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Pt.8: More Advantages Of Digital Scopes
Digital storage scopes excel over analog scopes
when displaying multiple inputs or very slow
signals. Some DSOs can provide grey scaling or
colour gradations to accentuate signal changes
while averaging many recurrent waveforms
improves the trace and the accuracy of
mathematical calculations.
It is common to use an oscilloscope
to display two (or more) different
signals simultaneously, usually to
see the timing relationships between
them. Let’s compare how this is done
on analog scopes and digital scopes
and then we’ll see why the DSO is
In Pt.4 (August 1996 issue) of this
series, we described how an analog
scope can display two input signals
in either alternate or chop modes. The
switching principle is shown in Fig.1.
Briefly, two input signals, channel 1
and channel 2, are individually attenuated and preamplified in A1 and
A2. Then a fast electronic switch, IC1,
switches back and forth between channels 1 and 2, to select which signal is
displayed on the screen.
86 Silicon Chip
In alternate mode, IC1 selects
channel 1 signal during all of the first
sweep, then switches to channel 2 for
all the second sweep. Then channel 1
is displayed again on the third sweep,
and so on.
This is not practical at slow sweep
speeds, because the first waveform
fades away before the CRT beam has
time to draw the second. At faster
sweep speeds, the screen persistence
continues to show the first waveform
while the next sweep displays the second. Although they are actually being
displayed alternate
ly, you see both
waveforms on the screen continually.
But because each input signal triggers its own sweep of the scope independently, all time relation between
the two waveform displays is lost.
Comparative timing measurements
between traces in alternate mode are
meaningless. What should you do?
Chop mode
You could select chop mode on
your analog scope. Now IC1 rapidly
switches back and forth between
the two channels, typically at a rate
of about 1MHz. The screen displays
many chopped up segments of both
waveforms, as one of the scope screen
photos in this article shows. We’ve
shown a special case here to show the
chopping action. As you can see, both
traces are chopped up.
This chopping mode is usually
not evident because the waveform
frequency and chopping speed are
unrelated. Normally, all those little
segments are blended into two continuous wave
forms on the screen.
One input signal triggers all sweeps,
so comparative timing measurements
made between the traces in chop mode
are valid.
But here a second disadvantage
of chop mode becomes evident. The
screen doesn’t show what happens in
waveform 1 while the scope is busy
displaying the next short segment of
waveform 2 and vice versa. Half of
each signal is invisible. In this way
you could miss seeing elusive glitches.
Fig.1: two channel analog scopes have a fast electronic switch (IC1) to select
between channels either at the sweep rate which is called alternate mode or at
about 1MHz, which is called chop mode.
If you were to set an analog scope
to this low sweep speed (and on most
analog scopes, you can’t), you would
just show one bright green spot, slowly
meandering up and down and taking
100 seconds to cross a dark screen. It
won’t make much sense.
But this sort of waveform is routine
to a digital scope. After the signal has
executed two full cycles, they will be
stored complete in the memory. Then
the whole waveform will be continually displayed on the screen, refreshed
at the 60Hz rate.
You can observe the linearity of the
ramp signal by eye or measure it if your
DSO supports a mathematical differentiation routine. Results of changes
or adjustments can be seen after the
next two cycles are complete.
Grey scaling
Fig.2: A digital oscilloscope displays multiple inputs by individually preamplifying, sampling and digitising every input signal. The four sets of data are
stored in separate areas of RAM before being displayed.
So neither alternate nor chop mode
is ideal. What other choice is there?
Two-gun CRTs having separate
electron beams were tried but their
mechanical alignment proved impossible. Cossor split-beam tubes displayed two inputs validly at any speed
but were limited to two signals only.
Today, to investigate timing diagrams in digital circuits, you might
need four simultaneous input channels at fast sweep speeds. The only
satisfactory answer is to buy a digital
storage oscilloscope.
Multiple inputs
Digital scopes can successfully
display two, three or four separate
input signals simultaneously, at any
sweep speed, using a very different
technique. The block diagram of Fig.2
gives us an idea of how it’s done. Each
input signal passes through its own
attenuator and analog preamplifier,
shown as A1 to A4. From there, each
signal is individually sampled and
converted in separate A/D converters
A/D1 to A/D4. All the digital data
from each channel is separately stored
in different areas of the fast random
access memory (RAM).
The process of reading the contents
of the RAM to its display on the screen
is complex, especially in Tektronix
scopes using InstaVu mode. Suffice
to say that neither chop nor alternate
procedures are used, and the whole
of each waveform is displayed on the
Everything recorded in the RAM is
faithfully shown; nothing is lost. The
process operates equally well at all
sweep speeds, slow or fast.
All timing measurements made on
the screen and the phase relationships
observed are accurate. In displaying
multiple input signals, a digital storage
oscilloscope is vastly superior to all
analog scopes.
