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A look at signal tracing, Pt.3
Last month, we looked at the tuned signal tracer
and described how it is used to troubleshoot a
typical superhet valve radio circuit. This month,
we look at the untuned signal tracer and
describe how it is used.
A signal tracer has the ability to
intercept both RF and AF signals at
many test points throughout a receiver. It can give an indication of stage
gain, locate distortion and quickly
lead the repairer to the trouble spot
where the signal either stops or falters.
And where the problem is intermittent, the ability to trace a signal is
sometimes the only way to track down
such a fault. The intermittent fault
is the bane of every serviceman. It
would be easy to write a whole article
on this subject but a brief summary
must suffice.
The word intermittent tells most of
the story. An intermittent fault – be
it total loss of signal, a drop in level,
tion, instability, or any combination of these – can appear quite
spontaneously, for no obvious reason.
And then it will often disappear just
as mysteriously.
Often, it will be due to a faulty
connection somewhere. Inside an old
paper capacitor is a common location
This simple untuned signal tracer was constructed by the author from a couple
of kits for about $30. Note that it uses separate audio and RF probes whereas the
unit described in this month’s SILICON CHIP uses a single probe for both jobs.
78 Silicon Chip
but it can be in almost any component
in the chassis or simply due to a poor
solder joint.
Another characteristic of intermittent faults is that they are often quite
sensitive to movement (mechanical
shock), temperature and/or sudden
electrical changes. Switching the set
off and on again will often cure an
intermittent fault, for example, if only
In some cases, the fault is extremely
sensitive to even the slightest changes.
In this situation, touching a meter
prod on almost any part of the circuit
can cure the fault. The same applies
to a signal tracer probe; connect the
probe to troubleshoot the circuit and
the fault will vanish. Indeed, this type
of fault can be very frustrating.
The only practical solution is to get
in first. You connect the tracer probe
while the set’s behaviour is normal,
set the level as appropriate and wait.
And the logical spot to start is close to
the middle of the set, near the detector
or first audio stage.
When the fault occurs, the direction
to follow will be obvious. Shifting the
probe will probably cure the fault, in
which case you simply wait for the
next failure. It may take some time
but your patience will eventually be
rewarded and you will be able to track
down the location of the fault.
Generally, the more facilities there
are on the tracer, the better are your
chances of finding the fault quickly.
Unfortunately, there are not many signal tracers like the Healing Dynamic
Signalizer described in last month’s
story. They were mainly bought by
service technicians, which is another
way of saying that there may not be
many around today for vintage radio
enthusiasts to find and use.
The old Healing Dynamic Signal-
izer is a fairly good tracer and is particularly useful because of its ability
to accurately tune a wide range of
The untuned tracer
There is another type of signal
tracer that is quite useful and that
is the untuned tracer. Whereas the
tuned type can home in on any chosen
radio frequency, the untuned tracer
simply accepts a much broader range
of frequencies.
Reduced to its simplest form, a
signal tracer would consist of a pair
of high impedance headphones and
a small mica capacitor to block high
DC voltages. This sort of device could
be used to troubleshoot audio circuits
by tapping in at various points along
the signal chain. Such a simple device would have definite limitations,
however. Most signals would be
either too low to hear or too high for
the headphones to handle, so a tracer
of this type really isn’t of much use.
The simple tracer just described
can be made a little more versatile by
adding a diode to the probe. It could
then be used to detect radio frequency
RF) signals in radio circuits. Once
again, some receiver test points may
not produce enough energy to make
audible sounds in the headphones,
while others may be too high for
comfort. The low input impedance
of such a tracer would also load RF
circuits and detune them, thereby
giving misleading results.
However, during the early days
of radio, the few signal tracers in
use would have mostly been simple
home-made devices, just as described
above. Another type was constructed
in much the same way as a 1-valve
headphone receiver, with the probe
connecting to the grid of the valve
via a small coupling capacitor. While
this arrangement would provide some
amplification, it was still very crude
and had many limitations.
To sum up, such simple signal tracers are frustrating to work with and
leave much to be desired because of
their inadequate design.
A radio frequency (RF) generator can be used in conjunction with a signal
tracer to identify the frequency of an unknown IF transformer. You simply
couple the signal generator to the primary winding of the IF transformer and
the tracer to the secondary. The signal generator is then adjusted for maximum
response from the tracer and the frequency read directly from the dial. This
photo shows the generator’s dial set on 455kHz, a common IF.
would be the minimum specifications
for a simple signal tracer.
