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System For
Cars; Zener Diode Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control
For PA Systems; 20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders;
Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones;
125W Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded
Petrol Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter;
Pt.3; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; High Voltage
Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser;
Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October
1988 to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, May 1990,
February 1992, November 1992 and December 1992 are
now sold out. All other issues are presently in stock. For
readers wanting articles from sold-out issues, we can
supply photostat copies (or tearsheets) at $7.00 per article
(includes. p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back
copies, we automatically supply any relevant notes & errata
at no extra charge.
June 1996 91
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Parts wanted for
cassette deck repair
I am repairing a Philips cassette
deck model F6133/10 and I am having
trouble locating parts for it. Philips’
main office and spare parts advise me
that the parts are no longer available
and that no substitute parts exist.
I am hoping that one of your readers
may have a disused unit lying about
from which either whole or part of the
cassette unit may be salvaged. Ron
Tree, Kent St Electrical & Electronics,
7 Kent St, Bowen, Qld 4805. Phone
(077) 864 300.
Dolby surround
sound queries
I am having problems with the
Dolby Surround Sound Decoder. For
all the situations listed below, the surround/3-stereo switch is in surround
When the effects/Pro-Logic switch
is in Pro-Logic mode and the noise
generator is used, I get “noise” from
the left, centre and right channels but
nothing from the surround channels.
When the effects/Pro-Logic switch is
in Effects mode and the noise generator
is used, I get “noise” from the centre
and surround channels but nothing
Remote control for
Dolby decoder
I would like to construct the
Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound
Decoder & Amplifier, as detailed
in your November and December
1995 issues. However, it does not
have a remote control. Do you have,
or are there any plans to develop
an add-on kit which will provide
remote control of all the functions
of this unit?
If there isn’t, could you please
provide me with some details of
advice on how the 8-channel remote in your latest issue could be
used to provide a remote control
92 Silicon Chip
from the left and right channels (the
display shows L-C-R-S).
When the Effects/Pro-Logic switch
is in Pro-Logic mode and a Dolby
surround line input signal is used, I
get perfect sound from the left, centre (although the trim for the centre
channel has no effect) and right channels but nothing from the surround
When the effects/Pro-Logic switch
is in the Effects mode and a Dolby
surround line input signal is used, I
get perfect sound from the left, centre
(although the trim for the centre channel has no effect) and right channels
and what sounds like a low nonamplified signal from the surround
speakers (ie, there is sound but it is
badly distorted). I have thoroughly
checked all the wiring, especially to
the Effects/Pro-Logic switch but still
have the same results as described
Before I replace the Pro-Logic chip, I
would like to be sure that the problem
does not lie elsewhere. (D. A., Karana
Downs, Qld).
• The noise generator should only
be used in the Dolby Pro-Logic mode,
not Effects. This explains why it
does not operate correctly for Effects.
Check that the A, B & E lines on IC1
at pins 24, 25 and 23 do change for
for the Dolby project.
Is there a multi-turn logarithmic
potentiometer available which
could be motor driven to provide
the volume and trim controls, in
conjunction with your remote
control kit? Is there a solid state
device, an IC, which could be used
instead? (D. H., Melbourne, Vic).
• We are not planning to add remote control to the Pro-Logic Decoder. You could use the 8-channel
remote control to operate the noise
sequencer and up & down buttons
using the momentary outputs. Effects can be changed with a 6-pole
2-way cradle relay triggered on the
toggle outputs.
the LCR&S&S channels during a noise
There could be a fault with the centre trim wiring if this does not adjust
gain; or an incorrect pot value. All else
suggests the IC1 is not decoding the
surround signal. Try tracing through
the surround signal path through S2,
IC3 and IC4.
Electric fence
snuffed it
I recently built the Low-Power Electric Fence Controller as described in
the July 1995 issue but could not get
it to work. Upon application of power,
either the 6.8Ω or 1.2Ω resistor emitted
a small puff of smoke immediately,
resulting in it being burnt out. The fuse
did not blow and all other components
were OK.
My ignition coil is a new one, having
a resistance of 1.4Ω. A careful check
of my wiring and components could
not reveal the fault. I hope you can
help me solve the problems. (Y. L.,
Ontario, Canada).
