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Vol.10, No.3; March 1997
7 Driving A Computer By Remote Control
The latest-generation remote access software makes it possible to control a
computer at a distant location via the telephone line. We look at two popular
packages – by Ross Tester
30 Video Conferencing: The Coming Boom
Video conferencing is set to revolutionise face-to-face communications.
Here’s a rundown on how it works – by Sammy Isreb
76 Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes; Pt.7
Learn how the display tubes used in modern digital scopes work and how
the image is built up on the screen – by Bryan Maher
18 Plastic Power PA Amplifier
Rugged design includes a 100V line transformer, thermal cutout and DC
offset adjustment and puts out 175W – by Ross Tester
34 Signalling & Lighting For Model Railways
We describe two separate projects for your model railway: a 3-aspect signal
unit and a constant brilliance lighting circuit – by Jeff Monegal
40 Build A Jumbo LED Clock
Read the time at 50 paces. This digital clock has very large LED displays
and is based on readily available CMOS ICs– by John Clarke
58 RGB-To-PAL Encoder For The TV Pattern Generator
Simple add-on board replaces the discontinued TEA2000 RGB-to-PAL colour
encoder IC used in the TV Pattern Generator – by John Clarke
72 Audible Continuity Tester
This nifty little continuity tester varies its tone according to the resistance
being measured – by Rick Walters
52 Serviceman’s Log
The rich tapestry of servicing – by the TV Serviceman
62 Radio Control
Preventing RF interference on the 36MHz band – by Bob Young
82 Vintage Radio
The importance of grid bias – by John Hill
Publisher’s Letter
Circuit Notebook
Product Showcase
Order Form
Back Issues
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
March 1997 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
Glenn A. Keep
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $54 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
Pay TV picture
quality is poor
So how many of you have signed up for Pay
TV with Optus or Foxtel? Not many I hope, for
your sake, because a high proportion who do
quickly become disenchanted. Sure, there are
lots of channels but most of them you wouldn’t
be bothered watching. The “Discovery” channel
on Foxtel is worth watching but most of the
others you would have to consign to the video
dustbin. Yes, I know that some people sign up
to get sports programs but they are special cases.
Even if you are perfectly happy with the program selection, eg, 24-hour cartoons, weather, endless re-runs of “I Love Lucy” or limited movies, the picture
quality is distinctly poor. In fact, one of the so-called advantages of Pay TV is
that you get the “free to air” channels free. So you can dispense with your ugly
old TV antenna. In fact, I have seen some people argue in favour of (ugly) cable
TV because it will eliminate all those ugly TV antennas!
Well, you don’t have to be really discerning to see that the picture quality of
the free-to-air channels as fed down the cable is far inferior to viewers’ reception
from their own TV antenna. There are some exceptions, of course, and people
in difficult reception areas, such as the beachside suburbs of Sydney, will get
better free-to-air channel pictures than off their old TV antenna; better, but still
not first class.
In general, compared to the first class picture quality available from free-to-air
channels in most areas of Sydney, the cable pictures are smeary and lack colour
saturation. In fact, there is even ghosting present! What a big advance that is.
This is what people are paying for and now digital TV has been announced with
its extra channels and better picture quality. If cable TV is what some people
are prepared to accept, why bother with digital TV?
And what if you do decide to get rid of your old TV antenna? There is a catch.
Say you want to watch the cricket on Channel 9 and your wife wants to watch
something on SBS or one of the pay TV channels. Sorry, no can do. You can only
watch one signal at a time, regardless of how many sets you may have in your
home. If you want to watch different channels on multiple sets simultaneously,
you have to pay for extra decoders. So you really can’t afford to get rid of your
old antenna, can you?
It seems to me that if the cable TV people cannot manage to deliver picture
quality which is at least as good as you can get from your own ugly TV antenna
then they are going to have even more problems when it comes to delivering the
more hi-tech services they are promising such as optical fibre modems, interactive
TV and all the rest of the pie in the sky stuff. Sure it will eventually come but
when it does it won’t be as half as good as it is cracked up to be.
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON
CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
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Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices Act
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2 Silicon Chip
TO-220 mounting
has problems
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you and the staff on a very
readable hobbyist magazine. It is
keenly read by many I know and
features some fine educational
I would like to comment on D.
Woodbridge’s letter in the October
1996 issue. Mr Woodbridge raises
some excellent points in his letter
but the issues of the desirability
of vertical mount
ing of flatpak
TO-220 style power devices (and
indeed ICs) deserves closer scrutiny in my opinion.
It should be realised that when
such components are bolted to
heatsinks, soldered into a circuit
board and mounted vertically
when the heatsink is also bonded
to the board, they are prone to two
possible modes of device and/or
circuit malfunction.
By rigidly bonding the components in this fashion, thermal
expansion of the component leads
leaves them nowhere to go but
either back up into the device encapsulation or further through the
board. In both cases, connections
of one type or another may fail and
often do (ie, broken wire bonds in
the device or cracked solder joints
in the board).
If the devices are to be mounted
vertically, a heatsink clamp which
affords some “give” rather than a
bolt is the best option. Bonding
the device leads beyond the point
where the lead narrows should be
fine for horizontal mounting as
long as the bend is made slowly
so the metal in the lead doesn’t
crystallise and craze.
Some device manufacturers explicitly warn against rigid vertical
mounting in their power device
data books. It’s also worth noting
that TO-3 style devices can suffer
a similar misfortune when rigidly
fixed to a PC board, an occurrence
avoided by good manufacturers
either using board sockets (not the
best idea for connection reliability)
or using short flying leads between
the device leads and the circuit
Theory has it that TO-3 socket
connections are actually kept clean
and low resistance by the thermal
movement of the device leads but
after a moderately long servicing
career, I treat connections of any
sort with suspicion.
M. Watts,
Wellington, NZ.
Dangerous computer
mains wiring
I would like to draw your attention to a very dangerous computer
power supply I was sold recently.
I do a fair number of computer
upgrades and repairs for friends
and am always on the constant
“upgrade path”.
As the prices of these 686
166MHz+ CPUs are so low at the
moment, a new computer was
definitely in order. All the various bits required were purchased
along with a new mini tower case
and integral power supply. These
have those “speed displays” and
I though I should set the speed to
read 166 before the “guts” were
inside, as otherwise it would be too
fiddly to change all those jumpers
with hard disks etc, in the way.
After plugging in the IEC plug
lead and turning it on, it read 133.
Now I always have a habit of brushing the exposed metal of anything
new plugged into 240VAC quickly
with the back of my hand and
that’s when I felt a nasty burning
sensation. I thought some of these
switchmode supplies were nasty
but this was really nasty. Bear in
mind that I was standing in the
kitchen, on tiles in bare feet.
I went upstairs to get the DMM
and my suspicions were confirmed;
the chassis (the entire case!) was
at 240AC! A quick test of the IEC
chassis plug revealed there was
no Earth and the Active pin was
attached also to the power supply
case which is bolted to the computer case!
Opening the power supply
showed the cause. During the hand
soldering of the PC board to the
IEC sockets, the Earth wire, which
is a little loop, had flicked off the
earth terminal and sprung up, still
molten and soldered itself to the
Active input pin directly above,
creating what is the worse possible
combination, a unit that will function, yet the case is live.
The scary thing is that if I had
grabbed the case to turn it around
(I was about to) I don’t think I’d be
writing this letter or a computer
builder could have built the unit,
sold it, and some kid on Christmas
Day with bare feet in his rumpus
room could have touched the case
or anything attached to it (modem,
mouse, or CD-ROM headphone
socket) and been fried.
I contacted the importer/distributor and the guy I spoke to told
me they “went through 30+ cases
a day” and “they don’t have time
to test them”. This is when I asked
about basic electrical safety testing,
when they perhaps open the boxes
to change the voltage switch from
110 to 240VAC – which they do not
do. Basically, he seemed relatively
unconcerned but took my number
when I asked them what they were
going to do about it.
Bear in mind, all I wanted was
an assurance they would check all
incoming cases for electrical safety.
And this is from one of the biggest
importers of computer parts in the
country too!
So there you have it, perhaps an
isolated incident on the production
line and nobody hurt but if it weren’t for my non-trust of anything
that plugs into 240VAC until it’s
proved safe, I may have been fried
or at least given a bigger jolt. By
the way, the earth leakage breaker
did not trip – even though it does
on other occasions.
J. Richardson,
Southport, Qld.
March 1997 3
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electronic design, and applications.
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Computers are prone to failure
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This is a practical handbook from
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Previously a neglected field, power
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If you have ever been in the predicament of working
in one place when the files or programs you want
are in another, you will understand the frustration.
“If only there was some way to access that computer
from where I am now . . .”
It’s becoming
more and more of a
problem as telecommuting
becomes more and more popular.
Telecommuting certainly doesn’t
suit everyone, nor does it suit many
industries but many organisations
now realise the benefits of allowing
particular staff to work at home, either
part of the time or all the time, and use
technology to “commute” their work
to the office, instead of commuting
themselves to the office.
It saves time in travelling (which
for most people is completely wasted
time) and it can save in high-rent office
space. And the worker is usually a lot
happier; a win-win situation if ever
there was one.
Most contractors and freelancers have practised a form of telecommuting for years, doing the work
in one place and electronically lodging
it in another. But as with employees
telecommuting, they occasionally
encounter a few hiccups in the sys-
tem, when things don’t quite work as
Let’s look at a few real-life examples (yes, these are from unfortunate
I have worked hours, perhaps days,
at home on a project and when I
finally take it to the office or to a
bureau, one of the files is missing
or corrupted!
I’m working in a strange office and the
software they have simply won’t do
the job. Or they don’t have a particular type style I want to use. If only I
could get access to the software on
my own computer...
A client sees a proof from a fax or from
a mono laser printer. Of course,
they want to see
the glorious living
Technicolor version. And
what if we moved this to there
and changed this and . . .
A file is bigger than 1.44MB and splitting it is not easy. But I need to get
it from point A to point B. How can
it be transported?
My little laptop computer simply can’t
handle the jobs my desktop computer can. If only I could link them . . .
We could go on but we’re sure you
get the picture. So how do you solve
the dilemma?
First you’ll need a modem
What’s a modem? It’s one of those
few buzz-words of computer speak
which actually tells you what it does!
Modem is a contraction of MOdulate/DEModulate. Its task is to take the
digital information from a computer
and MODulate it to analog format so
that it can be fed down a telephone
March 1997 7
This Dynalink 33.6Kb external modem was purchased by phone order for just
$179.95 including next morning delivery. An internal version is even cheaper
but should only be considered if you have plenty of vacant slots – now and for
the future.
line. Another moDEM will DEModulate the analog signal back to digital
for the computer to process.
Modems have been around for years
but today’s modem is a far cry from
those of even a decade ago.
As everyone knows, one of the major advances in computer technology
has been in the speed department.
From the humble IBM XT operating at
the then blinding speed of 4.77MHz,
133MHz is rapidly becoming today’s
entry level computer. And 166MHz
and 200MHz models are now common.
At the same time, modems have also
been increasing in speed. Back in the
days of the XT, most modems were
flat out at 300 bits per second (bps).
Today, no self-respecting ‘net surfer
would be seen dead with anything less
than a 14,400 bps modem. Even that
is considered snail pace – 28,800 and
now 33,600 bps modems are virtually
a necessity.
Incidentally, 33,600 bps is just about
as fast as modems can theoretically get
using conventional phone lines and
currently available technology.
Just as with PCs, as modems have
gone up in speed, their price has taken
the opposite direction. To research
this article, we bought a brand new
33,600 bps modem, over the counter,
for just $179.95. By comparison, a
year ago when we purchased the
28,800 bps modem we use in the Silicon Chip office, we paid more than
double that!
8 Silicon Chip
So modems have got much faster
and much cheaper. So what?
What it means is that data communication is now well and truly
within the average person’s reach.
Most retail computer packages now
include a 14,400 or 28,800 bps modem, especially as more and more
people are climbing onto the Internet
Of course, we are not limited to
using the telephone line and a couple of modems for communication
between computers. These days you
could connect the computers directly
via their parallel or serial cables if
they are close enough, or you can use
an existing IPX or TCP/IP network,
connection via the Internet or ISDN
(Integrated Subscriber Digital Network
– a somewhat expensive digital data
link capable 64kb/s), or even infrared
(IrDA) connections if you have them.
You might be wondering why anyone would want software to communicate via a network when the network
is specifically set up for that purpose.
There are specific applications where
the network doesn’t have the capabilities we are looking for: more of
this anon.
Suitable software
It doesn’t take much in the way of
software to get computers to talk via
a modem. In fact, Windows has had
quite usable communication software
built in for years. If you wanted more
bells and whistles then you had to
buy more powerful software but even
that, for the most part, has been pretty
reasonably priced.
Basic communication software is
fine if all you want to do is send files
to and from other computers, log on
to bulletin boards or even access the
Internet (although you’ll need other
software to properly use the Net).
As you might expect if you want
to do much more than that you’ll
need more specialised software. In
this article, we’re looking at software
which will do much more than allow
two computers to talk to each other.
It will allow one computer to control
the other!
We are talking about remote control
or remote access software.
In a nutshell, this software not only
communicates with a second computer, it actually allows complete control
over it.
While there are many packages
around which do the job in varying
degrees, we looked at two main contenders: LapLink and pcANYWHERE.
With minor differences, both do
essentially the same job with similar
As its name suggests, LapLink
originally started out as a program to
transfer files between laptop (and later
notebook) computers to desktop models using their parallel or serial ports.
pcANYWHERE, on the other hand,
started out as a software to remotely
address one computer from another.
Over the years, both packages have
taken on more and more of the other’s
features to the point where today there
is little to choose between them.
The version of LapLink we used
was the 32-bit LapLink for Windows
95 (also known as LapLink V7.5).
This package also includes the 16-bit
software for Windows 3.11 users and
is, in fact, a means of creating a bridge
between machines using the different
operating systems.
We also used pcANYWHERE32,
another 32-bit package designed for
Windows 95 or Windows NT. Other
versions are available for 16-bit (ie,
Win 3.11, etc). But regardless of which
software you use, the same program
and version must be loaded on both
What can you do?
There are three basic uses for remote
software which we will examine in
1: Remote Computer Control
This is the most important use for
remote software.
With this system, you effectively
“drive” the remote computer from
the computer you are currently at (the
local computer). It is important to note
that the remote computer functions
just as if it would if you were sitting
at the keyboard – it provides all the
power, all the “grunt” (or lack of it) –
any limitations you would experience
at that computer (eg lack of memory,
limited disc space, etc) you will also
experience remotely.
However, all the software on that
remote computer, its disc drives,
even its network connections (if it has
any) are at your disposal. Basically,
the local computer simply becomes
a terminal for the remote computer
– all work is actually performed in
the remote and “echoed” to the local
Windows (3.11 and 95) has software
built in which sort-of does the same
thing. The big disadvantage is that it
tends to send a lot more information to
and from each computer, information
which it needs to accomplish the task
because both computers are working
hard in the process. Programs such as
pcANYWHERE and LapLink achieve
a better result by letting the remote
computer do the work and simply
sending screen images and keystrokes
over the link, resulting in a much
faster system.
One application where remote
control really comes into its own is
in the linking of a laptop or notebook
computer (which is often limited in
resources) to a higher-performing computer. The laptop or notebook may not
have the power to accomplish certain
tasks – high-end graphics, for example.
Connect it to a computer intended for
the job and bingo!
Another popular use: think about
how remote control can make life simpler for people involved in computer
support. Ask anyone in this field and
they’ll tell you there is overwhelmingly one main problem: the person on
the other end of the phone! Not only
is that person more than likely to have
caused the problem in the first place,
they have a devil of a job explaining
the problem to tech support. Now, if
tech support had remote computer
control they could solve the problem
much more quickly, without having
to leave the office!
The potential savings in time, and
therefore money, are staggering. By
the way, this is not simply a possible
use: many PC support companies are
using exactly this approach these days.
One question which arises from
time to time is on the touchy subject
of software licences. You know, all
that “fine print” on the outside of the
software which says “read me before
opening” – which of course you never read – or the important message
which flashes up when you load new
programs: “Click here if you agree”.
Yeah, yeah – everyone clicks, no-one
bothers reading through all the legal
What you are doing is agreeing
to the terms of the manufacturer or
distributor. Despite your paying good
money for the software, after the event
they tell you that you haven’t purchased it at all, just a licence to use
it. And if you don’t comply with the
licence conditions (which of course
you’ve never read) they’ll come down
the keyboard lead and break your
$#<at>%&~ fingers!
One of those conditions you’ve
agreed to says that under pain of death,
or worse, you will only install the
software on one machine.
However, if you use a remote control program you’ve beaten them at
their own game! You get complete
access to the software on the remote
machine but it is not installed on the
local machine – you are simply controlling it from there. So now there’s
no need to buy a copy of the software
for home as well as the one you use
at the office!
The two software packages we trialled: pcANYWHERE32
(above), which was capable of operating under both Windows
95 and Windows NT, and LapLink V7.5 for Windows 95
(right). There are many other programs available to do the
same or similar jobs, including some excellent "shareware"
March 1997 9
2: File Transfer
We mentioned this before: if there’s
a file on one computer and you want
it on another computer, remote software is one of the easiest ways to
transfer it. Regardless of whether the
computers are across a room or across
the world, file transfer is delightfully
One particular advantage of using
remote access software for file transfer
(as distinct from generic communications software) is that if you don’t
know where the file is or what it is
called, you have the opportunity to
search the remote machine. (Most
generic programs require you to know
the name and/or location of the file).
Another major reason for using
this type of software is that some of it
(LapLink for example) has the ability
to synchronise files/folders between
two machines. What does that mean?
Let’s say you have transferred a file
from a remote machine and worked
on it on your local machine. The files
are now different, even though they
might have the same name. Some time
later you want to work on the file and
. . . which one?
By using remote access software
to synchronise files, the files on the
two machines are always updated to
the latest version. More than that,
you can set the parameters so that
only amended files are synchronised,
saving time.
An example of file transfer in action:
the very pages you are reading now.
As you probably know, SILICON CHIP
is produced in Sydney but printed in
Dubbo, some 400km away.
When we need to get a file to Dubbo
in a hurry (presses just won’t wait!)
we use file transfer via a modem and
standard telephone lines. A typical
page might take about twenty minutes
or so to send - overall, the cost is not
dramatically different to sending the
file by air express and certainly a lot,
lot faster!
3: Idle Chit-Chat
Remote software can be used to
enable a two-way conversation with
someone at a remote computer. Whether that is for information, for fun or
even to ask for a date(!) it’s simple.
More than that, chatting can be
combined with remote control or
file transfer: the tech support person
we talked about earlier can now not
only control the remote machine,
upload or download files as required
(eg software upgrades or patches) but
can “talk” to the remote operator at
the same time.
Setting up the software
Whether the software you choose
is on CD-ROM or floppy, loading and
setting up is basically a matter of
following the instructions. CD-ROMs
tend to come with an autoload file
which loads as soon as you put the
disc in the drive.
Note that Windows 95 is required for
the 32-bit versions of the software; if
you are still using Windows 3.11 you
will need to load the 16-bit versions.
Better performance can be expected
from the 32-bit versions.
Purely for the convenience of having
two computers virtually side-by-side
which we could compare, we first decided to try out the programs via their
network connection instead of via the
modem and phone line. According to
the manual, each works in much the
same way.
First snag: the PCs on the SILICON
CHIP network use Windows NT, the
“industrial strength” version of Windows. While pcANYWHERE would
operate under both Windows 95 and
Windows NT, LapLink would only
operate under Windows 95. To us that
doesn’t make a great deal of sense,
given the fact that Windows networks
in industry are more and more based
on NT, not 95. Of course, we wanted
to stack each program against the other
so Windows 95 was required.
Fortunately, one of our networked
PCs is a “dual boot” Windows 3.11/
Windows 95 system (see SILICON CHIP
July ’96) to allow the use of some
essential, but non-NT-compatbile
software. And it wasn't too difficult
to bring in a Windows-95 machine
from home – I have three machines
networked for my home-based business anyway, so connecting one of
these to the SILICON CHIP network was
quite simple.
The sign-on screens for pcANYWHERE (left) and LapLink (right). One thing we liked about
LapLink was its “Quick Steps” windows which automatically opened to guide you through the
required steps. pcANYWHERE has a similar, though not quite as informative, "Quick Start"
window available.
10 Silicon Chip
That done, we had no trouble loading either of the programs. Setting up,
though, was not quite as simple.
While both programs have a step-bystep “Wizard” to guide you through the
process, and we followed the step-bystep instructions to the letter, we found
that neither program worked over the
network when first fired up.
LapLink was the first program we
attacked and the cure also fixed the
problem with pcANYWHERE. What
we had not done was first load the
specific drivers for our network. This
was more a matter of ignorance on our
part than anything else: had we read
the packaging properly we would have
found that the protocol we use on our
network (NetBEUI) was not supported
by the programs. Instead, they required
either TCP/IP or IPX. (No, we haven’t
bothered to explain what the acronyms
mean – what’s the point?)
To cut a long story short, once we
realised this we went back into our
network setup and loaded the IPX
protocol (it’s a lot simpler than loading
TCP/IP because you don’t have to work
out machine addresses). Did it spring
to life? Not on your nelly!
Sod’s law No 42: if all else fails, read
the manual. Under troubleshooting
there was a section on enabling and
disabling ports. Alas, it didn't help.
The software insisted that the IPX
protocol was enabled – the “enable
port” checkbox was checked and the
dialogue box above reported that the
IPX network port was enabled.
Purely on a whim, we disabled the
port and re-enabled it – just two clicks
of the mouse button. Presto! It worked:
up came the remote computer in the
dialog box above. Clicking on that
brought up the message that the link
with the other computer was being
established and not too long after that
(perhaps 15-20 seconds) the screen
image of the remote computer came
up on the screen.
First of all, we were extremely disappointed with the screen quality – it
was very difficult to read and nearly
impossible to use. Then we realised
that the remote computer was using
a much higher screen resolution than
the local computer. Once the resolution was made the same on each, the
screens were almost identical.
One of the remote computer’s tasks
is to control a scanner. We thought
a pretty reasonable task would be to
remotely scan a photograph (of course,
the photo had to be placed on the
scanner first!).
Using LapLink, we were able to
scan the photograph in exactly the
same way we would have done at the
remote computer’s keyboard. Yes, it
was markedly slower (perhaps twice
as long) but the scanner didn’t miss a
beat (it is sometimes temperamental)
and the end result was the equal of
scanning it on the spot.
Think of the possibilities that brings
up: if you need access to a scanner
This is LapLink's setup screen to establish either a TCP/IP
or IPX protocol network link. It was this window which
first twigged us to the fact that we didn't have the right
network protocol loaded. No wonder it didn't work first
but don’t have one, all you need do is
have someone place the photo on the
scanner. You can do the rest from anywhere. You can even “chat” to them
via the chat mode to tell them exactly
what you want to do, all remotely!
It was rather uncanny watching
the remote computer screen because
everything being done by the local
computer was echoed – the mouse
pointer moving around the screen,
selections being made, even the scanning, with nobody near the thing.
As mentioned, all this was tried out
using LapLink because at this stage
we hadn’t again tried to get pcANY
WHERE to work. But fixing the IPX
problem for LapLink also fixed it for
pcANYWHERE, as one might expect.
When we subsequently fired up
pcANYWHERE we were able to do
exactly the same job.
The times were comparable: it
appears that pcANYWHERE might
establish the connection slightly faster,
but in use there wasn’t much in it.
We mentioned before that it might
seem silly to install this type of software for use on a network. But the
above example highlights the versatility. You get much more than simple
network connections.
Control via a modem
OK, so that was the network connection. What about the modem
The secret here, as Mrs Beaton’s
In “File Transfer” mode you can see two directories: the
machine on the left is the remote machine (Ross), while
the machine on the right (SC100) is the local. Trans
ferring files between the two machines is as simple as
the familiar Windows “drag and drop”.
March 1997 11
Cook Book might suggest, is to first
catch your modem. Make sure it is
set up and working perfectly before
trying to use the remote software on
it. You have the choice of using the
installation software supplied with
most modems, or letting Windows 95
install it for you.
We tend to prefer the latter approach: by clicking on Control Panel
and then Install New Hardware, Windows 95 will go off and look for the
modem (and usually finds it). When it
does, you can use the drivers supplied
with Windows 95 if your modem is a
common brand.
If your modem is a little odd-ball,
don’t despair: your instruction manual
will usually tell you it can be installed
as a “so and so” modem, or it may tell
you to install it using the software supplied on the installation disc. Either
way, it’s easy to do.
You may see a lot of information
about IRQ’s and addresses and so on.
If these terms mean about as much to
you as Quantum Mechanics and the
meaning of life, don’t despair – most
of the process is automated. In most
cases, installation is as simple as
following the on-screen instructions.
And finally, refer to Sod’s law no 42
To test the modem, simply call
another modem-equipped computer.
It makes some sense to call the computer you are going to use the remote
software on later because if something
doesn’t work as intended at least you
can eliminate the modem and connection as a cause.
Alternatively, you could call one
of the bulletin boards that allow free
access or free limited visitor access
(and there are lots of those). Don’t be
tempted – yet – to sign up with an Internet Service Provider and go surfing
the net, at least until you find out the
cost you could be up for!
It’s working!
Now it’s time to call the other computer with the remote control software.
Naturally, the remote computer also
needs to be running the same remote
control software.
We have taken several “screen
dumps” to show you what to expect.
It’s basically a matter of entering the
phone number you wish to call and
clicking on dial. From there on in the
process is automatic until such time
as the connection is established.
Once the connection is established,
the remote computer screen pops up
(albeit slowly) and you are ready to
take full control, as outlined above.
Alternatively, if you choose the appropriate options, you can very simply
transfer files, chat or just examine the
other system.
Just as before, we were able to
control the scanner, edit text in Word
Perfect, open up a Pagemaker file and
manipulate the pages . . . all as if we
were sitting there instead of here!
Again, operation is significantly
slower than it would be if you were
sitting at the other PC and performing
the same keystrokes. You often have
to wait for the screen to refresh after
having clicked with the mouse – in
fact, it is not too hard to get ahead of
yourself if you are used to working
But, those reservations aside, either
program is an excellent way around
what has been a significant problem.
One of the more interesting uses, especially for business and commerce, is
the ability to log into a remote network
by remotely controlling one of the PCs
on that network.
We did this on a small scale with the
SILICON CHIP network: we were able
to dial in to one PC from a location
several kilometres away (we could
have been thousands of kilometres
away) and through it, gain access to
the entire network.
