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Transmitter interference
on the 36MHz band
In previous months we have discussed the
possibility of transmitter interference on the
36MHz band. This month, we present a series
of measurements which finally demonstrates an
area where FM is actually superior to AM.
What’s this? Is Bob Young about to
recant and admit that FM has been
superior to AM all along? Well, not
quite. But I have been able to demonstrate and measure practical cases of
interference between transmitters on
the 36MHz band for both AM and FM
transmitters and the results are very
In the February 1997 column we
warned of the possibility of transmitter
intermodulation causing interference
when two transmitters separated by
455kHz were operated simultaneously
on the 36MHz band. Then in March
1997 we presented solutions aimed at
preventing this problem.
This month we look at practical
situations wherein this form of interference may arise if the correct operational procedures are not adhered to.
How serious is the problem?
For those who have missed previous
Fig.1: the spectrum plot of the mixer output, before the
filtering, of an AM receiver operating on 36MHz from
a transmitter on the correct frequency (channel 631,
36.310MHz). The fundamental output is at 455kHz. Note
that there is some jitter in the spectrum plot due to the
frequency shift keying of the transmitter.
72 Silicon Chip
articles, the problem we are discussing
is the transmitter inter
component that will arise in the mixer of any single conversion receiver
less of frequency, when two
transmitters separated by 455kHz
are operated simultaneously. As the
36MHz band is the only Australian
R/C band wide enough to accommodate transmitters 455kHz apart, this
problem is exclusive to that band.
Having discovered this potentially
serious problem, it was up to me to
make more measurements to define
whether it was going to be a real problem on the operating field.
With that in mind I gathered a
representative batch of modern R/C
equipment of various brands with the
help of several trade houses, together
with receivers of various brands from
Fig.2: the intermodulation product of two FM transmitters
separated by 460kHz operating at the same distance from
the receiver. In this instance the correct transmitter has
been turned off for the sake of clarity. Note that the
amplitude of the two signals is actually slightly higher
than the original shown in Fig.1.
Fig.3: this scope plot shows the normal output of a typical Japanese FM receiver at a test point after the detector,
squelch and noise filtering, with the primary and one of the
intermodulating pair of transmitters operating simultan
eously. The receiver is on 36.370MHz and the other trans
mitter is on 36.070MHz. Note that there is no sign of any
my own stock. Then it was into serious
measurements in order to get a better
grasp of the situation.
No mixer output
Modern FM receivers present us
with a problem here as the output
of the mixer is not easily accessible.
This is because almost all models use
an IC receiver chip. Therefore we had
to cheat in this respect. Fig.1 shows
a spectrum plot of the mixer output,
before the filtering, of an AM receiver operating on 36MHz from an FM
transmitter on the correct frequency
(Channel 631, 36.310MHz).
While this method might seem invalid, the method of modulation does
not matter at this point, as we are only
looking at the raw, undifferentiated
455kHz mixer component. Note the
amplitude of the 455kHz component.
By the way, there is only one spike at
455kHz; the double spike in the photo
is due to jitter in the spectrum plot
due to the frequency shift keying of
the transmitter.
Fig.2 shows the intermodulation
product of two FM transmitters separated by 460kHz operating at the same
distance from the receiver. In this
instance the correct transmitter has
been turned off for the sake of clarity.
Note that the amplitude of the two
signals is actually slightly higher than
Fig.4: this scope plot shows the output of the same receiver (as Fig.3) at the same test point but with the primary
(wanted) transmitter switched off and an unmodulated
signal generator on x36.075MHz and a transmitter on
36.530MHz. Here we are generating an exact 455kHz
intermodulation (difference) product from two interfering
the original shown in Fig.1.
Now the really important point to
note is that this receiver is tuned to
36.310MHz, which is nowhere near
the frequencies of the two offending
So here we have proof of the central point of this series of articles:
two transmitters operating simultaneously and separated by 450kHz or
460kHz will generate a strong 450kHz
or 460kHz component in the mixers
of every single conversion receiver
operating on the 36MHz band. This
is regardless of the frequency of the
receivers and the frequencies of the
intermodulating pair of transmitters!
Yes, you understood perfectly. All
59 receivers will be affected simultaneously by just one pair of inter
This photo shows some of the equipment used to make the measurements
discussed in this month’s article. Not shown are the spectrum analyser and
some of the receivers.
May 1997 73
Fig.5: this shows the same setup as before but with the
signal generator at 36.071MHz, just 4kHz away from the
455kHz ideal. Note how distorted the signal has become,
indicating severe attenuation in the receiver bandwidth
modulating transmitters.
As a matter of interest, I checked
to see if a pair of 36MHz transmitters
would interfere with 29MHz receivers
and fortunately they did not.