• The only reason why the 6.8Ω or
the now-recommended 1.2Ω resistor
should burn out is that the circuit
is drawing too much current. The
possible reasons for the excessive
current drain are defective or wrongly
We understand that both Altron
ic Distributors and Dick Smith
Electronics now have motorised
pots. These can be driven by two
relays, to momentarily apply power
in either the forward or reverse
The accompanying diagram
shows how this is done.
Thank you for producing the
Automatic Level Control for PA
systems in the latest (March 1996)
issue of SILICON CHIP. If it works
as well as claimed it would be
ideal for bands and public address
I was hoping that the unit could
be adapted to my particular application and that you could describe
how to set it up. I am responsible
for maintaining a public address
system which is used by many
people and some are not as caring
of the equipment as they should
be. Consequently, there is the risk
of them blowing the loudspeakers
by, for example, dropping a microphone. This can produce excessive
signal levels and cause the amplifier
to go into clipping.
Can the Automatic Level Control
be used as a limiter so that signals
above a certain level will be restricted? This will prevent the main amplifier from clipping and possibly
damaging the PA loudspeakers. (J.
connected transistors or a 555 which
is delivering current pulses which
are too long. Are the time-constant
components at pins 6 & 7 correct? Of
course, if the 555 is defective it, too,
could cause excessive current drain.
Components for
fluorescent light ballast
Can you advise me where to pur-
B., North Lambton, NSW).
• It is certainly possible to use the
ALC as a limiter since the relevant
parameters of attack, decay and
gain limit are adjustable. In fact,
when the ALC is used normally for
volume control or compression, any
overload signal is quickly attenuated back to normal levels and so it
acts as a limiter by default.
If the ALC is to be used purely
as a limiter, the gain limit would
be set so that compression occurs
at a low enough signal level before
the power amplifier clips but high
enough so that normal signals are
not compressed. Typically, power
amplifiers have an input sensitivity
of around 1V RMS. The attack and
decay rates should be at their fastest
settings so that limiting will occur
almost instantly and then quickly
The accompanying digital scope
plot (Fig.1) shows ALC response
when a signal above the gain limit
is applied. The top trace is the input
signal of 600mV RMS with bursts
at 1.27V RMS (3.6V p-p). The lower
trace is the output of the ALC with
chase a kit for the Fluorescent Light
Electronic Ballast published in the
October 1994 issue of SILICON CHIP?
(R. B., Pomona, Qld).
• This design is not available as a kit.
The MC34262P can be obtained from
VSI, phone (07) 262 5200. Other parts
can be obtained from Jaycar Electronics, phone (02) 743 5222 and Farnell
Electronic Components, phone (02)
645 8888. The PC board can be ob-
the gain limit set at a nominal 1V
RMS. The output is limited above
2.72V p-p (960mV RMS). However,
input headroom is not good since
the input amplifier (IC1a) will clip
at 1.35V RMS. This is undesirable
so the input amplifier gain should
be reduced from 5.5 to unity by
removing the 22kΩ resistor from
pin 6 to ground. This will allow the
input signal to rise to about 8V RMS
before it clips. You will need to set
VR3 (the output preset trimmer) so
that the ALC produces 1V output
with a 1V input.
The second scope shot (Fig.2)
shows the performance with this
gain modification. It shows a 1V
RMS signal together with a 6V
RMS (16.8V p-p) burst. Note the
short 1ms overshoot in the output
at 10.8V p-p (3.8V RMS). Recovery
time after the 6V RMS input burst
takes about one second at the fastest
decay setting.
The unweighted signal-to-noise
ratio is -85dB with respect to 1V
out (20Hz to 22kHz bandwidth).
The A-weighted figure is also -85dB.
tained from RCS Radio Pty Ltd, phone
(02) 587 3491.
Notes & Errata
Insulation Tester, May 1996: the
overlay and wiring diagram on page
34 is incorrect. It shows the battery
connections reversed. Also the 47kΩ
resistor adjacent to the 36kΩ and
120kΩ resistors should be 43kΩ. SC
June 1996 93
y, NSW
OATL ox 89, OatleFax (02) 570 C a rd
reflective tape with self-adhesive backing. Other
motorists will see you better at night if this is
stuck to chromed or unpainted car bumpers
or on bicycles: 3 metres for $5.