There are countless applications
where this could be a Godsend but
there are also some security aspects to
worry about. Both software packages
we used had the ability to limit access
and to use a variety of password protection devices to ensure that anyone
who accessed the system – and the
network – had the authority to do so.
Even so, unless you have good reasons for allowing unlimited access at
any time, security experts recommend
gateways to networks be turned off
or disconnected unless actually re
One of the big advantages with this
type of software over run-of-themill communications software is
its ability to set up very detailed
address books, with all the
information needed to establish the
contact contained in the listing.
This address book listing, again in
LapLink (though pcANYWHERE has
a similar arrangement), is setting up
a modem connection for a fictitious
“Remote Computer” called “A
Name” (the name must be correct)
via a modem at a local telephone
number 12345678. All three services
available are selected but security is
not. Security is vital for commercial
organisations to minimise or prevent
unauthorthorised access (“hacking”)
especially where remote control is
available. Imagine the damage that
someone could do . . .
12 Silicon Chip
quired.That seems like fair enough
advice to us; it's something we do here
Connecting via a cable
While we have been talking about
communication via modems and
phone lines, or via an existing IPX or
TCP/IP network, we acknowledge that
there are many people who don’t have
such devices. But often there is a need
to transfer files between computers.
If you can get the computers close
enough you can connect a cable between them and, using the remote
software, transfer files using their
parallel or serial ports.
If at all possible, you should use the
parallel ports (ie, both computers’ parallel ports are connected via a special
cable) because file transfer is significantly faster via the parallel port.
Note that the cable must be purpose-made; ordinary parallel printer
cables and most serial data cables do
not work.
The cable connection is selected
during the setup procedure and file
transfer is achieved in a very similar
way to using a modem or network
connection. File transfer can be bi-directional; either computer can send or
receive files to or from the other.
Which software?
In use, we have found very little
to choose from between LapLink and
There were a couple of features we
liked slightly more on one than the
other but these were countered in
other directions. We'd be happy to use
either package.
The Proof of the
Pudding . . .
These two screen images show exactly the same Windows 95 “desktop”
screen but were actually taken on two different PCs. The top screen is
taken from the PC on which Windows 95 was actually running, the bottom
screen was the same Windows 95 desktop, captured by pcANYWHERE,
as viewed on a computer in a different part of the same building. While
in this case it was being run over a network, it could have been running
via a modem from the other side of the world! Both PCs were also running
Windows Paint, the program used to capture these screen images.
Where do you get it?
LapLink For Windows 95 and
pcANYWHERE32 are available at
virtually any good computer store; if
not in stock, they should be able to get
it in for you.
With recommended retail prices
of $230-295, you can expect to pay
anywhere from under $200 up, depending on the margin the retailer
wants to make!
The Dynalink 33.6Kb external modem was purchased from Software
Today in Melbourne for $179.95, including next day door-to-door delivery
(in fact, the modem was delivered just
four working hours after ordering.
That's not bad service from 1000km
March 1997 13
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Video conferencing:
the coming boom
Video conferencing is set to revolutionise the
way we do business, communicate and share
information. Here’s a quick rundown on
PictureTel’s new SwiftSite system.
Video conferencing has traditionally
been very expensive and, in the past,
has been the preserve of big business
and government. For the rest of use,
a face-to-face meeting with someone
in another state or country has meant
getting up early to catch the plane.
The new video conferencing tech18 Silicon Chip
nologies are set to change that. These
technologies are a natural outgrowth
of the multimedia revolution and the
development of high-capacity ISDN
telephone lines.
To put it simply, video conferencing supports 2-way video and audio
communication, similar to those
videophones you see in sci-fi movies!
This means that two or more people
at different locations can see and hear
each other at the same time.
More sophisticated video conferenc
ing systems have the advantage of
allowing data to be exchanged as well,
using different protocols, along with
group video conferencing.
Video conferencing uses
At the present time, the cost of setting up a video conferencing system is
still quite high – so high, in fact, that it
remains out of the reach of the average
person. And although the cost is falling
very rapidly, video conferencing is still
limited to a few key uses. In schools,
for example, video conferen
cing is
ideal for providing equitable access to
resources for at-risk or special-needs
students. It is also ideal for isolated
rural populations, replacing the traditional radio schools.
Also, being an interactive medium,
2-way video offers the advantages of
establishing a more personal communication between people, allowing the
use of body language, along with other
visual teaching aids.
The health industry will find video
conferencing a great boon, as it allows
patients in remote locations to consult
with doctors and specialists that they
would not normally have access to
without travelling.
Businesses will also benefit enormously from the new video conferenc
ing technologies. Video conferencing
will slash travel costs and allow staff
in different geographical locations to
communicate effectively. It will be
possible to effectively demonstrate
products and service procedure as well
as to hold company meetings.
How it works
When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, most video conferencing
equipment works in a similar manner.
Basically, you need an audio-visual
setup that consists of a monitor, camera, microphone and speaker. And, of
course, you need some way of trans-
Unlike many units, PictureTel’s SwiftSite is a standalone video conferencing
system. All its functions, including the camera and a microphone, are
integrated into a small module which weighs less than 5kg. A remote control
handpiece, similar in size to a TV remote control, is included.
mitting the information between the
different locations.
A broadband satellite-based system
giving broadcast-quality video would
be very nice but, as you can imagine,
that is less than practical for cost
reasons. More recently, advances in
computer and telecommunications
technologies have sparked an interest
in compression based video systems.
These systems can transmit information via the Internet, a telephone
network, or microwave link, thus
greatly reducing the cost of video
In fact, most of today’s video
encing systems operate on a
single ISDN telephone line. A CODEC
(short for coder-decoder) handles the
compression/decompression task
Video Conferencing Terms Explained
Like most other electronics-based
industries, those in the video
conferencing field have their own
jargon. A list of these terms appears below:
Group System – a video confer
encing system that is designed for
use in a conference room; hence, it
is sometimes called a “room” system.
This type of system usually involves
large monitors, remotely controlled
wide-angle cameras, a document
scanner and other tools that facilitate
participation in the meeting.
Rollabout System – a portable
group system on a wheeled cart
that can be rolled into an office or
meeting room and used for ad hoc
Personal System – a computer-based video conferencing system
that is typically used by a single person; sometimes called a “desktop”
system. These can be general-purpose computers that are enhanced
with the addition of a video confer
encing card, a small camera and so
forth (just like the PCS 50).
CODEC – specialised microprocessor for compressing and decom
pressing data. A CODEC is necessary at each site that participates in
a videoconference.
Data Rate – the speed at which a
network can carry data. It is sometimes also called “channel rate.”
The higher data-rate networks are
more expensive and usually convey
higher-quality video signals. Group
systems typically use higher data
rates than personal systems.
Point-to-Point Call – a videocon
ference involving two locations, just
like a regular 2-party telephone call
but with the ability to see the person or people with whom you are
speaking. It also includes the ability
to digitally “hand” them all types of
data, regardless of distance.
Multipoint Call – a more complicated setup involving three or more
locations simultaneously. Multipoint
calls can be used to teach classes
at several locations at once, or for
corporations to efficiently make policy
or product announcements.
Video conferencing Tools – these
are any of a wide variety of communication and presentation tools
that can be incorporated in a video
conferencing system. These tools
include several types of cameras,
35mm slide projectors, overhead projectors, VCRs, computers, computer
whiteboards and so forth.
March 1997 19
PictureTel’s Video Conferencing Breakthrough
PictureTel, one of the world’s
biggest manufacturers of video
conferencing equipment in the world,
has just released two new systems
that have slashed the price of video
The first of the systems, the SwiftSite, is designed to act as a stand
alone video conferencing system.
The alternative PCS 50 Desktop
System is intended for installation in
a PC and allows for data exchange.
The SwiftSite system is a breakthrough for PictureTel, as it eliminates the need for any PC equipment. According to David Lardinais,
the Managing Director of PictureTel
Australia, SwiftSite will become an
integral part of business communications and will support all kinds of
new applications.
The SwiftSite System
The SwiftSite video conferencing
system operates using a single ISDN
basic rate interface (BRI) telephone
line. All the electronics of the system,
along with the camera and microphone, are integrated into a small
module which weighs less than 5kg
and sits on top of the monitor. The
system conforms to the H.320 Plus
video conferencing standard, providing up to 15 frames a second using
an ISDN BRI telephone line running
at 128Kb/s.
Other features include an infrared
remote control that is similar in size
to the average TV remote control.
SwiftSite also has the advantage of
being simple to install, requiring only
three connections: an RCA audio/
video cable between the television
and the unit, a power connection and
an ISDN cable connection.
One of the best features of the
SwiftSite system is the ability to
upgrade its software remotely, using the Swift
Site Software Server.
This is claimed to be the world’s
first ISDN, H.320 standard upgrade
server for use with video conferencing systems. By using the SwiftSite
system, any user can connect with
the server and download the latest
software upgrades.
The PCS 50 System
The PCS 50 System is an PC-compatible based system with some
of the performance features of the
SwiftSite system.
The system consists of various
modules, such as the CODEC
desktop component. This consists
basically of the CODEC card(s), as
well as other modules, such as a
high-end graphics accelerator card,
29-inch SVGA monitor, software and
a video camera.
The main advantage of this system
is that it is easily upgraded, just by
changing a couple of cards. It does,
however, lack the versatility and portability of the SwiftSite system. Both
systems are very similar in price, at
around $15,000 each.
Acknowledgement: thanks to Manoj
Murugan of Media Solutions for his
help in supplying information on behalf of PictureTel.
and is usually based on a dedicated
microprocessor. The CODEC samples
the incom
ing analog video signal,
digitises it and then subsequently
compresses it. The CODEC at the other
end then has the job of reversing this
Depending on the transmission
standard used, the picture quality can
be surprisingly good. The downside
is that there is usually a slight delay
(generally less than a second) in receiv
ing the picture.
The SwiftSite video conferencing system is designed to sit on top of the monitor
to which it is connected. Only three connections are required: an RCA audio/
video cable between the television and the unit, a power connection and an
ISDN cable connection.
20 Silicon Chip
The video conferencing industry is
still in its infancy and it will be several
years before we see solid standards
set. At the same time, costs will have
to continue falling in order to make
video conferencing affordable for
most people.
Finally, medium-sized establishments that have a need for video
conferencing but have concerns as
to whether they can afford it should
study the two new PictureTel systems
(see panel), as these are a breakthrough
in their price bracket.
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Macservice Pty Ltd
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Audible headlight
This simple headlight reminder circuit has the virtue
that no active components such
as transistors or ICs are used.
It is based on two relays. Relay
RLY1 is actuated while ever the
ignition is on. Relay 2 is comprised of coil L1 and the reed
switch. Coil L1 is powered from
Fig.1: this cheap yet effective headlight
reminder circuit uses two relays and a
piezo buzzer.
the low beam lighting circuit. If
the ignition and lights are on,
no current flows via the reed
switch to the buzzer.
However, if the ignition is
off and the headlights are on,
current can flow via the normally closed contacts of RLY1
and the reed switch to sound
the buzzer.
R. Baker,
Miranda, NSW. ($20)
Low voltage drop bridge rectifier
Circuit Ideas
Do you have a good circuit idea
languishing in the ol’ brain cells. If
so, why not sketch it out, write a
brief description of its operation &
send it to us?
Provided your idea is workable
& original, we’ll publish it in Circuit
Notebook & you’ll make some
We’ll pay up to $60 for a really
good circuit but don’t make them
too big please. Send your idea to:
Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box
139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
22 Silicon Chip
Automatic pump
This circuit was developed to apply
insecticide on a 7-day cycle to fruit
trees in an orchard. It could have
uses in hydro
ponics systems, fish
breeding or other long period timing
The pumping time is three minutes
using a 12V DC 7A bilge pump. All
pumping occurs at dusk, which is
detected by the light dependent resistor, LDR1.
LDR1 controls clocking of the circuit and is buffered by two Schmitt
trigger inverters, IC1b & IC1b. This
drives counters IC2 & IC3 which can
be set for a total time of up to 99 days,
using the thumbwheel switches SW1
& SW2. These counters count down
from a preset value.
The pump on-time can be set between 30 seconds and nine minutes,
in 30-second increments, as set by
switch S1 and thumbwheel switch
SW3, both of which control counter
IC7 (4029).
When IC2 & IC3 have counted down
to zero, it is sensed by XOR gate IC4a
(4070) which sets RS latch IC5b (4053),
and this starts timer IC6. This turns
on Q1 and the relay for the set time.
Power for the circuit can be derived
from a 12-14V DC plugpack or battery
and this is regulated to 5V. Note,
however that the bilge pump requires
12V at 7A.
S. Carroll,
Timmsvale, NSW. ($40)
This fullwave bridge circuit has virtually no diode drops.
With the values shown it would run a low current resistive
load. The prototype circuit had a forward voltage drop of
50mV at a load current of 25mA. Most transistors have a
base-emitter voltage breakdown of about 8V. This limits
the circuit to about 6VAC with common transistors and
it is not suitable for capacitor loads due to the high peak
currents involved.
The circuit is not suitable for input voltages of less than
about 2VAC.
G. La Rooy, Christchurch, NZ. ($20)
March 1997 23
Plastic Power
PA Amplifier
Open-air sporting events like this recent Australia Day surf carnival at Freshwater Beach require plenty of PA muscle. Photo by Andrew McEwen.
This article adapts the Plastic Power
amplifier module described in the April 1996
issue to public address use. The circuit now
includes a 100V line transformer, output
transistor protection, a thermal cutout and
DC offset adjustment.
The “Plastic Power” high-performance amplifier module described
in the April 1996 issue has already
proved to be a trouble-free design. We
foresaw that it would be popular for
new amplifier builders and equally
sought after as a high-power, high-performance replacement module for
many ageing amplifiers out there –both
commercial and home-built.
24 Silicon Chip
And so it has been. But there was
one use which we hadn’t really considered – public address or PA. Since
the article appeared, we have had a
number of enquiries: “can I use this
amplifier for PA?”
The immediate reaction was “why
not?” After all, with power output
approaching 200 watts into 4Ω loads,
on first glance it would make an excel-
lent PA amplifier. But on reflection, it
wasn’t quite as simple as that.
PA requirements
For PA use, there are important
requirements which don’t occur in
domestic (ie, hifi) applications. Most
important of these is the ability to
drive a 100V line transformer. A PA
amplifier that cannot work into a 100V
(or even 70V) line is not considered a
PA amplifier – it’s just a toy.
But didn’t the specifications box in
the April 1996 issue claim “unconditional stability”? Wouldn’t this mean
that you could simply bung on a 100V
line transformer and the amplifier
would be happy?
It would be if operating into complex loads was the only problem.
But it is not. In fact, it is only a minor consideration. By far the most
difficult problem to overcome when
operating into a transformer of any
description is the DC offset at the
amplifier’s output.
DC offset, as the term implies, is
an amount of DC voltage across the
speaker output terminals.
In a perfect world, or in a perfect
amplifier, there would be no DC offset.
But in any direct-coupled amplifier
there is always some small DC offset
voltage at the output and this is mostly
due to the mismatch of the differential
input transistors. Typically, the DC
offset is around 20-50 millivolts and
it can be positive or negative, with respect to the “cold” side of the speaker
While this is tolerable in an amplifier intended for hifi or general audio
applications where loudspeakers are
being driven, it causes a big problem
when the load is a 100V line trans
former. A few quick calculations will
show why. For example, if the amplifier is driving a loudspeaker with
a voice coil resistance of 6Ω (a fairly
Output power ........................ 175 watts into 4Ω or 100V line
Frequency response ............. -3dB at 30Hz and 17kHz
Input sensitivity ..................... 1.15V RMS (for full power into 4Ω)
Harmonic distortion .............. <.03% from 20Hz to 20kHz, typically <.01%
Signal-to-noise ratio ������������ 101dB unweighted (22Hz to 22kHz); 116dB
Stability ................................. unconditional
typical value), a DC output offset of
50mV will cause 8.3 milliamps DC to
flow through the speaker.
This will cause a very small mechanical offset of the speaker’s voice
coil from its rest position but otherwise
no harm will be done.
On the other hand, consider that
same 50mV DC offset applied to the
primary winding of a 100V line transformer. In this case, the DC resistance
of the winding is likely to be 100 mil
liohms (0.1Ω) or less. Now, the DC
current which will flow through the
primary winding is 500 milliamps or
more and this causes really serious
Any DC in a transformer winding is
bad news. First of all, the transformer
can be saturated, which causes awful
distortion (hardly what you want
when Mr or Mrs High and Mighty steps
up to the podium to speak!). Worse, a
current of 500mA is much higher than
the normal quiescent current in the
output stage and it will lead to extra
heating, by 20 or 30 watts, depending
on the amplifier’s supply voltages.
This amplifier is capable of delivering 175 watts
into 4Ω or a 100V line transformer for PA work.
The heatsink shown here is adequate for general
use but if the amplifier is to be operated in high
ambient temperatures and expected to deliver
high power continuously, a larger fancooled heatsink will be required.
March 1997 25
1 PC board, code 01103971, 99
x 166mm
2 panel mount M205 fuseholders
(or 4 20mm fuse clips – see
2 5A M205 fuses
1 coil former, 24mm OD x
13.7mm ID x 12.8mm deep,
Phillips CP-P26/19-1S or 4322
021 30362 - see text
1 4Ω/100W toroidal output transformer (Altronics M1124 or
2 metres 0.8mm enamelled copper wire
1 thermal circuit breaker 80°C,
10A (Altronics S5610 or equivalent)
1 large single-sided finned
heatsink, at least 300mm long,
2 TO-126 heatsinks (Altronics
H-0504 or equivalent)
4 TO-3P transistor insulating
3 TO-126 transistor insulating
1 200Ω 10-turn vertical trimpot
(Bourns 3296W series or
1 100Ω 5mm horizontal mounting
13 PC board pins
4 3mm x 20mm screws
5 3mm x 15mm screws
9 3mm nuts
Worse still, such a high current can
easily lead to thermal runaway in the
output devices, and their eventual
The DC offset problem has been
known for a long time, ever since
direct coupled amplifiers were first
produced. In fact, some years ago,
National Semiconductor brought out
the LMC669 as the ideal answer to this
problem and SILICON CHIP featured
a circuit using it in the September
1989 issue. Alas, the IC now appears
to be unobtainable, so other means
need to be found to cure the DC offset
Fig.1 shows the modified circuit of
the Plastic Power amplifier. It is capable of delivering around 175 watts
into a 100V line.
Now let’s consider the problem of
DC offset and how it is corrected. First,
we include provision for adjusting the
DC offset to zero (or as close as we can
achieve) with a trimpot connected between the emitters of the differential
pair, Q1 and Q2. This will allow any
minor differences between the two
“sides” of the circuit to be nulled out.
The emitter resistors of Q1 and Q2
were reduced from their original value
of 150Ω to 100Ω and a 100Ω trimpot
placed between them. Adjustment is
simple: when the amplifier is completed set the trimpot to its centre position,
then adjust it so that the DC voltage
across the speaker output terminals
(as measured on a digital multimeter
set to its lowest voltage range) is zero
or as close as possible.
The board pattern, incidentally, allows for either a vertical or horizontal
mounting 5mm trimpot. A horizontal
mounting pot is preferred, for ease of
Second, we have modified the PC
board slightly to allow Q1 & Q2 to be
thermally bonded together. Thus any
tendency for one transistor to get hot,
which may cause increased DC imbalance, will be reflected in the other
transistor. We also did the same with
Q4 and Q5, the current mirror stage.
26 Silicon Chip
2 MJL21194 NPN power transistors (Q12, Q13)
2 MJL21193 PNP power transistors (Q14, Q15)
2 MJE340 NPN driver transistors
(Q9, Q10)
1 MJE350 PNP driver transistor
1 BF469 NPN transistor (Q8)
1 BF470 PNP transistor (Q6)
4 BC546 NPN transistors (Q4,
Q5, Q7, Q16)
Reduced bandwidth
Sometimes a high performance
amplifier is simply “too good” for PA.
If you think about it, PA is one of the
worst-case audio applications:
(a) Long speaker leads can act as magnificent RF antennas for any local radio
or TV station or even close-by two-way
4 BC556 PNP transistors (Q1,
Q2, Q3, Q17)
2 1N5404 power diodes (D5, D6)
4 1N914 diodes (D1, D2, D3, D4)
1 3.3V 0.5W zener diode (ZD1)
4 100µF 63VW electrolytic
1 22µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.33µF 250VAC MKP
1 0.33µF 50VW MKT
5 0.1µF 63V MKT
1 .0012µF MKT or ceramic
1 100pF 100V ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 18kΩ
1 180Ω
1 15kΩ 1W
2 160Ω
1 6.8kΩ
3 100Ω
1 5.6kΩ 1W
1 68Ω
1 1.5kΩ
1 47Ω
1 820Ω
3 12Ω 1W
1 470Ω
4 0.47Ω 5W
2 390Ω
2 560Ω 5W
3 220Ω
radios (and many sports, coaches, etc,
use two-way).
(b) They’re often used in portable
situations, and every location has its
own share of problem electrical noises
which may or may not be treatable.
(c) If it is a portable setup, speaker
lines may be temporary and therefore
not too secure against either shorts or
cuts. Speaker cabling is often exposed
to the elements, with joins, plugs &
sockets, etc which may be corroded,
even with the best “weatherproofing”.
With these problems in mind, it is
wise to limit the overall bandwidth
of a PA amplifier. This can assist in
reducing interference, especially electrical noise picked up by the speaker
leads. Therefore, the input RC filter
and the output RLC filter have been
modified. The result is that both the
bass response and the high frequency response have been deliberately
curtailed: -3dB at 30Hz and 17kHz,
as depicted in Fig.2. This shows the
frequency response of the complete
amplifier, including the 100V line
Protection circuitry
This is something of a thorny
Fig.1: the circuit is essentially the same as that published in the April 1996 issue except
that it has been adapted for PA use. The main changes include the addition of a 100V line
transformer, DC offset adjustment (using VR1) and current limiting. The latter is provided
by transistors Q16 & Q17, which monitor the emitter currents of Q12 & Q14 respectively.
Note that the frequency response has been deliberately limited to ensure reliability under
PA conditions.
March 1997 27
21 JAN 97 11:00:02
Fig.2: this graph shows the overall frequency response of the power amplifier,
including the 100V line transformer, at a power level of 10 watts. The bass and
high frequency response has been deliberately curtailed.
subject, so let’s get straight into the
blackberry bushes! Some designers of
hifi amplifiers will have nothing to do
with protection circuitry in the output
stages, claiming that it causes distortion even before it becomes active and
then causes severe distortion as it acts
to limit current.
Indeed, where foldback current
limiting is used in amplifier output
stages, it can cause squealing from
tweeters, and in severe over-drive
condition, can cause tweeter burnout.
PA amplifiers, on the other hand, are a
different kettle of fish. First, ultimate
low distortion figures are of minor
importance (although this amplifier is
pretty good in that respect, even with
protection). Second, PA amplifiers are
often subjected to serious abuse.
Years of experience has taught us
that people can be absolutely ruthless
when it comes to their personal enjoyment: they sit in front of a PA speaker,
then complain that the PA is too loud!
We have had many occasions at sporting functions where the speaker lines
have been deliberately cut or shorted.
Bring on the protection!
Transistors Q16 & Q17, in conjunction with diodes D3 & D4, provide the
protection feature. Q16 monitors the
current flow through the 0.47Ω emitter
resistor of output transistor Q13, via a
voltage divider consisting of 390Ω and
160Ω resistors.
What happens is that normally Q16
(and Q17) are off and play no part in
the circuit operation. However, if the
current through the 0.47Ω emitter resistor of Q13 exceeds about 4.4 amps,
Q13 begins to turn on and it shunts the
base current from Q10, the associated
driver transistor. In turn, the drive
to Q12 & Q13 is limited so that the
output current does not exceed about
4.5 amps peak.
The same process happens with
Fig.3: suggested power
supply for the amplifier.
The power transformer
should be rated at
300VA or more.
28 Silicon Chip
Q17 which monitors the current flow
through the 0.47Ω emitter resistor of
output transistor Q14. Diodes D3 &
D4 are included to prevent Q16 & Q17
from shunting the signal when they
are reverse-biased; this happens for
every half-cycle of the signal to the
driver transistors.
Diodes D5 & D6 are included as part
of the protection circuitry although
their function is ancillary. They prevent large voltage spikes from the
transformer, generated when the current limiting circuitry acts to turn off
the output transistors, from actually
damaging the transistors. D5 does
this, for example, by clamping any
spike voltage to 0.6V above the positive supply rail. Similarly, D6 clamps
any spike voltage to 0.6V below the
negative supply rail. Normally, both
diodes are reverse biased and play no
part in the amplifier operation.
Note that this protection circuitry
provides simple current limiting,
not foldback protection, where the
current drops back to a low value to
limit power dissipation in the output
stages (and with attendant serious
distortion, as outlined previously).
With this simple current limiting, the
transistors are protected from sudden
death in the case of serious over-drive
or short-circuits, although the fuses
may blow before this happens.
While the output transistors are protected against immediate destruction,
their dissipation is greatly increased
over what it would be if the amplifier
was simply delivering full power. In
fact, the output transistors can dissipate four or five times as much power
as in normal operation. Hence, they get
very hot very quickly and eventually,
if the over-drive or short-circuit condition is not corrected, they will fail;
probably sooner than later.
To prevent this eventual failure, we
have included a thermal cutout which
is mounted on the heatsink. When the
heatsink temperature exceeds 80°C,
the thermal cutout opens and is not
restored until the heatsink cools down
Heatsink selection
Note that the thermal cutout is there
for a secondary reason and that is to
prevent over-dissipation in the output
transistors under continuously high
power conditions. To elaborate, the
maximum dissipation in a class-B
amplifier occurs when it is deliver-
ing about 35 to 40% of the maximum
output power.
Under this condition, the power
dissipated in the output transistors
can be expected to be about 30% more
than the maximum output power.
This amplifier will actually deliver
about 175 watts before clipping and
the maximum dissipation in the output transistors can be expected to be
about 230 watts, depending on the
supply regulation and the actual value
of the load.
230 watts equates to almost 58 watts
per transistor which means that the
largest possible heatsink should be
used. Ideally, if you anticipate rigorous operating conditions, the heatsink
should be fan-cooled.
We have specified a fairly large
heatsink with a rating of 0.7°C/W but
to cope fully with a total dissipation
of 230 watts, the heatsink needs to be
much larger, at 0.3°C/W. Hence, with
the specified heatsink, the thermal
cutout is a worthwhile safety feature
in case the amplifier’s operating conditions become a little torrid.
The remainder of the circuit description is as featured in the April
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. A suggested power supply is shown in Fig.3.
