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While the cathode ray tubes used in most
analog oscilloscopes use electrostatic deflection,
the display tubes used in most digital scopes are
virtually the same as in computer monitors and
TV sets; they use magnetic deflection via coils
on the neck of the tube.
The magnetic deflection cathode ray
tubes used in digital storage scopes are
cheaper, shorter and more rugged than
the electrostatically deflected tubes
used in fast analog scopes.
In a cathode ray tube (CRT), magnetic deflection of the electron beam
is achieved by wrapping two sets of
copper coils around the outside of
the tube neck, as depicted in Fig.1.
The horizontal deflection coils are
mounted above and below the neck
of the tube and current flowing in
them generates a magnetic field which
passes vertically downward through
the tube.
Electrons in the beam are deflected
in a direction at right angles to this
magnetic field; ie, across the screen.
By contrast, the vertical deflection
76 Silicon Chip
coils are mounted one on each side
of the tube neck. Currents flowing in
them produce a horizontal magnetic
field which deflects the electron beam
up or down.
The two sets of deflection coils are
held in one assembly called the yoke
and its function is exactly the same
as the yoke in a colour TV set. Fig.2
shows a more pictorial arrangement
of the coils.
Typically, the horizontal deflection
currents are ±500mA and flow in coils
having 13 millihenries inductance.
The vertical deflection currents are
typically ±150mA flowing in coils of
40mH inductance.
Let us consider a basic digital scope
having 8-bit resolution. We featured
a simplified description of how the
digital storage scope acquires signals
and stores them as digital data in
part 5 of this series, in the September
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. Now let
us see how that data is displayed on
the screen.
To operate the deflection system,
two sweep generator circuits run at
different frequencies, both derived
from a crystal master oscillator. The
horizontal (or line) system produces
sawtooth waveform currents at exactly
28,800Hz in the horizontal deflection
coils (shown as H,H in Fig.1).
The resulting magnetic field deflects
the electron beam from the left side of
the screen to the right and back again
in exactly 34.7222 microseconds (µs),
as illustrated in Fig.1(c). The forward
trace from left to right takes about 33µs
and the fast retrace (flyback) takes the
remaining 1.7222µs.
At the same time, the vertical (or
frame) system sends a sawtooth waveform current at exactly 60Hz through
the vertical deflection coils. The magnetic field which results deflects the
electron beam downwards comparatively slowly, taking 16ms to work its
way from the top of the screen to the
bottom and 0.666ms to fly back to the
starting point at the top.
Fig.1: the magnetic fields due to
currents flowing in coils (a & b)
external to the tube neck deflect the
electron beam to cover the whole
screen (c) with 480 raster lines.
With both deflection systems operating, as we see in Fig.1(c), the electron
beam starts at the top left corner of
the screen. From there it traces in the
phosphor a pattern of 480 fast horizontal lines, as it moves (comparatively)
slowly down, to arrive at the bottom
right hand corner. From there the fast
retrace (flyback) returns the beam to
the starting point.
Auxiliary circuits always blank
off both the vertical and horizontal
retraces, so we show these as dotted
lines in Fig.1(c).
If the electron beam was turned on
during all forward traces, you would
see the whole screen covered in a pattern of 480 fine horizontal bright lines
spaced about 0.25mm apart.
In Fig.1(c) we illustrate this but for
clarity we have drawn only a few lines.
This is the raster and it is similar to
the background line pattern you see
on your computer display if you turn
the brightness up at night.
A standing bias, applied between
the tube grid G1 and cathode K as
shown in Fig.3, may hold the electron
beam near cutoff, making the screen
dark. A voltage drive applied to the
cathode K (or grid G1) can then overcome this standing bias to illuminate
the screen.
Greater deflection angle
Say a CRT has 16kV acceleration
potential. We recall from past episodes
that such a tube, when electrostatically
deflected, will have deflection angles
inversely proportional to the acceleration voltage. But a similar tube magnetically deflected will have deflection
angles inversely proportional to the
square root of the acceleration voltage.
So the magnetically deflected tube
can deflect its electron beam through
an angle four times greater. So we see
why digital scopes commonly have
wider screens and shorter tubes. However, because of the coil’s inductance,
direct magnetic deflection is limited
to frequencies below about 100kHz.
Bit-mapped raster scan
Most digital scopes have a frequency
response that ranges up to 100MHz
or a great deal more. To make that
possible, an indirect method called
“bit-mapped horizontal raster scan
display” is used. This is completely
different from the direct
electrostatic deflection
used in analog scopes.
And it is more complex.