PO B 579 4985
a rd ,
ne & rs:
, M
Uses an LM386 audio amplifier IC and a
B a n k x accepte most mix 0. Orders
Signals picked up from
an electret microphone are amplified and
& Am . P & P fo (airmail) $
drive a speaker. Intended for use for
order 4-$10; NZ
listening to sound in the location of a
CCD camera installation, but this kit
could also be used as a simple utility
audio gain (adjustable) makes this
unit suitable for use with directional parabolic reflectors
etc. PCB: 63 x 37mm: $10 (K64).
European made, new, “slim line” cased high frequency
(HF) electronic ballasts. They feature flicker free starting,
extended tube life, improved efficiency, no visual flicker
during operation (as high frequency operation), reduced
chance of strobing with rotating machinery, generate no
audible noise and generate much reduced radio frequency
interference compared to conventional ballasts. Some
models include a dimming option which requires either
an external 100kΩ potentiometer or a 0-10V DC source.
Some models require the use of a separate filter choke
(with dimensions of 16 x 4 x 3.2cm) - this is supplied
where required. We have a limited stock of these and are
offering them at fraction of the cost of the parts used in
them! Type B: 1 x 16W tube, dimmable, filter used, 43 x
4 x 3cm: $16. Type F: 1 x 32W or 36W tube, dimmable,
no filter, 34 x 4 x 3cm: $18
(Cat G09, specify type).
Soiled 27MHz telemetry receivers. Enclosed in waterproof
die cast metal boxes, telescopic antenna supplied. 270 x 145
x 65mm. 2.8kg. Two separate PCBs. Receiver PCB has audio
output. Signal filter/squelch PCB is used to detect various
tones. Circuit provided: $12.
A hand held crystal locked 40-channel FM transmitter
with LCD display: 88-92MHz in 100kHz steps, 50m
transmission range. Perfect for use with synthesized FM
receivers: $50.
Experiment with powering small vehicles, large children’s
cars, garage door openers, electric wheelchairs, rotisseries,
etc. etc. We supply a speed control PCB and components
kit, A 25A MOSFET and a 30A diode (flyback), and a used
12V geared windscreen wiper motor for a total price
of: $30.
We are offering three types of liquid crystal character
displays at bargain prices. The 40 x 2 character display
(SED1300F) is similar to the Hitachi 44780 type but is not
directly compatible. We will also have similar displays - data
available for a 16 x 4 and 32 x 4 display. Any mixture of
these displays is available for a crazy price of $22 each
or 4 for $70.
Convert infra red into visible light with this kit. Useful
for testing infra red remote controls and infra red laser
diodes. We supply a badly blemished IR converter tube
with either 25 or 40mm diameter fibre optically coupled
input and output windows and our night vision high
voltage power supply kit, which can be powered from a
9V battery. These tubes respond to IR and visible light. A
very cheap IR scope could be made with the addition of
a suitable casing and objective lens and eyepiece. $30.
2708 EEPROMS: $1 each; 4164 MEMORY ICs: 16 for $10:
AC MOTOR, 1RPM Geared 24V-5W Synchronous motor plus
a 0.1 to 1RPM driver kit to vary speed, works from 12V DC:
$12 K38 + M30; SPRING REVERB, 30cm long with three
Includes amplifier: $4 A11; LARGE METER MOVEMENTS:
moving iron, 150 x 150mm square face, with mounting
hardware: $10.
High quality Mitsubishi brand all weather 50mm wide red
94 Silicon Chip
For channels 7 and 11 in the VHF TV band. This is designed
for use in conjunction with monochrome CCD cameras to
give adequate results with a cheap TV. The incoming video
simply directly modulates the VHF oscillator. This allows
operation with a TV without the necessity of connecting
up wires, if not desired, by simply placing the modulator
within about 50cm from the TV antenna. Suits PAL and
NTSC systems. PCB: 63 x 37mm: $12 (K63).
Available soon. To be published in EA. After the popularity
of our Miracle UHF/VHF antenna kits we have produced
this AM version for our ‘Miracle’ series. Large antennas
are not the most attractive inside a house but sometimes
this is needed to receive a weak radio signal. This kit
will connect to a remote loop of wire, preferably outside
where reception is good, via coax cable and allow it to be
tuned from inside via varactor diodes. Radio reception is
greatly improved and it can even pickup remote stations
that a radio can’t receive with its ferrite rod antenna. No
connections are required to the existing radio as the
receiving end is coupled to the ferrite rod in the radio
with a loop of wire around the radio. Excellent kit for
remote country areas where radio reception isn’t very
good, or where a large antenna is not possible. Great for
caravanners, boats that venture far out to sea, etc. 2 x
PCBs and all on-board components.