Low frequency displays
If you need to display long pulses or
ramp signals, you’ll find digital scopes
much better than analog scopes. Say
you want to observe a ramp signal with
a period of 50 seconds. Setting the
timebase to 10s/div, the scope would
take 100 seconds for one sweep across
the screen. That would display two
full cycles of the waveform.
In the past, your trusty analog scope
easily displayed compound signals,
for example live TV waveforms or
digital data which contained intermittent faulty pulses. Your display
was brighter in those parts of the
signal which repeat more frequently,
because at those points thousands of
traces were overlaid. Sections of the
waveform which continually changed
or occurred less often thus appeared
less bright.
These brightness gradations let you
identify rarely occur
ring spurious
interferences or runt pulses. On the
screen they looked different from the
normal repetitive signals. Point one in
favour of analog scopes!
But the simple digital storage oscilloscope we discussed in last month’s
issue (Pt.7) can’t do this. Remember
that is had a 1-bitmap refresh buffer
and as such, it could not display signals at varying intensity. The one-bit
output has only two possible values,
digital high or low. These correspond
to the points on the screen being illuminated or not; on or off.
So in that simple sort of DSO we saw
in the previous chapt
er, everything
has the same intensity on the
But ideally we want a digital storage
scope to be at least as good as analog
scopes were in showing compound
signals. With that in mind, we would
like 16 levels of brightness in the
trace. Frequently recurring parts of
the signal should be bright
er than
infrequent anomalies and faulty
April 1997 87
These two analog oscilloscope photos show the same pair of signals depicted in alternate mode (left) and chop mode
(right). The problem with alternate mode is that because each alternate sweep is separately triggered, the precise time
relationship between the two waveforms is lost. In the chop mode, by contrast, the two signals have sections chopped out
and this can lead to glitches being missed in the display.
To achieve this aim, digital oscilloscope designers en
larged the bit
map refresh buffer to store four bits
(instead of one previously) in each of
its memory locations. We imagine this
structured as four planes of memory
elements, as illustrated in Fig.3.
Each plane is like the single bit
memory map depicted last month
and contains 307,200 memory cells,
arranged in 480 rows, each row containing 640 cells. In each plane, each
cell contains a single digital value, 1
or 0; ie, either logic high or low.
As we saw in the previous chapter,
the XY address of each cell corresponds to one particular point on the
CRT screen raster.
In Fig.3, all four planes of the refresh
memory are addressed in parallel. For
example, the top left cells in all planes
have the same address.
So when the system reads the top
left address of the refresh buffer, it
reads the contents of the top left cell
in each plane simultaneously. The
output is then 4-bit data (one bit from
each plane) carried on four parallel
lines A, B, C, D.
That 4-bit digital data is used to
control the brightness of the spot on
the screen, by changing the G1-K bias
potential on the CRT cathode. But that
tube is an analog component, so it requires a varying analog voltage signal
on its cathode to alter the electron
beam current and trace brightness.
Therefore, the 4-bit digital data read
from the bit map refresh buffer on lines
A, B, C, D must be converted to an
88 Silicon Chip
analog signal in the digital to analog
(D/A) converter (IC7).
D/A converter
IC7 contains four CMOS switch elements, SA, SB, SC & SD, powered by
an accurate +5V reference. Each switch
produces output exactly equal to +5V
if its input is logic high or exactly 0V
if its input is logic low. The resistor
group between IC7 and IC8 forms an
R-2R ladder attenuator; resistors mark
ed 2R have twice the value of those
marked R.
The combination of IC7 and the
resistor ladder produces an analog
voltage proportional to the value of
the 4-bit digital data fed into IC7. This
signal is then raised to a high level and
inverted by video amplifier IC8, which
is DC-coupled and must have a high
input impedance.
This high voltage analog signal
from IC8, applied to the CRT cathode,
controls the electron beam current and
thus the screen illumination at that
point. This is called Z-modulation.
Thus the trace brightness at each pixel
is set to a value representing how often
that element of the signal appears at
the scope input.
Four-bit digital data can take only
16 different values. So this scheme
allows the trace on a digital scope
to dis
play compound signals in 16
different levels of brightness. This is
called “grey scaling”.
When the display processor IC5
meets a regularly occurring part of the
input waveform, it writes a logic high
at the appropriate memory address in
all four planes of the bit map refresh
buffer IC6.
When read from the refresh buffer,
the output data on the four parallel
lines A, B, C, D will be 1111. The
D/A converter IC7 converts this to the
maximum analog voltage and the CRT
produces the brightest spot at the corresponding point on the screen raster.
Now let’s suppose a spurious pulse
appears only sometimes at the scope
input. Sensing this fact, the display
processor IC5 might write a logic high
to the corresponding address only in
memory plane A of the refresh buffer
IC6, and write a logic low to the same
address in planes B, C and D.