The transformer should be rated at
300VA or more.
15 JAN 97 11:18:24
Fig.4: THD versus power at 1kHz into a 4Ω load.
15 JAN 97 11:10:15
The amplifier’s performance is
summarised in a separate panel and
as you can see, it is very respectable
for PA use. Fig.4 shows the harmonic
distortion versus power output into a
4Ω load while Fig.5 shows the distortion versus power with the 100V line
transformer connected. There is very
little difference between these curves,
indicating that the transformer is a
high quality unit which degrades the
signal very little.
The procedure for assembling the
PC board is quite similar to that the
for the original amplifier described
in the April 1996 issue but there are
enough differences to justify giving
the complete assembly and setting-up
procedure. The component overlay for
the PC board is shown in Fig.6.
Before starting the PC board assembly, it is wise to check the board
carefully for open or shorted tracks or
undrilled lead holes. Fix any defects
before fitting the components.
Fig.5: THD versus power at 1kHz with a 100V line transformer. The load
resistance was 57Ω (two jug elements wired in series and immersed in water)!
This done, you can start the assembly by inserting the PC pins and
the resistors, followed by the diodes.
When installing the diodes, make sure
that they are inserted with correct
polarity and don’t confuse D1-D4
(1N914 or 1N4148) with the 3.3V zener diode (BZX79-C3V3 or equivalent).
You should also take care to ensure
that the electrolytic capacitors are all
installed the right way around on the
PC board.
Note that the 100pF compensation
capacitor from the collector of Q8 to
the base of Q7 should have a voltage
rating of at least 100V while the 0.33µF
capacitor in the output filter should
have a rating of 250VAC.
The 4Ω resistor in the output filter
is comprised of three 12Ω 1W resistors
March 1997 29
Fig.6: install the parts on the PC board as shown in this diagram. Note that
while provision for on-board fuses has been made (as in the hifi version of the
amplifier) external chassis-mounted fuses are more practical for PA use.
in parallel. Choke L1 is wound with
19.5 turns of 0.8mm enamelled copper
wire on a 13mm plastic former. Some
readers who built their own version of
the original amplifier (ie, not from a
kit) experienced difficulty in obtaining
the correct former.
The one used in our prototype is
a Philips CP-P26/19-1S (previously
known as a 4322 021 30362). If your
supplier cannot obtain this part, a
possible replacement is the plastic
bobbin some parts suppliers still
have to suit FX-2240 pot cores. This
is marginally different in size but the
inductance of the coil wound (with
30 Silicon Chip
15kΩ 1W
5.6kΩ 1W
12Ω 1W
0.47Ω 5W
560Ω 5W
4-Band Code (1%)
brown grey orange brown
brown green orange brown
blue grey red brown
green blue red brown
brown green red brown
grey red brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange white brown brown
red red brown brown
brown grey brown brown
brown blue brown brown
brown black brown brown
blue grey black brown
yellow violet black brown
brown red black brown
not applicable
not applicable
5-Band Code (1%)
brown grey black red brown
brown green black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
green blue black brown brown
brown green black brown brown
grey red black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange white black black brown
red red black black brown
brown grey black black brown
brown blue black black brown
brown black black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
yellow violet black gold brown
brown red black gold brown
not applicable
not applicable
Fig.7: this diagram shows the heatsink mounting details for the driver
and output transistors. After mounting, switch your multimeter to a high
Ohms range and check that each device has been correctly isolated from
the heatsink (there should be an open circuit between the heatsink and the
transistor collectors.
the same number of turns) will be
close enough.
If installing the on-board fuse clips
(see text about external fuses below),
note that they each have little lugs
on one end which stop the fuse from
moving. If you install the clips the
wrong way, you will not be able to fit
the fuses. The 560Ω 5W wirewound
resistors can also be installed at this
stage; they are wired to PC stakes next
to each fuseholder and are used when
setting the quiescent current.
Next, mount the smaller transistors
such as BC546 & 556, BF469 & 470.
Note that the transistor pairs Q1/Q2
and Q4/Q5 are thermally bonded; the
pairs are mounted on the board so that
their flat surfaces are touching, with
heat transfer between them assisted by
a smear of heatsink compound.
Solder in one of the pair so that it
is angled very slightly towards where
its mate will go and then spread a thin
film of heatsink compound over the
flat surface. This done, solder in the
collector and emitter of its mate and
push the flat surfaces together before
soldering the base, to lock the transistor in place. Repeat this process for the
other pair of transistors.
Both Q6 & Q8 need to be fitted with
U-shaped heatsinks. The four output
transistors, the driver transistors (Q10
& Q11) and the Vbe multiplier Q9 are
mounted vertically on one side of the
board and are secured to the heatsink
with 3mm machine screws.
Perhaps the best way of lining up the
transistors before they are soldered to
the board is to temporarily attach all
of them to the heatsink; don’t bother
with heatsink compound or thermal
washers at this stage. This done, poke
all the transistor leads through their
appropriate holes in the PC board and
line it up board so that its bottom edge
is 10mm above the bottom edge of the
heatsink. This is so that the board will
be horizontal when fitted with 10mm
spacers at its front corners.
Note that you will have to bend
out all the transistor leads by about
30°, in order to poke them through
the PC board. The heatsink will need
to be drilled and tapped to suit 3mm
machine screws. The relevant drilling
details were included in the April 1996
article (Fig.12).
You can now solder all the power
transistor leads to the PC board. Having done that, undo the screws attaching the transistors to the heatsink
and then fit mica washers and apply
heatsink compound to the transistor
mounting surfaces and the heatsink
areas covered by the mica washers.
The mounting details for these transistors is shown in Fig.7. Alternatively,
you can dispense with mica washers
March 1997 31
Note the thermal cutout fitted to the heatsink. This interrupts the speaker line
if the heatsink temperature rises above 80°C. Q6 & Q8, which are BF470 and
BF469 respectively, are fitted with U-shaped flag heatsinks, as shown here.
and heatsink compound and use silicone impregnated thermal washers
instead, as can be seen in the photos.
Whichever method you use, do not
overtighten the mounting screws.
With your multimeter switched to
a high Ohms range, check that there
are no shorts between the heatsink and
any of the transistor collector leads. If
you find a short, undo each transistor
mounting screw until the short disappears. You can then remount the
offending transistor, having fixed the
cause of the short.
The thermal cutout is mounted on
the heatsink close to one of the output
transistors. The leads connecting the
thermal cutout switch to its appropriate PC pins should be rated at 10A.
Double-check all your soldering
and assembly work against the circuit
of Fig.1 and the component layout
diagram of Fig.6.
Finally, connect the primaries of
the output transformer to the output
terminals, exactly as shown on the
circuit diagram of Fig.1. Note that the
32 Silicon Chip
primaries are connected in parallel
while the secondary windings are
connected in series – watch out for
the colour-coding.
With no fuses in position, set trimpot VR2 fully anticlockwise so that it
is set for minimum resistance and set
trimpot VR1 to its centre position. A
560Ω 5W resistor should have been
soldered across each on-board fuseholder (or more correctly, the PC pins
Assuming that the amplifier passes
the “smoke test” when you apply
power, set your multimeter to about
20-50V DC and connect it across a
560Ω resistor. Slowly adjust trimpot
VR2 so that the multimeter reads 14V
(equivalent to a quiescent current of
25mA or 12.5mA through each output
The voltage across the other 560Ω
resistor should be virtually identical.
Now connect the multimeter, on
its lowest DC voltage range, across
the output terminals on the PC board
–that is, in parallel with the output
transformer primary. Carefully adjust
trimpot VR2 for minimum voltage
(a digital multimeter is best for this
purpose). You should be able to set
VR2 so that the DC offset voltage is
less than ±2mV DC.
Once this has been done, leave
the amplifier running for 10 minutes
or so and check both voltages again.
Adjust VR1 if necessary – changing
this should not have any effect on the
output DC offset voltage but if your
DC offset has risen (in either direction)
adjust VR2 once again to achieve the
minimum possible.
Finally, install the 5A fuses.
External fuses
As you may have noticed, the original module used on-board fuses for
the supply rails. While not suggesting
for a moment that the fuses be left out,
fuses inside a public address amplifier
are a pain in the proverbial!
When the inevitable happens, it is
invariably only a few minutes before
the keynote speaker is due to make his/
her address, or the competitors turn
Fig.8: this is the full size artwork for the PC board. Check your board carefully
for any defects before installing the parts.
for their last lap in the final! Searching
around for a screwdriver to open up a
case can be a tad embarrassing in these
We suggest that external (ie, rear of
case) fuseholders be provided and cable of the same diameter/rating as the
power supply cabling used to connect
these to the board.
This way, the on-board fuseholders
could be eliminated, with the 560Ω
resistors still used to set up the module
in the suggested way.
Why 100V lines?
In this article, we have talked about
100 volt lines as if they were “de rigueur” in PA applications. But what
is a 100V line and why is it used so
extensively for public address? Is a
100V line essential?
Let’s answer the last question first.
No, but . . .
Of course “ordinary” 4Ω or 8Ω
speakers could be and often are used
in PA applications. In a small hall, for
example, a few low impedance speakers connected appropriately will often
be satisfactory.
The key word here is “appropriately”. First of all, you need to worry
about the overall impedance. You
have to work out the various series
and parallel combinations which will
bring you back to 4Ω or 8Ω to suit the
amplifier. Then there’s the problem of
power – can the individual speakers
handle the amount of power being
fed to them? And are the power ratings correct for the way you want to
connect them?
It’s not hard to get into a mess!
All of these problems are solved by
the use of a 100V (or less commonly,
70V) line. Each speaker, together
with its own stepdown transformer,
is merely connected across the 100V
line (ie, in parallel). As far as power
ratings are concerned, you simply
add up the wattage of the individual
speakers and ensure that the total does
not exceed the power rating of your
Even if it does, most speakers for
100V line use have multiple taps – if
you want more speakers in the system
(for example, to fill a sound “hole”)
then select a lower wattage tap on
some of your speakers to allow the
extras. It really is that simple.
But there is a more important reason to use 100V lines for PA use: less
power loss (commonly known as I2R
loss). It’s exactly the same reason that
power authorities use high voltage for
long distance transmission of elec-
tricity; higher voltage means lower
current and lower current means
lower loss.
In a typical PA installation for a
sporting field or large hall there could
easily be 1000 metres of speaker cable;
often much, much more. Assuming
that the speaker cable used was of
reasonable quality, you could expect
a resistance of about 2.5Ω per 100
metres. That means 1000m of cable
would have an overall resistance of
about 25Ω. This would be totally impractical for a 4Ω or 8Ω system but is
not a serious problem for a 100V line
Are 100V lines dangerous?
Finally, let’s dispel one furphy: that
100V speaker lines are dangerous. Yes,
they will give you a bit of a bite if you
get across them while the announcer
is waxing eloquent or the music is
reaching a crescendo. But – and the
but is important – the 100 volts is
not constant like the 240VAC mains
supply which often does kill. The
full 100VAC is only present when the
amplifier is delivering its full power.
Most of the time, the voltage is only
a few volts.
Of course, it’s better if you don’t get
yourself across a 100V speaker line,
especially if a hyperventilating sports
commentator is getting excited at the
other end of the signal chain!
March 1997 33
Two projects for model
Project #1
3-Aspect Signalling
Many railway modellers strive to achieve the
ultimate in realism yet the resulting layout
usually has non-operating signals or signals
that constantly show a red or green lamp.
The project presented here will go a long
way to increasing the realism of signals.
The addition of a little of animation to any model railway layout can
enhance train operation immensely.
That is what this simple unit has
been designed to do. It operates a
three-aspect (red-amber-green) signal
in a most realistic manner. As a train
34 Silicon Chip
approaches the signal the green light
will be displayed.
As soon as the locomotive has
passed the signal, it changes to red.
A few seconds after the last car has
passed the red signal, it changes to
amber. After a further few seconds
delay, the signal again shows green.
If the signal is used on two-way
traffic lines, then a constant red is
displayed while ever the train runs
against the flow of the signal. It is
simple in its operation but it adds a lot
of realism and interest to any layout.
How it works
A look at the diagram of Fig.1 will
show that the circuit is quite simple
in its operation. As the train passes
the signal, it is detected by the sensor
which is placed just nearby on the
track; ie, past the signal. The sensor is
an LDR (light dependent resistor), the
resistance of which goes high as the
passing train casts a shadow over it.
Fig.1: this circuit provides three-aspect (green, amber, red) signalling for a
model railway. The train is detected when the locomotive passes over the light
dependent resistor (LDR1) which is mounted between the rails of the track.
This causes the voltage at the junction of resistor R1 and zener diode
ZD1 to rise. When this voltage goes
above about +4.5V, the Darlington
transistor pair comprising Q1 & Q2
will turn on and pull the cathode of
diode D1 to ground. This lights LED1
which indicates that a train has been
detected. Capacitor C1 will discharge
quickly through resistor R5 and the
forward biased diode D1.
This process pulls pins 1 & 2 of IC1a
low which causes pin 3 to go high.
This turns transistor Q3 and the red
signal, LED2, on. At the same time,
pin 11 of IC1b will go low which discharges capacitor C2 quickly through
R8. This causes pin 10 of IC1c to go
high and pin 4 of IC1d to go low. This
turns off Q5 and the green signal,
LED4, goes out.
This condition will remain as long
as the resistance of the LDR is high. As
the end of the train passes the sensor,
its resistance will again go low. Q1
and Q2 will turn off and C1 will start
to charge through R4 and R5. When
its charge reaches about half supply
(+4.5V), pin 3 of IC1 will go low. The
red signal now turns off.
Pin 11 will now go high, turning
on the amber signal. C2 now charges
through R9. When it reaches half
supply pin 10 will go low. D4 is now
forward biased which turns off the
amber signal. Pin 4 now goes high and
the green signal turns back on again.
Q6 and its associated components,
diode D5 and resistors R11 & R13,
detect when the track polarity is
reversed. When the rail connected
to R11 is positive with respect to the
rail con
nected to D5, Q6 will turn
on. When this happens the collector
of Q6 pulls the junction of R4 and R5
to ground.
This triggers the signal to the red
condition and this is where it will
stay as long as the polarity of the track
voltage remains this way. This was
done so that the signal will remain
red when a train is moving against
the flow of the signals. If this were
not done the signals would indicate
a green condition when a train was
coming from behind – clearly un
Q7 is connected as a simple regulator. Zener diode ZD2 holds the base at
+12V so the emitter will be regulated
to about +11.4V. Diode D6 provides
reverse polarity protection with C3
and C5 providing supply filtering.
VR1 is the sensitivity adjustment for
the LDR.
The component layout for the PC
board is shown in Fig.2. There is
nothing difficult about assembly so go
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet yellow brown
brown red yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
yellow violet red brown
brown grey red brown
brown black red brown
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black orange brown
brown red black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown grey black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
March 1997 35
1 PC board, code 3ASIGNAL,
100 x 50mm
10 PC stakes
Fig.2: the component layout for the PC board of the circuit shown
in Fig.1. The PC board would normally be mounted under the lay
out, quite close to the signal unit. Note that the coloured LEDs are not
mounted on the board but are part of the signal itself.
ahead and load all the passive components, watching the polarity of the diodes and electrolytic capacitors. If you
want to use a socket for IC1 then solder
it in now. Finish with the remaining
components. Then go back over your
work to ensure that you have done a
good job and that all components are
in the right places.
Connect a signal or three LEDs to the
appropriate terminals. At this stage no
LDR sensor is necessary. Switch on the
power. The red lamp should come on
as well as the detect LED. Using a clip
lead short the two sensor terminals.
The detect LED should go out. A few
seconds later, the amber lamp should
light. A further few seconds and the
amber light should go out and the
green should come on.
Remove the shorting lead and the
detect LED should come on as well
as the red lamp. If this all happened,
then your signal circuit is working
correctly. If not, then go back over
your work, looking for the fault. More
than likely you will have inserted a
component wrongly or a solder joint
will not be done.
Installing the signal is simply a
matter of choosing a place for the
signal then drilling a 5mm hole down
between the sleepers (ties) of the
track. The sensor should be placed
about 100mm past the signal. Connect
power and then the two wires to the
track. If the red signal is constantly
shown when the train is travelling in
1 4011 quad NAND gate (IC1)
6 BC548 NPN transistors
1 BD139 NPN transistor (Q7)
1 3.3V zener diode (ZD1)
1 12V zener diode (ZD2)
4 1N914 signal diodes (D1-D4)
2 G1G power diodes (D5,D6)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
1 light dependent resistor
1 220µF 16VW electrolytic
2 33µF 16VW electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.47µF monolithic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 470kΩ
4 4.7kΩ
2 120kΩ
1 1.8kΩ
1 47kΩ
4 1kΩ
Solder, hook-up wire, etc.
the normal direction then reverse the
two wires to the track.
If the signal will only ever see single
direction traffic then these two wires
need not be connected. Simply leave
them unconnected.
You need one of these PC
boards for each railway
signal on your layout. By
using 2mm LEDs you can
wire HO signals for realistic
36 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: Q1 is a phase shift oscillator running at 25kHz. Its signal is fed to power amplifier IC1 which drives the
track via its 100µF output coupling capacitor. The two inductors provide isolation for the DC power controller
which also feeds the track to drive the model locomotives.
Project #2
Constant Brilliance
Lighting Circuit
Add constant brilliance lighting to your
model locomotives and carriages with this
high frequency drive circuit. This will add
extra realism to your layout, especially if
you model night-time scenes.
Model railway rolling stock these
days is very realistic. The detail in the
plastic mouldings is quite astonishing
and you need a magnifying glass to
read the fine printing of rolling stock
reporting marks.
Where passenger rolling stock does
fall down is with in
terior lighting.
Most carriages do not have interior
lighting and if they do, it is not constant in brightness. So while the train
is running the carriages may be lit but
when the train comes to a stop, the
lighting goes out, plunging the poor
(imaginary) passengers into darkness;
not very considerate.
Furthermore, if the train goes fast,
the carriage and loco lighting is bright
and as it slows down, it becomes dim.
This is not how it happens in the
real world. A model train layout where
the lights in passenger coaches and
locomotives remain on at a constant
level of brightness regardless of wheth
er trains are moving or stopped has
greatly enhanced realism. That is what
this unit does.
Frustrated by the very unrealistic
appearance of my own railway models,
I decided to see what could be done.
The principle behind this system is not
new and in fact, was proposed many
years ago. The basic idea is a 25kHz
sinewave oscillator which is fed into
a power amplifier then applied to the
March 1997 37
Fig.4: this is the parts layout
diagram for the Constant
Brilliance Lighting Circuit.
Note that the TDA1520
power amplifier IC must be
attached to a heatsink.
Inside each carriage and locomotive
is a small capacitor connected in series from track collectors on the metal
wheels to each lamp. The capacitor
blocks the DC track voltage while
allowing the high frequency signal
through to light the lamp.
The locomotive motor’s inductance
will block the high frequency so that
no damage will occur to the motor
while it is standing still.
The high frequency is combined
with the DC train control voltage then
connected to the track. Any lamp
and series capacitor connected to the
track, via the track contacts, will light
at a brilliance level determined by
the amplitude of the high frequency
signal and not the level of DC motor
control voltage.
In other words, the lamps will burn
at the same level of brilliance as long
as the unit is switched on and will be
unaffected by the train control voltage.
This is much more prototypical.
In normal use the output of the
controller is connected to the input
terminals of this system. The output
from the unit is then connected to the
track. Any train can be controlled normally using the existing controller and
the lights can be adjusted in brilliance
1 PC board, code CBLGEN, 127
x 50mm
1 heatsink (see text)
6 PC stakes
2 prewound inductor (L1,L2)
2 3mm bolts and nuts
1 20kΩ vertical trimpot (VR1)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 TDA1530 power amplifier (IC1)
2 1N914 signal diodes (D1,D2)
4 G1G diodes (D3-D6)
1 12V zener diode (ZD1)
1 1000µF electrolytic 16VW
3 100µF electrolytic 16VW
3 10µF electrolytic 16VW
2 0.47 monolithic
1 0.1µF monolithic
3 .0033µF ceramic
1 680pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
1 150kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 47kΩ
1 820Ω
3 10kΩ
1 270Ω
3 6.8kΩ
1 10Ω
1 2.2kΩ
or even switched on and off regardless
of what the train is doing.
The unit presented here can drive
up to about 20 3V grain-of-wheat
lamps with an AC supply of 15V at
1A. 15VAC has been chosen because
this is a commonly available voltage
found on most power packs used for
model railways.
If you prefer, up to about 20VAC can
be used with a corresponding increase
in the number of lamps that can be
driven. Be careful though, as lamps
can be easily blown if the voltage is
too high.
How it works
Understanding how it works is
not difficult. Referring to the circuit
diagram of Fig.3, Q1 is configured as
a standard phase shift oscillator. R4,
R5 and R6 together with C3, C4 and C5
cause a phase shift of the signal that is
fed back to the base of Q1. This causes
the circuit to oscillate at a frequency
set by the values of these resistors and
The signal is tapped off from the
emitter of Q1 and then fed to the brilliance control, VR1. From here the
signal is fed to power amplifier IC1. It
has its gain set at 11 as controlled by
38 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown green yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown black orange brown
blue grey red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
grey red brown brown
red violet brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown green black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown black black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
grey red black black brown
red violet black black brown
brown black black gold brown
feedback resistors R10 and R11.
The amplified signal is then fed to
the track. Inductors L1 and L2 isolate
the low impedance output of the controller from the 25kHz signal and this
allows the DC train control voltage
to operate the train but not block the
high frequency signal coming from
the amplifier. The output coupling
capacitor C12 also prevents the DC
voltage from the controller from upsetting operation of the amplifier and
vice versa.
Power for the system comes from a
bridge rectifier, D3-D6, and a 220µF filter capacitor, C14. C13 provides more
supply filtering at the power input pin
of the chip. The supply voltage for the
oscillator is regulated to +12V by resistor R7 and zener diode, ZD1. This has
been included to prevent the oscillator
from overdriving the power amplifier
if a higher power supply is used.
This board feeds a 25kHz sinewave at
a level of up to 15VAC onto the track to
drive grain-of-wheat lamps in locomotives
and carriages. Each lamp needs a 0.47µF
capacitor in series to block the track DC.
The component layout for the PC
board is shown in Fig.4. There is
nothing critical about assembly of
the unit. Start by giving the PC board
a close inspection to make sure that
no tracks are touching or have breaks
in them. Load the resistors, capacitors and diodes, taking care with the
polarity of the electrolytic capacitors
and diodes. Next insert the transistor
and PC stakes.
Before inserting the power amplifier IC, prepare the heat
sink. This
is made from a piece of aluminium
angle 50mm long, 40mm on one side
and 25mm on the other, as shown in
the photos.
Using IC1 as a template, mark the
two holes that have to be drilled. Ensure that the heatsink is aligned with
the PC board and IC1. When assembled, the heatsink should be attached
squarely to the PC board, with the two
screws holding both the heatsink and
power amplifier securely in position.
When the assembly is finished, it
is time to test the unit. If you have
an oscilloscope, you can look at the
25kHz sinewave signal which will
be present at the emitter of Q1 and
the output of IC1. Failing that, it is
just a matter of hooking the unit up
to the power and coupling a number
of “grain of wheat” lamps, each via a
0.47µF monolithic capacitor, across
the output of IC1.
When power is applied, it should
be possible to vary the brightness of
the lamps up and down by adjusting
trimpot VR1. When no lamps are connected to the circuit, the DC current
drain should be less than 50mA.
If everything works as it should, you
can install the unit somewhere under
your layout and install the lamps in
your carriages.
Where To Buy Kits & Parts
Kits for the 3-Aspect Signalling and Constant Brilliance Lighting projects are
available from CTOAN Electronics. Cost of the signalling kit is $14.00 plus
$3 postage within Australia. The kit includes the PC board plus all onboard
components including an LDR.
Cost of the Constant Brilliance Lighting kit is $26.00 plus $4.00 postage
within Australia. This includes the PC board, all components and heatsink,
plus 10 0.47µF monolithic capacitors. Each 3V grain-of-wheat lamp requires
one 0.47µF capacitor connected in series.
CTOAN Electronics will be providing a repair service for both these kits. All
kits sent in for repair should be accompanied with a repair fee of $14.00
which includes return postage within Australia.
Fully assembled units are also available, priced at $25 for the signalling
unit and $45.00 for the Constant Brilliance Lighting project. Add $4.00 for
postage within Australia.
Kits can be ordered by using Bankcard, Mastercard or Visacard or by sending
a cheque or money order to CTOAN Electronics, PO Box 211, Jimboomba,
Qld 4280. Phone (07) 3297 5421.
Oatley Electronics can supply a pack of 2mm LEDs for installation in HO
scale signals. Each pack contains 10 red, 10 orange and 10 green LEDs
plus 30 1kΩ resistors. The cost is $10 plus $3 for postage and packing.
Oatley Electronics are located at 66 Lorraine Street, Peakhurst, NSW 2210.
Phone (02) 9584 3563; fax (02) 9584 3561.
3V grain-of-wheat lamps can be purchased from most hobby shops.
March 1997 39
Jumbo LED cloc
This Jumbo clock has large red LED displays
for high visibility in your home, in the office
or in a factory. It uses readily available
CMOS ICs and runs from a 12V supply. You
could even use it in a boat or caravan.
“Tempus Fugit” as they say in Latin,
or “Time Flies” in English. Whichever
language you prefer, it is hard to ignore this clock with its large red LED
displays. In fact, they are 57mm high
but the readout is so easy to read it
looks larger than it really is. If you’re
shortsighted, this is the clock for you.
These days, clocks are available in
virtually any form. You can have talking watches or clocks; digital or analog
readouts with liquid crystal, LED,
vacuum fluorescent or mechanical
displays; oval, square, round, triangu40 Silicon Chip
lar or odd shaped dials; and features
such as alarm, calendar, world time,
and stopwatch and timer functions.
There are even “backward” clocks
available. What ever happened to the
simple digital clock that was easy to
read? Well, here it is.
The SILICON CHIP Compact Jumbo
Clock uses four 7-segment LED displays to provide 12-hour time; 24hour time is not an option. The only
gimmicks, if you could call them that,
are a colon flashing once a second
and an AM/PM indicator. The display
also dims in darkness so that it is not
over-bright at night. The circuit is crystal-controlled and has battery backup
in case of power failure.
The Jumbo Clock is housed in a
cutdown plastic instrument case to
make it quite compact considering the
large display size. A red Perspex panel
forms the front of the box while at
the rear are two time-setting switches
and a DC input socket for a 12V DC
plugpack supply.