Simple kit which is based on a commercial 12 hour mechanical timer switch which sets the battery charging period from
0 to 12 hrs. Employs a power transistor and five additional
components. Can easily be “hard wired”. Information that
shows how to select the charging current is included. We
supply information, circuit and wiring diagram, a hobby box
with aluminium cover that doubles up as a heatsink, a timer
switch with knob, a power transistor and a few other small
components to give you a wide selection of charge current.
You will also need a DC supply with an output voltage which
is greater by about 2V than the highest battery voltage you
need to charge. As an example a cheap standard car battery
charger could be used as the power source to charge any
chargeable battery with a voltage range of 0-15V. Or you
could use it in your car. No current is drawn at the end of
the charging period: $15.
Kit as published in Silicon Chip May 96 issue. The display
changes every 5 - 60 seconds, and the time is manually
adjustable. For each of the new displays there are 8 different
possible speeds for each of the 3 motors, one of the motors
can be reversed in rotation direction, and one of the motors
can be stopped. There are countless possible interesting
displays which vary from single to multiple flowers, collapsing circles, rotating single and multiple ellipses, stars, etc.
etc. Kit makes an excellent addition to any lightshow and all
these patterns are enhanced by the use of a fog machine.
Kit includes PCB, all on board components, three small
DC motors, 3 high quality/low loss dichroic mirrors: $90.
Suitable 12V DC plugpack: $14.
Our 12V Universal inverter kit plus a used 5mW+ helium-neon laser tube head plus a used Wang power supply
plus an automatic laser light show kit with dichroic mirrors
(as above): $200.
Used Argon - Ion heads with 30-100mW output in the blue
- green spectrum. Head only supplied. Needs 3Vac <at> 15A
for the filament and approx 100Vdc <at> 10A into the driver
circuitry that is built into the head. We provide a circuit for a
suitable power supply the main cost of which is for the large
transformer required: $170 from the mentioned supplier.
Basic information on power supply provided. Dimensions:
35 x 16 x 16cm. Weight: 5.9kg. 1 year guarantee on head.
Price graded according to hours on the hour meter: We have
had no serious problems with any of these heads as they
were used at a very low current in their original application.
Argon heads only: $300.
Uses the same siren driver circuit as in the “Protect anything alarm kit”. 4-inch cone / 8-ohm speaker is included.
Generates a very loud and irritating sound with penetrating
high and low frequency components. Output has frequency
components between 500Hz and 4kHz. Current consumption
is about 0.5A at 12V. PCB: 46 x 40mm. As a bonus, we
include all the extra PCBs as used in the “Protect anything
alarm kit”: $12.
We have good stocks of the following high quality DC motors.
These should suit many industrial, hobby, robotics and
other applications. Types: Type M9 : 12V. I no load = 0.52A
<at> 15800 RPM at 12V. Weight: 150g. Main body is 36mm
diameter. 67mm long: $7 (Cat M9) Type M14 : Made for slot
cars. 4 to 8V. I no load = 0.84A at 6V. At max. efficiency I
= 5.7A <at> 7500 RPM. Weight: 220g. Main body diameter is
30mm. 57mm long: $7 (Cat M14).
Ref: EA Sep/Oct 93. Signals picked up by an electret
microphone are modulated onto an oscillator which
drives a 40kHz ultrasonic transducer. This is received by
a 40kHz ultrasonic receiving transducer and is amplified
and detected. The detected signal is amplified by a simple
three transistor amplifier to drive a speaker. This makes a
communications link using ultrasound which can transmit
over a few metres. The quality of the sound is limited by
the narrow bandwidth of the transducers but this is an
interesting experiment. Both transmitter and receiver PCBs
are 63 x 33mm: $16 (K45).