So this potential transmitter interference problem is not just a theory.
It does exist and is easily measurable. Two trans
mitters separated by
450- 460kHz will generate a powerful
modulation component in the
mixers of single conversion receivers.
The level of this component can equal
or exceed the primary transmitter
signal, depending upon a whole range
of factors.
The most obvious factor is the
relative signal strength ratios between the primary transmitter and
the intermodulating pair. This is a
most important factor in R/C operations and we will examine this later.
More subtle factors include mixer
compression and bandwidth of the
mixer output. Mixer compression
arises due to the fact that the mixer
can only handle a finite signal level.
As more signals arrive at the mixer
the amplitude of each component is
reduced accordingly.
Theoretically, if the intermodulation product is 455kHz, the mixer
bandwidth should not play any part
in this discussion. However, in the real
world the intermodulation product is
not 455kHz but 450kHz or 460kHz,
74 Silicon Chip
Fig.6: this shows the same receiver with the same two
transmitters operating but with the third transmitter also
switched on. This transmitter is on 36.530MHz, so the
intermodulation component is 460kHz. Note how disturbed the output has become. While capture has not been
achieved, the wanted transmitter has lost control.
because of the 10kHz spacing between
adjacent channels (see March 1997 issue). So the mixer bandwidth becomes
an important factor.
5kHz protection
Fig.3 shows the normal output of a
typical Japanese FM receiver at a test
point after the detector, squelch and
noise filtering, with the primary and
one of the intermodulating pair of
transmitters operating simultaneously.
The receiver is on 36.370MHz and the
other transmitter is on 36.070MHz.
Note that there is no sign of any interference.
Fig.4 shows the output of the same
receiver at the same test point but
with the primary (wanted) transmitter switched off and an unmodulated
signal generator on 36.075MHz and a
transmitter on 36.530MHz. Here we
are generating an exact 455kHz inter
modulation (difference) product.
Note that we are getting the perfectly normal output waveform even
though we are generating the control
signal from the intermodulation product on a receiver nowhere near the
two RF signal sources (36.370MHz).
The unmodulated signal generator is
necessary to generate a normal waveform. If two modulated transmitters
were used the resultant composite
modulation would drive the servos
Now we arrive at the interesting
bit. Fig.5 shows the same setup as
before but with the signal generator at
36.071MHz, just 4kHz away from the
455kHz ideal. Note how distorted the
signal has become, indicating severe
attenuation in the receiver bandwidth
filter. This is the saving grace in this
whole affair.
Three distinct and separate factors
have come together in the real world to
make practical operation a reasonably
safe proposition. First, due the fact
that the channels are spaced every
10kHz and that the IF is 455kHz, the
intermodulation product falls midway
between two channels; ie, 5kHz away
from the channels on either side.
Second, modern receivers have a
typical bandwidth of around +5kHz
and -7kHz (<at> 40dB) and the attenuation of any signal 5kHz away from
455kHz is such that the genuine
455kHz signal will become dominant.
This then leads to the importance
of the third factor, “capture effect”,
which ensures that only the dominant
signal has control.
So does transmitter intermodulation present a serious problem in the
real world on the 36MHz band? The
answer is a reserved no. Why are there
reservations? Answer: because of the
variations in receiver performance.
Can you guarantee that your receiver’s bandwidth is as good as typical
Fig.7: capture can occur if the conditions are correct. Here
the signal generator is set at 36.075MHz to simulate a transmitter off-frequency or a receiver with a wider than usual
bandwidth and the third transmitter is on 36.530MHz. To
achieve capture, the primary transmitter has been moved
away, thus simulating conditions which can be encountered
on flying fields.
modern receivers (+7kHz, -5kHz)?
Can you guarantee that the relative
transmitter signal ratios will always
favour the wanted transmitter?
Let’s look at some of these factors
in more detail.
Fig.6 shows the same receiver with
the same two transmitters operating
but with the third transmitter also
switched on. This transmitter is on
36.530MHz, so the intermodulation
component is 460kHz. Note how disturbed the output has become. While
capture has not been achieved, the
wanted transmitter has lost control.
To achieve this result, the inter
modulating pair of transmitters had
to be much closer to the receiver than
the primary transmitter. With all three
transmitters at equal distances from
the receiver, there was no sign of any
In the testing done so far on a small
batch of imported receivers, results
varied from excellent to good. Even
different models from the same manufacturer gave different results in regards to capture, as would be expected
from normal production tolerances.
In most instances, capture was difficult to obtain, requiring unrealistic
signal ratios – signal ratios that could
never be achieved on any R/C field.
Fig.8: this shows the result of an AM receiver subjected to
an identical level of intermodulation interference as the
FM receiver in Fig.4. Whilst AM receivers have capture
ratios of 100:1 or more, long before capture the signal
becomes very disturbed as shown here.