Speed-up feature
Model railway enthusiasts who
want a “fast clock” will be interested
in the Jumbo Clock, as it can be built
to run at up to 12 times normal speed.
For more information on this subject ,
refer to the December 1996 issue.
Block diagram
Fig.1. shows the block diagram for
the Jumbo Clock. There are two “minutes” counters to provide the requisite
Fig.1: block diagram for the Jumbo Clock. There are two “minutes” counters to provide the
requisite 0-59 count for the minutes displays, plus one counter and a flipflop for the hours
displays. All three counters count in 4-bit binary code and this is fed to 7-segment decoders
to drive three of the four LED displays.
0-59 count for the minutes displays
and one counter plus a flipflop for
the hours displays. All three counters
count in 4-bit binary code and this is
fed to 7-segment decoders to drive
three of the LED displays. The fourth
display is driven from the flipflop via
a buffer stage.
Timing is set by a 32.768kHz crystal
oscillator, IC1, which is internally divided to produce a 2Hz output. This
is further divided by two for the 1Hz
colon driver and by 120 for the one
minute signal for the first minutes
counter, IC4. At each one-minute clock
pulse, the minutes counter increments
by one. Each time IC4 reaches the
count of 0 (after a 9), its output clocks
the second minutes counter, IC6.
Thus, DISP2 shows the next digit
in its count. When the count of “6”
is reached, it is detected in IC11a and
IC11b which clears IC6 back to “0”.
Thus, DISP2 only counts from 0-5
then back to 0. When IC6 is preset to
0, the hours counter IC8 is clocked to
increment DISP3.
When IC8 reaches the count of
0 (after the 9), the output clocks
flipflop IC10a. IC10a’s Q-bar output
then drives the “1” digit of DISP4 via
IC12c and IC12d. DISP4 and DISP3
now show a “10”. When IC8 reaches
the count of 2 (in other words a 12 is
displayed), the IC12b and IC10b circuit
turns the AM/PM LED off if it was on,
or on if it was off. When IC8 reaches
the count of 3 (after the hours display
reaches 12), the “3 detect” gates IC11c
& IC11d clear flipflop IC10a. DISP4 is
then switched off and the Q output
drives the load input of IC8 which
preloads a 1 into the counter. DISP3
Main Features
Large red (57mm high) 7-segment LED displays
12-hour display (4-digit readout)
Compact plastic housing based on a standard case
Flashing colon between hours & minutes digits
AM/PM indicator
Display automatically dims in darkness
Crystal accuracy
Hours and minutes set switches on rear panel
Battery backup in case of power failure (no display)
Runs from a 12V DC plugpack or battery
Facility to speed up clock to x2, x3, x4, x6, x8 & x12
March 1997 41
The display board is soldered to the main PC board at right angles, as shown
here. Tack solder a couple of the end connections and test fit the assembly in
the case before soldering the remaining connections.
now shows a 1. The count sequence
therefore changes from 12 to 1, as it
should for 12-hour time.
Setting the hours is achieved using
switch S2 which triggers the “6 detect”
output. This clears IC6 and clocks IC8.
The minutes setting switch S1 resets
the divide by 120 circuit which clocks
IC4. The crystal oscillator divider
is also reset so that the clock can be
synchronised to the exact time from
the beginning of the minute.
Dimming of the display is controlled
by an LDR (light dependent resistor)
and transistor Q1. As the ambient light
increases, the resistance of the LDR
is reduced so it turns Q1 on harder to
brighten the display.
Circuit description
Now let’s have look at the full circuit diagram of Fig.2. It comprises
a total of 12 low-cost ICs, four large
7-segment displays, plus several
resistors, capacitors, diodes and a
32.768kHz crystal.
IC1 is a 4060 14-stage divider with
provision for a crys
tal oscillator at
its input pins. A 10MΩ resistor is
connected between pins 10 and 11
to bias the internal inverter to linear
operation, while the 32.768kHz crystal
42 Silicon Chip
is connected between the same pins
but in series with a 330kΩ resistor.
The 330kΩ resistor and trimmer VC1
prevent the crystal from operating in
“overtone” mode (ie, at a multiple of
the wanted frequency) by virtue of the
RC time constant. The resistor also
reduces the signal level applied to
the crystal while the trimmer allows
a small frequency variation for precise
IC1 divides the 32.768kHz signal
at its pin 10 by 16,384 (212) to pro
vide a 2Hz square wave at pin 3, the
Q14 output. This is fed to IC2 and
IC3. These are 4526 programmable
counters which are set to give a total
division of 120.
IC2 and IC3 have four preload inputs
called DP1, DP2, DP3 and DP4, at pins
5, 11, 14 & 2 respectively. For our
circuit, IC2 has DP4 set high to give a
division factor of 8. For IC3, DP1, DP2
and DP3 are set high to give a division
factor of 112. The two factors are added
together to give a total division of 120.
Note that, as part of the design
provision for speeding up the clock
for railway modellers, other division
ratios can be used – see Table 1.
The divided output from IC3 is
applied to the clock input of IC4. IC4
counts from 0-9 and its “Carry Out”
signal at pin 7 is used to clock IC6.
IC5, IC7 and IC9 are 4511 latched
BCD-to-7-segment decoder drivers.
They take the 4-bit BCD (binary coded
decimal) outputs from counters IC4,
IC6 and IC8 and convert it to drive the
7-segment lines of the common cathode LED displays, via 390Ω resistors.
Counting to 60
While IC4 is used as a conventional
decade counter, counting from 0-9 in
BCD, IC6 needs to count up to six and
then flick back to zero. This is achieved
by using the presettable inputs on
the 4029 – J1, J2, J3 & J4 (for jam-load
inputs) – at pins 4, 12, 13 & 3, respectively. With all these inputs tied low,
the preset value is 0 (in BCD).
When IC6 counts up to 6, its Q2
and Q3 outputs both go high and so
the output of NAND gate IC11a goes
low. This is inverted by IC11b which
applies a high load signal to the L input, pin 1. This then presets IC6 back
Fig.2 (right): the complete circuit for
the Jumbo LED clock. IC1, IC2 & IC3
divide the 32.768kHz crystal by a
factor of 1,966,080 (16,384 x 120) to
provide one pulse per minute for the
minutes counters.
March 1997 43
This rear view of the Jumbo LED Clock shows the DC input socket (right) and
the hours and minutes time setting switches. Power can be supplied from either
a 12V battery or a 12V DC plugpack.
to 0, the very instant that the 6-count
is reached.
This means that IC4 and IC6 actually
count to 59 (for the minutes count) before being preset back to 00. The 1kΩ
resistor and .001µF capacitor at the pin
9 input of IC11b provide a short time
delay to ensure that the load signal
is sufficiently long for the counter to
function correctly.
The load input also clocks counter
IC8. When IC8 counts up to 9 and then
to 0, its carry out (pin 7) clocks flipflop
IC10a. The low data level at pin 5 (the
D input) is transferred to the Q output
and the Q-bar output goes high. The
two segments to display the “1” digit
on DISP4 are now driven via gates
IC12c and IC12d. Displays DISP4 and
DISP3 now show 10.
When IC8 is clocked to a count of
2, its Q2 output goes high and this is
ANDed with the high Q-bar output
of IC10a in IC12b. The resulting high
output from IC12b toggles IC10b.
Hence, each time the clock shows
12:00, the Q output of IC10b toggles.
This drives the AM/PM LED indicator
which is the decimal point of DISP4.
LEDs 3 and 4 are in series with the AM/
PM drive to allow the dimming circuit
to function correctly on all display
segments, but more on this later.
At the count of 3, the Q1 and Q2
outputs of IC8 both go high and the
pin 3 output of IC11c goes low and the
output of IC11d goes high. This sets
flipflop IC10a so that its Q output is
high and its Q-bar output is low. Thus,
the displayed “1” in DISP4 goes off and
the Q output of IC10a pulls the load
input (pin 1) of IC8 high, via a 0.1µF
capacitor. The J1 input (pin 4) of IC8
is high and so IC8 is preloaded to a 1.
Hence, when IC8 reaches a count of 3,
instead of DISP4 & DISP3 displaying
“13”, DISP4 is turned off and DISP3
shows “1”.
The count sequence for DISP4 and
DISP3 is therefore 1-9, 10, 11, 12 (AM/
PM indication) and then 1 again.
Power-on reset
At switch-on, counters IC4, IC6 and
IC8 are preloaded so that the display
reads “1.00”. For IC4, the load input
(pin 1) is momentarily held high via
the 1µF capacitor. This loads a 0 into
the counter. The 10kΩ resistor releases
the load by charging the capacitor to
ground. IC6 is preset via the 1µF capacitor at pin 8 of IC11b initially being
discharged. This produces a high at
IC11b’s output to preload a 0.
44 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue brown
orange orange yellow brown
brown black orange brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange white brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black green brown
orange orange black orange brown
brown black black red brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange white black black brown
brown black black gold brown
1 PC board, code 04302971, 224
x 94mm
1 PC board, code 04302972, 252
x 76mm
1 self-adhesive label, 89 x 49mm
1 plastic instrument case, 260 x
190 x 80mm
1 red Perspex sheet, 252 x 76 x
4 SC23-12EWA 57mm 7-segment
common cathode LED displays
(DISP1-DISP4) (Jaycar Cat.
4 5mm red LEDs (LED1-LED4)
3 AA cell holders
3 AA nicad cells
1 DC panel socket
1 12VDC 500mA plugpack
2 snap action PC board mounting
pushbutton switches (S1,S2)
1 LDR (LDR1) (Jaycar Cat RD3480 or equivalent)
1 32.768kHz watch crystal (X1)
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
1 300mm length red hookup wire
1 300mm length green hookup
1 900mm length 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 3mm screw, washer & nut
4 self-tapping screws
8 PC stakes
1 4060 14-stage ripple carry bina-
Time setting
The hours display of the clock
is set by pressing button S2. This
discharges the 1µF capacitor at the
pin 8 input of IC11b. Thus, IC6 is
preloaded to a 0 and IC8 is clocked.
Upon releasing S2, the 1µF capacitor
charges and IC11b's output goes low
again. Thus every time S2 is pressed,
the hours display is incremented.
1 2200µF 25VW PC electrolytic
4 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
9 0.1µF (100n or 104) MKT polyester or monolithic
1 .001µF (1n0 or 102) MKT polyester
1 8.5-50pF trimmer (VC1)
1 22pF NPO ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
1 470Ω 0.5W
1 330kΩ
28 390Ω
5 10kΩ
1 10Ω
1 1kΩ
The AM/PM indicator can be set by
counting to 12:00.
The minutes display is set by pressing S1. This applies a reset to IC1, IC2
and IC3. A positive pulse is applied to
the clock input of IC4 on each reset.
Note that counter IC1 is reset to ensure that on setting the minutes, the
seconds are also reset.
The clock is thus reset to begin
counting at the beginning of the min
ute; ie, as soon as S1 is released.
The colon between the hours and
minutes displays is formed with the
decimal points of DISP2 and DISP3.
The 1-second pulse output of IC2
is buffered using IC12a to drive the
decimal points via two series-connected LEDs (LED1 and LED2) and
390Ω resistors. Note that if the clock
is set to run at a x2 or x4 speed using
For Cars
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Use this handy form
The 1µF capacitor at pin 13 of IC11d
produces a momentary high at the set
input of IC10a. This sets its Q output
high to produce a load signal to IC8
and thus preloads a 1. The low Q-bar
of IC10a prevents the “1” digit in
DISP4 from lighting. Thus on power
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ry counter (IC1)
2 4526 programmable divide-by-N
4-bit binary counters (IC2,IC3)
3 4029 presettable binary counters (IC4, IC6 & IC8)
3 4511 BCD-to-7-segment decoders (IC5,IC7 & IC9)
1 4013 dual D flipflop (IC10)
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Schmitt trigger (IC11)
1 4081 quad 2-input AND gate
1 BD682 PNP Darlington transistor (Q1)
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1 1N914, 1N4148 signal diode
1 1N4004 1A diode (D2)
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$________ or please debit my
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March 1997 45
Fig.3: this diagram shows the component layout of the main PC board and wiring
for the backup battery. Take care to ensure that each IC is correctly oriented.
46 Silicon Chip
the pin 2 and pin 1 outputs of IC1, the colon will flash at
a 2Hz or 4Hz rate.
Display dimming
Transistor Q1 drives the common cathodes of all four
LED displays. It is connected as an emitter-follower so that
the voltage at the emitter follows the base voltage. The base
voltage is set by trimpot VR1 and the LDR. As the ambient
light increases, the resistance of the LDR is reduced and
Q1 turns on harder to brighten the display.
In darkness, the resistance of the LDR increases and so
Q1 is not turned on quite as hard and the display dims.
VR1 allows adjustment of the dimmed display brightness.
The dimming effect is dependent on the voltage drop across
the LED display segments. For the main segments, there are
four LEDs in series to produce an even light distribution
over the lit element.
Because the decimal point is smaller, only two LEDs
are in series. We have compensated for this lower display
voltage drop by adding two LEDs in series for the colon
decimal points (LEDs 1 & 2) plus two more for the AM/PM
indicator (LEDs 3 & 4).
These extra LEDs are not seen in the clock display but
are still illuminated on the main PC board where they are
The clock circuit is normally powered from a 12VDC
plugpack. These usually produce more than 15V when
unloaded and so a 15V zener diode has been included to
protect the ICs from overvoltage. A 220µF capacitor and
nine 0.1µF capacitors dotted around the PC board provide
power supply decoupling.
The backup battery consists of three 1.2V nicad cells in
series. These are kept charged via a 470Ω resistor from the
12V supply. If the plugpack is disconnected or the mains
power is off, the battery feeds power to the circuit.
Note that the voltage is too low for the displays to light,
but sufficient to keep the ICs going. When power is restored,
the time displayed will be correct.
The battery is protected against reverse connection of
the plugpack supply via D2, while ZD1 protects the clock
circuit. The 10Ω resistor feeding ZD1 is likely to go open
circuit if the reverse polarity connection is maintained
Fig.4: the display board accommodates the four LED readouts and the LDR. Note that DISP2 and DISP4 are mounted upside
down so that the decimal points are at the top of the display.
The LDR should be mounted so that its surface lines up
with the front of the LED displays. This device is the sensor
for the automatic dimming circuitry.
March 1997 47
This is the view inside the case with the top and the red Perspex front panel
removed. The three 1.5V backup batteries are mounted in single-cell holders
which are attached to the rear panel.
but, apart from this, there will be no
other damage.
The Jumbo Clock is built on two PC
boards which are mounted at right angles to each other. The main PC board
is coded 04302971 and measures 224
x 94mm, while the vertical display
PC board is coded 04302972 and
measures 252 x 76mm. It is housed
in a plastic instrument case which
has been reduced in depth so that its
overall measurements are 260 x 80 x
118mm (W x H x D).
The parts layout diagram for the
main PC board is shown in Fig.3 while
the display board is shown in Fig.4.
Begin construction by checking
the PC boards for shorts between
tracks, breaks in tracks or undrilled
holes. Fix any board defects before
Next, insert and solder in all the
links as shown on the overlay diagram. Be sure to install the links on
the display board before placing the
displays in position. Note that DISP4
and DISP2 are mounted upside down
as indicated by the position of the
decimal point. The LDR is mounted
so that its face is about level with the
front of the displays.
Insert the resistors and PC stakes
next. The PC stakes are required for
mounting the time-setting switches
and for the power supply connections.
This done, install the capacitors,
48 Silicon Chip
12VDC <at>
500mA +
Fig.5: this full
size artwork
can be copied
and attached to
the rear panel.
making sure that the electrolytics are
inserted the right way around; ie, with
correct polarity.
Next, install the diodes, zener
diode and LEDs and make sure that
each is oriented correctly. The same
comment applies when installing the
ICs. Note that the 4511 ICs (IC5, IC7
and IC9) are oriented differently to
the other ICs.
Transistor Q1 is mounted horizontally with its metal face towards the
PC board. We inserted a metal washer
between the transistor and PC board
before securing it with a screw and
nut. The washer will allow the small
amount of heat generated to dissipate
more readily.
Finally, wire in the time-setting
switches, the adjustable trimmer
capacitor VC1, trimpot VR1 and the
crystal. Make sure that the switches
are correctly oriented.
Modifying the case
To make a reasonably compact case,
we took a standard plastic instrument
case measuring 260 x 80 x 190mm and
reduced its depth to 119mm. This can
be easily done using a hacksaw. You
will need to mark the cutting line on
each case half and then cut between
the integral slots. After you have finished with the hacksaw you can use
a file to clean up the cuts.
Note that the part that must be removed does not have the speaker slots
Fig.6: here are the actual size artworks for the two PC
boards. Check your boards carefully for defects before
installing any of the parts.
March 1997 49
The PC board assembly is secured using four self-tapping screws. These go into
integral plastic pillars moulded into the base of the case. Notice how the display
PC board slides into the rearmost slot at the front.
in the base. The rear plastic panel will
need to be chamfered slightly around
the edges since the new rear slot is
slightly narrower than the original. Remove all the integral mounting pillars
in the base of the case, except for the
four in the corners (these support the
PC board). This can be done by using
a large drill.
The cut down case halves still join
together neatly and are retained using
the original two screws.
Next, place the main PC board in position and locate it over the mounting
pillars. This done, slide the display
board into the rearmost front slot and
mark the rear of this board where the
main PC board makes contact. You
can now remove both PC boards and
tack solder them together at the large
copper pads, making sure that they
are at right angles. Finally, check the
assembly in the case again to make
sure that everything is correct before
soldering all the matching pads. It is
a good idea to apply a liberal fillet
of solder to the large copper pads to
improve mechanical strength.
The rear panel can now be drilled
to accept the DC socket and switches
S1 and S2. Attach the DC socket and
cell holders as shown, using contact
adhesive or double-sided adhesive
tape. Finally, wire up the socket and
holders as shown in Fig.3.
Only time will tell if the circuit is
working or not (Er .. sorry about that!).
Rotate VR1 fully clockwise, apply
power and check that the displays
show 1:00. If there is no display at
Table 1: Clock Speed Options
IC1 to IC2 Link
Pin 2
Pin 5
Pin 5
Pin 11
Pin 3 to pin 6
Pin 2 to pin 6
Pin 3 to pin 6
Pin 2 to pin 6
Pin 2 to pin 6
Pin 1 to pin 6
Pin 1 to pin 6
50 Silicon Chip
Pin 11
Pin 14
Pin 2
Pin 14
all, disconnect the power and check
for reversed supply connections or
incorrectly placed components.
If all is well, the colon should flash
at a one-second rate. You should be
able to increment the hours and minutes with the time-setting switches.
Check that the minutes digits count
from 00 to 59 then 00 again and that
the hours digits count from 1 to 12.
Verify that the AM/PM indicator lights
on alternative 12:00 time.
Optional speed-up
Table 1 shows the modifications
required for faster than normal clock
operation. Note that the PC board has
been designed so that you only need
to cut the narrowed tracks leading to
the IC1 output and the IC2 and IC3 DP
inputs, before applying solder bridges
to make the new contacts.
Most of the changes are indicated
on the PC board pattern. Note that
for timekeeping rates beyond x4, you
have to modify the linking to IC1 and
to either or both IC2 and IC3.
Finally, insert the cells in their holders and adjust VR1 so that, when you
place your finger on the LDR, the display dims (the final adjustment should
be made in the dark). Trimmer capacitor VC1 can be adjusted if the clock
needs to run slightly faster or slower
in order to keep the correct time. If
you have a frequency meter, it can be
connected to pin 9 of IC1 and VC1
adjusted for a reading of exactly
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The rich tapestry of servicing
What makes a non-technical person fiddle with
his VCR when something goes wrong? And why
do young children like “posting” money into the
cassette wells of VCRs? It’s all part of the rich
tapestry of servicing.
The tall, distinguished looking
gentleman who wandered into the
shop clutching his prized video to his
bosom didn’t look the type to have a
go – he looked more like a lawyer than
a serviceman. Anyway, I wasn’t presumptuous enough to enquire about
his profession; instead, I politely asked
him for his particulars and asked what
was wrong.
He explained that the tape would
go in and down and wrap around the
drum motor but it wouldn’t play, fast
forward or rewind. He freely admitted
that he had had the covers off and so I
decided to carry out a few preliminary
checks while he was there. I connected
the machine – a Teac MV505 –to the
power and pushed in a tape to confirm
what he had said.
His description of the problem was
spot on but that wasn’t all. I also found
that the tape wouldn’t eject because
the cassette flap wouldn’t open, which
meant that he had also removed the
front escutcheon and not replaced it
properly. This he sheepishly admitted
was the case.
After he left, I removed the covers
and the front panel and re-engaged the
door flap lifter so that the tape would
now eject properly. Anyway, that was
only a minor detail; I now had to track
down the main fault.
Preliminary checks
The deck, surprisingly, was a Mitsubishi Fo swift mechanism and I
could see that the tape was not lacing
up fully. The drum motor was spinning
but there was no sign of life from the
capstan motor.
My preliminary diagnosis was that
something was wrong with the loading
mechanism. But what? Was it jamming? Were the gears out of alignment?
Was it the timing? Or was it a faulty
mode select switch?
I began by inserting a tape and when
the loading motor stopped with the
tape 3/4 laced up I continued to rotate
it by hand, consciously feeling for any
resistance. I couldn’t feel any and I so
I continued to turn the motor until the
arms were almost completely laced,
at which point it would unload itself.
Because the loading motor turned a
squirrel gear, I concluded that this test
may be misleading. Because of the gear
ratio, I would not necessarily feel any
resistance at my fingertips.
My next step was to check if there
was anything preventing the arms
from completing their travel to the
end stops. They seemed quite free and
loose and so I concluded that either a
52 Silicon Chip
gear had jumped a tooth in the loading
gear chain or the mode select switch
was at fault.
Unfortunately, as I discovered when
I removed the bottom cover, it’s not
easy to check the gear alignment as
there is a printed circuit board covering the master cam, along with several
sliding plates. However, the mode
select switch is easy to access and
so I decided to check that first. This
switch is soldered to the PC board via
five connections and there is an alignment point which must marry up in
the eject position.
I replaced the switch but there
was no improvement in the loading
sequence. Regretfully, it looked like
major surgery was required and I was
extremely grateful that I had a full
set of instructions for this deck, even
though these were for a Mitsubishi
It is hard to summarise the next
hour of invective and bad language.
The instructions make it all sound so
easy and I suppose it is if you work
on this deck all day every day. If you
don’t, then it’s not quite so straightforward.
Anyway, I removed the reel belt,
capstan brake spring, cam plate B,
three gears, the loading gear arm and
five screws, before desoldering the
leads to the full erase head. At this
point, the deck PC board is ready to be
prised off – at least in theory. However,
on this model, the lower moulding
that supports the deck is somewhat
generous and the PC board won’t come
out unless the whole deck, including
the ejector, is removed.
A closer inspection revealed that it
would be necessary to remove about
6mm from either side of the moulding
to free the PC board. As a result, I
decided in the interests of time that
an Australian modification was required and so I used a soldering iron
to melt away the plastic so that the
board could be removed (this didn’t
alter the strength of the structure in
any way).
Finally, I had access to the main
cams (1 and 2) and, after wiping away
the excessive grey grease, I could check
the alignment hole. Would you believe
that all was correct? The shafts and
levers were all in the right places. I
removed the cams and carefully examined them on both sides for broken
or bent galleries but all were perfect.
Even their teeth were straight.
Worse, naturally, was to come. Any
damn fool can take things to pieces –
it’s getting them back together properly
that sorts us out. Inevitably, I fell for
all the traps, in particular the record
safety lever which should be held
back whilst inserting the board, not to
mention pin “e” getting in the wrong
track of the cam slide plate B.
On the third attempt, it all finally
came together and we were back to
square one with the original fault.
It was now that I had a little bit of
well-deserved luck.
Whilst cogitating menacingly over
this vile mechanism, I noticed that it
had been fitted with a new green pinch
roller. Now the original pinch roller
arm mechanism was made of white
plastic and it is common for one of the
arms that guides it down the squirrel
gear cam to break.
This is replaced by the green type
which you can either purchase as a
single part or as part of what is called
“Abrasion Part Kit for Fo DECK (Rubber)”, whatever that means (the part
number is 789C007020). This kit comprises the arm, the reel belt, the circlip,
a sachet of grease and a comprehensive
instruction booklet.
However, if a serviceman doesn’t
March 1997 53
Serviceman’s Log – continued
know about this kit (it isn’t mentioned
in any service manual) and only fits
the new pinch roller, he usually also
neglects to clean and lubricate the
shaft it slides up and down on. And
that’s precisely what had happened in
this case. In operation, the pinch roller
started to slide down the shaft but it
was too slow because of the friction
and it was jamming the roller against
the top of the capstan shaft housing in
a way that wasn’t obvious to the eye.
Cleaning and lubricating it with grease
fixed the problem completely.
Anyway, when our lawyer (?) friend
arrived to pick it up, I asked him about
it and he confirmed that the pinch
roller had indeed been replaced just
over a year previously. What a palaver
over what, in hindsight, should have
been a straightforward simple repair.
Christmas treat
After a long cup of coffee, I tackled
the next job, praying it would be easy.
Oh the joys of Christmas – the presents, the new VCR for Dad, the odd
bit of cash for Johnny the 5-year old.
And oh what a disaster this combination can make!
54 Silicon Chip
Mr Grey brought in his Akai VSG220EA, with a tale of woe that his
youngest son had “posted” some toy
or other into it. Of course, it no longer
worked and when I shook it I could
clearly hear something rattling inside.
The coffee had definitely improved
my mood and I chose Mr Grey’s still
shiny VCR – just barely out of the egg
(I think) – to look at next.
Removing the cover gave good
access to the mid-decked VCR and I
quickly found two coins – a 10-cent
piece and a 5-cent piece – sitting on the
PC circuit board just under the deck.
I retrieved the two coins by carefully
jiggling the deck upside down in the
air, then carefully checked for more
and for any signs of damage before
powering it up.
When I switched it on, the drum
motor came to life briefly but no other
signs of life were present – not even
from the display. I pushed various
buttons and nothing happened but
when I pushed a prerecorded tape
in and pressed play, the tape loaded
normally and a picture appeared on
the TV with full sound.
I pushed all the buttons in turn and
it paraded its full box of tricks. In fact
everything was working except the
display. Unfortunately, I don’t have
the service manual for this particular
model, which meant that I would have
to tackle it blind.
Fortunately, the deck isn’t too difficult to remove. It’s simply a matter of
removing five screws and three plugs,
removing the front escutcheon/control
panel, and then lifting the deck out
vertically. This gives access to the PC
board which is held in via two screws
and half a dozen clips.