Detect the presence and depth of any body filler on your
car. This simple circuit uses an oscillator which is oscillating
weakly. When steel is placed near the small search coil the
inductance shifts and the oscillator components are arranged
so the oscillator will stop running. The remainder of the
circuit simply detects when the oscillator stops and gives a
visual or audible indication of this. The circuit is arranged so
that the change in inductance needed to stop the oscillator
can be varied. This allows variable depth of filler sensing,
between 0 and about 3mm. Large areas of body filler over
3mm thick are generally considered undesirable as the filler
may lift or crack. Kit supplied includes pre-wound search
coil (33 x 22 x 10mm). A LED is supplied in the kit as the
visual indication. An audible indication can be obtained by
using a low power piezo buzzer, which is recommended but
not supplied with the kit: $12 (K62).
$2 for optional low power piezo buzzer.
This kit produces a high frequency high voltage AC output
that is suitable for ionizing most gas filled tubes up to 1.2m
long. It will partially light standard fluorescent tubes up
to 1.2m long with just 2 connections being made, and
produce useful white light output whilst drawing less than
200mA from a 12V battery. Great for experimenting with
energy efficient lighting and high voltage gas ionization.
PCB plus all on board components, including high voltage
transformer: $18.
This module is a four-channel programmable on/off timer
switch for high power relays. The timer software application
is included with the module. Using this software the operator
can program the on/off status of four independent devices
in a period of a week within a resolution of 10 minutes.
The module can be controlled through the Centronics or
RS232 port. The computer is opto-isolated from the unit.
Although the high power relays included are designed for
240V operation, they have not been approved by the electrical
authorities for attachment to the mains. Main module: 146
x 53 x 40mm. Display panel: 146 x 15mm. We supply: two
fully assembled and tested PCBs (main plus control panel),
four relays (each with 3 x 10A / 240V AC relay contacts),
and software on 3.5-inch disk. We do not supply a casing
or front panels: $92 (Cat G20).
Cash in your surplus gear. Advertise it here in Silicon Chip.
KITS KITS KITS: Electronic kits for
enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. Top
quality. Large range. Free catalog and
price list available. Call Ozitronics, 24
Ballandry Crescent, Greensborough
3088. Tel/Fax: (03) 9434 3806 email:
VALVE BANK NOW OPEN: 700 types many new and hard to get types. Phone
(058) 71 1921 or send SAE to Retrieval
Radio, 25 Wirbill St, Cobram, Vic 3644.
SATELLITE DISHES: international
reception of Intelsat, Panamsat, Gori
zont,Rimsat. Warehouse Sale – 4.6m
dish & pole $1499; LNB $50; Feed $75.
All accessories available. Videosat, 2/28
Advertising rates for this page: Classified ads: $10.00 for up to 12 words plus 50
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Salisbury Rd, Hornsby. Phone (02) 482
3100 8.30-5.00 M-F.
A REAL BARGAIN: Riston type copper
clad laminate. Develop cold, no toxic
fumes, easy to use. Excellent results.
Single sided 610x304 $34; 305 x 304
$17.50; 152 x 305 $9.95; 152 x 152
$6.50. Double-sided also available. 2
litre developer mix, worth $2.50, free
this month. Add sales tax if applicable.
Delivery $6.00. Money back guarantee.
Ph (02) 743 9235. Fax (02) 644 2862.
KIT: Ultra reliable & versatile Hi Q kit.
Rain switch & LED B/L Free!!! (SC JAN
’96). Mantis Micro Products, 38 Garnet
St, Niddrie, 3042 P/F/A (03) 9337 1917
DonTronics: has the world’s first PIC
Basic Compiler. This is also compatible with the Stamp-1 and makes PIC
programming avail
able to everyone
with its “School Boy” instruction set.
Designed for the 84’s EEPROM, it’s
easily adapted to others as Assembly
and Binary code is generated. $135
plus $5 p&p. VISA-MC-BC. Ask for free
Promo Disk. 29 Ellesmere Crescent,
Tullamarine 3043. Phone 03 9338 6286;
Fax 03-9338-2935. http://www.labyrinth.
C/Ku band, fully automatic operation,
excellent condition, full package, private
sale. $3200. 0414 250525.