Building such an outfit is relatively
easy, especially if one builds a transistorised version rather than the tradi-
Using an untuned tracer
Design requirements
To be really useful, a signal tracer
must have an RF probe that does not
unduly load the circuit to which it is
connected. It should also have amplifying stages (both RF and AF), a
gain control and a loudspeaker. These
tional valve type. I recently had a go
at making a unit from a couple of kits
(an RF probe kit and a low-power amplifier kit) and a reasonably effective
tracer was produced for about $30.
However, as an adjunct to this
series on signal tracing, S ILICON
CHIP has developed a complete signal tracer and the design is in this
month’s issue. This untuned unit is
based on a couple of low-cost ICs and
is suitable for tracing both RF and
audio signals in old valve receivers.
It is also suitable for tracing signals
in modern circuitry.
The controls simply consist of two
3-position switches. One is a sensitivity switch, while the other selects
between Audio, RF and Off. The probe
plugs directly into a banana socket on
one end of the case and you can use
a short probe as shown in the article,
or a probe at the end of a wire lead.
The construction details for this
simple untuned signal tracer are given
in this month’s SILICON CHIP. It can
trace both audio and RF signals in
valve and solid state circuits.
An untuned signal tracer is used in
much the same way as a tuned tracer,
as described last month. And although
a simple untuned tracer can be used
with a signal generator, a radio station
usually makes a much more convenient signal source.
For this reason, it is necessary to
connect an aerial to the receiver to
obtain suitable signals. In addition,
the receiver must be tuned to a station
if a signal is to be traced through the
June 1997 79
These IF transformers have tuned frequencies which vary from 175kHz to
460kHz. An untuned signal tracer and an RF signal generator can accurately
sort them out.
set. In fact, it’s a good idea to have
a few dry runs with muted working
receivers to find the best test points.
Although a tuned tracer can follow
a signal from the aerial terminal on,
one cannot expect that sort of a performance from an untuned tracer. In
my locality, a 5kW transmitter just a
few kilometres away dominates the
scene. The receiver under test may
be tuned to another station but when
an RF probe connected to an untuned
tracer is placed anywhere in the aerial
coil circuit, the local station overrides
the tuned signal.
If the strong local station is used as
the tuned signal, the probe will pick
it up no matter where it placed. This
is one disadvantage of the untuned
tracer – unlike the tuned type, it is
not selective.
In most locations, however, our
simple tracer would not be so overpowered and should pick up the
tuned station at the control grid of the
converter valve. In fact, if this section
of the receiver is working, then quite
a few stations should be heard at this
test point. It is only a matter of tuning
them in on the receiver.
The next test position is at the plate
of the converter valve. The signal
should be much stronger here, due to
the gain through that particular stage.
Misleading results
If a tuned tracer is being used it
can also be tuned to the receiver’s
intermediate frequency (IF) and this
too should be present at the converter
plate. This check indicates that the
local oscillator is functioning but this
is something that an untuned tracer
cannot do. If the oscillator is out of
Old pen cases are ideal for making audio and RF probes. The unit at top uses
a case from a “Texta” marking pen, while the unit at bottom is from an old
ballpoint pen.
80 Silicon Chip
action, it will not be apparent until
the probe is moved to the secondary
of the first IF transformer where the
signal will stop.
This could easily lead you to
believe that the IF transformer was
defective, whereas it could be the
local oscillator that was at fault. For
this reason, a thorough check of both
circuit sections would be required.
As one can see, the untuned signal
tracer has its drawbacks. But this little
quirk only applies to superhets. Any
regenerative or TRF receiver would
be straightforward to test.
Moving on, the signal should be
heard at the control grid of the IF amplifier valve and it should be louder
again at the plate connection. The
tracer should then be able to follow
the signal through the second IF transformer to the detector.
As mentioned last month, a noticeable loss of volume through the first IF
transformer is normal and is caused
by the loading effect of the RF probe.
Once the signal has been traced to
the detector, the tracer is switched
to the Audio position. Remember
that the audio signal first goes to the
volume control and if this control is
fully backed off it will go no further.
In fact, the receiver’s volume control
is a convenient way of controlling
tracer overload while probing the
audio test points.
The valve control grids and plate
connections are the obvious places to
probe the audio stages. After checking
a few work
ing receivers it doesn’t
take long to get the feel of things and
develop a systematic routine.
Identifying IF transformers
Provided you have an RF signal
generator, a signal tracer can also be
used to identify the frequency of an
unknown IF transformer. To do this,
you couple the signal generator to the
primary winding of the IF transformer
and the tracer to the secondary. The
signal generator is then adjusted for
maximum response from the tracer,
at which point the frequency can be
read directly from the generator’s dial.
And that brings us to the end of
this 3-part series on signal tracing.
If you build the tracer described in
this issue, just remember that it is a
relatively simple test instrument and
has its limitations. However, provided
that it is used correctly, it is a very
useful troubleshooting tool.