Unfortunately, the clips make it
rather awkward to remove the PC
board assembly but eventually I was
able to free it and lift it out from the
rear. This done, I gave it a careful
visual inspection but nothing obvious
was shouting back at me so I applied
power to the board and began checking
voltages around the circuit.
Because there was no display, I
reasoned that the supply rail to it had
probably gone missing. Either that or
the display itself, or possibly the microprocessor that drives it, had been
My initial checks revealed that a
voltage was present between the two
ends of the display where the filaments
are connected. This is typically either
5V DC or 5V AC. Having found this, I
checked various other points around
the display, looking for a -28V (approx.) rail, but there was none. I didn’t
have a circuit diagram which was a bit
of a hindrance but it all screamed of a
failed -30V rail from the switchmode
power supply. All I had to do was
identify it.
There are about 16 diodes in the
secondary of the power supply, most
of which are protected by low-value
resistors. Unfortunately, no voltages
were marked on this part circuit but
it didn’t take a mental giant to figure
out which diodes were in the negative rail, as their anodes connect to
the negative side of an electrolytic
Anyway, I checked each of these in
turn and eventually found that D209
was open circuit. I replaced it, plugged
the machine into the wall socket
and was immediately rewarded by a
flashing “AKAI” sign in the middle of
the display. Switching on the power
at the machine then brought up the
word “ERROR”, which is normal at
this stage.
Getting it all back together again
was surprisingly simple, with the PC
board literally falling into its supports.
The deck accurately followed suit and
I powered it up with a tape in place.
This time, the display worked correctly and I gave it a thorough soak test
before calling the customer.
The house call
After lunch, I was asked by a little
old lady to do a house call on her
aging Sony KV2764EC which had
sound but no picture. This set is now
about 10 years old and not getting any
younger. In fact, assuming average
use, this is about the “use by” date of
a TV receiver.
I don’t like doing service calls on
these sets as access is to the main
circuit board is quite poor. However,
she couldn’t possibly bring the set to
me, so I had to go to the set!
When I got there, I found that the set
was on a low table near a window and
so the lighting was good. I switched
the set on and the symptoms were as
described – sound but no picture.
This set used a PE3 chassis rather
than the Rx chassis. The tube filament was alight and you could hear
the familiar rustle from the EHT at
switch on.
As a first step, I measured the screen
voltages on pins 3 and 4 (G1 & G2) of
the tube. These were both around 500V
which is what I would expect them to
be. However, the cathodes were too
high at nearly 200V. I then switched
the set off and it momentarily flashed
a white line. Ah, ah, I thought – a
vertical deflection failure.
When I finally managed to remove
the motherboard, I could see what
looked like a number of dry joints
and even though I worked them over,
I knew that the problem just had to
be IC552 (TDA3652). However, this
IC is no longer available and is now
replaced with a TDA3654. At the same
time, you also have to replace R518
(6.8kΩ) with a 1.5kΩ resistor.
As this is a well-known problem, I
had the parts on boards that I carried
with me and installing these quickly
restored the picture. However, on departure, I advised her to start saving
for a new TV.
Portable players
Back at the ranch, a couple of Pye
ND-20 portable CD cas
sette stereo
radios had come looking very much
the worse for wear. My instructions
from the owner’s financier, namely the
father of two teenagers, was to make
one good unit out of the two.
Much as I hate working on these
cheap units, I reluctantly agreed to
have a go. Gaining access to the circuitry of such units if often a problem
but in this case, the two halves of the
cabinet shell can be split after removing only eight screws.
One of the sets was completely dead
and I decided to work on this first,
as I hoped that it would be a simple
power supply problem. In the event,
the power was OK and I could trace
the problem to the cassette deck and
function switch SW2. Unfortunately, I
didn’t have a circuit and so I couldn’t
quite work out the sequence of events
from there on in.
The function switch was fairly
complex and as power was going in
but not coming out, this had to be the
logical suspect.
To confirm this, I wiggled and twisted the switch and sprayed contact
cleaner inside it until finally I managed
to get some sound out of the speakers.
That was enough to confirm my theory
and I placed an order for a new switch
right away.
What about the other machine?
Well, it had a smashed control panel
and for a while I contemplated removing its function switch for use on the
other machine. However, it wasn’t
worth the time that would be spent
removing and refitting it, particularly
without knowing its condition. Of
course, the other option was to repair
the smashed unit with parts from the
other machine but the hole was too big
and the damage too severe.
Tarzan’s TV
My next customer was a young man
who arrived in a small 3-door hatchback. To my astonishment, he removed
a 63cm stereo TV from the back seat
and effortlessly carried it into the shop
as though it was an empty cabinet. He
plonked it down on our small counter
and cheerfully informed me that there
was no picture.
The set was a Philips 2B-S chassis
KR5987R 25CT8883/75, circa 1988.
This was a fairly popular model and
is one that I am quite familiar with.
March 1997 55
Fig.1: the video control chip in the Philips 2B-S chassis. As the set ages, it
is sometimes necessary to add a 33kΩ resistor between the +13a (12V) line
(pin 6 of IC7300) and pin 26 (RGB output stage current sensor).
Not bothering to even catch his breath,
“Tarzan” continued to elaborate on
the set’s problems. Apparent
ly, the
picture had been a little “unclear” and
intermittently had taken longer and
longer to come on.
Initially, I was rather reluctant to
take the set on, as I didn’t fancy the
prospect of it taking up so much bench
space for a week or two while I chased
an intermittent fault. I mumbled that
it could take quite some time and
suggested that, in view of the set’s age,
he might prefer to spend his money
on a new set.
His response was that he wanted
the set fixed and that I could take
as long as I liked. It was the wrong
response but still, you couldn’t help
liking him for his cheerful manner. In
then end, I relented and promised to
start on it straight away. All he had
to do was move it to my workbench
and promise to pick it up as soon as
it was ready.
No problem – Tarzan made the set’s
removal look as though a genie had
instantly answered my wish. If only
he could have fixed it too!
When I switched it on, there was
no picture but both sound and EHT
were apparent and the CRT filaments
lit up. Now, this chassis will not give
a picture until the beam current has
56 Silicon Chip
reached a certain level. This feature
is achieved using a video control chip
(TDA4580/V2 – IC 7300), which also
deals with brightness, contrast, saturation, beam cutoff stabilisation and
beam limiting.
However, a problem arises as the
tube ages, in that it takes longer and
longer for the picture to come on. Often, there is only a white line at the
top of the screen but this can usually
be fixed by adding a 33kΩ resistor
between the +13a (12V) line (pin 6 of
IC7300) and pin 26 (RGB output stage
current sensor).
Unfortunately, this same symptom
(ie, the white line at the top of the
screen) can also be produced by a
variety of other faults. And, in fact,
it showed up within a minute or two
from switch on.
Access to the PC board in this set is
not good and I find the best approach is
to turn the cabinet on its side, or even
upside down, to get to it. The first thing
to tackle when you do get access is to
remake any suspicious-looking joints,
particularly around the transformers
and ICs. In this case, it wasn’t too bad
and my efforts made no difference to
the problem.
Next, I replaced C2571, a 100µF
electrolytic capacitor in the vertical
output stage. This is something that
I always do as a matter of course
with these sets, as past experience
has shown that this capacitor can
give problems. Again, it made no dif
Finally, I stopped working as an
automaton, put in my re
m aining
braincell, and started measuring
voltages and checking waveforms.
First, I checked the 1.2V nicad battery
which was OK (this battery backs up
the memory for the microprocessor).
This done, I checked gating pulse
waveforms 43 and 44 to the chroma
decoder (pin 8M10), to pin 9 of IC7550
(TDA3870/V2), to pin 10 of IC7300
(TDA4580/V2) and to pin 7 of IC7570
I was drawing blanks everywhere,
so I decided to go back to first principles and examine the CRT voltages.
And as luck would have it, I found
the cause almost immediately. As
soon as my 100kΩ/V analog multimeter touched pin 7 of the CRT socket,
the picture came on and stayed on.
There was just one problem – it was
out of focus.
The voltage on pin 7 of the CRT is
marked as 650V and is derived from
the flyback transformer 7kV connection via the focus and screen control
pots. And, fairly obviously, the very
small current through the meter was
necessary to make the focus control
Replacing the focus control pot
(33MΩ) fixed the problem. Unfortunately, the picture still wasn’t the best,
even after adjusting the focus, and I
suspect that the emission was down.
However, it wasn’t down far enough
to justify the modification mentioned
When I stripped down the faulty
pot, I found that the printed circuit
on the ceramic base had corroded.
Apparently, the extra leakage of the
meter was enough for the voltage
to arc across the corroded section. I
might add that, on some sets, I have
also had problems with the screen
control (4.7MΩ), especial
ly on the
KT3 chassis, and with C2471, a 68nF
capacitor which connects from the
wiper of the screen control to the
+200a voltage rail.
Tarzan, true to his word, turned up
not long after I made the call, tucked
the set under one arm (well, not quite),
and plonked it in the back of his tiny
car. Fortunately, he was as happy as
(50X360X380mm), enclosed in a perforated metal
case, 240V AC in, 12V DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17
...HP POWER SUPPLIES: Compact (120X70X30mm)
HP switched mode, power in plastic case, 100-240V
AC input, 10.6V/1.32A DC output, slightly soiled: $14
...LASER MODULE: Very bright (650nM/5mW) focusable module, suit many industrial applications,
bright enough for a disco laser light show, good
results with the Automatic Laser Light Show: $75
mirrors plus PCB and comp. kit, has laser diode reg.
cct, could be powered by the above 12V switched
mode power supply, produces many different patterns, can be used with the laser module: $70
...LASER POINTER: Our new metal laser pointer
(With keychain) is very bright, with 650nM/5mW
SUPER BRIGHT BLUE!: All the following LEDS are
in a 5mm housing ...By far THE BRIGHTEST BLUE
EVER OFFERED, superbright at 400mCd: $1.50Ea.
or 10 for $10 ... 1C red: 10 for $4 ...300mC green:
$1.10Ea. or 10 for $7 .. MAKE WHITE LIGHT BY
..3Cd Red: $1.10Ea. or 10 for $7 ... 3Cd yellow (Small
torch!) also available in 3mm: 10 for $9 ... Superbright
flashing LEDS: $1.50 Ea. or 10 for $10 ... PHOTOTRANSISTORS: Enclosed in clear 5mm housing
similar to the 5mm LEDS, 30V/3uS/<100nA dark
current: $1.30 or 10 for $9 ...CONSTANT VOLTAGE
famous MAR-6 based masthead amplifier plus a
suitable plupack to power it: $20, Waterproof box:
$2.50, bottom box:$2.50 ...17mm MAGNIFIERS:
Made in JAPAN by Micro Design these eyepiece style
metal enclosed magnifiers will see the grain of most
papers, used, limited qty.: $4 Ea. ...HF BALLASTS:
Single tube 36W Dimmable high frequency ballasts:
CHARGERS, 13.8V / 650mA, proper “switching”
design with LED status indicator: $8.80 ...LASER
POINTER KIT: A special purchase of some
660nM/5mW laser diode means that we can reduce
the price of our Laser Pointer kit, includes everything
except the batteries: $29 ...SPECIAL BATTERY AND
CHARGER OFFER: When our 7AHr/12V SLA battery
($30) is bought with the SLA battery charger the
total price for both is: $33 ...USED BRUSHLESS DC
FANS: 4"/12V/0.25A: $8, 24V/6"/17W: $12
30V/40Vsurge, used but in exc. cond.:$10 ...12Hr.
MECHANICAL TIMERS: 55X48X40mm, 5mm shaft
(Knob not supplied), two hours timing per 45deg.
rotation, two 25V/16A SPST switches which close at
the end of the timing period: $5 ...USED IEC LEADS:
Used Australian IEC leads: $2.50 ...STANDARD
PIEZO TWEETERS: Square, 85X85mm, 4-40KHz, 35V
RMS: $8, Wide dispersion, 67X143mm, 3-30KHz,
Standard large supply as used in large computer
towers, +5V/22A, +12V/8.5A, -5V/0.5A, -12V/0.5A,
used but in excellent condition, guaranteed: $30
...MAGNIFIERS: Small eyepiece: $3, 30mm Loupe:
$8, 75mm Loupe: $12, 110mm Loupe: $15, a set of
one of each of these magnifiers (4): $30 ... NEW
/ 800 mAHr. AA NICAD BATT’s plus 1 X thermal switch,
easy to seperate: $4 per pack or 5 packs for $16,
FLAT RECTANGULAR 1.2V, 400mAh NI-CAD BATTERIES with thermal switch, easy to seperate, (Each
batt: 48x17x6 mm): $4 per pack or 5 packs for $16
...UV MONEY DETECTOR: Small complete unit with
cold cathode UV tube, works from 2 X AA batteries
( Not supplied), Inverter used can dimly light a 4W
white fluoro tube: $5Ea. or 5 for $19 ...MISCELLANEOUS USED LENS ASSEMBLIES: Unusual lens
assemblies out of industrial equipment: 3 for $22
quality 10-15M range, used but tested and guaranteed, have O/C transistor (BD139) output and a
tamper switch, 12V operation, circuit provided: $10
Ea. or 4 for $32 ...CCD CAMERA WITH BONUS: Tiny
(32X32X27mm) CCD camera, 0.1lux, IR responsive
(Works in total dark with IR illumination), connects
to any standard video input (Eg VCR) or via a modulator to aerial input: $125, BONUS: With each
camera you can buy the following at reduced prices:
for $25 (Normally $35), REGULATED 10.4V PLUGPACK for $10 (Normally $25) ...PIR CASE FOR CCD
CAMERA: Used PIR cases of normal appearance, use
to hide the CCD camera, plenty of room inside: $2.50
Ea. or 4 for $8 ...CAMERA-TIME LAPSE VCR RECORDING SYSTEM: Includes PIR movement detector and interface control kit, plus a learning remote
control, combination can trigger any VCR to start
recording with movement and stop recording a few
minutes after the last movement has stops: $90
...GEIGER COUNTER KIT: Based on a Russian tube,
has traditional “click” to indicate each count. Kit includes PCB, all on-board components, a speaker and
Yes, the geiger counter tube is included: $30 ...RARE
EARTH MAGNETS: Very strong! 7X3mm $2, 10X3mm
$4, Torroidal 50mm outer, 35mm inner, 5mm thick:
$10 ...IR TESTER: Kit includes a blemished IR
converter tube as used in night vision and an EHT
power supply kit, excellent for seeing IR sources,
price depends on blemishes: $30 / $40 ...ARGON-ION
HEADS: Used Argon-Ion heads with 30-100mW
output in the blue-green spectrum, power supply
circuit provided, size: 350X160X160mm, weight 6Kg,
needs 1KW transformer available elsewhere for about
$170, head only for: $350 ...DIGITAL RECORDING
MODULES: Small digital voice recording modules as
used in greeting cards, microphone and a speaker
included, 6 sec. recording time: $9 ...WIRED IR
REPEATER KIT: Extend the range of existing IR remote
controls by up to 15M and/or control equipment in
other rooms: $18 ...12V-2.5W SOLAR PANEL KIT:
US amorphous glass solar panels, 305X228mm, Vo-c
18-20V, Is/c 200mA: $22 Ea. or 4 for $70 ...MIDI
KEYBOARDS: Quality midi keyboard with 49 keys, 2
digit LED display, MIDI out jack, Size: 655115X35mm,
computer software included, see review in Feb. 97
EA: $80, 9V DC plugpack: $10, also available is a
larger model which has mor features and has touch
sensitive response keys: $200 ...STEREO FM TRANSMITTER KIT: 88-108MHz, 6-12V DC supply, 8mA <at>
9V, 25X65mm PCB size, PCB plus all on-board
comp’s, plus battery connector and 2 electret mic’s:
$25, plastic case to suit: $4 ...WOOFER STOPPER
KIT: Stop that dog bark, also works on most animals,
refer SC Feb. 96, Kit includes PCB and all on board
comp’s, wound transformer, electret mic., and a horn
piezo tweeter: $39, extra horn piezo tweeters (drives
Based on a thick film alcohol sensor. The kit includes
a PCB, all on board comp’s and a meter : $30 ...CENTRAL LOCKING KIT (NEW): A complete central
locking kit for a vehicle. The kit is of good quality and
actuators are well made, the kit includes 4 actuators,
electronic control box, wiring harness, screws, nuts,
and other mechanical parts: $60, The actuators only:
Similar to above but this one is wireless, includes
code hoping Tx’s with two buttons (Lock-unlock), an
extra relay in the receiver can be used to immobilise
the engine, etc., kit includes 4 actuators, control box,
two Tx’s, wiring harness, screws, nuts, and other
mechanical parts: $109 ...ELECTROCARDIOGRAM
PCB + DISK: The software disk and a silk screened
and solder masked PCB (PCB size: 105 x 53mm) for
the ECG kit published in EA July 95. No further
components supplied: $10 ...SECURE IR SWITCH:
IR remote controlled switch, both Rx and Tx have
Dip switches for coding, kit includes commercial 1
Tx, Rx PCB and parts to operate a relay (not supplied):
$22 8A/4KV relay $3 ...FLUORESCENT TAPE: High
quality Mitsubishi brand all weather 50mm wide Red
reflective tape with self adhesive backing: 3 meters
for $5 ...LOW COST IR ILLUMINATOR: Illuminates
night viewers or CCD cameras using 42 of our 880nm
/ 30mW / 12 degrees IR LEDs. Power output is
varied using a trimpot., operates from 10 to 15V,
current is 5-600mA ...IR LASER DIODE KIT: Barely
visible 780nM/5mW (Sharp LT026) laser diode plus
constant current driver kit plus collimator lens plus
housing plus a suitable detector Pin diode, for medical use, perimeter protection, data transmission,
experimentation: $32 ...WIRELESS IR EXTENDER:
Converts the output from any IR remote control into
a UHF transmission, Tx is self contained and attaches with Velcro strap under the IR transmitter, receiver has 2 IR Led’s and is place near the appliance
being controlled, kit includes two PCB’s all components, two plastic boxes, Velcro strap, 9V transmitter
battery is not supplied: $35, suitable plugpack for
the receiver: $10 ...NEW - LOW COST 2 CHANNEL
UHF REMOTE CONTROL: Two channel encoded UHF
remote control has a small keyring style assembled
transmitter, kit receiver has 5A relay contact output,
can be arranged for toggle or momentary operation:
$35 for one Tx and one Rx, additional Tx’s $12 Ea.
PO Box 89
Oatley NSW 2223
Phone (02) 9584 3563
Fax (02) 9584 3561
orders by e-mail:
major cards with phone and fax orders,
P&P typically $6.
arch1997 57
1997 57
RGB-to-PAL encoder
replacement for the
TV Pattern Generator
Since publication of the TV Pattern Generator
in November 1991, the TEA2000 RGB-to-PAL
encoder IC used in the circuit has gone out of
production. This add-on board using a different
encoder IC can be used as a replacement.
The TV Pattern Generator described
in the November and December 1991
issues was a very popular project. It
produced a variety of patterns, including checker board, crosshatch,
dot, white screen, greyscale, red
screen and colour bars. The colour
bar and red screen patterns relied on
58 Silicon Chip
the RGB-to-PAL encoder functioning
correctly to give the colour burst and
chroma waveforms in the composite
video signal.
In recent months, we’ve heard from
quite a few readers who want to build
this project but have been unable to
do so because the TEA2000 encoder
IC is no longer available. This drop-in
board is the answer to that problem
but there is a performance penalty
which we’ll discuss shortly. It can
also be used to restore a circuit to
working order in those few isolated
instances where the TEA2000 has
The add-in board is based on the
Motorola MC1377P RGB-to-PAL/
NTSC encoder. This device has been
available for many years and after
being assured by the Motorola distributors in Australia that it is still in
production, we decided to use it.
Although the MC1377P is equivalent in function to the TEA2000, it
Fig.1: the add-on circuit is based
on the Motorola MC1377 RGB-toPAL/NTSC converter (IC2). IC1
provides buffering and blanking
of the RGB input signals.
does not have the same pinouts and,
in our circuit at least, it also requires
a separate blanking facility. In addi
tion, the TEA2000 IC operated from
an 8.86MHz crystal to produce the
PAL signal while the MC1377P uses
a conventional 4.43MHz colour burst
frequency crystal.
As shown in the photos, the addon PC board is mounted on the rear
panel above the main PC board using
a couple of right angle brackets.
This board accommodates the
Motorola MC1377P encoder, its
companion 4.43MHz crystal and an
additional quad AND gate IC (4081)
which provides the blanking facility.
There are 10 external connections
and these are wired directly to the
original circuit.
Note that the original TEA2000 and
its associated compon
ents must be
removed from the main board – see
It’s not as good
Unfortunately, the quality of the
colour bar pattern is not as good with
the MC1377P (at least not in this de-
sign) as it was with the TEA2000. In
particular, there are faint horizontal
lines across the colour bars and much
more noticeable herringbone patterns
between the bars.
While these effects are probably
not important as far as the overall test
pattern is concerned, we thought it
only fair to warn readers of the poorer
picture quality. The other test patterns
are virtually unaffected.
What we are saying is that this board
solves a problem if you wish to build
the TV Pattern Generator but don’t
expect too much in the way of picture
quality on the colour bar pattern. For
the same reason, we don’t expect any
of the retailers to supply a kit containing the add-on board, particularly as
all the original kits have now been
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.1 for the circuit
of the RGB-to-PAL Converter. IC2 is
the main encoder IC and it accepts
sync and RGB (red, green and blue)
signals on pins 2, 3, 4 & 5 to produce
a composite video output at pin 9.
This composite video signal includes
the horizontal and vertical sync, the
colour burst and the luminance and
chrominance information.
The 4.43MHz crystal oscillator at
pins 17 & 18 produces the timing for
the colour burst and chrominance
signals. VC1 allows the crystal oscillator to be precisely trimmed, while
the position of the colour burst signal
is set by the ramp signal generated at
pin 1. In this circuit, it is placed right
in the middle of the back porch.
Note that the chrominance output
at pin 13 is fed back into the pin 10
input via a 3dB resistive divider and a
.001µF capacitor. The divider reduces
the high level at pin 13 which is in
tended to compensate for losses if a
filter were to be included.
The pin 10 input connects to the
main TV Pattern Generator circuit
and is shunted to ground via a 0.1µF
capacitor and switch S2b when either
the checker, hatch or dot pattern is
selected. In other words, the colour
burst and chrominance information
is removed from the composite video
March 1997 59
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board as shown in this wiring diagram, taking
care to ensure that the ICs and the electrolytic capacitors are correctly oriented.
The external connections can be run using rainbow cable.
Fig.3: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board. Check
the board carefully before installing the parts.
The composite video output appears
on pin 9 and is fed to a 360Ω and 470Ω
resistive divider to give the correct
video level.
The RGB and sync inputs from the
main board are fed in via IC1 which
is a 4081 quad AND gate. In the case
of the sync signal, IC1a simply acts
as a buffer stage, the sync signal then
going directly to pin 2 of IC2. The RGB
signals, on the other hand, are gated
with a blanking signal that’s derived
from pin 1 of IC10c on the main PC
board. This effectively blanks the RGB
signals during the horizontal sync and
colour burst periods.
The gated RGB signals appear on
pins 11, 13 & 14 respectively and are
fed to voltage dividers (12kΩ & 3kΩ)
to obtain 1V p-p signals. They are
Value IEC
then coupled via 22µF capacitors to
the RGB inputs (pins 3, 4 & 5) of IC2.
Power for the circuit is derived directly from the main PC board. Note
that two separate supply rails are used.
IC1 is powered from a 5V rail, while
IC2 is powered from a 12V rail.
The RGB-to-PAL Converter is built
on a PC board coded 02302971 and
measuring 98 x 53mm. Start construction by checking the PC board against
the published pattern for shorts or
breaks in the tracks.
Fig.2 shows the parts layout on
the PC board. Begin the assembly
by installing PC stakes at all the
external wiring points, then install
the two wire links and the resistors.
Table 1 lists the resistor colour codes
but it is also a good idea to use your
multimeter to check each value just
to be sure.
The ICs can be installed next, taking
care to ensure that they are oriented
correctly. This done, complete the
assembly by installing the capacitors,
the trimmer (VC1) and the crystal (X1).
The electrolytic capacitors must all be
oriented correctly, while the crystal
can be installed either way around.
If you are building the TV Pattern
Generator PC board as well, the following components should be omitted: the
TEA2000 (IC16), the 8.86MHz crystal,
60 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
green blue orange brown
brown red orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
orange black brown brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange blue brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
green blue black red brown
brown red black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
orange black black black brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange blue black black brown
1 PC board, code 02302971, 98
x 53mm
11 PC stakes
1 50mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
2 right angle mounting brackets
4 3mm screws and nuts
1 4.43MHz crystal (X1)
1 4081 quad 2-input AND gate
converter (IC2)
3 22µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
2 .001µF MKT polyester
2 220pF ceramic
1 3-30pF trimmer (VC1)
The add-on colour converter board is secured to the rear panel of the TV Pattern
Generator using right angle brackets and machine screws and nuts. It takes the
place of the original TEA2000 RGB-to-PAL encoder (IC16).
These oscilloscope waveforms show the colour bar composite video signal
(top), the sync signal (centre) and the blanking interval signal (bottom).
the associated trimmer capacitor
(VC1), the two 5.6pF capacitors, the
1kΩ and 910Ω resistors at pin 8, the
390Ω and 470Ω resistors at pin 6, and
the 330pF capacitor and 36kΩ resistor
at pin 15. If you have already built the
board, it will be necessary to remove
these components.
Next, insert hookup wires (eg, rainbow cable) into seven of the vacant
TEA2000 pads at pin positions 1, 3,
5, 9, 10, 11 & 16. Additional hookup
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 56kΩ
3 300Ω
3 12kΩ
2 1kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 470Ω
1 2.2kΩ
1 360Ω
wires connect to pin 1 of IC10c, pin
16 of IC15 and to the base of Q1. The
most convenient place to connect to
the latter is at the junction of the 390Ω
and 470Ω resistors.
The add-on board is mounted on
the rear panel above the BNC output
socket and is secured using right angle brackets and machine screws and
nuts. You will have to drill a couple
of holes in the rear panel to mount the
brackets. Once the board is in place,
it’s simply a matter of connecting the
various hookup wires to the PC stakes,
as shown in Fig.2.
To test the unit, first apply power
and check for +5V on pin 14 of IC1
and +12V on pin 14 of IC2. It’s then
simply a matter of connecting the unit
to a TV set using either the video modulator or the direct video output and
checking that the unit works properly.