Fig.3 shows an abbreviated block diagram of
a digital storage oscilloscope. The left hand half
of this figure is the acqui
sition section, which
includes the input attenuator, analog preamplifier
IC1, sampler IC2, A/D
converter IC3 and the
fast RAM (random access
memory) IC4. In this
chapter of our story we
concentrate on the right
hand half of Fig.3, the
display section, which
includes IC5, IC6, IC7 and
the tube.
When the digital data
representing the input
analog sinew
ave is recorded and stored in the
fast RAM IC4, then the
display section can begin
its magical work. Firstly
that data is read out from
RAM IC4 into the display
processor IC5. This is a
microproc essor which
has running within it a scan conversion point plotting algorithm.
This rearranges the data into a display image in scan line order, which it
promptly writes into a second memory
IC6, called the bit-map frame refresh
buffer, which you see in Fig.3.
In the basic digital scope we are
describing, this buffer consists of an
array of 307,200 semiconductor memory cells, electrically arranged into
a two-dimensional planar matrix of
480 horizontal rows and 640 vertical
columns (480 x 640 = 307,200).
Fig.4(a) gives some idea of this
scheme, though here for clarity we
have drawn a much smaller number.
Each memory cell in this buffer
holds one bit: that is either a logic
high potential or a logic low. And in
Fig.4(a) we have drawn a 1 in some of
the cells to indicate those cells which
contain a logic high potential. In the
remainder of the cells we have drawn
a 0 to indicate those which hold a
logic low. In Fig.4(a) you can clearly
see a waveform in the pattern of 1s
and this is called the bit map. This is
an image of the original analog input
March 1997 77
Fig.2: the two sets of deflection coils are held in one assembly called the
yoke and its function is exactly the same as the yoke in a colour TV set.
This diagram shows a more pictorial representation of the coils.
Now we aim to convert that blueprint of electrical 1s in the buffer into
a corresponding display on the CRT
Once the processor IC5 has filled
buffer IC6 with data forming the bit
map, two different but intimately related actions commence simultaneously
and run in synchronism, like two kids
in a three-legged race.
Displaying the bit map
The deflection circuits cause the
electron beam to commence from the
top left corner of the CRT tube screen
and trace out the full screen raster, line
by line, as described above. During
most of this time the beam electron
current is reduced to nearly zero by
the negative bias applied between the
tube grid and cathode, which Fig.3
illustrates. So almost all of the screen
is dark.
At the same time, the system addresses all cells in the bit map refresh
buffer IC6 and the bit value contained
in each is read out. Starting at the top
left corner, the system addresses the
cells and reads their contents; cell by
cell, from left to right and row by row.
First, each cell in the whole top row
is read, then those in the next row, and
so on, until the bottom right corner is
Cells are addressed across a row of
IC6 at the same speed as the electron
beam is deflected across the tube
screen. The final addressing of the
cell in the bottom right corner of IC6
and the reading of the bit it contains
coincides with the elec
tron beam
arriving at the bottom right corner of
the screen.
Displaying the signal
In the basic digital scope we are
describing, the single bit read from
each buffer cell is simply a voltage,
either logic high level or logic low. If a
TTL system is used, logic high means
about +4V and logic low about +0.5V.
As each cell is read, its voltage is
amplified and inverted by the following video amplifier IC7, whose
output signal drives the cathode of
the CRT tube in Fig.3. (Alternatively,
you could drive the grid but without
signal inversion.)
Each time a logic 1 is read from a cell
in the refresh buffer, Fig.4(a), the video
amplifier IC7 inverts and amplifies
this to a large negative voltage pulse,
typically -30V to -60V.
Applied to the CRT cathode, this
is big enough to overcome the G1-K
standing bias. Thus the electron beam
is turned fully on momentarily. This
produces a bright spot of light on the
screen at a point corresponding to
the address of that logic 1 cell in the
refresh buffer.
Each bright point is called a pixel
(for picture element).
In the same way, many pixels are
displayed on the screen (Fig.4(b)) in a
pattern which copies the disposition
of cells containing logic 1 bits in the
refresh buffer matrix (Fig.4(a)).
But on a screen typically 135mm
wide, each pixel is only 0.2mm apart,
so normal spot width-blurring usually
merges strings of these dots into continuous bright lines. If the sampler cannot provide enough points, firmware
routines can fill in by adding more
bright dots in straight line approximations or Sin(x)/x geometric curves.
That trace we see on the screen in
Fig.4(b) is a copy of the bit map in the
buffer IC6. This is itself a copy of the
original analog signal applied to the
scope input socket.
This is the raster scan method in
action: the digital scope is indirectly
displaying your input signals on a
Fig.3: in a digital scope, IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 form the fast acquisition section. IC5, IC6 and IC7 then form the
rasterising display circuits.