On the next refresh cycle, when that
data stored in the refresh buffer is read,
the digital data on output lines A, B,
C, D will be 1000. This corresponds
to a screen dot of half bright
This indicates that that part of the
signal appears less frequently; so you
suspect it’s some spurious blip or a
faulty pulse.
There are a number of variations on
this theme in modern digital scopes.
When variable persistence is selected,
rapidly changing waveform points can
gradually decay through 16 levels of
brightness. Some cheaper models support only two levels of grey scaling.
You might ask where’s the advantage of digital scopes, when all analog
scopes naturally showed brightness
scaling? The answer is that DSOs support grey scaling at all sweep speeds
equally. But normal analog scopes,
at top speed, are flat out providing a
visible trace even on repetitive signals,
with no potential left for scaling.
Colour display
Some digital scopes can show a
colour graded display, with different
colours indicating how frequently
some part of a compound waveform repeats. The very high frequency 50GHz
Tektronix 11801B uses a 228mm
diagonal screen with a vertical raster
scan. The display resolves 552 pixels
horizontally and 704 pixels vertically,
from a palette of 262,144 colours.
Early colour scopes used colour TV
technology. The tube contained three
electron guns and the familiar tri-colour phosphor and beam convergence
shadow mask. But a monochrome CRT
is capable of a much sharper trace than
any TV tube with a multiple colour
phosphor. Therefore many modern
colour digital scopes use a white phosphor CRT, overlaid by a three-layer
liquid crystal colour shutter. An example of this is the Tektronix model
TDS684B which provides horizontal
raster scan on a 177mm screen featuring full colour grading from a palette
of 256 colour levels.
Signal averaging
Analog signals may be corrupted by
extraneous interference which results
in a noisy display. Worse still, noise
in the signal reduces the accuracy of
mathematical operations performed
These two scopes from Tektronix both use a white phosphor CRT, overlaid by
a 3-layer liquid crystal colour shutter. Both models are showing colour graded
displays, with different colours indicating how frequently some parts of the
waveforms repeat
by the oscilloscope. The way around
this is to feed the noisy signal through
your digital scope many times. Then
you display the average of many passes
of the repetitive input signal.
Each pass will contain different
noise, but random (white) noise averages out towards zero. So the average
of a number of passes of the same
signal will be more like the original
uncorrupted waveform.
Say your digital scope takes a record
consisting of 500 samples at each pass
of the signal. We saw previously how
the A/D converts each sample to an
8-bit digital word which represents the
Fig.3: for grey scaling, the bit map refresh buffer contains
four memory planes A, B, C & D. In each plane, each cell
stores one bit. So four planes store 4-bit data. IC7 and the
R-2R ladder form a D/A converter. IC8 is a linear amplifier.
April 1997 89
Repeated from the February 1997 issue, these two oscilloscope waveforms show how the use of averaging can remove
much of the noise in a repetitive signal.
These two digital screen printouts show the menu setups necessary on a Tektronix RDS 360 digital scope, in order to
obtain a two-level greyscale signal. The video signal is an off-air TV channel. Note the use of “vector accumulate” and
“contrast” menu options. The main trace is a normal video line signal while the background signal accumulation shows
the variation in signal of a period of 1.5 seconds. Note the faint spurious sync signal in between the two main sync pulses.
This faint signal is a ghost of the sync pulse. Such a faint signal is unlikely to be shown on an analog scope.
nearest voltage decision level below
the sample voltage.
In real life more than two passes
of the signal are averaged to obtain
smoother results. Averaging four
passes of an 8-bit signal yields 10-bit
digital data. And eight passes results
in 11-bit data.
Many scopes let you choose the
number of passes that will be averaged; eg, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc up to 2048.
But they only keep the result of 11 bits
and discard any further overflow. Of
course, all normal averaging requires
the signal to be repetitive.
High resolution mode
Some of the Tektronix TDS series
90 Silicon Chip
scopes also feature a clever system
called Hi-Res Mode which allows
averaging, to reduce interference and
noise, even on one shot signals. In
these scopes the sampler always runs
at the maximum speed. In normal
mode, if you choose slow sweep speed
the scope cannot use all the millions
of samples taken. So only enough of
the samples are kept to form the best
display and the rest are thrown away.
But in Hi-Res Mode the excess
samples are kept in a section of the
memory. There each group of 16, 32
or 64 contiguous samples are averaged
to form one point on the display. Such
a point can be accurate to 12 or 13 or
more bits. This process is repeated
over all the waveform until a whole
screen-full is set up, then displayed.
The slower the sweep speed in use,
the more excess samples are available
for this fast averaging. But of course
when you select top sweep speed,
Hi-Res Mode is unavailable, because
all samples taken are needed to form
the normal display.
References: Tektronix: Technical Brief
Thanks to Tektronix Australia for
data and for some of the illustrations used in this article.