If the colour is missing, adjust VC1 on
the add-on board to obtain the correct
colour burst signal.
Footnote: we have been informed
that Rod Irving Electronics still have
limited stocks of the original TEA2000
March 1997 61
Preventing RF interference on
the 36MHz band
This month we discuss the new operating
frequencies on the 29MHz and 36MHz bands
and how a new frequency keyboard will
prevent serious interference problems on
Last month’s column has really set
the cat amongst the pigeons (once
again) and has resulted in a directive
from the MAAA (Model Aeronautical
Association of Australia) to the Fre
quency Sub-Committee.
This directs the chairman of the
subcommittee to examine the issues
raised in that article and ini
tiate a
course of action to overcome the problems highlighted.
Before we examine the new frequencies in the 29MHz and 36MHz bands,
cosmic noise levels were the greatest.
Thus, it was considered to be the
garbage band of the electromagnetic
spectrum and therefore unsatisfactory
for commercial transmission.
And we did suffer during periods
of sunspot activity and similar cosmic disturbances, particularly when
we were using super-regenerative
In spite of this, we operated quite
safely and successfully for many
years. Or we did, until the FCC in
The bogey of 29MHz interference was
the mask used to manipulate people
into buying 36MHz rather than a valid
technological objection.
it will be helpful to look at some of the
history regarding the development of
the Australian frequency allocations.
When I began flying back in 1955,
R/C modellers were considered to be
part of the worldwide radio experimenters group and shared the 27MHz
allocation with this group. This band,
26.962 - 27.270MHz, was given to the
experimenters because it was the frequency in which naturally occurring
62 Silicon Chip
America licensed it for citizens band
(CB) radio, with channels every 10kHz
apart. American modellers were given
six spots in the middle of all of this,
spaced 50kHz apart, and that set the
trend for worldwide R/C development.
This persisted for many years and
eventually people came to believe that
a 50kHz spacing was the only safe way
to operate.
The situation in Australia was
entirely different. Modell
ers were
given the complete 27MHz block in
which we could space ourselves to
suit our needs. But because the only
R/C equipment available at that time
was American, Australia slavishly
followed the American frequency
spacing. Silvertone slavishly followed
as well, until 1969 when I broke the
spell with the Mk.VII system.
That system used AGC on the mixer
plus a few other tricks and allowed
operation down to 15kHz spacing,
completely outperforming the imports
of the day. I had a terrible battle to
shift the Australian mind-set from the
usual “if the Americans thought it was
safe they would use closer spacings”
routine. To overcome all of the objections, I had to develop the Silvertone
Keyboard and the battle raged on for
It was exactly the same sort of argument as “why 29MHz AM, when
everybody is producing 36MHz FM?”
Nobody ever spared a thought to the
fact that the Americans never had
the opportunity or need to develop
narrow-band systems and that conditions in Australia were, and still are,
entirely different.
30 years on, Australia has finally
released the 10kHz spacings for general use, albeit with 2" keys, thereby
utilising the Australian regulations
to the full. Furthermore, the MAAA
strongly recommends the use of the
Silvertone Keyboard as the frequency control system! All of this is most
pertinent in regard to what follows.
CB radio
It took some time for CB to gain
momentum but sales increased stead-
High side crystals
A complicating factor was the fact
that the Australian 29MHz band used
high-side receiver crystals (f + 455),
whereas the imported sets were designed for low-side crystals (f - 455) .
This created havoc in FM sets because
the detector inverted the recovered
audio and the sets just did not work.
AM sets do not care if the Rx crystal
is on the high or low side; they work
either way. So you can see there was
a large amount of self-interest on the
part of overseas manufacturers and
their importers in the insane exodus
from 29MHz.
Other countries use 35MHz, therefore 36MHz operation simply required
a crystal change and some retuning, a
much more satisfactory situation from
the overseas manufacturers’ point of
view. In Australia, 35MHz is out of
the question for R/C work because the
frequencies are in use for base, mobile
and repeater stations.
Once 36MHz was released, it became almost impossible to purchase
high quality sets on 29MHz and today it is no longer possible to even
purchase replacement receivers for
existing equipment (unless you go to
Silvertone, of course). So you see that
the bogey of 29MHz interference was
the mask used to manipulate people
into buying 36MHz rather than a valid
technological objection.
Thus, we now have an entire band
virtually lying idle. So why not use it?
This is the problem that arises when
control over supply passes from Australian control to overseas sources. We
must simply take what the overseas
manufacturers dump on us and local
conditions play no part in the development process.
Actually, the way governments handle manufacturing in Australia is one
of my pet peeves. SILICON CHIP readers
have watched the Mk.22 system evolve
from a proposed simple 4-channel runof-the-mill system to a very complex
state-of-the-art 24-channel AM or FM
system. Along the way, I have had to
deal with complex technical issues
such as third order intermodulation
and transmitter intermodulation
455kHz spacings. These are subjects
not handled in a serious manner by
any other magazine or indeed any
group that I am aware of.
Now the question is, how has this
favourable development occurred?
The answer is that SILICON CHIP gave
me the reason to sit down and actually
think hard about R/C systems for the
first time since the IAC (Industries
Assistance Commission) effectively
“assisted” me out of manufacturing
20 years ago.
As I got deeper into the development of the Mk.22, my insight into
the problems and solutions facing
R/C modellers here in Australia expanded and is still expanding. Which
raises the question what could I have
achieved during those 20 years if the
government had assisted instead of
effectively stopping me.
If you multiply this effect by hun-
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ily and prices of equipment dropped
accordingly, until by 1974 the stage
was set for a calamity to occur in the
worldwide R/C movement.
The situation in Australia was that
it was illegal to operate CB sets but it
was legal to sell them. Dealers stocked
up with CB sets and the explosive
growth of CB began. By 1974, those
R/C aircraft still surviving were
grounded all over Australia.
Thankfully, the licensing people
acted quickly and we were granted
the 29MHz band for our exclusive
use. The drawback was that it was to
be for all R/C models, including cars
and boats. Once again the explosive
growth of toy cars and cheap 2-channel
sets placed the aircraft modellers at
risk. The problem with R/C aircraft is
that the receiver is 100 metres in the
air and can thus receive signals from
miles away.
Once again the licensing authority
smiled kindly upon us and in 1980
granted us the 36MHz band, originally for the exclusive use of high-performance aircraft and boats and only
on spots 20kHz apart. In time, some
abuse of the original agreement took
place and a recent ruling by the SMA
(Spectrum Management Agency) has
just reaffirmed the original position
and R/C cars have been asked to clear
the band. This time, however, we
have been granted 59 spots 10kHz
Now the problem in all of this is that
the 29MHz and 36MHz bands are exclusive to Australia and NZ, although
the NZ spot frequencies are different.
Overseas manufacturers hated making
sets on 29MHz because of the small
quantities of sets sold in Australia and
the conversions were left to the local
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$________ or please debit my
Bankcard Visa Mastercard
Card No:
Card Expiry Date ____/____
Signature ________________________
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March 1997 63
Radio Control – continued
dreds of thousands in every field of
human endeavour, Australia could
once more be a strong industrial nation
with low unemployment.
So to finally answer the often-asked
question “why 29MHz?”, I wanted to
fill the vacuum left by the imports
and stimulate interest in the 29MHz
band once more. Silvertone can now
supply replacement receivers for all
PPM systems on AM or FM and on
27MHz, 29MHz, 36MHz or 40MHz.
True, some care is required to make
the 29MHz band completely safe but
we flew very successfully and safely
for many years on this frequency and
I still fly today with an AM 29MHz
module. In over three years of test flying the Mk.22 system on 29MHz (even
spots), we have never encountered
interference nor indeed have we had
any systems back due to crash damage. Some of this test flying is being
done on fields that are quite close to
suburban areas, which would pose
the highest risk in regard to R/C car
This is due to the fact that the
cheap R/C cars commonly available
in department stores are often on the
band. By using these frequencies, there
is absolutely no reason why model
aircraft should not use 29MHz with
complete safety. An added bonus for
clubs operating on 29MHz is that the
keyboard is simple and cheap ($149).
So there you have it. The 29MHz
band is empty, it is safe on the new
frequencies and cheap and simple to
operate from a club viewpoint.
The situation in regards to operation on the 36MHz band is difficult
in that there are 59 spots, covering
the block 36.0MHz to 36.6MHz. This
makes the keyboard very difficult to
construct mechanically as a single
unit. A 1.7m long unit would soon
buckle due to expansion in the heat
of the sun. Therefore, the best arrangement is for a two-board set, laid out
as per Fig 1.
In addition, the new SMA allocation
has required modifications to be made
to the original 36MHz keyboard.
Keyboard explanation
For those not familiar with this
new 36MHz keyboard or indeed, any
frequency keyboard, the following explanation should help. The keyboard
The 29MHz band is empty, it is safe on the
new frequencies and cheap and simple to
operate from a club viewpoint.
“even” 29MHz spots, in particular 12,
16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36.
Now there are 27 x 10kHz spots
in all (numbered 10 - 37 in the block
29.72 - 30.0MHz), many of which have
never been officially released until
just recently. The sequence 10, 14,
18, etc has been released in smaller
numbers but the “odd” sequence 11,
13, 15, etc has never been released to
my knowledge.
10kHz spacing
Here then are safe frequencies for
aircraft and other high performance
models. The MAAA has cleared the
29MHz band for 10kHz spots using
20kHz keys just as for the 36MHz
64 Silicon Chip
is a graphical representation of the
frequency allocation, laid out on a grid
wherein 1-inch represents 10kHz (this
system was designed in 1969, before
metric conversion).
Thus, to control frequencies on
a 10kHz spacing, it is necessary to
have slots 1-inch apart. Each slot is
identified with the frequency and
band number, as in Fig.1. Hence, slot
602 is equivalent to the fre
36.02MHz, while slot 603 is equivalent
to 36.03MHz – a 10kHz step.
Every R/C system operating on club
fields is tested by MAAA approved
testing stations for bandwidth and
an approval sticker is attached to the
transmitter. A key is also supplied
tional in width to the bandwidth of the system. Thus, a system
with a 10kHz bandwidth is issued
with a 1-inch key, 20kHz systems get
a 2-inch key, and so on.
In practice, the MAAA found no
current R/C systems that could handle
10kHz spacing, so the 10kHz approval
stickers were withdrawn.
In use, the Tx operator walks to the
keyboard and inserts his key into the
appropriate slot on the board(s). If the
required bandwidth is available, the
key easily drops into the correct slot
and the operator is cleared to switch
on the transmitter. If insufficient bandwidth is available, the key cannot be
inserted correctly and the transmitter
must not be switched on.
However, the fuss began recently
when the SMA ratified the new 36MHz
allocation which included additional
spots, making 59 in all (601 - 659).
The new even-numbered slots are for
exclusive use of aircraft and the old
odd-numbered slots for shared use
between aircraft and boats. R/C cars
are not to use 36MHz.
These additional slots added to the
overlapping frequency problem. At
the same time, the MAAA allowed
the use of all 59 10kHz spots but using 2-inch keys only. Previously the
MAAA only allowed every second
spot to be used; ie, a 20kHz spacing
was maintained.
As subtle as this change is (we are
still using 20kHz spacings), the fact
that frequencies are now available on
all 59 10kHz spots had a dramatic effect on the operation of the keyboard.
As explained above, I had broken
the 36MHz board into two, which
made each board more mechanically
(The 29MHz board, which includes
the 40MHz allocation, is still OK as a
single board).
Now all was fine on the old system
Fig.1 (right): this diagram shows the
new two-part frequency keyboard
for model aircraft operation in
the 36MHz band. The keyboard is
a graphical representation of the
frequency allocation, laid out on a
grid wherein 1" represents 10kHz.
Each slot is identified with the
frequency and band number. Hence,
slot 602 is equivalent to the frequency
36.02MHz and slot 603 is equivalent
to 36.03MHz, a 10kHz step.
March 1997 65
Radio Control – continued
as the break occurred in the middle of
the 20kHz spots and I had delivered
many boards before the 10kHz rule
came in.
However, with 10kHz spacing, it
is now possible to have a situation
arise wherein a 20kHz system with a
2-inch key in the end slot on board 1
(630) is in danger of interference from
a 2-inch key in the first slot on board
2 (631). This necessitated the addition
of an extra slot (“G”) to accommodate
a 1-inch guard key on the original
Thus, if a 2-inch key is to be inserted
into 630, the guard key is moved across
to the second board and placed in the
“G” slot, thereby preventing a key from
being inserted into 631. Conversely,
if a 2-inch key is placed into the 631
slot, the guard key is placed into the
“G” slot on board 1, preventing a key
being inserted into 630.
Guard keys
Fig.1 shows a pair of 36MHz keyboards with a variety of operational
that I finally modified the design to
include the guard slot.
This inter-club discussion also
included an argument over a single
board or two boards and more importantly from the point of view of this
column, how to handle the problem
of the 455kHz overlap (for more information on this, refer the February
1997 issue of SILICON CHIP).
The 455kHz argument, in my mind,
boils down to three choices:
(1) partially restrict the band by closing off the top slots affected (646 - 659)
and combining each overlapping pair
on the lower slots, thus allowing only
one of the pair to transmit.
(2) Restrict the band to less than
455kHz wide; or
(3) adopt a policy of dual conversion
receivers only on 36MHz.
Pairing the frequencies is my first
choice but the keyboard is designed
to cope with all three possibilities.
The eventual choice is a matter for
individual clubs to decide. Some of
the more conservative clubs want
29MHz AM system is cheap, simple and
reliable. It is free of the complications of
36MHz FM and is by far the most costeffective system for sports fliers.
key arrangements. Key 653 is one of
the paired frequencies, thus the key is
in the 608/653 slot.
Keys 623/625 are two normal 2-inch
keys inserted correctly. Key 626 is a
normal 2-inch key which cannot be
inserted into the correct slot due to
the system bandwidth being wider
than the spacing required. Key 630 has
been inserted into its correct slot after
moving the 1-inch guard key across
to Board No 2. Thus, Key 631 cannot
be inserted, again due to excessive
I was a little slow picking up on the
need for a guard key. It wasn’t until a
rash of phone calls revealed that there
was much discussion taking place in
the clubs on the best way to lay out the
keyboard to overcome this problem
66 Silicon Chip
nothing to do with 10kHz spacing and
will only allow 20kHz frequencies on
their field.
How do I design a keyboard to accommodate all of these arguments? In
the end I have designed the keyboards
with all 10kHz slots milled and numbered but all slots have a 1mm safety
gate across them, sealing them off until
the club decides which slots to open
and which to leave closed.
A quick wipe with a small file soon
opens the required slots. One final
point – all of this complication costs
money and the 36MHz pair of keyboards now sell for $399.
At this point I feel that I should
repeat the main conclusion of last
month’s article, which is vitally important to safe operation on 36MHz:
Any pair of transmitters separated
by 450kHz or 460kHz will generate
a strong 450-460kHz component in
the mixers of all single conversion
receivers, AM or FM. This will happen
in every receiver operating on that flying field, regardless of the frequency
of the receiver and regardless of the
frequencies of the overlapping pair of
In other words, any pair of transmitters overlapping by 450kHz or
460kHz will simultaneously interfere
with all 59 receivers operating on the
36MHz band.
Therefore, never at any time should
we allow any pair of overlapping
transmitters to transmit simultaneously on fields using single conversion
But does everyone know if their
receiver is single or double conversion? For this reason, we need to be
very careful about excluding double
conversion receivers from this ban.
For the sake of safety, the ban on
overlapping frequencies should have
no exclusions.
The best way to use the Silvertone
36MHz keyboard on fields using single
conversion receivers is to leave the
top set of overlapping slots (646 - 659)
closed and pair these slots on the
bottom set of overlapping slots (601 614). For example 601/646, 602/647,
If a club adopts an exclusive dualconversion receiver policy, then the
entire keyboard can be opened up and
all frequencies used. For this reason
the Silvertone Keyboards still include
all 59 slots, with all slots closed.
As you can see from the foregoing,
operation on the 36MHz band is no
longer a simple matter and there is
now much to consider. If AM systems
are banned from 36MHz, then the cost
of operating on this band goes up accordingly. If any club does decide on
a policy of dual-conversion receivers
only, then this pushes the expense of
operating on 36MHz even higher.
The foregoing strengthens my
resolve to continue to push for an
expanded use of 29MHz, particularly
with AM systems. It is cheap, simple
and reliable. It is free of the complications and expense of 36MHz FM and
is by far the most cost-effective system
for sports fliers.
Note: Bob Young is the principal
of Silvertone Electronics. Phone (02)
9533 3517.
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Rod Irving Electronics Pty Ltd
A nifty audible continuity tester
Most continuity testers
beep at you when the
circuit being tested is
good but not this one.
It gives a tone which
varies from a low note
(a few hundred Hertz)
for a low resistance to
just above audibility
for an open circuit.
This feature prevents
the AudiOhm from
driving you mad while
you are not actually
measuring anything.
One of the things we frequently do
in the pursuit of our hobby is to check
for continuity or bridged tracks in the
projects we build. While some digital
multimeters have a buzzer for this
function, most do not.
Sure, you can use a multimeter to
measure continuity of circuits. Just
switch it to a low Ohms range and
you are in business. Trouble is, you
have to keep looking at the multimeter
to see if anything has registered each
time you put the prods on the circuit.
This is where an audible indication is
pretty handy.
As well, the AudiOhm can test
diode and transistor junctions and it
will even give a relative indication
of the ca
pacitance and leakage of
electrolytic capacitors. When using
the low range, you can discriminate
between a short and a resistance of
72 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the circuit is based on FET input op amp IC1 and phase locked loop IC2.
The DC output from IC1 is proportional to the resistance across the probes and
this signal is used to control the frequency generated by the VCO in IC2. The
output from IC2 drives a loudspeaker via complementary output pair Q1 & Q2.
50Ω and on the high range a 4.7MΩ
resistor will register.
It can also readily differentiate
between, say, a 56Ω and a 560Ω resistor – handy when you are building
a project and find the colour codes
hard to read.
How it works
As you can see from the circuit in
Fig.1, only two ICs are used. IC2 is a
4046 phase locked loop but we are
using only its VCO (voltage controlled
oscillator) section. IC1 is a FET input
op amp and its DC output, which is
proportional to the resistance across
the probes, is used to control IC2.
Let’s look at IC2 in more detail. Its
oscillator output frequency at pin 4 is
controlled by the DC voltage applied
to pin 9; 0V gives the lowest frequency
and +9V gives the highest.
The lowest frequency is set by the
capacitor between pins 6 & 7 of IC2 and
the resistance at pin 12. The highest
frequency (with +9V applied to pin
9) is determined by both these former
values and the resistance at pin 11.
These frequency setting resistors
have been made adjustable with trimpots VR1 & VR2 to allow you to set the
tones to your particular preference, as
well as to compensate for variations in
ICs from different manufacturers. The
maximum frequency is set by VR1 and
the minimum by VR2.
IC2’s oscillator output at pin 4 is
connected to a pair of complementary emitter followers, Q1 & Q2. These
provide sufficient current gain to drive
the speaker. We have used a fairly large
resistor in series with the speaker to
keep the volume down to a reasonable
level and also to reduce the current
drawn from the battery. Our unit drew
only 18mA so the battery should last
for a long time.
Op amp IC1 is used to monitor the
voltage across the probes and amplify it a level sufficient to give the full
audio range at the speaker. On the
high resistance range, as selected by
toggle switch S2, a high impedance
voltage divider (one 4.7MΩ and two
1MΩ resistors) sets the voltage across
the probes.
As you can see from the voltages
on the circuit of Fig.1, there is about
1.34V across the probes when no external resistance is present. Note that
while we have quoted fairly precise
values here, the actual values will
depend on the battery voltage and
resistor tolerances.
This voltage of 1.34V is amplified
by IC1 to give about 7.6V at its output
(pin 6) and this is fed directly to pin
9 of IC2, to set the highest frequency.
When an external resistance is present between the probes, the voltage
between the input pins of IC1 will
be less than 1.34V; if a short circuit
is present, there will be virtually no
voltage between pins 2 & 3 and so
the output voltage at pin 6 will be the
same as the voltage on pin 2; ie, +1.34V
or close to it. This sets the minimum
frequency from IC2.
1 plastic case, 130 x 68 x 25
(Altronics H0342 or equival
1 PC board, code 04103971, 57
x 55mm
1 miniature 8Ω loudspeaker
(Altronics C0606 or equiv.)
1 SPST toggle switch (S1)
1 DPST toggle switch (S2)
1 9V battery
1 battery clip
1 set of test leads (Altronics
P0403 or equivalent)
1 16-pin IC socket
1 8-pin IC socket
1 5kΩ PC mount trimpot (VR1)
1 500kΩ PC mount trimpot
1 CA3160E op amp (IC1)
1 4046 phase locked loop (IC2)
1 BC338 or BC548 NPN
transistor (Q1)
1 BC328 or BC558 PNP
transistor (Q2)
2 100µF 16VW electrolytic
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .047µF MKT polyester
1 .022µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 4.7MΩ
2 10kΩ
3 1MΩ
1 2.7kΩ
1 150kΩ
1 56Ω
1 47kΩ
Hookup wire, solder.
March 1997 73
When the low range is selected with
switch S2, a lower impedance voltage
divider is switched in parallel with
the high range divider. This keeps the
voltage applied to the probes the same,
but allows them to sense lower values
of resistance due to the increased current. Without this range switching, it
is harder to resolve lower resistance
Putting it together
We designed a small PC for the Au-
the IC sockets, transistors and
capacitors. Make sure that
they are all correctly oriented,
as shown in Fig.2.
If you use PC stakes, now is
the time to fit them. I prefer to
poke each wire through the PC
board and solder it, as it makes
a neater looking connection.
Wire the two switches, the
battery and speaker leads next.
Before fitting it all into the
case, you should plug the ICs
in and do a preliminary test of
the circuit.
Connect the battery, switch
the unit on and vary the MAX
pot VR1. You should be able to
vary the frequency from about
7kHz or 8kHz at the low end,
up to the limit of audibility
(16kHz+). Now short the probe
pads and check that the MIN
pot, VR2, changes the low
frequency. If all is OK, proceed
with the assembly, otherwise
you will have to find and fix
Fig.2: the assembly details.
the problem.
Take care to ensure that the
The plastic case we have
semiconductors and 100µF
specified has provision for
capacitor are correctly
the battery in a separate
oriented & be careful not to
compartment but with a lot
get Q1 & Q2 mixed up.
of effort you may be able to
cram everything into a different case.
Stick the label onto the
diOhm. It measures 57 x 55mm and is case and drill the nine holes to let
coded 04103971. It is fitted into a small the sound emanate from the speaker.
plastic case and the two switches are While slide switches are nice, it is
fitted at one end, as can be seen from
much easier to mount toggle switches
the photos.
(just one round hole). Drill 2 x 6.5mm
The component layout for the PC holes in the top of the case for the
board and the other wiring is shown switches, 16mm either side of the
in Fig.2.
centre line.
As usual, check the PC board for
Fit the two switches, then mount
etching faults and shorts, especially the speaker on the front of the case
the track which goes between pins 13
with a couple of dobs of contact
& 14 on IC2. Fit and solder the one link
cement. You probably will not be
and the resistors. Next fit and solder
able to position it exactly behind the
74 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet green brown
brown black green brown
brown green yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown black orange brown
red violet red brown
green blue black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black yellow brown
brown black black yellow brown
brown green black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown black black red brown
red violet black brown brown
green blue black gold brown
This is the view inside the completed prototype. The two trimpots at the bottom,
right of the PC board are used to set the frequency range of the VCO. Note the
holes files in the side of the case for the probe leads.
speaker holes (this will depend on the
switches used).
File two small half-round holes in
the top and bottom left side of the case
with a needle file to let the probe leads
out, but don’t make them too deep.
Try to file them so the probe leads are
actually clamped when the case is
assembled. This prevents them being
pulled out and possibly damaging the
PC board. As you can see from Fig.2,
they are also looped through the hole
adjacent to the pad before being soldered to the PC board.
The PC board can now be secured in
place with the two short self-tapping
Setup procedure
Short the probe leads together and
use VR2 to set the low frequency,
then open circuit the leads and adjust
VR1 until the whistle sound is just
There is quite a variation in 4046
ICs from different manu
The one we used in our unit was a
Motorola device. If you use a different
brand you may have to change the
values of the resistors in series with
the trimpots to get the required range
or in an extreme case alter the value
of the capacitor between pins 6 & 7
(smaller value for higher frequency
and vice versa).
Fig.3: this full-size artwork can be
photocopied and attached to the front
panel of the Continuity Tester.
Using the continuity tester
Using the AudiOhm to check continuity is straightforward but as we
mentioned at the beginning of this
article, the unit can also be used to
check semiconductor junctions and
When the red (positive) probe lead
is connected to the anode of a diode,
the AudiOhm should indicate a low
resistance but not a short circuit.
When the leads are reversed, the fre
quency should be inaudible. A shorted
diode will give the lowest tone in
both directions. In a similar manner,
base-emitter and base-collector junctions of NPN and PNP transistors can
be tested.
Finally, when a discharged capacitor (electrolytics on the low range,
others on the high range) is connected,
the tone will initially be low (indicating a short circuit) and then increase
as the capacitor charges. By comparing
Fig.4: check your PC board carefully
against this full-size etching pattern
before installing any of the parts.
the charge time of a known value of
capacitor with that of an unknown
value, an estimate of its capacity can
be made. The final frequency gives
an indication of the leakage current
through the capacitor; the higher the
frequency, the better.
March 1997 75
While the cathode ray tubes used in most
analog oscilloscopes use electrostatic deflection,
the display tubes used in most digital scopes are
virtually the same as in computer monitors and
TV sets; they use magnetic deflection via coils
on the neck of the tube.
The magnetic deflection cathode ray
tubes used in digital storage scopes are
cheaper, shorter and more rugged than
the electrostatically deflected tubes
used in fast analog scopes.
In a cathode ray tube (CRT), magnetic deflection of the electron beam
is achieved by wrapping two sets of
copper coils around the outside of
the tube neck, as depicted in Fig.1.
The horizontal deflection coils are
mounted above and below the neck
of the tube and current flowing in
them generates a magnetic field which
passes vertically downward through
the tube.
Electrons in the beam are deflected
in a direction at right angles to this
magnetic field; ie, across the screen.
By contrast, the vertical deflection
76 Silicon Chip
coils are mounted one on each side
of the tube neck. Currents flowing in
them produce a horizontal magnetic
field which deflects the electron beam
up or down.