In one instance, capture could not be
achieved but that receiver just simply
stopped working. Again, this was at
unrealistic signal levels.
Remember here that the receiver has
already captured its primary transmitter and in order to take control away
from that primary, the interference
must exceed the level of the primary
signal. The ratio between the interfering signal and the primary signal
is known as the capture ratio and
is usually in the order of 1-3dB. In
simple ratio terms, these correspond
to transmitter signal ratios of 1.12:1
up to 1.41:1.
Now we can see why the 5kHz difference between the intermodulation
product and the primary product is so
important. If the signal level of the intermodulation product can be reduced
to just below the primary, capture is
virtually impossible.
Fig.7 shows that capture can occur
if the conditions are correct. Here the
signal generator is set at 36.075MHz
to simulate a transmitter off-frequency
or a receiver with a wider than usual
bandwidth. The third transmitter is on
36.530MHz. To achieve capture, the
primary transmitter has been moved
away, thus simulating conditions
which can be encountered on flying
Note the ripple on the baseline of
the scope trace, indicating a strong
transmitter still present on the correct
And finally what of the situation
that started all of this – two models
operating on frequencies 450kHz or
460kHz apart? A quick test indicated
that with just two transmitters operating (607, 653), the servos started to
jump as the second transmitter (607)
came close to the receiver. (653). The
same test repeated with a receiver on
637 showed no sign of interference,
even with the transmitter antenna
touching the receiver antenna. Thus
there is still a case for not operating
two overlapping frequencies simultaneously, regardless of the foregoing
What does it mean in the field?
What it means is that under normal
conditions, using FM receivers, there
is little likelihood of any interference
being experienced as long as safe operating practices are followed.
Here I should refer to the discussions and illustrations of the flying
field layout published in the July
1995 issue of SILICON CHIP. Fig.9 is
reproduced from that article. This
depicts the real danger of transmitter
intermodulation in a practical sense.
If the intermodulating pair of transmitters are located at the end of the
May 1997 75
Fig.9: this diagram is reproduced from the July 1995
issue of SILICON CHIP. It depicts the real danger of
transmitter intermodulation in a practical sense.
Interference is more likely when the controlling
transmitter is further away from the receiver.
flightline closest to the model and the
primary transmitter is situated at the
far end of the flightline, then we have
the conditions for interference, if not
capture. Even mild interference on
final approach is enough to result in
a damaged model.
A similar set of conditions can
prevail on glider fields where a pilot
may leave the flightline to go down
the field to the bungie site during
launch. After launch and before the
pilot can return to the flightline, the
model may pass close to the group
of transmitters and thus the intermodulating pair, thereby setting up
conditions for interference.
Time and time again we return to
the absolute necessity for adherence
to the correct operational procedures
on all R/C fields. Ignore this warning
at your peril!
What about AM?
This leaves us with the final point
to discuss in this issue. There have
76 Silicon Chip
been rumblings for some time about
AM receivers being plagued with interference on 36MHz. The MAAA is
considering banning AM on 36MHz
as a result. The ubiquitous grapevine
utes this interference to harmonics from the broadcast FM trans
I wonder if this problem is due to
transmitter inter
modulation? Fig.8
shows the results of an AM receiver
subjected to an identical level of intermodulation interference as the FM
receiver in Fig.4. Whilst AM receivers
have capture ratios of 100:1 or more,
long before capture the signal becomes
very disturbed as in Fig.8.
Thus without capture effect to
protect them, AM receivers could
suffer badly on 36MHz as long as
overlapping pairs of transmitters are
allowed to operate. There is no doubt
that capture effect, whilst a two-edged
sword, does give the FM receiver the
edge over AM in this situation.
On 29MHz, this situation does not
apply and my original remarks regarding AM versus FM still apply. And
if overlapping transmissions are
stopped, AM should be perfectly safe
on 36MHz.
Actually this entire series of articles was sparked off some months
ago as a result of “experts” in a club
telling a beginner who was constantly
crashing to get rid of his “inferior”
36MHz AM equipment or he would
not be allowed to fly in that club.
It would be the ultimate irony if it
turned out that it was the “superior”
FM transmitters causing this poor
fellow’s miseries!
In conclusion, as a result of the
uncertainties surrounding the problem of transmitter intermodulation I
would recommend that transmitters
450kHz or 460kHz apart not be operated simultaneously on model flying
fields. The Silvertone Keyboard provides a simple method of controlling
this situation.
I would like to extend my appreciation to Hobby Headquarters (NSW)
and L. O’Reilly Pty Ltd (SA) for the
loan of the equipment used in this
Bob Young is the principal of Silvertone
Electronics. Phone/fax (02) 9533 3517.