78 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: a bit map (a) of the input waveform is drawn logically in the memory cells of the refresh buffer. Data read from
this map turns on the electron beam (b) at points corresponding to the pattern of logic 1s in the bit map.
magnetically deflected cathode ray
tube screen.
a refresh rate of 60Hz. That’s why we
call IC6 the refresh buffer.
Displaying a one-shot signal
Video frequency
Now let’s assume that the input to
your digital scope was a one-shot; ie,
a non-recurring signal. In the fleeting
time that signal existed, it was sampled
by IC2, digitised by IC3 and recorded
in RAM IC4 and held there indefinitely. After the signal had gone and
the sampler had stopped, the output
section of your scope (the right hand
side of Fig.3) then performed all the
wondrous miracles we saw above.
The reading of the whole buffer IC6
and the drawing of one raster on the
screen displaying the waveform both
take exactly 16.666ms. Digital scopes
commonly use a tube with a P4 white
phosphor, which has a compound
150/480µs persistence time, after
which the trace fades away.
To maintain a stationary picture
on the screen, the scope must continually refresh the trace illumination
by repeating the display process; ie,
read the bit map stored in buffer IC6,
amplify the signal in IC7, and drive
the tube cathode to turn on the beam
to re-illuminate the display.
The system repeats this whole action every 16.666 milliseconds; ie, at
To perform these wonderful feats,
all 307,200 cells in the buffer memory must be addressed and read every
16.666ms. So cells must be read at
(16.666ms/307,200) = 54.2535 nanosecond intervals. This produces a
serial stream of single bits passing to
the amplifier IC7 at (307,200 x 60) =
18,432,000 bits/second.
Because this bit stream produces a
visible display on the screen, we call
this an 18.432MHz video frequency.
And we call IC7 the video amplifier.
Notice that all this time the sampler
IC2 and the A/D converter IC3 have
stopped. This is not because they
are lazy or slothful. It’s because you
previously filled RAM IC4 with one
record of data from a one-shot input
signal, now long gone. So your scope
continually refreshes the screen with
the copy of that departed signal held
in IC4. You are truly using the storage
capabilities of your DSO to the full.
Recurrent signals
When you apply a continuously
recurring high frequency signal to the
input of your digital scope, the busy
sampler very quickly takes a record of
500 (or more) samples of the signal.
The A/D converts these to digital format and stores them safely in RAM.
Then while the sampler has paused,
that data is read from IC4, converted
by IC5 to a bit map and stored in the
refresh buffer IC6. Now the system
reads that buffer and displays its contents on the screen raster at the much
slower display speed.
Once it does that, the system clock
may reactivate the sampler and A/D
converter, to take another record of
samples and store them in RAM.
These can be then read from the RAM,
converted to a complete new bit map
which includes any changes in the
input signal and displayed on the
screen, replacing the old.
At fast sweep speeds, such as 2µs/
div, the sampling of one record of the
input signal may take only 20µs. But
in conventional digital scopes the sampler pauses for about 20ms while the
display processor and refresh buffer
do their clever work and display the
waveform on the screen.
So typically you will see only one
cycle in every thousand cycles that
flow in your circuit. The elusive occasional glitch interference that you are
searching for may escape detection.
March 1997 79
Fig.5: block diagram
of InstaVu acquisition
architecture in the
Tektronix TDS784
scope, which can
capture 400,000
waveforms/second on
one channel.
Your scope would be capturing only
about 50 waveforms per second and
missing the rest.
Alternatively, instead of deleting
the old display on each refresh, the
electrical variable persistence control
gives you the option to accumulate old
and new data points in the bit map,
and hence on the screen. These can be
kept over many acquisitions, or over
some period of time between 250ms to
10 seconds, or infinitely. In this way,
infrequent events can be found and
Fast acquisition
To increase your chances of seeing
that occasional problem pulse which
This is a 3MHz signal depicted on a Tektronix TDS784A digital colour scope
in InstaVu mode. Here a runt signal is clearly visible, made doubly so by the
colour display (although not reproduced in this B&W photo).
80 Silicon Chip
is troubling your electronic system,
more expensive digital scopes use
proprietary methods to raise the rate
of waveform capture.
The Tektronix TDS400 series digital
scopes can acquire 200 waveforms/
second in infinite persistence mode.
In each 16ms period they capture and
overlay three or more updated versions
of the input waveform in the refresh
buffer. This is then written to the
screen at the 60 frames/second refresh
rate. So you see a greater percentage of
all the real cycles which flow through
your circuit.
But top analog scopes like the
Tektronix 2467B or 7104 can display
up to half a million waveforms per
second, showing 90% of all cycles of
your signal, because they have very
short holdoff times. They show rarely
occurring events dimly for emphasis
and are very good at finding elusive
faulty pulses!