The two sets of deflection coils are
held in one assembly called the yoke
and its function is exactly the same
as the yoke in a colour TV set. Fig.2
shows a more pictorial arrangement
of the coils.
Typically, the horizontal deflection
currents are ±500mA and flow in coils
having 13 millihenries inductance.
The vertical deflection currents are
typically ±150mA flowing in coils of
40mH inductance.
Let us consider a basic digital scope
having 8-bit resolution. We featured
a simplified description of how the
digital storage scope acquires signals
and stores them as digital data in
part 5 of this series, in the September
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. Now let
us see how that data is displayed on
the screen.
To operate the deflection system,
two sweep generator circuits run at
different frequencies, both derived
from a crystal master oscillator. The
horizontal (or line) system produces
sawtooth waveform currents at exactly
28,800Hz in the horizontal deflection
coils (shown as H,H in Fig.1).
The resulting magnetic field deflects
the electron beam from the left side of
the screen to the right and back again
in exactly 34.7222 microseconds (µs),
as illustrated in Fig.1(c). The forward
trace from left to right takes about 33µs
and the fast retrace (flyback) takes the
remaining 1.7222µs.
At the same time, the vertical (or
frame) system sends a sawtooth waveform current at exactly 60Hz through
the vertical deflection coils. The magnetic field which results deflects the
electron beam downwards comparatively slowly, taking 16ms to work its
way from the top of the screen to the
bottom and 0.666ms to fly back to the
starting point at the top.
Fig.1: the magnetic fields due to
currents flowing in coils (a & b)
external to the tube neck deflect the
electron beam to cover the whole
screen (c) with 480 raster lines.
With both deflection systems operating, as we see in Fig.1(c), the electron
beam starts at the top left corner of
the screen. From there it traces in the
phosphor a pattern of 480 fast horizontal lines, as it moves (comparatively)
slowly down, to arrive at the bottom
right hand corner. From there the fast
retrace (flyback) returns the beam to
the starting point.
Auxiliary circuits always blank
off both the vertical and horizontal
retraces, so we show these as dotted
lines in Fig.1(c).
If the electron beam was turned on
during all forward traces, you would
see the whole screen covered in a pattern of 480 fine horizontal bright lines
spaced about 0.25mm apart.
In Fig.1(c) we illustrate this but for
clarity we have drawn only a few lines.
This is the raster and it is similar to
the background line pattern you see
on your computer display if you turn
the brightness up at night.
A standing bias, applied between
the tube grid G1 and cathode K as
shown in Fig.3, may hold the electron
beam near cutoff, making the screen
dark. A voltage drive applied to the
cathode K (or grid G1) can then overcome this standing bias to illuminate
the screen.
Greater deflection angle
Say a CRT has 16kV acceleration
potential. We recall from past episodes
that such a tube, when electrostatically
deflected, will have deflection angles
inversely proportional to the acceleration voltage. But a similar tube magnetically deflected will have deflection
angles inversely proportional to the
square root of the acceleration voltage.
So the magnetically deflected tube
can deflect its electron beam through
an angle four times greater. So we see
why digital scopes commonly have
wider screens and shorter tubes. However, because of the coil’s inductance,
direct magnetic deflection is limited
to frequencies below about 100kHz.
Bit-mapped raster scan
Most digital scopes have a frequency
response that ranges up to 100MHz
or a great deal more. To make that
possible, an indirect method called
“bit-mapped horizontal raster scan
display” is used. This is completely
different from the direct
electrostatic deflection
used in analog scopes.
And it is more complex.
Fig.3 shows an abbreviated block diagram of
a digital storage oscilloscope. The left hand half
of this figure is the acqui
sition section, which
includes the input attenuator, analog preamplifier
IC1, sampler IC2, A/D
converter IC3 and the
fast RAM (random access
memory) IC4. In this
chapter of our story we
concentrate on the right
hand half of Fig.3, the
display section, which
includes IC5, IC6, IC7 and
the tube.
When the digital data
representing the input
analog sinew
ave is recorded and stored in the
fast RAM IC4, then the
display section can begin
its magical work. Firstly
that data is read out from
RAM IC4 into the display
processor IC5. This is a
microproc essor which
has running within it a scan conversion point plotting algorithm.
This rearranges the data into a display image in scan line order, which it
promptly writes into a second memory
IC6, called the bit-map frame refresh
buffer, which you see in Fig.3.
In the basic digital scope we are
describing, this buffer consists of an
array of 307,200 semiconductor memory cells, electrically arranged into
a two-dimensional planar matrix of
480 horizontal rows and 640 vertical
columns (480 x 640 = 307,200).
Fig.4(a) gives some idea of this
scheme, though here for clarity we
have drawn a much smaller number.
Each memory cell in this buffer
holds one bit: that is either a logic
high potential or a logic low. And in
Fig.4(a) we have drawn a 1 in some of
the cells to indicate those cells which
contain a logic high potential. In the
remainder of the cells we have drawn
a 0 to indicate those which hold a
logic low. In Fig.4(a) you can clearly
see a waveform in the pattern of 1s
and this is called the bit map. This is
an image of the original analog input
March 1997 77
Fig.2: the two sets of deflection coils are held in one assembly called the
yoke and its function is exactly the same as the yoke in a colour TV set.
This diagram shows a more pictorial representation of the coils.
Now we aim to convert that blueprint of electrical 1s in the buffer into
a corresponding display on the CRT
Once the processor IC5 has filled
buffer IC6 with data forming the bit
map, two different but intimately related actions commence simultaneously
and run in synchronism, like two kids
in a three-legged race.
Displaying the bit map
The deflection circuits cause the
electron beam to commence from the
top left corner of the CRT tube screen
and trace out the full screen raster, line
by line, as described above. During
most of this time the beam electron
current is reduced to nearly zero by
the negative bias applied between the
tube grid and cathode, which Fig.3
illustrates. So almost all of the screen
is dark.
At the same time, the system addresses all cells in the bit map refresh
buffer IC6 and the bit value contained
in each is read out. Starting at the top
left corner, the system addresses the
cells and reads their contents; cell by
cell, from left to right and row by row.
First, each cell in the whole top row
is read, then those in the next row, and
so on, until the bottom right corner is
Cells are addressed across a row of
IC6 at the same speed as the electron
beam is deflected across the tube
screen. The final addressing of the
cell in the bottom right corner of IC6
and the reading of the bit it contains
coincides with the elec
tron beam
arriving at the bottom right corner of
the screen.
Displaying the signal
In the basic digital scope we are
describing, the single bit read from
each buffer cell is simply a voltage,
either logic high level or logic low. If a
TTL system is used, logic high means
about +4V and logic low about +0.5V.
As each cell is read, its voltage is
amplified and inverted by the following video amplifier IC7, whose
output signal drives the cathode of
the CRT tube in Fig.3. (Alternatively,
you could drive the grid but without
signal inversion.)
Each time a logic 1 is read from a cell
in the refresh buffer, Fig.4(a), the video
amplifier IC7 inverts and amplifies
this to a large negative voltage pulse,
typically -30V to -60V.
Applied to the CRT cathode, this
is big enough to overcome the G1-K
standing bias. Thus the electron beam
is turned fully on momentarily. This
produces a bright spot of light on the
screen at a point corresponding to
the address of that logic 1 cell in the
refresh buffer.
Each bright point is called a pixel
(for picture element).
In the same way, many pixels are
displayed on the screen (Fig.4(b)) in a
pattern which copies the disposition
of cells containing logic 1 bits in the
refresh buffer matrix (Fig.4(a)).
But on a screen typically 135mm
wide, each pixel is only 0.2mm apart,
so normal spot width-blurring usually
merges strings of these dots into continuous bright lines. If the sampler cannot provide enough points, firmware
routines can fill in by adding more
bright dots in straight line approximations or Sin(x)/x geometric curves.
That trace we see on the screen in
Fig.4(b) is a copy of the bit map in the
buffer IC6. This is itself a copy of the
original analog signal applied to the
scope input socket.
This is the raster scan method in
action: the digital scope is indirectly
displaying your input signals on a
Fig.3: in a digital scope, IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 form the fast acquisition section. IC5, IC6 and IC7 then form the
rasterising display circuits.
78 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: a bit map (a) of the input waveform is drawn logically in the memory cells of the refresh buffer. Data read from
this map turns on the electron beam (b) at points corresponding to the pattern of logic 1s in the bit map.
magnetically deflected cathode ray
tube screen.
a refresh rate of 60Hz. That’s why we
call IC6 the refresh buffer.
Displaying a one-shot signal
Video frequency
Now let’s assume that the input to
your digital scope was a one-shot; ie,
a non-recurring signal. In the fleeting
time that signal existed, it was sampled
by IC2, digitised by IC3 and recorded
in RAM IC4 and held there indefinitely. After the signal had gone and
the sampler had stopped, the output
section of your scope (the right hand
side of Fig.3) then performed all the
wondrous miracles we saw above.
The reading of the whole buffer IC6
and the drawing of one raster on the
screen displaying the waveform both
take exactly 16.666ms. Digital scopes
commonly use a tube with a P4 white
phosphor, which has a compound
150/480µs persistence time, after
which the trace fades away.
To maintain a stationary picture
on the screen, the scope must continually refresh the trace illumination
by repeating the display process; ie,
read the bit map stored in buffer IC6,
amplify the signal in IC7, and drive
the tube cathode to turn on the beam
to re-illuminate the display.
The system repeats this whole action every 16.666 milliseconds; ie, at
To perform these wonderful feats,
all 307,200 cells in the buffer memory must be addressed and read every
16.666ms. So cells must be read at
(16.666ms/307,200) = 54.2535 nanosecond intervals. This produces a
serial stream of single bits passing to
the amplifier IC7 at (307,200 x 60) =
18,432,000 bits/second.
Because this bit stream produces a
visible display on the screen, we call
this an 18.432MHz video frequency.
And we call IC7 the video amplifier.
Notice that all this time the sampler
IC2 and the A/D converter IC3 have
stopped. This is not because they
are lazy or slothful. It’s because you
previously filled RAM IC4 with one
record of data from a one-shot input
signal, now long gone. So your scope
continually refreshes the screen with
the copy of that departed signal held
in IC4. You are truly using the storage
capabilities of your DSO to the full.
Recurrent signals
When you apply a continuously
recurring high frequency signal to the
input of your digital scope, the busy
sampler very quickly takes a record of
500 (or more) samples of the signal.
The A/D converts these to digital format and stores them safely in RAM.
Then while the sampler has paused,
that data is read from IC4, converted
by IC5 to a bit map and stored in the
refresh buffer IC6. Now the system
reads that buffer and displays its contents on the screen raster at the much
slower display speed.
Once it does that, the system clock
may reactivate the sampler and A/D
converter, to take another record of
samples and store them in RAM.
These can be then read from the RAM,
converted to a complete new bit map
which includes any changes in the
input signal and displayed on the
screen, replacing the old.
At fast sweep speeds, such as 2µs/
div, the sampling of one record of the
input signal may take only 20µs. But
in conventional digital scopes the sampler pauses for about 20ms while the
display processor and refresh buffer
do their clever work and display the
waveform on the screen.
So typically you will see only one
cycle in every thousand cycles that
flow in your circuit. The elusive occasional glitch interference that you are
searching for may escape detection.
March 1997 79
Fig.5: block diagram
of InstaVu acquisition
architecture in the
Tektronix TDS784
scope, which can
capture 400,000
waveforms/second on
one channel.
Your scope would be capturing only
about 50 waveforms per second and
missing the rest.
Alternatively, instead of deleting
the old display on each refresh, the
electrical variable persistence control
gives you the option to accumulate old
and new data points in the bit map,
and hence on the screen. These can be
kept over many acquisitions, or over
some period of time between 250ms to
10 seconds, or infinitely. In this way,
infrequent events can be found and
Fast acquisition
To increase your chances of seeing
that occasional problem pulse which
This is a 3MHz signal depicted on a Tektronix TDS784A digital colour scope
in InstaVu mode. Here a runt signal is clearly visible, made doubly so by the
colour display (although not reproduced in this B&W photo).
80 Silicon Chip
is troubling your electronic system,
more expensive digital scopes use
proprietary methods to raise the rate
of waveform capture.
The Tektronix TDS400 series digital
scopes can acquire 200 waveforms/
second in infinite persistence mode.
In each 16ms period they capture and
overlay three or more updated versions
of the input waveform in the refresh
buffer. This is then written to the
screen at the 60 frames/second refresh
rate. So you see a greater percentage of
all the real cycles which flow through
your circuit.
But top analog scopes like the
Tektronix 2467B or 7104 can display
up to half a million waveforms per
second, showing 90% of all cycles of
your signal, because they have very
short holdoff times. They show rarely
occurring events dimly for emphasis
and are very good at finding elusive
faulty pulses!
To produce digital storage scopes
with equal capabilities, Tektronix
introduced the very clever TDS700
series. They can capture and display more than 400,000 waveforms/
second when running at 1GHz using
500 sample points per acquisition, in
one channel InstaVu Mode. How is
this done?
First let’s consider why you can’t
just raise the rate at which the conventional digital scope rasterises and displays the signal. We saw that to display
60 updated versions of the changing
input signal each second produces a
video signal of 18.432MHz. Could we
just raise the refresh rate by a factor
of 7,000? Would (7,000 x 60) frames/
second capture 420,000 waveforms/
second? The answer is NO!
To do that, a conventional architecture must read the buffer cells in
IC6 at (307,200 x 7,000 x 60) =
129,024,000,000 bits/second, giving a
video frequency of 129GHz. And the
raster would need a vertical or frame
rate of 420kHz and a line or horizontal frequency of 201.6MHz. No CRT
tube cathode can respond at such a
video frequency and the inductance
of magnetic deflection coils prohibit
such fast sweep rates!
So Tektronix produced a revolutionary design.
InstaVu acquisition mode
For their high performance 4-channel TDS700 digital scopes, Tektronix
manufactured a patented high speed
dedicated processor and cache mem
ory. It includes 360,000 transistors
formed using 0.8 micron technology
into a 304-pin CMOS IC called a Demux, which dissipates 2.5 watts when
running at full speed.
This is integrated into the acquisition system, duplicating the raster
forming capability there, so keeping
the required video frequency within
manageable limits. Also a section of
the very fast main memory is used
as a refresh buffer. Here it builds up
display images from thousands upon
thousands of passes of the signal, including those glitches you seek. And
the acquisition section can calculate
its own trigger positions.
This architecture, shown in block
diagram form in Fig.5, is radically
different from any other digital scope.
The acquiring of more and more samples of the input signal almost never
stops. Even while the screen display is
being updated and refreshed, the sampler continues acquiring more points
of the signal. In this way any elusive
glitches, line reflections, jitter or bad
pulses have a very high probability of
being found by the sampler and shown
on the screen.
Making good use of available
memory bandwidth, the raster
operates on a 16ns clock. It can draw
four complete acquisi
tions at once
into a 500 x 256 x 1 bitmap. Drawing
is done in top to bottom, then left to
The Tektronix TDS784 scope has 1GHz analog bandwidth and each channel
samples at 1GS/s. In single channel operation all samplers interleave to achieve
4GS/s sampling speed. In InstaVu acquisition mode, this scope acquires 400,000
waveforms/second. The scope has a liquid crystal shutter to provide a colour
display and it has an unsurpassed ability to catch and display rare glitches in
signal waveforms.
right fashion, so each data point in an
acquisition need be fetched only once.
Each read-modify-write cycle operates
on 64 pixels at a time.
Each cycle is 32ns long. Data is
fetched in groups of eight bytes. Any
column of the bit map, 256 pixels high,
can be rasterised in 32 to 128ns.
When operating with one input
signal in InstaVu mode, each of the
four channels take turns acquiring that
single input. Three channels can continue acquiring while the formed raster
is unloaded in the fourth channel.
This architecture raises the performance to 400,000 full screen (500
point) acquisitions and rasterisation
cycles per second on one channel. This
data rate represents 220,000,000 pixels/
second. The speed is limited by the
trigger system rearm circuits as much
as by the acquisition/graphics section.
The Demux IC demultiplexes and
processes the data from all four A/D
converters working together on the
one signal and rasterises the acquired
data. Also it performs digital signal
processing for local programmability,
mathematical algorithms and trigger
position calculations.
The firmware only intervenes
every 10,000 samples to copy out
the complete raster which shows
the behaviour over that time. Then
the acquisition section shifts out a
complete bit-mapped image to the
video amplifier at the modest frame
rate. But as the display shows almost
every cycle that ever passes through
your circuit under test, the result is
equivalent to a continuous running
picture of the live signal.
The display is so lively that signal
aberrations are seen instantly. You
have the confident feel of an analog
scope yet also have the storage and
mathematical powers of digital scopes.
Colour gradations highlight sections
of the traces which occur less frequently. You can show the continuously
repeating part of the signal in red,
with brilliant blue highlighting the
occasional glitches.
If the scope is left in variable persistence mode for many hours, more
than 10 billion acquisitions can be
amassed if necessary to find an elusive
faulty signal.
The vertical frame rate and the horizontal line rate of the raster display
are approximately as described before.
References: Tektronix Technical Brief
Thanks to Tektronix Australia and
staff member Ian Marx for data
and illustrations.
March 1997 81
The importance of grid bias
Correct grid bias is vital if valve radio
receivers are to function properly. Here’s a
rundown on how it works and what to look
for when restoring vintage receivers.
Many years ago I built a little 2-valve
battery receiver called “Tom Thumb”.
It was an old “Radio and Hobbies”
project that incorporated a 1T4 regenerative detector, followed by a 3S4
audio amplifier which drove a pair of
high impedance headphones.
It was built from the circuit diagram
only, without instructions, using a
small output transformer and low
impedance phones instead of the
specified 2000Ω headphones.
There was one part of the circuit
that, at the time, made no sense to me
at all. Why have a parallel connected
1500Ω resistor and 10µF electrolytic
from “B” battery negative to chassis?
(see Fig.1.).
What could such an arrangement
possibly do when “B” negative usually
went straight to chassis. Well, it had
on my previous home built 1-valve
In my “wisdom”, I chose to leave out
this part of the circuit and connected
“B” negative directly to chassis due,
in part, to the fact that neither a 1500Ω
resistor or a 10µF electrolytic were on
hand at the time. Besides, their inclusion seemed so unnecessary.
The set was built and it worked
reasonably well. Just as I thought –
the extra components were put into
the circuit to confuse novice receiver
However, while listening to my new
creation it was noticed that the 3S4
output valve was decidedly warm.
This caused some concern because
I knew, even back then, that battery
valves didn’t normally run hot.
The circuit was checked and
everything was in order except for the
two “unnecessary” components.
When a milliamp meter was placed
in series with the 90V “B” battery it
indicated a drain of 20mA. That is
perhaps more “B” battery current than
a valve portable would draw while
driving a loudspeaker. Could it be that
those unnecessary components had
something to do with the problem?
After the 1500Ω resistor and its
accompanying 10µF capaci
tor were
added to the receiver, three changes
were immediately apparent: (1) the B
battery current dropped to less than
5mA; (2) the output valve operated at
a much lower temperature; and (3) a
degree of audio distortion (originally assumed to be normal for such a
simple set) vanished. The mystery
components were not as unnecessary
as originally thought!
At the time, my lack of knowledge
This old Eveready “C” battery contains three size “D”
cells wired in series. The close-up view (above) shows the
battery connections. The terminals, from left to right, are
0V, -1.5V, -3V and -4.5V.
82 Silicon Chip
regarding basic theory prevented
me from knowing what the resistor/
capacitor combination actually did.
Accordingly, I made a very bad error
of judgement by leaving them out – but
learnt a good lesson by doing so.
Negative grid bias
As some readers would be aware,
the reason for the resistor was to create
a negative bias voltage for the control
grid of the output valve. This would
allow the valve to work under the
conditions for which it was designed.
Without grid bias, the valve overheated, consumed large amounts of “B”
battery current and, most important,
created considerable distortion. Correct grid bias is important!
This matter of grid bias raises two
broad questions. Why do valves require a negative potential on the control grid or, more accurately, between
grid and cathode. And, secondly, how
are negative volts obtained when the
main supply voltage – from the “B”
battery – is positive? These are good
questions and I will try to answer them
as best I can.
First, why is the grid voltage necessary? If one spends time looking
through valve data books, a lot of
reference is made to “characteristic
curves”. In simple terms, a characteris
tic curve is a line plotted on a graph
which shows the relationship between
changes in grid voltage and changes in
plate current. Each type of valve has
its own set of characteristic curves for
a given range of plate voltages.
A characteristic plot is not uniform:
it has a curved section at the bottom
(the “toe”) and another curved section
at the top (the “shoulder”). Between
these two sections is a substantially
“straight” section.
If a valve is correctly biased (typically at the midpoint), the voltages
on the grid will be confined to the
straight section of the curve and the
valve will operate with minimal distortion. It will also draw the specified
amount of plate current. However, if
the valve has insufficient bias, the
plate current will increase and there
will be distortion.
Conversely, if it has too much bias,
there will be insufficient plate current
and this will also give rise to distortion. This distortion is particularly
serious in the case of output valves.
Note that the grid potential – in fact
the potential of all valve electrodes –
Fig.1: the back-bias circuit of the
“Tom Thumb” radio receiver used
a 1500Ω resistor in parallel with a
10µF capacitor.
Fig.2: many battery valve sets
used a “C” battery to apply
negative bias voltage to the
control grids.
Fig.3: a typical back-bias circuit as used in many ACpowered receivers.
is always measured in relation to the
cathode. Almost all valves need some
negative bias on their control grids in
order to function properly. Ignoring
this fact, as I did with the previously
mentioned “Tom Thumb”, can lead to
all sorts of problems.
Of course, there are exceptions.
This battery-model late 1930s Radiola
uses a 4.5V tapped “C” battery for its
grid bias requirements.
Some special high-mu (high gain)
type valves are designed to function
with minimum plate current without
negative bias. They are designed for
class B operation in push-pull output
Battery bias
This brings us to the second point
in this discussion; the exact circuit
mechanism by which an appropriate
negative voltage can be applied to the
grid(s). There are a variety of arrange
ments but one point is paramount –
the basic requirement is to apply the
required negative voltage to the grid
with respect to the cathode.
Valves have always needed to be
correctly biased but, back in the dim
past, in the era of battery receivers in
the 1920s, the need for correct bias was
not always fully understood. If it was
used at all, the usual procedure was to
add a separate bias battery (typically
4.5V) to the circuit. This battery was
referred to as the “C” battery and it was
connected as shown in Fig.2.
Battery bias is referred to as “fixed
March 1997 83
Checking the value of
bias resistors is part
of any radio resto
ration. Shown here is a
restored early 1930s 6valve superhet receiver
made by Eclipse Radio.
bias” because the bias voltage remains
constant regardless of the slowly
diminishing “B” voltage, which is not
the ideal situation. There is virtually
no current drain from a “C” battery. Its
sole purpose is to supply the control
grid with a negative potential.
It is easy to understand battery
biasing – one only has to look at the
circuit diagram of Fig.2 to see where
the negative volts come from. If “B”
negative and “C” positive are at the
common point, then the negative end
of the “C” battery must be at a negative
Fig.4: a typical self-bias circuit.
The bias voltage is applied
to the grid via the grid return
84 Silicon Chip
potential with respect to this point.
Looking at this another way, “B”
battery negative is the most negative
point in the system, which means that
the chassis is positive by the voltage
across the resistor. This in turn means
that the valve filament (cathode) must
be positive with respect to the grid by
the same amount.
The amount of bias produced by a
back-bias circuit is proportional to the
total high tension current – not necessarily the current of the valve or valves
being biased. Negative voltages produced by back-biasing are produced
at the expense of “B” battery voltage.
In other words, if a receiver has a 90V
“B” battery and the back-bias resistor
supplies a 5V negative bias, then the
effective “B” battery voltage is reduced
to 85V. You don’t get something for
Back biasing is also used in some
AC-type receivers. This involves
adding a resistor in the high tension
centre-tap lead of the power transformer (see Fig.3). Once again, the
negative bias voltage is produced at
the expense of the overall high tension
Any form of grid bias that does not
use a battery requires a resistor to
produce the bias voltage. It is common
practice to place a capacitor across the
bias resistor to suppress any unwanted
Back bias
However, not all battery receivers
used a “C” battery. Many, such as the
previously mentioned Tom Thumb,
have a back-bias arrangement whereby
the negative voltage is produced by
the voltage across a resistor (Fig.1).
In this back-bias circuit, the voltage
across the resistor is negative at the
grid end with respect to chassis and
can be used as a source of bias for one
or more grids.
Another form of biasing often used
in AC-powered sets is cathode biasing,
sometimes referred to as self-biasing
(Fig.4). Cathode bias makes use of the
cathode current through the valve. The
cathode current is the sum of the plate
and screen currents and if a resistor
is placed between the cathode and
chassis, then the cathode current flows
through this resistor.
This current flow through the
Fig.6: this grid leak bias system
relies on a small amount of grid
current which flows through a
10MΩ resistor.
Fig.5: this variable bias circuit
is used as a volume control.
* Spare Parts
* Circuits
* Valves
* Books
Fully restored radios for sale
Wirewound potentiometers were used as variable cathode bias resistors in
many old radio receivers. When used in conjunction with variable-mu valves,
variable cathode bias was an effective volume control.
cathode resistor produces a voltage
across it and so a positive potential is
developed at the cathode with respect
to chassis. Because the grid is normally
connected to chassis via a resistor, it
follows that the grid must be negative
with respect to the cathode.
The term “self-bias” is used here because the bias voltage is proportional
to the total current flow through the
valve being biased.
Another form of cathode biasing
involves using a variable resistor
instead of a fixed resistor. Many receivers from the 1930s used such a
system as a volume control, with the
potentiometer in the cathode circuit
of a variable-mu IF amplifier valve
(see Fig.5).
In its simplest form, only one
terminal and the moving arm connections are used. Connecting the
other potentiometer terminal to the
aerial is a trick to improve the range
of control but has nothing to do with
the bias function.
Automatic volume control
If one goes probing around with a
voltmeter underneath the chassis, it
soon becomes apparent that there are
many points in the circuit that will
register negative voltages. Some of
these potentials vary in magnitude
depending on the strength of the signal
being received. These variable bias
voltages are produced by the automatic
volume control (AVC) circuit.
AVC voltages are negative and are
directed at the grids of the front end
valves; ie, the radio frequency (RF) amplifier, the mixer and the intermediate
frequency (IF) amplifier.
These valves have variable mu-characteristics and their amplification
factor is controlled by changes in grid
bias. In the case of the AVC circuit, the
bias produced is proportional to the
signal strength. As the signal strength
becomes greater, so too does the bias
voltage which automatically restricts
the amplification provided by the RF
Basically, AGC is just another form
of grid biasing and is a variable bias.