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RCS Radio Pty Ltd is the only company that manufactures and sells every
PC board and front panel published
RCS Radio Pty Ltd,
651 Forest Rd, Bexley 2207.
Phone (02) 587 3491
June 1996 95
PO Box 634, ARMIDALE 2350 (296 Cook’s Rd)
Ph (067) 722 777 – may time out to Mobile 014 036 775
Fax (067) 728 987 (Credit Cards OK)
Specialising in easy-to-get-going hard/software kits with
on-board interpreters. Also Assembler tools. Range of
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Get your project going in hours, not months
Send 2 x 45c stamps for information package
Programmers, Simulators and PIC chips
MicroZed Computers
Altronics ................................ 66-69
68HC11 F1 boards and now 80535 (up spec 8051)
Extra I/O and peripheral plug-ins too
Scott Edwards Electronics
Car Projects Book....................OBC
Th Australian made bs
Prototype wiring
NEW Micro
Accessories for Stamp and second source for Stamp 1
Data Collection Proto Board now in stock
BASIC Stamp I and II
Macintosh patch now available
Advertising Index
Dick Smith Electronics........... 12-13
Earthquake Audio........................82
1Mbx9 – 70ns
30-pin Simms
MC68HC705-C8P $20.00 EACH!
6102. PH 09 351 9202 FAX 458 4445
C COMPILERS: Dunfield compilers are
now even better value. Everything you
need to develop C and ASM software
for 68HC08, 6809, 68HC11, 68HC16,
8051/2, 8080/85, 8086 or 8096: $140.00
each. Macro Cross Assemblers for these
CPUs + 6800/01/03/05 and 6502: $140
for the set. Debug monitors: $70 for 6
CPUs. All compilers, XASMs and monitors: $400. 8051/52 or 80C320 simulator
(fast): $70. Demo disk: FREE. All prices
PO Box 275, Wentworthville 2145. Ph/
Fax (02) 631 1236 or Internet: lgrant<at>
MicroZed HAVE range of PIC chips.
OTP and /JW versions available. PIC
16C84 /04 one off price $9.76 incl. S/T.
ING, TRANSMITTING: Catalogue 85c
stamp. Hadgraft, 17 Paxton St, Holland
Park, Qld 4121. (07) 3397 3751.
(DDS) products are now available exstock at a new low price; please ask for
(Parity/No Parity)
4Mb 30 PIN-70
4Mb 72 PIN-70
8Mb 72 PIN-70
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16Mb 72 PIN-70 $230 $192
32Mb 72 PIN-70 $456 $378
8Mb (1Mbx32) – 60ns $118
16Mb (2Mbx32) – 60ns $210
8Mb P’BOOK 190 $240
256K x 16 70ns (SOJ) $17
256K x 16 70ns (ZIP) $48
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Sales Tax On Modems 14%. Everything Else 22%.
Credit Cards Welcome. We Also Buy And Trade-In Memory.
Memory Pty Ltd
Suite 6, 2 Hillcrest Rd,
Ph: (02) 9980 6988
Pennant Hills, 2120.
Fax: (02) 9980 6991
Email: pelham1<at>
Instant PCBs................................96
Jaycar ................................... 45-52
Macservice................................ 8-9
MicroZed Computers...................96
Oatley Electronics........................94
our catalogue. Micro C, the affordable
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Versions for 8051/52, 8086, 8096,
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EMILY52 is a PC based 8051/52 high
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from the USA (PAL) “CNC X-Y-Z using
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more details. MICROCRAFT, PO Box
514, Concord NSW 2137. Phone (02)
744 5440 or fax (02) 744 9280.
MUSCLE WIRES are available from
Microprocessors For Silicon Chip Circuits
We have stocks of the 68HC705-C8P pre-programmed microprocessor ICs for the Digital Effects Unit
(February 1995) and the Remote Controlled Stereo Preamplifier (Sept.-Oct. 1993). Also available is the
pre-programmed Z86E08 microprocessor for the Railpower Mk.2.
68HC705-C8P – $45 ea; Z86E08 $18 ea. Prices include p&p.
Payment by cheque, money order or credit card to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy,
NSW 2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644; Fax (02) 9979 6503.
96 Silicon Chip
Harbuch Electronics....................84
RCS Radio ..................................95
Rod Irving Electronics .......... 35-39
Scan Audio..................................82
Silicon Chip Back Issues.............90
Silicon Chip Bookshop...................3
Silicon Chip Software..................65
Silicon Ship Wallchart................IBC
X-On Electronic Services............96
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
Order by phone or fax from SILICON CHIP - or use the handy order form inside