To produce digital storage scopes
with equal capabilities, Tektronix
introduced the very clever TDS700
series. They can capture and display more than 400,000 waveforms/
second when running at 1GHz using
500 sample points per acquisition, in
one channel InstaVu Mode. How is
this done?
First let’s consider why you can’t
just raise the rate at which the conventional digital scope rasterises and displays the signal. We saw that to display
60 updated versions of the changing
input signal each second produces a
video signal of 18.432MHz. Could we
just raise the refresh rate by a factor
of 7,000? Would (7,000 x 60) frames/
second capture 420,000 waveforms/
second? The answer is NO!
To do that, a conventional architecture must read the buffer cells in
IC6 at (307,200 x 7,000 x 60) =
129,024,000,000 bits/second, giving a
video frequency of 129GHz. And the
raster would need a vertical or frame
rate of 420kHz and a line or horizontal frequency of 201.6MHz. No CRT
tube cathode can respond at such a
video frequency and the inductance
of magnetic deflection coils prohibit
such fast sweep rates!
So Tektronix produced a revolutionary design.
InstaVu acquisition mode
For their high performance 4-channel TDS700 digital scopes, Tektronix
manufactured a patented high speed
dedicated processor and cache mem
ory. It includes 360,000 transistors
formed using 0.8 micron technology
into a 304-pin CMOS IC called a Demux, which dissipates 2.5 watts when
running at full speed.
This is integrated into the acquisition system, duplicating the raster
forming capability there, so keeping
the required video frequency within
manageable limits. Also a section of
the very fast main memory is used
as a refresh buffer. Here it builds up
display images from thousands upon
thousands of passes of the signal, including those glitches you seek. And
the acquisition section can calculate
its own trigger positions.
This architecture, shown in block
diagram form in Fig.5, is radically
different from any other digital scope.
The acquiring of more and more samples of the input signal almost never
stops. Even while the screen display is
being updated and refreshed, the sampler continues acquiring more points
of the signal. In this way any elusive
glitches, line reflections, jitter or bad
pulses have a very high probability of
being found by the sampler and shown
on the screen.
Making good use of available
memory bandwidth, the raster
operates on a 16ns clock. It can draw
four complete acquisi
tions at once
into a 500 x 256 x 1 bitmap. Drawing
is done in top to bottom, then left to
The Tektronix TDS784 scope has 1GHz analog bandwidth and each channel
samples at 1GS/s. In single channel operation all samplers interleave to achieve
4GS/s sampling speed. In InstaVu acquisition mode, this scope acquires 400,000
waveforms/second. The scope has a liquid crystal shutter to provide a colour
display and it has an unsurpassed ability to catch and display rare glitches in
signal waveforms.
right fashion, so each data point in an
acquisition need be fetched only once.
Each read-modify-write cycle operates
on 64 pixels at a time.
Each cycle is 32ns long. Data is
fetched in groups of eight bytes. Any
column of the bit map, 256 pixels high,
can be rasterised in 32 to 128ns.
When operating with one input
signal in InstaVu mode, each of the
four channels take turns acquiring that
single input. Three channels can continue acquiring while the formed raster
is unloaded in the fourth channel.
This architecture raises the performance to 400,000 full screen (500
point) acquisitions and rasterisation
cycles per second on one channel. This
data rate represents 220,000,000 pixels/
second. The speed is limited by the
trigger system rearm circuits as much
as by the acquisition/graphics section.
The Demux IC demultiplexes and
processes the data from all four A/D
converters working together on the
one signal and rasterises the acquired
data. Also it performs digital signal
processing for local programmability,
mathematical algorithms and trigger
position calculations.
The firmware only intervenes
every 10,000 samples to copy out
the complete raster which shows
the behaviour over that time. Then
the acquisition section shifts out a
complete bit-mapped image to the
video amplifier at the modest frame
rate. But as the display shows almost
every cycle that ever passes through
your circuit under test, the result is
equivalent to a continuous running
picture of the live signal.
The display is so lively that signal
aberrations are seen instantly. You
have the confident feel of an analog
scope yet also have the storage and
mathematical powers of digital scopes.
Colour gradations highlight sections
of the traces which occur less frequently. You can show the continuously
repeating part of the signal in red,
with brilliant blue highlighting the
occasional glitches.
If the scope is left in variable persistence mode for many hours, more
than 10 billion acquisitions can be
amassed if necessary to find an elusive
faulty signal.
The vertical frame rate and the horizontal line rate of the raster display
are approximately as described before.
References: Tektronix Technical Brief
Thanks to Tektronix Australia and
staff member Ian Marx for data
and illustrations.
March 1997 81