Still another form of grid biasing
can be found in some first audio stages and is referred to as grid leak bias.
This involves connecting a high-value
resistor between the grid and chassis
(Fig.6). It is normal for a small amount
of grid current to flow, the exact
amount depending on several factors.
These include the type of valve and its
operating conditions.
In practical terms, this bias system
is suitable for use with high-mu triode
valves handling low-level input signals. Running the weak grid current
through the 10MΩ resistor produces
the desired bias. The amount of bias
is small but can be sufficient to set the
operating point on a straight portion
of the characteristic curve. Provided
the input signal level is held within
limits, very little distortion will be
Bias problems
Some would argue the pros and
* Valves and radios
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242 Chapel Street (PO Box 2029),
Phone: (03) 9510 4486; Fax (03) 9529 5639
cons of various bias methods but, as
far as vintage receivers are concerned,
it matters little. What is important is
that the bias circuits are working as
the designer intended but that is not
always the case.
One problem with old carbon resistors is that they often go high with
age. When a bias resistor goes high
so too does the bias voltage and that
means that the grid can swing outside
the straight part of the characteristic
This could cause the valve to operate near-cut off in extreme circumstances. When restoring a vintage radio
receiver, it is therefore important to
check the bias resistors and replace
them where necessary. The bypass
capacitors should be checked as well.
Finally, note that when checking bias voltages, it is advisable to
measure the voltage across the bias
resistor itself; checking from cathode
to grid can give misleading readings.
Note that it’s also best to use a digital
multimeter. Using a low-impedance
analog meter can give a false indication, due to the current through the
March 1997 85
Fast-charge battery controller
Philips has released a single-chip fast-charge
controller, the TEA1102, which is able to cope
with all battery types including nickel cadmium
(NiCd), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), lithium ion
and sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries.
The TEA1102 uses DT/dt (rate of
change of battery tempera
ture) and
peak voltage detection modes to ensure that the full charge condition is
reliably detected in NiCd and NiMH
battery packs. To enhance the reliability of the DT/dt and peak voltage
detection, both detectors are temporarily disabled for a short time at the
beginning of the fast charge period and
the DT/dt detector is itself temperature
The detection modes can be selected
individually or used together. Even
if only the DT/dt detection is selected, the TEA1102 will automatically
switch over to peak voltage detection
if the battery pack’s temperature sensing thermistor fails, thereby ensuring
maximum safety.
The TEA1102 has linear and PWM
outputs to control current regulator
transistors and the fast-charge current
can be programmed to values between
half and five times the battery’s nom-
Light pipes
for LEDs
The Khatod SMT Pipe Light enables surface mounted LEDs on a
PC board to illuminate front panel
indicators by providing a 90 degree
light path.
Special shapes and symbols can
be provided and the Pipe Light has
electrostatic discharge protection
of 15kV. They can be used with
conventional LEDs of 3mm or 5mm
diameter and can be ordered with
or without LEDs.
Pipe Light is available in red,
green and yellow and can operate
86 Silicon Chip
inal ampere capacity. Single cell or
multiple cell battery packs can be
If the charger is built into equipment which must remain operational
while its battery pack is removed, the
TEA1102 can operate as an AC/DC
adapter, delivering a regulated voltage
output rather than a pulsed charging
Charging lithium ion and SLA batteries is completely different. When
the batteries reach their maximum
voltage (adjustable), the TEA1102 automatically switches over from current
regulation to voltage regulation. After
a defined period, which is dependent
on battery capacity and charging current, charging is terminated; trickle
charging is not necessary.
Other features include manually
activated discharge (“re
f resh”) of
NiCd batteries before recharging to
overcome “memory” effect, minimum
and maximum temperature protection,
short circuit and time-out protection
and outputs for LEDs and a buzzer to
indicate charging conditions.
The TEA1102 is available in 20-pin
DIP or SO packages. For further information, contact Philips Components,
34 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde, NSW
2213. Phone (02) 9805 4479; fax 9805
Voice echo
within a temperature range of -60
to 125°C.
For further information contact
M. Rutty & Co, 4 Beaumont Rd, Mt
Kuringai, NSW 2080. Phone (02)
9457 2222.
Mitel Semiconductor is now sampling an integrated voice echo canceller designed to eliminate voice
echo and distortion. The MT9122 is
a dual- channel VEC that accepts 16bit linear or G.711 companded PCM
formats and is compatible with the
ST-Bus and SSI. Power consumption
is typically 250mW. It is also claimed
to eliminate distortion without the
need to add separate DSPs for other
Applications include wireless base
High output
infrared LEDs
Allthings Sales and Services has
released three new LEDs which are
suitable for high output video camera IR illuminators, IR remote control and IR communication (IrDA
PC) links. Main parameters are: up
to 52mW/steradian (continuous)
radiant intensity, radiation angles
from 24-60°, spectral radiation
wavelength from 800-950nm and
standard 5mm diameter transparent (clear) packages.
All are suitable for CCD video
camera infrared illuminators. A
925-950nm device has a continu-
stations, video conferencing and central office switches. Echo cancellation
works by measuring the echo endpath and then using an adaptive filter
to generate a duplicate echo which
is then subtracted from the original
echo. As the echo tail length increases,
distortion begins to create the familiar
hollow sound in a receiver and eventually distinct echoes emerge.
For further information, contact
GEC Electronics Division, Unit 1,
38 South St, Rydalmere, NSW 2116.
Phone (02) 9638 1888; fax (02) 9638
Handy SMD replacement kit
PRB has released the CQ-1000 SMD
replacement kit. This has the tools and
materials to remove SMCs, clean the
ous radiant intensity of 50mW/sr
<at> 100mA and for remote control
or IR links up to 500mW/sr when
pulsed at 1A. For IR illuminators,
radiation angles of 24, 50 and 60
degrees allow close matching of
the video camera lens field of view
with the illuminator radiation
angle, regardless of whether it is
mounted behind, next to or ahead
of the camera.
In packets of 50, they are priced
between 50 and 70 cents each.
Full technical specifications and
data are available from Allthings
Sales and Services, PO Box 25,
Westminster, WA 6061. Phone (09)
9349 9413; (09) 9344 5905.
Manufactured in Australia
Comprehensive data available
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
Design low frequency loudspeaker enclosures
fast and accurately with BassBox® software.
Uses both Thiele-Small and Electro-Mechanical
parameters with equal ease. Includes X. Over
2.03 passive crossover design program.
Plus $6.00 postage.
Pay by cheque, Bankcard, Mastercard Visacard.
PH: (02) 9949 8071 FAX: (02) 9949 8073
This paste does not require refrigerated
storage, making the CQ-1000 kit suitable for carrying in a service tool case,
for the occasional field repair.
For further information, contact
Computronics International Pty Ltd,
31 Kensington St, East Perth, WA 6004.
Phone (09) 221 2121; fax (09) 325 6686.
Quad low side
driver IC
board and replace the component. The
only other tool required is a tempera
ture controlled soldering iron.
The kit contains enough material to
remove approximately 2500 SMD pins
plus dental picks, vacuum pick-up
tools and a new no-clean solder paste.
SGS-Thomson Microelectronics
has released the L9338 quad low side
driver IC. It contains four driver channels, each equipped with a logic input
and an open-drain DMOS output tran
sistor with an on-resistance of 1.5Ω
at 25°C and an output clamp for fast
March 1997 87
recirculation with inductive loads.
The switching speed is controlled
to minimise electromagnetic interference and over-temperature protection
is provided. A diagnostic output
indicates the status of the protection
function and open load conditions.
The outputs default to a defined state
in case of open circuit inputs.
In stand-by mode, the L9338 consumes less than 2µA. It operates on a
supply voltage from 4.5V to 45V and
is reverse bias protected to -24V. The
circuit is supplied in an SO-20 surface
mounting package.
Typical automotive applications
include relay and lamp driving. Industrial applications include driving
relays in programmable controllers or
as a line driver.
For further information phone (02)
9580 3811; (02) fax 9580 6440.
TP-79 lead
cutting machine
Computronics Corporation Ltd
has released the TP-79 lead cutting
machine for radial components. The
TP-79 features a gear driven cutting
wheel which has a scissors action on
RF Products
FMTX1 Kit $49
Single transistor 2.5 Watt Tx free
running 12v-24V DC. FM band
88-108MHz. 500mV RMS audio
FMTX2A Kit $49
A digital stereo coder using
discrete components. XTAL
locked subcarrier. Compatible
with all our transmitters.
FMTX2B Kit $49
3 stage XTAL locked 100MHz
FM band 30mW output. Aust
pre-emphasis. Quality specs.
Optional 50mW upgrade $5.
FMTX5 Kit $98
Both a FMTX2A & FMTX2B on 1
PCB. Pwt & audio routed.
FME500 Kit $499
Broadcast specs. PLL 0.5 to 1
watt output narrowcast TX kit.
Frequency set with Dip Switch.
220 Linear Amp Kit $499
2-15 watt output linear amp
for FM band 50mW input.
Simple design uses hybrid.
SG1 Kit $399
Broadcast quality FM stereo
coder. Uses op amps with
selectable pre-emphasis.
Other linear amps and kits
available for broadcasters.
88 Silicon Chip
For more information, contact
Computronics Corporation Ltd, 31
Kensington Street, East Perth, WA,
6004. Phone (09) 9221 2121; fax (09)
9325 6686.
20MHz function generator
the component leg, giving a clean cut,
longer blade life and ease of use. It is
capable of a production rate of 50,000
per hour.
The lead length is adjustable from
2mm to 10mm and the blade can
accommodate lead diameters from
0.3mm to 1.2mm. Adjustment is made
by using the integrated lead length ruler marked below the moving wheels.
A toothed drum ensures the leads
are parallel during the cutting process,
providing correct lead configuration
for insertion of the component into
the PC board.
Adjustment tools, bandolier holder
and a full size metal collection tray are
included with the TP-79.
PO Box 314 Blackwood SA 5051
Ph 0414 323099 Fax 088 270 3175
AWA FM721 FM-Tx board $19
Modify them as a 1 watt op
Narrowcast Tx. Lots of good RF
bits on PCB.
The new Thurlby Thandar TG120
function generator has a frequency
range of 0.2Hz to 20MHz over eight
ranges. It can be used in sweep mode
(with an external sweep source) with
a sweep range of at least 20:1. Outputs
include sine, triangle, square wave
and DC level waveforms, as well as
variable duty cycle and sawtooth
The instrument has a main output
of 20V peak-peak, from a 50Ω source
impedance. A two-step attenuator
(20dB/step) and a 26dB vernier provide levels down to 10mV peak-peak.
A variable DC offset of ±10V can also
be provided.
For more information, contact
Nilsen Technologies, 150 Oxford St,
Collingwood, Vic 306. Phone 1 800
623 350; fax 1 800 067 263.
20MHz oscilloscope from
Leader Instruments
AWA FM721 FM-Rx board $10
The complementary receiver
for the above Tx. Full circuits
provided for Rx or Tx. Xtals
have been disabled.
MAX Kit for PCs $169
Talk to the real world from a
PC. 7 relays, ADC, DAC 8 TTL
inputs & stepper driver with
sample basic programs.
ETI 1623 kit for PCs $69
24 lines as inputs or outputs
DS-PTH-PCB and all parts. Easy
to build, low cost.
ETI DIGI-200 Watt Amp Kit $39
200W/2 125W/4 70W/8 from
±33 volt supply. 27,000 built
since 1987. Easy to build.
ROLA Digital Audio Software
Call for full information about
our range of digital cart players & multitrack recorders.
ALL POSTAGE $6.80 Per Order
FREE Steam Boat
For every order over $100 receive
FREE a PUTT-PUTT steam boat kit.
Available separately for $19.95,
this is one of the greatest educational toys ever sold.
Leader Instruments has released a 20MHz oscilloscope for under $800 including sales tax. It features
a maximum sensitivity of 500µV/div for measuring
low level signals, and a maximum sweep speed of
A worthwhile feature is the inclusion of a buffered
channel 1 output which can be used for connecting
a frequency counter. Other features include variable
holdoff, TV triggering and the usual operation modes
of CH1, CH2, CHOP, ALT and ADD.
For further information, contact Stantron Australia, Suite 1, Unit 27, 7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill, NSW
2154. Phone (02) 9894 2377; fax (02) 9894 2386.
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Back Issues
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout For
The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The Dangers of
Servicing Microwave Ovens.
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer For
Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The UC3906
SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three Inverters
For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave Oscillator; Fast Charger
For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design Amplifier Output Stages.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1; Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.2;
Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal Wideband
RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads; Remote
Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V Light Chaser;
Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical Approach To
Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers;
Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Low-Noise Universal
Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies; Speed
Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax Card To A Computer.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo Audio
Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How
To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses MC13024
and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector; Studio Series
20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers 0-500kHz);
Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Simple Electronic Die;
Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal Burning Power Station.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers,
Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In To Satellite TV.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning
In To Satellite TV, Pt.2; The Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
September 1990: Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple
Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band; the Bose Lifestyle
Music System; The Care & Feeding Of Battery Packs; How To
Make Dynamark Labels.
August 1991: Build A Digital Tachometer; Masthead Amplifier For
TV & FM; PC Voice Recorder; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.3; StepBy-Step Vintage Radio Repairs.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch; Balanced
Input & Output Stages; Operating an R/C Transmitter; Index to Vol. 2.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar
Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator;
DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages; A Look At Very Fast Trains.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR; Build
An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To 9V DC
Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A Simple
6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D & D/A
Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1; SteamSound Simulator Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A Junk-
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box 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital Altimeter
For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.2.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876) Audio
Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model Railways;
Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple LED Chaser;
Engine Management, Pt.6.
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer & Fuel
Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier;
Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal
Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control; Dual Electronic
Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine Management, Pt.8;
Passive Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller; Dolby
Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock Sensing In
Cars; Index To Volume 8.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant Level
Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For Amateurs;
Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based Nicad Battery
Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic
Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote
Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries For
Long Life.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell; Battery
Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote Control For Model
Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC As
A Reaction Timer.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher For
Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads, Pt.3;
15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights; Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Build a Nicad Zapper; Engine Management, Pt.11.
July 1992: Build A Nicad Battery Discharger; 8-Station Automatic
Sprinkler Timer; Portable 12V SLA Battery Charger; Multi-Station
Headset Intercom, Pt.2.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery Packs;
MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night Viewer;
AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM
Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems; 20ms
Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A Power
Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter; Experiments
For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch
For Car Radiator Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping With Damaged Computer Directories; A Guide To Valve Substitution In
Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory; Aligning
Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
August 1992: An Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers;
Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; MIDI Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal Stereos;
A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter,
Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders;
A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter;
Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System; The Story of Aluminium.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The Woofer
Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Windows-based Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator; Windows-based
Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake Light
Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern Cross Z80Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit Transistor
Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars; Wireless
Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote
Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency Inverter For
Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control,
Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; LED
Stroboscope; 25W Amplifier Module; 1-Chip Melody Generator;
Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill Speed
Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design; Engine
Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12-240VAC
200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power
Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags - How They Work.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound - How It Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Talking Headlight Reminder; Electronic
Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Temperature Controlled Soldering
Station; Engine Management, Pt.13.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell Nicad
Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock Braking Systems; How To
Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion
Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford - A Pesky Electronic Cricket; Cruise
Control - How It Works; Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1;
Index to Vol.7.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Preamplifier;The
Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module; Digital
Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With LCD
Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1; Oil Change
Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.2; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; A Photographic
Timer For Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamplifier & Line
Filter; 50-Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range
Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; An 8-Channel Decoder For Radio
Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Motherboard
Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio Trainer,
Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; 16-Channel Decoder For
Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For Model
Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video Security
System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For Models, Pt.1;
Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains On A
Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground
Station; Door Minder; Adding RAM To A Computer.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE Hard
Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible Vader
Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.1; Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio Lab PC Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; Build A High Voltage
Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser; Simple
Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed; Stereo
Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low Ohms Tester
For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the Windows
Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For Fluorescent
Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead
Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
September 1996: Making Prototype Parts By Laser; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality
PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur Radio Receiver; Feedback
On Programmable Ignition (see March 1996); Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable; Power
Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car
Hifi Systems, Pt.1; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2; Build
A Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: Adding An Extra Parallel Port To Your Computer;
8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter;
How To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound
System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Using An Autotransformer
To Save Light Bulbs; Control Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms,
Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (for Sound Level Meter calibration);
Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors
Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: Computer Problems: Sorting Out What’s At
Fault; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled Moving
Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.2;
Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988 to
March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, May 1990, February 1992,
September 1992, November 1992 and December 1992 are now
sold out. All other issues are presently in stock. For readers wanting
articles from sold-out issues, we can supply photostat copies (or tear
sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes p&p). When supplying photostat
articles or back copies, we automatically supply any relevant notes &
errata at no extra charge. A complete index to all articles published to
date is available on floppy disc at $10 including packing & postage.
March 1997 91
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Light meter
As an electrical contractor and amateur photographer I have always felt
the need for some sort of device which
would be able to measure available
light. Would you consider publishing
a project along such lines?
The capability to obtain light readings in Lux would be most welcomed
by many self-employed electricians
such as myself, especially in a similar
form to your recent sound level meter,
which uses a DMM’s display, and if
it were also capable of measuring the
colour temperature (degrees Kelvin)
of any light source, photographers,
architects, designers, decorators and
many others would also welcome it.
As a matter of fact it would be quite a
unique device.
While on the subject of light, I could
never comprehend the high cost of
powerful flash units. Surely it would
be easy for you to publish a circuit of
one with a very quick recovery time,
to work on 240VAC, as in a studio set
up, where physical size and weight
are of secondary importance. (A. F.,
Warilla, NSW).
• We have not published such a
device but we will consider the feasibility of a design. In the meantime,
Poor regulation from
step-down converter
I have built the 6V-12V converter
from the “Circuit Notebook” pages
of the December 1994 issue of SILICON CHIP and after some bother
with the toroidal transformer, I
have a unit which works as follows: +13.65V at no load; 10.99V <at>
160mA and 8.34V <at> 340mA.
After about half an hour at
160mA the toroid is warm and
Q1 and its heatsink is very hot.
The heatsink is a 3/8" x 1" x 4" bar
with fins attached. Do you have
92 Silicon Chip
you can purchase a Lux meter from
Dick Smith Electronics. It is priced at
$139.50 (Cat. No. Q-1400).
We have considered designing a
high power 240VAC flash unit in the
past but have decided not to proceed.
The design would be inherently dangerous, with large capacitors charged
to lethal voltages. Such capacitors and
the discharge tube are very expensive
which is partly the reason commercial
units are so expensive.
Note: a suggested power supply for
a photographic flash was featured in
the Circuit Notebook pages for February 1997.
Calculator for
Would you be able to design special
purpose calculators – the sort of thing
one might buy to change, say, metric to
imperial units and the like? There are
a number of darkroom functions that
you can do on an ordinary scientific
calculator but which require a knowledge of theory – and photographers
are not, alas, noted for numeracy or
the workings of the laws of physics!
The areas that need “help” are
“stops on and off” – especially fractions thereof – and exposure changes
with alterations to print height relative
any suggestions as to what I have
done wrong or where something
has failed? (R. G., Chapel Hill, Qld).
• The 6-12V converter circuit
should be able to supply the 1A
current you require. Perhaps the
number of turns on L1 is too great.
We suggest about 44 turns using
1mm diameter enamelled copper
wire. The 0.5mm wire specified
should also be OK.
You may also be interested in
the 2A SLA battery charger in the
July 1996 issue. This provides 2A
at 13.8V and can be modified in the
same way to work from 6V.
to the negative size in use; ie, image
magnification stuff. What I have in
mind for the former is the ability to
feed in a known exposure and then
to select a fractional on or off amount
and obtain an answer. For the mag
nification, feed in (a) neg size, present
exposure and total print height, then
(b) feed in new total print height. Press
“compute” for new exposure.
An added function might be changes
in (film) development time versus temperature, with readout in minutes and
seconds, not decimals. (T. W., Point
Clare, NSW).
• These days no-one is likely to go to
the trouble of designing a calculator
for darkroom functions. It is more
likely that someone has written a
spreadsheet program that would do
the job. Maybe one of our readers has
already done so.
Oscillation in
3-terminal regulator
While VHF reception at my address
is excellent, that of UHF is rather noisy,
although interference free. The masthead amplifier described by Branco
Justic in the August issue of SILICON
CHIP appeared to offer the solution to
what has been more of a minor irritation than a real problem.
Construction was very easy and I
tested it at the input to the TV set to
be greeted by a degraded signal on SBS
and progres
sively increasing noise
patterns as the TV was tuned down
the VHF band to ABC. It seemed that
the masthead amplifier was oscillat
ing and I wondered what I could have
done wrong.
Hooking the unit up to a CRO proved
that it was indeed oscillating at just
above 6.5MHz but the problem was
why. I did not think I had damaged the
MAR6 IC and the chance of its being
faulty as delivered was remote.
It then came to me that there was
a capacitor across the output of the
regulator and that I had a similar problem many years ago where a specified
capacitor at the output of a regulator
had caused it to oscillate like mad.
Sure enough, it was indeed the
power supply that was oscillating so
I removed C4, the .0033µF capacitor
and was rewarded with a nice stable
5V supply.
The unit is now temporarily hooked
up in the roof to the UHF antenna (also
described in SILICON CHIP some time
ago) and I have been rewarded with
first class reception of SBS. When it
stops raining I will install the amplifier
at the antenna itself.
I don’t know how often this regulator instability occurs but I bring it to
your attention in case other readers
strike similar trouble. (A. M., North
Turramurra, NSW).
• The .0033µF capacitor at the output
of the regulator is much smaller than
the conventional 10µF electrolytic
normally stipulated in the National
Semiconductor design literature. The
capacitor is specified to stop the oscillation you experienced. We would
prefer to see a capacitor present and we
assume that a 10µF capacitor would fix
the oscillation. We also wonder if the
fitted capacitor was defective or the
connections open circuit.
IGBTs for audio
I have just been reading the article
on IGBTs in the August 1996 issue of
SILICON CHIP. Could these devices be
used in an amplifier module similar to
the one in the June 1994 issue? This
delivered 350 watts into 4Ω loads. If
so, would an IGBT amplifier be more
efficient and have less distortion.
(Andrew, Cessnock, NSW).
• It is certainly possible to design
an audio amplifier with IGBTs in the
output stage. Such an amplifier would
have the benefit of very rugged output
devices. In fact, we have seen an application note from Toshiba Electronics
(UK) Ltd which featured IGBTs in the
output stages (Ref No: X3504). This
application note actually featured the
same 40-80W amplifier using Mosfets,
IGBTs and bipolar transistors in the
output stage.
The IGBT output stage gave about
10% more power than the bipolar
output stage which was about 12%
better than the Mosfet output. However, the IGBT design also gave the
worst distortion.
So the answer is that the IGBT
design would be more efficient but
Pintara tachometer
I am writing to you in the hope
that you can help me with a problem concerning the LED Digital Tachometer published in the August
1991 issue of SILICON CHIP.
I purchased the kit from Jaycar
after reading in its description that
“it works with all ignitions from
Kettering to Hall Effect systems”
and that it had been checked on
cars with electronic ignition systems.
I have now built the unit and
was particularly pleased with the
way it went together. Its calibration
using the mains-derived circuit,
was virtually spot on at 1500 rpm
for a 4-cylinder car.
However, my car is a 1990 Nissan
Pintara 2.0 litre model with electronic ignition having an inlet coil
and an exhaust coil. These coils
are not of the usual type, being
of a rectangular shape each with
the high tension lead coming out
of the top and four wires entering
the bottom. The unit appears to be
sealed in a black plastic case.
would have higher distortion. The big
difficulty in producing an IGBT design
in Australia would be in ensuring a
reliable supply of suitable devices.
Incidentally, your letter did not
include your surname or your full
address, so we were unable to send
you a personal reply.
Problem with
programmable ignition
I have previously written to you
with regard to fitting a programmable
ignition/reluctor ignition unit to a
Ford hot rod and you advised me to
use the May 1996 “Circuit Notebook”
version which I have completed but,
unfortunately, it does not work. I have
built two programmable ignition units
which work off the points and fitted
them to my sons’ Corollas and they
work fine.
In summary, I have tested the reluctor ignition unit/dis
tributor (Motor
craft unit) separately and it produces
a healthy spark and works normally. I
I have looked through a workshop manual on the car and am
still unable to locate the negative
terminal of either coil to which
the input lead must be connected.
I realise that the circuit is some
five years old but I am keeping my
fingers crossed in the hope that you
can answer the question: where is
the negative side of one or other of
the coils? (G. W., South Arm, Tas).
• Through the resources of our
stablemate magazine “ZOOM”,
we have obtained a copy of the
Pintara’s wiring diagram. It seems
likely that the switching transistor
for each coil is actually inside the
coil housing which is why there
are four wires to each. As we
understand it, both coils are fired
Hence, it should be possible to
obtain the tachometer signal from
either of the white (W) wires which
presumably carry the base voltage
to the transistors. Since the base
voltage signal will be considerably
less than the coil primary voltage,
the 33kΩ resistor to the coil negative, the tacho input network,
should be reduced to 3.3kΩ.
have programmed the programmable
ignition unit and it keeps the data
when accessed. The LED on the program board cycles on and off when the
distributor is rotated.
There is 7V at pin 7 of MC3334
which drops to 5V when the distributor is rotated. The coil output from the
programmer board is 7V which drops
to 6.5V when the distributor is rotated.
The LED on the reluctor board does not
light up unless the output wire from
Q4 is disconnected.
I have checked all components and
circuit boards for defects, replaced all
solid state devices and measured all
passive components and wiring and
swapped the programmer ICs from
one of my sons’ cars.
Can you give me any advice?. (F. W.,
Airport West, Vic).
• Two points should be noted: (1) the
330Ω resistor at pin 6 of the MC3334
should be deleted; and (2) we suspect
that either Q3 or Q4 is faulty or the
incorrect type, because LED1 does not
light when Q4 is connected.
March 1997 93
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March 1997 95
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P+H $3. Also low-cost design, prototyping and microcontroller programming
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Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
Advertising Index
This is the 68HC705-C8P programm
ed microprocessor IC for the Digital
Effects Unit (see Feb. 1995).
Dick Smith Electronics..... 4,5,14-17
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Earthquake Audio........................87
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credit card to: Silicon Chip Publica
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Harbuch Electronics....................87
Instant PCBs................................95
SYSTEMS: Oztechnics, PO Box 38,
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MicroZed Computers...................95
Oatley Electronics........................57
Resurrection Radio......................85
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Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 90-91
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Silicon Chip Binders....................63
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96 Silicon Chip